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* So me of the cont ent s o f this manu al m ay di ffer from y our ph on e , depending on the sof tware installed or your service p rovider . W orl d Wide W eb http://www.samsungmobile. com Printed in Ko r ea Code N o.:GH68-0 4807A English. 02/2004. R ev 1 .
3 Contents Impo rtant Safet y Precau tions .... ..... ..... ...... ..... . 8 Unpa cking ..... ..... ..... ........ ...... ..... ..... ..... ...... .... 10 Your Pho ne . ...... ..... ..... ........ ..... ...... ....... ...... .... 11 Ph one La you t ..
Contents 4 Enter ing Te x t . ........ ..... ..... ........ ...... ..... ..... ..... .. 45 C hang ing the Tex t Inp ut M od e ... ..... .... ..... ....... .... . 46 U sing T 9 Mo de .... ..... ....... .... ....... ..... .... ..... ....... ... 47 U sing A l p hab et M ode .
Contents 5 Mult imedia Messa ges .... ..... ..... ...... ....... ...... .... 79 Inb ox (Me nu 2.1) ... ..... ....... ..... ....... .... ..... .... ....... . 79 Outbox (Me nu 2.2) .... .... ....... ..... ....... .... ..... ..... ..... 82 Draft (Menu 2 .
Contents 6 Sou nd Settin gs ... ..... ...... ........ ..... ..... ........ ..... 118 Ring Tone (Menu 6.1) .... ..... ....... ..... ...... ..... ..... ... 1 18 Rin g Vol ume (Menu 6.2) .... .... ....... ..... ....... .... ..... . 118 Alert Ty pe (Me nu 6.
Contents 7 Fun box ..... ..... ..... ..... ........ ...... ..... ........ ..... ..... 1 59 WA P Brow ser (Menu 10.1 ) ... ..... ....... .... ....... ..... ... 15 9 Games (Men u 10.2) ..... ..... ....... .... ....... ..... .... ..... . 16 6 So unds (Men u 10.
8 Importa nt Safety Precau tions R ead these guidelines before using yo ur wireless ph one . F ailur e to comp ly with them m ay be dangerous or illegal.
Importan t Safety Precautions 9 Sen sible Use Use o nly in the norm al position (he ld to the ea r). A void unnecessary contact with the ant enna when the phone i s switched on. Emergency C all Ensure the phone is switched on and in service. K ey in the emerg ency num ber for y our pres ent location, then press the key .
10 Unpac king Y our package contains the following items : Note : T he it ems sup p lie d wi th you r p hon e may be different, depending upon the country or se rvic e pro vi der .
11 Your Phone Phone Layout The following illustrations sho w th e m ai n el em ent s of your p hone: Ea rpiec e Dis play P o wer on/off / menu exit k e y Alp ha nume ric keys Special functi on key s V.
Your Phone 12 Key (s) Des cript ion In Menu mode, scroll through the menu opti ons a nd Phone book. In Id le mod e, t he Up key qui ckl y ent er s the Sound Settings menu and the D o w n k ey enters th e Camera menu. In Me nu mod e, the left key retu rns to the previous m enu lev el and th e right k ey selects the current m enu.
Your Phone 13 Ends a call. Also switches the phone o n and off when held down. In Menu mode, cancels your i nput and retu rns to Idle mod e. D eletes charac ters from the display . In Menu mode, r eturns to the p revious m enu level. In Idle mod e , qu ickly accesses yo ur voice m ail when held down.
Your Phone 14 Dis play Display Lay out The d isplay has th ree areas: Area Descrip tion First line Displays v arious icons. See pa ge 15. Middle lines Display messag es, i nstructions and any information that you enter , such as the number yo u are dialli ng.
Your Phone 15 Icons Ico n Desc rip tion Sho ws the received signal strength. The greate r the num ber of bars, the stron ger the signal. Appe ars when a call is in p rogress. Appe ars wh en yo u are out of your service area. When it di splays, you cannot make or receiv e a cal l.
Your Phone 16 Ba ck li gh t A back li ght illum inates th e display a nd the k eypad . W hen you p ress any ke y or slide the folde r up , the backlight turns on. It turn s off when no k e ys are pre sse d wit hin a gi ven pe ri od of t ime, d e pendi ng on your setting in the Back Li ght menu ( Menu 7.
Your Phone 17 Service Light The service light is below the display . It f lashes whe n services are a vailabl e on the ph one . T o activ ate or de activa te th e service light, set the Service Light menu ( Menu 7.2.6 ). See page 129 for further d e tails.
18 Getting Started Installing the SIM Card W hen you subscribe to a cell ular netw o rk, you are provided wit h a plug-in S IM card loaded wi th your subscription details, such as your PIN, any optional services av ailable and so on.
Getting Started 19 3. Slide the SIM card into the SIM card socke t, as shown, so that it locks the card into position . Mak e sure the gold contacts o f the card face into the p hone. Note : Wh en you need to remo ve the S IM c ard , sli de it, as shown , and take it ou t of t he socket.
Gettin g Started 20 5. Slide the battery tow ards the top of the phon e until it clicks into place. Make sure that the battery is properly installed before switching the pow er on . Charging the Batte ry Y our phon e is powe red by a r ec har geabl e L i- ion battery .
Getting Started 21 2. Plug th e ada p te r into a standard AC w all outlet. 3. When charging is fi nished, unplug t he adapter from the p o w er outlet and disconnect it from the ph one by pr es sin g the gre y ta bs on bo th s id es o f the connector and p ulling the connector out.
Gettin g Started 22 Switching the Phone On or Off 1. Press and hold the key until the phone switches on. 2. If the ph on e ask s you to en ter the pho ne pa sswor d, e nt er the pas swor d and pr ess t he OK soft key . The phone password is preset to “00 000000” at the fac tory .
Getting Started 23 Using the Keypad Lo ck Feature Y ou can slid e the folder up to use the number keypa d an d bac k d own t o ma k e the phone compac t. W hen you slid e the folder down back in place, the display turns off and the ph one auto matically locks th e key pad to ke ep i t f r om be ing pre ss ed accidentally .
24 Ca ll Fu nction s Making a Call W hen the idle screen displa ys, enter the area co de and phone num ber , and pre ss the key . Note : Whe n you act ivate t he Auto Redial opt ion in the Extr a Settings menu ( Menu 7.
Call Functions 25 En di ng a C a ll W hen you want to finish y our call , briefly press the key . Re di al li ng th e L ast Nu mber The p hone store s the n umbers y ou dial, receive o r m i ss if the caller is identified. See “ Call R ecords” o n page 105 f or f urther d etai ls .
Call Fun ctions 26 Makin g a Call from Phonebook Y ou can store the phone numbers t hat you use regularly in the SIM card or the p hone’ s mem ory , w h ich ar e co lle ct ive ly c alle d P ho ne bo ok . S imp ly select a name to re cal l the associated numbe r .
