ShawメーカーATLAS PVR Universal Remote Controlの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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A TLAS PVR Universal Remote Control Users Guide Atlas Shaw M1055FR Rev 1 Eng Page 1 Wednesday, October 5, 2005 5: 28 PM.
2 TABLE O F CONTENTS Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Features and Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Key Charts. . . . . . . . . . . .
3 INTRODUCTION The A tlas PVR U niv ersal Remo te Con trol b y U niv ersal Electronics is our lat est generation univ ersal remo te co ntr ol. I ts so phistica ted t echnology allow s y ou to co nsolidat e up to fi ve o f yo ur original home ent ertainment r emot e con tro ls int o one easy -to-use pr oduct.
4 FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS U se the ill ustra tion belo w to locat e fea tures o n the A tlas PVR U niv er sal Remo te Con trol an d then study th e K ey Charts (on th e next thr ee pages) to learn ho w they functi on.
5 Key Charts Key Function Us e SETUP fo r all programming sequen ces. Press PWR on ce t o t ur n on or of f a hom e entertai nment dev ice. For MAST ER POWER co ntr ol, see “U sing th e Mast er P ow er K ey” on page 18. Press AUX, DVD, AUD, TV, or CBL once to select a home en tertainment device t o con tr ol.
6 Us e CH+ (or CH- ) to select the next higher (or lo wer) channel. F or D VD pl ay ers, use these k eys to s kip for ward ( or re verse ) t h roug h c hapt ers. F or am plifiers/r ecei ver s, use these k eys to select the next higher (or lo wer) pr eset station.
7 Device T able NOTE: Please r efe r to the tabl e below whe n per forming the i nstr uct ions i n “P rogramming Device Co ntr ol ” on page 8 o r “P rogram ming T V/V CR Combo Con trol” on page 10.
8 INSTALLING BATTERIES 1. On the back o f the re mote c on trol, p ush the tab and lift o ff the ba tter y co v er . 2. Locat e the two (2) enclo sed AA batt eries. Ma tc h the + and - marks with thos e in the batt er y case, then insert them. 3. Align the co v er’ s k eys with the case ’ s hole s and pr ess t he co ver back i nto place.
9 NOTES: F or TV/V CR Co mbo con trol, s kip this sec tion and per form the i nst ruc t ions on “Prog ra m- ming TV/V CR Com bo Contr ol” o n page 10. Also r efer t o “Device T able ” on page 7 t o find out w hich dev ice s c an b e prog ra mm ed onto each device k ey .
10 DV D C o d e Device T ype :___________________ AU D C o d e Device T ype :___________________ CBL Code Device T ype :___________________ TV Code Device T ype :___________________ PROGRAMMING TV/VCR COMBO CONTROL If you ow n a T V/ V CR Com bo, pe r for m th e fol l ow in g instruc tions to con trol this device: 1.
11 5. F or futur e ref erenc e, w rite do wn each working dev ice co de in the b ox es b elow : TV/V CR Code TV Code (if use d) SEARCHING FOR YOUR CODE If y our h ome en tertainment device does no t r.
12 7. T o sear ch fo r the codes o f y our othe r devices, r epeat st eps 1 thr ough 5, b ut sub stitut e the ap pr opria te k ey (e.g., AUX, DVD, AUD, or CBL ) fo r the device y o u are sea rc hing fo r .
13 • Learned ke ys ar e mode-specific, so each o ne can sto re a unique funct ion fo r each mode. • Do not use the f ollowing k eys f or learning: Device Keys, SETUP , Record (•), Tune-In Keys . • Learning capacity is app ro xima tely 16 to 25 k eys, depend ing on the code b ei ng lear ned.
14 turn off. Co ntin ue holdin g the ke y on the original re mote un til the A tlas PVR U nive rsal Rem ot e C ont ro l’ s L E D bl i n k s t w i ce . NOTE: If the LE D displays one long blin k, a learn ing erro r has oc curred. T r y re peating this s tep again un til a succ essful ca ptur e occurs.
15 PROGRAMMING CHANNEL CONTROL LOCK By d efaul t, the remo te co ntro l’ s channel-c on trol capabilities a re lock ed to the ca ble con v erter . The affected keys * are 1 thr ough 0 , CH+ , CH - , ENTER , and LAST . Th is w il l guar antee that you do not inadvertently chang e a channel on y our TV or V CR.
16 Locking Channel Control to CBL N ow , rega rdless o f what mode y ou se lect (exc ept AUD ), the channel k eys will only change c hannels on y our cable con ver ter .
