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User Man ual.
2 PORT A BLE ALL DIGIT A L M OBI LE PHONE User Manual Please read this man ual before operating your phone, a nd keep it for fu ture re ference . Intellectual Propert y All Intell ectual Property, as .
3 secured by the In tellectual P roperty. Moreover, you agree that you will not (and will not attempt to) modi fy, prepar e derivative works of, reverse engineer, decompi le, disas semble, or otherwise attempt to c reate source code from th e s oftware.
4 ACCESS ® and NetFront TM are trademarks or registered trademarks of A CCESS Co., Ltd. in J apan and other countries. The Bluetooth ® word ma rk, figure mark (stylized “B Design”), and combination mar k (Bluetooth word mark and “B Des ign”) are registered trade marks and are w holly owned by the B luetooth SIG.
6 Table of Cont ents Sectio n 1: Ge tting Star ted ....................................................... 12 Understanding th is User Manual ............................................. 12 Ac tivating your P hone ....................................
7 Recent Calls ............................................................................ 59 Voice Command s .................................................................... 63 Fake Call ..........................................................
8 Messaging Setti ngs ............................................................... 100 Sectio n 6: Und ersta nding Y our Con tacts ............................ 103 Adding a New C ontact ........................................................... 103 Erasing Contacts .
9 Mobile Web ............................................................................ 142 Br owse & Download .............................................................. 142 Extras ............................................................
10 VZ Navigator .......................................................................... 186 Section 11: Web ..................................................................... 188 Mobile Web .......................................................
11 Battery Precautio ns ............................................................... 227 Care and Mainte nance .......................................................... 229 Section 13 : War rant y Informat ion .....................................
12 Section 1: Getting Started This secti on allows you to quick ly start using your phone by installi ng and charging the battery, activ ating your s ervice, and setting up voi cemail. Understanding t his User Manual The sections of thi s manual general ly follow the features of your phone.
13 Special Text Throughout this manual, you’ll fi nd text that is set apart fr om the rest. These are intended to p oint out i mportant information, s hare quick methods for activating featur es, to define ter ms, and more.
14 Arrow Right - A rrows are used to represent the “hi ghlight, then select” steps in longer, or repetiti ve, procedures. For e xample: From the Home screen, press OK MEN U then S ettings & Tool s then Messa ging the n New Message then TXT M essage .
15 time. A fully disc harged battery re quires up to 4 hours of charge time. After the first cha rge, you can use the phone while charging. Importan t ! : Use only Samsung - approved chargi ng devic es and batteries. Samsu ng access ories are designed to maximize batter y life.
16 Installi ng the ba tter y cover • Slide the battery cover up until it s naps into place. Installi ng the B a tter y 1. Remove the batter y cover (see “Rem oving the batter y cover” on page 17 .) 2. Insert the battery into the phone, ali gning the gold contacts on the battery with the gol d contacts in the phone.
17 3. Install the battery cov er (see “instal ling the battery cover” on page 16 ). Remo ving the B atter y 1. Remove the batter y cover (see “Rem oving the batter y cover” on page 17 ) 2. Lift the battery from the bottom end (see arro w 1) and remove.
18 3. Install the battery cov er (see “Instal ling the battery c over” on page 16) Chargi ng the B atte r y Your phone comes with a USB cabl e and charging head to rapidly charge your phone from an y 120/220 VAC o utlet. Note : The b attery comes partiall y charged.
19 2. Pull the Acc essory Port cover out and turn t o expos e the port. 3. Insert the USB cabl e into the port. 4. Plug the chargin g head into a standard AC power outl et. 5. When charging i s complete, unpl ug the charging head from the power outlet and remove the USB cable from t he phone.
20 When using a no n-supported batt ery you will hear a series of beeps and you will see a warning m essage. If you rec eive this warning, battery charging has bee n disabled. Samsung chargi ng access ories (such as a wall c harger, and cigarette lighter a dapter) will onl y charge a Samsung approved battery.
21 Set-up Wizard Set basic prefere nces, to start usi ng your phone q uickly. 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU t hen Settin gs & Tools th en Set - up Wiz ard . 2. Follow the promp ts to set preferen ces for these setti ngs: • Call Sounds : Choose ho w your phone alerts you to incoming c alls.
22 • Display Themes : Selec t a theme for your ph one’s displays. • Main Men u La yout : Choose a l ayout for the Main menu. • Main Clock : Select a format fo r the Main c lock on the Home screen. • Front Clo ck : Sel ect a format for t he clock that appears on the external di splay.
23 2. Follow the scree n prompts to choos e settings for Call Sounds, Ke y pa d Volume, Text Aler t, Multimedia Alert , and Voicemail Alert . Easy Set- up for Di spla ys 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU t hen Settin gs & Tools th en Disp lay Settings the n Eas y Set- up .
24 your phone with a TT Y device, you’l l need to enable TTY Mode. For more informa tion about TT Y settings, see “TTY M ode” on page 171. Roaming When you travel outside your home network’s c overage area, your phone can r oam to acquire s ervice on other c ompatible digital networks .
25 Checking Voice mail 1. Press and hold t he [1 Key] Voicemail Ke y . – or – Press [ASTERIK Ke y] then [8 Key] then [6 K ey], then press Send. 2. Enter your password, the n press [POUND Ke y]. 3. Follow the record ed prompts to listen to m essages and manage your voi cemail.
26 Sec tion 2: U nderst anding Y our Pho ne This secti on outlines key features of your phone as well as screens and ic ons that display wh en the phone is i n use.
27 • VGA Camera • Advanced Voice Commands , using Nuance Voi ce Recognition tec hnology. • Speakerphone • Bluetooth ® Wireless Technol ogy (see Note) Note : The Gusto TM supports the fol lowing Bluetooth profiles : Headset, Hands free, Serial Port, Object P ush for vCard and vCalendar, a nd Phonebook A ccess .
28 Features 1. Camera Lens : The lens of the bui lt-i n camera. 2. Volume Ke y : P ress to adjus t Master Volume or a djust voice v olume during a call.
29 Open View of Your Ph one.
30 Features 1. Earpiece : Allo ws you to hear the other cal ler. 2. Directional and OK Ke ys : Press to bro wse left, right, up and down. Press the OK Key to sel ect a highlighted i tem. 3. Left Sof t Ke y : Press to select the c hoice indi cated at the lower left area of the display sc reen.
31 Navigation Ke ys Directional Ke y Press the Directi onal Key to bro wse menus and l ists, or to launch applic ations from the Hom e screen. Directio nal Ke y Shor tcuts From the Home screen, press a Directional Ke y Up , D ow n , Left or Ri ght to l aunch its correspondi ng application.
32 *Press the Directi onal Key to select a m enu item. Tip : Customize Di rectional Ke y shortcuts to launch your favorite applic ations. For more inf ormation, see “S et My Shortcuts” on page 160. Soft Ke ys Soft key function s are defined by what appears abov e them, in the bottom line of the displa y.
33 Left Sof t Ke y Some functions of the Left S oft Key are: • From th e Home sc reen, press the Left Soft Ke y Message t o open the Messag ing menu. • When the Le ft S oft Ke y function is Settings , press to c hoose settings for the fe ature. • When the Le ft S oft Ke y function i s Edit , press to e dit the item or field.
34 • Press and hold the End/ Pow er Ke y to turn your p hone on or off. • Press the End/Pow er Key to disconnect a cal l. • Press the End/Pow er Key to return to the h ome screen from any menu, or to cancel the l ast input. • Press the End/Pow er Key to send an inc oming call to Voicemail .
