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INSTRUCTION MANUAL VPC-J1EX VPC-J1 Digital Camera Imp ortan t note This manual explains how to safely operate the VPC-J1EX and VPC-J1. Any information regarding only one of these products will be labeled as such. Please read these instructions carefully before using the digital camera.
Warning TO PREVENT THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS APPLIANCE TO RAIN OR MOISTURE FOR AMERICAN USERS œ This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
F OR CANADIAN USERS œ This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. SX711/EX, GX, U (VPC-J1 GB) Tue. Feb., 25/2003 English ii.
OUTLINE OF OPERATION To help you get started enjoying using your digital camera right away, given below is an outline of the fundamental operation, from setup to shooting to playback. SETUP 1 Charge the b attery pack (see pages 27 and 33). 2 Install the battery p ack (see page 28).
PLAYBACK œ See “ View the image just captured (preview display) ” on page 40. œ See “ PLAYING BACK STILL IMAGES ” on page 72. œ See “ PLAYING BACK SEQUENTIAL S HOTS ” on page 74.
CONTENTS OUTLINE OF OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 USING YOUR DIGITAL CAMERA SAFELY AND CORRECTLY . . . . . . . 7 CHECKING THE INCLUDED ACCESSORIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 QUICK START FOR CAPTURING IMAGES .
B BASIC MODE PLAYBACK SETTING THE PLAYBACK MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 PLAYING BACK STILL IMAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 PLAYING BACK SEQUENTIAL SHOTS . . . . . . . . . . .
CONTEN TS B EXPERT MODE PHOTOGRAPHY ABOUT THE EXPERT MODE SHOOTING SETTING SCREENS . . . . . 94 COMPRESSION RATE SETTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 FOCUS SETTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B OPTION SETTING MODE ABOUT THE OPTION SETTING MODE SCREEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 DATE AND TIME SETTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 OPERATION SOUNDS SETTING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
USING YOUR DIGITAL CAMERA SAFELY AND CORRECTLY CONCERNING THE DIGITAL CAMERA WARNING B If the digital camer a makes a strang e noise, emits a str ange odor, or if smoke co mes out from it, immediately turn o ff the power an d remove th e batteries. œ If the digital camera is used under these conditions, it may cause a fire or electric shock.
B Do not get the digital camera wet œ This digital camera is not water-resistant. Do not allow it to get wet, as doing so may cause a fire or electric shock. œ Do not use the digital camera in a bathroom œ If the digital camera gets wet, immediately turn it off and remove the battery pack.
USING YOUR DIGITAL CAMERA SAFELY AND CORRECTLY (CONCERNING THE DIGITAL CAM ERA) WARNING B Do not use where there is risk of explosion œ Do not use the digital camera in a location where there is explosive gas, or any other flammable material in the air.
B Cautio ns du ring u se and stor age œ This digital camera is a precision instrument. When using or storing the digital camera, make sure to avoid the following locations to avoid damage.
USING YOUR DIGITAL CAMERA SAFELY AND CORRECTLY Concerning the sup plied battery pack charger (Model VAR-L10) DANGER B Risk of electric sh ock. Use on ly in a dr y location.
B Cautions when pl ugging in the battery pack charger œ Securely plug the power cord all the way into the power outlet when using the battery pack charger. If the battery pack charger is used with the power cord not fully plugged in, heat may be generated and cause a fire.
USING YOUR DIGITAL CAMERA SAFELY AND CORRECTLY Concerning the sup plied battery pack charger (Model VAR-L10) (co ntinued) DANGER B Keep the battery pack charger out of the reach of children œ Children may place the battery pack or other small components in their mouth or perform some other such unforeseeable action.
CAUTION B Do not dama ge the power cord œ Do not place heavy objects on the power cord. Do not place the power cord near a heat source. Do not excessively bend the power cord, modify it, or secure it with staples. Doing so may damage the power cord and cause a fire or electric shock.
USING YOUR DIGITAL CAMERA SAFELY AND CORRECTLY Concerning the Lithium-i on battery pack (Model DB-L10) DANGER This camera uses a Lithium-ion battery pack (Model DB-L10).
B Do not drop, hit, or submit the battery pack to strong shocks œ If the safety mechanisms and protective devices are broken, an abnormal chemical reaction may occur inside the battery pack, or cause the battery pack to catch fire, explode, leak or spew battery fluid, or generate heat.
USING YOUR DIGITAL CAMERA SAFELY AND CORRECTLY Conce rni ng th e Lith ium- ion ba tter y pa ck (Model DB-L10) (continu ed) DANGER B Use only the supplied battery pack charger (Model VAR-L10) œ If ano.
WARNING B Always stop the rechar ging after th e prescribed recharge time, even if the b attery pack is not fully charg ed. œ If you continue to recharge the battery pack, it may cause the battery pack to catch fire, explode, leak or spew battery fluid, or generate heat.
USING YOUR DIGITAL CAMERA SAFELY AND CORRECTLY Concerning the acces sories CAUTION B Cautions concern ing the use of the AC adapter œ Use only the separately sold AC adapter (model VAR-G6EX for the VPC-J1EX, model VAR-G6E for the VPC-J1EX [for U.K.] and model VAR-G6U for the VPC-J1) with your digital camera.
FOR CORRECT USE OF YOUR CAMERA B Cautions befor e capturing important images œ Before capturing important images, make sure that the digital camera is operating properly and in condition to capture the image properly.
USING YOUR DIGITAL CAMERA SAFELY AND CORRECTLY B Cautions when clean ing the digital camera Cleaning procedur e 1 Turn o ff the digital camera an d remove the b attery pack. 2 Remove the dir t with a soft cloth. 3 If the digital camer a is extremely dirty, wipe with a soft clo th moistened with a mild detergent diluted with water an d wrung dry.
FOR CORRECT USE OF YOUR CAMERA (co ntinued) CAUTION B When n ot using the d igital camera for a long per iod œ Remove the battery pack. However, when the battery pack is removed for a long time, the digital camera functions may begin to not work properly.
USING YOUR DIGITAL CAMERA SAFELY AND CORRECTLY B Cauti on concer ning ma gnetism œ Do not place credit cards, bank cards, floppy disks, or other items that may be damaged by magnetic fields near the speaker. Data may be lost or the magnetic strips on cards may be damaged.
FOR CORRECT USE OF YOUR CAMERA (co ntinued) CAUTION B Cauti ons w hen h andli ng th e ca rds œ The cards are precision devices. Do not bend, drop, or subject them to strong forces or shocks.