17 4. Re peat st eps 1 thro ugh 3 for eac h device yo u wan t vo lume to be unl ocked. N ow , after y ou select a device tha t has vol ume unlock ed (e.
18 PROGRAMMING ID LOCK TheA tlas PVR U niver sal Remot e Con trol is lock ed at the factor y to operat e a Mo tor ola Digita l Cable T erminal (DCT ). H ow ever , if yo u hav e another b rand or model.
19 Programming the Master Power Key 5. Re peat ste p 4 up to fo ur more times t o add the seco nd, thir d, fo urth, and fifth dev ic e, as desired. 6. T o sa ve the settings an d exit the p rogram: Using the Master Power Key Y ou will see the devices turn on o r off acc or ding to th e progra mme d se quence.
20 RE-ASSIGNING DEVICE KEYS The A tlas PVR U niv ersal Remote Con trol can be se t up to co ntr ol a seco nd device of an alr eady-ass igned t y pe. F or exam ple, to ha ve the unit con tro l a T V , .
21 DV D k e y, p e r f o r m AUD Æ SETUP Æ 9 Æ 9 ÆÆ DVD Æ AUD . Wh en a re-ass ignment is do ne, the selected device k ey (e.g., AUD ) wi ll bl ink tw ice to confi rm your choice. A t tha t time, you will need to p rogram device co ntr ol (see “P r og ramming Device Co ntr ol” o n page 8).
22 PROBLEM: PLA Y and STOP key s do not w ork o n a M oto ro la D CT -2000 cabl e con v erter . SOLUTION: Re-p rogram the CBL k ey for ca ble code 0476 (see “P rogramming Device Co ntro l” o n page 8). PROBLEM: T ried Searc h M ethod and still c ould no t find a wo rking code.
23 unshie lded cables is lik el y to res ult in in terfe renc e to radio and TV r eception. The user is cautioned that chang es and modificatio ns made t o the equipmen t withou t the ap pr ov al of man ufactur er co uld vo id the user’ s au thorit y to operate this equipmen t.
24 MANUFACTURER’S CODES Setup Codes for Audio Amplifiers A ccuph ase 0382 A curus 0765 A dcom 1100, 0577 Aiwa 0406 Amstrad 0078 Aragon 0765 Arcam 0269 A udio lab 0269 A udioSour ce 0011 Biam p 0582 .
25 Setup Codes for Audio Amp/T uners P anasonic 0308, 0521 Pa rasound 0246 Pa ss Labs 0269 Philips 0892, 0269 Pio neer 0300, 0013 P olk A udio 0892, 0269 R CA 0300 Realis tic 0395 Rev ox 0269 Sans ui .
26 Emerso n 0424 Fis her 0042, 1801, 0360, 0219 Garrard 0463, 0424 Gate wa y 1517 Glory H orse 1263 Go V ideo 1532 Ha rman/Kar don 0110, 0189, 0891 H ewlett P ackar d 1181 Hita chi 1273, 1801 Initial .
27 P olar oid 1508 P olk A udio 0189, 1289 Pr oscan 1254 Quasar 0039 RadioShack 1263 R CA 1023, 1609, 1254, 0054, 0360, 0346, 0531, 1154, 1511, 0080, 0530, 1074, 1390 Realis tic 0163, 0195, 0181 Reg e.
28 Setup Codes for Miscellaneous Audio Setup Codes for Cable Boxes/Converters Aiwa 0010, 0159, 0404 Altec Lan sing 1485 Camb ridge Soundw orks 1530 Fis her 0052 Imerg e 1491 J errold 0520, 0459 JV C 0.
29 Setup Codes for DVD Players Super cable 0276 Supermax 0883 T ime W arner 1877 T o co m 0012 T orx 0003 T oshiba 0000 T ristar 0883 V2 0883 V iewmaster 0883 V ision 0883 V ortex V iew 0883 Zenith 00.
30 Gat ewa y 1073, 1077 GE 0522, 0815, 0717 Go V ideo 0744, 1044, 1970, 0869, 1099, 071 5, 0833, 1075, 0783 Go V ision 1071, 1072 GPX 0769, 0699 Gradi ente 0490 Gr eenhill 0717 Grundig 0539 Ha rman/Ka.
31 P anasonic 0490, 1490, 1908, 1925, 2017, 1462, 1907, 1910, 1990, 1362, 1762, 1909, 1986, 0632 Philco 2000 Philips 0503, 0539, 0646, 1914, 0885, 0854 PianoDisc 1024 Pio neer 0525, 0571, 0632, 1902 P.
