RightWayメーカーGPS Navigator RW 430の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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430 GPS Navigat or User Manual.
2 WELCOME ....................................................................................................................... 8 ABOUT THIS MANUAL .................................................................................................... 9 CUSTOMER SERVICE .
3 The Search Area Button ....................................................................................................................... 28 Changing the Search Area ..............................................................................
4 THE SHOW MAP BUTTON ................................................................ ............................ 56 THE START NAVIGATION BUTTON ............................................................................. 58 Map in Preview Mode ...
5 View GPS Data ...................................................................................................................................... 86 Save Current Location ...........................................................................
6 Music Player Button s ......................................................................................................................... 114 MOVIE VIEWER ........................................................................................
7 Why does my unit only accept every other let ter entered for an address? ........................................................................... 138 Why does my unit sometimes m iss announcing the street name? ...................................
8 W E L C O M E I N T R O D U C I N G Y O U R R I G H T W A Y G P S N A V I G A T O R 4 3 0 Welcome to the world of stress free dr iving. The Right W ay 430 makes drivin g in new places a p leasant advent ure.
9 A B O U T T H I S M A N U A L S Y M B O L S The follow ing symbo ls refer to specific pas sages o f text: Warnings. Instructions and tips for o peration.
10 C U S T O M E R S E R V I C E We want y our experienc e with the R W 430 GP S Nav igator to be an enjoyable one. I f you hav e any question s or problems, please c ontact our customer s ervice tea m. ON - L I N E www.Right W ayGPS.co m E - M A I L Customer Serv ice service@right waygps.
11 A B O U T G P S N A V I G A T I O N The Global P ositionin g System (G PS) is a s pace-based rad io-navigation system. This system consi sts of 24 satellites, whi ch orbit t he Earth at an altitude o f approxi mately 17,500 kilo meters. Each of the 24 sat ellites is deploy ed in 6 orbital planes and circles the earth twice a day.
12 G E T T I N G S T A R T E D I N C L U D E D Your Right W ay 430 GP S Nav igator co mes with t he following accessories. If your box is incomplete, please not ify us within 14 day s of purcha se .
13 RW 4 3 0 G P S N A V I G A T O R H A R D W A R E Your Right W ay 430 GPS Navigat or is a sophi sticate d electronic device. To e nsure a long lasting a nd troub le free experie nce, pleas e take great care to av oid drop ping or damaging the device.
14 Caution! Do not open the navigation device's c asing under any circu mstances. Caution! Protect the device fro m moisture. T he dev ice is not w aterproof an d is not protected ag ainst water damage. Caution! Do not expose the nav igation d evice to ex treme heat or cold.
15 S A F E T Y I N F O R M A T I O N N A V I G A T I O N S A F E T Y I N F O R M A T I O N Use this nav igation sy stem at y our own ris k. Caution! To prevent accidents, do not operat e the navigation sy stem whi le driving.
16 A djuster Dial Up & Down Pull Tab R W 4 3 0 M O U N T I N G S Y S T E M Included in your pac kage, you w ill find a mount ing solution t o easily secure your Right W ay N avigator t o either t he windshiel d or the dash. Cauti on! It is illegal in California a nd Minne sota to att ach anything to the win dshield.
17 B A S I C O P E R A T I O N S L O C K / U N L O C K S W I T C H On the right side of t he RW 430 Nav igator is a Loc k/Unloc k switch. This featu re is designed to prevent t he unit from a ccidentally be ing turned on or off. The RW 430 w ill not turn O N when in the locked posit ion.
18 P O W E R I N G O N & O F F Turn ON Press and hold the po wer button f or three seconds to turn ON th e RightW ay 430 GPS Navigator. T he opening sc reen will appear indic ating the program s are loading. W hen loaded, the P ROGRAMS WINDOW will appear.
19 N A V I G A T I O N A screen will appear .
20 M A I N N A V I G A T I O N W I N D O W O V E R V I E W The MAIN NAVIGATIO N WINDO W opens whe n the nav igation so ftware start s. Y ou can reach all o f the navigat ion software functions from thi s window.
21 S T A T U S I N D I C A T O R S When the u nit is on, in t he upper r ight-hand corner you will f ind three ico ns. T hese symbols prov ide valua ble infor mation about your de vice. P O W E R I C O N The Power symbol can display the followi ng condit ions of t he built in b attery: The d evice is pow ered by an external pow er source.
22 G P S I C O N In the upper right-hand corner of the display, the GPS symbol appear s. Acquiring Satellites Data is be ing received from less than thre e satellites. Position ca nnot be calculated. GPS Read y Data is being receive d from at least three satellites.
