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User Manual TX-WN The color and the appearance may differ depending on the product, and the speci fications are subject to change without prior notic e to improve the performance.
Table Of Cont ents 2 Table Of Contents BEFORE USING THE PRODUCT 5 Copyright 6 Icons used in this manual 6 Symbols for safety precautions 7 Securing the Installation Space 7 Precautions for storage 8 S.
Table Of Contents Table Of Cont ents 3 28 Using "Windows Embedded Standard 7" 28 Logon 28 "Windows Embedded Standard 7" Desktop 29 Programs 36 Configuring Utilities 37 Recover the .
Table Of Contents Table Of Cont ents 4 53 Responsibility for the Pay Service (Cost to Customers) 53 Not a product defect 53 A Product damage caused by customer's fault 53 Others 54 Correct Dispos.
5 Before Using the Product Before Using the Product Copyright The content s of this manua l are subjec t to change with out notice to improve qua lity.
6 Before Using the Product Before Using the Product Icons used in this manual Symbols for safety precautions The follow ing images a re for refer ence only. Real-lif e situations may differ from what is shown in the images. Warning A serious or fa tal injury may result if instru ctions are not followed.
7 Before Using the Product Before Using the Product Securing the Installation Space Ensure some sp ace around th e product f or ventilation. An internal temper ature rise may ca use fire and damage the prod uct. Be sure t o allow the amou nt of space as shown below or great er when install ing the produc t.
8 Before Using the Product Before Using the Product Safety Precautions The following ima ges are for re ference only. Real-lif e situations may differ from what is shown in the images. Electricity and Safety Warning Do not use a damaged power cable or pl ug, or a loose po wer socket.
9 Before Using the Product Before Using the Product Caution Installation and Safety Warning Do not unplug the power cable wh en the produc t is in use. z The product may become damage d by an electric sho ck. Do not use th e power cab le for produc ts other than au thorized prod ucts supplied by Samsung.
10 Before Using the Product Before Using the Product Caution Do not install t he product on an unstab le or vibrating surface (insec ure shelf, sloped surfa ce, etc.). z The product m ay fall and break o r cause a pers onal injury. z Using the produ ct in an area w ith excess vibration m ay damage the product or cause a fire.
11 Before Using the Product Before Using the Product Operation and Safety Warning Installing the product in an unusual place (a place expose d to a lot of fine particles, chemical sub stances or extre.
12 Before Using the Product Before Using the Product During a light ning or thunde rstorm, power o ff the product and remove the po wer cable. z An electric shock or fire may re sult. Do not drop objects on the pr oduct or apply impact. z An electric shock or fire may re sult.
13 Before Using the Product Before Using the Product Caution Disconnect the p ower cable f rom the power socket if you do not plan on using the product for an exten ded period of time (vac ation, etc. ). z Otherwis e, a fire may result from accum ulated dust, overh eating, an electric shock, or elect ric leakage.
14 Before Using the Product Before Using the Product Do not place heavy objects on the prod uct. z Product failure o r person al injure may result. Do not increase th e volume too hig h when using headphones (earpho nes). z Sound particular ly at a higher volume could potentially affe ct long-term hearing.
15 1 Preparations 1 Preparations 1.1 Checking the Contents 1.1.1 Removing the Packaging 1 Open the packaging b ox. Be careful not to dam age the product whe n you open the packa ging with a sharp instrum ent. 2 Remove the sty rofoam from the produ ct.
16 Preparations 1 1 Preparations 1.1.2 Checking the Components z Contact the dealer from whom you purch ased the product if any item is missing. z The appearance of the components and items sold separately may differ from the image shown. Components Components may vary depending on the country.
17 Preparations 1 1 Preparations Items sold separately The following items can be purchased at your nearest retailer. LAN cable USB cable HDMI-DVI cable DVI cable RS232C cable DVI-RGB cable Mouse (USB.
18 Preparations 1 1 Preparations 1.2 Parts 1.2.1 Front view The color and shape of parts may differ from what is shown. Specifications are subject to change without notice to improve quality. Ports Description Power on or of f the produ ct. Connect to a microphone .
19 Preparations 1 1 Preparations Connect to a USB d evice. Speaker Ports Description (2.0) A.
20 Preparations 1 1 Preparations 1.2.2 Reverse Side The color and shape of parts may differ from what is shown. Specifications are subject to change without notice to improve quality. Ports Descriptio n Connect to a USB device. Connect to a device that supports an RS-232C co nnection (interface).
21 Preparations 1 1 Preparations 1.3 Installation 1.3.1 Attaching the cradle z The color and shape of parts may differ from what is shown. Specifications are subject to change without notice to improve quality. z This product can be installed in portrait or landscape orientation.
22 Preparations 1 1 Preparations 1.3.2 Anti-theft Lock An anti-theft lock allows you to use the product se curely even in public places. T he locking device shape and locking m ethod depe nd on the m anufacturer. Refer to the use r guide pr ovided wi th your anti-t heft locking device for de ta ils.