CHECKING THE INCLUDED ACCESSORIES œ Handstra p œ Software: 1 CD-ROM œ Lithium-ion battery pack (battery pack): 1 œ Lithium-ion battery pack charger and p ower cord œ Dedicated AV cable: 1 œ Dedi.
ATTACHING THE HANDSTRAP SOFT CASE When not using the digital camera, keep it in the soft case for protection. Media cards that can be used with this digital camera The types of card that can be insert.
QUICK START FOR CAPTURING IMAGES Rech arg ing t he ba tt ery p ack Before using the supplied battery pack in the camera, insert it into the charger. 1 Charge the b attery pack. œ Insert it in the direction indicated by the [ j ] mark on the battery pack.
Install the battery pa ck and c ard The card can be used after it has been formatted with the camera (see page 151). Make sure that the battery pack polarity ((+) and ( – )) and the card orientation are correct. 5 Insert the battery pack. 6 Insert the card.
QUICK START FOR CAPTURING IMAGES Capture an ima ge (det ails on page s 41, 42 ) Now that preparation is completed, your digital camera is ready to capture images. Shown here is how to capture a still image. 7 Set the selector dial to [ Õ ]. œ The power turns on, and the lens cover opens.
10 Press the shutter r elease button halfway (focus-lock). œ The autofocus locks on the subject, and the image in the LCD monitor appears clearly. 11 Continue to gently pr ess the shutter release button all the way. œ The image is captured. View the image (det ails on pa ge 72) Now let ’ s take a look at the i mage you captured.
PARTS NAMES Front 1 Selector dial Ó : PC camera m ode Ô : Shooting mode (LCD monitor off) Õ : Shooting mode (LCD monitor on) Ö : Power off Ø : Playback mode Ù : Option mode Ú : PC connection mo.
Rear 1 Mode i ndic at or Ï : Still image mode Ñ : Sequential shots mode Ò : Video clip mode 2 Accessing indicato r (red/green /orange) Red flas hing : œ When charging the flash; when no card, an u.
RECHARGING THE BATTERY PACK Be sure to fully charge the supplied or separately sold battery pack before using it in your camera. For charging the battery pack, use the supplied charger.
About the CHARGE indicator The CHARGE indicator shows the status of the battery pack and the charger. Please refer to the following table if the indicator flashes abnormally.
TURNING THE POWER ON/OFF Turning the power on When capturing images 1 Set the selector dial to [ Õ ] o r [ Ô ]. [ Õ ]: The LCD monitor is used. [ Ô ]: The LCD monitor is not used. œ The power turns on, the lens cover opens and the accessing indicator next to the viewfinder lights.
Turning the power off 1 Set the selector dial to [ Ö ]. œ The power turns off. When capturin g images œ The lens cover automatically closes. œ The LCD monitor and accessing indicator turn off. When playing b ack images œ The LCD monitor turns off.
BEFORE TAKING PICTURES For best results Holding the camer a Hold the camera securely with both hands, keeping your elbows close to your body and making sure the camera is stable. Correct hold Incorrect hold Make sure that the lens, lens opening and flash are not blocked by your fingers or the handstrap.
Using the Autofocus The autofocus will work in almost all situations; however, there are certain conditions that may cause the autofocus function to not work properly. If the autofocus function is not working properly, set the focus range or the focus area to capture images (see page 103).
USING TH E AUTOF OCUS œ Fast-moving su bjects Use the focus-lock function to lock the focus on an object at the same distance as the desired subject, then reposition the camera to compose the picture.
View the image ju st captured (preview disp lay) œ Immediately after capturing an image, you can press the SET button to preview the image. For video clips and sequential shots, you can pause the image by pressing [ À ] on the arrow button.
SETTING THE SHOOTING MODE Your digital cam era has three sho oting modes: œ Still image shooting mode: For capturing still images. œ Sequential shots shooting mode: For capturing several images in succession. œ Video clip shooting mode: For capturing video clips.
12 12 12 2.8 1/30 Target mark Focus icon (Press halfway) (Press fully) CAPTURING STILL IMAGES 1 Set the camera to the still image shooting mode (see page 41). 2 Press the shutter r elease button to take the picture. 1 Point the camera lens at the subject.
SEQUENTIAL SHOTS This digital camera provides three types of sequential shots. AE shift sequential shots A : Several sequential images are captured as the exposure changes automatically. œ The setting for the standard exposure can be modified (see page 111).
B How to set the sequen tial shots mod e 1 Set the camera to the seq uential shots shoo ting mode (see p age 41). 2 Press the MEN U button . œ A menu screen appears. 3 Press [ À ] or [ Á ] on th e arrow button to select the sequential sho ts mode m enu .
SEQUENTIAL SHOTS Standard sequential s hots Ö 1 Set the camera to the stan dard sequential sho ts shooting mod e (see page 44). 2 Press the shutter r elease button to capture the seq uential shots. œ Images are captured as long as the shutter release button is pressed.
AE shift sequential shots (auto brack et shots) A 1 Set the camera to the A E shift sequen tial shots mode (see page 44). 2 Press the shutter r elease button to cap ture the sequen tial shots. œ When the shutter release button is pressed, sequential shots shooting begins.
SEQUENTIAL SHOTS Best sel ect s ho t Ä 1 Set the camera to the b est select shot shoo ting mode (see p age 44). 2 Press the shutter r elease button to capture the seq uential shots. œ When the shutter release button is pressed, sequential shots shooting begins.
4 Save the selected image and erase the others. 1 Select “ YE S ” , and press the SET button. œ “ PROC ESSI NG ” appears for a few moments, and then the sequential shots shooting mode returns. œ The selected image is saved in the still image folder; the other three images are deleted (nothing is saved in the sequential shots folder).
VIDEO CLIPS When you shoot video clips, the sound is also recorded. 1 Set the camera to the vid eo clip shooting mode (see page 41). 2 Press the shutter r elease button to record the video clip. œ It is not necessary to keep the shutter release button pressed while shooting.
SHOOTING IN THE BASIC MODE In the BASIC mode the number of settings the user has to deal with are few, making it easy for the novice digital camera operator to enjoy taking photos. It is recommended that the user who is new to digital camera operati on or not familiar with the various settings take photos using the basic settings of this mode.