35 down to activate Sounds Off/Norm al mode. • During c alls, press the V olume K ey to adj ust voice v olume. • During mus ic playback, pres s the Volum e Key to adj ust audio volume. • Press the Volume Ke y to mute the ringtone of an incoming call.
36 launch the camer a. • Whi le in Camera mode, pres s the Camera Ke y to take a photo. Vibrate M ode Ke y Use the Vibrate Mode Ke y to control Vibrate Only mode: • From th e Home sc reen, press and hold the V ibrat e Mode Key to set your phone to V ibrate Only mode.
37 Understanding t he Home Screen The Home scree n is the starting poi nt for using you r phone. Features 1. A nn u nci a tor Li n e : Pres ents icons to s how network s tatus, battery power, and c onnection de tails. For a lis t of icons, see “Annunciator Line Icons” on page 39.
38 Changing the W allpaper Select a back ground image for th e Lock Screen a nd Home screen, from pre- loaded images, o r your own pic tures. For more information, see “Wallpaper” on p age 155. Customiz ing B anner s Create a person al banner, or enabl e a network status banner, to appear on the Home s creen.
39 Home S creen I cons Annuncia tor Line Icons Digital Signal St rength : The number of bars show signal strength. More bars indicate s tronger signal. 1X CDM A Signa l Streng th : The number of bars s how signal s trength. More bars indi cate stronger signal.
40 Data Call : A data c onnection is ac tive, and data is being transmitted and received. Data Dor mant : A data connection i s active, but no dat a is being transmi tted or received. No Ser v ice : No coverage is available. You cannot send or receive call s or messages.
41 E911 Onl y : GPS l o cation i nformation is available to the net work only while on Emergency calls . For more information, see “Location De tection” on page 162. Locatio n On : GPS locati on information is avail able to the network. For more information about thi s setting, s ee “Location Detecti on” on page 162 .
42 Bluetoo th Con nected : The phone i s paired with anoth er Bluetooth devi ce. For more informa tion, see “Adding a New Device” on page 130. Bluetoo th Acti ve : The phone is exchanging infor mation with anot her Bluetooth devic e. Batter y Level : B attery charge indi cator.
43 Vibrate On : Master Volume i s set to Vibrate Only. The phone will vibrate for calls and alerts. Unread Msg : You have a ne w, unread text message. Voicemail : You have new voicem ail. Missed Calls : Y ou have miss ed calls. Calendar E vent : You have an act ive calendar event.
44 Al a r m O n : You have an al arm set. A uto A ns w er : The Auto w/ Hands free Answer Option is enabled. For mo re information, see “Answer Options ” on page 170. Unders tandin g the Men u The Menu is the s tarting point for launc hing applic ations and features.
45 Choosing a Me nu La yout Choose from Ta b, List, or Grid menu l ayouts. For more information, see “Main Menu Lay out” on page 156 . Menu I tems These items app ear on the Menu by default. Media Center : L aunch the Media Center menu, for the mu ltimedia features of your phone.
46 Messaging : Acces s your phone’s messaging featur es. For more info rmation, see “Messaging” on page 80. My Ringto nes : Choose sounds f or incoming c alls, Contact ID, Alerts, and Fake Call Voic e. For more informa tion, see “Sounds Sett ings” on page 147.
47 Recent Calls : Open the Rec ent Calls log, to view recent rec eived, mis sed and dialed calls . For more information, see “ Recent Calls” on page 59 .
48 • From the home s creen, press OK MENU then [6 Ke y] Contacts then G roups . Menu Outline 1: Media Center 1: Tunes & Tone s 1: Get New Ringt ones 1: Get New Appli cations 2: Get Ringback Tone.
49 1: Get New Appli cations 6: Extras 1: Get New Appli cations 2: Messaging 1: New Message 1: TXT Message 2: Picture Mess age 3: Voice Mess age 2: Messages 3: Drafts 4: Voicemail 5: Mobile IM 6: Email.
50 1: Add New Devi ce 6: Conta cts 1: New Contact 2: Contact List 3: Backup As sistant 4: Groups 1: Business 2: Colleague 3: Family 4: Friends 5: Speed Dials 6: In Case of Emergenc y 7: My Name Car d .
51 9: Settings & T ools 1: My Verizon 2: Master Volum e 3: Tools 1: Voice Comma nds 2: Calculator 1: Normal 2: Tip 3: Converter 1: Temperature 2: Length 3: Weight 4: Area 5: Volume 6: Currency 3: .
52 6: Sounds Settin gs 1: Easy Set- up 2: Call Sounds 1: Call Ringtone 1: Get New Ringt ones 1: Get New Appli cations 2: Call Vibrate 3: Caller ID Read out 3: Alert Sounds 1: TXT Message 1: Tone 1: Ge.
53 3: Reminder 6: Device Conne ct 7: Battery Charg e Alert 4: Keypad Sound s 5: Keypad Volum e 6: Digit Dial Readout 7: Service Al erts 1: ERI 2: Minute Beep 3: Call Connect 4: Software Upd ate 8: Pow.
54 5: Wallpaper 1: Main Screen 2: Front Screen 6: Display Themes 7: Main Menu Layout 8: Font Size 9: Clock Format 1: Main Clock 2: Front Clock 10: Home Screen Font C olor 8: Phone Settings 1: Airplane.
55 1: Edit Codes 1: Phone Onl y 2: Calls & Serv ices 2: Restrictions 1: Location Setting 2: Calls 1: Incoming Call s 2: Outgoing Calls 3: Messages 1: Incoming Mes sages 2: Outgoing Mess ages 3: Ph.
56 1: Select Port 2: Port Speed 7: DTMF Tones 8: Fake Call 1: Fake Call On/Off 2: Fake Call Tim er 3: Fake Call Voi ce 4: Fake Contact Info 10: Memory 1: Memory Usag e 2: My Pictures 3: My Ringtones 4.
57 Sec tion 3: C all Func tions This secti on describes how to mak e, answer, and end cal ls. It also inc ludes information about th e Recent Calls log and Voice Commands. Making a Call Your phone offers multiple ways to m ake calls : • Enter the ph one or speed dial number, then press SEND.
58 microphone so th e other caller c annot hear your v oice. • Whi le in a call , press the Right So ft Ke y Options f or these options: • Messagi ng : Displ ay the New Mess age menu, to create a new Text, Pictu re, or Voice Mes sage. • Contacts List : O pen Contact list to v iew your contacts .
59 Sending Calls to Voice mail Ignoring a call s ends the caller direc tly to voicemail, and stops the incoming c all ringtone. Use on e of these methods to ignore an incoming c all: • Press the Left S oft Ke y Quiet to silenc e the ringer.
60 Received : Ans wered calls. Dialed : Outgoing c alls. • Al l : All, mis sed, receiv ed and dialed call s. • View Timers : Statistic s about calls. 3. Calls displ ay by date, time and contact or phon e number. If the number is s aved as a contact, the c all record incl udes icons to i ndicate the type of number.
61 • Erase A ll : Delet e all cal l records of this t ype. • View Timers : Displ ays call statistics . Making Calls Us ing Recent Call s 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Re cent Calls . – or – From the home s creen, press SE ND to vie w All Calls .
62 Deleting Recent Calls Records 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Re cent Calls . – or – From the home s creen, press SE ND to vie w All Calls . 2. Find a call from All Calls, Misse d Calls, Recei ved Calls , or Dialed Call s . 3. Highlight a call record, then press the R ight S oft K ey Options then Erase .
63 Voice C omman ds Voice Command s is adv anced speech recognition software that recognizes your spoken commands to dial phone numbers , create messages, and l aunch phone featur es. To use Voice Co mmands, speak naturally into your phone, at a distance of 3-12 i nches.