23 E N T E R I N G I N F O R M A T I O N M E N U S Many butt ons have menu s which open w hen activ ated. To activate a menu, tap on the button with your finger or stylus. To close a m enu without selecting a functio n, tap on t he same button y ou used t o open the menu.
24 N U M E R I C K E Y B O A R D Tap t o display the numeric keyboard from a nother keyboard. S P E C I A L C H A R A C T E R / S Y M B O L K E Y B O A R D Tap to display the spec ial character k eyboard. Note: After y ou have ent ered a speci al character, the alpha betic key board will appear auto matically.
25 SPECIAL KEY Spacebar. Moves the cursor forward one sp ace. Found o n the alphabetic an d numeric keyboards. Delete. Re moves the prev ious chara cter & moves the cursor back one space. Found on the alphab etic and nu meric keybo ards. Opens the n umeric keyboard.
26 T I P S F O R U S I N G P R E D I C T I V E T E X T To use pred ictive text most successfully, follow the suggestions: Pause a fter each lett er or number is entere d to allow the predictive text featur e to work.
27 4. A new list appears with po ssible matches. Mad ison Street is on the list. 5. To select Mad ison Street , either double c lick on Mad ison Street or highlig ht it and tap the checkmar k.
28 S E L E C T I N G T H E S E A R C H A R E A The maps pre loaded o n the R W 4 30 GPS Nav igator cover a large are a. I f the unit had to list every city named Roc hester in the Unite d States and Canada it would ta ke a very long time. To narrow dow n the search area, use the Search Area But ton.
29 C H A N G I N G T H E S E A R C H A R E A To select a S earch Area that if different fro m the on e currently shown: 1. Tap the Searc h Area but ton. The S EARCH A REA WIND O W opens. 2. Use the alp habetic keyboard to enter the area (i.e. state or province) y ou wish t o search for your dest ination .
30 T H E N E W D E S T I N A T I O N B U T T O N New destinat ions are dest i nations that you hav e not yet navigated to, or those t hat you have not y et stored. Destinations may be select ed by entering an address, sel ecting a point of interest (POI), or selectin g from the q uick s earch funct ion.
31 W A Y S T O S E A R C H F O R D E S T I N A T I O N S There are t hree ways you can search for a desti nation: enter an address, select a POI, or select a dest ination fro m the qu ick search f unction. E N T E R A N A D D R E S S To find an ad dress, spe cify: City First i f you do not know the exact street address .
32 E N T E R I N G A N A D D R E S S When search ing for a location, y ou do not hav e to enter all of the address det ails. If y ou do not know the house n umber, leave the f ield blank to display the Int ersection field.
33 S T R E E T F I R S T Entering a new destinat ion using Str eet First is helpful w hen the ex act city is unknown. For exampl e, you w ant Grand Aven ue but you do not know if it is in Mi nneapol is or St. Paul. I n this case, enter ing the street first ass ists in deter mining the city .
34 C I T Y F I R S T The City First option o f entering a destinatio n is the fast est way to enter an address when all infor mation is known. 1. I n the MAIN NAVI GATI ON W INDO W , t ap New D estination , then t ap Enter an Address . 2. Tap City First to open the ADDRE SS W IND O W .
35 Note: If a st reet name is not entered, a route will be calculated to the city center. Note: If a ho use number is not entered, a route w ill be calculated to the center of the street. Note: To change inform ation you hav e already entered, tap the category that needs to be changed, NOT the back button.
36 S E L E C T I N G A P O I N T O F I N T E R E S T ( P O I ) Points o f Interest or POIs are usefu l addresse s that are organ ized acc ording t o particular criteria. POIs include airports, restaurants, hot els, gas stat ions, govern ment offic es, banks, hosp itals, shopp ing centers, etc.
37 S E A R C H F O R P O I N E A R B Y 1. In t he MAIN NAVIG ATIO N WINDO W , tap New Dest ination , and then tap S earch for POI . 2. Tap Nearby . 3. A list of POI cate gories w ill appear. Use (Up) an d (Down) to scroll through the list. 4. To accept a category from the list, tap on the entry .
38 4. The Nam e of t he Destination List opens. It contains the nearest POI s in the specified category, sorted by distance . Tap on the n ame of t he desired dest ination. 5. Informat ion about y our selected POI opens. Tap the Start Navigation butt on.
39 S E A R C H F O R P O I I N A C I T Y 1. I n the MAIN NAVI GATI ON W INDO W , t ap New D estination , and then tap Search for POI . 2. Tap in a City . 3. Enter the name or t he postal code o f the d estination locat ion. 4. Specify a category from which you would like to select a POI .