SHOOTING IN THE BASIC MODE To display the BASIC Mode Shooting Setting Screen 1 Set the camera to the B ASIC shootin g mode (see pag e 50). 2 Press the MEN U button . œ The screen corresponding to the selected shooting mode appears. œ The shooting screen is canceled if the MENU button is pressed again.
Shooting Setting Screen bas ic opera tion When a setting screen is displayed, the arrow button and the SET button are used to make the desired settings. B Shooti ng Sett ing Scree n œ When selecting a men u œ Press [ À ] or [ Á ] on the arrow button.
SHOOTING IN THE BASIC MODE Shooting Setting Screens Still Ima ge Sho oting Setti ng Scr een * All the icons never appear at the same time. 12 5 4 6 1 2 3 Lit SCENE SELECT FULL AUTO SX711/EX, GX, U (VPC-J1 GB) Tue.
1 Scene Select menu (p age 59) c B : Full auto icon F : Sports icon x : Portrait icon í : Landscape icon ì : Night view icon î : Cosmetic icon ï : Lamp icon ñ :S l i m i c o n 2 Resolution m enu .
SHOOTING IN THE BASIC MODE Sequen tial Shots Shooti ng Se tting Scre en * All the icons never appear at the same time. 12 1 2 3 4 6 7 5 Lit SCENE SELECT FULL AUTO SX711/EX, GX, U (VPC-J1 GB) Tue.
1 Scene Select menu (p age 59) c B : Full auto icon F : Sports icon x : Portrait icon í : Landscape icon î : Cosmetic icon ñ :S l i m i c o n 2 Sequential sh ots mode (METHOD ) menu (page 44) c Ä .
SHOOTING IN THE BASIC MODE Video Clip Sh ootin g Setti ng Scree n * All the icons never appear at the same time. 00:10 5 4 1 2 3 Lit 6 SCENE SELECT FULL AUTO SX711/EX, GX, U (VPC-J1 GB) Tue.
1 Scene Select menu (p age 59) c B : Full auto icon F : Sports icon x : Portrait icon í : Landscape icon î : Cosmetic icon 2 Resolution m enu (page 61) c E : 640 x 480-pixel resolution icon 2 : 320 .
SCENE SELECT FUNCTION Scene Selec t function You can select from various preset settings (aperture, shutter speed, etc.) for specific shooting conditions. Preset settings Features Still image shooting mode Sequential shots shooting mode Video clip shooting mode Sports F Capture a split-second image of a fast-moving subject.
2 Select the desired icon, and pr ess the SET button . F : Sports x : Portrait í : Landscape ì : Night view î :C o s m e t i c ï : Lamp ñ :S l i m B : The camera makes settings suitable for conditions (full auto).
RESOLUTION SETTING If the resolution is increased, the image quality will improve, but the number of remaining images that can be taken will decrease. Select the resolution according to the desired image quality and purpose. 1 Set the camera to the B ASIC shooting mode (see page 50), an d select the resolutio n menu.
HINT œ At a B resolution, the camera processes the captured image internally to produce a 2880 x 2160-pixel image. œ When capturing images at a B resolution, it takes 4 seconds after the shutter release button is pressed before the data is recorded (when using the supplied SD Memory Card).
SELF-TIMER The self-timer can be used to take photos in the still image shooting mode and sequential shots shooting mode. 1 Set the camera to the B ASIC shooting mode (see page 50), an d select the self-timer men u. V : Turns off the self-timer function.
HINT To pause o r cancel the self-timer fu nction... œ If the shutter release button is pressed again before the image is captured, the self-timer countdown temporarily stops. Press the shutter release button one more time to restart the self-timer. œ To cancel self-timer photography, select the self-timer off icon V and press the SET button.
FRAME RATE SETTING The frame rate is the number of fram es shot each second in a video clip. The higher the frame rate during recording, the smoother the video playback appears. On the other hand, a higher frame rate uses more memory. 1 Set the camera to the vid eo clip shooting mode (see page 41).
OTHER SHOOTING FUNCTIONS Using the zoom There are two zoom functions: optical zoom and digital zoom. 1 Make the zoom setting (see page 109), and poin t the camera lens at the subject. 2 Press [ T ] or [ W ] on the zoo m switch to compo se the desired image.
OTHER SHO OTING FUNCTIO NS Using the flash The flash is used not only for taking pictures where there is insufficient light, but also when the subject is in shade or in backlight conditions. Your camera has four modes of operation (automatic flash mode, forced flash mode, flash off mode, and red-eye reduction mode).
3 Press the flash butto n to select the flash mode. œ Each time the flash button is pressed, the flash mode icon changes. No icon: The digital camera will detect the subject brightness and use the flash only when required. In a backlight situation, if only the center of the image is very dark, the flash will operate to compensate (auto flash).
OTHER SHO OTING FUNCTIO NS 4 Press the shutter r elease button. œ The image is captured in the desired flash mode. <Sho oting with out usin g the LCD monitor > 1 Press the flash button. œ The LCD monitor turns on briefly to show the currently set flash mode.
Shooting without using the LCD monitor Compose the desired image by looking through the viewfinder. Compared to capturing images using the LCD monitor, this method uses less battery pack power. 1 Set the shoo ting mode (see p age 41). 2 Set the selector dial to [ Ô ].
SETTING THE PLAYBACK MODE Your digital camera has three playback modes: œ Still image playback mode: For playing back images captured in the still image shooting mode, as well as single images copied (see page 132) from a sequential shots series or a video clip.
PLAYING BACK STILL IMAGES Play back s till images one by one 1 Select the still image pl ayback mode (see page 71). 2 Press [ Â ] or [ Ã ] on th e arrow button. To play back the previous image: Press [ Â ] To play back the next image: Press [ Ã ] 9-image displa y playback 1 Select the still image pl ayback mode (see page 71).
PLAYING BACK STILL IMAGES HINT To play back a vo ice memo (see pages 112 and 130)... œ Display the image, and press the SET button. The voice memo recorded with the image is played back. To adjust the volu me... 1 Display the Playback Setting Screen (see page 77).
PLAYING BACK SEQUENTIAL SHOTS 1 Select the sequen tial shots playback mode (see pag e 71). œ The screen to select a sequential shots folder appears. 2 Press [  ] or [ à ] on the arr ow button to select the sequential sho ts folder you want to play back, and press the SET button.
PLAYING BACK VIDEO CLIPS 1 Select the video clip playback mode (see page 71). œ The screen to select a video clip appears. 2 Press [  ] or [ à ] on th e arrow button to select the video clip you want to play back. 3 Play back the video clip. Normal playb ack œ Press the SET button.