64 2. At the prompt “ Pl ease say a com mand .”, say “ Cal l ”, followed by: • “< A Co ntact Na me >”, to call the default telephone number for a con tact. Or, say “Call ”, followed by the type of number, Mobile 1, Home, or Business .
65 4. The new message opens , with the To: field popul ated with your selection(s). Continue creatin g the message. For more information, s ee “Messaging” on page 80. Go to <Me nu> Access a menu item by speaking t he menu’s name. 1. From the Home s creen, press and hol d the [0 Key] Voice Recogniti on Ke y .
66 • Status : Di splays and announces s tatus indicators in sequence. • Voicema il : Displa ys the number of new voic email messages. • Messages : Displa ys and announces the number of ne w voicemai l, TXT, and Picture mess ages. • Missed C alls : Displ ays the missed c all log.
67 1. From the Home s creen, press and hol d the [0 Key] Voice Recogniti on Ke y . – or – With the flip c losed, press and hold the S peaker phone Key . 2. At the audio prompt “ Please sa y a command ”, s ay “ Contac ts ”, foll owed by a comma nd: • Call : Call s the contact’s default number.
68 Dri v i ng Mod e On Activate Driv ing Mode. For more informati on, see “Dri ving Mode” on page 68. 1. From the Home s creen, press and hol d the [0 Key] Voice Recogniti on Ke y . - or – With the flip c losed, press and hold the S peaker phone Key .
69 Help Display helpful information for usi ng Voice Comma nds. 1. From the Home s creen, press and hol d the [0 Key] Voice Recogniti on Ke y . – or – With the flip c losed, press and hold the S peaker phone Key . 2. At the audio prompt “ Please sa y a command ”, s ay “ Help ”.
70 command. Selec t A utoma tic , A l w ays Confirm , or Never Confirm . • Sensiti vity : Select a s etting: • More Sens iti ve if the phone frequ ently does not recognize names, num bers, or commands . • Automa tic for th e default sensiti vity level.
71 • Choose Voice Ke y/Flip to launc h with the Voic e Commands ke y(s), OR by flipping the phone open. • A bout : View information about V oic e Commands. Tip : For most settings , you can press the Left Soft Key Info for more information about the s ettin g.
72 • Fake Con tact I nfo : Enter fak e contact i nformation to appear in the ph one’s displ ay when a Fake Call i s ringing, or choos e Restricted to h ave the Fake Call appear to be from a Restricted num ber. Initiating a Fake Call From idle mode with th e phone clos ed, press the Speakerphone Key 4 times.
73 2. At the audio prompt “ Please sa y a command ”, s ay “ Tur n Dri v i ng Mod e On ”. Enabli ng Dri ving Mod e in Se ttings 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then S ounds S ettin gs then D ri ving Mod e . 2.
74 Sectio n 4: En teri ng T ext Your phone provi des conveni ent ways to enter wo rds, letters, punctuation, and numbers when you need to enter text. This section des cribes text input modes and entering charac ters or symbols, usi ng the keypad.
75 Note : Avail able text entr y modes will depend o n the t ype of field. When you are en tering text, the Ri ght Sof t Ke y shows the current text entr y mode.
76 Enterin g Text using P alabra Palabra is a pred ictive text entry mode for Sp anish that recognizes c ommon words matc hing the sequenc e of your key presses and ins erts the most common word into your text. Palabra requires onl y one key press per letter of the word, and i s much faster than traditional text entry.
77 While entering te xt: • Press the appropri ate key once for the fi rst letter on the ke y, twice for the second l etter, three times for the third letter, and four times for the fourth lette r. • When the c orrect letter displ ays, pause briefl y to adv ance to the next letter, or press another ke y.
78 • To s witch to Symbols m ode, press the Left S oft Ke y Entr y Mode then S ym b ol s . To enter symbols : • Use the Dir ectional Ke y to highlight a s ymbol, then press OK to insert it.
79 Enterin g Domai n Exte nsions Use Domain Ext ensions to ins ert common internet s ymbols or phrases, such as @, .com, or .veri • To s witch to Domain Extensi ons mode, press the Left S oft Key Entr y Mode then D omai n Extensi ons .
80 Sectio n 5: Messag i ng This secti on explains how to send and receive mess ages, and other features an d functionality ass ociated with mess aging.
81 2. At the NEW TXT MESSAGE screen, enter up to 1 0 recipients i n the To : fields: • Press the Ri ght S oft Ke y Ad d to selec t recipi ents from: • From Contac ts : Choose contacts from the Contacts List. • Recent Calls : Choose numbers from Recent Calls.
82 • Format T ext : Ch ange the Alignm ent, Font Size, Font Style, Text Colo r, and Background Color. (Not avai lable for text message s that have Email addresses as recipients.) • Priority L e v el : S et the urgenc y of the message, to Hi gh or Normal.
83 • From Contac ts : Choose contacts from the Contacts List. • Recent Calls : Choose numbers from Recent Calls. • Groups : Choose a contac ts Group. • To Online Album : Send the message to your Online Album. • To Blogs : S end the mes sage to a blog.
84 or Normal. • Add Sli de/Remove Slide : Add a second s lide to the message, or dele te the current sl ide from the mess age. • Cancel M essage : Cancel the me ssage, with the o ption to save it in the Drafts folder.
85 • A dd Slide/Remo ve Slide : Delete the current slide. • Cancel M essage : Cancel the me ssage, with the option to save it i n the Drafts folder.
86 • Press OK STOP to stop recordi ng and attach it to t he message. 3. At the NEW VOICE MSG screen, enter reci pients: • Press the Rig ht Soft Ke y Ad d to select rec ipients: • From Contac ts : Choose contacts from the Contacts List. • Recent Calls : Choose numbers from Recent Calls.
87 • Priority L e v el : S et the urgenc y of the message, to Hi gh or Normal. • Cancel M essage : Cancel the me ssage, with the o ption to save it in the Drafts folder. 6. Use the Directional Ke y to move to the Subject : fi eld to enter a subject fo r the message, if desired.
88 Viewing Text Messages When you receiv e a text message, the al ert sounds (unless turned off), and New Text Message appe ars in the di splay. 1. At the New Message prompt, pres s OK to View Now . 2. Press OK REPLY to respond to the mes sage with a ne w Text, Picture, or Voice mess age.
89 Large. Viewing Picture or Voice Messa ges When you receive a Picture or Voic e message, the alert sounds (unless turned of f), and New M ultimedia Msg app ears in the display. 1. At the New Message prompt, pres s OK to View N ow. 2. After loading, the attac hment (and text, if an y), the message appears in the displ ay.
90 • Save Pic ture : S ave the attached picture to M y Pictures. (Picture mess ages only.) • Save Sou nd : (V oice or Picture mes sage with atta ched Sound) Save the attac hed sound to M y Sounds. • Sa ve as Ringtone : (Voice or Pi cture mess age with attached Sound) Save the attache d sound as a ringtone.
91 Message Folders Messages are s tored in the message fol ders, depending on your selections for Inbox View in Message S ettings. Tip : To scroll through all mess ages in the Messages, Sent, or Drafts folder, ope n one message, t hen press the Directional Ke y Left or Right.
92 4. To send a reply mes sage, press the Lef t Soft K e y Reply . 5. While viewing the li st of contacts/mess ages, use the Directional Ke y to highlight a c ontact/number, then press the Right S oft K ey Options for thes e options: • Erase : Del ete the highli ghted mess age thread.
