ScanSoftメーカーPro 12の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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L EGAL N OTICES Copyright © 2002 ScanS oft, Inc . All rights re served. N o part of this publication may be transmitted, transcri bed, reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or translated into an.
Omni Page Pro User’s Guide iii C ONTENT S W ELCOME 7 Using this G uide 8 Getting online H elp 9 Online HT ML Help 9 Context-S ensitiv e Hel p 9 Tech Note s 10 Glossar y 10 1I NSTALL ATION AND SETUP .
iv Contents The Text Ed itor 24 The OmniPage T oolbox 25 Managing documents 26 Thumbnails 26 Document Manager 27 Custo miz ing Do cum ent Manag er co lum ns 28 Deleting pages from a document 28 Printi.
Omni Page Pro User’s Guide v Input from scanner 49 Scanning with an ADF 50 Scanning without an ADF 51 Describing the l ayout of the documen t 51 Zones and backgrounds 53 Automatic zoning 53 Manual z.
vi Contents 5S AVIN G AND EXPORTING 77 Savi ng o ri gina l im ag es 78 Saving recognition results 79 Saving a document as you work 80 Sele cti ng a form atti ng le vel 81 Selecting ad vanced sav ing o.
O m ni P a ge P r o Use r ’s G u i d e 7 W e l c o m e W e l c o m e to O m n i P a ge P r o ® , and t h a n k y o u f o r u s ing our s o f t w a r e! T h e f o l l o w ing d o c u me n t a t i o n h a s been p r o v ided to h e lp y o u get st a r t e d and g i ve y o u a n o v e r view of t h e p r o g ram.
8 Welcome Using this Guide This guide is wr itten with th e assump tion that you know how to work in the Micro soft Wi ndows environment. Pl ease refer t o your Windows docum entati on if yo u ha ve questi ons ab out h ow to use dialo g boxes, menu commands, scroll bars, drag a nd drop functionality , shor tcut menus, and so on.
OmniPage Pro User’s Gu ide 9 Getting on line Hel p In add ition to using t his guide, you can use OmniP age P ro ’ s online H elp to learn about features, sett ings, and pro cedures. Onli ne Help is av ailable aft er y ou i nst al l Omn iPage Pro.
10 We l co m e T e c h N o t e s S c a n S o f t ’ s web s i te at w w w . s c a n s o ft. c o m c o n t a i n s T e c h N o tes o n commonly reported issues using O mniP age P ro 12. W eb page s may also offer as sistanc e on the in stalla tion pr ocess an d troubles hootin g.
Omni Page Pro User ’s Guide 11 Chapter 1 Installation and setup This chapte r pro vides informatio n on installing and st arting OmniP age P ro 12. I t pres ents the fol lowi ng topics : X System r .
12 Inst a l l at i o n and setup System requiremen t s Y o u need the f o l l o w ing minimum syst e m r equ i r e m e n t s t o ins t all and r u n O m ni P age P r o 12: X A c o m p u t er w i t h a P e n t i u m o r higher p r ocessor X M i cr o s o f t W i n d o ws 98 ( f r o m sec o nd e d iti o n ) , W i nd o ws M e, W i n d o w s NT 4.
Chapte r 1 Installin g OmniPage Pr o 13 Installi ng OmniPage Pro OmniP age P ro 12’ s installation program takes you through installatio n with instructions on every screen. Befor e insta lling OmniP age P ro: X Close al l other a pplicat ions, especially a nti-v irus progr ams.
14 Installation and setup Setting up your scanner with OmniPage Pro All files need ed for scanner setup and support ar e copied automatical ly during the pr ogram ’ s in stall ation. B efor e using O mniP age P ro 12 for scanning, your scanner should b e installed with its o wn scanner driver softwar e and tested for corr ect functional ity .
Chapte r 1 Setting up your scanner with Omni Page Pro 15 X Click on Scan to begin the sample scan. X If necessary , click on In verse Image… or Missing Image… and make th e ap propri ate sele ctions. X Once the image appear s correctly i n the window , click on N ext.
16 Installation and setup How to start the program T o start OmniP age P ro 12 do one of t he follo wing: X Clic k S tar t in th e Windows ta skbar and choose Programs S c a n S o f t O m n i Pa g e Pr o 1 2 .
