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SIMODRIVE 611 Dri ve Technology 1FW6 Buil t-in torque motors S I MODR I V E Conf igur ation Manual 05 / 20 0 9 1 F W6 built-in to r que mot or s SI MODR I V E 6 1 1 s.
Preface 1 General safety guidelines 2 Description of the motor SIMODRIVE 611 Motor components of the built-in motor and options 3 Drive Technology 4 1FW6 Built-in torque motors Coupled motors 5 Config.
Legal information Warning notice system This manual contains notices y ou have to observe in or der to en sure your personal saf ety, as well as to prevent damage to property.
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Preface 1FW6 Built-in torque motors Configuration Manual, 05/2009, 6SN1197-0AD00-0BP7 7 http://support.automation.siemen sapi .dll?func=cslib .csinfo&lang=de&siteid =csiu s&objid=19183574 If you do not have access to the In ternet, contact your local S iemens office to obtain a copy of the EC Declaration of Conformity.
Table of contents Preface ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 1 General safety guide lines .................................... ......
Table of contents 4.1.2 Janus arrangement ........................................ ............................................................................. 60 5 Configuring the motor ........................................ ......................
Table of contents 1FW6 Built-in torque motors Configuration Manual, 05/2009, 6SN1197-0AD00-0BP7 11 10.1 Safety guideli nes for ope ration ........................... ....................................................................... 187 10.2 Dealing with faults .
General safety guidelines 1 Please observe all the relevant s afety in struction s to avoid pe rsonal and/or material damage. In particular, you must observe the safet y instructions and not es reg arding the powerful permanent magnets installed in t he rotor of the built-i n torque motor.
General safety guidelines 1.1 Observing and complying with safety guidelines 4. Operational electrical, magnetic, and el ectromagnetic f ields th at can pose a risk to people with a pacemaker and/or implants or metallic object s if they ar e too close.
General safety guidelines 1.2 Handling direct dri ves and components 1.2 Handling direct drives and components DANGER There is danger of death, serious bodily injury and/or p roperty damage when untrained personnel is allowed to handle di rect drives an d/or their compo nents.
General safety guidelines 1.3 Use for the intended purpose 1.3 Use for the intended purpose DANGER There is a risk of death, serious personal injury and/or serious mate rial damage when direct drives or their components are used for a purpose for which the y were not intend ed.
General safety guidelines 1.4 Danger from strong magnetic fields 1.4 Danger from strong magnetic fields Occurrence of magnetic fields Strong magnetic fields occur in t he components of the motor tha t contain permanent magnets.
General safety guidelines 1.4 Danger from strong magnetic fields Danger from strong magnetic fields DANGER Strong magnetic fields can pose a risk to personnel and cause d amage. With regard to the effect of s trong magnetic fields on people, the work g uideline BGV B 11 "Electromagnetic Field s" applies in Germany.
General safety guidelines 1.4 Danger from strong magnetic fields DANGER Strong attractive forces on magnet izable materials lead to a gr eat danger of crushing in the vicinity of components with permanent magnets (di stance less th an 100 mm).
General safety guidelines 1.5 Electrical shock hazard! 1.5 Electrical shock hazard! DANGER Electrical shock hazard! When an in stalled torque motor rotates , potentially dangerou s voltages are induced at the cable ends o f the motor.
General safety guidelines 1.7 Pictograms supplied for 1FW6 1FW6 Built-in torque motors Configuration Manual, 05/2009, 6SN1197-0AD00-0BP7 21 1.7 Pictograms supplied for 1FW6 To indicate dangers, the fo.
Description of the motor 2 1FW6 built-in torque motor 2.1 Properties 2.1.1 Overview 1FW6 torque motors are designed as built-in motors for use in l ow-speed dire ct drives with a high torque output. Built-in torque motors are liqui d-cooled, perm anent-magnet-exci ted, (high pole n umber) three-phase synchronous motors with hollow-sha ft rotors.
Description of the motor 2.1 Properties and spacer film. For a complete drive unit, an additional beari ng and rotary tra nsducer are required. The product range includes 7 frame sizes (or external diameters ), each with at least 4 different axis lengths.
Description of the motor 2.2 Technical features 2.1.3 Applications In conjunction with the SIMODRI VE 611 digital/universal HR dri v e system, the built-in torque motors can be used as direct d rive f.
Description of the motor 2.2 Technical features Table 2- 1 Standardversion of the 1FW6 torque motor Technical fe ature Version Motor type Synchronous motor wit h permanent magne t rotor, multi -pole (no.
Description of the motor 2.2 Technical features Ambient conditions for long-term storage, transport, and use in fixed locations Based on DIN EN 60721-3-1 (for l ong -term storage), DIN EN 60721 -3-2 (.
Description of the motor 2.2 Technical features Table 2- 6 Mechanical am bient conditions Long-term storage: Class 1M2 Transport: Class 2M2 Fixed location: Class 3M3 UL approval The torque motors described in this do cumentation have been app roved by Un derwriters Laboratories Inc.
Description of the motor 2.3 Selection and ordering data 2.3 Selection and ordering data Table 2- 7 Built-in torque mo tors: overvi ew (part 1 of 2) Order desig. / Size Rated torque 1) M N in Nm Max. torque M MAX in Nm Rated current 1) I N in A Max. current I MAX in A Max.
Description of the motor 2.3 Selection and ordering data Order desig. / Size Rated torque 1) M N in Nm Max. torque M MAX in Nm Rated current 1) I N in A Max.
Description of the motor 2.3 Selection and ordering data Order desig. / Size Rated torque 1) M N in Nm Max. torque M MAX in Nm Rated current 1) I N in A Max.
Description of the motor 2.3 Selection and ordering data Table 2- 8 Built-in torque mo tors: overvi ew (part 2 of 2) Order desig. / si ze Rated power loss 1) P V,N in kW External diameter of stators in mm Internal diameter of rotors in mm Length of stator in mm Motor mass 3) in kg Moment of inertia of rotor J L in 10 -2 kgm 2 1FW6090-xxB05-0Fxx 2.
Description of the motor 2.3 Selection and ordering data Order desig. / si ze Rated power loss 1) P V,N in kW External diameter of stators in mm Internal diameter of rotors in mm Length of stator in mm Motor mass 3) in kg Moment of inertia of rotor J L in 10 -2 kgm 2 1FW6160-xxB15-5Gxx 6.
Description of the motor 2.4 Order designation Order desig. / si ze Rated power loss 1) P V,N in kW External diameter of stators in mm Internal diameter of rotors in mm Length of stator in mm Motor mass 3) in kg Moment of inertia of rotor J L in 10 -2 kgm 2 1FW6230-xxB10-8Fxx 5.
Description of the motor 2.4 Order designation 2.4.2 Standard 1FW6 built-in torque motors ): [[ [ % [[ [ [ [ )UDPHVL]HH[WHUQDOGLDPHWHURIVWDWRU .
Description of the motor 2.4 Order designation 2.4.3 Stators as indiv idual components &XUUHQWGHPDQGQRWHRQFRQYHUWHU ) 6,02'5,9(SRZHUPRGXOHGLJLWDOXQLYHUVDO$$ .
Description of the motor 2.4 Order designation 2.4.4 Rotor as individual component ): [[ 5 $ [[ $$ )UDPHVL]HH[WHUQDOGLDPHWHURIVWDWRU .
Description of the motor 2.4 Order designation 2.4.6 Cooling connection adapter ): [[ % $ $$ 'LUHFWOGULYHQKROORZVKDIWPRWRUDV WKUHHSKDVH.
Description of the motor 2.4 Order designation Note If, for design reasons, only i ndividual components can be insta lled (stator a nd rotor separately), these can be or dered and shipped sepa rately.