23 2 Using "Windows Embedded Stand ard 7" (TX-WN) 2 Using "Windows Embedded Standard 7" (TX- WN) 2.1 What is "Windows Embedded Standard 7" Client? The Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 7 (WES7) client uses the Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 2011 OS .
24 Using "Windows Embedded Standard 7" (TX- WN) 2 2 Using "Windows Embedded Stand ard 7" (TX-WN) 2.2 Connection to Use "Windows Embedded Standard 7" 2.2.1 Before Connecting Pre-connection Checkpoints z Before connectin g a source devic e, read the user manual pro vided with it.
25 Using "Windows Embedded Standard 7" (TX- WN) 2 2 Using "Windows Embedded Stand ard 7" (TX-WN) 2.2.2 Connection Using the DVI Cable 1 Connect the D VI cable to [DVI IN] at the back of the monitor an d [DVI-I OUT] or [DVI-D OUT] on the product.
26 Using "Windows Embedded Standard 7" (TX- WN) 2 2 Using "Windows Embedded Stand ard 7" (TX-WN) 2.2.5 LAN Connection 1 Connect the L AN cable to the [LAN] port at the back of the prod uct. 2.2.6 Connecting USB Devices 1 Connect USB device s to 3.
27 Using "Windows Embedded Standard 7" (TX- WN) 2 2 Using "Windows Embedded Stand ard 7" (TX-WN) 2.2.7 Connecting the Power z The color and shape of parts may differ from what is shown. Specifications are subject to change without notice to improve quality.
28 Using "Windows Embedded Standard 7" (TX- WN) 2 2 Using "Windows Embedded Stand ard 7" (TX-WN) 2.3 Using "Windows Embedded Standard 7" 2.3.1 Logon When the clie nt starts, you ca n logon to the serve r by entering you r username an d password.
29 Using "Windows Embedded Standard 7" (TX- WN) 2 2 Using "Windows Embedded Stand ard 7" (TX-WN) 2.3.3 Programs Remote Desktop Connection You can co ntrol a r unning ter minal serv er or anot her compu ter ( Windows 95 or later) remotely thro ugh a remote desk top connect ion.
30 Using "Windows Embedded Standard 7" (TX- WN) 2 2 Using "Windows Embedded Stand ard 7" (TX-WN) running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (more secure) " to run Rem ote Desktop using network-level authentication.
31 Using "Windows Embedded Standard 7" (TX- WN) 2 2 Using "Windows Embedded Stand ard 7" (TX-WN) 3 Options - General : Enter in the lo gin informat ion for the h ost computer. T o log in auto matically, enter in the user name an d password.
32 Using "Windows Embedded Standard 7" (TX- WN) 2 2 Using "Windows Embedded Stand ard 7" (TX-WN) - Prog rams : Select an applicatio n and specif y the folder wh ere you want t o run the appli cation when a connec tion is e stablishe d to the host PC.
33 Using "Windows Embedded Standard 7" (TX- WN) 2 2 Using "Windows Embedded Stand ard 7" (TX-WN) - Advanced : Protec t your personal in formation wh en a connec tion is establi shed. 4 Click Connect . The Log On to Windows dialog box appears.
34 Using "Windows Embedded Standard 7" (TX- WN) 2 2 Using "Windows Embedded Stand ard 7" (TX-WN) Internet Explorer A WES Client includes Int ernet Ex plorer . This program is per mitted for all users. Microsoft website. For more information on Internet Explorer, visit the Microsoft website.
35 Using "Windows Embedded Standard 7" (TX- WN) 2 2 Using "Windows Embedded Stand ard 7" (TX-WN) You can also perfor m this operation by en tering “ ewfmgr.exe c: -commitanddisable ” at th e command p rompt and res tarting your c omputer.
36 Using "Windows Embedded Standard 7" (TX- WN) 2 2 Using "Windows Embedded Stand ard 7" (TX-WN) Next sess ion : Select the volumes that will be protected by the FBWF when the client is booted up n ext time. Also, sele ct the folders an d files that you wa nt to except fro m protection by the FBWF .
37 Using "Windows Embedded Standard 7" (TX- WN) 2 2 Using "Windows Embedded Stand ard 7" (TX-WN) 2.3.5 Recover the System Overview The WES client provides a feature that restores the s ystem to the la st backup or default facto ry settings in the occurrence of a critical syst em issue during operation.
38 Using "Windows Embedded Standard 7" (TX- WN) 2 2 Using "Windows Embedded Stand ard 7" (TX-WN) z Using the Standalone restore solution Restore the system using a restor e image saved on the product. 1 After the po wer is connected , press the Home key immediately after the system starts during boot to en ter the boot m enu.
39 Using "Windows Embedded Standard 7" (TX- WN) 2 2 Using "Windows Embedded Stand ard 7" (TX-WN) 2.4 MagicRMS Pro 2.4.1 About MagicRMS Pro The MagicRMS Pro program can be used to remo tely control a Sam sung networ k monitor. The design of the user-or iented interfac e makes it e asy and conve nient to use.