93 1. From the Home s creen, press the Le ft Soft K ey M essage then Inbox . 2. Use the Directional Ke y to scr oll through the list of messages. Hi ghlight a message, t hen press the Left So ft Key Erase to del ete the message, or press OPE N t o view the message.
94 message. • Sort b y Sender : List al l messages in the Inbox by Sender. • Sort by Si z e : Lis t all mes sages in the Inbox by Siz e. • View by Contact : Change the In box view setting. Sent fold er When the Inbox V iew setting is set to Ti me, outgoi ng messages are stored in the Sent message fo lder by date and ti me.
95 recipient(s), plus new recipients if des ired. • Lock/Unl ock : Lo ck or unlock the message to prev ent deletion. • Add To C ontac ts : Save the num ber of the sender to Contacts as a ne w entry or additional to an existing entry. • Erase S ent : Delete all m essages from the Sen d box.
96 • Add To C ontac ts : Save the num ber of the reci pient(s) to Contacts as a new entry or addi tional to an existing entry. • Erase Dr afts : Erase all draft messages. • Sort b y Recipie nt : List al l messages b y the first addressee. • Sort b y Time/T ype : List mes sages by type (Text, Picture or Voice) or by time create d.
97 Mobile IM Mobile IM allows you to send and receive instant mes sages from your phone. Note: You’ll need to create the Instant Mess age account usi ng a PC before acc essing it on your ph one. 1. From the Home s creen, press the Le ft Soft K e y Message then Mobile IM .
98 1. From the Home s creen, press the Le ft Soft K e y Message then Email then Mobile Email . 2. Follow the promp ts for subscribi ng. Note : Subs cription, data usage or airtime c harges ma y apply, depending on yo ur plan. Contact Veriz on Wireless for more information.
99 depending on yo ur plan. Contact Veriz on Wireless for more information. 3. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght an Email prov ider, then press OK: • Window s Li ve • A OL Mail • Yahoo! Mail • Veriz • Search for other web Email providers.
100 • Rate Hot ties • Best M obile Pix • More : Choose buzzd or e vi t e • Search for other chat sites 3. Use the on-screen appl ication spec ific functions and options to use th e Chat applicati ons. Messagi ng Se ttings Define settings for mes sages sent and recei ved on your phone.
101 messages, the ol dest text messag e is replaced with a new one. Picture and video messages are replaced when the phone’ s memory is full. Choos e Off to disabl e automatic erasur es. • Messagi ng Fo nt Siz e : Set the default s ize for displa y of message text to Normal or Large .
102 Choose Off to omit a c allback number (you can manuall y add a callback number to i ndividual messages). • Signatur e : Choo se Custom to add a si gnature to all messages, then us e the Directional Ke y to move to the signature field to create the signat ure.
103 Sectio n 6: Unders tanding Y our Con tacts This secti on allows you to manag e your daily cont acts by saving information in Co ntacts. Contacts provide s acces s to powerful features such as Groups, creating and sen ding vCards, and viewing the pho ne number assigned to your phone by Verizo n Wireless .
104 6. When you’re finis hed entering information, pres s OK S AV E to save the conta ct. Contacts Fiel ds These icons repr esent all avai lable fields for Contac ts. Mobile 1 : Enter the c ontact’s Primar y mobile telephone number. Home : Enter t he contac t’s Home telephone number.
105 Fax : Enter the c ontact’s Fax telephone number. Personal Email : Enter the contact’ s Personal Email address . Business Email : Enter a Work E mail address. IM Screen Nam e : Enter the Insta nt Messaging s creen name. Picture : C hoose a P icture ID for the contac t.
106 Group : E nter the c ontact’s Group assignment. Pres s the Left S oft Ke y Set to choose a Group f rom the Groups li st. Home A ddr ess Street : Enter the Home street address. Home Address City : Enter the H ome city. Home Address State : Enter the Hom e state.
107 Work Address City : Enter the Work city. Work Address State : Enter the W ork state. Work A ddress Z ip Code : Enter t he Work Zip Code. Work Address C ountr y : Enter t he Work country. Compan y : Enter the contac t’s place of employment. Title : Ent er the contact’s job title.
108 Birthda y : Enter t he contact’s date of bi rth. Notes : E nter Notes about the c ontact. Adding a New Contact fr om the K eypad Enter a telephon e number with th e external ke ypad, then save it. 1. From the Home s creen, use the ke ypad to enter the telephone number.
109 2. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght a call record. 3. Press the Rig ht Soft Ke y Option s then Sa ve to Conta cts then A dd N ew Contact . 4. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght Mobile 1 , Mobile 2 , Home , Bus iness or Fa x , then pres s OK .
110 Editing a Conta ct Make changes to an existing cont act. 1. From the Home s creen, press the R ight So ft Ke y Contacts . 2. Find a contact, by press ing the Di rectional Ke y to browse contacts, or see “ Finding a Contac t” on page 113. Use the Directional Ke y to highlight the c ontact, then press the Left Sof t Ke y Edit .
111 5. Continue editing fields, or press OK S AV E to save the contact. Editing a Conta ct from Recent Calls Save a telephon e number from a c all record to a contact. 1. From the home s creen, press SE ND to view A ll C alls . 2. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght a call record, then press OK to vi ew the call record.
112 2. Press the Rig ht Soft Ke y Option s then Manage Contacts . 3. Choose an option: • Erase : M ark multi ple contact(s) for del etion. • Lock : Mark mul tiple contact(s ) to lock. Locked c ontacts cannot be deleted. • Unlock : M ark multi ple contact(s) to unlock .
113 3. Enter the phone number up to the pause or wait, then press the Rig ht Soft Ke y Option s to select an opt ion: • A dd 2 -Sec Paus e : Stops the dialing s equence for two seconds, then au tomaticall y dials the remaining digi ts. A “P” appears in th e field to indic ate the pause.
114 3. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght a contact, then us e these options: • P ress SE ND to call the contac t. • Press OK VIEW to open the conta ct entry. • Press the Left S oft Ke y Edit to edit the contact en try. • Press the Rig ht Soft Ke y Option s for Contacts opti ons.
115 Making Calls using Contacts You can make c alls directl y from your Contacts list. 1. From the Home s creen, press the R ight So ft Ke y Contacts . 2. Find a contact, by press ing the Di rectional Ke y to highli ght a contact, or see “Finding a Conta ct” on page 113.
116 4. Press OK AD D , t hen find contact(s ), by pressing the Directional Ke y to browse contac ts, or see “Findin g a Contact” on page 113. Use the Directional Key to highlight contacts, then pr ess OK to M AR K each contact. 5. Press the Left S oft K ey Done to add the c ontacts to the group.
117 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then C ontac ts then Grou ps . 2. Press the Left S oft K ey New . 3. At the NEW GROUP screen, ent er a name of up t o 32 characters for the ne w group in the “Enter Name:” fi eld. For more information, s ee “Entering Text” o n page 74.
118 4. The new message opens , with the cursor pos itioned in the Text field. Conti nue creating the mes sage, as desired. For more information, s ee “Messaging” on page 80. Speed Dials Speed Dials are 1-, 2- or 3 - digit shortcuts you assign to c ontacts, to allow you to q uickly call the c ontact.
119 2. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght a speed dial, or enter the speed dial digi ts into the Go To field, then pr ess SET . 3. At the SET SPEED DIAL screen, us e the Directional Ke y to highlight a contac t, or enter the fi rst few characters i nto the Go To field.
120 Assig ning Emer genc y Contac ts 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then C ontac ts then In Case of E mergenc y . 2. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght Contac t 1 , Conta ct 2 , or Conta ct 3 , t hen press OK ADD .
