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DEFINITY ® 4606 IP T elephone Release 1 User ’ s Guid e 555-2 33-775 Issue 1 Comco de 70 02064 44 July 2001.
Cop yri gh t 2001, A vaya, Inc. All Rights Reserved Not ic e Every effort was mad e to ensu re th at the in form a ti on in thi s book was co mplete and accu rate at th e ti me of p rin ting. Ho wever, info rm at ion is subjec t to change. A vay a W eb Page The W o rld W ide W eb hom e p ag e for A v ay a is: http:// www .
Part 15 : Pe rson al Computer S tatem ent . This equipmen t has been cert if i ed to comply with th e li mits for a Class B compu ting de vi ce, pursuant to Subpa rt J of Par t 15 of FC C Rules. Only per iph era ls (computing inpu t/out put devices, te rminals, printe rs, et c.
Contents Issue 1 July 2001 v Abou t This Docu ment xi ■ Purpos e xi ■ Inten ded Audienc e xi ■ Issu e Dat e xi ■ How to Us e This Document xi ■ Docu ment Organiz ation xii ■ Conven tions U.
Contents vi Issue 1 July 2001 4 Call Handling Features 4-1 ■ Introdu ction 4-1 ■ Confe r ence 4- 1 Adding another part y to a call 4-1 Adding a held call to the current call 4-2 Droppin g the last.
Contents Issue 1 July 2001 vii ■ Automa tic Intercom 5-4 ■ Button V iew 5-5 Viewi ng t he fe atur e pr ogram med on a Line/Fea ture button 5-5 ■ Call Display 5-5 ■ Call Forwarding 5-5 Tempor a.
Contents viii Issue 1 July 20 01 ■ Program Abbrevia ted Dialing 5- 13 Programm ing or re-pr ogramming a s ingle Abbre v iated Di aling button o n a Line/F eature button us ing the Program feature 5-.
Contents Issue 1 July 2001 ix 7 IP Telephone Management Features 7-1 ■ Introdu ction 7-1 ■ Interpre ting Ringer To nes 7-1 ■ Pers ona li zi ng You r Tele pho ne ’ s Ringing P attern 7-3 Select.
Contents x Issue 1 July 2001.
Issue 1 July 20 01 xi About This Document Purpose The DEFINI T Y ® 4606 IP T elephone Us er ’ s Gu ide describe s the 4606 IP T elephone ’ s oper ation and functio nality . Intended Au dience This doc ument is intende d for telepho ne users who ha ve a 4606 IP T elephon e at their de sks.
About This Docum ent xii Issue 1 Jul y 2001 Document Organization This g uide contain s the followi ng chapters: Chapter 1 , 4606 IP T elephone Descr iption Describes each element on the face of the tele phone. Chapter 2 , Using Progr ammable Button s Explains how to program certa in Line/Fea ture buttons for ad ditional functiona lity .
Conv enti ons U s ed Issue 1 July 2001 xiii Conventions Used This guid e uses the fo llowing text ual, symbolic, a nd typograph ic conventio ns to help you interpret info r mati on.
About This Docum ent xiv Issue 1 July 2001.
Issue 1 July 2001 1-1 1 4606 IP T elephone Description Introduction This cha pter introduce s you to the layout of the 4606 IP T e lephone. It pr ovides a descripti on for each fun ctional butto n and other phone characteri stics.
1-2 Issue 1 Jul y 2001 Match the numbered ca llouts on th e 4606 illustr ation to the de scriptions below . 1. Display - The display scree n has two lin es of 16 chara c ters ea ch.
Issue 1 July 2001 2-1 2 Using Programmable Buttons Introduction Y our 4606 IP T el ephone has six Line/Feature bu ttons, some o f which are dedicate d to incomin g and outgoing calls. The r emaining L ine/Feature bu ttons can be pr ogrammed b y your T el ephone System Administrato r to provide additiona l phone func tionality .
2-2 Issue 1 Jul y 2001 IP T e lephone Features A vailable on Programmable Line /Feature Buttons Regardle ss of whether a specific f eature is avai lable on a L ine/Feature bu tton, or via an Ac cess Code, yo u can find procedu res for all 46 06 IP T elep hone features in Chap te r 5, “ IP T elepho ne Features .
Issue 1 July 2001 3-1 3 Using the Disp lay Screen Introduction The DEFINI T Y ® 4606 IP T elephone has a 2-li ne by 16 cha racter disp lay (scree n) area loc ated at the top third of the phon e.
3-2 Issue 1 Jul y 2001 Lower Display Li ne Line/Fea ture Button In formation Line/Fe ature button info r mati on identifies th e line being used. Each of the s ix Line/Fe ature buttons is given an alph abetic designa tion of a thro ugh c (left colu mn) and d through f ( right column) .