HINT To select a video clip from the 9-image playb ack display 1 While the screen in step 1 is being displayed, press [ W ] ( z ) on the zoom switch. œ The procedure to use the 9-image playback display is the same as when playing back still images. Please see step 3 on page 72.
ABOUT THE PLAYBACK SETTING SCREEN Various functions are available from the playback setting screen. You can set the protect function to prevent images from being accidentally erased, delete all the data, and adjust the playback volume of voice memos and video clips.
Switching between the operation modes (BASIC mode) This camera allows you to choose between two operation modes: w ith the BASIC mode, it is simple to enjoy playing back images with a minimum of steps; in the EXPERT mode, you have control of the many camera settings, including image editing, print settings, etc.
ABOUT THE PL AYBACK SETTING SCREE N BASIC MODE Playback Setting Scree n 1 Protect (prevent accid ental erase) 2 Erase icon 3 Volume control 4 Remaining b attery pack charge Not displayed when the remaining battery pack charge is near full or when the AC adapter (sold separately) is used.
VOLUME ADJUSTMENT The playback volume for voice memos recorded with still images and sequential shots and for video clips can be adjusted. 1 Play back an image. 2 Display the Pl ayback Setting Screen (see page 77). 3 Select the volum e icon N , and press the SET b utton.
IMAGE PROTECT MODE (PREVENT ACCIDENTAL ERASURE) By using the image protect mode, you can prevent accidental erasure or overwriting of the important data that you want to keep. The protect mode can be applied to a still image, to single images of a sequential shots sequence, to a video clip, or to an audio recording.
CAUTION œ Even if the protect mode is set for certain data files, they will be erased if the card is reformatted (see page 151). HINT To select a different imag e in steps 4 and 5... œ Press [  ] or [ à ] on the arrow button. To cancel the p rotect mode for an imag e.
ERASING DATA You can erase data that is stored on the card if you no longer need it. You can erase the images, video clips, and sound recordings one at a time, or all at once. 1 Display the d ata that you want to erase. 2 Display the Pl ayback Setting Screen (see page 77).
For sequ ential shots: ONE ERASE: Erases the one still image displayed. GROUP ERASE: Erases the entire folder for the sequential shots displayed (the data for other sequential shots remains). EXIT: Returns to the Playback Setting Screen. For video clips: ONE ERASE: Erases the video clip displayed.
ERAS ING D ATA 6 Press [ À ], and select “ YES ” , and press the SET b utton. œ “ ERASING ” is displayed, after which the next image appears. The data is erased. œ To erase other data, select “ EXIT ”, and press [  ] or [ à ] to display the data that you want to erase and repeat steps 5 and 6 .
MAGNIFYING (ZOOMING IN) THE IMAGE The saved images can be magnified for viewing during playback. 1 Display the image th at you want to magnify. œ For a video clip, pause playback at the place you want to magnify. 2 Press [ T ] ([ v ]) on the zo om switch.
ABOUT THE OPTION FUN MODE SCREEN Use the Option Fun Mode Screen to record and play back voice m emos, as well as for slideshow playback. Displaying and ex iting the Option Fun Mode Screen To d isplay 1 Set the selector dial to [ Ù ]. œ The Option Fun Mode Screen appears.
To exit 1 Set the selector dial to a settin g other than [ Ù ]. Option Fun Mode Screen 1 Audio reco rding 2 Audio playb ack 3 Slideshow p layback and settings 1 2 3 AUDIO REC AUDIO PLAYBACK SLIDESHOW SX711/EX, GX, U (VPC-J1 GB) Tue.
RECORDING AND PLAYING BACK SOUNDS Your digital camera can record and play back sound, just like a normal tape recorder. Recording 1 Display the Op tion Fun M ode Screen (see page 87). 2 Select the audio recording icon a , and press th e SET butto n. œ The Audio Recording Screen appears.
4 End the au dio recording . œ Press [ Á ] on the arrow button to end the recording. You are returned to the Audio Recording Screen. œ When the remaining recording time becomes little, a countdown of the remaining recording time is shown. œ To return to the Option Fun Mode Screen, in the Audio Recording Screen mode, press the MENU button.
RECORDING AND PLAYING BACK SOUNDS Playback 1 Display the Op tion Fun M ode Screen (see page 87). 2 Select the audio playback icon M , and press th e SET butto n. œ The Select Audio Screen appears. 3 Press [ À ] or [ Á ] on th e arrow button to select the desired aud io recordin g, and press th e SET button.
4 Select the play icon [ Ø ], and press the SET b utton. œ Playback starts. To pause p layback œ Press the [ À ] button to interrupt playback; press the SET button to continue playback. To fast forward o r rewind œ Fast forward: During playback, press [ à ].
PLAYING BACK STILL IMAGES AND VIDEO CLIPS IN A SLIDESHOW Still images and video clips can be automatically played back in slideshow fashion. Images are played back in the order in which they were recorded. 1 Display the Op tion Fun M ode Screen (see page 87).
ABOUT THE EXPERT MODE SHOOTING SETTING SCREENS Compared to the BASIC m ode, the EXPERT mode allows you much more control over the various shooting settings. To display 1 Set the camera to the d esired shooting mode (see page 41). 2 Set the camera to the E XPERT mode (see page 50).
ABOUT THE EXPER T MODE SHOOTING SET TING SCREENS EXPERT Mode Shooting Setting Screens Still Ima ge Sho oting Setti ng Scr een * All the icons never appear at the same time. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 F G 12 RESOLUTION 2048X1536(3M) H I J PC CAM Lit SX711/EX, GX, U (VPC-J1 GB) Tue.
1 Resolution m enu (page 61) B : 2880 x 2160-pixel resolution icon c @ : 2048 x 1536-pixel resolution icon D : 1600 x 1200-pixel resolution icon E : 640 x 480-pixel resolution icon 2 Self-timer men u .
ABOUT THE EXPER T MODE SHOOTING SET TING SCREENS Sequen tial Shots Shooti ng Se tting Scre en * All the icons never appear at the same time. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 F G H 12 PC CAM I J Lit METHOD BEST SX711/EX, GX, U (VPC-J1 GB) Tue.
1 Sequential sh ots mode (METHOD ) menu (page 44) c Ä : Best select shot icon Ö : Standard sequential shots icon A : AE shift sequential shots icon 2 Resolution m enu (page 61) c @ : 2048 x 1536-pix.
