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IMPORT ANT : T o aid reporting in case of loss or theft, please record the product’s model and serial numbers in the space provided. The numbers are located in the rear of the product.
4 E IMPORT ANT INFORMA TION (Continued) A. Information on Disposal for Users (private households) 1. In the European Union Attention:Ifyouwanttodisposeofthisequipment,please.
5 E ThankyouforyourpurchaseofaSHARPLCDproduct. T oensuresafetyandmanyyearsoftrouble-freeoperationofyour product, please read the Safety Precautions carefully before using this product.
6 E SAFETY PRECAUTIONS (Continued) 19. Batteries—Incorrectuseofbatteriesmaycausethebatteriestoburstorignite. A leakybatterymaycorrodetheequipment, dirty your hands or spoil your clothing.
7 E - The TFTcolorLCDpanelusedinthismonitorismadewith the application of high precision technology . However , there may be minute points on the screen where pixels never light or are permanently lit. Also, if the screen is viewed from an acute angle there may be uneven colors or brightness.
8 E MOUNTING PRECAUTIONS • Thisproductisforuseindoors. • A mountingbracketcompliantwithVESA specicationsis required. • Sincethemonitorisheavy ,consultyourdealerbefore installing, removing or moving the monitor .
9 E Contents Supplied Components If any component should be missing, please contact your dealer . LiquidCrystalDisplayMonitor:1 Cableclamp:2 Powercord:1 CD-ROM.
10 E n Front view 1 23 45 6 7 8 9 The rear buttons if seen from the front 1. LCD panel 2. INPUT button 3. MENU button 4. VOL -/Cursor control ( ) button 5. VOL +/Cursor control ( ) button 6. BRIGHT -/Cursor control ( ) button 7. BRIGHT +/Cursor control ( ) button 8.
11 E Part Names n Remote control unit (Supplied with the PN-ZR01 (optional)) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 9 10 11 8 1. Signal transmitter 2. POWER button 3. MUTE button 4. VOL +/Cursor control ( ) button 5. BRIGHT -/Cursor control ( ) button 6. DISPLA Y button 7.
12 E 11 10 9 81 23 45 7 12 6 15 14 13 17 16 Expansion Board When the PN-ZB02 (optional) is attached Caution • Besuretoturnoffthemainpowerswitchanddisconnect the plug from the power outlet before connecting/ disconnecting cables.
13 E Connecting Peripheral Equipment TIPS • Thelengthofthesignalcablesorsurroundingenvironment mayaffecttheimagequality . • Thescreenmaynotdisplayproperlywhenusingterminals otherthanPCDVI-D/A VDVI-Dfortheinputmode.
14 E ■ Connection with RS-232 cable IfyouconnectthemonitorinadaisychainusingRS-232 cable,usingthemonitorbuttonsontheprimary(mainunit), settingsarecopiedtothesecondary(expansionunit)and operation from the primary can perform operation for all monitors.
15 E Connecting the Power Cord Caution • Useonlythepowercordsuppliedwiththemonitor . 1.T urnof fthemainpowerswitch. 2.Plugthepowercord(supplied)intothe ACinputterminal. 3.Plugthepowercord(supplied)intothe ACpoweroutlet.
16 E Binding Cables The cables connected to the terminals on the rear of the monitor can be fastened with the cable clamps. Insert the cable clamp into the cable clamp attachment on the rear of the monitor and fasten the cables. : Cable clamp attachment Cable clamp Cable Cable clamp attachment Removing the Handles The handles can be removed.
17 E T urning Power On/Off Caution • T urnonthemonitorrstbeforeturningonthePCor playback device. T urning on the main power Main power switch Caution • Themainpowermustbeturnedon/offwiththemainpower switch.
18 E Basic Operation Whenperformingoperationofmultiplemonitorswiththe remotecontrolunit,rstsettheremotecontrolunittothe appropriateremotecontrolmode(seepage21).
