AvidメーカーComplete Production Toolkitの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Complete Production Toolkit 2 Version 9.0.
Legal Notices This guide is copyrighted ©2010 by Avid Technology, Inc. , (hereafter “Avid”), with all rights reserved. Under copyright laws, this guide may not be duplicated in whole or in part without the written consent of Avid.
Contents iii contents Chapter 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Complete Production Toolkit 2 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide iv Chapter 5. Advanced Automation Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 AutoJoin with Latch Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents v Chapter 7. Video Fea tures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Video Track Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 1: Introduction 1 chapter 1 Introduction The Complete Production Toolkit 2 for Pro Tools ® provides additional features, plug-ins, and software opt ions for music cre- ation and post production.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 2 • Numeric Keypad s et to Shuttle mode •A u t o F a d e s • Advanced editing features: • Continuous Scrolling •S c r u b T r i m t o o l • Replace Reg.
Chapter 1: Introduction 3 Sy stem Requirements and Compatibility To use Complete Production Toolkit 2, you need: An iLok USB Smart Key (an iLok.com account is also required for managing iLok licen.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 4 About www .a vid.com The Avid website (www.avid.com) is your best online source for information to help you get the most out of your Pro Tools system. The fol- lowing are just a few of the services and features available.
Chapter 2: Installation and Authorization 5 chapter 2 Installation and Authorization Installing Complete Production 2 T oolkit T o install Complete Production T oolkit 2: 1 Do one of the following: • Download the installe r for your comput er platform from www .
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 6 Authorizing Complete Production T oolkit 2 Complete Production T oolkit 2 and its addi- tional software components must be aut horized before they can be used in Pro T ools.
Chapter 2: Installation and Authorization 7 Uninstalling Complete Production T oolkit 2 Softw are Option and Included Plug-Ins Plug-ins includ ed with Complete Production Toolkit 2 software can be removed from y our system.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 8.
Chapter 3: Session a nd T rack Features 9 chapter 3 Session and T rack F eatures Complete Production Toolkit 2 enables addi- tional session and track features in Pro Tools. Increased V oice and T rack Counts Support for Up to 192 Voices Complete Production Toolkit 2 lets you play or record up to 192 voices simultaneously at 44.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 10 For the track that was originally higher num- bered than the total allowed number of voiced audio tracks, its voice assignment was set to Of f . When bringing it into the range of total allowed voiced tracks, it automatically reset s to DYN .
Chapter 3: Session a nd T rack Features 11 This ensu res that even when a VCA M aster track is not visible, the true state of its slave tracks is accurately d isplayed.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 12 Record Enable The VCA Record Enable button toggles the Re- cord Enable status of on ly those audio, Instru- ment, and other VCA trac ks th at have already been record-enabled individually. You can the n toggle record enable on and off for those tracks using the VCA Master R ecord Enable.
Chapter 3: Session a nd T rack Features 13 Allowing Grouped Beha vior of VCA Sla ve T rack Controls When a track is a VCA sl ave track, its V olume, Mute, Solo, Record Enabl e, and T rackInput con- trols follow VCA functions, and normally do not follow Mix group behavior .
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 14 Mix Groups Mix Groups can be set to affect the following items: • Main Mute •S o l o •S e n d L e v e l • Send Mute • Main V olume • Main Pan • Ma.
Chapter 3: Session a nd T rack Features 15 T o select attr ibutes for an individual gr oup: 1 While creating or modifying a Mix Group or a Mix/Edit Group, do one of the following: • Click Attributes in the Group dialog, and select the attributes you want to link.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 16 Sa ving Group Attribute Presets You can define six Group presets that can be re- called on either the Attributes or Globals page whenever you are creati ng or modifying a Mix or Mix/Edit Group. T o save the c urrent attribute setting s as a Group preset: 1 In the G roups di alog, cli ck Save .
Chapter 3: Session a nd T rack Features 17 Setting Pla yback Location with Back and F orward Commands Pro Tools provides four Back/For ward com- mands (sometimes called “rollback”) for mov- ing the playback location in the Edit window.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 18 Repeating Back/F orward Commands All the Back/Forward commands can be repeated in order to increase the amount of the t otal Back or Forward move. T o repeat Back/For ward move s: 1 Press and hold Command (Mac) or Control (W indows).
