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ENGLISH Split - type Air C onditioner ( Cooling and Heating) DB98-27555A(1) If you hav e any comments or questions regarding Samsung produc ts , contact the SAMSUNG customer care cent er . Samsung Electronics America, Inc. 1-800-SAMSUNG (7267864) ww w .
E- 2 Safety P recautions Y ou should take the following sa fety precautions when using your air c onditioner . W ARNING Do no t r epa ir the ai r c ond it ion er a t y ou r d isc re ti on . It i s r ec om men de d t o co nt act a s erv ic e c en t er di r ect ly .
E- 3 ENGLISH C o n t e n t s P RE P AR A TI ON S af et y P re ca ut io ns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 N am e o f E ac h P art. . . . . . . . . . .
E- 4 Name of Each P ar t T he de si gn an d s ha pe ca n b e c ha ng ed ac c or di ng to th e m od el . I nd oo r Un it Ai r In let T emp er at ur e s en so r Ai r f lo w b la des (o utl et ) T ur bo .
E- 5 ENGLISH Name of Each P ar t Outdoor Unit AQV09J Series Air Out let Con nection V alve (Insi de) Air Inle t (Re ar) AQV12J Series AQV18 J Series Air Out let Air Inlet (R ear) Con nection V alve (Insi de) AQV24J Series Outdoor Unit ÃÀÖÞÏò_DB98-27555A_IB_E.
E- 6 Remote Contr ol - Buttons and Display En er gy Sa vi ng bu tto n Go od S le ep but to n Mo de s ele cti on b ut to n ( A UT O , C OOL , D RY , F AN , H EA T) On T im er bu tt on Of f T im er b ut.
E- 7 ENGLISH Inser ting the Remote Contr ol Batteries Rem ove the b at te ry co ver i n the r ear o f th e r emo te co ntr ol b y push ing it wit h y our t humb . 1 Ins ert tw o bat te rie s, r esp ectin g the p ola riti es a s in dica te d b y th e + an d - sym bols .
E- 8 G e t t i n g S t a rt The User’ s Manua l provi des y ou val uab le infor mati on about y our air c ondi tio ner . Please read this manual carefully before using the air conditioner . It will help you take full advantage of the unit's features.
E- 9 ENGLISH Selec ting the A uto Mode Y ou can select the Auto mode if you want to cool or heat your room automati- cally . Y ou can adjust the temperature and the fan speed in this mode. 1 If nec essar y , press the butt on. Res ult: The operation indicator on the indoor unit lights up.
E- 10 Selec ting the C ool Mode Y ou can select the Cool mode if you want to cool y our room. Y ou can adjust the temper ature and the fan spee d when cooling. 1 T o control the airflow direc tion, refer to page 16. 5 Y ou can change modes at an y time.
E- 11 ENGLISH Selec ting the Heat Mode Result: Each time you press the button, the indoor unit beeps. F or the first 3~5 minutes, the fan may not operate t o prevent the cool air from running out of the indoor unit. It helps to warm the air in your room sufficiently .
E- 12 Selec ting the Dry Mode T o control the airflow direc tion, refer to page 16. 4 Y ou c an se lect the Dry mod e if y ou w ant t o de humi dify yo ur r oom . Y ou c an ad jus t the tem pera ture in t his mode . 1 2 3 Y ou can change modes at an y time.
E- 13 ENGLISH Selec ting the F an Mode Y ou can select the F a n mode if y ou want to ventilat e your ro om. It helps to refresh the air in your ro om. Y ou c an adjust the fan spee d in this mode. T o control the airflow direc tion, refer to page 16.
E- 14 Selec ting the T urbo F unc tion Y ou can select the T urbo Function if you want to cool or heat your ro om in the fastest way . After the 30 - minute operation with the maximum setting, it returns to the previous setting . P re ss t he but to n.