Description of the motor 2.5 Motor rating plate 1FW6 Built-in torque motors 40 Configuration Manual, 05/2009, 6SN1197-0AD00-0BP7 2.5 Motor rating plate Note A motor rating plate is attached to each stator. A second ratin g plate, which the customer can attach to the machine in whi ch the motor is installed, is a lso included in the delivery.
Motor components of the built-in motor and options 3 3.1 Overview of the motor construction Motor components The built-in torque motor cont ains the following components: ● Stator: this comprises an iron co re and a 3-phase windi ng. The winding is encapsulated to ensure that the heat loss ca n be dissipated more effectively.
Motor components of the bu ilt-in motor and options 3.1 Overview of the motor construction 6WDWRUZLWK FRROLQJMDFNHW 5RWRUZLWK SHUPDQHQWPDJQHWV 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQORFNV (OHFWULFDOFRQQHF.
Motor components of the bu ilt-in motor and options 3.1 Overview of the motor construction 5RWRUZLWK SHUPDQHQWPDJQHWV 6WDWRUZLWK LQWHJUDWHGFRROLQJ &RROHUFRQQHFWLRQ 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ.
Motor components of the bu ilt-in motor and options 3.2 Thermal motor protection Table 3- 1 Cooling method Size Cooling jacket Integrated cooli ng 1FW609 X 1FW613 X 1FW615 X 1FW616 X 1FW619 X 1FW623 X 1FW629 X 3.
Motor components of the bu ilt-in motor and options 3.2 Thermal motor protection Table 3- 2 Technical data for t he PTC thermistor triplet (PTC t riplet) Name Description Type PTC triplet (acc.
Motor components of the bu ilt-in motor and options 3.2 Thermal motor protection Note As a result of the additional PTC to monitor the power con necti on, the values for the PTC resistance an d the minimum resistance change when warm. Factor "4" must be used instead of factor "3".
Motor components of the bu ilt-in motor and options 3.2 Thermal motor protection Table 3- 3 Technical dat a o f the KTY 84 PTC thermistor Name Description Type KTY 84 Transfer range - 40 °C ... + 300 °C Resistance when cold (20 °C) approx. 580 Ω Resistance when hot (100 °C) approx.
Motor components of the bu ilt-in motor and options 3.2 Thermal motor protection 3.2.2 Evaluation of the temperature sensors for motor protection Temp–S Temp–S is used to reliably pr otect the motor against overheatin g.
Motor components of the bu ilt-in motor and options 3.3 Cooling Temp–F Temp–F supplies an analog signal that is pro portional to the te mperature and for a symmetrical current load of the th ree-phase windi ngs provide s i nformation about the average motor temperature.
Motor components of the bu ilt-in motor and options 3.3 Cooling Effects when water cooling is not used If water cooling is not used, t he motor can only be loaded in c ontinuous op eration (depending .
Motor components of the bu ilt-in motor and options 3.3 Cooling Materials used in the cooling circuits of torque motors Table 3- 4 Materials in the c ooling circuits of torque motors ( not including t.
Motor components of the bu ilt-in motor and options 3.3 Cooling In this case, the resulting dis crepancy vis-à-vis the actual ef fective power loss may mean that the cooling system is ove rdimensioned. The cooling system must be sufficie ntly powerful to ensure the req uired coolant pre ssure even at the maximum volume flow rate.
Motor components of the bu ilt-in motor and options 3.3 Cooling 1FW6 Built-in torque motors 54 Configuration Manual, 05/2009, 6SN1197-0AD00-0BP7 Requirements placed on the water The water used as the .
Coupled motors 4 4.1 Parallel operation of several motors Parallel operation of several motors on one axes Provided that certain pre requisites are fulfilled, built-in tor que motors can be operated in parallel on a single axis and sup plied by a joint power unit.
Coupled motors 4.1 Parallel operatio n of several motors CAUTION If the angular position is set i ncorrectly, this can result in a thermal overload of one of the two parallel motors during cont inuous operation at the rated lo ad.
Coupled motors 4.1 Parallel operation of several motors (Q'DW :06 70 70 ,QFU :06 70 70 , 0DVWHU ,, 6WRNHU XSWRPPFRQGXFWRUFURVVVHFWLRQ .
Coupled motors 4.1 Parallel operatio n of several motors 5.7<ದ7 HPS 5.7<7 HPS 7337&r& 73.
Coupled motors 4.1 Parallel operation of several motors DANGER Risk of elect ric shock! Signal conductors left unassigned must be in sulated. The insula tion must be able to withstand the rated voltage of the motor.
Coupled motors 4.1 Parallel operatio n of several motors 4.1.2 Janus arrangement 0$6 7( 5 672.(5 7H U P L Q D O E O R F N 6WDWRU 5RWRU &H QWH UKRO H & HQWH UKR OH 7H U P L Q D O .
Coupled motors 4.1 Parallel operation of several motors 1FW6 Built-in torque motors Configuration Manual, 05/2009, 6SN1197-0AD00-0BP7 61 0$6 7( 5 672.(5 7H U P L Q D O E O R F N 6WDWRU 5RWRU &.
Configuring the motor 5 5.1 Procedure Requirements Your choice of torque motor depends on the following factors: ● The peak and continuou s torque required for the application ● The required speed.
Configuring the motor 5.1 Procedure 5.1.1 General mechanical conditi ons Moment of inertia The ki netic ener gy generate d by a rotating body is directly pro porti onal to its moment of inertia J in kgm 2 .
Configuring the motor 5.1 Procedure Angle-time diagrams and speed -t ime diagrams can be converted to angular a cceleration- time diagrams α (t) in accordance with the following correlatio ns: Examp .
Configuring the motor 5.1 Procedure Determining the required motor torque The frictional torque characteristic can be determi ned on the basis of the speed characteristic. The totals formul a can then be used to create t he motor torque-time diagram (see diagram below) from which the required peak torque M mMAX can be rea d directly.
Configuring the motor 5.1 Procedure 0 HII If the individual torques are stabl e in each section, the integ ral can be simplified to create a totals formula (see also the following diagram).
Configuring the motor 5.1 Procedure 5.1.5 Uneven current load If the load is uneven over a long period of time, the motor mus t only be operated at no more than 70% of the rated torque (see also M 0 * in "Technical data" ). For exact configurations, contac t your local Siemens office.
Configuring the motor 5.1 Procedure Determining the motor torque-speed diagram If a motor torque-speed diagram is not avail able, the relevant values can be determined with sufficient accuracy u sing .
Configuring the motor 5.1 Procedure no longer purely sinusoidal. As a result, the torque generated by the motor is no longer uniform but instead has a ripple . The extent to which the maxim um spe ed can be overridden de pends on the permissible f ollowing error and po sit ioning error in the controller as well as the motor type.
Configuring the motor 5.1 Procedure Recalculating the duty cycle If the moment of inertia initially assumed deviates significant ly from the actual moment of inertia, the duty cycle may have to be recalculated.
Configuring the motor 5.2 Example(s) The speed n in rpm can be conve rt ed to the angular velocity as follows: Example: converting the speed n = 80 rpm to the angular velocit y ω The value for the ra.
Configuring the motor 5.2 Example(s) General conditions for positioning within a defined period ● Moment of inertia in kgm 2 : J = 5.1 kg m 2 ; moving cylindrical mass m = 30 kg with substitute radius r = 0.
Configuring the motor 5.2 Example(s) Figure 5-8 Ideal traversing profi le with angular acceler ation α (t), angular velocit y ω (t), and angle φ (t) Table 5- 1 Functions of the indivi dual sections.