121 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then C ontac ts then In Case of E merge nc y . 2. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght Personal Info, then press OK VIEW. 3. Use the Direction al Key to highligh t Note 1 , No te 2 , or Note 3 , then pre ss OK AD D .
122 Sending M y Name Card ( vCard) by Message 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then C ontac ts then M y Name C ard . 2. Press the Rig ht Soft Ke y Option s , then highlight an option and press OK : • Send via TXT Message : Creat es a new text message, with My Name C ard as an attachment.
123 for pairing, to se nd My Name Car d. • <De vice Name> : Sends My Name Card to a previous ly- paired Bluetooth dev ice. 4. Continue with the Bl uetooth transfer. For mor e information about adding dev ices and sendi ng via Bluetooth, s ee “Bluetooth”.
124 4. Continue with the Bl uetooth transfer. For mor e information about adding dev ices and sendi ng via Bluetooth, s ee “Bluetooth” on pa ge 127. Sending Name Cards (vCards) b y Bluetooth Send indivi dual contacts, or your entire contact lis t, to Bluetooth devices that support vCards.
125 6. Continue with the Bl uetooth transfer. For mor e information about adding dev ices and sendi ng via Bluetooth, s ee “Bluetooth” on pa ge 127. Note : A vC ard contains al l contact informati on except Group, Ringtone, and Emergenc y (ICE) c ontact status.
126 Note : A vC ard contains al l contact informati on except Group, Ringtone, and Emergenc y (ICE) c ontact statu s. Backup A ssi stant Backup As sistant is a wireless s ervice that sav es a copy of your Contacts List to a s ecure web site.
127 Section 7: Bluetooth This secti on explains how to use Bluetooth to tran sfer information between your phone and other Bluetooth dev ices. Bluetooth is a s hort-range wirel ess communi cations technolog y capable of excha nging information over a distance of about 30 feet without requi ring a physical c onnection.
128 Handsfree : HFP profile supports Bluetooth heads ets, and may also support othe r installed c ompatible Bluetooth dev ices with speakerphone ca pabilities , such as car kits or conference room devices . Phonebo ok Acce ss : PBAP profile allows sharing of your name card and contact entries as vCard s with compatible Bluetooth devices .
129 appears in the A nnunciator Line of the di splay. Bluetoo th Op tio ns Use Bluetooth op tions to view and c hange your phone’s name, display supporte d profiles, and se t visi bility and pairing. 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then B luet ooth Men u .
130 Adding a New Device Search for a Blu etooth device an d pair with it, to exchange information between your phone and the dev ice. 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then B luet ooth Men u then A dd New Device . Bluetooth turns on, i f it is not alread y on.
131 6. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght the new devic e and press the Rig ht Soft Ke y Option s to set options for this paired device: • Remo ve Device : Remov e this devic e from your phone’s pairing list. • Rena me Device : Change th e name of this device in the pairing list.
132 Sectio n 8: Med i a Center Media Center inc ludes applic ations for downloading, c reating, viewing and man aging multim edia content, right on your phone. • From th e Home sc reen, press OK MENU then Media Ce nter . Note : Before d ownloadi ng multimedia content, c heck avai lable memory.
133 5. Follow the applicati on’s prompts to browse an d download ringtones. Get Ringback T ones Ringback Tones play to callers while the s ystem is connec ting their call. Us e Get Ringback Tone s to download ne w tones. • From th e Home sc reen, press OK MENU then Media C e nter then Tunes & To nes then Ge t Ringb ack T ones .
134 My Sou nds In My Sou nds , rec ord and mana ge sounds for use as alerts for calls and messages. 1. From the Home s creen, press OK ME NU then M edia Center then Tunes & T ones then My Sounds .
135 • File Info : Vi ew details about the sound file. Recordi ng a ne w sound 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Media Center then Tunes & T ones then My Sounds . 2. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght Record New , then press OK . 3.
136 Get New Picture s Download new pi ctures and wallpaper from the Me dia Center serve r. 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Media Center then Pic tures then Ge t New Pic tures . 2. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght Ge t New Applic ations , th en press OK .
137 3. While viewing a li st of photos, press the Right So ft Ke y Options to select these opti ons: • Send : (Fo r pictures you have taken) Send the highlighted pi cture as an attachme nt to a Picture Message , or To Online Album .
138 4. To view a photo, use the Dir ectional Ke y to highlight the photo, then pres s OK VIEW . Whi le viewing a pictu re, press the Right S oft K ey Options for thes e options: • Send : (Fo r pictures you have taken) Send the highlighted pi cture as an attachme nt to a Picture Message , or To Online A lbum .
139 • Rename : Ch ange the name of the pic ture. • Lock/Unl ock : Lo ck the picture to protect i t from deletion, or Unlo ck. • Full View : Dis play the picture full-s creen.
140 Tip : Open the phone im mediately after taking a photo to res ize the photo and cr eate a new pictur e message with the new photo attached. 5. After taking a photo, us e the soft ke ys for these options: • Press the Rig ht Soft Ke y Erase to del ete the new photo.
141 • Qualit y : Set image qualit y, from Fine , Normal or Econom y . • Read y Sound : Choose a sound to pla y after you press the Camera Ke y, but before the pi cture is taken. Choos e from Off , Sa y Cheese ! , Look Her e! or 1,2,3 !. • Shutter S ound : Choose a sound to play when the photo is taken.
142 3. Press OK to connec t to your Online Al bum Games Play fun and interes ting Games, right on your phone. 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Media Center then Ga mes . 2. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght a game, then press OK to launch t he game.
143 2. The list of default appli cations dis plays. Use the Directional Ke y to highlight an ap plicati on, or highlight Get New A ppli cati ons , then p ress OK . 3. Follow the promp ts to download and i nstall the appli cation. Note : Defaul t applic ations include Mobi le Email and VZ Navigator ® .
144 Section 9: Settings This s ection explains S ettings for customi zing your phone to your needs, and how t o access Tools for personal produc tivity. My Verizon My Verizon conn ects to the Verizon W ireless Mobi le Web. • From th e Home sc reen, press OK MENU then S ettin gs & Tools then M y V e r i zon .
145 other alerts. • All Sou nds Off : No sounds pla y. Tip : Press Play to he ar a sample. Tools The Tools menu provides persona l productiv ity and information applications . Voice C omman ds Use Voice Com mands to operat e your phone b y speaking commands.
146 Calendar View a calendar and schedule events . For more informati on, refer to “Calenda r” on page 146. • From th e Home sc reen, press OK MENU then Setti ngs & Tools then Tool s then Calendar . Alarm Clock Set up to three al arms using the A larm Clock .
147 • From t he Hom e screen, press OK MENU then Settin gs & Tools then Tool s then Note pad . Bluetoo th Menu Use Bluetooth to exchange inform ation over a dista nce of about 30 feet without re quiring a physica l connecti on. For more information, see “Bluetooth” on pa ge 127.
148 • From th e Home sc reen, press OK MENU then Setti ngs & Tools then S ounds S ettin gs . Easy Set- up Quickly set Soun ds settings . 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then S ounds S ettin gs then E asy Set- up .
149 information for in coming cal ls. Alert So unds Choose sounds f or new mess age alerts, emergency tones, missed c alls, and device c onnection and battery charge alerts. 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then S ounds S ettin gs then Al e r t Soun ds .
150 • De vice Connect : Choose whether a tone is pl ayed when you conne ct the phone to another devic e with a USB cable. • Battery Charge Alert : Choose Al e r t or Vi brate to hav e the phone alert you when battery c harging is complete, or choose Off .
