SamsungメーカーFinesse GH68-25119Aの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Samsung (SCH-R810 C Series ) MOBILE PHONE User Manual Please read this manual before operating your phone, and keep it for future reference..
T rac F on eR810C Finesse_ CH24_ MM_1 00509_F3 Intellectual Proper ty All Int ellect ual Pro perty , as defi ned belo w , owned by or which is otherwise the property of Samsung or its respective supp .
GH68-25119A Printed in C hina Open Sour ce Soft w are Some software components of this product incorporat e source code covered under GNU General Public License (GPL), GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), OpenSSL L icense, BSD L icense and other open source licenses.
1 Table of Con tents Section 1: Getting Started .................................. ...................4 Charging the Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Activating Your Phone . . . . . . . .
2 Section 5: Understanding Your Contacts ............................ 28 Your Contacts List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Adding a New Contacts Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Section 9: Applications ........................................................52 Facebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Music Player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Section 1: Getting Star ted This s ection explains how to start using your Samsu ng phone by acti vating your ser vice, setting up your V oicemail, or ge tting an understanding of how this manual is put together . No tes and Tip s Throug hout this manual some text is set ap art from the rest.
Getting Started 5 designed to maximize battery life . Use of other accessories ma y invali date your warranty and may cause damage. Use the T rav el Ad a pt er The travel a dapter inc lude d with your phone is a convenient, light-weig ht charger that ra pidly charges your phone from any 120/220 V AC outlet.
6 Low batter y in di cator The batter y ind icator ( ) in the upper -right corner of th e display indicates power level. Monitor th e ba tter y strength and ensure your battery is adequately charged. • F ive bars ( ) indicate a full charge. • An empty batter y icon ( ) indicates a near empty battery .
Getting Started 7 2. Match th e gold contac ts o n the batt er y to those ins ide t he phon e. 3. Press down lightl y on t he top en d of the batter y until it slips in to place in the phone. 4. Plac e the batter y cover over the ba tter y (1) and sli de it in to pla ce (2).
8 Not e: As with an y other radio-transmitting device, do not touch the antenna (at the bottom of the device) while using your phone as this can affect call quality and can cause the phone to operate a t a higher power level than is necessar y .
Getting Started 9 Memor y Car d (Optional) Y ou ca n inst all a micro SD TM card to prov ide addit ional memory for storing files (such as, sou nd files and photos) in y our phon e. In st all a Memor y Car d 1. Open th e mic roSD cover on the ri ght hand side of the phone, as s hown.
10 Section 2: Under standing Y our Phone This s ection ou tlin es some k ey features o f your phone. It als o describes the screen format and the icons that will be displayed when the phone is in us e.
Understandi ng Y our Phon e 11 3. V olu me K ey — Lets you adjust the ring volu me in standby mo de, adjust the voice v olume d uring a c all, or m ute th e ringer during an incoming c all. 4. Send Key — Lets you place o r rece ive a call. In sta ndby mode, press the key once t o access the Recent Calls log.
12 10. V oice R ecognition Key — Used to la unch V oi ceSig nal voic e reco gnition system. 11. Camera Key — Launches the Camera-Camcord er feature of your phone and takes pictures or records videos. 12. End Key — Ends a call. R eturns you to standby mode from any feature, function, or menu.
Understandi ng Y our Phon e 13 V olume K ey • In standby mode, press the V olume key on the upp er left side of the pho ne Up or Down to adjust the vol ume of the incoming calls ringer . • When receiv ing a call, press the V olume k ey Up or Down to mute the ring er .
14 End K ey • Briefly press once to disc onnect a call. • Press to return to standby mode from any menu, or to ca ncel the last in put. Came r a K ey Press and hold the Camera ke y on the right si de of the phone to launch the Camera function.
Understandi ng Y our Phon e 15 Dialogue Bo x es Dialogue boxes prompt for action, inform you of status , or warn of situations such as lo w ba tter y . Bac kligh t The backlight illu minates the display . It goes off when the screen and phone keys are not pressed within a pe riod of time set in the Backlight Time menu.
16 Lock Mode When the phone is in Lock Mode, restri ctions are placed on p hone use. Y ou can receive ca lls and messa ges, but can not place outgoi ng calls (ex cept for emergenc y numbers) un til you unlock th e ph one. Lo ck Mode als o re stricts access to menus and the Volume key .