Configuring the motor 5.2 Example(s) transitional phases between acce lerati on/deceleration and the r esulting angle changes are not taken into account.
Configuring the motor 5.2 Example(s) The accelerating torque M a can now be corrected a s follows: M a = (5.1 kgm 2 + 0.0465 kgm 2 ) • 52.36 rad/s 2 = 269 Nm As a result, the total required motor torque M m = M r + M a increases to 369 Nm. Moment of inertia of motor 1FW6 130-0PA05-1JC2: J = 0.
Configuring the motor 5.3 Short-time duty S2 and intermittent duty S3 5.3 Short-time duty S2 and intermittent duty S3 Short-time duty S2 In the case of short-time duty S2, the load time is so short th at the final thermal state is not reached. The subsequent zero-current break is so long that the motor practi cally cools down completely.
Configuring the motor 5.3 Short-time duty S2 a nd intermittent duty S3 1FW6 Built-in torque motors Configuration Manual, 05/2009, 6SN1197-0AD00-0BP7 79 Intermittent duty S3 With intermittent duty S3, periods of load time Δt B with constant current alternate with periods of downtime Δt S with no curre nt feed.
Motor assembly 6 6.1 Motor assembly Important information about motor assembly Before assembling the motor, the assembly instructions prov ided in this documentation must be read carefully. DANGER Installing torq ue motors inv olves carryin g out work in the vici nity of unpacke d rotors.
Motor assembly 6.1 Motor assembly WARNING The machine construction must be de signed in such a way that bo th the rotor and the stator are each secured on one side only.
Motor assembly 6.1 Motor assembly Radial and axial forces ) D ) U 1 Rotor with permanent magnet s 2 Stator F a Axial attractive force F r Radial attractive force Figure 6-1 Active forces when stat ors and rotors are installe d Radial forces between the stator and rotor The following table shows the acti ve radial forces (in N per 0.
Motor assembly 6.1 Motor assembly Examp le With torque motor 1FW6 090-0Px010-xxxx (active co mponent length: 100 mm), the eccentricity is 0. 2 mm, for example.
Motor assembly 6.1 Motor assembly Mounting system The following must be taken into account when the torque moto r is mounted: ● Only use new (unused) fixing screws .
Motor assembly 6.1 Motor assembly Table 6- 3 Required strength classes and tightenin g torques for the stator and rotor Type series Screw (strength class) Tightening torque M A in Nm 1FW6090-xxB05-xxxx to 1FW6090-xxB15-xxxx M5 (8.8) 4.5 1FW6130-xxB05-xxxx to 1FW6130-xxB15-xxxx M5 (8.
Motor assembly 6.1 Motor assembly 1. Preparing and cleaning th e mounting surfaces for motor parts an d the machine. – Deburr and round off the holes (e .g. cooling inlet/outlet holes ) inside the machine housing. – Carefully remove any machining residue (e.
Motor assembly 6.1 Motor assembly 8. Remove the spacer film. Whe n the stator and rotor are correctly cente red, the spacer film can be easily removed by hand. Keep sp acer film safe for subseq uent transport, packaging and storage of the motor. 9. Make sure that the rotor can move without hindran ce.
Motor assembly 6.1 Motor assembly *XLGHV VOHHYH EHDULQJV 6KDIW DANGER Risk of compression when the rotor is lowered. Take extreme care. 3. Using the top part of the installation devi ce, lower the rotor as far as it will go into the lower part of the installation devi ce.
Motor assembly 6.1 Motor assembly 6.1.2 Cooler connection For more information about conn ecting the cooler, see "Interfac es". Installing the cooling connection adapter The components required for conne cting the cooler for motors wi th integrate d cooling can usually be installed with standard tools.
Motor assembly 6.1 Motor assembly The following should be observe d w hen routing and connecting u p motor supply cables: ● The minimum bending radii (see "Electrical connection s") for mo ving power cables mus t be observed (see catalog NC 60).
Motor assembly 6.1 Motor assembly 6.1.5 Installation examples Note The examples provided below are not necessarily co mplete nor ar e they suitable for all applications. Note that the rotor and stator are secured on one side on the m achine constructi on.
Motor assembly 6.1 Motor assembly (OHFWULFDOFRQQHFWLRQ &RROHUFRQQHFWLRQ 5RWDUWDEOH 7RUTXHPRWRUZLWKLQWHJUDWHGFRROLQJ Figure 6-4 Rotary table with tor que motor with integr ated.
Motor assembly 6.1 Motor assembly &RROHUFRQQHFWLRQ (OHFWULFDOFRQQHFWLRQ 3DUWWXUQDFWXDWRU 7RUTXHPRWRUZLWKLQWHJUDWHGFRROLQJ Figure 6-6 Part-turn actuator with torque motor wi.
Motor assembly 6.1 Motor assembly /RRVHQWUDQVSRUWDWLRQORFNV 0RWRUEXLOWLQWRPDFKLQHFRQVW UXFWLRQ 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQORFNV Figure 6-7 Installing a torque mo tor with int.
Motor assembly 6.1 Motor assembly (OHFWULFDO FRQQHFWLRQ &RROHUFRQQHFWLRQ 3DUWWXUQDFWXDWRU 7RUTXHPRWRUZLWKFRROLQJMDFNHW Figure 6-8 Part-turn actuator with torque motor with coo.
Motor assembly 6.1 Motor assembly &RROHUFRQQHFWLRQ (OHFWULFDO FRQQHFWLRQ 5ROOHUGULYH 7RUTXHPRWRUZLWKLQWHJUDWHGFRROLQJ Figure 6-9 Roller drive with lo w shaft deflection with torq.
Motor assembly 6.2 Protecting the motor components 1FW6 Built-in torque motors Configuration Manual, 05/2009, 6SN1197-0AD00-0BP7 101 6.2 Protecting the motor components Degree of protection The machine construction surro unding the motor must fulfill at least degree of protection IP54 (to EN 60529).
System integration 7 7.1 System requirements Components The drive system that feeds a mot or compri ses an infeed module, a power mod ule and a control module. For the SIMODRI VE 611 drive system, the control module is int egrated in the power module.
System integration 7.1 System requirements 7337&r& 5.7<ದ7 HPS 5.
System integration 7.1 System requirements Permissible voltages The SIMODRIVE 611 drive system is dimensi oned for direct operat ion on TN line supply systems. The following table show s the permissible rated voltag es of TN line su pply system s that apply to the motors.
System integration 7.1 System requirements Note In systems where direct driv es ar e used on controlled infeeds, elect rical oscillations can occur with respect to ground pot ential.
System integration 7.2 Encoders ● Quantification of the angular sig nal and speed signal (the numb er of encoder lines and their multiplication in the enco der eval uation of the converter for each axes rotation and the measuring accuracy of t he encoder are crucial here).
System integration 7.2 Encoders WARNING Incorrect commutation can resul t in uncontrolled motor movement s. When the encoder is repl aced, make sure that the commutation se tting is correct. The procedures involved h ere must only be carrie d out by trained pe rsonnel.
System integration 7.3 Bearings Note For more installation examples, see "Motor assem bly". 7.3 Bearings Selecting the bearing 1FW6 torque motors are built-in motors for direc t rotary or swi vel axes. To set up a co mplete drive unit, a bearing between the stator and roto r is required in addition to the phase-angle encoder system.
System integration 7.4 Braking concepts 7.4 Braking concepts WARNING Malfunctions on a rotating machi ne axes can lead to the drive c oasting to a stop in an uncontrolled manner. Measures must be taken to brake t he drive at its maximum possib le kineti c energy in the event of a fault.