Call Functions 27 Answe ring a Call W hen so m e body calls you, the phon e ri ngs and displays the incom i ng call animation. W hen the caller can be id entifi e d, the caller’ s phone number , or name if stor ed in your Phonebook , di spl ays. 1. Press the ke y or the Accept soft k ey to answer the incoming call.
Call Fun ctions 28 Viewing M issed Ca ll s W hen you are unab le to answer a call f or any reason, you can find out who called y ou so that you can call the person back. The numb er of cal ls you m issed displays on t he idle screen i mme di ately afte r a call is missed.
Call Functions 29 4. Chang e the nu mber . Deleting a Missed Call 1. Press the Opti ons soft key . 2. If necessary , press the Up o r Dow n k ey to hi ghl i ght t he Del ete opt ion. 3. Press the Select soft key . Y ou can press the ke y at an y time to exit the Missed Call feature.
Call Fun ctions 30 Quickly Switc hing to Silent Mode Silent mode is con venient when y ou w ish to stop the ph one from rin ging, in a th eatre for exam pl e . In Idle mode, press and hold the key un ti l the “Si l en t Mod e” mess age and t he Vi brat io n ic on ( ) di spl ay .
31 Se le cting F uncti ons and Opti ons Y our phone o f fers a set of functions that allow you to custom ise i t. These functions are arra nged in m enus and sub-m enus, accessed using the two soft ke ys marked and . Each menu and sub- m enu allows yo u to view and alter the settin g s of a parti cular functio n.
Selec t ing Fu n ctions and O ptions 32 T o view the v arious functions and options av ailable and to select the one yo u want: 1. Press the approp ri ate soft key . In some functions, y ou may be asked fo r a passwo r d or PIN. Enter the code and press the OK so ft k ey .
33 Phon ebook Y ou can stor e phone numbers and t heir correspond ing name s in your SIM card and phon e’ s m emories. They are physically se parate bu t are used as a single entity , called Phoneb ook.
Phonebook 34 4. Select a memo ry location, e ither SIM or Pho ne , by pressing the Up or Down k ey and press the Select soft k ey . Note : Wh en you change phon es, any nu mbers store d in your SIM card memory are automaticall y av aila ble with the new phone, whe reas any num bers store d in the p hone’ s memor y m ust b e ree nte red.
Phonebook 35 Storing a Numb e r Using the Phoneboo k Me nu 1. Whe n the idle screen display s, p ress the Name soft key . 2. Scroll to New Entry by p r essing the Up or Down key an d pr es s t he Select soft key .
Phonebook 36 Using Phonebook Entry Options W hi le acces sing any Phonebo o k en try , press the Opti ons soft key to acce ss the o ptio ns for the entry . The fol lowi ng opt ions ar e avail abl e: Pa ste : allow s y ou to paste th e n umb er into the normal dialling mo d e.
Phonebook 37 Copy : al lows you to copy the number to anot her location. Y ou can select the mem o ry and the location number . Call er Group : al lows you to organise your Phoneboo k entries in call er gro ups so that the phone alerts yo u in a specifi c w ay whe n a person fro m one of your group s cal ls you.
Phonebook 38 Searching for and D i alling a Num ber in Phonebook After stori ng numbers in Phonebook, y o u can se arch f or them in two ways; by n ame and by c al ler gro up. Se arch in g fo r a Numb er by Name 1. Whe n the idle screen display s, p ress the Name soft key .
Phonebook 39 Searching for a Number by Caller Group 1. Whe n the idle screen display s, p ress the Name soft key . 2. Scroll to Group Se arch by pressing the Up or Do wn key a nd press the Select soft k ey . Y o u are ask ed to en ter a group na me. 3.
Phonebook 40 Ed i tin g a Ca ll e r G ro up 1. Whe n the idle screen display s, p ress the Name soft key . 2. Scroll to Group Edi t by pressing the Up or Down ke y and pr es s th e Select soft key . 3. Scroll through the group list b y pre ssing the Up or Do wn k ey .
Phonebook 41 Speed-dialling Once you hav e st ored phone numbers in Pho nebook, y ou can set up to eight speed-d ial entries and then dial them easily wh enever y o u w ant, simply by pressing the associated number key . Setti ng Up Speed-dia l Entries 1.
Phonebook 42 • Del ete : allows y ou to clear the settin g so th at no numbe r is assig ne d to the key . • Del ete A ll : allow s yo u to clear the settings for all keys so that no numbers are assigned to any o f t he keys . • Num ber : allows you to view the number assigned to the key .
Phonebook 43 5. E nte r t he ph one p as swor d and pr es s t he OK soft key . Note : The pass word is prese t to “00000000” at the fa ctor y . T o change thi s password , se e page 133. 6. Whe n the c onfirming m essage ap p ears, p ress the Yes soft key .
Phonebook 44 Using the Service Dia lling Numbers Y ou can view the list of Service Dialli ng Num bers (SDN ) assigned by y our service pro vider . These num bers include em ergency , directory enquiries and voic e mai l n umbe rs. 1. Whe n the idle screen display s, p ress the Name soft key .
45 Ent ering Text W hen usi ng yo ur phon e, you will often need to enter tex t , such as when storing a name in Phoneb ook, cr eati ng yo ur pe rs onal gre eti ng or scheduling eve nts on your calendar . Y ou can enter alphanumeric char acte rs by using your phone’ s keyp ad .
Entering T ext 46 Changing the Text Input Mode W hen you are in a fiel d that allows char acters to be ente red, you will notice th e text inpu t mo de indicato r on the display . Example : W riting a text message Note : Addit iona l te xt i nput m odes may be availabl e depending upon your country .
En ter i n g Te x t 47 Using T9 Mode T9 is a pred icti v e text input mo de that a ll ows yo u to ke y in an y char acte r using single keystroke s. T hi s te xt i np ut mo de is ba se d on a bui lt-i n di cti ona ry . T o enter a w o rd in T9 mo de: 1.
Entering T ext 48 T o add a new word into the T9 dictionary: 1. Afte r pressing the keys corr espond ing to the word yo u w ant to add, press the 0 or Down key to display the alternativ e words. 2. When you pr ess th e 0 or Down key on the last alternative word, the displa y shows Add on the botto m li ne .
En ter i n g Te x t 49 Using Alphabet Mode Use th e 1 to 0 ke ys to enter yo ur text. 1. Press the k eys labe l led w ith the letter y ou w ant: - Once fo r the first letter - T wice for the second letter - An d so on 2. Se lect the oth er l etters in th e same wa y .
Entering T ext 50 • T o insert a space, press the key . • T o shift the case in Alphabet mo de, use the ke y . There are three case s; L owe r case ( ), Initial Cap ital ( ) and Capital lock ( ). • Y ou can mo ve the cursor by using the Left and Rig ht k eys.
51 Options During a Call Y our phone prov ides a num ber of con trol f unctions that you can use during a call. Putting a Ca ll on Hold Y ou can place the curr ent call on hol d whenever y ou want. Y ou can mak e another call while you have a call in p rog ress if your network supp o rts this service.
Option s During a Call 52 W hen you have an ac t ive call and a call on hold, you m ay s wi tch b etween the two calls, changing th e one on hold to acti v e and placing the other on hol d. T o sw i tch betw een the tw o calls, simply press the Swap soft key .