Understandi ng Y our Phon e 17 Adjust the Rin g er T o adjust the Ringer volume in stand by mode, press th e V olume key up or do wn. 䊳 In standby mode, press the V olume key up or do wn to set the call ringer volume. Note: The Vibrate icon ( ) appears in the display when the phone is in Vi b r a t e mode.
18 Section 3: Call Functions This s ection ex plai ns the fe atures and fun ctionali ty assoc iated with m aking and answeri ng cal ls. Making a Call — Number Entr y Dialing 1. In standby mode, touch the Dia ler soft key to display the t ouch ke ypad.
Call Functions 19 1. In standby mode, touch the Dialer soft key to display the touch key pad. 2. Enter the number you wish to call. 3. T ouch the Add P ause sof t key . Select W ait or 2-Sec P ause. The res pective lette r (W or P) is ad ded to yo ur number entry .
20 T w o-T ouc h D ialing Memor y locations 010 through 030 are s p ecial T wo-T ouch dialing loca tions. F a v orites Scre en D iali ng Y ou can also dial Contacts entries w ith assigned Speed Dial numbers f rom the Fa v o r i t e s screen. 1. In standby mode, touch the Dia ler soft key to display the t ouch keypad.
Call Functions 21 Dialing a Name T o dial a name, do the follow ing: 1. In standby mode, touch the V oice Recogni tion key ( ). “ Say a Command ” appears in the display and is pronounced through the earpiec e. 2. Say , “ Call ”. Y ou are prompted to “ Say the name or # ”.
22 3. Say the telephone num ber of th e person you want to call. F or exampl e, say “7 8 1 9 7 0 5 2 0 0." If it recogni zes th e numb er , V o ice Di al repeats and dials th e number .
Call Functions 23 䊳 During an incoming call, touch the key . The caller is forwarded to your v oice mail. Adjusting the Call V olume 䊳 In standby mode, re peatedly touch the Vo l u m e key o n the left si de of phone until the Ca ll V o lume Level desi red appears in the display .
24 Section 4: Menu Na viga tion This s ection explains the menu navigation for your phone. It als o describes the menus available wi th your phone. Main Menu Na viga t ion Access menu s using the Me nu soft ke y , other soft ke ys, or ico ns on the Widget Bar or Sh ortcut Bar .
Menu Navigation 25 Note: Y ou can position a Widget icon as needed by touching, holding, and slidin g it. 4. T ouch a Widget icon on the standb y screen to launc h its function. Note: Y ou can return a Widget icon to the Widget Bar simply by touching, holding, and sliding the icon until it overlaps the Widget Bar .
26 Soft K eys The follo wing sof t keys are a vai lable during a ca ll: • Dia ler — Opens the Dialer screen to enable you to place another call while the current call remains ac tive. • Contacts — O pens the Co ntacts list sc reen. • Add T o Contacts — Le ts you add the other party’ s number to your Contac ts list.
Menu Navigation 27 Using Shor t cuts Bar Shortc uts are specia l icons tha t you can use to launch particular phone features and f unc tion s. Y ou can initia lly acce ss the short cu ts on your phone by displaying the Shortcuts Bar . Shor tc ut Ba r The Shortcut Bar provides icons that easily access phone features and functions.
28 Section 5: Under standing Y our Contacts This s ection explains how to manage your daily contacts by st oring their name and number in your Contacts.
Understan ding Y our Contacts 29 4. T ouch a phon e number field ( Mo bile , Mob ile 2 , Home , Wo r k , or Fa x ) or the e- mail address ( E-ma il ) field. The 3X4 Keypad text entry screen appears. If desired, select anothe r text entr y screen from the drop -down menu.
30 • Update existing — Lets yo u add th e numbe r or e -mail addre ss you j ust ente red to an exist ing Co ntacts entr y . Creatin g a new Conta cts entr y 1. T ouch Add New Contacts . 2. T o save the number as other than the first Mobile number , touch the button () The following (number type) icons appear in the display: 3.
