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Install dr ivers Install pr ograms SyncMaster 902N.
Notational Failure t o follow d irections n oted by this symbol could resu lt in bod ily harm o r damage to the equi pment. Prohibited Important to read a nd understan d at all tim es Do not disassem .
Do not use a damaged o r loose plug. z This ma y cause e lectric sh ock or f ire. Do not pull the plug out by the w ire nor touch the p lug with wet hands. z This ma y cause e lectric sh ock or f ire. Use only a p roperly grounded plug and receptacle.
Installation Be sure to contac t an authorize d Service Cent er , when installing your m onitor in a locati on with h eavy dust, high or l ow tempe ratures, high humidi ty, and exp osed to chem ical subs tances and where it o perates for 24 hours s uch as at airports, trai n st atio ns etc .
Keep a ny heating devic es away fr om the powe r cable. z A melted coating may lead to electric shock or fi re. Do not install the product in places with poor ventilation, fo r instance, a bookshelf, close t, etc. z Any incre ase in the internal temperature m ay cause fire.
Clean When cle aning t he monitor c ase or the s urface of the TFT-LCD screen, wipe with a sligh tly mo istened , soft fabric . Do not spray water o r detergen t directly o nto the monitor. z This ma y cause d amage, electric s hock or fire. Use the r ecommended de tergent with a smooth cloth.
If your monito r does not ope rate normally - in particula r, if there is a ny unusual so und or smell com ing from the monitor - unplug it immedi ately and contac t an authorize d dealer or th e Service Cent er. z This ma y cause e lectric sh ock or f ire.
Never insert any thing metallic i nto the monitor ope nings. z This ma y cause e lectric sh ock, fi re or injury. Do not in sert metal objects such as chopsticks, wir e and tools or inflammabl e objects such as paper or m atches into the vent, head phone port or AV ports or etc.
z Failure t o disc onnect cabl es may da mage i t and ca use fire or el ectric shock. Place the pr oduct out of ch ildren's reac h, as they could damage by hanging onto it. z A falling product may caus e injury to the person or even fa tality. When not us ing the product for an extended period of time, ke ep the product unplug ged.
Please mak e sure the following items are include d with your mon itor. If any items are missi ng, contac t your deale r . Contact a loc al deale r to bu y o p tional it ems. Unpack ing Type 1 Monitor & Sim p le stand Bottom MagicRo tation pro gram can no t be provide d as Simple Stand does not su pport Pivot fu nction.
Monitor & Slidin g Stand Type 4 Monitor & Lowest HAS Sta nd Manual Quick Setup Guide Warranty Card (Not av ailable in all locat ions ) User's Guide, Monitor Driver, Natural Color software.
MENU button [ ] Opens the OSD menu. Also use to exit th e OSD menu or return to the pr evious me nu. MagicBright™T [] MagicBri ght™T is a n ew feature p rovidin g optimum viewing environm ent depend ing on th e contents of the imag e you are watch ing.
See PowerSav er descri bed in the m anual for furt her inform ation regard ing power sav ing function s. For en ergy conse rvation , turn your m onitor OFF whe n it is not needed, or when leaving it unat tended for lon g periods.
Connecting the Monitor Connect th e power co rd for yo ur monitor to the power p ort on the bac k of the m onitor. Plug the p ower cord f or the monito r into a nearb y outlet. Use approp riate co nnection fo r your c omputer. Using the D-sub (Anal og) connect or on the video card.
Monitor and Bottom Pivot Stand / Slidin g Stand A . Stand Stopper Attachi ng a Base This mo nitor accep ts a 75 mm x 75 mm VESA-c ompliant mounting in terface pad.
Simple stand Pivot stand Sliding Stand Lowest HAS Stand A. Monitor B. Mounting interfa ce pad (Sold separately) 1. Turn o ff your moni tor and unpl ug its pow er cord. 2. Lay the LCD monito r face-d own on a f lat surface with a cu shion bene ath it to prote ct the screen.
http://w ww.samsu ngmonitor.c (China ) 1. Insert CD int o the CD-ROM drive. 2. C lick "Wi ndows" 3. Choose y our monitor m odel i n the model list, then c lick the "OK" button. 4. If yo u can see following message window, then click the "Contin ue Anyway" button.
1. I nsert your M anual CD i nto your CD-RO M drive. 2. Click (Start) and " Co ntrol Panel ". Th en, double-c lick on " Ap pearan ce and Personaliza tion ". 3. Clic k " Personalization " an d then " Displ ay Se tti ngs ".
7. Chec k the " Browse my c omputer for dr iver software " c heckbo x and clic k " Let m e pick fro m a list of devi ce driver s on my compu ter ". 8. Clic k " Have Disk … " and s elect the folder (for example, D :Drive) w here the dr iver setup file is locate d, and clic k " OK ".