Ch a p t e r 1 R e g i st e r i ng y o ur software 17 Re g i s teri n g yo u r softwa r e S c a n S o f t ’ s r e g i s t r a t i o n W i z a rd r u n s a t t h e e n d o f i n s t a l l a t i o n . W e p ro v i d e an e a sy e l e ct r on i c f o r m th a t c a n b e c o m p l e t e d in l e ss th a n f i v e m i n u t e s.
18 Installation and setup saved to zone templates. S ee page 53. I rregular zones can be drawn and zo nes split and joined mor e simply , without t he need for separa te tools. S ee page 57. X Better proofing and verifying The P roofing dia log box now sho ws suspect words in a wider context.
OmniPage Pr o User’s Guide 19 Chapter 2 Introduction Y ou prob ably use your comput er for business corr espondence, prepa ring reports, handling data and a n ever-increasing number of other uses.
20 Introduction What is optical character recognition Optica l cha racte r recogni tion is the process of extr acti ng text from an image. This image can result from scanning a paper document o r opening an electr onic image file.
Chapte r 2 What is optical character recognition 21 Docume nts in OmniPage Pr o OmniP age P r o 12 handles do cuments one at a t ime. When you acqui re your first image (fr om scanner or from file) a new docume nt is started. F urther acquired i mages are added t o the same document, until yo u save and c los e it .
22 Introduction The OmniPage Desktop The Omni P a ge Deskto p has a titl e bar and a men u bar along the to p and a statu s bar a long th e bo ttom. It has three mai n workin g area s, separate d by split ters: the Document Manag er , the Image P anel and the T ext Editor .
Chapte r 2 The OmniPage Desktop 23 W e show the prog ram with a th ree- page docume nt. P age one is the current pa ge, which has been recog nized and pr oofed . P age two has bee n recognize d but not pr oofed yet . P a ge three has been acqui red a nd manually zoned, b ut not reco gnized yet.
24 Introduction The Image Panel When this displays th e current page im age, t he Imag e toolbar i s availab le. All page im ages have a bac kground v alue: pr ocess or ign ore. Z ones can be manually drawn on page images, or can be placed automatically after recognit ion.
Chapte r 2 The OmniPage Desktop 25 The Omni Page T oolbox This T oolbo x lets yo u drive t he pr ocessing . B y default it is loc ated al ong the to p of the Omn iP age Deskto p, just above the working are as. I t can b e floa ted and al so be docked al ong the bot tom of th e desktop .
26 Introduction Managing documents Document management can be done by th umbnails in the Image P anel or by t he Docum ent Mana ger , situa ted a long th e bo ttom of the OmniP age Desktop. Both summari ze the pages in the document and a re synchron ized.
Chapte r 2 Managing documents 27 the Ct rl key as yo u click thum bnails to add pages t o a select ion one by one. Then you can move or delete the selecte d pages as a group, or send them to (r e)recognit ion. Y ou can also export selected p ages. Docume nt Manager This provid es an overview of your document with a table.
28 Introduction When multiple pa ges are being sel ected, the page set as current do es not change. A ll selected pa ges are highli ghted. Custom izin g Docum ent Manage r colum ns Y ou can spec ify which columns of information y ou want to see in the Document Manager .
Chapte r 2 OmniPage Documents 29 Prin ting a document Y ou c an prin t the docum ent wi th the Print it em in th e File menu. Choose w hether to pri nt images or text (that i s, r ecogni tion r esul ts as they a ppea r in t he T ext Editor ). Y ou can pri nt all p ages or a ran ge of pages.
30 Introduction Why save to OPD Y ou do not have to save your documents to the OPD file type. Y ou w ould typic ally do thi s for th e fo llowin g rea sons: x Y ou ca nnot fi nish work ing with the d ocument in the current sessi on. x Y o u want to pass th e documen t to ot her users wh o hav e OmniP age P ro .
Chapte r 2 Settings 31 Settings The Opti ons di alog box is the cen tral loc ation for O mniP age P ro settings. Access it from the Standar d toolbar or t he T oo ls menu.
32 Introduction Pr o o f i n g U se this to defi ne wheth er p roofreadin g shoul d begin a utoma ticall y aft er recognit ion. Define als o whether Intelli T rain should run, and use it to load or wo rk with a trai ning file. S ee “P r oofre ading OCR re sults ” on pag e 65.
OmniPa ge Pro Us er’s Guid e 33 Chapter 3 Processing documents This tutor ial chap ter describes differen t ways you can pr ocess a do cument and als o pro vides infor mation on key parts o f this proces sing .