System integration 7.4 Braking concepts Note If armature short-circuiting brak ing is used without braking re sistors, special contactors are required because the currents can be very high. - The relea se timing for the drive system must be taken into account.
System integration 7.4 Braking concepts 1FW6 Built-in torque motors 114 Configuration Manual, 05/2009, 6SN1197-0AD00-0BP7 To prevent movements when the drive is switched on or off, the holding brake response must be synchronized with the drive. During commissionin g, refer to the documentation for the drive system being used.
Interfaces 8 8.1 Overview Electrical connection components Table 8- 1 Overview of availabl e motor types with respect to th e position of the elec trical con nection MLFB Outg oing feeder Strain relie.
Interfaces 8.1 Overview $OOGLPHQVLRQVLQPP 6LQJOHFRUHSRZHUFDEOHV 6LJQDOFDEOH [37&[.7< Figure 8-11 Electrical connection (axial) w ith sleeve and sing.
Interfaces 8.1 Overview $OOGLPHQVLRQVLQPP 6LQJOHFRUHSRZHUFDEOHV 6LJQDOFDEOH [37&[.7< Figure 8-12 Electrical connection (axial) w ith sleeve and sing.
Interfaces 8.1 Overview $OOGLPHQVLRQVLQPP 6LQJOHFRUHSRZHUFDEOHV 6LJQDOFDEOH [37&[.7< Figure 8-13 Electrical connection (axial) w ith sleeve and sing.
Interfaces 8.1 Overview $OOGLPHQVLRQVLQPP 6LQJOHFRUHSRZHUFDEOHV 6LJQDOFDEOH [37&[.7< Figure 8-14 Electrical connection (axial) w ith sleeve and sing.
Interfaces 8.1 Overview $OOGLPHQVLRQVLQPP 6LQJOHFRUHSRZHUFDEOHV 6LJQDOFDEOH [37&[.7< Figure 8-17 Electrical connecti on (radial, outwar d) with slee.
Interfaces 8.1 Overview $OOGLPHQVLRQVLQPP 6LQJOHFRUHSRZHUFDEOHV 6LJQDOFDEOH [37&[.7< Figure 8-18 Electrical connecti on (radial, outwar d) with slee.
Interfaces 8.1 Overview $OOGLPHQVLRQVLQPP 6LQJOHFRUHSRZHUFDEOHV 6LJQDOFDEOH [37&[.7< Figure 8-19 Electrical connecti on (radial, outwar d) with slee.
Interfaces 8.1 Overview $OOGLPHQVLRQVLQPP 6LQJOHFRUHSRZHUFDEOHV 6LJQDOFDEOH [37&[.7< Figure 8-20 Electrical connecti on (radial, outwar d) with slee.
Interfaces 8.1 Overview $OOGLPHQVLRQVLQPP 6LQJOHFRUHSRZHUFDEOHV 6LJQDOFDEOH [37&[.7< 6WDWRU &RQQHFWLRQEORFN Figure 8-23 Electrical connection.
Interfaces 8.1 Overview $OOGLPHQVLRQVLQPP 6LQJOHFRUHSRZHUFDEOHV 6LJQDOFDEOH [37&[.7< 6WDWRU &RQQHFWLRQEORFN Figure 8-24 Electrical connection.
Interfaces 8.1 Overview $OOGLPHQVLRQVLQPP 6LQJOHFRUHSRZHUFDEOHV 6LJQDOFDEOH [37&[.7< 6WDWRU &RQQHFWLRQEORFN Figure 8-26 Electrical connecti o.
Interfaces 8.1 Overview $OOGLPHQVLRQVLQPP 6LQJOHFRUHSRZHUFDEOHV 6LJQDOFDEOH [37&[.7< 6WDWRU &RQQHFWLRQEORFN Figure 8-27 Electrical connecti o.
Interfaces 8.1 Overview Motor type Max. diameter "d1" in mm 1 ) No. of cores x crosssection in mm 2 Min. bending radius "R1" in mm 1 ) Height of sleeve "C1" in mm Connector size 2 ) 1FW6130-xxB10-2Jxx 13. 2 4x4.0 79 23 1.
Interfaces 8.1 Overview Motor type Max. diameter "d1" in mm 1 ) No. of cores x crosssection in mm 2 Min. bending radius "R1" in mm 1 ) Height of sleeve "C1" in mm Connector size 2 ) 1FW6190-xxB05-2Jxx 13.2 4x4.0 79 29.5 1.
Interfaces 8.1 Overview Motor type Max. diameter "d1" in mm 1 ) No. of cores x crosssection in mm 2 Min. bending radius "R1" in mm 1 ) Height of sleeve "C1" in mm Connector size 2 ) 1FW6230-xxB15-4Cxx 16.0 4x6.0 96 31.5 1.
Interfaces 8.1 Overview Table 8- 3 Specifications for t he signal ca ble on the stator Motor type Diameter "d2" in mm 1 ) No. of cores (signal cores) x crosssection + no. of cores (PE) x cross-section in mm 2 Min. bending radius "R2" in mm 1 ) Height of sleeve "C2" in mm Connector size 2 ) 1FW6xxx-xxxxx-xxxx 12 6 x 0.
Interfaces 8.2 Electrical connection s 8.2 Electrical connections DANGER Risk of death, serious personal i njury (electrical shock), and/ or material damage if direct drives are connected incorrectly. Motors must be connected in accordan ce with the circuit diagram provided in this documentation and require a sinu soidal current injection.
Interfaces 8.2 Electrical connection s The cables for the power connect ion are brought out at the fron t of the stator (B side). The open cable ends mu st be connected in a terminal bo x, which must be provided by the machine manufacturer. Sufficient i nstall ation space must be pro vid ed in the axes construction.
Interfaces 8.2 Electrical connection s It is no longer necessary to use t he thermistor motor protectio n device 3RN1013-1GW 10 to connect the PTC sensors and the external measuri ng device to evaluate the KTY 84 sensor.
Interfaces 8.2 Electrical connection s Connecting a temperature sensor via the thermistor motor protec tion device Use a MOTION-CONNECT cable to connect the signal cable from the terminal box. Temp–S If only one PTC is eva luated, then Temp–S 130 °C must be used.
Interfaces 8.2 Electrical connection s 8.2.3 Shielding, grounding, and equipotential bonding Rules Correct installation and connec tion of the cable shields and pr ote ctive conductors is very important, not only for personal s afety but also for the effect on emi ssivity and no ise immunity.
Interfaces 8.3 Cooler connection NOTICE With 1FW6 built-in torque motors featuring single-core power cables with out a PE cable, a connection point is provided fo r the PE. A separate PE cable mu st be connected to this to ensure a direct connection to the power unit.
Interfaces 8.3 Cooler connection To ensure optimized, uniform cooling across all coolin g slots, the coolant infeed for torque motors 1FW609 and 1FW613 must be offset by 90° vis-à -vis the ca ble outlet for the electrical supply.
Interfaces 8.3 Cooler connection 1FW6 Built-in torque motors 162 Configuration Manual, 05/2009, 6SN1197-0AD00-0BP7 Hoses for the cooling system The hoses for the cooling syst em must be highly resistant to th e coolant, flexible, and abrasion proof.
Commissioning 9 9.1 Safety guidelines for commissioning DANGER Risk of death, serious personal injury, and/or material damage if a machine that does not fulfill the recognized safety requirem ents is commissioned.
Commissioning 9.1 Safety guidelines for commissioning WARNING The surface temperature of the motors may be more than 100 °C ( 212 °F). Risk of burns Make sure that the cooling system (if available ) is working pro perly. Do not touch the motor during/directly after use.