Microsoft ® Windows ® XP Oper ating System 1. Insert CD int o the CD-ROM driver. 2. C lick " Start " —> " Control Pane l " then clic k the " Ap pearance a nd Themes " Ic on. 3. C lick " Display " icon and choose the " Settings " tab the n clic k " Advanced.
5. C lick " Update Driver.. " and selec t " Install from a list or.. " the n click " Next " button. 6. S elect " Don't search ,I wi ll.. " then c lick " Next " an d then c lick " Have d isk ".
This mo nitor driver is unde r certified M S logo,a nd this ins tallation d oesn't dam age your system.Th e certifi ed driver w ill be pos ted on Sams ung Mon itor homepag e. http://www.sam / 9. C lick t he " Close " button then click " OK " bu tton cont inually.
If yo u can see the " Digital Si gnature Not Found " wind ow the n click t he " Yes "button. And clic k the " Finis h " button then the " Close " bu tton. Microsoft ® Windows ® Millennium Operating Syste m 1. C lick " Start " , " Setting " , " Control Panel ".
One of t he recent problems in using a computer is that the co lor of the images p rinted ou t by a print er or other im ages scan ned by a scanner or a digital c amera are not the sam e as those shown on the monitor. The Natural Color S/W is the very s olution for this problem .
1. [ ]Opens the on-screen men u and exits from the me nu or cl oses the ad justment m enu. 2. [ ] This button allows y ou to adjus t items in the men u. 3. [ ]Press this b utton to Activates a highlighte d menu item. 4. [ AUTO ]Press to Self-Adjus ts the inc oming PC sign al automati cally .
Menu Description AUTO When the ' AUTO ' button is presse d, the Aut o Adjustmen t screen app ears as shown in the a nimated sc reen on the c enter. Auto adjus tment allo ws the m onitor to sel f-adju st to the in coming vi deo signal. The val ues of fine , coarse and positi on are adjus ted auto matically .
When p ressin g the MENU button afte r lockin g the OSD Menu Description Locked This is the functio n that lo cks the O SD in order to keep the current st ates of settings or prevent o thers fro m adjustin g the current setting s. Lock : Hold down the menu bu tton for more t han fiv e seconds to activat e the OSD adjustme nt lock function.
MagicBright™ Menu Description MagicBright™ Push the MagicBri ght button to circle through ava ilable prec onfigured modes . - Six d ifferent modes (Custo m/Text/Intern et/Game/Spo rt/Movie) Brightness Menu Description Brightness W hen OSD i s not on the screen , push the bu tton to adju st brigh tness.
Picture Brightness Cont rast Color Magi cCol or Color Tone Col or Co ntr ol Gamma Image Coar se Fine Sharpn ess H-Po siti on V-Po si ti on OSD Language H-Po siti on V-Position Transparenc y Disp lay T.
Menu Descripti on Play/Stop MagicColor MagicCo lor is a new technolo gy that Samsung has exclusiv ely devel oped to i mprove dig ital image and to display natural co lor more cl early with out disturbi ng image quality . 1) Off - Returns to the original mo de.
: This fu nction is to adjus t the ve rtical siz e of the MagicZ one. Color Tone The tone of the co lor can be c hanged and one of fo ur modes can be sel ected - Coo l, No rmal , War m and Custom. ( Not avail able in MagicColor m ode of Full and Inte lligent.
V-Position displa y. (Avai lable in an alog mo de only) OSD Menu Descripti on Play/Stop Language You can c hoose one of 9 lang uages. Note :The lang uage ch osen affec ts only the languag e of the OSD . It has no e ffect on any software runn ing on th e compute r.
Menu Descripti on Play/Stop Image R eset Image pa rameters are replaced with the factory default values . Color R eset Color parameters are replaced wit h the factory defaul t values . Information Menu Description Info rma tio n Shows a video sou rce, dis play mod e on the OSD screen.
Installation 1. Insert the installation CD into the CD-R OM drive. 2. Click the MagicTune™ installa tion file. 3. Select installation Language, Click "Next". 4. When the Installation Shield Wizard window a ppears, click "Next." 5.
The MagicTune™ program can be removed only by using the "Add or Remove Programs" option of the Window s® Control Panel . Per form th e foll owin g ste ps rem ove M agicT une™ . 1. Go to [Task Tra y] ' [Start] ' [Settings] and select [Contro l Panel] in th e menu.
Installati on 1. Insert the installation CD into th e CD-ROM drive. 2. Clic k the MagicR otatio n inst alla tion f ile. 3. Sele ct ins tallat ion L anguag e, Cl ick "N ext". 4. Wh en the Instal lShield Wiza rd win dow appe ars, click "N ext.
z Window s NT 4.0 z Window s 2000 z Window s XP Ho me Ed ition z Windows XP Professional z Win dows Vi sta™ Hardware z 128MB Memory above(recommended) z 25MB Free Hard di sk space above Ser vic e Pa ck s z It is recomm ended tha t your Syste m has the la test Servic e Pack insta lled.