Chapter 3: Session a nd T rack Features 19 Numeric Ke ypad Set to Shuttle Pro T ools offers another form of sh uttling, dif- ferent from that of Shuttle Lock mode.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 20 T o set the length of automatic fade-ins/outs: 1 Choose Setup > Preferen ces and click the Operation tab. 2 T ype a value between 0 and 10 ms for the Auto Region Fade In/O ut Length . A value of zero (the default) means that no auto-fading will occur .
Chapter 3: Session a nd T rack Features 21 Automation Section Suppress Automation “Write T o” W arn ings When selected, Pr o Tools sup presses the war nings that appear after invoking any of the Write Automa- tion To Start , Selection , End , or Punch commands and then stopping the transport.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 22.
Chapter 4: Advanced Editing Features 23 chapter 4 Advanced Editing F eatures Complete Production Toolkit 2 enables addi- tional editing features in Pro Tools.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 24 This action creates a new region. Note that the Scrub Trimmer tool changes into a “right trim” or “left trim” shape as it is placed over the right or left side of a region. To revers e the direction of the Scrub Trimmer tool, press Alt (Win dows) or Option (Mac) before you click the region.
Chapter 4: Advanced Editing Features 25 Replace Region Dialog The following options are ava ilable in the Re- place Region dialog: Replace: Original Region Only Replaces only the selected region with the replacement region dragged from the Region List.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 26 Region matching uses a ll specified Match crite- ria. For example, if you select S tart Po sition an d End Position, all regions from the same original audio file as your selection with the same origi- nal start and end times will be replaced.
Chapter 4: Advanced Editing Features 27 TCE (T ime Compression and Expansion) Edit T o T imeline Selection When the Edit and Timeline selections are un- linked, you can compress or expand an audio se- lection to fit the Timeline selection.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 28 Expanding Alternate Channels to New Pla ylists or T r acks When working with a mono region that is part of a multichannel recording imported from a field record.
Chapter 4: Advanced Editing Features 29 If alternate channels are available, Pro Tools ex- pands them to new playlists (including the channel represented in the original track) ac- cording to the selected option.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 30 Relinking the Original Unedited Guide T rack After importing the A AF (or OMF) sequence and original source audio files into the session, it is recommended that you re l ink the edited guide track to the original unedited source audio.
Chapter 5: Advanced A utomation Features 31 chapter 5 Advanced Automation F eatures Complete Production Toolkit 2 enables addi- tional mixing and automation features in Pro Tools.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 32 AutoJoin Indicator After a Latch automation pass with AutoJoin en- abled, the AutoJoin indicator appears in the Pro Tools Edit window.
Chapter 5: Advanced A utomation Features 33 T rim Mode You can adjus t (or trim ) existing track volume and send level automation data in real time. Pan, mute and plug-in automation cannot be trimmed in this manner.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 34 T ouch T rim In Touch Trim mode, Volume and Send level Trim faders are disengag ed from th e main auto- mation playlist and follow any existing Trim au- tomation. When a Trim fader is touched, writ- ing of Trim automation begins.
Chapter 5: Advanced A utomation Features 35 Send Levels and T rim Mode You can set Pro Tools to exclude Send levels from Trim mode, so that only the Main Volume goes into Trim when a track is put into Trim mode. This gives you more flexibility in setting Send levels while in Trim mode.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 36 Copy T rack Automation to Sends There may be times where you want a track’s send settings or automatio n to mirror the set- tings or automation in the track itself, for exam- ple, when creating a headph one mix based on the main mix, or when an effect level needs to follow the levels in a main mix.
Chapter 5: Advanced A utomation Features 37 AutoMatch AutoMatching All Controls You can AutoM atch all curre ntly writing c on- trols to their existing automation levels. T o Au toMatch all cur rently writing controls: 1 Choose Window > Automation .
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 38 T o A utoMatch a pan contro l or the cont rols for an individual insert or send: 1 Press the switch in the Channel Strip Mode controls to display the Pan controls or the top level of Inserts or Sends for the channel.