Option s During a Call 53 Switching the Microphone Off (Mute) Y ou can tempor ari ly switch y our ph one’ s m icrophone off so that the other person on the phone cannot he ar you. Example : Y ou wish to say som ething to another perso n i n the ro om bu t do not w ant the per son o n t he pho ne to he ar you.
Option s During a Call 54 Muting or S ending Key Tones These options al low you to turn t he k ey tones off or on. I f the Mute K eys opti on is select ed, y o ur phone doe s not transm it the k ey ton es , w hi ch allows yo u to pre ss k e ys without hearing annoying ke y tones duri n g a cal l.
Option s During a Call 55 Searching for a Num ber in Phonebook Y ou can sea rch for a numb e r in Phonebook d ur ing a call. 1. Press the Opti ons soft key . 2. Pr es s the Down key to hi ghli gh t t he Phone book opti on. 3. Press the OK soft key . The Phone b oo k entries are listed.
Option s During a Call 56 Call Wait ing Y ou can answer an incoming call whil e you ha ve a call in p rog ress, if your network supports this service and you have set the Call Waiti ng menu ( Menu 9.3 ) to Activ ate ; se e page 154 . Y ou are notified of an incoming call by a call waiting tone.
Option s During a Call 57 4. T o add a new p e rson to the multi-p arty call , call the perso n in the n ormal wa y and pre ss the Option s soft k ey . Selec t the Jo in opti on a nd press the OK soft k ey . Y ou can add incoming callers by answering the call, pressing the Op ti ons soft key , and sel ecting the Join opti on.
Option s During a Call 58 Dro p pi ng O ne Pa r ti ci pa n t 1. Press the Opti ons soft key and choo se the Select One option . Pres s the OK soft key . The list of call participants appears. 2. H ighl ight a per son f r om th e l ist b y pr ess ing the U p or Dow n key , and press th e Select soft key o r t he key .
59 Usin g the Menus The phone offers a range of f uncti ons t hat al low you to tailor it to your needs. Thes e f unctions are arranged in menus and sub-menus. The m enus and sub-menus can be accessed b y scrolling using the nav i gation ke ys or by using the shortcuts.
Using the Menu s 60 Using Shortcuts The m enu i tems, such as me nu, sub -menus and options, are numb e red and can be accessed quickly by using t heir short cut numbers . The short cut num ber is shown a t the bo ttom right next to the soft key on the display .
Using t he Menus 61 List of Menu Functions The following list shows the menu structure av ailable and i ndicates the num ber assigned to each option and the page where you can find a description of each feature.
Using the Menu s 62 2. Multimedia Messages (see p age 79) 2.1 Inbox 2.2 Outbox 2.3 Dr aft 2.4 W rit e N ew 2.5 T em plates 2.6 Dele t e All 2.7 Me mory Status 2.8 S etup 2.8.1 Delivery R eport 2.8.2 R ead R eply 2.8.3 Au to Download 2.8.4 M e ssage Acceptance 2.
Using t he Menus 63 4. Call Records (see p age 105 ) 4.1 Misse d Calls 4.2 R eceive d Calls 4.3 Dialled C a lls 4.4 Dele t e All 4.5 C all Time 4.5.1 Last C all Time 4.5.2 T o t al Se nt 4.5.3 T ota l R e c e ived 4.5.4 R eset Timers 4.6 C all Cost * 4.
Using the Menu s 64 7. Phone Settings (s ee page 123 ) 7.1 Infr ared Activ a te 7.1.1 W it h PC 7.1.2 With othe r Phone 7.2 Display Setti ngs 7.2.1 W a llpaper 7.2.2 M e nu S tyle 7.2.3 Brightne ss 7.2.4 Back Light 7.2.5 Au to Li ght 7.2.6 Se r vice Light 7.
Using t he Menus 65 8. Organ i ser (conti nued) 8.4 Calcu l ator 8.5 T o Do Li st 8.6 V oice Mem o 8.6.1 R ecord 8.6.2 M e m o List 8.6.3 Delete All 8.6.4 Memory Status 8.7 Currency Exch ange 9. Network Services (see page 150 ) 9.1 Call Div erting 9.1.
Using the Menu s 66 10. Fu nbox (see p age 15 9) 10.1 W AP Brow ser 10.1.1 Hom e 10.1.2 F avorite 10.1.3 http:// 10.1.4 Settings 10.1.5 C l ear Cache 10.1.6 Pu sh Message 10.2 G ames 10.3 S ounds 10.4 Im ages 10.5 D e lete All 10.6 Me mory S t atus 10.
67 Text Messages Short Messa ge Service (SMS) allows y o u to send and receive sho rt text messages to and from other GS M mob il e phones . In ad dition, y our pho ne supports the Enhance d Messaging S ervice (EMS), which enables you to include simple pictures, m elodi es, and animated images in your m essages.
Text Messages 68 W hile reading a message, you can choose the following options by p ressing the Option s soft key: Del ete : allow s you to d elete the message . Send : all ows y ou to resend the mess ag e. Fo r further details about how to send a messag e , see page 70.
Text Messages 69 Outbox (Men u 1.2) This message box is used to store the messages that you hav e already sent or will send. W hen you enter thi s menu, the list of messag es in the b ox d i splay s w i th the recip i ents’ ph on e num bers or nam es, if av ailabl e in your Pho nebook.
Text Messages 70 Select Objects : allows yo u to sav e m edia objects, such as sounds or images , from the m essage into your phone. Y ou can use the objects when writi ng a messa ge. For de tai ls, se e pag e 72. Write N ew (Me nu 1. 3) In this menu, y o u can write and send a text m essage.
Text Messages 71 3. S elec t Send Only or Save a nd Send , and p ress the Select soft key . If you want to just save the mes sage, sel ect Save Only . After sav ing the messag e, the phon e returns to the Text Messages menu. 4. If you select a sav e option, choose the m emory where y o u w ant to sav e the m e ssage and press the OK soft k ey .
Text Messages 72 • Add Objects : allows y ou to add a sound, melody , picture or ani m ated imag e to the message . Select the categ ory of the object to be added. In each category , you can selec t f rom t he var ious f act ory-set i tems or choos e an item receive d from ot her sources, such as the Inte rnet or other p hones.
Text Messages 73 Tem plates (Men u 1.4) Using this m e nu, you can preset up to f ive m essages that yo u use most frequently . Select an em pty location or the messag e tem plate you wa nt and press the Select soft k ey . The fol lowi ng opt ions ar e avail abl e: Edit : allows you to write a new mes sage or edit t he m essage.
Text Messages 74 Setting x (whe re x is the setting gro up num ber): each group has it s own sub-me nu. Serv i ce Cen tre : allows y ou to s t ore or change the number of your message centre, w hi ch is re quired when se nd ing m essages. Y ou must obtain this number from your service provi der .