40 6. Tap the Start Navi gation button. The map o pens in Preview Mode..
41 S E A R C H F O R P O I N A T I O N W I D E 1. In t he MAIN NAVIG ATIO N WINDO W , tap New Destinat ion , and t hen tap S earch for POI . 2. Tap Natio nwide. 3. The POI OF NATIO NAL SIGNIFI CANC E WINDO W opens. Tap on the n ame of t he category fro m which y ou would like t o select.
42 S E A R C H F O R P O I S O N T H E M A P 1. In the MAI N NAVIGATIO N W INDO W , tap the Sho w Map butt on. 2. Tap (Destination sear ch). 3. The map op ens in Des tination Se arch Mo de. Tap on t he point to which yo u wish to navigate. The d estination that y ou have selected ap pears under the cross hairs 4.
43 S E A R C H F O R P O I N E A R A S E L E C T E D L O C A T I O N 1. In the MAI N NAVIGA TION W INDO W , tap New D estination , t hen tap Ent er an Address . 2. Ta p City First to ope n the ADD RESS WINDO W. 3. En ter t he name of t he city or the postal c ode usi ng the alpha betic key board.
44 7. A list of POIs i s returne d sorted by distance fro m the location. Tap on a POI to v iew more infor mation. Note: GP S reception is not r equired to searc h for a POI near a se lected destination.
45 U S I N G T H E D I R E C T A C C E S S B U T T O N S 1. From t he MAIN N AVIGA TION W INDO W , tap New Destination . A menu wil l appear with your options for enter i ng your dest ination. 2. The Direct Access button is t he third button. Icons o n this button repr esent the three POI categor ies designate d for quic k access.
46 S P E C I F Y I N G D I R E C T A C C E S S P O I C A T E G O R I E S 1. In t he MAIN NAVIGA TION W INDO W , tap Opti ons , and t hen tap Set tings. 2. Tap POI. 3. In t he Direct Access 1 field, tap (List) and select a POI category . 4. Repeat t he abov e step in the D irect Acce ss 2 and D irect Access 3 fields.
47 M Y D E S T I N A T I O N S The My Dest ination but ton is used t o select favorite dest inations, fre quently used destinations and/or desti nations re cently entered. Every destination that you enter, as well as the destinat ions from th e LAST DESTINATIO N S list, can be saved to the FAVO RITES list.
48 F A V O R I T E S Destinations t o which y ou often trav el can be sav ed on the FAVO RITES list so you only have to ent er the addres s once. Th e Right Way 430 GPS Navigator can save up to 300 different dest inations on your FA VORITES list.
49 A F T E R E N T E R I N G A N A D D R E S S 1. From the MAI N NAVI GATION W INDO W , tap My D estinations , and then t ap Last Destinations . 2. A list of d estinations you have previously navigat ed to will app ear. Tap on the destination to add to y our FAVO RITES LIST.
50 F R O M T H E Y O U R C U R R E N T L O C A T I O N 1. From the M AIN W IN DO W , tap Options , an d then t ap GPS Status . 2. The GPS SETTING S WINDO W will appe ar.
51 M O D I F Y I N G Y O U R F A V O R I T E S L I S T R E N A M E D E S T I N A T I O N 1. In the MAIN NAVIG ATION W INDO W , tap My Destinations , and then t ap Favorites . 2. Your FAVORITE LIST will app ear. Use (Up) and (Down) to scroll throug h the list.
52 D E L E T E A F A V O R I T E D E S T I N A T I O N 1. In the MAIN NAVIG ATIO N WINDO W , tap M y Dest inations , and t hen tap Favorite s . 2. Your FAVORITE LIST will app ear. Use (Up) and (Down) t o scroll throug h the list. Tap the na me of the dest ination to wh ich you woul d like to de lete.
53 L A S T D E S T I N A T I O N S The Right W ay Navi gator saves the last 30 de stinations to which y ou have nav igated in the Last De stinations list. Y ou may select a dest inati on from the L ast Destin ations list or add a destin ation to y our favorites.
54 T H E T A K E M E H O M E B U T T O N The Take Me Hom e button enables y ou to rout e to your home address w ith the touch o f a button. Only one desti nation from the Fav orites list can be defined as your home address. Tap the Take Me H ome button to: Immediately route f rom your current positio n to your hom e address.
55 D E S I G N A T I N G A H O M E A D D R E S S 1. In the M AIN NAVIG ATION W I NDO W , t ap the Take M e Home button. 2. OK button.