Understan ding Y our Contacts 31 3. T ouch the Calls log you wish to review . T ouch the number you wish to store in yo ur Co ntact s lis t 4. T ouch the Add T o Contacts soft key to see the foll owing opti ons: • Add New Contacts — L ets you create a new Contacts en tr y .
32 2. T ouch the Search field and enter the first fe w characters of the name. 3. When t he desi red en tr y is l isted, do o ne of the fo llowing • T o dial the num ber asso ciated with th e n ame d Conta ct, touc h . • T o send a tex t, p ictur e or v ide o message, t ouch .
Understan ding Y our Contacts 33 Adding P aus es to Co ntacts Num be r s F or information on adding pause s to cont act numb ers, s ee “Manual P ause Ca lling ” on page 18. Speed Dial Numb er s Y ou can assign and change Speed Dial numb ers for Contacts entries.
34 R enam ing a Contacts Group Use t his op tion to ren ame a Group in your Contacts list. 1. In standby mode, touch the Menu soft key and touch Contacts . 2. In the drop -down menu at the top right, select Gr oups. T ouch the Rename soft key . 3. Select the Group (other than No Group), then touch the Rename soft key .
Messaging 35 Section 6: Messa ging This section explains how to creat e, send, receive, an d view differe nt types of messages. This sect ion also describes the features and functi onalit y asso ciated with messaging.
36 5. T ouch the Done soft ke y to prev iew your m essage. 6. If you choose, you can change or add recipients by touching the Edit Send to soft key a nd access more options by touch ing the More soft key . 7. T ouch the Send soft key . Creat ing an d Se nding a Picture Me ssage 1.
Messaging 37 2. Using the display as a viewfinder , wh en the image tha t you wish to send appears in the display , press the Ca mera key ( ) to t ake a picture. 3. T ouch the Send soft key ( ). If necessary , yo ur phone resizes your picture for sending, then the Picture Msg screen appears in the display showing the To list.
38 6. T ouch the Vi d e o field. Y ou are prompted to T ake a V ideo or to add a video clip from the My Videos folder . 7. T ouch the Send button to save the video and return to the Video Msg screen. 8. T o preview you r Video message, touch the Previe w soft k ey .
Messaging 39 8. T o complete and send your message, refer to st eps 3 – 9 of “Creating and Sending a Video Message” on pa ge 37. Messa ge Sending Options Y ou can set priority , validi ty , and other options before you send a message.
40 R eceiv e M essages in C ha t View When you exchange a series of text messages with a single Contact or number , yo u can view your incoming messages and your sent messages as if they were a “chat session”.
Messaging 41 Messa ges and Loc k Mode Y our phone can st ill receiv e messages while in Loc k Mode. The time and date o f th e message appear in the disp lay , but you cannot access the message until y ou enter the lock code. F or more informa tio n, refer to “L ock Phone” on page 72.
42 Section 7: WEB This section outlin es how to launch the Bro wser , how to navigate to other pages on the web, an d how the k eys on the keypad a re used with the web a ppl icat ion.
WEB 43 Brow ser soft k e ys At the bottom of the Browse r screen is a bar that co ntains b rowser commands. The Left and Right so ft ke ys are used to e xecute the browser command s that appear in their resp ect ive corners o f the di splay . These ar e called “soft keys” bec ause the ir function changes dependi ng on the a pplica tion.
44 Back — Displays the previously viewed web page, if any . Forward — Display s the previously vi ewed web page, if an y . Refresh — Reload s and disp lays t he current web page. Home — Load s and displays t he web page designated as your “home page”.
Multimedia 45 Section 8: Multimedia This section outlines your phone’ s multimed ia func tions and ke y features associ ated with multime dia. Accessing Multimedia 1.
46 Camcor der Using the camcorder module in your ph one, you can shoot videos of people or events. Y ou can also adjust the re solution a nd appearanc e of you r videos. • Entering Camcor der Mode: – In stan dby mode, press and hold the Ca mera key ( ) — on the right side o f the phone — then , sel ect .
Multimedia 47 3. Whil e view ing a pi cture, se lect one of t he fo llowing opt ions: • Zoom butt on — Lets y ou magn ify the cur rent imag e. •C A N V A S bu tton — Lets you us e the c urr ent i mage t o creat e a Pos tcar d messa ge. • Full s creen button — Expa nds the cu rrent image to fill the display .