Text Messages 75 Del ete All (Menu 1. 6) This menu allows you to delete all of the text m essages in each messag e bo x. Y ou can al so delete all of yo ur message s at one time. W hen a confirming me ssage di splay s, p ress the Yes soft key to confirm.
Text Messages 76 Voic e Mail (Men u 1.8) This menu provides y ou with a wa y of accessing your vo ic e mai lbox, i f yo ur n etwo rk s uppor ts thi s service.
Text Messages 77 Broadcast (Me nu 1. 9) This network service allows yo u to receive tex t m essages on v arious topics, such as the weather or traffic. Ce l l Broadcast (C B) messages display as soon as they are receive d , pro v ided that: • th e ph o ne is in Id le m o de .
Text Messages 78 Language : all ows y ou to select your preferre d language to display cell broadcast mess ages. Please contact y our service prov i der for further det ail s.
79 Mult imedi a Messages Multimed i a Messag e Serv ice (MMS) is a messag ing service v e ry sim il ar to Sho rt Messag e Service (SMS ) . It provides automatic and immediate delivery of personal m ultimed ia m e ssages from phone t o phone or f rom phone to e-mai l.
Multim edia Messa ges 80 2. T o scroll through the message informat ion, press the U p or Dow n key . 3. Press the Opti ons soft key to use the following opti ons: • Ret rie ve : retrieves the me ssage from the MMS server . • Del ete : deletes the me ssage.
Multim edia Messages 81 2. Press the OK soft k e y to go to the m essage view screen. Or the display will automa tical ly s witch to the screen. 3. T o scroll through the messag e, p ress the U p or Down key . If the message has mo re than one page , you can scroll through the pages by using the Lef t and R ight keys .
Multim edia Messa ges 82 Save Sound : all ows y ou to sa ve a sound from the m e ssage into the Sounds folder ( Menu 10.3 ). Properties : show s you information about the m essage, such as the subject.
Multim edia Messages 83 3. T o scroll through the messag e, p ress the U p or Down key . If the message has mo re than one page , you can scroll through the pages by using the Lef t and R ight k eys. W hile vi ewing a me ssag e, y ou can choose the following options by p ressing the Option s soft key: Del ete : deletes the me ssage.
Multim edia Messa ges 84 Write N ew (Me nu 2. 4) This menu allows you to cr eate a new m ult im e dia m essage and then send it to m ul tiple des ti nations. Creating and Sending a Multimedia Message 1. E nte r t he subj ect of you r mess age and pre ss the OK soft key .
Multim edia Messages 85 • Send : all ows y ou to send the messag e. Use this option when you finish creating the mes sage. This option is activated after y ou add con t e nt to the me ssage. • Save : saves the mes sage in the Dra ft ( Menu 2.3 ) or Templates ( Menu 2.
Multim edia Messa ges 86 • Edit Tex t / Pi ct ure / Sound : allows you to chan ge th e text or replace the im ag e or sound with another one. • Add Page : a llo ws yo u to a dd mor e p ages. After adding pages, you can mo ve to each page using th e Left or Righ t key on the message screen.
Multim edia Messages 87 8. Choose o ne o f the following optio ns and press the Select soft key: • Phone N umber : allows y ou to ente r the phone numbe r you w a nt. • E-Mail : allows you to ent er the e-m ail addre ss of the recipient to send the m essage as an e-m ail .
Multim edia Messa ges 88 Tem plates (Men u 2.5) This menu stores m essages you save d as templates so that you can use them to make new m essages. 1. Sc roll through th e tem plate list using the Up a nd Down keys . 2. When the message te mpl ate you w ant hi ghl i ghts , pr es s t he Select soft key .
Multim edia Messages 89 Del ete All (Menu 2. 6) This m enu allows yo u to delete all of the multimedia m essages in each messag e bo x. Y ou can al so delete all of yo ur message s at one time. W hen a confirming me ssage di splay s, p ress the Yes soft key to confirm.
Multim edia Messa ges 90 Setup (Men u 2. 8) Y ou can change the d efault settings for s endi ng or receiving m ultimedia messag e s. The fol lowi ng opt ions ar e avail abl e: De livery Re port : when this option is enabled, the network i nforms you whether or not your message has bee n del i vere d.
Multim edia Messages 91 Re p or t Allo wed : when this option is enabled, the sender of an incoming m essage receives a delivery repo rt from the ne twork. Page Durat ion : you can set how lon g one page of the receiv ed message displays on the m essage presenta tion scree n.
Multim edia Messa ges 92 Use r Name : enter the user ID required to connect to the MM S serve r . Pa ssword : enter the password req uired to connect to the MM S serve r . APN : enter the access po int name used for the address of the M MS server . F or f urthe r d etails, contact y o ur service p r ovid er .
93 E-Mail Y ou can send or receive e - mail messa g es directly using yo ur phone. Using the E-mail feature, yo u can receiv e or send sounds and pictures, as well as Phoneboo k entries or calendar mem o s. T o use this feature, you nee d to subscribe to an e- m ail message service and set up yo ur e-mail account.
E-Mai l 94 • : The m essa ge has been delete d from both the pho ne and e -mail server . This i con disappears whe n you di sconnec t the phone f rom the ser ver .
E-Mail 95 After op ening an e-ma il, you can use the fo l lowin g options by pressing the Opti ons soft key: Del ete : de l etes t he e-ma il. Y ou can selec t to eith er del ete it f rom your phone or f r om both the phone and e- mai l ser ver . Rep ly : al lows yo u to send a reply to the sender .
E-Mai l 96 Outbox (Men u 3.2) W hen you select this menu, the list of the e-m ai l m essages yo u sent or fai led to send displays along with the m essage status and subject. Th e i cons on the left tell you the m essages’ status: • : E-mail your phone couldn’ t send.
E-Mail 97 Ed it E-Ma il : all ows yo u to change the me ssage subject or conte nts. Add Attachments : enables you to attach another item to the m essage. Draft (Me nu 3. 3) In this menu, y o u can ret rieve the messages you sav ed. W hen you select this menu, the list of the e-m ai l m essages yo u sav ed are displaye d.
E-Mai l 98 Write N ew (Me nu 3. 4) T o write and send an e-mail message: 1. Enter th e subject of y our e-m ail and pre ss the OK soft key . F or further details a b ou t en tering ch aracters, see page 45. 2. Enter the e-m ail text and p ress th e Op ti ons so ft key .
E-Mail 99 • Properties : shows the e- mail subject, the list of the recipients you adde d, if any , and message text. 4. Whe n yo u are fi nished creating the e-m ai l, choose Send from the options and pre ss the Select soft k ey . 5. S elec t To , Cc , or Bcc to ente r a destination address and press the Select soft k ey .
E-Mai l 100 Tem plates (Men u 3.5) This menu stores the e-mail m essages yo u saved as tem plates so that you can use them to make new m essages. W hen you select this menu, the list of the e-m ai l tem pl ates y ou saved displays. The icons on the left tell you the m essages’ status: • : Sav ed e-mail.