56 T H E S H O W M A P B U T T O N Tap the Show Map button to: Show your exact location on a map. Select a destination using the map..
57 S E L E C T I N G A D E S T I N A T I O N U S I N G T H E M A P 1. In t he MAIN NAVIG ATIO N WINDO W , tap t he Show M ap button. 2. Tap (Destination sear ch). 3. The map op ens in Des tination Se arch Mo de. Tap on t he point to which yo u wish to navigate.
58 T H E S T A R T N A V I G A T I O N BUT T O N Tap the Start Nav igation bu tton to: View map in Preview Mo de View map in Navig ation Mode View map in Destin ation Searc h Mode Show.
59 M A P I N P R E V I E W M O D E In the Prev iew Mode, t he entire route i s visible w ith a smal l flag mar king the d estination. The route a nd the est imated tr avel time are a lso dis played.
60 M A P I N N A V I G A T I O N M O D E Tap Start Navigation to v iew t he map in Nav igation M ode . When operat ing in Nav igation Mode, the dir ection y ou are trav eling is at t he top. 1 Sign posting s to be fo llowed are displayed here. 2 The route is mar ked in ora nge.
61 to the juncti on, a spot d iagram, rather than the distance, is sh own. The nearer you get to the junction, the more y ellow spots are dis play ed. (See below. ) If you don't have to chan ge direct ion for a lo nger per iod, you see only a forward facing arrow .
62 M A P M O D I F I C A T I O N S I N N A V I G A T I O N M O D E When the map is open in Navigat ion Mode, tap any point on the map to bring up map modification buttons. 2 D / 3 D Tap this butt on to change between 2 D and 3D map v iew. The sy mbol for the mode that is currently set is mar ked orange.
63 B L O C K Tap this butt on to bloc k a section of the rout e and create an alternate path. This is usefu l for avoidin g navigat ing around tra ffic jams an d road construction. P O I O N Y O U R R O U T E Tap this butt on to disp lay POIs on your rout e.
64 M A P I N D E S T I N A T I O N S E A R C H M O D E From e ither Pr eview Mo de or Navigation Mo de, tap (Destinat ion s earch) to activate the Destinatio n Search Mode. In this mode, the ma es not change; north is always at the top of the screen.
65 D E S T I N A T I O N S E A R C H T OOLS Zoom Out Use Zoom Out to display a larger s ection of the map with fewer deta ils. Zoom In Use Zoom In to display a smaller se ction of t he map in greater d etail. Zoom Mode When this mode is act ive, you can plot a map sectio n with your finger.
66 O P E R A T I N G I N D E S T I N A T I O N S E A R C H M O D E 1. From either Preview Mo de or Navigation M ode, tap (Destinati on search). 2. The screen c hanges to DESTINATIO N SE ARCH M ODE and d isplays tw o cross hairs. Tap on the point t o which you w ish to nav igate .
67 D E S T I N A T I O N S E A R C H M O D E B U T T O N S Informatio n Detailed ad dress infor mation for the s elected de stination displays in the upper le ft-hand corn er. Tap for more information ab out the PO I. Take Me There Immediately begins nav igation t o that locat ion.
68 T O E X I T D E S T I N A T I O N S E A R C H M O D E Tap (Destination search) to exit t he Destination S earch Mod e and return t o the window fro m which y ou started t his mode. T O R E T U R N T O T H E M A I N N A V I G A T I O N W I N D OW Tap (Back) to return to the MAIN NAVIGATIO N W IN DOW.
69 T H E T U R N - BY - T U R N L I S T B U T T O N From the Map Preview Mode, t ap the Sho w Turn- by -Turn List but ton to v iew detailed directions of the calcul ated rout e before starti ng navigation or at any time during navigation. The list d isplay s all of the driv ing instruc tions in table form.
70 T H E T U R N - BY - T U R N W I N D O W 1 Distance t o the junction . 2 Sche matic depicti on of the next junction where you must turn. 3 Name of the st reet ont o which you must turn. 4 Indicates w hether you want t o travel on the section of t he route.
71 B L O C K I N G R O U T E S E C T I O N S 1. In t he TURN- BY - TURN LIST W INDO W , tap on the r oute section y ou do not w ant to travel. The (Forb id) symbol w ill appear next to it. 2. Tap (Modify Route). 3. The nav igation syst em calc ulates an a lternativ e route avoiding the design ated route sections se lected.
72 T H E O P T I O N S B U T T O N The Options b utton allows you to customize y our RW 430 G PS Nav igator to meet your specific needs a nd person al prefere nces.