Commissioning 9.1 Safety guidelines for commissioning The following two methods can be used for all 1FW6 torqu e motor size s: ● Movement-based procedure ● Inductance-based pro cedure Motion-based technique The motion-based technique of t he drive system SIMODRIVE 611 di gital can be used from software release (VSA) 05.
Commissioning 9.2 Procedure Commissioning the cooling circuits Before the cooling circuits are charge d, they must be rinsed wi th the cooli ng medium. NOTICE The maximum permissibl e pressure in the cooling circuit (see "Te chnical features") must not be exceeded.
Commissioning 9.2 Procedure ● Absolute (EnDat) measuring system: Grid spacing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ inc. /rotation ● Determine positive drive direction of rotation: The positive counting direction of the m easuring system must be determined. It may be necessary to invert t he direction of rotation.
Commissioning 9.2 Procedure 9.2.2 Commissioning single motors Entering the motor data Select the MLFB of the motor you are using from the commissioni ng tool list. The motor data will be accepted automatically. Dat a for motors that are not in the list must be entered manually.
Commissioning 9.2 Procedure 1. Configure the drive ● Drive type: Select "SRM (FDD)" ( synchronous rotation motor) → I nsert module ● Select the power section Figure 9-1 Drive configura.
Commissioning 9.2 Procedure 2. Edit the axis-specific machine data (MD) Figure 9-2 Minimum selection of a xis machine data for torque mo tors 1FW6 Built-in torque motors 170 Configuration Manual, 05/2.
Commissioning 9.2 Procedure CAUTION It is essential that the following checks are carried out befor e the pulse and controller enables are activated: Make sure that the encoder param eters have been assigned correc tly, particularly if the speed actual value needs t o be inverted.
Commissioning 9.2 Procedure 3. Select the motor Before the motor is selected, message 300701 "Co mmissioning req uired" must appear; se e screenshot below.
Commissioning 9.2 Procedure Figure 9-4 Entries for a non-Si emens motor, data not yet define d 1FW6 Built-in torque motors Configuration Manual, 05/2009, 6SN1197-0AD00-0BP7 173.
Commissioning 9.2 Procedure Example: Enter the motor data for "NonSiemen s mot.": Figure 9-5 Motor data entered for "NonSiemens mot." 1FW6 Built-in torque motors 174 Configuration .
Commissioning 9.2 Procedure 4. "Measuring system/encoder" dialog box Selection of the motor measuri ng system and ent ry of the encode r data a) Incremental encoder Figure 9-6 Entries for an.
Commissioning 9.2 Procedure b) Absolute encoder (EnDat) An absolute measuring system (E nDat interface ) is present. Figure 9-7 Entries for an absolute measuring system (EnDat) The following entries m.
Commissioning 9.2 Procedure 5. Fixed temperature If the temperature monitoring f unction is not to be evaluated b y means of the SME9x and the drive, but externally via the 3RN1 0 13-1GW10 thermistor motor protection in stead, monitoring must be deactivated by specify ing a fixed temperature > 0.
Commissioning 9.2 Procedure Incremental measuring system For an incremental measuring syst em (including dist ance-coded m easuri ng systems as of FDD 06 .
Commissioning 9.2 Procedure Absolute measuring system For an absolute measuring system: 6WDUW (QG ,IWKH(Q'DWVHULDOQXPEHUUHDGE WKHPHDVXULQJVVWHPLVQRWWKH VDPH.
Commissioning 9.2 Procedure Distance-coded measu ring system ( see also the incr emental measu ring system) This measuring system is suppor ted by the SIMODRI VE 611D as of FDD 6.07.07. For earlier software releases, multiple zero marks must be selected on an i ncremental basis.
Commissioning 9.2 Procedure Example for rotor position ident ificatio n (see screenshot below ): Figure 9-10 Result of rotor posit ion identifi cat ion with an abs olute measuring system 9.
Commissioning 9.2 Procedure 11. Optimize the axis controller settings Note Automatic controller settings for torque motors do not provide adeq uate results, as the measuring system mounting plays a significant role in the close d-loop control ch aracteristics.
Commissioning 9.2 Procedure 1. Disconnect the parallel connection Only connect motor 1 to the power mod ule. 2. Commission motor 1 as a single motor: ● Observe the information provid ed in the se ction titled "Commiss ioning ch ecks performed in a current-free state".
Commissioning 9.2 Procedure 11. Deviation between motor 1 (Point 4) and motor 2 (Point 10) If ≤ 5 electrical degrees → OK If > 5 electrical degrees → Chec k and correct the mechani cal de sign.
Commissioning 9.2 Procedure 9.2.4 Measuring the EMF voltages Procedure for fault messages If the torque motor was commission ed according to the relevant instructions and unexplained fault messages still occur, then the individual EMF vol tages of the torque motor must be checked using an os cilloscope.
Commissioning 9.2 Procedure 1FW6 Built-in torque motors 186 Configuration Manual, 05/2009, 6SN1197-0AD00-0BP7 &KSKDVH8 &KSKDVH: &KSKDVH9 &K Figure 9-12 De.
Operation 10 10.1 Safety guidelines for operation DANGER Due to the high speeds and accele ration as well as the friction and self-locking, machine parts that are driven with torque motors pose a considerable ri sk of injury (e.g crushing). Keep persons away from moving pa rts and areas where there is a danger of crushing.
Maintenance and repairs 11 11.1 Safety information for maintenance and repairs DANGER Risk of death, serious personal i njury and/or material damage i f maintenance and repair work is carried out by inexperienced personn el.
Maintenance and repairs 11.1 Safety information for maintenance and re pairs DANGER Risk of burns Risk of pressure surges: Do not s witch the cooler on if the mot or was operated without a cooler beforehand. The major buil d -up of steam can cause burn s or destroy the motor.
Maintenance and repairs 11.2 Safety guidelines for high-voltage test 11.2 Safety guidelines for high-voltage test Guidelines for inspecting the insulation resistance (high-volta ge test) WARNING An in.
Maintenance and repairs 11.4 Test and replacement intervals of the cooling medium 1FW6 Built-in torque motors 192 Configuration Manual, 05/2009, 6SN1197-0AD00-0BP7 Due to their principle of opera tion, torque motors are free of wear.
Storage and transport 12 12.1 Packaging, storage, and transport guidelines When packin g/unpacking and transp orting torque motors o r rotors , take measures to minimize risks posed by strong magnetic fields from the roto rs (see also "Danger from stron g magnetic fields").
Storage and transport 12.2 Safety note regarding lifting device s 1FW6 Built-in torque motors 194 Configuration Manual, 05/2009, 6SN1197-0AD00-0BP7 DANGER Danger of tilting Motors, stators , and rotors must not be stacked too high – risk of death, personal injury and/or material damage.
Environmental compatibility 13 13.1 Environmental compatibility during production ● There is no need to transp ort hazardous material s. ● The packaging material is made primaril y from cardboard. ● Energy consumption during produ ction was optimized.
Environmental compatibility 13.2 Disposal 1FW6 Built-in torque motors 196 Configuration Manual, 05/2009, 6SN1197-0AD00-0BP7 13.2.2 Disposing of 1FW6 rotors Disposing of and demagnetizing 1FW6 rotors The magnetized rotors must be s ubject to a special thermal disp osal procedure so that they do not pose any risk duri ng or after disposal.
Technical data and characteristics 14 The technical data and characteri stics for the 1FW6 Built-in torque motors are specified in this Chapter. This data coll ec tion provides the motor data requ ired for configurat ion and contains a number of additional data for more detailed calculat ions for detailed an alyses and problem analyses.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.1 Explanations of the formula abbrevi ations Boundary conditions U ZK Converter DC link voltage (direct voltage value).