E-Mail 101 Del ete All (Menu 3. 6) This menu allows you to delete all of the e-mail m essages in each messag e bo x. Y ou can al so delete all of yo ur message s at one time. W hen a co nfirming me ssag e displa ys, press the Yes soft key to confirm. Memo ry Status (Me nu 3.
E-Mai l 102 Setup (Men u 3. 8) Y ou c an change the default setting options fo r using the E-mail feature. The fol lowi ng opt ions ar e avail abl e: Account : you can configure up to five e-mail accounts using different service p roviders. The last account yo u accessed is automatically activ ated for sending or receiving e-m ai l messag es.
E-Mail 103 Use r I D : enter you r e-mail ID . Pass w or d : en te r you r e-m ai l p ass wor d. Outgoi ng Server : enter the IP address or dom ain nam e of the serv er to be used f or sending m essages. Y our e-mail service prov i der can give you this information.
E-Mai l 104 Use r Name : enter the user ID requ ired to access the GP RS netw ork . Pa ssword : enter the passw ord required to access the GP RS netw ork .
105 Ca ll Re cords In this menu, y o u can vie w the: • calls you misse d , receiv ed or diall ed. • l ength of your calls. • cost of your calls. Notes : • Y ou can access the numbers in the thre e type s of cal l rec ords by pres sing t he key i n Id l e mo de.
Call Records 106 Rece ived Calls (Menu 4. 2) This menu lets yo u view the l ast 20 num b ers of the calls you received. The number and n ame, if avai la bl e, di s play t og ethe r with th e time and da te wh en the call w as received .
Call Records 107 Del ete All (Menu 4. 4) This menu allows you to delete all of the records in each call record. Y ou can also delete all of your call record s at one time . W hen a confirming me ssage di splay s, p ress the Yes soft key to confirm. To Press t he select a call reco rd to clear U p o r D ow n k e y .
Call Records 108 Call Tim e (Me nu 4. 5) This menu lets you view the timers for calls you mad e a nd re c e iv ed . Note : T he a ctu al ti me inv oic ed f or call s by y our s ervi ce pr ovid er may vary , depe ndi ng on network features, rounding-off for billing pu rpose s and s o on.
Call Records 109 Call Cost (M enu 4. 6) This netwo r k feature lets yo u view the cost of calls. This menu may not be av ailabl e depending on your SIM c ard . The fol lowi ng opt ions ar e avail abl e: La st Call Co st : cost of the last call you mad e.
110 Camera Using the cam era mo dule in your phone, y ou can take pictures o f people o r events w hile on the move. Ad diti onal l y , yo u ca n send p hotos to othe r people in a mu ltimedia m essage or set one as a wall pape r . Y ou can also record videos using yo ur phone.
Camera 111 2. Ad just the image b y rotat i ng th e camer a module and aiming it at the subject. • Use the Up and Do wn keys to adjust the brightness of the image. • Use the Left and Right k eys to adjust the image size; the Left key chang es the displa y size and the Rig ht k ey en larges or reduces the picture.
Camera 112 6. Press the OK soft key to sa ve the picture. W hen yo u pre ss the Option s soft ke y after saving a picture, the following options are a vailable: Send : all ows yo u to send a pi cture using a m ul timedia or e-mail mes sage. For further de tail s, se e page 84 and pa ge 98.
Camera 113 The fol lowi ng opt ions ar e avail abl e: Effec ts : allows you to change the colour tone or apply spe cial effects to the picture. When you select an option, the display sho ws yo ur setting and prom p ts y ou to co nfirm it. Press t he Select soft key .
Camera 114 My P h otos (Me nu 5. 2) This menu allows you to r eview y o ur pict ures. W hen you access this menu, your pho ne d isplays them in Thumbnail mode, which shows all your pictures as smaller image s. Use the Left and Right ke ys to scroll throug h the picture s.
Camera 115 Video (Me nu 5. 3) Y ou can record a vide o that is currently display ed on the cam era scre en and sa ve it as a video file. Reco r d (Me nu 5. 3.1) 1. Whe n the camer a turns on, adju st the image by ro t ati ng t h e ca me ra mod u le and ai mi ng it at t he subject.
Camera 116 Vi deo Cli ps (Me nu 5. 3.2) W hen you access this menu, the still image of the first video yo u recorded d i splays. T o play ba ck a vid eo: 1. Press the Left or Right k ey to scroll to the video you want to view . 2. Press the Play soft key to start the playbac k.
Camera 117 Memo ry Status (Me nu 5. 4) Y ou can check the amount of mem o ry av ailable fo r the Ca m era feature. The display show s the tota l space, including the space used for pictures and videos and the sp ace rem aini ng.
118 Soun d Settings Y ou can use the S ound Setti ngs feature t o customise v arious settings, such as the: • ring m e lody , volume and type . • sounds m ad e when y ou pres s a key , receive a m e ssage, slide the folder or switch y our phone o n and/or off .
Sound Se tti ngs 119 Alert T ype (Me nu 6. 3) This menu allows you to specify ho w yo u are to be informed of incoming ca l ls. The fol lowi ng opt ions ar e avail abl e: Light O nly : the service light fl as hes; the phone neither rings nor vibrates.
Soun d Sett ings 120 Mess age Tone (Men u 6. 5) This menu allows you to sel ect how the phone informs you that a ne w message has been received. SMS To ne (Men u 6.5.1) The following options are av ail able for alerting you to new SMS messag e s: Off : the p hone does no t use an SM S ton e.
Sound Se tti ngs 121 MMS To ne (Me nu 6. 5.3) The following options are av ail able for alerting you to new multime dia messages: Off : the p hone does no t use a M MS tone . Light O nly : the service light fl ashes. Vibra tio n : th e pho ne v ibrate s.
Soun d Sett ings 122 Power On/Off (Men u 6.7) This menu allows you to select the melody that the phone sound s when it is switched on and off . T o turn the sound off , sel ect Off . Extra Tone s (Men u 6.8) Y ou can customise additi onal tones used for the pho ne.
123 Phon e Setti ngs Many different feat ures of your phone c an be customised to suit yo ur p references. A ll of these features are accessed in the Phone Setti ngs menu. Infrared Acti v ate (Me nu 7. 1) This featur e all ows yo u t o send or receive data to or from IrD A - com patibl e co mputers or phone s through the infr ared port.
Pho ne Se ttin gs 124 If t here is no communication between your phone and the IrDA- co m pl iant device within 30 seconds of activ ating the feature , it is autom ati ca l ly deac tiv ated. Note : F or th e best performance, u se the data link cable supp lied in y our S GH -D410 kit.
Phone Settin gs 125 Press t he Option s soft k ey . The fol lowi ng opt ions ar e avail abl e: • Disc ard : deletes th e da ta. • Save : allow s you to sav e the selected data in your phon e’ s mem ory . Se lec t Save and press the Select soft k ey .
Pho ne Se ttin gs 126 5. Press the Save soft key . The entries are sav ed. Notes : • If you receive an inco ming call while receivi n g , you can eithe r answer the c al l using t he ear-micropho ne or r eject i t. Y o ur ph one continue s receiv ing the data.