73 G E N E R A L R O U T I N G I N F O R M A T I O N S T A R T I N G P O I N T The starting point of a r oute is the point at w hich you want to begin y our trip. This does not need to be your curre nt location. For exam ple, if you are planni ng a route for a vacation, y our hotel co uld be entere d as the start ing point.
74 R O U T E P L A N N I N G C R E A T I N G A R O U T E 1. In t he MAIN W IN DOW, t ap Options butt on, then tap Ro ute Planni ng button. 2. The RO UTE PLAN NING W INDO W opens. Tap Spe cify Starting Point button. 3. The STA RTING POI NT menu opens. Tap t he butt on correspond ing to the how you wish you ent er your st arting poi nt.
75 5. Tap t he Add Route Point button. The ROU TE POI NT menu ope ns. Tap t he button correspond ing to how y ou wish y ou enter y our destinat ion. 6.
76 C H A N G I N G T H E S T A R T I N G P O I N T O F A R O U T E 1. 2.
77 C H A N G I N G T H E O R D E R O F R O U T E P O I N T S 1. In t he ROUTE PLA NNING WINDO W , tap t he route point you want to change. 2. A menu will appear w ith route m anagement options: Route Point U p Moves the selected route point up one st age.
78 D E L E T I N G A R O U T E P O I N T 1. In t he ROUTE PLA NNING WINDO W , tap t he route point you want to change. Note: T ) cannot b e moved or d eleted.
79 S A V I N G R O U T E S 1. In t he ROUTE PLA NNING WINDO W , tap Opti ons . 2. A menu will appear. Tap Save Route . 3. Using t he alphabetic keyboard, enter a na me for t he route. Tap Sav e . 4. The route is saved to the S AVED RO UTES list under the name y ou entered.
80 U S I N G S A V E D R O U T E S 1. In t he ROUTE PLA NNING WINDO W , tap Opti ons . 2. A menu will appear. Tap the Sa ved Route s button. 3. The S AVED RO UTES list wi ll appear. Tap the ro ute you would like to se lect . 4. Tap the Load Route bu tton.
81 S H O W R O U T E 1. In t he ROUTE PLA NNING W I NDO W , a fter either loading a s aved rout e or entering your rout e points, tap S how Route but ton. 2. The map op ens in Pre view M ode. The starting point and the route point s are mar ked by flags.
82 R U N A S I M U L A T I O N O F A R O U T E 1. In the ROU TE PLA NNING W INDO W , after either lo ading a saved route or entering your rout e points, tap S how Route but ton. 2. The map op ens in Pre view M ode. Tap Options . 3. A menu will appear.
83 V I E W I N G R O U T E P R O F I L E The calcul ation of a route i s based on route options which are found in t he Rout e Profile. The Route Profile sett ings can be modified t o meet your speci fications. 1. In t he ROUTE PLA NNING WINDO W , a fter either loading a s aved route or entering one route p oint, tap Sho w Route butt on.
84 4. Each sett ing also ha s either a (toggle) but ton or a (list) button. Tap (toggle) to altern ate between t wo or three different values. The selected v alue will be i n white . Tap (List) to v iew a list of available cho ices for the setting. From the l ist, tap your selection, and then tap OK .
85 G P S S T A T U S GPS Stat us provides an overv iew of the dat a received by the G PS via sate llite that t he navigation so ftware us es in calcul ating routes. Tap the GPS Stat us button to: View GPS data ( longitude, latitude, altitude, etc.
86 V I E W G P S D A T A 1. From the M AIN W IN DO W , tap Options , an d then t ap GPS Stat us . 2. The GPS SETTING S WINDO W will appe ar. From this wi ndow you can determine: GMT (Greenw ich Mean T.
87 N O G P S R E C E P T I O N When GPS s ignal is interrupted, the followi ng screen appe ars: When this message appears, you hav e the followin g options: Wait for reception. When GPS r eception is sufficient for determ ining position, the route w ill be automatica lly recalculat ed and y ou can begin n avigation.
88 C U S T O M I Z I N G Y O U R U N I T The Right W ay 430 Navigat or allows users to custo mize their un it to fit their specific needs thoug h the Optio ns Menu, which includ es basic setti ngs, POIs, the curr ent map and the route pro file.
89 M OV I N G B E T W E E N P A G E S When there is more tha n one pa ge of opti ons to choose from, t ap (previous page) and (next page) to move betw een the pages. V I E W I N G I N F O R M A T I O N A B O U T A S E T T I N G 1. Tap the (Information) b utton.