Chapter 5: Advanced A utomation Features 39 T aking T racks and Controls Out of Latch Prime You can take individual tracks or au tomation types out of their Latch Prime state before or during an automation pass.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 40 T o take an automatio n type out of Latch Prime on all tracks, do one of the following: In the Automation window , Control-click (W indows) or Command-click (Mac) the button for the automation type (Volume, Pan, Mute, Plug-In, Send level, Send pan, or Send mute).
Chapter 5: Advanced A utomation Features 41 T o ap ply a Glide Automation to the cur rent automation parameter type: 1 In the Automation wind ow , make sure the au- tomation type is write-en abled. 2 Click the T rack View select or to choos e the au- tomation type you w ant to automate.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 42 T rim Automation If you have already written automation, you can modify automation data for tr ack volume and send levels in real time by using Trim mode. When a track is trim-enabled, you are not re- cording absolute fad er position s, but relative changes in the existing automation.
Chapter 5: Advanced A utomation Features 43 Manually Trim moves are stored separately in the Trim automation playlist until they are co- alesced. With this s etting, the only way to co- alesce Trim moves is with th e Coalesce Trim Au- tomation command.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 44 Suspending T rim Automation T o suspend T rim automation on all track s: In the Automation window , Command-click (Mac) or Control-click (Wi ndows) the Suspend button. The Suspend button highlights yellow to indi- cate that Trim automa tion is suspen ded.
Chapter 5: Advanced A utomation Features 45 Write Automation to the Star t, End, or All of a T rack or Selection Pro Tools le ts you write current automation val- ues from any insertion point forward .
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 46 Write to Star t, End or All and T rim Mode While in Trim mode, it is also possible to write trim delta values for track volume and send lev- els to the start, end or all of a track or Edit selec - tion.
Chapter 5: Advanced A utomation Features 47 T o co nfigure Write on Stop modes to rema in enabled after an automation pass: 1 Choose Window > Automation . 2 Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac) one of the W rite On Stop buttons (Start, All or End) to enable the W rite On Stop mo de.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 48 6 When you reach a point in the track where you want to apply t he current s ettings, click the W rite Automation to Next Breakpoint button. 7 Stop P layback. The current values of all controls being written at that point are written up to the next break- point.
Chapter 5: Advanced A utomation Features 49 Write T o Next Breakpoint or Punch Poi nt and T rim Mode While in Trim mode, it is also possible to write trim values for track volu me and send levels to the next written break point or back to the auto- mation punch-in point.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 50 Guidelines for “Write T o” Commands Using “Write T o” Commands During Pla yback You can carry out any of the Write Automation To commands without stopping the Pro Tools transport. On supported control surfaces, the corresponding “Write To” button flashes until you stop the transport.
Chapter 5: Advanced A utomation Features 51 Overwrite or Extend Mute Automation Pro Tools lets you overwrite or extend an exist- ing mute event in real time, without changing the current mute s tate. A mute event can be overwritten when the auto- mation pass begins before the first mute event and ends after the second event.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 52 T o overwrite a mute state on one or more tracks : 1 Choose Window > Automation . 2 Make sure Mute is write-enabled. 3 In the Mix or Edit window , click the Automa- tion Mode selector of the track wh ere you want to overwrite the mute state, and set the Automa- tion mode to T ouch or Latch mo de.
Chapter 5: Advanced A utomation Features 53 T o ex tend a mute state on a track: 1 Choose Window > Automation . 2 Make sure mute is write-enabled. 3 In the Mix or Edit window , click the Automa- tion Mode selector of the track you want to au- tomate, and select T ouch or Latch mode.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 54 Snapshot Automation You can write automation data values for multi- ple parameters in a single step. You can write snapshot automation in two ways: T o a Selection Automation data is wr itten to the Timeline selection (as well as the Edit selection if linked).
Chapter 5: Advanced A utomation Features 55 Adding Snapshot Automation t o Empty Automation Playlists When you use a Write Automation command on an automation playlist with no previously writ- ten automation data, the selec ted value is writ- ten to the enti re playlist and no t just the se- lected area.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 56 Capturing Automation and Apply ing it Elsewhere The Write Automation commands can also be used to capture automation states at specific lo- cations in a track and apply them to other loca- tions in the track.