Issue 1 July 2001 4-1 4 Call Handlin g Features Introduction Call - han d li ng f e at u re s a re t h os e y ou w oul d us e w h il e a c al l is i n pr og r ess or w hi le making a call.
4-2 Issue 1 Jul y 2001 Adding a he ld call to the current call 1. P ress . The curr ent line and the held line li ghts flutter. 2. Press the line button o f the held call.
Mute Issue 1 July 2001 4-3 Mute During a n active call , the Mute feature prevents the pa rty with whom you are speaki ng from hearing you. This fea ture is most c ommonly us ed in conju nction with the S peakerphone, bu t can be used to hold an off-line con versation at a ny time dur ing a call.
4-4 Issue 1 Jul y 2001 Plac ing a call withou t liftin g the han dset or usi ng the Speakerpho ne with any feat ure 1. P ress . The Spe aker/Mute indi cator above lights and voice con trol is handled b y the speaker. 2. P lace or answ er the call, or ac cess th e sel ected f eatu re.
Transfer Issue 1 July 2001 4-5 T ran sfer The T ransfer feat ure lets you tran sfer a call fro m your telep hone to anothe r extension o r outside numb er . Sending a call to another telephon e 1. With the c all active (or with only one h eld call and n o active call s ), pre ss .
4-6 Issue 1 Jul y 2001.
Issue 1 July 2001 5-1 5 IP T elephone Features Introduction This cha pter contains pr ocedures for us ing DEFINITY ® pho ne featu re s. Depending on how your 4606 IP T elephone was set up by yo ur System Adminis trator , you can acces s some or all of the features d iscussed in t his chapte r using Li ne/Feature but tons or Featur e Access Co des.
5-2 Issue 1 Jul y 2001 Whether your DEFINITY ® IP telephone system uses ac cess codes and/or feature buttons, b e sure to ch eck with your System Admi nistrator to fi nd out your pho ne syste m ’ s sp ecifi c con figur ati on.
Abbrev iated Dialin g (AD) Issue 1 July 2001 5-3 Abbreviated Dialing (AD) The Abb r eviate d Dialing (AD) feature lets y ou access s tored numbers for quick and ea sy dialing. The numbers st ored can be a c omplete or p artial tele phone number , a trunk code (to access an outside l ine), an exten sion or a fe ature Access Code .
5-4 Issue 1 Jul y 2001 Automatic Callback The Auto matic Callback f eature sends y our phone a priority ring, indicating the previo usly busy or un answered extensi on you dialed i s now availabl e.
Button View Issue 1 July 2001 5-5 Button V iew The Butt on V iew feat ure lets you di splay the n ame of the featu re that has b een programme d on any of y our telephone ’ s Line/Fea ture (call appea rance) buttons . V iewing the f eature progra mmed on a Line/Feature button 1.
5-6 Issue 1 Jul y 2001 Can celing C all Forw arding 1. If your S ystem Admini strator has p rogrammed one of the Line/Feat ure buttons to represent Call F orwarding Cance l, press that b utton, or Dial the Ca ll Forward C ancel Access C ode with the pho ne of f-hook .
Call Pickup a nd Directed Call Pickup Issue 1 July 2001 5-7 Call Pickup and Directed Call Pickup The Call Pickup featur e lets you ans wer a call at your teleph one for another extensi on in your ca ll pickup gr oup.
5-8 Issue 1 Jul y 2001 Directory The Direc tory feature a llows you to search a stor ed list of tele phone number s by keying in the name of the person whos e number yo u want using the d ial pad. Initiall y , your directory wi ll be set up by your System Administr ator to includ e only those pho nes that are par t of your telep hone system.
Exclu sion Issue 1 July 2001 5-9 Exclusion The Excl usion featur e allows multi -appearance us ers to preven t other multi-a ppearance us ers having th e same extens ion from bri dging on to a n existing call .
5-10 Issue 1 Jul y 2001 Internal Auto A nswer (Hands Fr ee Answer) The Inter nal Auto Answ er (or Hands- Free Answer o n Intercom) fea ture lets your Speaker phone-equippe d telephone au tomatically g o off-hook to answ er internal call s. Answering int ernal call s automati cally 1.
Pause ( During Abbrev iated Dialing) Issue 1 July 2001 5-11 Leaving a message after dialing an e xtensio n (in response to a busy or coverage tone, no answer or Hold status) 1.
5-12 Issue 1 Jul y 2001 Priority Calling The Prio rity Calling f eature lets yo u place an i nternal call w ith a distinctive ring (usual ly a 3-burst r ing ) to indicate y our call need s immediate attention.
Program A bbreviated Di aling Issue 1 July 2001 5-13 Program Abbreviated Dialing T o be programmab le for abbrev iated dialing, a Line/Feature button must be adminis tered for the A bbreviated Dia ling feature.