90 V I E W ING A L I S T O F O P T I O N S F O R A S E T T I N G Some sett ings have sev eral value s from which t o choose . To view a list of o ptions for a setting: 1. Tap (List) in the cat egory you wish t o see the opti ons for. 2. A list of cho ices for the set ting will appear.
91 S A V I N G Y O U R C H A N G E S After chang ing an opt ion, tap the Done button t o save y our changes. Note: Once o ptions are changed, they remain in effect for all subs equent navigation ! C A N C E L I N G Y O U R C H A N G ES Tap the Can cel button at any time to d iscard t he changes you have made and r eturn to the SETTI NGS W I NDO W .
92 B A S I C S E T T I N G S S E T T I N G W H I C H C A N B E C H A N G E D The follow ing is a list of s ett ings which can b e modifi ed. 2D Auto-z oom 2D Map: O rientation 2D Map: Sho w Street Nam.
93 C H A N G I N G B A S I C S E T T I N G S 1. From the MAI N NAVI GATION W INDO W , tap Optio ns , Settings, an d then tap Basic Settings . 2. The first page o f the BASI C SETTING S W INDO W will app ear. There are 6 pages of basic settin gs. To move bet ween page s tap (p revious page) and (next page).
94 B A S I C S E T T I N G S & T H E I R O P T I O N S Page 1 of 6 Setting Category Options Defau lt Language English Spanish French English Speak Street Names Yes No Speak street names 2D Zoom Fa.
95 Page 2 of 6 Setting Categor y Options Default 2D Map: Show Street Names Yes No Yes 2D Map: Orientation Always North In Direction of T ravel In Direction of Travel Show Altitude and Speed Yes sh.
96 Page 3 of 6 Setting Category Options Default Show Remaining Distance Yes show rem aining distance to destinat ion and, if applicable, interim destinations No do not show rem aining distance.
97 Page 4 of 6 Setting Category Options Default Show Speed Lim its Yes always sho w speed lim it Only if exceeding show speed lim it only when exceeding speed lim it No do not show spee d .
98 Page 5 of 6 Setting Category Options Default Setting Menu Animation Yes menus are animated No menus pop up Yes Distance Units Kilometers Miles Miles Time Form at 24h m ilitary time 12h .
99 Page 6 of 6 Setting Category Options Default Coordinate Form at Decimal coordinates (e.g. 16,5425°) Coordinates in m inutes & seconds (e Minute.
100 C U R R E N T M A P S E T T I N G The RightW ay 430 GPS Navigator c omes with m aps allowing you to navigate in the United States, Canada, P uerto Rico an d the U.S. Virgin Is lands . The default setting is t he USA & Canada map. If you are navigating in A laska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico or the U.
101 3. A list of av ailable maps is shown wit h a small b utton next t o each. Th e orange button indic ates the curre nt map sel ection. Tap the map y ou would l ike to sw itch to. 4. The orange b utton shoul d switch to the map y ou tapped. W hen the correct map has the orange button next to it, t ap OK.
102 P O I S E T T I N G S The RightW ay 430 GPS Navigator has o ver 1.7 million POIs ( points - of -interest) a vailable f or your use. The POI s etting button enables you to select the POI c ategories to be shown on the map as well as designate POI ca tegories to be use d for direct access .
103 S E L E C T I N G P O I C A T E G O R I E S S H O W N O N M A P 1. From the MAIN N AVIGATIO N W INDO W , t ap Opt ions , then t ap Settings, t hen tap POI . 2. The POI SETTINGS W INDO W will appe ar. Tap Categorie s Shown . 3. A list of POI categories is shown with a box next to each.
104 S E L E C T I N G D I R E C T A C C E S S P O I S 1 . From the MAIN NAVIG A TION W INDO W , tap Opt ions , then tap Settings, then tap POI . 2. The POI SETTING S WINDO W will app ear. Tap Dir ect Access 1. 3. A list of POI cate gories is show n with a small but ton next to each cate gory.
105 R O U T E P R O F I L E S E T T I N G S Route Profile Setting s Which Can B e Changed Calculate the Next Stage Ferries Highways Speed Profile Toll Roads T y pe of Route U-Turns.
106 C H A N G I N G R O U T E P R O F I L E O P T I O N S 1. From the MAIN N AVIGATIO N W INDO W , tap Opt ions , and then t ap Settin gs . 2. Tap Rout e Profile. The first page of t he ROUTE PROFILE W INDO W w ill appear. There are 2 pages of r oute prof ile options.
107 R O U T E P R O F I L E S E T T I N G S & T H E I R O P T I O N S Page 1of 2 Category Options Default Speed Profile T y pe of transportatio n being used.