Chapter 5: Advanced A utomation Features 57 Snapshot Automation and T rimming of Automation Data Pro Tools lets you use trim values as snapshot s and apply the re lat ive changes (delta values) to the selected automation by using the Trim Auto- mation command.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 58 Previe wing New Automation V alues T o preview a new auto mation value for a con trol: 1 Make sure the track wh ere you want to pre- view the value is enabled for automation (Touch, Latch, Touch/Lat c h or their correspond- ing Trim modes).
Chapter 5: Advanced A utomation Features 59 Isolating Multiple Controls In some cases, such as when starting a new mix, you may want to isolate mu ltiple controls at the same time. T o isolate all currently write -enabled controls : Alt-click (W indows) or Option-click (Mac) the Preview button.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 60 Capture Automation You can capture current automation values at one location in a session and quickly apply them in another location with the Capture and Punch Captur e commands.
Chapter 5: Advanced A utomation Features 61 Punching Captured Automation V alues After automation values are captured, they can be punched (written) to another location in the track.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 62 Punching Automation V alues for All Controls You can punch all captured automation values to another location on their corresponding tracks (except those trac ks with their Automa- tion Mode set to Off ).
Chapter 5: Advanced A utomation Features 63 Capture and Preview Mode Loading Captured V alues into Preview You can preview and modi fy captured automa- tion values in Preview mode before punching the values to the automation play list.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 64 VC A Master T rack Automation Displaying Au tomation on VCA Master T racks The following controls on VCA Master tracks can be automated and have sepa rate autom.
Chapter 5: Advanced A utomation Features 65 Coalescing VC A Automation There are several ways to commit, or coalesce , the contribution of a selected VCA Master track’s Volume and Mute automa tion to the au- tomation playlists of its slave tracks.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 66 Duplicating a Sla ve T rack When you duplicate a slave track without dupli- cating its group assignments, the VCA automa- tion is coalesced to the duplicate track . The co- alesced duplicate plays back exactly as if it were in the VCA group.
Chapter 6: Surround Features 67 chapter 6 Sur round F eatures Pro Tools with Complete Production Toolkit 2 supports s urround mixing. Pro To ols support s mixing in the following multichannel (greater than stereo) formats: LCR, Quad, LCRS, 5.0, 5.1, 6.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 68 T o co nnect your audio interface s for 5.1 format mixing and mo nitoring: 1 Determine the 5.1 format and track layout you want to use.
Chapter 6: Surround Features 69 T o create a new session for multichannel mixing: 1 Choose File > New Session . 2 Select the Create Blank Session option. 3 Select the Audio File Type , Sample Rate , and Bit Depth as desired. 4 From the I/O Settings menu, select one of the following options: • 5.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 70 Surround Mix Settings Files The surround mix I/O Settings provide output and bus paths for three specific track layout standards in the new sess ion. (For information on inputs and in sert paths, see “Default Input and Insert Paths wi th 5.
Chapter 6: Surround Features 71 Expor ting I/O Settings Exporting I/O Setup settings files lets you build a library of multichannel setups for different projects. T o expor t an I/O Setup setting s file: 1 Choose Setup > I/O . 2 Click Export Settings .
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 72 T o de fine an LCRS path: 1 Choose Setup > I/O , and click the Output ta b. 2 Click New Path . 3 Sele ct LCRS from the Path Format selec tor . 4 Name the path LCRS . 5 In the Channel Grid, click in the box below the first (left-most) audio interface channel for the path.
Chapter 6: Surround Features 73 Default I/O Selectors in I/O Setup The Output page and the Bus page of the I/O Setup provide selectors for setting I/O defaults in your multichannel sessions. 5.1 Path Order Selects the defaul t track layout (or, path order ) for new 5.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 74 5.1 T rack La y outs, Routing , and Metering Routing Audio for Surround Mixing Surround sessions typi cally include a combina- tion of mono, stereo, and multichannel audio, Auxiliary Input, Master Fader, and Instrument tracks, and inserts and busses.