Technical data and charact eristics 14.1 Explanations of the formula abbrevi ations n MAX,MMAX Maximum speed up to which the motor can d eliver the maximum tor que M MAX . n MAX,0 No-load speed; max. spee d without load. M 0 Torque for speed n = 1 [rpm] at w hich the load a nd power loss are still evenly distributed across all three motor lines.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.1 Explanations of the formula abbrevi ations 7LPHW , FRQVW 7HPSHUDWXUH7 Figure 14-1 Thermal time constant P Number of pole pairs of the motor.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.1 Explanations of the formula abbrevi ations Data, main motor cooler Q H,MAX Maximum heat loss dissipated via the main cooler when the moto r is utilized up to the rated torque M N and at the rated temperature T N .
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.1 Explanations of the formula abbrevi ations 3UHVVXUHGURSDWUHFRPPHQGHGPLQLPXP YROXPHIORZUDWHDFFRUGLQJWRGDWDVKHHW ˂SLQEDU .
Technical data and charact eristics 14.1 Explanations of the formula abbrevi ations Speed-torque diagram The circle on the torque a xes shown in the following diagra m re presen ts M * 0 . The motors described are multi- pin and have a sufficiently larg e thermal time constant.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s 14.2 Data sheets and diagrams 14.2.1 1FW6090-xxxxx-xxxx Data sheet 1FW6090-xxB05-xxxx Table 14- 1 1FW6090-xxB05-0Fxx, 1FW609 0-xxB05-.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6090 Symbol Unit -xxB05-0Fxx -xxB05-0Kxx Data, main motor cooler Maximum dissipated thermal power Q H,MAX kW 1.82 1.76 Recommended minimum volume flow rate H,MIN l/min 3.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6090-xxB07-xxxx Table 14- 2 1FW6090-xxB07-0Kxx, 1FW609 0-xxB07-1Jxx Technical dat a 1FW6090 Symbol Unit -xxB07-0Kxx -xx.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6090-xxx07-xxxx 6KR U W F LU FXL WEUD NLQ JWRU TXHRYHUV SHH G %UD NLQ JWRU TXH0 %5 LQ1P 0DL QFR ROH U 3UHV VXUHO RV VRYHUYRO XPHI ORZU DWH ): [[ % .
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6090-xxB10-xxxx Table 14- 3 1FW6090-xxB10-0Kxx, 1FW609 0-xxB10-1Jxx Technical dat a 1FW6090 Symbol Unit -xxB10-0Kxx -xx.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6090-xxx10-xxxx 6KR U W F LU FXL WEUD NLQ JWRU TXHRYHUV SHH G %UD NLQ JWRU TXH0 %5 LQ1P 0DL QFR ROH U 3UHV VXUHO RV VRYHUYRO XPHI ORZU DWH ): [[ % .
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6090-xxB15-xxxx Table 14- 4 1FW6090-xxB15- 1Jxx, 1FW6090-xxB15-2Jxx Technical dat a 1FW6090 Symbol Unit -xxB15-1Jxx -xx.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6090-xxx15-xxxx 6KR U W F LU FXL WEUD NLQ JWRU TXHRYHUV SHH G %UD NLQ JWRU TXH0 %5 LQ.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s 14.2.2 1FW6130-xxxxx-xxxx Data sheet 1FW6130-xxB05-xxxx Table 14- 5 1FW6130-xxB05-0Kxx, 1FW6130-xxB0 5-1Jxx Technical dat a 1FW6130 S.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6130 Symbol Unit -xxB05-0Kxx -xxB05-1Jxx Temperature increas e of the c oolant ΔT H K 8.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6130-xxB07-xxxx Table 14- 6 1FW6130-xxB07-0Kxx, 1FW613 0-xxB07-1Jxx Technical dat a 1FW6130 Symbol Unit -xxB07-0Kxx -xx.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6130-xxx07-xxxx 6KR U W F LU FXL WEUD NLQ JWRU TXHRYHUV SHH G %UD NLQ JWRU TXH0 %5 LQ1P 0DL QFR ROH U 3UHV VXUHO RV VRYHUYRO XPHI ORZU DWH ) : [ [ % .
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6130-xxB10-xxxx Table 14- 7 1FW6130-xxB10- 1Jxx, 1FW6130-xxB10-2Jxx Technical dat a 1FW6130 Symbol Unit -xxB10-1Jxx -xx.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6130-xxx10-xxxx 6KR U W F LU FXL WEUD NLQ JWRU TXHRYHUV SHH G %UD NLQ JWRU TXH0 %5 LQ.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6130-xxB15-xxxx Table 14- 8 1FW6130-xxB15- 1Jxx, 1FW6130-xxB15-2Jxx Technical dat a 1FW6130 Symbol Unit -xxB15-1Jxx -xx.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6130-xxx15-xxxx 6KR U W F LU FXL WEUD NLQ JWRU TXHRYHUV SHH G %UD NLQ JWRU TXH0 %5 LQ.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s 14.2.3 1FW6150-xxxxx-xxxx Data sheet 1FW6150-xxB05-xxxx Table 14- 9 1FW6150-xxB05- 1Jxx, 1FW6150-xxB05-4Fxx Technical dat a 1FW6150 S.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6150 Symbol Unit -xxB 05-1Jxx -xxB05-4Fxx Temperature increas e of the c oolant ΔT H K 6.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6150-xxB07-xxxx Table 14- 10 1FW6150-xxB07- 2Jxx, 1FW6150-xxB07-4Fxx Technical dat a 1FW6150 Symbol Unit -xxB 07-2Jxx -.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6150-xxx07-xxxx 6KR U W F LU FXL WEUD NLQ JWRU TXHRYHUV SHH G %UD NLQ JWRU TXH0 %5 LQ.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6150-xxB10-xxxx Table 14- 11 1FW6150-xxB10- 2Jxx, 1FW6150-xxB10-4Fxx Technical dat a 1FW6150 Symbol Unit -xxB 10-2Jxx -.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6150-xxx10-xxxx 6KR U W F LU FXL WEUD NLQ JWRU TXHRYHUV SHH G %UD NLQ JWRU TXH0 %5 LQ.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6150-xxB15-xxxx Table 14- 12 1FW6150-xxB15- 2Jxx, 1FW6150-xxB15-4Fxx Technical dat a 1FW6150 Symbol Unit -xxB 15-2Jxx -.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6150-xxx15-xxxx 6KR U W F LU FXL WEUD NLQ JWRU TXHRYHUV SHH G %UD NLQ JWRU TXH0 %5 LQ.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s 14.2.4 1FW6160-xxxxx-xxxx Data sheet 1FW6160-xxB05-xxxx Table 14- 13 1FW6160-xxB05-1Jxx , 1FW6160-xxB05-2Jxx, 1FW6160-xx B05-5Gxx Tec.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6160 Symbol Unit -xxB05-1Jxx -xxB05-2Jxx -xxB05-5Gxx Temperature increas e of the c oolant ΔT H K 8 8 8 . 1 Pressure drop Δp H bar 0.3 0.3 0.3 Data for precision motor cooler *) Maximum dissipated thermal power Q P,MAX kW 0.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6160-xxx05-xxxx ) : [ [ % -[ [ 7 R UTX HRYHUVS HH G 7 R UTXH.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6160-xxB07-xxxx Table 14- 14 1FW6160 xxB07-1Jxx , 1FW6160-xxB07-2Jxx, 1FW6160-xx B07-5Gxx Technical dat a 1FW6160 Symbo.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6160 Symbol Unit -xxB07-1Jxx -xxB07-2Jxx -xxB07-5Gxx Data for precision motor cooler *) Maximum dissipated thermal power Q P,MAX kW 0.291 0.292 0.294 Recommended minimum volume flow P,MIN l/min 1.