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2 Table of C o nten t s Section Page T ab le o f Con t e nts .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. 2 Sa f et y Ins t ru c ti o n s Fo r O sc i ll at in g Ed ge Be lt/ Sp ind le S an de r .... .. ... .... ... .. 3 Safety Signal W ords ....... .
3 Safet y In s t ruct io ns For Oscilla ting Edge Belt / S pin dle Sa nd er Safety is a combina tion of common sense, s taying alert and knowing how you r osc illa ting ed ge b elt /spin dle sand er works. Read this manual to unders tand this sander .
4 Safet y In s t ructions fo r O scillating E dge Belt / Spind le Sander (con tinued) Read the following W ARNI NG label s found on the sander: When Inst alling Or Mov ing The Sander Avoid da nge rou s envi ron m ent . Use the sand er in a dry , indo or plac e protected f rom rai n.
5 Before Eac h Use Inspect you r sander . Check for: • alignment of moving part s , • binding of moving parts, • bro ken or damaged parts, • wo rk part s th at cause a gap larger than 1/16" b etween wo rk support and s anding surface, • sand ing belt narrower than 4 inche s.
6 Safet y In s t ructions fo r O scillating E dge Belt / Spind le Sander (con tinued) • Do not wear loose clothing, gl oves, neckties or jewelry (rings, wrist watches). They c an get c aught and dra w you into moving part s . Know your sander . Read an d under- stand the owner ’s m anu al and labels affixed to the t ool .
7 When Sander i s Running Before starting your work, watc h t he sand er while it runs. I f it makes a n unfamiliar no ise o r vibrates e xces- sively , Stop Imm ediately . Turn the sand er off . Unp lug the sa nder . Do not restart until id entifying an d correcting the problem.
8 Preca utions T o T ake W hen Sand ing Paint (cont inued) 4. P rot ect the environme nt when sand ing p a int. Use a dust collection syste m if p ossible. Seal the work area with plastic if necessary . Do not track paint dust out s id e the work area.
9 1 10-120 V olt, 60 Hz. T o ol Infor mation NOTE: The plug supp li ed on your tool may not fi t int o the out let y ou are pla nning to us e. Y o ur l ocal elec trical c ode m ay requir e sl ightly dif fere nt power cord plug connect ions.
10 Motor Specifica tions and Electr ical Requiremen ts (cont inued) Motor Safety Protec tion IMPORT ANT : T o reduc e the risk of motor damage, the mot or sho uld be bl own out or vacuumed fr equently t o keep sawdu st from int er fering wit h normal m o tor vent ila- tion.
11 Unpackin g and C h ecking C o nten ts 1. Remove tool fr om cart on by lifti ng unit. 2. Place the too l on a secu re, s t ationary work sur face and look the tool over car efu lly .
12 Assembly NOTE: The sander is prea ssembled except f or t h e att achment of the rubber fe et. Mounting Rubber Feet T o Base Place the sa nder dir ectly on the tabl e sur- fa ce. 1. From the part s bag loc ate the fou r r ub - ber fee t. 2. Place t he sand er on it s side s o the bot- tom o f th e base i s f acing t oward the fron t.
13 Rem ov ing the Sa ndi ng B elt Assembly W ARNING: T o reduce th e risk o f injur y from acci dental st art, make su re t oo l is un pl ug ged be for e re movi ng t he s and in g bel t assem bly . 1. Loosen the backs top knob and pivot the bac kstop out of t he way .
14 Assem bly (cont inued) Installing San ding S leeves Larger than 1/2" Diameter W ARNING: T o reduce th e risk o f injury fro m a ccidental st ar ting, alwa ys turn switch “OFF” and rem ove swi t ch key befo re remo v- ing o r replacing th e spacer ri ng inse rt s , sleeves and dru ms.
15 Installing Sanding S leeves for the 1/ 2" Di am et er Sand in g Dr um W AR NING : T o r educe the risk o f in j u ry f r om acc i dent al st arti ng, a lways turn sw itch “OFF” , unp lug the san der and rem ov e switc h key before removing or repl acing the s p acer ring inserts, sleev es and drums.
16 Assem bly (cont inued) Bo lt in g O sc ill at in g Ed ge B el t/ Spin dl e San de r T o Workbe nch If sande r i s to be used i n a permanent locat ion, it shou ld be f ast ened secur ely to a firm supp orting surface s uch as a work- bench, wi th ei th er bolts or drywal l s cre w s.
17 Su ppor ti ng O sci llat ing Edge Belt / Spin dle San de r to Saw hor ses The sander has provi sions for being sup - ported by sa whorses. T he sawhor se can be built wit h the crosspi ece either ver ti cal or hor izonta l. Mak e sure t he sawhorses are secure.
18 Align me nt (contin ue d) Al igning Be lt T o M iter G aug e S lot The sanding belt is inst alled at the fact ory; however , che ck an d make su re t he belt i s paral lel to the miter gauge gr oove: 1. Use a c ombin ation squa re to c heck the dist ance from the miter gauge gr oove to the belt assem bl y as shown.
19 Removing/ Inst allin g the Sand in g Belt T ensi onin g and T racking W ARNING: T o reduce th e risk o f injur y from acci dental st art, make su re t oo l is un pl ug ged be for e rem oving or installing sanding bel t. Some sanding bel ts have a “di rectional arrow” on the in side o r smooth side.