Chapter 6: Surround Features 75 Multichannel Audio T racks Multichannel audio tracks contain an individ- ual channel for each signal in the track (for ex- ample, a 5.1 track woul d have six channels for left, center, right, left surround, r ight surro und, and LFE).
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 76 Solo, Mute, and Gain in Multichannel T racks and Pat hs Stereo and multichannel tracks consist of multi- ple audio signals, linked together. By default, multichannel tracks are linked and are con- trolled by a single channel fader, and solo and mute switches.
Chapter 6: Surround Features 77 Multiple Output Assignments and T rack Format When a tr ack is as signed to mo re than one path of differing formats, the main output for that track will match the format of the assigned path with the greatest number of channels.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 78 Multichannel T rack Outputs Tracks can be routed to multichannel output or bus paths using the track’s Outpu t Path selector.
Chapter 6: Surround Features 79 Multichannel Auxiliar y Inputs and Master F aders A multichannel Auxiliary Input or Master Fader is used as a return fo r the multichannel bus.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 80 Linking and Unlinking Controls on Multi-Mono Plug-Ins When a multi-mono plug-in is used on a multi- channel track of more than two channels, the controls are normally linked. Adjusting the Gain control on one channel, for example, will adjust it for all channels.
Chapter 6: Surround Features 81 P aths in Surround Mixes Because Pro Tools provides a flexible routing and submixing environment, you can maximize your system’s avai lable resources by first identi-.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 82 Figure 3. Usin g signal routing and sub-paths to mix in surround Effect b us routing Outputs to sub-path s Outputs to main 5.1 path for sur round panning T racks routed to main 5.1 surround path T racks routed to subpaths Auxiliar y Input routed to main 5.
Chapter 6: Surround Features 83 Example P aths and Signal Routing for a Surround Mix The examples that follow show how Auxiliary Inputs, Master Faders, and other Pro Tools sig- nal routing features can be used for stem mixes, submixes, and similar project needs.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 84 Example Sub-P aths Sub-paths let you route to selective channels within the multichannel surround output bus- ses. In Figure 6, the Mix 5.1 bus has several sub- paths that show this. 5.0 Sub-Path The 5.0 path is a 5-channel sub- path.
Chapter 6: Surround Features 85 Fig ur e 7. FX s te m Figure 8. Music stem.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 86 LFE Examples LFE tracks and other audi o can contribute to the LFE output in two ways: • Using the LFE fader in Ou tput windows. This LFE signal is post-fader . – or – • Using a custom sub-path to route channels discretely .
Chapter 6: Surround Features 87 Introduction to Pro T ools Surround Panning There are four different track pa nning methods available: • In the Edit window , using the reduced-height Panner Grid in .
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 88 Output Windows Output windows provide panning controls (called panners), as we ll as standard Pro Tools controls, for tracks of all mix formats (from 3- channel LCR through 8-channel 7.1). For information on Output window standard controls, see “Standard Controls” on page 88.
Chapter 6: Surround Features 89 Surround Panner Controls When assigned to tracks or paths with four or mor e channels, the O utput window p rovides an X/Y Grid for surround panning. The speakers associat ed with the panner’ s multichannel format are dis- played in their relative positions outside the Panner Grid.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 90 The X/Y Grid and P an Location Cursor The X/Y Grid is where multichanne l panning information is input and displayed. You can in- put pan information using X/Y mode, 3-Knob mode, or by entering numeric values in the Po- sition data fields.
Chapter 6: Surround Features 91 Divergence Controls Divergence determines th e width of the panned signal with respect to neighboring speakers. (For more information, see the Pro T ools Sync & Sur- round Concepts Guide ).
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 92 P anning Modes The Panning Mode button provides access to four panning modes: X/Y mode, Divergence Ed- iting, 3-Knob mode, and AutoGlide mode.
Chapter 6: Surround Features 93 T o snap the P an Location cu rsor to a locati on in the Grid: Control-Shift-click (W indows) or Command- Shift-click (Mac) at the desired location in the X/Y Grid. Grid Options and Shor tcuts Fine -Adjust Mode Hold down the Control key (Windows) or Command key (Mac) for fine ad- justment of all Panner controls.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 94 T o en able 3-Knob Panning mode: Click on the Panning Mode button until the 3-Knob mode icon is displayed. The panner trajectory line appears across the Grid, extending from the fron t (X-axis) to the rear (Y -axis).