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6160 Symbol Unit -xxB07-8Fxx Rotor moment of inertia J L 1 0 -2 kgm 2 25.8 Phase resistance of winding at 20 °C R STR, 20 Ω 0.139 Phase inductance of winding L STR mH 1.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6160-xxx07-xxxx ) : [ [ % -[ [ 7 R UTX HRYHUVS HH G 7 R UTXH.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6160-xxB10-xxxx Table 14- 16 1FW6160-xxB10-1Jxx , 1FW6160-xxB10-2Jxx, 1FW6160-xx B10-5Gxx Technical dat a 1FW6160 Symbo.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6160 Symbol Unit -xxB10- 1Jxx -xxB10- 2Jxx -xxB10- 5Gxx Data for precision motor cooler *) Maximum dissipated thermal power Q P,MAX kW 0.382 0.384 0.387 Recommended minimum volume flow P,MIN l/min 2.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6160 Symbol Unit -xxB10-8Fxx -xxB10-2Pxx Rotor moment of inertia J L 1 0 -2 kgm 2 36 36 Phase resistance of winding at 20 °C R STR, 20 Ω 0.182 0.0906 Phase inductance of winding L STR mH 1.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6160-xxx10-xxxx ): [[% - [[ 7 R UTX HRYHUVS HH G 7 R UTXH.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s 6KR U W F LU FXL WEUD NLQ JWRU TXHRYHUV SHH G %UD NLQ JWRU TXH0 %5 LQ1P 0DL QFR ROH UDQGS UHF LVL.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6160-xxB15-xxxx Table 14- 18 1FW6160-xxB15-2Jxx , 1FW6160-xxB15-5Gxx, 1FW6160-xx B15-8Fxx Technical dat a 1FW6160 Symbo.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6160 Symbol Unit -xxB15-2Jxx -xxB15-5Gxx -xxB15-8Fxx Data for precision motor cooler *) Maximum dissipated thermal power Q P,MAX kW 0.536 0.54 0.554 Recommended minimum volume flow P,MIN l/min 3.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6160 Symbol Unit -xxB15-2Pxx - xxB15-0Wxx Rotor moment of inertia J L 1 0 -2 kgm 2 53.1 53.1 Phase resistance of winding at 20 °C R STR, 20 Ω 0.127 0.063 6 Phase inductance of winding L STR mH 1.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6160-xxx15-xxxx ) : [ [ % - [ [ 7 R UTX HRYHUVS HH G 7 R UTXH.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s 6KR U W F LU FXL WEUD NLQ JWRU TXHRYHUV SHH G %UD NLQ JWRU TXH0 %5 LQ1P 6SH HGQLQU SP .
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6160-xxB20-xxxx Table 14- 20 1FW6160-xxB20-5Gxx, 1FW6160-xxB20-8Fxx, 1FW 6160-xxB20-2Pxx Technical dat a 1FW6160 Symbol.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6160 Symbol Unit -xxB20-5Gxx -xxB20-8Fxx -xxB20- 2Pxx Data for precision motor cooler *) Maximum dissipated thermal power Q P,MAX kW 0.694 0.712 0.694 Recommended minimum volume flow P,MIN l/min 4.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6160 Symbol Unit -xxB 20-0Wxx Rotor moment of inertia J L 1 0 -2 kgm 2 70.1 Phase resistance of winding at 20 °C R STR, 20 Ω 0.0817 Phase inductance of winding L STR mH 0.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6160-xxx20-xxxx ): [[% * [[ 7 R UTX HRYHUVS HH G 7 R UTXH.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s 14.2.5 1FW6190-xxxxx-xxxx Data sheet 1FW6190-xxB05-xxxx Table 14- 22 1FW6190-xxB05-1Jxx , 1FW6190-xxB05-2Jxx, 1FW6190-xx B05-5Gxx Tec.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6190 Symbol Unit -xxB05-1Jxx -xxB05-2Jxx -xxB05-5Gxx Temperature increas e of the c oolant ΔT H K 7.3 7.3 7.3 Pressure drop Δp H bar 0.5 0.5 0.5 Data for precision motor cooler *) Maximum dissipated thermal power Q P,MAX kW 0.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6190-xxx05-xxxx ) : [ [ % -[ [ 7 R UTX HRYHUVS HH G 7 R UTXH.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6190-xxB07-xxxx Table 14- 23 1FW6190-xxB07-1Jxx , 1FW6190-xxB07-2Jxx, 1FW6190-xx B07-5Gxx Technical dat a 1FW6190 Symbo.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6190 Symbol Unit -xxB07-1Jxx -xxB07-2Jxx -xxB07-5Gxx Data for precision motor cooler *) Maximum dissipated thermal power Q P,MAX kW 0.359 0.359 0.359 Recommended minimum volume flow P,MIN l / m i n 2 2 2 Temperature increas e of the c oolant ΔT P K 2.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6190 Symbol Unit -xxB07-8Fxx Rotor moment of inertia J L 1 0 -2 kgm 2 48.6 Phase resistance of winding at 20 °C R STR, 20 Ω 0.179 Phase inductance of winding L STR mH 1.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6190-xxx07-xxxx ) : [ [ % - [ [ 7 R UTX HRYHUVS HH G 7 R UTXH.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6190-xxB10-xxxx Table 14- 25 1FW6190-xxB10-1Jxx , 1FW6190-xxB10-2Jxx, 1FW6190-xx B10-5Gxx Technical dat a 1FW6190 Symbo.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6190 Symbol Unit -xxB10-1Jxx -xxB10-2Jxx -xxB10-5Gxx Data for precision motor cooler *) Maximum dissipated thermal power Q P,MAX kW 0.472 0.472 0.472 Recommended minimum volume flow P,MIN l/min 2.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6190 Symbol Unit -xxB10-8Fxx - xxB10-2Pxx Rotor moment of inertia J L 1 0 -2 kgm 2 67.8 67.8 Phase resistance of winding at 20 °C R STR, 20 Ω 0.235 0.093 Phase inductance of winding L STR mH 2.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6190-xxx10-xxxx ): [[ % -[[ 7 R UTX HRYHUVS HH G 7 R UTXH.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s 6KR U W F LU FXL WEUD NLQ JWRU TXHRYHUV SHH G %UD NLQ JWRU TXH0 %5 LQ1P 0DL QFR ROH UDQGS UHF LVL.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6190-xxB15-xxxx Table 14- 27 1FW6190-xxB15-2Jxx , 1FW6190-xxB15-5Gxx, 1FW6190-xx B15-8Fxx Technical dat a 1FW6190 Symbo.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6190 Symbol Unit -xxB15-2Jxx -xxB15-5Gxx -xxB15-8Fxx Data for precision motor cooler *) Maximum dissipated thermal power Q P,MAX kW 0.659 0.659 0.679 Recommended minimum volume flow P,MIN l/min 3.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6190 Symbol Unit -xxB15-2Pxx - xxB15-0Wxx Rotor moment of inertia J L 1 0 -2 kgm 2 99.8 99.8 Phase resistance of winding at 20 °C R STR, 20 Ω 0.13 0.0822 Phase inductance of winding L STR mH 1.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6190-xxx15-xxxx ) : [ [ % )[ [ 7 R UTX HRYHUVS HH G 7 R UTXH.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s 6KR U W F LU FXL WEUD NLQ JWRU TXHRYHUV SHH G %UD NLQ JWRU TXH0 %5 LQ1P 0DL QFR ROH UDQGS UHF LVL.