Phone Settin gs 127 3. Press the Opti ons soft key and select Send via IrDA . Y our pho ne begins sending the memo. Note : If you rece ive an incoming call whil e sending, you can ei ther answer the call using the ea r- micr ophone or reje ct it . Y our phone conti nues s ending t he data.
Pho ne Se ttin gs 128 2. Press the Select soft key when the image y ou want highlights. 3. When th e imag e dis pl ays , pre ss the Select so ft key to d i splay it on the idle scree n. Tex t Dis play : you can specify whether or not t he phone displays text, such as the dat e and time.
Phone Settin gs 129 Auto L ight (Me nu 7. 2.5) This feature helps you to conserve your batte ry pow er by allowin g yo u to set the ba cklight to be used at certain times. The fol lowi ng opt ions ar e avail abl e: Dis able : the backlight is used according to yo ur setting in the Back L ight menu ( Menu 7.
Pho ne Se ttin gs 130 Greeting Message (Me nu 7. 3) This men u allow s you to set a gree ti ng to be displaye d briefly when th e p ho ne is switched on.
Phone Settin gs 131 Language (M enu 7.5) Y ou can select a display language. When the language option is set to Automatic , the language is automatically selected acco rding to the language of the SIM card used . Note : Depending upo n your country , service provider or softwa re v ersion of the phone, the Automati c op tion ma y no t disp lay .
Pho ne Se ttin gs 132 Cha nge PIN (Me nu 7. 6.2) This feature all ows y ou to change your current PIN to a ne w one, pro vided tha t the PIN C heck featur e is enabled. Y ou must ente r the current PIN be fore you can specify a new one. Once yo u have e nt ered a new PIN , yo u are ask ed to confirm it by entering it again.
Phone Settin gs 133 Chan ge Password (Me nu 7. 6.4) The C hang e P assword feature allow s you to change your current pho ne password to a new on e. Y ou m ust enter the curre nt passw or d be f ore yo u can specify a new one. The pass word is p reset to “0 00000 00” at t he factory .
Pho ne Se ttin gs 134 SIM Lock (Me nu 7. 6.6) W hen the SIM Lock feature i s enabled , your ph one only works with the current SIM. Y ou m ust enter the SIM lock cod e to use a different SIM card. Once y o u hav e entered the lock code, you are aske d to confirm it by entering it agai n.
Phone Settin gs 135 Extra Se ttings (Men u 7.7) Y ou can turn th e a ut o m ati c re dialling or answe ri ng features on or off . The fol lowi ng opt ions ar e avail abl e: Auto Redial : when this option is checked, the ph one mak es up to te n attem pts to redial a pho ne num ber after an unsuccessful call .
Pho ne Se ttin gs 136 Res e t S ettings (Me nu 7. 8) Y ou can easily reset your pho ne to its default settings. T o rese t your ph o ne : 1. Select the Reset Setti ng s menu. 2. E nte r t he 4~8- dig it phon e pas swor d an d pr ess the OK soft k ey .
137 Organiser The Organiser feature e nables you to: • set an alarm so that the phone ring s at a sp ecif ic time , such as to rem i nd you of an ap pointm ent. • vi ew the calend ar and organise your sched ul e. • set th e current date and time .
Org aniser 138 T o set an alarm: 1. Ch oose the t ype of a larm to be set a nd press the Select soft k ey . 2. Enter th e time for the ala rm to sound . Note : Y our p hone is preset to use 24-hour f or mat. T o change the format, see page 142. If you w ant to us e the ala rm options , press th e Option s soft key .
Org aniser 139 Calendar (Me nu 8. 2) With the Cale ndar feature, you can: • consult th e calendar to check your m emos. • write mem os to keep tr ack of your schedule. • s et an alarm to act as a reminder . Consult i ng the Calenda r W hen you select the Calendar menu ( Menu 8.
Org aniser 140 2. Press the Select soft key . An empty memo screen d isplays all owing you to ent er your memo. 3. Enter y our mem o and th en press the OK soft key . Note : For fur the r de tai ls ab out how to en ter char ac ters, see page 45. 4. I f you want the al arm to r ing on the chosen day , press the Yes soft key .
Org aniser 141 Y ou can use the foll owing options by pressing the Opti ons soft key: Edit : a llow s you to c hange the m em o text. Alarm : all ows yo u t o set an alarm to ri ng at the specifi ed time to remind you of the memo. If you set the alarm earlier , you can change or de l ete it.
Org aniser 142 Worl d Time : all ows y ou to find ou t what time it is in anothe r part of the w orld, usin g the Left and Right keys. The screen show s the: •c i t y n a m e .
Org aniser 143 Calculator (Me nu 8. 4) W it h this f eature, you can use the phone as a calculator . The calculator provides the basic arithmetic functions; addition, subtr actio n, m ultipl ication and division. 1. Enter th e first number us in g the n um eric k eys.
Org aniser 144 To Do L ist (Men u 8.5) This feature all ows yo u to: • enter a list of tasks to be done. • assign a priority and a deadline to each task. • sort the tasks by priority and status mark. Creat in g the T o Do Li st 1. Press the New soft key .
Org aniser 145 Acti on Procedu res View the d etails for a specific task High light the task. Press the View soft key . Scroll th rough the tasks usi n g the Up and Down keys , i f n ec essar y . Change the status of a specific task High light the task.
Org aniser 146 Copy a task High light the task. Press the Opti ons soft key . Select the Copy opti on. Ch ange the t ext, p riority and/ or de adli n e for the tas k. Copy a task to the calend ar High light the task. Press the Opti ons soft key .
Org aniser 147 Voic e Me mo (Me nu 8. 6) Y ou can record v oice mem os. After recording, y ou can send a memo to other people using the M ult im ed ia M es sa ge Se rv ice . Note : Y ou c an quickly enter the Voice Memo menu by pr essi ng th e R ight key i n Idl e mode .
Org aniser 148 6. Press the OK soft key . The memo is saved and then the displa y shows the memo i nformation. 7. Press the Opti ons soft key to use the following memo option s: • Send : allows y ou to sen d the m emo to othe r people by using the M MS or E-mail feature.
Org aniser 149 Delete All (Me nu 8. 6.3) In this menu, y ou can del ete all of your voice me mo s . W hen the co nfirming messa ge appears, press the Yes soft key . T o cancel the deletion, press the No so ft k ey . Me mory Sta tu s (Me nu 8 . 6.4) Y ou can check the amount of the me mory fo r voice me mo s .
150 Netw ork Services These menu functio ns are network ser vices. Please contact y our service pro v ider to check their av ailabili ty and subscribe to them, if yo u wish. Call Dive rting (M enu 9. 1) This network service ena b les incoming calls to be rerouted to a number that you specify .
Netw ork Se rv ices 151 T o set y o ur call diverting op ti ons: 1. Select a call diverting option b y pressing the Up or Dow n ke y , and the n press the Sel e ct so ft key . 2. Select the ty pe of call s, voice or d ata, by pressin g th e Up or Down k ey , and then p ress the Select soft key .