48 If the re are v ideos stored in yo ur phone or on an opti onal Memor y Card, up to seven thumbnail images from your vide os appear in the Vi d e o s screen. 2. T o take a new vi deo, to uch th e More soft key and touch Camcorder . The camcorder view finder scr een appears in the display .
Multimedia 49 My Ringtones My Ringtones lets you assign ringtone s (preloaded and do wnloaded ) for calls, al erts, and as d istinctive ringers for Contacts. 1. F rom the Multim edia menu, touch My Ringt ones . A list of ri ngtones appea rs in the display .
50 My Sounds My Sounds lets you record voice memos and lets you assign preloaded an d downloaded sou nd files as ringers for calls, a larms , and ot her alert s.
Multimedia 51 Note: The maximum length for a voice memo in “Limit for Message” mode is 60 seconds. In “Until Memor y Full” mode, the time limit is determined by available memor y . Y ou can sa ve as man y voice memos as will fit i n the empty memor y ca paci ty .
52 Section 9: Applica tions A number of preloade d (or downloadab le) applica tions are a vaila ble from y our Wireless Carrier . These are some of the a pplica tions a vai lable f rom the Main Me nu or Widget Bar: F acebook, M usic Pl ayer , Alarm Clock , Ca lendar , Blutooth and T ools.
Applications 53 Set an Alar m 1. Fr o m t h e Main menu , touch Alar m Clock . 2. T ouch the New Ala rm soft key . The follo wing Alarm options appear in the display: • Ala rm Name — Populated with t he defaul t name, Alarm . T o change , select this fiel d and e nter a ne w nam e.
54 Not e: If the alarm is set to repeat on one or more days, the alarm icon remains in the top of the display . If the alarm was set as a once only alarm (no repea t day selected), the alarm icon disappears from the top of the display . T ur n Of f an Al ar m 1.
Applications 55 Add a Ne w Ev ent 1. Fr o m t h e Main menu, touch Calendar . Highlight the desired date. 2. T ouch the New Ev ent soft ke y and e nter the ev ent Ti t l e . 3. Selec t each o f th e following New Eve nt op tion s: •S t a r t D a t e — Popula ted with high light ed Ca lendar dat e.
56 2. Naviga te to and select a desired date. The calendar is replaced by the Daily View for the selected da te, listing all events sche duled for this d ate. 3. Select an Event to view . The current se ttings for the selecte d Ev ent appear in the display in a scro llable list.
Applications 57 • “ Bluetooth P ower On ” po ps-up in t he di spla y . • The blue Bluetoo th On ico n ( ) appears on the statu s bar . • The Search button be comes high lighted in blue. T ur n Bluetooth Of f 1. Fr o m t h e Main menu, touch Bluetooth .
58 Not e: If you are pairing and connecting to another phone or to a personal computer , both devices prompt for a passkey or PIN. T o successfully pair and connect your phone with the other device, the same passkey or PIN must be entered on both devices.
Applications 59 • Ser vice list — Lists the Blu etooth services suppor ted by yo ur pho ne. • Device Info — Shows the device nam e, T yp e of devi ce, Sta tus, and devi ce Addre ss.
60 V oic e Commands T o access the Voice Commands menu: 䊳 In standby mode, touch and hold the V oice Recogn ition key ( ), on the right side of the phone. – Or – Fr o m t h e To o l s menu, touch V oice Serv ice ➔ V oi ce Commands . Say the command you want to use.
Applications 61 Memo Pad The Memo P ad applica tion cr eate s notes a nd stores the m. Return to Memo Pad an ytime to review , edi t, er ase and send your memos. Wo r l d T i m e W orld Time lets you set up to four c locks to the time of day or n ight in any of th e 24 different time zones around the world.
62 Setting a Wor ld Clock The home c lock is set to a de fault time and city and is label ed with the nam e of th e city . T o change t his or another World Clock sett i ng, do the following: 1. Fr o m t he T ools menu, touc h Wor l d Ti me . 2. Select the c lock you wish to set to a new t ime zone.
Applications 63 By changing your 2nd Clock, you can quickly and easil y keep track of the time in a new city an d at home. 1. Fr o m t h e T ools menu, touch Wo r l d Ti m e . 2. T ouch the Set as 2nd Clock soft k ey . 3. Selec t the W orl d Clock yo u prefer as your 2nd Clock.