108 Page 2 of 2 Category Options Default Ferries Allow can be used Avoid onl y use if there is no other opti on Forbid cannot be use d Allow Calculate the Next Stage Automatically This setting onl y applies if you are navigat ing a route with several stages.
109 B O N U S P R O G R A M S In addition t o superior GPS nav igation, the Right Way 430 GPS Navigator a llows users to listen to m usic, watch movies, read e- books, and view photos stored o n a me mory card. The follow ing sections will prov ide informat ion on us ing the bonu s programs and the features av ailable.
110 M E M O R Y C A R D The music, books, v ideos, and/or pictur es used w ith these progr ams need to be st ored on a storage or memory card (i.e. SD card) . A me mory card is not includ ed with t he RW 430 GPS N avigator pa ckage . SD cards may be purc hased at most stores carry ing electron ic dev ices and come in a wide range o f capacity .
111 R E M O V I N G A M E M O R Y C A R D 1. To safely remove the memory card, exit out of any files b eing used fro m the me mory card. 2. Gently press the memory card into the device u ntil the lock disen gages and the card pops out slightly.
112 M U S I C P L A Y E R The Right W ay 430 Nav igat or allows users to listen t o music. It can play MP3, W MA, and PCM files. 1. Copy the des ired musi c files to a memory card. 2. Insert the memory card into t he unit. 3. Tap the Mu sic button t o open the m usic me nu 4.
113 M U S I C P L A Y E R S C R E E N Total Length of Selection Name of Selection Length of Selection Played Mode of Play Indicator (Shuffle or Loop) Action Indica tor (Play or Pause) Mute Indicator.
114 M U S I C P L A Y E R B U T T O N S *When you tap the Open List button, three additional buttons appear on the screen. List Mu sic* Mute Add Music to Play List Remove M usic from Play List Clear P.
115 M O V I E V I E W E R The Right W ay 340 Nav igat or allows users to watch movies an d videos . It can play MP4, ASF, WMV, AVI, and DIVX files. 1. C opy the movie and/or video file you w ish to v iew to a memory card. 2. Insert the memory card into the unit.
116 M O V I E V I E W E R S C R E E N Minutes of Movie View ed & Total Length of Movie Video Progress Name of M ovie.
117 M O V I E P L A Y E R B U T T O N S * W hen you tap the List Movie butto n , three additiona l buttons will appear on the screen. Close Previous Movie Pause Next Movie List Movies* Full Screen Mut.
118 E - B O O K R E A D E R The RightW ay 430 Navigator al lows users to read TXT f iles on their device. 1. Copy the TX T file for the boo k you would like to read to a memory card. 2. Insert the memory card into t he unit. 3. Tap the E-Bo ok button to open the E-B OOK R E ADER screen.
119 E - B O O K R E A D E R S C R E E N E - B O O K R E A D E R B U T T O N S * W hen you tap the Jump button, a new screen will op en enab �.
120 Page Number U S I N G T H E J U M P B U T T O N 1. Tap the Jum p button. 2. The PAGE NUM BER WINDOW opens. Use the nu mber buttons to tap in the page number you want to go to, then tap the Enter but ton. 3. The E-B OOK R EADER screen appears displaying the page corr esponding to th e number you entered.
121 P H O T O V I E W E R The Right W ay 430 Nav igator can be used t o view photos in BMP, JPG, GIF, a nd PNG formats 1. Copy the photo f iles for t he picture s you would like to v iew to a memory card. 2. Insert the memory card into t he unit. 3. Tap the Photo b utton t o open the P HO TO V IE WER screen.
122 e. The image will open on t he P HOTO V IEWER scre en. P H O T O V I E W E R B U T T O N S Close Previous Photo Next Photo Zoom In Zoom Out Add Photo Full Screen Move Image (when zoom ed in) Rotat.
123 S E T T I N G S M E N U The Right W ay Navi gator allows user s to make changes t o variou s settings on their device. Eac h will be d escribed in greater det ail on t he following pages. Tap t he Close button at any time to retur n to the Programs W indow.
124 N A V I G A T I O N S E T U P The Navig ation Setup but ton tells t he Right W ay 430 Navigator t he path and file name o f the navigati on software.
125 T O U C H S C R E E N C A L I B R A T I O N The Em end Touch Scree n butt on enables y ou to re-cal ibrate your touch scree n. RE - C A L I B R A T I N G T H E T O U C H S C R E E N 1. Tap Settings , then the em erald T-Scr button. 2. A white scree n will ap pear with a + in the center.