151 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then S ounds S ettin gs then Digit Dial Readout . 2. Select On to hav e the phone read the num bers as you dial them, or Of f to disabl e readout. Service A lert s Enable or disabl e sounds your ph one plays to notify you of changes in syste m or service status .
152 2. Choose Power On or Pow er Off to control the so unds. Dri v i ng Mod e When Driving Mo de is On, Master Volume is s et to High, Call Alert sounds will ring regardless of the v ibrate setting, and the caller’s contact name and number will be read out when you receive a cal l.
153 Banner Display a person al greeting or net work status bann er on the Home screen. Personal Banner Create a person al greeting to appear on t he Home screen. 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then D ispl ay Setti ngs then Banner then Pe rsonal Banner .
154 Backlight Set the duration and brightness of the backlight for the dis play and keypad. Tip : The backlight s etting also determines how long the sc reen is illumi nated before locking. 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then D ispl ay Setti ngs then Backlight .
155 Wallpaper Select a back ground image for th e Main (Home) s creen and Front Screen, from pre-loaded images , or your own pi ctures. Main Screen 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then D ispl ay Setti ngs then Wallpaper .
156 Display Themes Customize the appearanc e of your phone’s m enus and sc reens. 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then D ispl ay Setti ngs then Displa y Themes . 2. Use the Direction al Key to highligh t a display theme , then press OK SET.
157 menus. • Grid : Di splays menu items in a grid, so you can use the Directional Ke y to scroll up, down, ri ght or left through the menus. Font Siz e Set the style and s ize of fonts i n your phone’s disp l a y. 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then D ispl ay Setti ngs then Font Si ze .
158 (hour), Large Digital 12 (hou r), Digital 2 4 (hour), Large Digital 24 (ho ur), or Off . Tip : Press the Lef t Soft Ke y Preview to scroll through examples of the c lock formats, then pres s SET to make your selection.
159 Tip : Press the Lef t Soft Ke y Preview to see an examp le of the highlighted c olor, then use the Directional Ke y to scroll Left and Right to see other colors. Press SET to ma ke your selection. Front S creen Set font colors fo r the ERI Banner and Cl ock on th e front screen.
160 phone are disabled, and you cannot s end or receive cal ls or messages. W hile in Airplane Mod e, you can use ot her features of y our phone, such as Cal endar or Games. 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then P hone S ettings then Air plane Mode .
161 3. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght an item, then press OK to set the sh ortcut. 4. To reset shortcut(s), highl ight a shortcut, then p ress the Right S oft Ke y Options for t hese options: • Reset S hortcut : Resets the hi ghlighted shortcut.
162 • Reset < XX> Ke yShortc ut : Reset s the highlighted shortcut. • Reset Directional Ke ys : Resets all s hortcuts. Voice Commands Set tings Configure the Vo ice Commands feature of your phone. You can also acc ess Voice Command setti ngs from Voice C ommands.
163 network. It is not available when r oaming. 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then P hone S ettings then Loca tion Detection . 2. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght a setting, then press OK SET : • On : GPS locati on is on wherever the featur e is available.
164 phone) or Calls & Services Loc k Code (for restric ting access to calls and services) . 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then P hone S ettings then S ecurity . 2. Enter the Phone Onl y Lock Code at the prompt.
165 4. Enter the Calls & Services Code at the promp t. The default code is the l ast four digits of your phone number, o r you can set a cus tom lock code under Phone Setti ngs then Security then E dit Codes .
166 sending of all messages. Choose Block All to block sending of all messages. Phone Lo ck Set ting Set the locki ng behavior of your phone. W hen the phone i s locked, you must enter the Phone Only Lock Code t o use it, exc ept when dialing emerge ncy numbers.
167 2. Enter the Phone Onl y Lock Code at the prompt. The default lock c ode is the las t four digits of your phon e number, or you c an set a custom lock code under Phone Settin gs then Se curity then Edi t Code s . 3. Select Lock Phone Now . The phone l ocks and returns to the Home screen.
168 connect with the network and pro gram your phone with default network s ettings. Reset Setti ngs Return all setting s to factory defau lts. This s etting does not erase user data such a s pictures, v ideos, music, mes sages, contacts or downloaded a pplications stored on the phone.
169 other features will not be available. • Automa tic : Your phone automatic ally acquires serv ice based on default s ettings, usi ng the Verizon Wirel ess network and the networks of roam ing partners. NAM Selection Set the primary NA M (Number As signment Module).
170 2. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght On to enable Quic k Search, or Of f to dis able it, then press OK . Tip : Press Info to dis play information about us ing Quick Search. Using Quick Se arch Note : The Quick Sear ch setting must be set to On to us e Quick Search.
171 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then C all Settings the n Answer Options . 2. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght option(s) and press OK M AR K to ma rk them for selec tion: • Flip Open : Ans wer incoming c alls by flipping the p hone open.
172 Enabli ng TTY M ode 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then C all Settings the n TT Y Mode . 2. At the prompt “ E nabling TTY w ill disabl e ha ndset au dio. Contin ue? ”, use the Directional Ke y to highlight Yes and press OK .
173 Enable or disabl e encryption of voic e signals for enhanc ed privacy. 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then C all Settings the n Voice Pri vacy . 2. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght On to enable Voice Priv a cy, o r Off to disable, then pre ss OK SET .
174 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then C all Settings the n DTMF T ones . 2. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght Normal or Long, then press OK SET . Fake Call Use the Fake Ca ll feature to have your phone ring with a fake call anytime you press the Speak erpho ne Ke y 4 times in a ro w.
175 Memor y Manage memor y settings for saving pic tures, videos, mus ic, sounds and ringt ones to your phone’ s memory. 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then M emor y .
176 2. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght My Number , then press OK to dis play the Mobil e Devic e and Identification numbers. 3. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght SW / HW Ver sion , then press OK t o vi ew the phone’s s oftware version, PRL, ERI, Browser, M edia Center, MS UI, Hardware, E SN, MEID, and WDC.
177 Set-up Wizard Set preferences for four basic categori es, to start usi ng your phone quickl y. 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then Se t -up Wizard . 2. Follow the promp ts to set preferen ces for these setti ngs: • Call Sound s : Choose ho w your phone alerts you to incoming c alls.
178 Sec tion 10: Tools The features cov ered in this section all ow you to schedule appointments, vi ew the calendar, set an alarm, view time zones , take notes, and p erform simple m ath calculati ons.
179 • Up : [ Plus sign ] Additi on • Dow n : [ Negative si gn ] Subtraction • Right : [ Mul tiplication si gn ] Multiplication • Left : [ Divi sion sign ] Div ision Wh ile entering equati ons, you can use thes e options : • Press the Left S oft Ke y Clear or the CLR Key to delete entries.
180 3. As you enter numbers in the fields, the Cal culator automaticall y displays the Ti p , Total bill incl uding the tip, and Each person ’s share of the bil l. Converter Convert values you enter into sele cted units. 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then S ettin gs & Tools then Tool s then Calcula tor then Con verter .
181 Using Calendar 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then Tool s then Calendar . 2. From the Calendar s creen, find an event us ing one of these methods: • Use the Directio nal Key to highli ght a date on the calendar, then pr ess OK VIEW to display the day’s events.
182 • E ve n t : E nter the nam e of the event. • Start Da te : Enter the start date for the ev ent. • Start Ti me : Enter the start ti me. Press the Dir ectional Key to set am or pm. • End Date : Enter the end date for the event. • End Time : E nter the end tim e.