E 19 5. BRIGHT +/- (Backlight adjustment) Pressing or displaystheBRIGHTmenuwhenthe menu screen is not displayed. BRIGHT 15 Press or toadjustthebrightness. * Ifyoudonotpressanybuttonsforabout4seconds,the BRIGHTmenuautomaticallydisappears.
E 20 Basic Operation n Switching the screen size Evenwhenthescreensizeischanged,thedisplaymayremainthesamedependingontheinputsignal. WIDE PCinput Displaysimagesoitllstheentirescreen.
21 E Remote Control Mode Withtheremotecontrolunitit’spossibletoperformoperation of... • Theprimarymonitor • MonitorswithaspeciedIDNo. • Allprimary/secondarymonitors It’s necessary to specify which type of operation will be performed in advance.
22 E Menu Items Displaying the menu screen Videoandaudioadjustmentandsettingsofvariousfunctions are enabled. This section describes how to use the menu items.Seepages23to27fordetailsofeachmenuitems.
E 23 Menu item details The menu will differ depending on the input mode. n SCREEN Y ou can move the menu screen display position each time DISPLA Y is pressed. AUTO (PC D-SUB/PC RGB) TheCLOCK,PHASE,H-POS,andV -POSareautomatically adjusted.
E 24 USER AdjustseachitemwhentheWHITEBALANCEissetto USER. R-CONTRAST .... Adjustsbright-tonedredcomponent. G-CONTRAST .... Adjustsbright-tonedgreencomponent. B-CONTRAST .... Adjustsbright-tonedbluecomponent.
E 25 Menu Items COPY SETTING V ALUE Whenthemonitorhasbeenconnectedtomultiplemonitors withRS-232C,youcancopytheprimarysettingdetailsto the secondary . Perform operations with the primary monitor .
E 26 Menu Items n OPTION DA TE/TIME SETTING Set the date and time. Press or to select the date and time, and press or to change the numerical values. Setthedatein“Day/Month/Y ear”order . Setthetimeona24-hourbasis.(Factorydefault) DA TE/TIME FORMA T Sets the date/time display format.
E 27 Menu Items n MUL TI ENLARGE (See page 28.) Sets whether or not to use the enlarge function. ADV ANCED (ENLARGE) ENLARGEH/ENLARGEV ......... Setsthenumberofscreensplits(numberof monitors)inthehorizontal/verticaldirectionusedfor the enlargement.
E 28 n Dual screen display Y oucandisplaythescreensofthePCinputsignaland A V input signal simultaneously . Setthisfunctionwith“PIPMODES”inthePIP/PbyP menu. PIP Main screen Sub screen A sub s cree n is displ ayed inside a main screen.
E 29 n ZOOM2 SPECIAL SETTING If you connect a laptop computer with any of the following screen resolutions and black bands appear around the screen,setZOOM2SPECIAL SETTINGofINPUTSIGNAL on theOPTIONmenutoONandthenselectZOOM2intheSIZE setting.
E 30 n ADV ANCED items (A V input) (See page 23 for additional Menu item details.) FLESH TONE Adjustthehuecontrol. 3D-NR Reduce the noise of playback images on video. Setting a higher level reduces more noise. However , it may cause blurring on an image.
31 E Y oucanreturnthesettingstotheirfactory-presetvaluesand restrict operations. 1. If using the remote control unit, press SIZE until “F” is displayed in the upper left area of the screen, then while “F” is being displayed, press , , , and in that order .
32 E Controlling the Monitor with a PC (RS-232C) Y oucancontrolthismonitorfromaPCviaRS-232C(COM port)onthePC.
E 33 Controlling the Monitor with a PC (RS-232C) n Response code format When a command has been executed correctly O K Return code (0D H , 0A H ) A response is returned after a command is executed.
E 34 Controlling the Monitor with a PC (RS-232C) Advanced operation This section explains commands for daisy chain connection. The basic communication procedure is the same as in the “One-to-oneconnectionwithaPC”section. n ID numbers Y oucanassignauniqueIDnumbertoeachmonitor(see page24).