ABOUT THE EXPER T MODE SHOOTING SET TING SCREENS Video Clip Sh ootin g Setti ng Scree n * All the icons never appear at the same time. 00:10 P C C A M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 F G H I J K RESOLUTION 640X480 Lit SX711/EX, GX, U (VPC-J1 GB) Tue.
1 Resolution m enu (page 61) c 4 : 640 x 480-pixel resolution icon 2 : 320 x 240-pixel resolution icon 0 : 160 x 120-pixel resolution icon 2 Frame Rate men u (page 65) c { : 15 frames/sec icon } : 30 .
COMPRESSION RATE SETTING Use the procedure below to set the compression rate. Even if the same resolution is used, you can change the compression setting to decrease the image data size so that you can capture more images, or increase the image data size for no loss in image quality.
œ The possible compression rate settings for each shooting mode are shown in the following table. Compression rate Resolution ( units: pixel s) [Icon displayed on LCD monitor] 2880 x 2160 B 2048 x 15.
FOCUS SETTING Set the fo cu s ran ge (dis tan ce) The focus distance can be set to a specific range. Also, with super macro photography, you can capture the image of a subject as close as 2 cm. 1 Display an EXPERT Mode Sho oting Setting Screen (see p age 94).
Set th e fo cus area You can choose from the following 2 types of autofocus: Multi-section focus: T he distance to the subject is detected by sampling from multiple areas of the entire shooting screen. Spot focus: The camera focuses on the subject in the center of the LCD monitor.
LIGHT-MEASURING MODE SETTING You can select from 3 types of light-measuring modes. Multi-section light-measuring: Light is measured by sampling from multiple areas of the entire shooting screen. Center-weighted light-measuring: Light is measured from the entire shooting screen, but gives more importance to the values near the center.
WHITE BALANCE SETTING This digital camera automatically adjusts the white balance under most lighting conditions. However, if you want to specify the lighting conditions or change the overall tone of the image, the white balance can be manually set. 1 Display an EXPERT Mode Sho oting Setting Screen (see p age 94).
WHITE BALANCE SE TTING 3 Press the SET b utton. œ This completes the white balance setting. œ Once the white balance setting is programmed for the S ico n, i t is retained even if another white balance setting ( H , g , h , e , or i ) is selected.
ISO SENSITIVITY SETTING With the initial settings, the ISO sensitivity is automatically set according to the brightness of the subject. However, the ISO sensitivity can be set to a fixed setting. 1 Display an EXPERT Mode Sho oting Setting Screen (see p age 94).
ZOOM SETTINGS Setting the optical zoom (video clip s hooting only) The optical zoom can be used during video clip photography, but the noise from the zoom movement m ay be picked up by the microphone and be audible during playback. If you are bothered by this noise, you can disable the optical zoom.
Setting the digital zoom This setting allows you to specify whether or not the digital zoom is enabled. 1 Display an EXPERT Mode Sho oting Setting Screen (see p age 94). 2 Select the desired dig ital zoom setting from the digital zoom menu. Y : Digital zoom can be used.
EXPOSURE CORRECTION When capturing images, you can make the image lighter or darker. 1 Set the camera to the E XPERT shooting mode (see page 94), an d exit the Shoo ting Setting Screen or Shooting In formation Screen (see page 115). œ Press the MENU button to exit the Shooting Setting Screen or Shooting Information Screen.
ADDING A VOICE MEMO In the still image shooting mode, you can record up to approximately 10 seconds of sound (called a “ voice memo ” ) when capturing the image. 1 Set the camera to the still image shooting mode (see page 41), an d display the EXPE RT Mode Sh ooting Setting Screen (see p age 94).
FLICKER-REDUCTION SETTING (VIDEO CLIP SHOOTING ONLY) The flicker-reduction setting reduces the flicker that results when filming video clips under fluorescent lights and the like where the background lighting pulsates at the frequency of the power supply.
HINT œ Note that although the flicker-reduction setting decreases the image flicker that occurs under fluorescent lighting, the image quality may deteriorate slightly. œ If the flicker-reduction setting is used outdoors on a very bright day, a halation effect may occur.
SHOOTING SETTING INFORMATION DISPLAY (SHOOTING INFO SCREEN) This Information Screen allows you to check the current settings while shooting. To d isplay 1 Put the digi tal camera in the shootin g status. 2 Press the MEN U button for at least 1 second.
Shooting Info Screen 1 Resolution settin g 2 Focus area setting 3 Digit al z oom s ett ing 4 Self-timer setting 5 Light-measu ring mod e setting 6 Compressio n rate setting 7 Voice memo setting 8 ISO .
ABOUT THE EXPERT MODE PLAYBACK SETTING SCREENS In addition to the playback functions available in the BASIC mode, in EXPERT mode playback you can also edit and process images, change the print settings, and more.
Expert Mode Playba ck Setting Screens 1 Data protect setting 2 Data erase 3 Volume control 4 Audio dubb ing 5 Resize 6 Rotate image 7 Print settings 8 Slideshow settin gs and playback 9 Copy image F H.
SLIDESHOW PLAYBACK Images can be automatically played back in slideshow fashion. Voice memos recorded with images are also played back at the same time. 1 Set the camera to the d esired playback mod e (see page 71), and display the EXPER T Mode Playback Setting Screen (see p age 78).
CHANGING IMAGE SIZE (RESIZE) (STILL IMAGES ONLY) The size of a still image that has already been captured at a resolution of 4 or more can be changed to 640 x 480 pixels or 320 x 240 pixels. The resized image is saved as a separate image. 1 Display the still image whose size you want to ch ange.
CHANGING IMAGE SIZE (RESIZE) (STIL L IMAGES ONLY) 4 Press [ À ] or [ Á ] on th e arrow button to select the new image size. 4 : The saved image will be 640 x 480 pixels. 2 : The saved image will be 320 x 240 pixels. C : Return to the EXPERT Mode Playback Setting Screen.
ROTATING AN IMAGE Captured images can be rotated to the correct orientation for viewing. 1 Display the still or sequen tial shots image you wan t to rotate. 2 Display the EXP ERT Mode Pl ayback Setting Screen (see p age 78). 3 Select the rotate image ico n Ç , and press th e SET butto n.
PRINT SETTINGS (DPOF SETTINGS) (STILL IMAGES ONLY) In addition to using your printer to print out still images captured with your digital camera, as with conventional film, you can have prints made at shops offering digital print services.