Check List Before cal ling fo r assistanc e, check the informat ion in t his secti on to see if you ca n remedy any prob lems yours elf. If you do need ass istance, p lease cal l the phone numbe r on the Informati on section or contact your dea ler . Symptom Check List Solutions No images on the scre en.
disappe ars. Please c hange to the recommend ed mode du ring this on e-minute perio d. (The mes sage i s display ed again if the sys tem is rebo oted.) There is no image o n the screen. Is the po wer indicator on the moni tor blin king at 1 secon d int erval s? The moni tor is in Power Saver mo de.
does no t function prope rly. with Wi ndow OS t hat supports Plug and Play . follow the steps below (Whe n Windows is XP); Control Pane l -> Performanc e and Mainten ance -> Syst em -> Hardwa.
Panel → Display → Settin gs. * Contac t the video card ma nufacturer fo r details. How can I s et the Power Savi ng function ? Windows M E/XP/2000 : Set the functi on at BIOS-SET UP of the computer or the screen s aver. (Refer to Windows/C omputer Manual).
1. if th ere are an y sub wo ofer speake rs near the m onitor, unplu g and rel ocate the w oofer to anothe r room. 2. Re move all e lectronic d evices s uch as radi os, fans, c locks an d telephones that are within 3 fe et (one mete r) of the m onitor.
General General Model Nam e SyncMas ter 902N LCD Pan el Size 19 " D iagonal (48 cm) Display area 376.32 m m (H) x 301.05 6 mm (V) Pixel Pitc h 0.294 mm (H) x 0.294 m m (V) Synchronizat ion Horizo ntal 30 ~ 81 k Hz Vertical 56 ~ 75 Hz Disp lay Co lor 16.
407.6 x 408.0 x 200.0mm / 1 6.0 x 16 .1 x 7.9 inc h (with Basic Stand) / 5 .55 kg Dimensions (WxHxD)/ Weight (Sliding Stand) 407.6 x 408.0 x 200.0mm / 1 6.0 x 16 .1 x 7.9 inc h (with Basic Stand) / 5 .55 kg Dimensions (WxHxD)/ Weight (Low est HAS Stand) 407.
function ality. As an ENERGY STAR ® Partner, SAMSUN G has det ermined that this product m eets the ENERG Y STAR ® guid elines for e nergy ef ficiency. Preset Timing Modes If the si gnal tran sferred fr om the com puter is the same as th e follo wing Preset Tim ing Modes , the screen wi ll be ad justed auto matically .
frequ ency of thi s repetition is called the Vertical Frequenc y or Refresh Rate. Unit: Hz.
Cont act SAMS UNG WORLDW IDE If you have any ques tions or comments relating to Samsun g products, p lease contact the SAMSUNG custom er care cente r. North America U.S.A 1-800-SAMSUNG (7267 864) h ttp://www.samsu CANADA 1-800-SAMSUNG (7 267864) http://www.
BELGIUM 02 201 24 18 http://www.sam /be CZECH REPUBLIC 844 000 844 http: // om/cz DENMARK 70 70 19 70 http://www.sam /dk FINLAND 030-6227 515 http://www.sam /fi FRANCE 3260 SAMSUNG( 7267864) (€ 0,1 5/mi n) h ttp://www.
PHILIPPINES 1800-10-SAMSU NG (7267864) http://www.sam /ph SINGAPORE 1800-SAMSUNG (7 267864) http://www.sam /sg THAILAND 1800-29-3 232, 02-689-3 232 http://www.samsu TAIWAN 0800-3 29-999 http://www.samsu VIETNAM 1 800 588 889 http: //www.
1. Adjust c omputer reso lution a nd screen inje ction ra te (refresh rate ) oncompute r as descri bed below to enjoy the best quali ty of pi cture. You ca n have an uneven q uality of picture i n the screen i f the best q uality of picture i s not provid ed in TF T-LCD.
PRODUCT INFORMATION (Image Retention Free) LCD Mon itors and TVs may have image retention w hen switchi ng from o ne image to another especi ally after d isplaying a stati onary image for a long ti me. This gui de is to de monstra te correct usage of LCD products in order to pr otect them from Image rete nti on.
Ex) The best w ay to protect you r monitor from Image retention is to set y our PC or S y stem to o p erate a Screen Saver p ro g ram when y ou are not usin g it. Image ret ention may not occ ur when a LC D panel i s operated u nder normal conditi ons.
Correct Disposal of This Product (Waste Electrical & E lectronic Equipment) - Europe only (Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection s ystems) This mar.
デバイスSamsung 902Nの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Samsung 902Nをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSamsung 902Nの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Samsung 902Nの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Samsung 902Nで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Samsung 902Nを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSamsung 902Nの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Samsung 902Nに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSamsung 902Nデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。