183 Setting An Alarm 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then Tool s then A lar m Clock . 2. Press OK SET , then use the Dire ctional Ke y to highlight fields to enter ala rm details: • Al a r m : Use the Directional Ke y to toggle the alarm On or Off .
184 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then Tool s then A lar m Clock . 2. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght the alarm you wish to turn off. 3. Press the Rig ht Soft Ke y Option s , then select Tu rn Off . Resetting an Alarm Reset alarm(s) t o change setti ngs to defaults and di sable all alarms.
185 5. Press the Rig ht Soft Ke y Reset t o erase recorded ti mes. World Cl ock View the local time, and the ti me in ti me zones around the world. 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then Tool s then World Cl ock .
186 3. When you’re finis hed entering the note, pres s OK SAVE . Managi ng Not e s 1. From the Home s creen, press OK MENU then Se ttings & Tools then Tool s then Note pad . 2. Press the Directional K ey to highli ght a note, then pres s the Right S oft K ey Options to choose opti ons: • Edit : Modif y the highlighted note.
187 download and ins tall the applic ation, and to agree to the terms of service. Tip : To use VZ Navi gator, you must enabl e the Location On setting.
188 Sectio n 11: Web This secti on outlines the web and social networking applicati ons available on your phone. Browse t he web, keep in touc h with social networking Mobile Web Browse the web f rom your phone. Note : This feature is onl y available in the United St ates, in the Verizon Wireles s Enhanced Services Area.
189 1. From the Home s creen, press the Dir ectional Ke y Up. Mobile Web l aunches to displ ay the VZW Toda y h ome page. 2. Press the Rig ht Soft Ke y Menu , then select Go to UR L . 3. Use the Directional Ke y to move the cursor to the URL A ddress field, where the http:// p refix is entered fo r you, and enter the web address .
190 End/Pow er Key : Press to exit Mo bile Web and return to the Hom e screen. Send Ke y : Press to dial a highlighted number. CLR Ke y : Press once to back up one page. Press and hold to go back t o Mobile Web home page. When entering te xt, press to cl ear the last character.
191 Left Sof t Ke y : The Left Soft Key f unction depends on the t ype of content th at’s highlighted. For example: • Select : Press to open a list of items , then use the Directio nal Key to highlight an i tem. Press the Left S oft Key again, or pres s .
192 1. From the Home s creen, press the Dir ectional Ke y Up . Mobile Web l aunches displ aying the VZW Toda y p age. 2. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght Favori tes , th en press the Left So ft Ke y Go or to launch Fa vorites . Adding Fa vorite s 1.
193 2. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght Favorites, then pres s the Left So ft Ke y Go or OK . 3. Use the Directional Ke y to highli ght M AN A G E FAVORITES , the n press the Le ft S oft Ke y Go or OK .
194 2. Press the Rig ht Soft Ke y Menu f or these options: • VZW Ho me : Go to the VZW Today Mobile W eb home page. • Add Fa vorite : S ave the URL of t he current page t o Favorites. For m ore information, see “Adding Favorites ” on page 192.
195 1. From the Home s creen, press th e Directional Ke y Up . Mobile Web l aunches displ aying the VZW Toda y p age. 2. Press the Rig ht Soft Ke y Menu t hen Setti ngs for these options: • Dow nloads : Ch oose Display Images to turn aut omatic downloading and di splay of image s On o r Off .
196 1. From the Home s creen, press the Dir ectional Ke y Up . Mobile Web l aunches displ aying the VZW Today page. 2. Locate the desired tel ephone number on a web pa ge, then use the Directio nal Key to highl ight the phone nu mber. 3. Press the Left S oft K ey Go or OK to call the phone number.
197 Sectio n 12: Healt h and S af ety Info rm at i on This secti on outlines the safety pr ecautions ass ociated with using your phone . These safety prec autions should be fol lowed to safely use your phone.
198 The FCC exposu re limit inc orporates a subs tantial margin of safety to give ad ditional protecti on to the public an d to account for any variations i n measurements .
199 • Bod y-w orn: 0.85 W/Kg. SAR information on this and other m odel phones can be vi ewed online at http:// a . To find inform ation that pertains to a part icular model phone, this site us es the phone FCC ID numbe r which is usual ly printed some where on the case of the phone.
200 For more informa tion, pleas e refer to the “Standard Li mited Warranty” on pa ge 232. Samsu ng Mobil e Produ cts and Rec ycling Samsung cares f or the environme nt and encourag es its customers to rec ycle Samsung m obile phones and genuine Samsung acces sories.
201 Consum er Inf ormati on on Wi reles s Phones The U.S. Food and Drug A dminis tration (FDA) has publ ished a series of Questio ns and Answers f or consumers rel ating to radio frequency (RF) exposure f rom wireles s phones.
202 low levels of RF when in the stand- by mode. Wher eas high levels of RF can produce health effec ts (by heating tiss ue), exposure to lo w level RF that does not produce heating effec ts causes no k nown adverse health effec ts. Many studi es of low level RF exposures have not found an y biological effects.
203 exposure to the us er that is not nec essar y for device function; and • Cooperate in prov iding users of wirel ess phones with the best possible i nformation on possibl e effects of wireless phone use on human health.
204 thousands of times lower than tho se they can get fr om wireless phones. Base stations are thus not the primar y subject of the safet y questions di scussed in this document.
205 However, none o f the studies can ans wer questions about longterm exposu res, since the av erage period of phone us e in these studies was around three y ears.
206 FDA has been a leading partici pant in the World H ealth Organization i nternational Electro magnetic Fields (EMF) Project since its inception in 1996. An influential result of this work has been the developm ent of a detailed agenda of research needs that has driven th e establishm ent of new research programs around the worl d.
207 phone every day, you could place more distance be tween your body and the s ource of the RF, sinc e the exposure level drops off dramati cally with distanc e. For example, you could use a headset an d carry the wireles s phone away from your body or use a wirel ess phone connected to a re mote antenna.
208 Do hands -free k its for wireless pho nes reduce risks fro m exposur e to R F emissi ons? Since there are n o known risk s from exposure to RF emi ssi ons from wireless ph ones, there is no reason to believe that hands - free kits reduce ri sks. Hands -free kits can be used with wireles s phones for conve nience and comfort.
209 Commissi on (FTC) charged t wo companies that so ld devic es that claimed to pr otect wireless phone users from r adiation with making fals e and unsubstantiated claims . According to FT C, these defenda nts lacked a reas onable basis to substantiate th eir claim.
210 assess the interference and work to resolve the probl em. Additional i nformation on the safety of R F exposures from various sources can be obtained f rom the following organizations (Updated 1/1/2010): • FCC RF Safety P rogram: http://www.fcc .
211 HomeBusines sandEntertainment/ CellPhones /default.htm Road Safet y Your wireless ph one gives you the powerful abili ty to communic ate by voice, al most anywhere, anytime. But an important respon sibility accompan ies the benefits of wireless phones, one that every user must uphold.
212 5. Do not take note s or look up phon e numbers whil e driving. Jotting do wn a "to do" list or flipping throug h your address book takes attent ion away from your primary respo nsibi lity, driving safel y. 6. Dial sensi bly and assess the traffic; if possi ble, place call s when you are not moving or before pull ing into traffic .
213 "The w irel ess industr y remi nds you to use your pho ne safely w hen driving." For more informa tion, pleas e call 1-888-901-SA FE, or vis it our we b -site . Importa nt !: If you are using a hands et other than a standard numeric ke ypad, please call 1- 888-901-7233.