32 Setup Codes for PVRs US Logic 0839 V Inc. 1064 V izio 1064 V o co pro 1027 Xbox 0522 Xwa ve 1001 Y amaha 0490, 0539, 0545 Y amakawa 0872 Zenith 0503, 0591, 0869, 2 002, 1906 ABS 1972 Alien war e 19.
33 Setup Codes for Satellite Receivers T ivo 0618, 0739, 0636 T oshiba 1972 T ouch 1972 Ultimate T V 1989 V iewsoni c 1972 V o odoo 1972 ZT Gr oup 1972 Alpha Star 0772 Channel M aster 0212 Chapa rra l.
34 Setup Codes for TVs Realis tic 0052 Samsung 1276, 1109 Sany o 1219 SKY 0856 Son y 0639, 1639, 1640 Star Ch oice 0869 Star T rak 0180 STS 0210 T ivo 1142, 1444, 1443, 1442 T oshiba 0749, 1749, 0790,.
35 Changho ng 0765 Citizen 0060, 0030, 1928, 0039, 0280, 005 6, 0186, 0046, 0092 Clairtone 0185 Clarion 0180 Colt 1906 Commer cial Sol utions 0047, 1447 Conc er to 0056 Con tec 0180, 0157, 0185 Craig .
36 Ha rman/Kar don 0054 Ha r var d 0180 Ha v ermy 0093 H elios 0865 H ello Kitty 0451 Himits u 0180, 0628 Hisense 0748 Hita chi 1145, 0145, 0016, 0056, 0038, 0151, 0032, 1904 H yundai 0849 Infinity 00.
37 M otor ola 0093, 0055 MTC 0060, 0030, 0056, 0185, 0019 M ultitec h 0180, 0217 N AD 0156, 0178, 0866 NEC 0030 , 0056, 1704, 0019, 0497 N etTV 1755 Nikk o 0030, 0178, 0092 N or cent 0748, 0824 N oshi.
38 Sharp 0093, 0689, 0039, 0165, 0688, 1917, 0157, 0491, 0851, 0386 Sharper Imag e 1950 Sheng Chia 0093 Shogun 0019 Signatur e 0016 Sim pson 0187, 0186 Sole 0813 Son y 1100, 0000, 0834, 1925, 0111, 19.
39 Setup Codes for VCRs W ar ds 0054, 0030, 0178, 0080, 0165, 0866, 0019, 0027, 0056, 0111, 0179, 0016, 0021, 0096, 1156, 0020 V izio 0864, 1756 W ar ds 0016, 0019, 0020, 0021, 0027, 0030, 0054, 0056,.
40 Electroh ome 0037 Electro phonic 0037 Emer ex 0032 Emerso n 0037, 0184, 0000, 0121, 0043, 0209, 0002, 0278, 0061, 0208, 0479, 1479, 1278, 0561, 1593 Eur o1 1962 Expr essvu 1944 Fis her 0047, 0104 F.
41 Ma rantz 0035, 0081 Ma r ta 0037 Ma tsushi ta 0035, 0162, 1162 M edia Cent er PC 1972 MEI 0035 M emor ex 0035, 0162, 0037, 0048, 0039, 0047, 0240, 0000, 0104, 0209, 1037, 1262, 0479, 1237, 0307, 00.
42 R CA 0060, 0240, 0042, 0149, 0807, 1060, 1989, 0105, 0202, 0761, 1035, 1964, 0760, 0880, 1954, 0106 Realis tic 0035, 0037, 0048, 0047, 0000, 0104, 0046 Re pla yTV 0616, 0614 Rica v isio n 1972 R un.
43 Setup Codes for Video Accessories XR -1000 0035, 0000, 0072 Y amaha 0038 Zenith 0039, 0033, 0000, 0 209, 1479, 0479 ZT Gr oup 1972 ABS 1272 Alien war e 1272 C yberPo wer 1272 Gate wa y 1272 H ewlet.
44 M11055 FS Atlas Shaw M1055FR Rev 1 Eng Page 44 Wednesda y, October 5, 2005 5:28 PM.
デバイスShaw ATLAS PVR Universal Remote Controlの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Shaw ATLAS PVR Universal Remote Controlをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはShaw ATLAS PVR Universal Remote Controlの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Shaw ATLAS PVR Universal Remote Controlの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Shaw ATLAS PVR Universal Remote Controlで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Shaw ATLAS PVR Universal Remote Controlを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はShaw ATLAS PVR Universal Remote Controlの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Shaw ATLAS PVR Universal Remote Controlに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちShaw ATLAS PVR Universal Remote Controlデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。