34 Processing documents Quick Start Guide This topic takes you step-by-step through the basic OCR process. Loadi ng and recognizi ng sample image files Y ou will find sa mple image files in th e program folde r , both single- page and multi -page files.
Chapter 3 Quick Start Gu ide 35 If you succeeded in g etting good results fro m the samp le image fil es, but not from the scanned page, ch eck your scanner installation and settings: in particul ar brightness and image r esolution . See “I nput fr om scanner ” on pag e 49.
36 Processing documents Processi ng over view The follo wing flow di agram summarizes the pro cessing steps: H ere is an o verview of the processing metho ds you can use. Y ou will find step-by -step guidance for each of them in the fo llowin g page s.
Chapter 3 Processing overview 37 Us i n g t h e O C R W i za rd The OCR W izar d guides you through the selection of settings and c o m m a n d s b y a s k i n g y o u q u e s t i o n s . It t h e n l a u n c h e s a u t o m a t i c p r o c e s s i n g .
38 Processing documents Automatic process ing Automatic p rocessing pr ovides an ef ficient way of ha ndling docum ents, especially la rger ones. F irst yo u select all settings needed, then yo u can .
Chapter 3 Automatic processing 39 4. Choose in th e St andar d toolba r or Opti ons in t he T ools menu and chec k that setting s are appro priate for y our document. Y ou can, for ins tan ce, s pec ify reco gn itio n l angu ag es and w he the r yo u wa nt t o proofre ad the doc ument or not.
40 Processing documents Manual processing Manual pr ocessing gi ves you more precise contr ol ov er the way your pages are handl ed. Y ou can process th e do cumen t page- by-page wi th differ ent settings fo r each page. The prog ram also stop s between each step: ac quiring images, p erforming recognition, ex porting.
Chapter 3 Combined processing 41 6. S elect a val ue for th e P erform OCR butt on. Y ou describe th e layout of the incoming pages. This va lue has an influence if auto -zoning runs on any pages. S ee “Describin g t he layout of the do cument ” on page 51.
42 Processing documents determine whic h pages ar e in or der , and which need differe nt settings or some manua l zoning. After adjusting settings a nd/or modifying zones, use manual proc essing to re- recogn ize j ust thos e pages . 1. P r epare the d ocum ent and perform automatic pro cessing, as alrea dy descr ibed.
Chapter 3 Processing with the OCR Wizard 43 3. Manual ly zone pag es where you want to pr ocess only part of the pag e or if yo u want to give pr ecise zoning instructions. U se ignor e backgro unds or zones to exclud e areas fr om processing. U se process backgrounds or zones to specify areas to be auto-zo ned.
44 Processing documents 5. The las t panel a sks you to define th e export cho ice: savin g to fil e or copyi ng to Cl ipboa rd. After settin g the c hoice, cl ick Fin ish to close the Wiza rd and star t the a utoma tic processi ng.
Chapter 3 Processing from othe r applica tions 45 How to set up Direct OCR 1. S ta rt the appl ica tio n you wa nt con nect ed t o Om niP age P r o. S ta rt Omni P a ge Pr o, op en th e Opti ons di alog b ox at t he Direct O CR panel and selec t En a b l e D i re ct OC R .
46 Processing documents How to use OmniPage Pro with PaperPort Pa p e r Po r t ® is a paper manage ment soft ware pr oduct f rom Scan Sof t. I t lets you link pages with suitable applications.
Chapter 3 Processing with Sch edule OCR 47 Processi ng with Schedu le OCR Y ou ca n sch edule OC R job s to be pe rfo rmed au tomati call y at an y ti me within the following eight days. The job pa ges can come from a sca nner with an ADF or from image files.
48 Processing documents Defining the source of page im ages There ar e two possibl e image source s: from image fil es and from a scanner . Ther e are two mai n types of scanners: fla tbed or sheetfed. A scanner may have a built-in or added A utomat ic Document F eeder (ADF), which makes it easier to scan multi-page d ocum ents.
Chapter 3 Defining th e source of page imag es 49 N orm ally the Add butt on pl ace s each file at the b ott om of the fi le list . T o place a file at a di fferen t loca tion, high li ght a file in t he list. The new file will be added immediately belo w the lowes t highlighted file.
50 Processing documents Brightn ess a nd con trast Good brightness and contrast settings play an important role in OCR accurac y . Set these in t he Scanner panel of t he Opti ons dialo g box o r in your scanner ’ s interface. The diagra m ill ustrates a n opti mum brightne ss setting.