214 that are used. As a res ult, there is no single volum e setting that is appropriate fo r everyone or for every combinatio n of sound, settings and equipm ent.
215 your portable au dio devic e, discontinue use and c onsult your doctor. You can obtain a dditional informati on on this subjec t from the following sources : A merican A cademy of A udiology 11730 Plaza Ameri can Drive, Suite 300 Reston, VA 2019 0 Voice: (800) 222 -2336 Email: info@audi ology.
216 Voice: 1-800-35 - NIOSH (1 -800-356-4647) 1-800-CDC- IN FO (1 -800-232 -4636) Outside the U.S. 513- 533-8328 Email: cdc Internet: http://www.
217 Implantable Me dical Devices A minimum s eparation of six (6) in ches shoul d be maintained between a handh eld wireless phone and an i mplan table medical device, s uch as a pacemaker or im plantable cardiov erter defibrillator, to avoi d potential interference with the devi ce.
218 Compatibili ty Act of 1988 (HAC A ct) to require digital wireless phones be comp atible with hearin g-aids. The intent of the HAC Act is to ens ure reasonable ac cess to telecommunic ations services for persons with hearing disabilit ies.
219 ratings. Hearing devices may also be rate d. Your hearing d evice manufacturer or hearing health profes sional may h elp you find this rating. Highe r ratings mean th at the hearing de vice is relatively immun e to interference noise. The hearing ai d and wireless phone r ating values are t hen added toget her.
220 The HAC rating and measurement proc edure are described in the American Na tional Standards Institute (ANSI) C63.19 standard. Other Medical De vices If you use an y other personal me dical devi ces, consult the manufacturer of your device to de termine if it is adequately shielded from external RF energy.
221 bodily injury or e ven death. Users are advised to s witch the p hone off while at a refueli ng point (service s tation). Users are r eminded of the need to observe restricti ons on the use of radi o equipment in fuel depots (fuel storage and distribution area s), chemic al plants or where blasting operatio ns are in progres s.
222 2. Key in the emerg ency number for your present loca tion (for example, 911 or other official emergenc y number). Emergency num bers vary b y location. 3. Press the Send ke y. If certain feature s are in use (call barring, for exam ple), you ma y first need to deac tivate those featu res before you can m ake an emergency call .
223 Protection Ass ociation: NFP A (National Fire Prote cti on Agen c y) 1 Batterymarch P ark Quincy, Massach usetts USA 02169-7471 Internet: http:// www.
224 • Do not store or c arry flammable liqui ds, gases or e xplosive materials in the s ame compartment as the phone, its parts or accessor ies. • For vehicles equi pped with an air bag, remem ber that an air bag inflates with great fo rce.
225 Understanding t he Power S av e Feat ure If your phone is u nable to find a si gnal after searching, a P ower Save feature is a utomaticall y activated. If your pho ne is activ e, it periodicall y rechecks service av ailability or you can che ck it yourself by press ing any key.
226 phone with the a ntenna raised, ful ly- extended and over your shoulder. • Do not hold, ben d or twist the pho ne's antenna, if appli cable. • Do not use the p hone if the anten na is damaged. • If your phone is e quipped with an i nternal antenna, obstructing the internal antenna c ould inhibit c all performance.
227 Battery Precauti ons • Avoid dropping t he cell phone. Droppi ng it, especial ly on a hard surface, ca n potentially cau se damage to th e phone and battery. If you su spect damage to the phone or batter y, take it to a service c enter for inspection.
228 not leave the batter y connected to a c harger for mor e than a week, sinc e overcharging may shorten i ts life. • Do not use inco mpatible cel l phone batteries and c hargers.
229 • Do not get your p hone or battery wet. Ev en though they wi ll dry and appear t o operate normall y, the circuitry coul d slowly corrode and pos e a safety hazard .
230 reach of small c hildren. • Keep the pho ne dry. Prec ipitation, humidi ty and liquids contain minerals that will corrode electronic c ircuits. • Do not use the phone with a wet hand. Doing s o ma y cause an electric s hock to you or damag e to the phone.
231 the phone and viol ate regulations governing radio dev ices. • If the phone, battery, charger or any access ory is not working properly, take it t o your neares t qualifi ed service facili ty. The personnel there will assis t you, and if necessar y, arrange for service.
232 Sectio n 13: War r ant y Inform at i on Standar d Limit ed Wa rrant y What is Co vered and For H ow Long? SAMSUNG TELECOMMUNICATION S AMERICA, LLC ("SAMSUNG") warrants to the ori ginal p.
233 removed, deface d, damaged, altered or made i llegible; (d) an y plastic surfaces or other externall y exposed parts that are scratched or da maged due to normal use; (e) malfunc tions resulting f.
234 authorized phone s ervice faci lity in an adequate container fo r shipping, ac companied by Purch aser's sales receipt or comparable subs titute proof of sale s howing the original date of purchase, the se rial number of Pr oduct and the sel lers' name and address.
238 ©2010 Samsung Tel ecommunicati ons America, LLC. Al l rights reserved. No reproduction in whole or in part al lowed without pri or written approval. Speci fications and avai lability subject to change without notice. [0 21710] End Us er Lice nse A gr eeme nt for S oftw are IMPORTANT.
239 and you may not make the Soft ware available over a net work where it could be used by multiple computers at th e same time. You ma y make one copy of t he Software in m achine- readable form for bac kup purposes only; provided that the backup cop y must include al l copyright or other pr oprietary notices contai ned on the original .
240 to you and will not disclos e this information in a for m that personall y identifies you. 5. UPGRADES. Thi s EULA appli es to updates, suppl ements and add-on com ponents (if any) of the Software.
241 8. TERMINATION. This EULA is effective until terminated. Your rights under this License will terminate automaticall y without notice from Sam sung if you fail to comply with an y of the terms and conditions of this EULA.
244 EULA shall not be gov erned by the UN Conven tion on Contracts for the International Sal e of Goods, the a pplication of which is expre ssly excluded.
245 purchase) to Sa msung’s Custom er Care Center in order to provide t his servi ce at no charge. If the warranty has exp ired on the device, charges may apply.
246 Index Accessing Fav orites, 190 Activati ng your Phone, 14 Adding a New C ontact, 102 Adding a New C ontact from Recent Calls , 107 Adding a New C ontact from the Keypad, 107 Adding a New D evice,.
247 Contacts , 66 Contacts Fields , 103 Converter, 179 Creating a Ne w Group, 115 Creating and Se nding Picture Messages, 81 Creating and Se nding Text Messages, 79 Creating and Se nding Voice Message.
248 221 Finding a Contac t, 112 Font Size, 156 Front Clock , 157 Front Contrast, 153 Front Screen, 15 4, 158 Games, 141 Get New Picture s, 135 Get New Rington es, 131 Get Ringback Tones, 132 Getting S.
249 Notepad, 145, 18 4 OK Ke y , 33 One Touch Dial, 171 Online Album, 14 0 Operating Enviro nment, 215 Personal Banner, 152 Phone Info, 174 Phone Lock Setting, 165 Phone Settings, 158 Pictures, 134 Pl.
250 Stop Watch, 145, 183 System Select, 167 Taking Pictures , 138 Tip, 178 Tools, 144, 177 Tunes & Tones, 131 Turning Bluetooth On o r Off, 127 Turning Your Ph one On and Off, 20 Tutorial, 175 UL .
デバイスSamsung GUSTOの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Samsung GUSTOをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSamsung GUSTOの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Samsung GUSTOの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Samsung GUSTOで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Samsung GUSTOを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSamsung GUSTOの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Samsung GUSTOに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSamsung GUSTOデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。