E- 15 ENGLISH Selec ting the Energy Saving F unc tion Y ou can select the Energy Saving F unction to save energy when cooling or heating . Press the button to select the fan speed until the r equired setting is display ed. Press the button. Result : T he in do or un it be ep s .
E- 16 Adjusting the Airflow Direction V er tically Adjusting the Airflow Direction Horiz ontally No te I f you t urn t he a ir c ondi tion er .. . Th en t he bla de ... of f is c lo sed c omp lete ly . on set t o th e de fa ult p osit ion . Y ou can adjust the airflow direc tion vertically .
E- 17 ENGLISH No te I f you t urn t he a ir c ondi tion er .. . Th en t he bla de ... of f is c lo sed c omp lete ly . on set t o th e de fa ult p osit ion . Setting the 1 Hour T imer Y ou c an set the 1 Hou r T ime r to tu rn of f th e ai r con di tio ner au toma tica lly aft er an hou r .
E- 18 Setting the On T imer Y ou c an set the O n Ti mer t o tur n on the a ir co ndit ion er aut oma tic ally at t he app oin ted tim e . Y ou ca n set the tim e fro m 1 h our t o 24 ho urs . P re ss t he bu tton t o com pl et e th e se tt ing . Res ult: Th e r ema inin g ti me is d is pla yed .
E- 19 ENGLISH Setting the O ff Timer Y ou c an set the Of f T ime r to tu rn of f th e ai r con diti one r aut oma tica lly at t he app oin ted tim e .
E- 20 Selec ting Good Sleep Mode Good Sle ep m ode help s u sers to fa ll asl eep wel l aft er g oing t o be d wh eth er bein g t oo h ot t o slee p or bei ng a wak ened b y col dne ss. Th e Goo d S leep mo de c an be s elect ed o nly whe n th e ai r c onditi oner is switch ed o n i n c ool/ heat mode.
E- 21 ENGLISH Th e t emp era tur e d ec rea ses b y 2 °F( 1° C) e very ho ur . A fte r a d ec re ase of 4 °F( 2° C), th e t emp er atu re is ma int ai ned . Y ou can s et th e airfl ow bla de s an d f an s pee d se par ate ly du ring Go od Sl ee p mo de.
E- 22 Operating Recommendations Her e are a few recom men dati ons that y ou sho uld follo w wh en usin g y our air c ondi tion er . T opic Rec ommen dat ion Hea ting perform anc es Th e he at pump fu nctio n of th e ai r c ondi tioner abs orbs he at f rom o utsi de a ir and bri ngs it ind oors .
E- 23 ENGLISH T emperature and Humidity R anges Operating Y our Air Conditioner W ithout the Remot e C ontrol Y ou can operate your air c onditioner direc tly without the remote control. T o turn the air conditioner on, press the On/Off button on the right side of the indoor unit.
E- 24 T roubleshooting Guide Be for e c ont acti ng t he afte r-s al es s erv ic e, pe rfo rm the fo llo win g s imp le ch eck s. Th ey m ay s av e y ou the ti me a nd ex pens e of an u nn ece ssary ca ll . Pr oble m Expl ana tion /Solu tion Th e ai r co nd iti on er d oe s n ot op era te a t al l .
E- 25 ENGLISH Cleaning Y our Air Conditioner Ai r f il ter Bo dy g ro ov e Bo dy F ro nt gr ill e Bo dy Ho ok F ro nt gr ill e Bio Filter Deodorizing Filter C l ea ni ng De od or iz in g a nd Bi o f i.
If you hav e any comments or questions regarding Samsung produc ts , contact the SAMSUNG customer care cent er . Samsung Electronics America, Inc. 1-800-SAMSUNG (7267864) ww w .
デバイスSamsung QV09Jの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Samsung QV09Jをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSamsung QV09Jの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Samsung QV09Jの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Samsung QV09Jで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Samsung QV09Jを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSamsung QV09Jの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Samsung QV09Jに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSamsung QV09Jデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。