HINT œ To have the digital print service shop print out a still image from a sequential shots sequence or video clip, you must first copy the image and save it as a still image (see page 132). Abou t the DPOF form at œ DPOF (Digital Print Order Format) is a print order format.
PRINT SETTINGS ( DPOF SETTIN GS) (STILL IMAGES ONLY) Standard print Printing out one image on one sheet is called a “ standard print. ” With the standard print, you can specify how many copies you want to print out, as well as whether you want the date displayed on the print.
5 Select “ SETT ING ” , and press the SET b utton. œ The Date/Number Print Screen appears. 6 Specify whether the d ate is displayed on the print, and the numbe r of print s. <Specifying d ated prints> 1 Press [ À ] or [ Á ] on the arrow button to select “ DATE ”.
PRINT SETTINGS ( DPOF SETTIN GS) (STILL IMAGES ONLY) 7 Select “ EXI T ” and press th e SET button. œ The Confirm Print Settings Screen appears. If the print settings are correct: Select “ EXIT ” , and press the SET button. To modify the print settings: Select “ SETTING ” , and press the SET button.
3 Press the SET b utton. œ The Index Print Screen appears. YES: Specify an index print copy. NO: Specify no index print copy. 4 Select “ YES ” , an d press the SET button. œ This completes the setting for the index print. You are returned to the Print Setting Screen.
PRINT SETTINGS ( DPOF SETTIN GS) (STILL IMAGES ONLY) Clearing the print settings 1 Display the Prin t Setting Screen (see page 123). 2 Select “ ALL CLEAR ”. 3 Press the SET b utton. œ The Confirm All Clear Screen appears. YES: Clear the print settings for all images.
ADDING A VOICE MEMO (STILL IMAGES AND SEQUENTIAL SHOTS ONLY) You can add a voice memo to a still image or sequential shots image previously recorded. 1 Display the still image (or seq uential shots image) to which you want to add a voice mem o. 2 Display the EXP ERT Mode Pl ayback Setting Screen (see p age 78).
ADDING A VOICE MEMO (STILL IMAGES AND SEQUENTIAL SHOTS ONLY) 4 Press the shutter r elease button. œ Voice memo recording starts when the shutter release button is pressed. Talk into the microphone on the digital camera. œ A voice memo of up to about 10 seconds can be recorded.
COPYING IMAGES (SEQUENTIAL SHOTS, VIDEO CLIPS ONLY) You can select one image from a sequential shots sequence or one image (scene) from a video clip, copy it, and save it as a still image (the original data remains unchanged). 1 Display the desired image from a sequential sho ts folder or a video clip.
IMAGE INFORMATION DISPLAY (PLAYBACK INFO SCREEN) On the Information Screen you can check what the settings were when an image was captured. 1 Display the desired image. 2 Press the MEN U button for at least 1 second. œ The Playback Information Screen appears.
<Video clip playback mode> INFO 100-0001 7.4MB 00:24 p 2003.12.25 15:36 6 4 5 1 I 2 K H 7 J SX711/EX, GX, U (VPC-J1 GB) Tue. Feb., 25/2003 English 134.
ABOUT THE OPTION SETTING MODE SCREEN With the option setting mode, you can adjust the various settings related to camera operation, reformat a card, and more. Displaying and ex iting the Option Setting Mode Screen 1 Set the selector dial to [ Ù ]. œ The Option Setting Mode Screen appears.
Option Setting Mode Screen 1 Date and time setting 2 Operation so und (beep) settin gs 3 Guidance setting s 4 Languag e 5 TV system 6 Card re forma t 7 Power save function 8 File number reset 9 Reset settings œ Icons 8 and 9 are displayed when you press [ À ] or [ Á ] on the arrow button to scroll down the screen.
DATE AND TIME SETTING The digital camera will record the date and time an image or audio recording is taken so that you can display them during playback. Therefore, before capturing images, make sure the correct date and time are set. Example: To set the clock to 7:30 p.
3 Set the date. 1 Press the arrow button to select “ DATE ”. 2 Press the SET button. œ The Set Date Screen appears. 3 Press the arrow button to set the date to “ 2003/7/23 ”. œ Year setting Ö [ à ] Ö Month setting Ö [ à ] Ö Day setting.
DATE AND TI ME SETTI NG 5 Set the order in which the date is displayed du ring playback. 1 Press the arrow button to select “ DISP ”. 2 Press the SET button. œ The Set Date Format Screen appears. 3 Press [ À ] or [ Á ]. œ When [ À ] is pressed, the displayed date order changes as follows: œ Press [ Á ] to change in the reverse order.
6 Select “ EXI T ” , and press th e SET button. œ The date and time setting is completed, and you are returned to the Option Setting Mode screen. NOTE œ Under normal conditions, while the battery pack is being replaced, an internal battery will maintain the date and time settings.
OPERATION SOUNDS SETTING This setting allows you to set whether or not a confirming audio signal sounds when the operation buttons (shutter release button, SET button, MODE button, MENU button, etc.) are pressed. Display the Operation Sounds Screen 1 Display the Op tion Setting Mod e Screen (see page 135).
3 Press [ À ] or [ Á ] on the arr ow button to select the desired op tion, and then p ress SET bu tton. <If MUTE or TURN ON/OFF is selected> œ The screen to turn the operation sounds on or off appears. œ Press [ À ] or [ Á ] on the arrow button to select the desired setting, and press the SET button.
GUIDANCE FUNCTIONS You can set whether or not the help display is shown on the LCD monitor, the audio guide giving verbal operation instructions is enabled, and the camera light illuminates. 1 Display the Op tion Setting Mod e Screen (see page 135). 2 Select the guidance ico n ç , and press the SET b utton.
LANGUAGE You can set the LCD monitor and audio guide of your digital camera to display or play the messages in either Japanese or English. 1 Display the Op tion Setting Mod e Screen (see page 135). 2 Select the language ico n à , and press the SET b utton.
TV SYSTEM SETTING This setting is to specify the type of image signal that is output from the camera ’ s DIGITAL/AV terminal. 1 Display the Op tion Setting Mod e Screen (see page 135). 2 Select the TV system icon á , and press the SET b utton. œ The TV System Setting Screen appears.
POWER SAVE SETTING Your camera has a “ power save ” function whereby the power automatically turns off after a specified period of inactivity. The power save function works to conserve the battery pack power when the camera is not being used, or to prevent the battery pack from dying if the camera has accidentally been left on.