E 35 Controlling the Monitor with a PC (RS-232C) IDLK ........ TheparameterofthiscommandsetstheID numberofthemonitor . Themonitorissubjecttoall subsequentcommands. Example: IDLK0002 ← Followingcommandsareforthemonitor withIDnumber:2.
E 36 n Repeater control command RepeatercontrolisachievedbysettingtheFOURTH CHARACTERoftheparameterto“+”. Example: VOLM030+ ← Setsvolumeofallmonitorsto30. In repeater control, responses are returned by all the connected monitors.
E 37 RS-232C command table How to read the command table Command: Commandeld(Seepage32.) Direction: W Whenthe“Parameter”issetintheparametereld(seepage32),thecommandfunctionsasdescribed under“Control/ResponseContents”.
E 38 SCREEN menu Function Command Direction Parameter Reply Control/Response contents *1 *2 (A) (B) AUTO ASNC W 1 WhentheinputmodeisPCD-SUB,PCRGB. - ○ ○ CLOCK CLCK WR 0-1200 0-1200 WhentheinputmodeisPCD-SUB,PCRGB.
E 39 PICTURE menu Function Command Direction Parameter Reply Control/Response contents *1 *2 (A) (B) AUTO AGIN W 1 WhentheinputmodeisPCD-SUB,PCRGB. - ○ ○ ANALOGGAIN ANGA WR 0-127 0-127 WhentheinputmodeisPCD-SUB,PCRGB.
E 40 AUDIO menu Function Command Direction Parameter Reply Control/Response contents *1 *2 (A) (B) TREBLE AUTR WR -5-5 -5-5 ○ ○ ○ BASS AUBS WR -5-5 -5-5 BALANCE AUBL WR -10-10 -10-10 RESET ARST .
E 41 Controlling the Monitor with a PC (RS-232C) OPTION menu Function Command Direction Parameter Reply Control/Response contents *1 *2 (A) (B) DA TE/TIMESETTING DA TE WR AABBCCDDEE AABBCCDDEE AA:.
E 42 MUL TI menu Function Command Direction Parameter Reply Control/Response contents *1 *2 (A) (B) ENLARGE ENLG WR 0-1 0-1 0:OFF ,1:ON - ○ ○ ENLARGEMODE EMAG WR 0-4 0-4 0:OFF ,1.
E 43 PIP/PbyP menu Function Command Direction Parameter Reply Control/Response contents *1 *2 (A) (B) PIPMODES MWIN WR 0-3 0-3 0:OFF ,1:PIP ,2:PbyP ,3:PbyP2 ○ ○ ○ PIPS.
E 44 Others Function Command Direction Parameter Reply Control/Response contents *1 *2 (A) (B) SCREENSIZE(PC) WIDE WR 1-5 1-5 1:WIDE,2:NORMAL,3:DotbyDot,4:ZOOM1,5:.
45 E WhenthePN-ZB02(optional)isattached,yourmonitorcan beconnectedtoaLANallowingyoutocontrolitfromaPCon the LAN. Y oucanalsocongurethemonitortosende-mailnotication when it has a problem.
46 E 46 ■ T o set from a PC WhenthemonitorisconnectedtoaPC,LANsettingscanbe conguredviaPC. Set up process (1)ConnectyourmonitortoaPC.
47 E 47 7. Specifythe“DHCPCLIENT”,“IP ADDRESS”,etc. DHCP CLIENT IfyourLANhasaDHCPserverandyouwishtoobtainan address automatically , change this setting to “ON”. T osettheaddressmanually ,setthisto“OFF”.
48 E 48 ■ INFORMA TION Information about this monitor appears. ■ CONTROL Y ou can control the operations corresponding to the buttons ( POWER INPUT SIZE )ontheremotecontrolunit.(Seepages18 and19.) TIPS • Instandbymode,PowerONistheoperationavailable.