Chapter 3 Describing the layout of the document 51 Y ou can scan double-sided documents with an AD F . A duplex scanner will manage this au tomati cally . F or non-dupl ex sca nners, select Sc a n double- sided pages in th e Scan ner panel of the O ptions d ialog box.
52 Processing documents Si ngle column, no table Choose th is settin g if your pages conta in only one column of tex t and no table. Busi ness lette rs or pages fro m a bo ok are no rma lly lik e this.
Chapter 3 Zones and background s 53 Zones and backgrounds Zones define a reas on the page to be processed or ignored . Zones are rect angular or ir regul ar , with v ertical and ho rizont al sides. P age images in a documen t have a backg round v alue: proc ess or igno re (t he latter is more typi cal).
54 Processing documents Auto- zone a page background Acquire a page. I t appears with a process ba ckground. Draw a zone. The background changes to ig nore. Draw text, table or graphic zones to enclose area s you want manually z oned. Click the P rocess backgr ound tool (s ho wn) to se t a pro cess back ground.
Chapter 3 Zones and background s 55 Automatica lly dra wn zone s and t emplate zones have sol id bo rders: Manually dr awn or modifi ed zones have dotted bor ders: Zones do not have a reading order . Reordering of recognized elements can be done in the T ext Editor .
56 Processing documents process zones on an ignore ba ckground. Draw a process zone to enclose colum ns of tex t to have them ha ndl ed auto mati cally . They wil l be decolumnized in the T ext Editor ’ s NF view and RFP view , but kept in columns in T rue P age view .
Chapter 3 Zones and background s 57 Wo r k i n g w i t h z o n e s The Image too lbar pro vides zone edi ting tools. One i s always selected. When you no longer want t he ser vice of a tool, click a d ifferent t ool. S ome tool s on this toolbar a re gr ouped.
58 Processing documents J oin tw o zone s of the same type Draw an o verlap ping zone of the sam e type. Make an irregula r zo ne by subt rac tion Dr aw an o verlap ping zo ne of th e same ty pe as the bac kgrou nd (in t his example, on an ignor e background).
Chapter 3 Table grids in the image 59 The follo wing zone shapes ar e prohibi ted: T o expand a zone more quickly than using its resizing handles, draw a zone of the same type to completely enclose it. The smaller zone is repla ced by the larger o ne.
60 Processing documents U se the tabl e tools and t heir cursors as follo ws: I nsert r ow divider s Click the tool then click at the location in a table zone where you want to place a row div ider . A void pla cing a div ider so it cut s through t ext.
Chapter 3 Using zone templates 61 Using zone templates A temp late conta ins a page backgro und va lue and a set of zones and th eir properti es, st ore d in a file. A zon e te mplate file can be l oaded to have template zones used during r ecognition.
62 Processing documents Ho w to unload a template Select a non- templ ate setting in th e Layout Descripti on drop-do wn list. The template zo nes are not r emove d from the current or exi sting pages, but tem plate zones will no long er be use d for f uture proce ssing.
OmniPage P ro User’s Gu ide 63 Chapter 4 Proofing and editing Recognit ion result s are placed i n the T ext Editor . These can be r ecognized texts, tabl es and embedded graphi cs.
64 Proof ing a nd editi ng The editor display and views The T ext Editor displays r ecognized texts and can mark wor ds that were suspected during r ecognitio n with wavy underl ines: X Gr een – N on- dictionar y words: These were recogniz ed confid ent ly , but are no t fou nd in any a ctive di ction ar y: stan dard, user or p rofessi onal.
Chapter 4 Proofre ading O CR resu lts 65 Tr u e P a g e v i e w Tr u e P a g e ® view tries to co nserve as m uch of th e format ting of the origin al document as possi ble. Characte r and paragra ph styling i s retained. All page el ements, including columns, are placed in box es and frames.
66 Proof ing a nd editi ng 3. If the recognized wor d is correct, click Ignore or Ignore All to move to the n ext suspec t word. Click Add to add i t to th e current use r dictio nar y and move to th e n ext suspe ct word. 4. If the rec ognize d wor d is not c orrec t, modify the wor d in the Ed it panel or select a dic tionary suggestion.
Chapter 4 Verifying text 67 The verifier to ol is in the F ormatting toolbar . The verifi er can also be controll ed from the T ools menu. Hov er the cursor o ver a ver ifier displa y to obta in th e verifi er to olbar .