POWER SAVE SE TTING 3 Press [ À ] or [ Á ] on th e arrow button to select the desired op tion. 4 Press the SET b utton. œ The Set Standby Time Sc reen appears. 5 Press [ À ] or [ Á ] on th e arrow button to set the standby time. [ À ]: Increases the standby time.
ASSIGNING FILE NAMES If a reformatted card is used, the file name (image number) of the captured image automatically begins from 0001. If the card is subsequently reformatted, or if a different reformatted card is used, the file names again begin from 0001.
ASSIGNING FILE NAMES œ When the highest image number on Card B (before replacing) is higher than the highest image number on Card A: the file name of the next recorded image continues from last file name recorded on Card B. 1 Display the Op tion Setting Mod e Screen (see page 135).
RESETTING THE CAMERA SETTINGS The settings that were changed on all the setting screens can be reset to the factory-preset settings. 1 Display the Op tion Setting Mod e Screen (see page 135). 2 Select the reset setting s icon É , and press th e SET butto n.
FORMATTING A CARD The supplied card must be formatted with this camera. In addition, a card must be formatted with this camera: œ After purchasing, when used for the first time, or œ If it was formatted using a personal computer or another digital camera.
CAUTION Cauti on d uring refo rmat ting œ Do not turn off the power to the camera or eject the card during reformatting. Reformatting erases the data œ When a card is reformatted, all data recorded on the card is erased.
CHECKING THE REMAINING CARD MEMORY You can check how many images can be captured and how m uch recording time is available on the card. For a table showing the maximum number of images and recording time for specific cards, please see “ Possible No.
œ When the remaining number of images or the remaining video recording time is “0” , it may be possible to capture a few more images by changing the shooting mode, setting a lower resolution setting (see page 61), or selecting a different compression setting (see page 101).
CHECKING THE REMAINING BATTERY PACK CHARGE When using the battery pack, the remaining battery pack charge can be checked on the LCD monitor. Make sure to check this indicator before capturing an image. For an indication of the possible length of time for battery pack operation, see page 192.
HINT œ If any data is present, you can also check the remaining battery pack charge on the Playback Information Screen. œ Use only the supplied or separately sold battery pack in this camera. œ Battery life may differ even among battery packs of the same type.
USING THE CAMERA WITH A COMPUTER Using the came ra as your computer ’s external drive 1 Turn off you r digital camera (see p age 36). 2 Using th e supplied ded icated USB inter face cable, connect the camera conn ector to the camera and the computer connector to the proper term inal on your com puter.
3 Set the selector dial to [ Ú ]. œ The camera changes to the PC connection mode. œ More information about these operations can be found in the instruction manual accompanying the included Sanyo Utility Software. NOTE œ When the digital camera is set to the PC connection mode, no image is shown on the LCD monitor.
USING THE CAMER A WITH A COMPUTER Your captured images can be copied to the hard disk of a personal computer, or can be printed by a digital print service or with a printer. For copying to a personal computer, please refer to the instruction manual accompanying the provided CD-ROM (Sanyo Software P ack).
Configuration of directories for the stored data NOTE Do not mo dify the folders an d file names in the car d using you r computer œ If the folders, file names, or their configuration is modified using a personal computer, it will be impossible to play back the data using the digital camera, and the digital camera may not operate properly.
USING THE CAMER A WITH A COMPUTER Using the came ra as a PC came ra By connecting your digital camera to a personal computer, you can broadcast (photograph, use as a TV telephone, etc.) images taken with your camera over the Internet (PC camera function).
USB DIRECT-PRINT Print setup This camera supports the USB DIRECT -PRINT function. By connecting this camera to a USB DIRECT -PRINT capable printer, the digital camera ’ s LCD monitor can be used to select images and initiate printing (DIRECT-PRINT).
USB DIRECT-PRIN T To select one im age and print it Procedure to select one still image and print it. 1 Complete the p rinting setup (see page 162). 2 Select the print by select ico n n , and press th e SET butto n. œ The screen to select images for printing appears.
4 Set the print date an d num ber of copies settings. <Set the prin t date setting> 1 Select “ DATE ” , and press the S ET button. 2 Press [ À ] or [ Á ] on the arrow button to enable or disable date printing. YES: The date is printed on the copy.
USB DIRECT-PRIN T To print the images that are set to print (reserve d images printing) Procedure to print all the images that are set to print (see page 123). 1 Make the prin t settings (see page 123), and comp lete the printing setup (see page 162.) 2 Select the reserved imag es print icon Ì , and p ress the SET butto n.
To change the print settings and print ima ges Images are printed according to settings specified by the digital camera, such as paper type, size, layout, printing quality, etc. 1 Comp lete the printing setup. 2 Select the chang e print settings ico n Ë , and press th e SET button.
USB DIRECT-PRIN T 3 Adjust th e printer setting s. 1 Press [ À ] or [ Á ] on the arrow button to select the printer setting parameter, and press the SET button. œ The screen to set the selected parameter appears. 2 Press [ À ] or [ Á ] on the arrow button to adjust the setting, and press the SET button.
CONNECTING TO A TV By connecting the digital camera to a television set, you can view the LCD monitor display on the TV screen. Conn ectio ns Connect the supplied AV cable from the DIGITAL/AV terminal on the digital camera to the AUDIO and VIDEO input terminals on the T V.
CONN ECTIN G TO A TV CAUTION œ Do not use excessive force when connecting and disconnecting cables. SX711/EX, GX, U (VPC-J1 GB) Wed. Feb., 26/2003 169 English.
COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS If you have a question about the camera operation, you might find the answer in this compilation of commonly asked questions. Question Answer Action Power Why doesn ’ t the power turn on? Due to cold temperatures, the battery pack temporarily lost its power.
Question Answer Action Shooti ng While the flash is recharging, why does the LCD monitor suddenly turn off? Battery pack power is low, activating the function that momentarily turns off the LCD monitor. Not a malfunction. When the flash is fully charged, the LCD monitor wi ll turn on again.
Question Answer Action Shooti ng During macro photography, why is the captured image displaced from the image as seen through the viewfinder? Due to the displacement between the camera lens and the viewfinder, a subject viewed close up through the viewfinder will appear lower in the captured image.
Question Answer Action Shooti ng Which resolution setting should I use? — Select the resolution setting according to the intended use: @ or B : Appropriate for printing letter-size or larger, and for printing a close-up of part of a photo (trimming).