49 E 49 ■ NETWORK (LAN SETUP) This screen allows you to set the settings necessary when the monitor is connected to a LAN. DHCP CLIENT IfyourLANhasaDHCPserverandyouwishtoobtainan address automatically , change this setting to “ON”.
50 E 50 ■ NETWORK (GENERAL) This screen allows you to specify the general LAN settings. MONITOR NAME Specify a name for this monitor as it should appear on the InternetExplorerscreen. AUTO LOGOUT TIME Specifythetime(inminutes)toelapsebeforeautomatically disconnecting this monitor from the network.
51 E 51 ■ MAIL (RECIPIENT) Thisscreenallowsyoutospecifytherecipientsofthee-mail sent periodically or when the monitor has an error . RECIPIENT E-MAIL ADDRESSES Specifythee-mailaddressestosenderrornoticatione-mail to.
52 E 52 Controlling the Monitor with a PC (LAN) ■ SNMP Y oucanconguresettingsrelatedtoSNMP . SNMP SETTING Set whether to enable or disable SNMP . VERSION Set the version of the SNMP to be supported. COMMUNITY NAME 1 to 3 Setthenameofthecommunityrequiredfortheaccess.
53 E T roubleshooting If you are experiencing any problem with your display , before calling for service, please review the following troubleshooting tips. There is no picture or sound. • Isthepowercorddisconnected?(Seepage15.
54 E 54 The Power LED is ashing in red and green alternately . When “TEMPERA TURE” is displayed in the corner of the screen. • Whentheinternaltemperatureofthemonitorrises excessively , the brightness of the backlight decreases automaticallyinordertopreventhigh-temperature- relatedproblems.
55 E Specications n PN-V602 Product Specications Model PN-V602 LCDcomponent 60"Class[60inch(152.4cm)diagonal]TFT LCD Max. resolution (pixels) 1366x768 Max. colors Approx.16.77Mcolors Pixel pitch 0.973mm(H)×0.
56 E Specications n Dimensional Drawings Note that the values shown are approximate values. Unit: inch [mm] 52-5/8 [1335.9] Opening width (52-5/16 [1329.4]) Opening height (29-7/16 [747.7]) 29-1 1/16 [754.2] 7-7/8 [200] 5-7/8 [149.3] 52-5/8 [1335.9] 3-5/8 [92.
57 E n Compatible signal timing (PC) VESA Wide US TEXT Sun Screen resolution Hsyn c V syn c D ot frequency Digital 640 × 480 800 × 600 848 × 480 1024 × 768 1 152 × 864 *1 1280 × 768 1280 × 800 .
58 E n Compatible signal timing (A V) Screen resolution Frequency DVI-D* 2 HDMI Component 1920×1080p * 1 24Hz - Ye s - 50Hz Ye s Ye s Ye s 59.94Hz Ye s Ye s Ye s 60Hz Ye s Ye s Ye s 1920×1080i * 1 50Hz Ye s Ye s Ye s 59.94Hz Ye s Ye s Ye s 60Hz Ye s Ye s Ye s 1280×720p 50Hz Ye s Ye s Ye s 59.
59 E Specications n PC/A V DVI-D input terminal pins (DVI-D 24 pin) No. Function No. Function 1 TMDSdata2- 13 N.C. 2 TMDSdata2+ 14 +5V 3 TMDSdata2/4shield 15 GND 4 N.C. 16 Hot-plugdetection 5 N.C. 17 TMDSdata0- 6 DDCclock 18 TMDSdata0+ 7 DDCdata 19 TMDSdata0/5shield 8 N.
PN-V602MeEN1 1H(1).
デバイスSharp PN-V602の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sharp PN-V602をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSharp PN-V602の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sharp PN-V602の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sharp PN-V602で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sharp PN-V602を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSharp PN-V602の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sharp PN-V602に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSharp PN-V602デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。