AVERATECメーカー320 GPSの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Table of Contents Preface ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................... i Important Safety Information................................................................
Localizatio n................................................................ ...................................................... 22 Localizatio n................................................................ .....................................
i Preface Precautions Please read this section carefully before using this product. This product is intended t o provide turn-by -turn instructions to safely guide you to your desired destination.
ii Safety Information X Do not secure in front of airbag X Do not loosely place on dashboard X Do not b lock driver’s view VOYA 350 The detailed ma pping softw are is provided by NAVTEQ and Netropa. The detailed mapping software is as accurate and detailed as possible.
iii Import a nt Safety Information Che ck t he co ndi ti ons of the Voy a 320 befo re dr ivi n g. Op er ati ng th e Voy a 320 while y ou dri ve is very da nge r ou s. I f yo u ne ed to op er at e the Voy a 320 , p ar k yo ur c ar in a s afe lo ca ti on b ef or e ope rat in g the Voya 320 .
1 Component s of the V oya 320 Standard Comp onent s Optional C omponent s Voya 320 GPS Suction M ount USB Cable Dash Di sk C igarette Li ghter Ad apter Quick R eference G uide SD/MM C Memory Card AD/.
2 Names and Functions of Element s on the V oya 320 Front Back Externa l speak er Reset But ton Power Jack Dockin g mount con nector USB Port SD/MM C Memory Card Slot Earphon e Jack 3.
3 Name and Fun ction of Elements on t he Voya 32 0 Th e rec eive r re cei ves d ata fr om sat elli te. Alw ays ext end th e GPS rec eive r hor iz onta lly f acin g the s ky w hen y ou o per ate t he sys tem. Th e jack a ccom moda tes a n ea rph one o r ex ter nal sp eak ers .
4 Inst a llation 1. Extend the GPS re ceiver f older in h orizonta l dire ction as shown in fi gure bel ow. 2. Insert t he moun t into t he mount co nnector as shown in f igure be low. 3. Tight ly press the s uction m ount on the wind ow of you r car, and t urn the l ockin g lever d own.
5 Inserting SD/MMC Me mory Card Insert the SD/MMC memory card into the s lot while paying attention to the o rientation of th e card as shown below: Exerting excessive force to insert into the slot in.
6 A bout R eset Mode Two reset modes are provided on th e system. You can select th e desired reset mode b y press ing the re set bu tton o n the rear of th e body as sho wn righ t. Soft Reset Execute the sof t reset by the pressing the Reset b utton as shown left: Ligh tly pr ess t he but ton onc e.
7 Preferences Bri ght ness of the ba ckli ght an d the s ound v olume u pon i nitia l powe r sup ply ar e set as de scr ibed in t he tabl e belo w. Setting Defaults Backlight Level 4 (Lowest: Level 1;.
8 St arting the Sof tware Once the GPS receiver is turn ed on and navigation softw are is started, the unit will automatically go to the GPS receiver’s main me nu or display the map page. Once you selec t Navigation, a warning screen will appear first.
9 Map Page The Map Page displays your current position, zoom in/out icons and zoom level in miles, the st reet you’re traveling on, your cu rre nt speed, and Menu icon.
10 1. Access Display Opti ons through Settings. 2. Simply tap the North indicator and the i con will change from one s etting to the other. 3. Go to: Main M enu/Display Options/Orientation and change th e option. 4. Simply press t he direction button in the u p position.
11 The POI Info scr een provides t he POI’s name and phone number. At the bottom of th e POI Info page there are th ree choices for the POI info displa yed: Nav = Set an auto route to the POI Fa v =.
12 GPS Info This page displays the GPS receiver’s sa tellite reception, local and UTC time (24hr format - independent of the GPS receiv er’s own clock), current longitude and latitud e, altitude a.
13 Map Vie w Style Th e map pa ge ca n be v iew ed in dif fer ent d imen sio ns; no rma l 2D and t hre e opt ions o f 3D. T here are two w ays to change the display view: 1. S i m p l y t a p o n t h e d e s i r e d v i e w i n g o p t i o n . 2. Go to: Menu/Settings/Display Options/3D Vie w and change the option.
14 Creating and Using an A uto Route W he n an auto route is selected the map page w ill show the route on the map by cha nging t he road color to blue. To start an auto route, begin fr om the map page. T ap the Menu icon a nd from the M ain Menu page tap on the Des tination icon.
15 Destination by A ddre ss 1. Tap Menu, Destination, Address. 2. Tap Change to select the stat e in which to search. 3. Tap Street First to enter the street name first or City First to enter the city name first. Note: Any time the keyboard is displayed, the pr ogram will display choices that closely match the category name being typed.
16 If City Fi rst is selected 1. Enter city name and tap OK. 2. Enter street name and tap OK. (!) A dvi sor y - DO NOT ENTE R STRE ET TYPE. For Main Street just enter Main. 3. Enter house n umber and tap OK. 4. From the match l ist, select the des ired add ress.
17 If City Fi rst is selected: 1. Enter city name and tap OK. 2. Enter street name and tap OK. (!) A dvi sor y - DO NOT ENTE R STRE ET TYPE. For Main Street just enter Main. 3. Enter the name of the cross-s treet and tap OK. (!) Advisory - DO NO T ENTER STREET TYPE.
18 If Alphabetical is selected: 1. Enter the name of the destinati on. 2. Select a ma tching POI location from the list. 3. Tap OK to accept the location. The location details will be sho wn. 4. Tap Nav to na vigate to this location; or 5. Tap Fav to add th is location to the Favorites folde r; or 6.