Question Answer Action Shooti ng Why doesn ’ t the digital zoom move? The digital zoom does not work when: œ The resolution is set to B . œ Set the resolution to @ or less. œ In the video clip shooting mode, the frame rate is set to } . œ Set the frame rate to { .
Question Answer Action LCD monit or When used in cold weather, why does the image seem to leave traces as it moves? Condition due to the liquid crystals. Not a malfunction. Spots that appear in the LCD monitor only appear in the monitor and will not be recorded with the images.
Question Answer Action Viewing images Why is the image too bright? The subject was too bright. When capturing an image, devise a way to compensate for a bright subject, for example, by changing the shooting angle. Why is the image out of focus? The focus is not locked properly.
Question Answer Action Viewing images Why do vertical stripes appear? If a bright subject is shot in the video clip shooting mode, vertical stripes may appear on the LCD monitor or in the image. Not a malfunction. Why isn ’ t the magnified image clear? Due to the characteristics of the camera, magnified images appear less clear.
Question Answer Action DIRECT- PRINT Why does a message appear during USB DIRECT-PRINT operation? NO BLA CK IN K The black ink supply is depleted. The message indicates the printer status. Please refer to the instruction manual for your printer. LOW BL ACK I NK The black ink level is low.
Question Answer Action Misc. Why is a noise heard from a nearby TV or radio during battery recharging? Electromagnetic waves are emitted from the battery charger. Move the battery charger further away from the TV or radio when recharging batteries. Why does the “ MEMORY FULL ” message appear? There is no more available memory on the card.
Question Answer Action Misc. Why does the “ SYSTEM ERROR ” message appear? A problem has occurred within the digital camera or card. Check the following items 1 Remove the card and then install it again. 2 Remove the batteries and then install them again.
TROUBLESHOOTING Before taking your camera to the repair shop, check the following table for a possible solution to the problem. Problem Cause Action Reference page Power No power. The battery pack is dead. Change or recharge the battery pack. 28, 33 The battery pack has not been inse rted correctly.
Problem Cause Actio n Reference page Shooti ng An image is not captured when the shutter release button is pressed. The memory is full (the accessing indicator lights red, the displayed number of remaining images that can be captured becomes “0” on the LCD monitor).
Problem Cause Action Reference page Shooti ng The add voice memo setting turned off. An image was captured with a voice memo added. Set the add voice memo function to ON again. 112 During video clip shooting, the zoom movement stops momentarily. The optical zoom has moved to the maximum magnification position.
Problem Cause Actio n Reference page Viewing images The image is too dark. The flash was blocked by a finger or other object. Hold the digital camera correctly, and make sure the flash is not obstructed. 37 The subject was too far away. Capture the image in the range of operation of the flash.
Problem Cause Action Reference page Viewing images The image is too bright. The forced flash mode is selected. Select a different flash mode. 67 The subject was too bright. Use the exposure correction function. 111 The ISO sen siti vity setting is incorrect.
Problem Cause Actio n Reference page Viewing images The colors of the images captured indoors are not correct. This is due to ambient lighting. Capture the image using the forced flash mode. 67 The white balance setting is incorrect. Set the white balance setting correctly.
Problem Cause Action Reference page Connecting to a TV No image or sound. The digital camera is not correctly connected to the TV. Follow the instructions to make the connection correctly. 168 The TV input is not set correctly. Set the input on the TV to “ VIDEO ” .
Problem Cause Actio n Reference page Misc. The “ NO CARD ” message appears. No card is inserted. Turn off the power and insert a card. 28 The “ PROT ECT ED ” message appears and the data cannot be erased. You have attempted to erase data that is protected from accidental erasure.
SPECIFICATIONS Digital Camera Type CCD digital camera (recording and playback) Recording system Digital recor ding Image file format Still images: JPEG format (DCF, DPOF , Exif 2.
Data compression SFINE (very low compression) (still images and sequential shots only) FINE (low compression) NORM (normal compression) White balance Full-auto TTL, manual setting possible Lens Prismatic optical 2.
Sensitivity Still image shooting mode/sequential shots shooting mode: Auto (equivalent to ISO50 to 200)/ equivalent to ISO50, ISO100, ISO200, and ISO400 (switchable from Shooting Setting Screen) (Maxi.
Digital camera c onnectors DIGITAL/AV (communication/sound and image output) terminal Regrouped jack Audio output 265 mVrms ( – 9 dBs), 12 k Ω or less, monaural Video output 1.0 Vp-p, 75 Ω unbalanced, sync negative, composite video, NTSC color TV system/PAL TV system (switchable from the Option Setting Screen) USB USB 1.
Possible No. of Images/Pos sible Shooting Time/Possible Rec ording Time The table shows the possible number of images, the possible shooting time, and the possible recording time for the supplied 16MB SD Memory Card and for a commercially available 64MB/512MB SD Mem ory Card.
Shooting/ recordin g mode Resol u- tion sett ing Compression rate/ frame rate setting SD M emor y Ca rd 16MB 64MB 512MB Video clip mode 4 c } 9 sec. 42 sec. 5 min. 46 sec. { 19 sec. 1 min. 24 sec. 11 min. 28 sec. 2 b } 22 sec. 1 min. 36 sec. 13 min. 5 sec.
Supplied Battery Pack Charger Part number VAR-L10 Power source AC 100 to 240 V, 50 to 60 Hz, 13 VA, 0.09 A Rated output DC 4.2V, 0.7 A Compatible batteries Supplied or separately sold Lithium-ion batt.
Supplied SD Memory Car d Memory capacity 16 MB Ambient environment Temperature 0 to 55 ° C Humidity 20 to 85% (no condensation) Dimensions 32.0 (L) x 24.
Others Apple, Macintosh and QuickTime are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Computer Inc. Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other company and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners.
Caution œ It is forbidden to copy this manual, whole or in part, without prior written permission. œ All images and illustrations given in this manual are for explanation purposes and may differ slightly from that of the actual product.
SANYO Electric Co., L td. SX711/EX, GX, U (VPC-J1 GB) Wed. Feb., 26/2003.
デバイスSanyo VPC-J1EXの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sanyo VPC-J1EXをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSanyo VPC-J1EXの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sanyo VPC-J1EXの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sanyo VPC-J1EXで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sanyo VPC-J1EXを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSanyo VPC-J1EXの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sanyo VPC-J1EXに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSanyo VPC-J1EXデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。