5-14 Issue 1 Jul y 2001 8. T o end programmi ng, hang up by pressing o r lifting and r eplacing the hands et. Programming or re -programming a si ngle Abbreviated Di aling button on a Line/Feature button using a n AD Access Code Use this procedure on ly if your Sy stem Admin istrator has pr ogrammed an Abbrev iated Dialin g Access Code.
Release Issue 1 July 2001 5-15 Release The Rele ase feature all ows an agent o n an ACD (Automa ted Call Dialing ) call to be relea sed from that c all. This featur e is used in conj unction with other ACD features . Ringer Off The Ring er Of f feat ure stops you r phon e from ringin g.
5-16 Issue 1 Jul y 2001 Send All Calls The Send All Calls featur e lets you tempo rarily send you r calls to the ex tension of a perso n designated by the System Adm inistrator to answer them whe n you canno t.
Stored Nu mber (View) Issue 1 July 2001 5-17 Stored Number (V iew) The Stor ed Number fe ature lets you display: ■ The numb ers stored i n Abbreviated Dialing (AD) locations ■ The numb er you last dial ed V iewing eith er the last number dialed or a number store d on an AD button 1.
5-18 Issue 1 Jul y 2001 Whisper P age (Activate) The Whis per Page featur e lets you make an announcemen t to a person at another e xtension who is currently on a call; only th e person being paged hears the ann ouncement.
Whisper Page Ans wer Issue 1 July 2001 5-19 Whisper P age Answer The Whis per Page An swer feature le ts you speak with a perso n who pages you while yo u are on a call .
5-20 Issue 1 Jul y 2001.
Issue 1 July 2001 6-1 6 Retrieving V oice Messages Mes sage R etri eval Y our mes sage indicator l ights when a cal ler has left you a message. B ecause voice m ail systems are administe red differently among custo mers, check y our office proced ures for message re trieval.
6-2 Issue 1 Jul y 2001.
Issue 1 July 2001 7-1 7 IP T elepho ne Management Features Introduction This cha pter explains h ow to interpret bot h the different rin ger tones you hear and the telep hone ’ s indicator light s. Also covered ar e tes ting your telepho ne to be sure it is op erating proper ly , and p ersonalizin g your phone ’ s ringing pattern.
7-2 Issue 1 Jul y 2001 Feedback (Handset ) T ones Meaning Busy --- --- -- - Low-pit ched, rapid tone (repeated 60 times per min ute), signify ing the numbe r dialed is i n use.
Person alizing Yo ur Telephone ’ s Ringing Pa ttern Issue 1 July 2001 7-3 Personalizing Y our T e lephone’ s Ringing Pattern The Sel ect Ring feature lets you c hoose your own personalize d ringing p attern from amo ng eight different patt erns. Selecting a per sonalized r inging pattern With the p hone on-hook, p ress .
7-4 Issue 1 Jul y 2001 Te s t i n g Y o u r P h o n e The T est featu re lets yo u verify that your telephone ’ s lights a nd display are operatin g properly .
Issue 1 July 2001 8-1 8 Using a Headset or S pecialized Handset Introduction This cha pter describ es the headsets and specia lized handsets that are compat ible with your IP telephone.
8-2 Issue 1 Jul y 2001 Operating a Hea dset Headset op eration must be administered by your System Administrato r and requires either an M12LU Modular Ba se Unit (PEC 31 24-022) or a 3124 -HIC: Attenuati on (headset adap ter) Cord (PEC 3124-HIC).
Issue 1 July 2001 9-1 9 T rou blesho oting Introduction The DEFINI TY 4600-Series IP T el ephones are re latively troubl e-free. The Bas ic T roubleshoo ting chart pro vides the most c ommon problems an end user mi ght encounter.
9-2 Issue 1 Jul y 2001 Characters d o not appear o n the Di splay sc reen See "Ph one does not a c tivate after conne cting it the first time" ab ove. Check th e power source to be sure your telephone is receiving power. Check al l lines into the phone to be su re it is prop erly connected.
Basic Tr o ubl eshoo ting Issue 1 July 2001 9-3 Echo, no ise or static when using a headset; hands et operatio n works proper ly Check th e headset connec tion.
9-4 Issue 1 Jul y 2001 Resetting and Power Cycling the IP Te l e p h o n e Reset you r IP T el ephone when o ther T r oubleshooting s uggestions do not correct the probl em. Use a Pow er Cycle with the a pproval of you r System Adm inistrator only when a reset does n ot resolve the problem.
Resetting and Power Cycl ing the IP T elephone Issue 1 July 2001 9-5 Power cycli ng the phone Use the po wer cycle with your System Ad ministrator ’ s approval only if the b asic or programme d reset proce dure cannot be p erformed or d oes not correct the problem : 1.
9-6 Issue 1 Jul y 2001.
デバイスAvaya 4606の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Avaya 4606をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAvaya 4606の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Avaya 4606の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Avaya 4606で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Avaya 4606を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAvaya 4606の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Avaya 4606に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAvaya 4606デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。