68 Proof ing a nd editi ng User diction aries The p rogr am ha s bu ilt- in d ictio nar ies for many languages. These assist durin g reco gnition and ma y offer su ggesti ons durin g proofi ng. T hey can be suppl emented by user dicti onaries. Y ou can save any number of user dictionari es, but only one can be lo aded at a t ime.
Chapter 4 Training 69 T raining T raining is the process of changing the OCR solutions assigned to characte r shapes in the image. I t is useful for uniformly d egraded documents or when an unusual typ eface is used thro ughout a document. T raining will be less use ful for texts with random distortions.
70 Proof ing a nd editi ng finds candidate w ords to change, the Check T raining dialog box lists these. I ncorrect wor ds should be r e-train ed before the list is appr ov ed.
Chapter 4 Training 71 Intel liT rain remembers the trai ning data it collects, and adds it to any manual training you have done. This training can be saved to a training fil e fo r fu ture us e w ith sim ila r do cu me nt s.
72 Proof ing a nd editi ng T ext and i mage editi ng OmniP age P r o has a WYSIWY G T ext Edit or , pro viding many edi ting facilities. These work ver y similarly to those in leading wor d processors.
Chapter 4 Text and i mage editing 73 between paragr aphs. Th e T e xt Edi tor’ s hor izontal r ule r lets yo u defi ne indent and tab positions easily . Advanced tab settings are done in the T a bs dialog bo x from the F ormat menu. Pa r a g r a p h s t y l e s P aragraph styles ar e auto -detected duri ng recogni tion.
74 Proof ing a nd editi ng Fr a m e s have gray bor ders and enclose one or more bo xes. They ar e placed when a visible bor der is detect ed in an image. F ormat f rame and table borders and shad ing with a shortcut menu or by c hoosing T able... in the F ormat menu.
Chapter 4 Readin g text al oud 75 Click the on-the-fly tool wit h a gr een signal. The zoning ch anges wi ll cause chan ges in th e T ex t Editor . Click the P erform OCR button t o hav e the whol e page (re)r ecogniz ed, including your z one changes.
76 Proof ing a nd editi ng The T ext-to-S peech facility is enabled or di sabled with the T ools menu item S peech Mode o r with the F5 key . A second menu item S peech Settings... allows y ou to select a voice (for example, male or female for a given language), a reading s peed and th e volume.
Omni Page Pro User’s Guide 77 Chapter 5 Saving and exporting Once y ou have ac quired at least one image for a document, yo u can export the im age(s) to file.
78 Saving and exporting page is recogniz ed (or proofrea d, if that was re quested), an exporting dial og box a ppears. Y ou can specify export a ny time th e prog ram is not busy . If y ou ask to export a document with unrecognized pages, y ou will be asked whether they sh oul d be reco gnize d firs t.
Chapter 5 Saving recognition results 79 Saving recognition res ults Y ou can save re cognized pages to disk in a wide va riety of file types. See “File ty pe s fo r sa vin g re cogn it ion resu lt s ” on p age 95 .
80 Saving and exporting 5. Click OK. The do cument is save d to disk as speci fied. If Save and Launch is selected, the exported fil e will appear in its target applicat ion; that is t he one associated wi th the selected fil e type in your W indows system or in the advanced saving options for y our selected file type converter .
Chapter 5 Saving recognition results 81 The Sav e As dialog box lists available f ile types in its Save as T ype drop- down list. The OmniP age Document is th e last format in t he list. I f y o u f i r s t s a v e t h e d o c u m e n t a s a n O m n i Pa g e D o c u m e n t ( f o r i n s t a n c e a s memo.
82 Saving and exporting Tr u e P a g e ( T P ) This keeps the o riginal lay out of the pa ges, incl uding columns. This is done with text, pi cture and ta ble boxes and f rames. Th is is offe red only for targ et applications capable of handling these.
Chapter 5 Saving recognition results 83 Click Def ault s to have a ll setting s retur ned to the de fault va lues fo r the curr ent file ty pe. Click Save t o have the chan ged settin gs app lied to t.
84 Saving and exporting Saving to PDF Y ou have five choices when savi ng to P or tab le Docum en t F orm at (PD F) files. PDF (Normal): P ages are exported as they appear ed in the T ext Editor in T rue P age view . The PDF file can be viewed and search ed in a PDF viewer and edited i n a PDF edi to r .
Chapter 5 Sending pages by mail 85 plain or U nicode text will be past ed. G raphics are r etained if the appl ication supports inserti on of images. W T o copy pages to th e Clipboar d: • With a ut.