Net work S erv ice s 152 Call Barring (Men u 9. 2) The call barring network service allows yo u to restrict your calls. Y ou can use the following options to restrict voice calls and/or data calls: All Outg oing : calls cannot be made. Inte rn atio nal : international calls cannot be made.
Netw ork Se rv ices 153 4. Enter your call barring passw o rd supplied by yo ur service provider . The phone se nd s yo ur settings to the netw ork and th e ne twork’ s ackn owledg em ent display s. T o deactiv ate specific call barring se ttings: 1.
Net work S erv ice s 154 Call Wait ing (Me nu 9. 3) This network service inform s you when som eone is tryi ng to reach you duri ng another call . Y ou can specify individual call w aiting option for voice calls and/or data calls: T o set y o ur call waiting option s: 1.
Netw ork Se rv ices 155 Network Se lection (Me nu 9. 4) The Netw ork Selection feature enables you to automatically or manually select the netw ork used whe n roam i ng outside of y our h o m e area. Note : Y ou can select a ne t work other than y our home ne two rk only if t here is a v ali d roa mi ng agreem ent be tween the m.
Net work S erv ice s 156 Caller ID (M enu 9. 5) Y ou can pr event yo ur ph on e numbe r f ro m be ing di spla yed on the p hone of t he per son bei ng c al l ed. Note : Some networks do not al low the user to change thi s se tti ng. The fol lowi ng opt ions ar e avail abl e: Def aul t : the default settin g pro vi ded by the network is used.
Netw ork Se rv ices 157 Ind ex Lis t : lets you list, add or de lete CUG inde x num bers. The list of current CUG index es appears. Add a new CUG inde x as adv is ed by your ser vi ce prov ide r o r de le te a gro up. Outside Access : lets yo u enable or di sable calls to num bers oth er than th ose in the Closed U ser Grou p.
Net work S erv ice s 158 Band Selec tion (Men u 9. 7) F or the phone to mak e and receive pho ne call s, it m ust register w i th o ne of the av ai lable ne tworks.
159 Funbox The Funbox menu contains several fun options. WAP Browser (M enu 10.1) Y our phone is equippe d with a W AP (Wireless Application Protocol) brow ser to allow you to access and navigate the Wir eless W eb using your phone . Hom e (Me nu 10. 1.
Funbox 160 Navi g ating the WAP Br owse r Entering Text i n the WA P Brow ser W hen you are p rom pted to ente r text, the current text input m ode is indicated on the scree n. The fo llowing mo des are av ailable: T9 mode ( T9 ): all ows you to enter English characte rs by pressing one key p er letter .
Funbox 161 Note : Y ou ca n e nte r spe cia l cha r acter s in Upp er -ca se or L ower-case Character mode. For det ails about av ai lable characters, see page 49. Selecting and Us ing Browser Menu Option s V arious m enu op tions a re av ailab l e w hen yo u are using th e W AP Brow ser to n avigat e the Wireless We b .
Funbox 162 The fol lowi ng opt ions ar e avail abl e: Rel oad : re l oad s th e cu rrent pa ge. Home : take s y ou back at a ny time to the h ome pag e of t he Wir ele ss W eb ser vi ce provi de r . Go t o UR L : allows y ou to m anua lly enter th e UR L address of a W eb page.
Funbox 163 Favorit e (M enu 10.1. 2) This m enu allows you to store the U RL addresses o f up to ten of your fav ourite web sites. Y ou can access this menu directly by pressing and holding the key whi le usi ng t he W AP br owser . T o store a URL add r ess: 1.
Funbox 164 Setti ngs (Men u 10.1 .4) This menu allows you to set up five pro x y servers for the W AP browser . C ontact y our service provider for details ab out y our Setting s options. F or each serve r , the following options are a vailable: Prof ile Name : ente r a nam e that yo u w i sh to assign to the HT TP pro xy server .
Funbox 165 W hen the bearer is set to Da ta : IP A ddre ss : ente r the W AP gatew ay ad dress requ ired to co nnect to the Interne t. Login N ame : enter t he PPP server l ogin ID . Pa ssword : ent er the PPP se rver password. Dial -up Nu mber : ent er the PPP serv er phone number .
Funbox 166 Games (Men u 10.2) Y ou can download MIDlets (Jav a appli cations running on mo b ile phones ) from various sources using the W AP Browse r and store them i n yo ur pho ne. W hen you access the Gam es me nu, the list of the def aul t games appe ars .
Funbox 167 3. Press the key to confirm yo ur selection. Viewing MI Dlet Information 1. Sc roll to the M I D l et y ou w ant and press the Inf o soft key . The display show s i nformation abo ut the M IDlet, such as the file size, applicati on version and its vendo r .
Funbox 168 Enteri ng Text If you need to enter tex t while using a MIDlet , you can use the following input mod es: Uppe r-case char acter mode ( A ): a ll ows you to enter upper - case English characters. Lower-ca se charact er mode ( a ): a l lows you to ente r lower-c ase English char acters.
Funbox 169 Sounds (M enu 10.3) In this menu, you can view the list of sounds dow nl oad ed from the we b serv er or re ceived in m ult imedia me ssages.
Funbox 170 Del ete All (M enu 10.5) This menu allows you to delete all of the dow nl oaded items in the Gam es, Sounds and Imag es f olders. Y o u can delete all of the i tem s at one ti me. W hen a co nfirming me ssag e displa ys, press the Yes soft key to confirm.
171 Sol vin g Pro blem s If you are experie ncing probl ems with your phone, perform the follow i ng simple checks befor e contacting a service professio nal.
Solvin g Problems 172 “No se r vice,” “Ne twork failure” or “Not done ” displays • T he netw o rk connection was lost . Y ou may be in a weak signal area ( in a tunnel or surr ounded by bui ldi n gs) .
Solving P rob lems 173 The phone sta rts beeping and “** War ni ng * * L ow B at t ery ” f la she s on the displ ay • Y our battery is insuffici ently charg ed.
174 Access Co des There are sev eral access codes that are use d by your pho ne and its SIM card. These codes help yo u protect t he phone against unauthorised use. W hen requested for an y of the cod es explained below , enter the ap prop ri ate cod e (displa yed as asterisks) and press the OK so ft key .
Access Codes 175 PIN The P ers o nal I dentification N umber or PI N (4 to 8 digits) protects your SIM card against unauthori sed use. It is usually supplied wit h the SIM c ard . If you enter an inc orrect PI N three times in succession, the cod e is d isabled and canno t be used until you re-enable it b y entering the PUK (see bel ow).
Access Code s 176 PIN2 The PIN2 (4 to 8 digits), supplied with some SIM cards, i s req uired to acces s specific functions, s uch as setting the maximum cost of a call .
Access Codes 177 Barring Password A 4-d igi t bar ri ng p ass word i s req uir ed whe n you use the Call Barring function. Y ou can obtai n the passwo rd from yo ur service prov i der when you subscribe to this function. Y ou can change this password in the C all B a rri ng menu ( Menu 9.