19 To Set the Route O ptions 1. Tap Menu, Settings, Route Options to open the Route Opt ions screen . 2. Select the desi red option(s). 3. Tap OK to accept or Cancel to reject ch anges. Met hod : Sel ect s the met hod o f rou tin g. T he qui ckes t rou te, s hort est ro ute , rou te th at fav or s major roads, or route th at favors local roads.
20 Orientation: Orients th e M ap sc reen so that the driving direction is he ading up or North is always up Da y /Nig ht: The Auto setti ng changes from Day to Night Mode automatically at approximately sunr ise a nd sun set .
21 Panning and Zoomi ng To Pan the Map From the Map sc reen tap and drag the map are a. (i) Information - W hile in Pa nning Mode, tap the X icon to return to the Map screen. Tap on th e North icon displayed to rotate t he map so that North or He ading is pointing up.
22 Localizatio n The localization options, under Se ttings , give you control over settings affected by your location, in cluding: - Language - Time zone - Daylight savings t ime - Units Speed alert You c an use the speed alert feature to warn you if your vehicle is exceeding the speed limit.
23 Exit Map Program - About Screen For software version information and also to ex it the mapping program, follow th ese steps. 1. Tap Menu. 2. Tap System Information , the About screen w ill be shown. 3. Tap th e left arrow icon to return to the map page .
24 Connecting System to Y our PC 1. It is poss ible to copy map data, musi c or moving picture files into t he built-in flash memory inside th e body or the SD/MMC memory c ard by connecting the system to a PC via the USB cable.
25 Installing t he USB Driver No driver is needed when using W indows X P. No other operating system is supported. Distingui shing Betwe en Removable Disk s The two ‘rem ovab le dis ks’ re pres ents ‘Bu ilt-in fla sh memo ry’ a nd ‘SD /MMC mem ory ’ of the s yst em , re sp ecti vely .
26 Copying Files To play the media data used i n each media player program, e. g. music player, movie player, and picture viewer, the data files must be lo cat ed in the ‘SD/MM C Memory’ folder only. The data fi les specific to each media player must be s tored in th e specified folder in ‘SD/MM C Memory’ when you wish to use the programs.
27 Windo ws XP Doubl e click the W indow tray icon to ex ecute ‘Safely Remove Hardware’ as show n below. Do uble Cl ick Se lect Se lect Cl ick Se lect Cl ick.
28 Using Supplement al Programs Getting Re ady Storing Files Files of m usic, movies and picture s can o nly be stored in ‘SD/MMC memory’. I t is not allowed to play the fil es of music, movie s and picture s stored in ‘Built -i n flas h memory’ with the supplemental programs.
29 Music Play er Names and Functio ns In - Depth Description of Functions Search of Playing Position The Location S e arching Slider ind icates the play position of a m usic file. You can adjust the play position to a des ired poin t. W hen moving the slider bar, the P lay time window displays the m oved position in du ration.
30 Volume Adjusting a nd Muting The volume adjus ting slider indicates the current volume. You can adjust the volume to the desire d level by moving the slider ba r left or right.
31 Movie Play er Names and Functio ns In-Dep th Descriptio n of Functi ons Search of Playing Position The Location Searching Slider indicates the play position o f a movie fi le. Y ou can adjust the play position to a desired point. When moving the slider bar, the P lay Time W indow displays the moved position.
32 Functions of Contr ol Buttons Ico n Butto n Func tion Volume Adjustin g and Muting The Volume Adjusting Slider indicates the current vo lume. You can adjust the volume t o the desired level by moving th e slider bar left or right. You can turn off the sound w hen pressing the M ute button.
33 Se lect t he desi red mo vie f ile fr om th e figu re abo ve, and pres s th e Play b utto n , or d ouble cli c k the des ire d movi e file from the Pla y list wi ndow to pla y the se lect ed mov ie fil e. Pre ssin g the Fi le but ton while pl ay in g a mo vie ca uses th e cu rrent m ovi e to pau se pla yin g, an d the pl ay lis t is di spla yed.
34 In - Depth Description of Functions Functions and Con trol Buttons Ico n Butto n Func tion Storing Image Files and Viewing Images Connect the Voya 320 to the PC (Refer to ‘ Connecting System to Your PC’), and copy the image file to the ‘ Picture’ f olde r in the S D/MMC m emo ry.
35 Setting Env ironm ents Names and Functio ns Functions of Contr ol Buttons Ico n Butto n Func tion Previous Tab Button Moves to the previous tab f rom the current tab .
36 Adjustin g the Brig htness Backli ght Brightness of the b acklight can be adjusted to four levels r anging from level 1 to 4. Y ou can adjust the brightness by moving the Bri ghtness Adjustment slider. The default setting o f the backlight is set to level 4.
37 W hen the b atte ry is fu lly ch arg ed, th e Batt ery Re main der Po wer met er does not mo ve, b ut is ke pt at the ‘ Full ’ con diti on. Th e Po wer bu tto n on the bod y l ight s gr een.
38 La ngua ge Setti ng You can c hang e the cu rren t langu age us ed in th e men u prog ram b y cli ckin g the ‘P revio us b utton ’ o r the ‘ Next bu tton’ . Al l te xt will be cha nged t o sel ecte d one. T his sett ing w i l l b e appl ied on t he menu pro gram on ly.
39 T roubleshooting Problem Troubleshooting When the machine w i l l not work or you can not see anything on the scre en. Soft or hard reset the machine.
デバイスAVERATEC 320 GPSの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
AVERATEC 320 GPSをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAVERATEC 320 GPSの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。AVERATEC 320 GPSの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。AVERATEC 320 GPSで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
AVERATEC 320 GPSを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAVERATEC 320 GPSの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、AVERATEC 320 GPSに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAVERATEC 320 GPSデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。