20 Getting to Know Y our S p indle Sander W ARNING: T o reduce th e risk o f injur y from a ccidental st art, turn switch “OFF ” and remov e plug from power sou rce ou tlet before mak ing any adju stments. 1. Sanding Belt . R emo ves materi al from wood.
21 10. On-Off Switch 1 1. Backstop Knob. Lo oseni ng knob allows backst op to b e pivo ted. 12. Dust Col l ection Port. 2- 1/2" opening for wet/dr y vac hook-up . 13. T able Insert/Sandi ng Belt Stora ge. Holds t able insert or sand ing belt when not bein g used.
22 Safet y In s t ructions fo r O scillating Edg e Belt/Spindle S ander Before Us ing The Sande r W ARNING: T o reduce th e risk o f mistakes that could cause seri- ous, per ma nen t inju ry , do not plug t he sand er in u ntil the fo l- lowin g steps are completed.
23 If any part is m issing, b ent, or broken in any way , or any electrical part s don’t work properly , turn the sander off and u nplug the san der . Replace damag ed, miss ing, or failed part s before using the sander again. Disconn ect the s ander to reduce the risk of i njury from acc idental start- ing.
24 Safet y In s t ructions fo r O scillating Edg e Belt/ Spindle Sa nder ( contin ue d) Inspect you r workpi ece ma ke sur e there are no nai ls or foreign objects in the p art of th e workpiece t o be sand ed. Plan the way you will hold the workp iece from st art to finish.
25 Before freeing any jam med ma te- rial: • T urn sw itch “OFF”. • Un plug the sander . • Wait f or all moving part s to stop. Before Le aving The Sa nder T urn switch off. Don’t leave to ol until the unit comes to a complete stop. M a ke wor ksh op ch i l d-p roo f.
26 Basic Sandin g Operati on Sand p aper Sel ectio n Select i n g the cor re ct size diamet er , cor- rect si ze gr it, and corr ect type sa ndp aper is an extrem ely impor tant step i n achiev - ing a hi gh quality sanded fi nish. Aluminum oxide, silicon carb ide, and othe r synthe ti c abrasi ves are best f or power sandin g.
27 Surface Sa nding on the Sanding Belt W ARNING: T o reduce th e risk o f inju ry f r om slip s, jams or thr own pieces, adjust th e backsto p to clear the san ding s urface b y no mo re than 1/16 of an inch. When checki ng c learance b etween th e sanding belt and back stop, press the sa nding belt flat agai nst the me t al bed ben ea t h it.
28 Basic San din g O perati on (conti nue d) Feed Directi on W ARNING : T o p revent thrown workp iece, feed workp iece agai nst sanding sleeve from l ef t to righ t as sh ow n. The sanding slee ve rotates cloc kwise. Feed the workp iece against the san ding sleeve from l ef t to ri ght as shown.
29 Mainten ance W ARNING: For your o wn safety , turn swit ch “OF F” and remove plu g f rom po we r so urce outl et befor e adj u sti n g or ma int aining your sander . W ARNING: T o redu ce the risk of electroc uti o n or fire, an y rep airs to electrical sy stems sh ould be done onl y by qu alified serv ice technicians.
30 Tr oublesh ootin g W ARNI NG: For yo ur o wn sa fet y , turn switch “OFF” , and remo ve plu g f rom po we r so urc e outl et bef o re t r oubl esh o oti ng yo ur san der . TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Excessi ve noise NOTE: The sand er will make som e n oise whe n it is operat ing normall y 1.
31 Frequ ent op ening of fus e or circuits break er 1. Mot or ov er load ed. 2. Inc orrect fu ses or circ uit breaker in power line. 3. Rel ay no t oper ating. 1. Fe ed work slower 2. Ins tal l co rrect fu se or ci rcui t breake rs. 3. Have rel ay re placed.
32 Repair Parts Par ts List For RID GI D Os ci ll at i ng Edg e Be lt/ Spi nd le S and er Mod el EB44241 RIDGID part s are available on-lin e at www. ri dg idp arts.
33 Repair Parts Par ts List For RID GI D Os ci ll at i ng Edg e Be lt/ Spi nd le S and er Mod el EB44241 RIDGID part s are available on-lin e at www. ri dg idp arts.
34 Repair Parts Part s Lis t For RI DG ID Os cill ating Edge Bel t/ Sp indle Sander Mod el EB44241 RIDGID part s are available on-lin e at www. ri dg idp arts.com Figu re 2 Always o rder by Par t Number—Not by Key Number * S tandar d Hardware Item - May be pur chased locall y 2 5 6 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 7 1 3 4 4 4 18 17 8 19 13 8 2 19 Key No.
35 Notes.
QUE ST I O NS OR COMM E NTS? CALL 1-8 66-539-1710 www .ridgidwoodworking.c om Please hav e your Mode l Number and Serial Number on hand when calli ng. © 2003 RIDGID,INC. This pr odu ct is manuf ac ture d u nder lic en se f rom Ridgi d, Inc. by One Wor ld T echnolo gies, Inc.
デバイスRIDGID EB44241の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
RIDGID EB44241をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRIDGID EB44241の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。RIDGID EB44241の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。RIDGID EB44241で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
RIDGID EB44241を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRIDGID EB44241の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、RIDGID EB44241に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRIDGID EB44241デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。