Chapter 6: Surround Features 95 4 Set a new destination for the cursor by doing one of the following: • Click a Snap Pan to Speaker icon to glide to its speaker location. – or – • Click in the pan window to glide to a spe- cific location in the X/Y Grid.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 96 Divergence In the Panner Grid, the current divergence val- ues are displayed using a purple outline. By default, Pro Tools surround panners are 100% or fully divergent, meaning that a signal that is panned completely to one speaker will only be audible in that speaker.
Chapter 6: Surround Features 97 T o ad just Center Percentage: Adjust the Center Percentage knob as appro- priate. As you reduce the Center Percentage value, the center speaker at the top of the Grid becomes less visible. At 0, the center speaker is com- pletely invisible, reflecting the setting for fully phantom center.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 98 P an Pla ylists Multichannel panners have an automation playlist for each position and divergence con- trol. Surround Scope Plug-In The Surround Scope plug-i n provides a 360° me- ter for metering multichannel paths during mix- ing.
Chapter 7: Video Features 99 chapter 7 V ideo Features Complete Production Toolkit 2 enables addi- tional session and track features for working with video in Pro Tools.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 100 Suppor t for Video Impor t Options Complete Production Toolkit 2 adds the follow- ing options to Pro T ools when using the Video Import Options dialog to impor.
Chapter 7: Video Features 101 V ideo Regions in the Region List A video region displays in the Region List with a small video icon next to its name. Showing or Hiding V ideo Regions in the Region List The Region List menu provides commands that let you show or hide video regions in the Region List.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 102 W orking with Regions and Selections •C a p t u r e r e g i o n s • Separate regions and Separate Grabber T ool • Region overlap and underlap • All tri.
Chapter 7: Video Features 103 Selecting and Editing Across Multiple Audio and Video T racks You can create a selection across multiple audio and video tracks, and cut, copy, or paste audio and video simultaneously. Audio and video that is selected and cut, copied, or pasted follow the current Edit mode.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 104 V ideo Region Groups You can include video regi ons within region groups for the following operations: • Creating region groups • Creating multitrack regio.
Chapter 7: Video Features 105 T o use the V ideo Universe window to zoom vid eo regions in the Edit wi ndow: 1 Move the cursor over the top half of any vide o frame until it becomes a zoom tool.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 106.
Chapter 8: Included Plug-Ins 107 chapter 8 Included Plug-Ins Complete Production Toolkit 2 includes the fol- lowing plug-ins: • SoundCode Stereo •X - F o r m SoundCode Stereo The Neyrinck SoundCode Stereo plug-in is an RTAS plug-in that down mixes a surround mix to a stereo mix for Pro Tools surround compati- ble systems.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 108.
Index 109 Numerics 3-knob panning 93 5.0 paths in 5.1 mixes 84 5.1 formats in Pro Tools 72 A Activation Code 6 Allow Latch Prime in Stop option 21 alternate channels Expand to New Playli sts 28 attributes (groups) 14 audio regions fitting to an Edit selection 27 audio tracks 5.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 110 C capturing automation valu es 60 Center % (Percentage) 95 Center % in Output window 96 Channel selecto r for multi-mono pl ug-ins 80 Clear Trim Automation Tra.
Index 111 L Latch Mode AutoJoin 31 Join 31 LCRS path examples 72 LFE enable in plug-ins 97, 84, 86 faders 97 Link Enable buttons in multi-mono plug-ins 80 linking multi-mono plug- ins 80 stereo panner.
Complete Production T oolkit 2 Guide 112 S Scrolling options Continuous S crolling During Playb ack 23 Scrub Trim tool 23 scrubbing with Scrub Trim tool 24 sends and multic hannel mixin g 78 copying t.
Index 113 W Write 56 Write Automation commands 54, 56 Write Automation To commands 59 Write Automation to Ne xt Breakpoint command 47 Write Auto mation to Next Break point on Stop command 49 Write Aut.
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