178 Health an d Safety Inform ation Exposure to Ra dio-Frequenc y Energy (SAR Informa tion) This pho ne meets E uropean Unio n (EU) requirem ents concerning exp osure to rad i o w aves.
Health and Safety I nform ation 179 SAR tests are conducted using standard o per ating positions with the p hone transmittin g at its highe st certified power lev el in all tested frequency bands.
Health and Safety I nformation 180 • If left unused, a full y charged battery will discharge itself over time . • Use only Sam sung- approv ed batteries and rech arge you r battery only with Samsu ng - appro ved chargers. Whe n a charger is no t in use, disconnect it from the powe r source.
Health and Safety I nform ation 181 Roa d Safe ty Y our wireless phone g i v es you the powerful ability to com municate by voice, almost any where, an ytime. But an imp ortant respo nsibility accomp anies the benefits of wireless phone s, one that every user must uphold.
Health and Safety I nformation 182 Electronic Devic e s Most modern e l ectronic equipm ent is shi elded from rad i o frequency ( RF) signals. H owever , certain electron ic equipm ent ma y not be shield ed against the RF signals from your wireless p hone.
Health and Safety I nform ation 183 Other Me dical Device s If you use any ot her personal medical devices, consult the manufacturer of your device to determ ine i f it is adequately shielded from ex ternal RF energy . Y our physi cian ma y be a b le to ass i st you in obtaining this information.
Health and Safety I nformation 184 Potentia lly Explos ive Environme nts Sw i tch your phone o f f when in any area with a pote ntially exp losive atmo sphere and obey al l s i gns and instructions. Sparks in such areas co ul d cause an ex pl os ion or f ire re s u lt ing in b od ily i nju ry or e ve n dea th.
Health and Safety I nform ation 185 Emer gency Calls This phone , like any wireless p ho ne , ope rates usi ng radi o si gnal s, wi re le ss a nd lan dl ine networ ks a s well as user-program med functio ns, which cannot guarantee connecti on in all condit ions.
Health and Safety I nformation 186 Other Important Safety Inform ation • O n ly qu ali fie d pe r so nn el s ho uld se rvi ce th e ph o n e or install the phone in a vehicle. F aulty ins tal l ati on or s ervi ce may be danger ous and may inv alid ate any warr anty app licabl e to the device.
Health and Safety I nform ation 187 Care and Maintenance Y our ph one i s a pr oduc t of s uper io r de si gn a nd craf tsman shi p an d shoul d be tr eat ed wi th c are. The suggestions below w i ll help y ou fulfill any w arrant y obligations and allow you to enjoy this product for m any y ears.
Health and Safety I nformation 188 • Do not paint the phone. P aint can clog the devi c e’ s moving par ts and pre ven t pr oper opera tio n. • Do not put the phone in or on heating devices, such as a microw ave ov en, a stove or a rad iat or . The pho ne ma y explode w hen ov erheated.
189 Glos sary T o help you understand the main te chnical terms and a bbrevi a ti ons use d in this booklet and take f ull adv antage of the features of your mob i le phone, here are a few definiti ons: Act iv e Sl id e Ability to answer a call simply by slid ing the folder up.
Glo ss ar y 190 EMS (Enhanced Message Service) An a daptation o f the Short Me ssage Se rvice (SMS ) that allows you to send and receive ring tones and service pro v ider’ s logo, as we l l as combinations of simple me d ia to and from EM S-compliant handsets.
Glossary 191 Java Programming lang uage generating applications t hat can run on all hardware pl atforms, whe t her small, m edium or large, without mod i fication. It has been prom o ted for and geared heav ily to t he W eb, both for public W eb sites and Intr anets.
Glo ss ar y 192 PIN ( P ers o nal Identificati on Number) Security code that p rotects the p hone ag ainst unauthori sed use. The PIN is supplie d by the service pro vider with the SIM card. It may be a four to eigh t -dig it num ber a nd ca n be ch anged, a s required .
Glossary 193 SD N (Ser vic e Diallin g Numb ers) T el eph one n umbe rs supp li ed by you r ne two rk provid er and giving access to sp ecial services, such as v o ice mail, directory inq uiries, custome r support and em erg enc y se rv ic es .
Glo ss ar y 194 Tri Band Ability to handle any of the following types of net work; GSM 900, GSM 1 800, combin ed GSM 900/ 1800 and GSM 1900 M Hz bands, for gr eater call success and wider roam i ng. Y our phon e automatically searches for the last netw ork used .
195 Index A Acce ss codes • 174 Active Slide • 135 Alarm • 137 Ale r t ty pe • 119 Alpha bet mode , text inpu t • 49 Answering call • 27 seco nd ca ll • 56 Anykey answer • 135 Auto r e.
Inde x 196 D eli very repo rt s, m ess ag e • 74 , 90 Dial led c alls • 106 Di spla y bac klight • 16 bright ness • 128 ico ns • 15 layout • 14 sett ings • 127 Divert ing, call s • 150.
Index 197 Menu st yle • 128 Menu s acces sin g • 59 list • 61 Mess age tone • 120 Mess ages cell br oadcas t • 77 e-ma il • 93 greet i ng • 130 mu ltim ed ia • 79 pictu r e • 79 tex .
Inde x 198 R Radio -freque ncy • 178 Receiv ed calls • 106 Receiv ed mess ages e-ma il • 93 pictu r e • 79 tex t • 67 Reco rdin g videos • 115 voic e memos • 147 Re di all ing au toma ti.
Index 199 reco rding • 147 Voice ser ver • 76 Volume, a d just earp iece • 26 keypad tone • 26 ring • 118 W Wa it ing cal l • 154 Wa llpape r • 127 WAP b r owser acces sin g • 159 cach.
Inde x 200.
201 Acce ss the Menu Functions Pre ss th e Menu soft key . Scroll using t he Up a nd Down keys through the list of t he menus until you r e ach the menu y o u want . Pre ss th e Select so ft ke y . Scroll using t he Up a nd Down keys throug h the list of the options until the on e y ou want is selected .
202 Answer a Ca ll Slide the fold er up or Press th e key . Adju st t he Vol u m e Press the or k ey on t he left side of the phone . Cho os e th e Ale rt T ype Sele ct the Alert Type menu ( Menu 6.3 ). Sel e ct a n option: • Ligh t Only •M e l o d y •V i b r a t i o n Press t he Se le ct soft key .
Decl ar ati on of Con for mi t y (R&TT E) For th e followi ng product : GSM90 0/GSM18 00/GSM1900 T riba nd Digital Po r tab le Cellula r T elepho ne (Produc t Nam e) SGH-D410 (Mo del N umber ) Manufactured at : - Samsung Elec tronics 94- 1 Imsu-Dong, Gumi City , K yung Buk , Kor e a, 730- 350 - Sam su ng Elec troni cs Ib eria, S.
デバイスSamsung SGH-D410の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Samsung SGH-D410をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSamsung SGH-D410の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Samsung SGH-D410の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Samsung SGH-D410で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Samsung SGH-D410を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSamsung SGH-D410の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Samsung SGH-D410に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSamsung SGH-D410デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。