126 L A N G U A G E The Right W ay 430 G PS Nav igator can b e viewed i n 18 different l anguages, enabling y ou to chose the l anguage w hich wor ks best for y ou . C H A N G I N G L A N G U A G E U S ED 1. T ap Setting s, then the La nguage butt on.
127 V O L U M E The volume feature en ables y ou to adjust the volume of t he unit and t he touch tone. C H A N G I N G T H E V O L U M E 1. Tap the Set tings button, then the Vol um e button to open the volu me screen. 2. Tap + to ma ke the volu me louder or – to ma ke the volu me softer.
128 G P S S T A T U S The GPS Stat us button en ables you to view information about the GPS, its fun ction and your curr ent location. V I E W I N G T H E G P S S T A T U S M E N U 1. Tap Setting s , then the G PS Status b utton. 2. The GPS Stat us wind ow opens s howing t he number and strength o f the satell ite signals.
129 R E S E T T H E G P S If you are having trouble acquiring a GPS f ix, someti mes it is helpfu l to reset the GPS and have it begin searching for satel lites again.
130 G P S S I G N A L Tap the bar graph ico n to view the GPS S IGNAL scre en. This s creen shows how many satellites y ou are currently receiving information from. The GPS rec eiver nee ds information fr om at lea st three sat ellites to acquire a fix.
131 B A C K L I G H T The bac klight feature enables you t o adjust the brightness of the scre en and desi gnate the length of t ime to w ait befor e shutting dow n the bac k light. C H A N G I N G T H E B R I G H T N E S S O F T H E S C R E E N 1. Tap the Set tings button, then the Back light button to open the b acklight screen.
132 C H A N G I N G T H E B A C K L I G H T S H U T D O W N T I M E 1. Tap the Set tings button, then the Back light button to open the b acklight screen. 2. Scroll up and down to find the option that su its your need s best. Highlight that option, and then tap the Close butt on.
133 P O W E R The Power button a llows you to adjust the length of the stand -b y time to meet your needs. Simply highlight your cho ice and tap th e close button. C H A N G I N G T H E S T A N D - B Y T I M E 1. Tap the Set tings button, then the Pow er button t o open the pow er source screen.
134 T I M E The Time button e nables you to m odify the date, ti me, or tim e zone displayed b y y our uni t. C H A N G I N G T H E T I M E O R T I M E Z O N E 1. Tap the Set tings button, then the Tim e button to open the T ime & Date screen. 2. Use the up and down arrows to scroll through the date and t ime options.
135 Note: T he time is displayed in m ilitary time. In m ilitary time, the hours are n um bered from 00 24 instea d of 12 hours AM an d 12 hours PM. Usin g the militar y time s y stem, an y number sm aller than 12 is AM while an y number larger than 12 is PM.
136 S Y S T E M The System butt on enables y ou to view information specif ic to your unit, suc h as the ID number and availab ility of m emory. W hen you tap the System button, t he following screen will appear.
137 S K I N Sk in refers to the back ground color(s) of the unit. There are two c hoices for the s kin color: black or light green. Light green is the defau lt setting. C H A N G I N G T H E C O L O R S C H E M E 1. Tap the Set tings button, then the Skin button to open the S kin screen.
138 F R E Q U E N T L Y A S K E D Q U E S T I O N S RN ON ? The power button must be held dow n for 3 seco nds for t he unit to turn on. Typically the problem when a unit wi ll not t urn on is that it is locked.
139 W H Y D O E S M Y U N I T S O M E T I M E S M I S S A N N O U N C I N G T H E S T R E E T N A M E ? When one t urn immed iately follows another, the nam e of the se cond str eet is not announced. This is to e nsure y ou have t he information nee ded to make the co rrect turn.
140 T E C H N I C A L S P C I F I C A T I O N S Dimensio ns ( W × H × D) Weight 8 oz . Operating co nditions : Operating t emperature -10°C to +45�.
142 T R A N S P L A N T G P S , I N C . L I M I T E D W A R R A N T Y Hardware: Transplant GPS, Inc. w arrants to the original en d user (i.e. Customer) that this product will be fre e from defect s in workmanship a nd materi als, for one year fro m the dat e of original purc hase from Tr ansplant GPS, I nc.
デバイスRightWay GPS Navigator RW 430の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
RightWay GPS Navigator RW 430をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRightWay GPS Navigator RW 430の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。RightWay GPS Navigator RW 430の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。RightWay GPS Navigator RW 430で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
RightWay GPS Navigator RW 430を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRightWay GPS Navigator RW 430の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、RightWay GPS Navigator RW 430に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRightWay GPS Navigator RW 430デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。