64 Cur r ency — R eview ing/Editing and Adding Exc hange Rates The Currenc y Converter incl udes long-term average exchange rates as default v alues. Y ou can review or change a def ault exch ange rate to the current exchange ra te or add a currenc y and its exchange rate.
Changing Y our Setti ngs 65 Section 10: C hanging Y our Settings This section explains how to customize your phone to suit your needs and preferenc es. Settings Menu 䊳 T o acce ss t he Settings menu, select Menu ➔ Settings . The Setti ngs menu appears in the display .
66 2. T o enab le/disab le a partic ular widge t, select t he assoc iated opti on in th e Widget screen. A check mark appears in/disappe ars from the option ’ s check box. 3. T o enable/d isable all a vaila ble widgets, select Select All / Unselect All .
Changing Y our Setti ngs 67 2. T o adjust t he bac kli ght brig htness, touch, hold, and slide the Level button left or right. T o save your new setting, touch th e Save soft key . Sounds Settings The Sounds Settings menu provid es a vari ety of options to customize audio properties for s uch thing s as ringers , key pad to nes al er ts, and more.
68 • V oice C alls — Lets y ou sel ect whi ch ri ngt one, soun d fi le, and /or o ne of a set of ri ngto nes and/or sound file s pla ys when you re ceiv e a voi ce cal l. •T e x t M e s s a g e — Lets y ou se lect which ringt one o r sound fi le p lays wh en you r eceive a T e xt Me ssage.
Changing Y our Setti ngs 69 Ke y T o n e Key T one l ets you select the vo lume and t he length of the DTMF tones th at the phone sends when dialing. 䊳 F rom the Settings menu, select Sounds Settings ➔ Key T one .
70 Au t o A n s w e r With Auto Ans wer enabled, your pho ne auto matic ally a nswers ca lls afte r a period o f time tha t you select. 䊳 F rom the Settings menu, select Call S etting s ➔ Auto Answer . Make your selection and touch the OK soft key to save.
Changing Y our Setti ngs 71 Note: The “ Enabli ng TTY ma y Impair Heads et Use and Non -TTY Acces sory Per form ance. ” message pops up when you select TTY Mod e . 2. T o access th e TTY Mode settings, touch the Ye s soft key . T o return to the Call Settings sub-menu , touch the No soft key .
72 Lang ua ge The lan guage option on your phon e can change the language of voice prompts, menus, and key-inp ut. 1. Fr o m t h e Setti ngs menu, select Phone Settings ➔ Language to select English or Español .
Changing Y our Setti ngs 73 during use, or set the phone to lock au tomatically when it is turned on. With th e phone in lock mode, you can answer inco ming calls, but you mu st unlock the phone to plac e outg oing ca lls (e xcept to emerg enc y and secret numbers).
74 Emer gency Number s Y our phone provides the option of st orin g three emergenc y numbers. Each number can be up to 32 digits in le ngth. All emerg enc y numbers ca n be ma nually c alled at any time, even when your phone is locked or rest ricted. Not e: Emergenc y number 911 is hard-coded into your phone.
Changing Y our Setti ngs 75 R eset Phone Reset Phone returns all Settings to their factory default values. 1. Fr o m t h e Setti ngs menu, select Phone Setti ngs ➔ Sec urity . Y ou’re prompted to enter t he lock c ode. Note: The default lock code is the last four digits of your telephone number .
76 Not e: The default lock code is the last four digits of your telephone number . 2. Select the lock code fi eld, en ter th e lock code, a nd touch the OK soft key . 3. Sele ct Res tr ict i ons . The following options a ppear in th e display: • Outgoing Calls — When set to Allo w N on e , restr icts t he phon e from o rigi nat ing cal ls.
デバイスSamsung Finesse GH68-25119Aの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Samsung Finesse GH68-25119Aをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSamsung Finesse GH68-25119Aの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Samsung Finesse GH68-25119Aの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Samsung Finesse GH68-25119Aで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Samsung Finesse GH68-25119Aを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSamsung Finesse GH68-25119Aの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Samsung Finesse GH68-25119Aに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSamsung Finesse GH68-25119Aデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。