40 Using "Windows Embedded Standard 7" (TX- WN) 2 2 Using "Windows Embedded Stand ard 7" (TX-WN) 2.4.3 MagicRMS Pro Server MagicRMS Pro Server is a core com ponent of MagicRMS Pro .
41 3 Wireless Network (optional) 3 Wireless Network (optional) 3.1 Connecting to a wireless LAN using Windows If there is an AP n earby, conve niently connect to a wireless LAN using th e wireless LA N access meth od provided by Wind ows. 1 Click the Netwo rk connection icon on th e task bar.
42 Wireless Network (optional) 3 3 Wireless Network (optional) 3.2 Successful wireless LAN connection The wireless LAN icon on the task bar as sho wn below indicates that it is correct ly connected to the Internet. 3.3 Failed wireless LAN connection 3.
43 Wireless Network (optional) 3 3 Wireless Network (optional) 3.3.3 An AP is found but In ternet access is not available This issue may occ ur when a higher p riority is given to a wireless LAN AP with lo w signal strength. Click an AP with high er signal strength a nd try again.
44 4 Troubleshooting Guide 4 Troubleshooting Guide 4.1 Requirements Before Contacting Samsung Customer Service Center 4.1.1 Check the following. Installation issue The product cannot pow er on. Check th at the powe r cable is connected properly. (Refer to "2.
45 5 Specifications 5 Specifications 5.1 General The above specifications are subject to change without notice to improve quality. This device is a Class B digital apparatus. Model Name TX-WN Power Supply This product us es 100 to 240V . Refer to the label a t the back of the product as the standard voltage can va ry in different coun tries.
46 Specifications 5 5 Specifications 5.2 Power consumption z The power consumption level can vary in different operating conditions or when settings are changed. z To reduce the power consumption to 0 watts, turn off the switch on the adapter or disconnect the power cable.
47 Appendix Appendix Contact SAMSUNG WORLD WIDE If you have any questions or comments relati ng to Samsung products, please contact the SAMSUNG customer care center. NORTH AMERICA U.S.A 1-800-SAMSUNG (726-7 864) http://www.samsun CANADA 1-800-SAMSUNG (726-78 64) http:/ /www.
48 Appendix Appendix GUATEMALA 1-800-299-0013 http :// (Spanish) http://www.samsun (English) HONDURAS 800-27919267 http://www. /latin (Spanish) http://www.samsun (English) JAMAICA 1-800-234-7267 http://www.
49 Appendix Appendix CZECH 800 - SAMSUNG (800-726786) http://www.samsu DENMARK 70 70 19 70 http://www.s EIRE 0818 717100 http://www.s ESTONIA 800-7267 .com FINLAND 09 85635050 http://www. FRANCE 01 48 63 00 00 http://www.
50 Appendix Appendix SWEDEN 0771 726 7864 (SAMSUNG) .com SWITZERLAND 0848-SAMSUNG (7267864, CHF 0.08 /min) http://www.sam (German) _fr (French) U.K 0330 SAMSUNG (7267864) http://www.s CIS ARMENIA 0-800-05-555 http://www.
51 Appendix Appendix INDIA 1800 1100 11 3030 8282 1800 3000 8282 1800 266 828 2 http://www.sam INDONESIA 0800-112-8888 021-5699- 7777 http://www.sam JAPAN 0120-327-527 http :// MALAYSIA 1800-88-9999 http://www.samsun g.
52 Appendix Appendix MOROCCO 080 100 2255 http://www.samsu OMAN 800-SAMSUNG (726-7864) http://www.samsu e (English) http://www.sam (Arabic) SAUDI ARABIA 9200-21230 http://ww e (English) http://www.sam sung.
53 Appendix Appendix Responsibility for the Pay Se rvice (Cost to Customers) When the service is requested, in spite of in warra nty, we may charge you for a visit from a service technician in the following cases. Not a product defect Cleaning of the product, Adjustme nt, Explanation, Re-installation and etc.
54 Appendix Appendix Correct Disposal Correct Disposal of This Product (Waste Electri cal & Electronic Equipment) Correct disposal of batteries in this product (Applicable in countries with separate collection systems) This marking on th e product, acce ssories or literature indicates that the pr oduct and it s electronic acce ssories (e.
Index 55 Index C Checking the C ontents 15 Connection to Us e Windows Embedded Standard 7 24 Contact SAMSUNG WORLD WIDE 47 Copyright 5 Correct Disposal 54 G General 45 I Installation 21 P Parts 18 Pow.
デバイスSamsung TX-WNの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Samsung TX-WNをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSamsung TX-WNの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Samsung TX-WNの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Samsung TX-WNで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Samsung TX-WNを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSamsung TX-WNの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Samsung TX-WNに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSamsung TX-WNデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。