86 Saving and exporting At any time the program is not busy , cho ose Send as M ail in the F ile menu to call up the Send as M ail dialog box. 1. This d ialog box let s you spec ify a file type , a pa.
Omni Page Pro U ser’ s Gui de 87 Chapter 6 T echnical information This cha pter provide s trou ble shoo ting and o the r te chnica l in for mati on about using OmniP age Pr o 12. Please also r ead the online Readme fil e and other help topics, or visit the ScanSoft web pages.
88 Technical information T roubles hooting Althou gh OmniP age Pr o is de signed to be easy to use, problems sometimes occur . Many of the error messages contain self-explanatory descriptions of what to do – check connec tions, close other applicat ions to free up memory , and s o on.
Chapter 6 Trouble shooting 89 T e sting OmniPage Pro Resta rting Windows 98, Me , 2000 or XP in saf e mode or Windo ws NT in V GA m ode allo ws you to test OmniP age P ro on a simplified system. This is recommended when you cannot resolve crashing problems or if OmniP a ge P ro has stopp ed ru nning altogether .
90 Technical information 5. Laun ch Omni P a ge P ro and tr y per formi ng OCR on an imag e. Use a known image fil e such as one of the supplied sample files . Y ou can also ru n OmniP age Pro 12 from a command line in its own safe mode . Choos e Start Run, b row se for the f ile OmniPage.
Chapter 6 Trouble shooting 91 T ext do es not get recogn ized properly T r y th ese so luti ons if any p art of the o rigi nal doc ument is not co nver ted to text prop erly d uring OC R: ◆ Look at th e origina l page image and e nsur e that all t ext are as ar e enclosed by text zones.
92 Technical information OmniPage P ro only re cognizes m achin e pr inted-text cha racters such as type- written or laser -printe d text. It can handle dot-matrix characters, though accuracy may be lo wer on draft-quality texts. I t cannot read handprint or hand writing.
Chapter 6 ODMA support 93 ODMA support If y our loca l netw ork inc l udes a D oc ume nt M an age ment S yst em (DMS) that suppor ts OD MA c lients, Om niP age Pro may be abl e to wo rk with it. Then an ODMA pane l will ap pear in t he Options dialog box all owing you to specify permissible f ile types and other settings.
94 Technical information Supported file types The pro gram support s a wide range o f file ty pes for im ages and text . File typ es for o pening and sav ing im ages In put image fil es can have r esolutions up to 600 dpi, but 3 00 dpi (bot h horizonta lly and vertical ly) is recommended for opti mum OCR accura cy .
Chapter 6 Supported file types 95 File types for saving recogni tion results This table shows which formatting lev e ls ar e available for ea ch file type. Graphics ● File type s upp orts graph ics ●● File type s upp orts graph ic s, with e xport cho ice to re tain or dro p graph i cs.
96 Technical information Ta b l e s ● File type s upp orts tables in gri ds, no table handl ing ch oice s at exp ort time ●● File type s upp orts tables, ch oos e to use grid s or tab separated .
Omni Page Pro U ser’ s Gui de 97 I NDEX A Accu ra cy improvement , 49 , 69 , 91 influe nce of bright ness , 50 influence of tr aining , 69 scanning mode influence , 49 Acquire Text menu items , 45 A.
98 Index to target applications , 21 , 40 , 78 True Pag e , 82 F Fax recognition , 92 Features, new , 17 Files as export target , 78 as image source , 48 retained on un installing , 96 separation opti.
Omni Page Pro U ser’ s Gui de 99 ODMA support , 93 OmniPage Desk top , 22 OmniPage D ocuments contents of , 80 definition , 29 purp ose of OPD fi les , 30 saving a s , 30 , 80 OmniPage Pro documents.
100 Index Sc an ni ng black-and-wh ite , 49 books , 31 brightn ess , 31 , 50 color , 49 contrast , 31 graysca le , 49 input from , 49 pictures , 49 Wizard , 14 Schedule OCR , 47 input from folders , 9.
デバイスScanSoft Pro 12 ScanSoftの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
ScanSoft Pro 12 ScanSoftをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはScanSoft Pro 12 ScanSoftの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。ScanSoft Pro 12 ScanSoftの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。ScanSoft Pro 12 ScanSoftで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
ScanSoft Pro 12 ScanSoftを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はScanSoft Pro 12 ScanSoftの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、ScanSoft Pro 12 ScanSoftに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちScanSoft Pro 12 ScanSoftデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。