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6190-xxB20-xxxx Table 14- 29 1FW6190-xxB20-5Gxx, 1FW6190-xxB20-8Fxx, 1FW 6190-xxB20-2Pxx Technical dat a 1FW6190 Symbol.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6190 Symbol Unit -xxB 20-5Gxx -xxB20-8Fxx -xxB20-2Pxx Data for precision motor cooler *) Maximum dissipated thermal power Q P,MAX kW 0.847 0.873 0.854 Recommended minimum volume flow P,MIN l/min 4.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6190 Symbol Unit -xxB 20-0Wxx Rotor moment of inertia J L 1 0 -2 kgm 2 132 Phase resistance of winding at 20 °C R STR, 20 Ω 0.106 Phase inductance of winding L STR mH 1.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6190-xxx20-xxxx 6KR U W F LU FXL WEUD NLQ JWRU TXHRYHUV SHH G %UD NLQ JWRU TXH0 %5 LQ.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s 14.2.6 1FW6230-xxxxx-xxxx Data sheet 1FW6230-xxB05-xxxx Table 14- 31 1FW6230-xxB05-1Jxx , 1FW6230-xxB05-2Jxx, 1FW6230-xx B05-5Gxx Tec.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6230 Symbol Unit -xxB05-1Jxx -xxB05-2Jxx -xxB05-5Gxx Temperature increas e of the c oolant ΔT H K 8 8.2 8.1 Pressure drop Δp H bar 0.5 0.5 0.5 Data for precision motor cooler *) Maximum dissipated thermal power Q P,MAX kW 0.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6230-xxx05-xxxx ) : [ [ % - [ [ 7 R UTX HRYHUVS HH G 7 R UT.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6230-xxB07-xxxx Table 14- 32 1FW6230-xxB07-1Jxx , 1FW6230-xxB07-2Jxx, 1FW6230-xx B07-5Gxx Technical dat a 1FW6230 Symbo.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6230 Symbol Unit -xxB07-1Jxx -xxB07-2Jxx -xxB07-5Gxx Data for precision motor cooler *) Maximum dissipated thermal power Q P,MAX kW 0.362 0.373 0.366 Recommended minimum volume flow P,MIN l/min 2.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6230 Symbol Unit -xxB07-8Fxx Rotor moment of inertia J L 1 0 -2 kgm 2 84.3 Phase resistance of winding at 20 °C R STR, 20 Ω 0.197 Phase inductance of winding L STR mH 1.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6230-xxx07-xxxx ) : [ [ % -[ [ 7 R UTX HRYHUVS HH G 7 R UTXH.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6230-xxB10-xxxx Table 14- 34 1FW6230-xxB10-2Jxx , 1FW6230-xxB10-5Gxx, 1FW6230-xx B10-8Fxx Technical dat a 1FW6230 Symbo.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6230 Symbol Unit -xxB10-2Jxx -xxB10-5Gxx -xxB10-8Fxx Data for precision motor cooler *) Maximum dissipated thermal power Q P,MAX kW 0.490 0.493 0.482 Recommended minimum volume flow P,MIN l/min 2.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6230 Symbol Unit -xxB10-2Pxx Rotor moment of inertia J L 1 0 -2 kgm 2 118 Phase resistance of winding at 20 °C R STR, 20 Ω 0.13 Phase inductance of winding L STR mH 1.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6230-xxx10-xxxx ): [[ % -[[ 7 R UTX HRYHUVS HH G 7 R UTXH.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6230-xxB15-xxxx Table 14- 36 1FW6230-xxB15-4Cxx, 1FW6230-xxB15-5Gxx, 1FW6230-xx B15-8F xx Technical dat a 1FW6230 Symbo.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6230 Symbol Unit -xxB15- 4Cxx -xxB 15-5Gxx -xxB15-8Fxx Data for precision motor cooler *) Maximum dissipated thermal power Q P,MAX kW 0.69 0.672 0.673 Recommended minimum volume flow P,MIN l / m i n 4 4 4 Temperature increas e of the c oolant ΔT P K 2.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6230 Symbol Unit -xxB15-2Pxx - xxB15-0Wxx Rotor moment of inertia J L 1 0 -2 kgm 2 173 173 Phase resistance of winding at 20 °C R STR, 20 Ω 0.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6230-xxx15-xxxx ) : [ [ % & [ [ 7 R UTX HRYHUVS HH G 7 R.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s 6KR U W F LU FXL WEUD NLQ JWRU TXHRYHUV SHH G %UD NLQ JWRU TXH0 %5 LQ1P 0DL QFR ROH UDQGS UHF LVL.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6230-xxB20-xxxx Table 14- 38 1FW6230-xxB20-5Gxx, 1FW6230-xxB20-8Fxx, 1FW 6230-xxB20-2Pxx Technical dat a 1FW6230 Symbol.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6230 Symbol Unit -xxB 20-5Gxx -xxB20-8Fxx -xxB20- 2Pxx Data for precision motor cooler *) Maximum dissipated thermal power Q P,MAX kW 0.863 0.865 0.887 Recommended minimum volume flow P,MIN l/min 5.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6230 Symbol Unit -xxB20- 0Wxx Rotor moment of inertia J L 1 0 -2 kgm 2 228 Phase resistance of winding at 20 °C R STR, 20 Ω 0.116 Phase inductance of winding L STR mH 1.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6230-xxx20-xxxx ): [[ % * [ [ 7 R UTX HRYHUVS HH G 7 R UTXH.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s 14.2.7 1FW6290-xxxxx-xxxx Data sheet 1FW6290-xxB07-xxxx Table 14- 40 1FW6290-xxB07-5Gxx, 1FW6290-xxB07-0Lxx, 1FW 6290-xx B07-2Pxx Tec.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6290 Symbol Unit -xxB 07-5Gxx -xxB07-0Lxx -xxB07-2Pxx Temperature increas e of the c oolant ΔT H K 9.7 9.7 9.7 Pressure drop Δp H bar 0.4 0.4 0.4 Data for precision motor cooler *) Maximum dissipated thermal power Q P,MAX kW 0.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6290-xxx07-xxxx ) : [ [ % * [ [ 7 R UTX HRYHUVS HH G 7 R UTX.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6290-xxB11-xxxx Table 14- 41 1FW6290-xxB11-7Axx, 1FW6290-xxB11-0Lxx, 1FW 6290-xxB11-2Pxx Technical dat a 1FW6290 Symbol.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6290 Symbol Unit -xxB11-7Axx -xxB 11-0Lxx -xxB11-2Pxx Data for precision motor cooler *) Maximum dissipated thermal power Q P,MAX kW 0.577 0.578 0.58 Recommended minimum volume flow P,MIN l/min 3.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6290-xxx11-xxxx ) : [ [ %$ [ [ 7 R UTX HRYHUVS HH G 7 R UTXH.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6290-xxB15-xxxx Table 14- 42 1FW6290-xxB15-7Axx, 1FW6290-xxB15-0Lxx, 1FW 6290-xxB15-2Pxx Technical dat a 1FW6290 Symbol.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Technical dat a 1FW6290 Symbol Unit -xxB15-7Axx -xxB 15-0Lxx -xxB15-2Pxx Data for precision motor cooler *) Maximum dissipated thermal power Q P,MAX kW 0.736 0.737 0.739 Recommended minimum volume flow P,MIN l/min 5.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Characteristics for 1FW6290-xxx15-xxxx ) : [ [ % $ [ [ 7 R UTX HRYHUVS HH G 7 R UTX.
Technical data and charact eristics 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s Data sheet 1FW6290-xxB20-xxxx Table 14- 43 1FW6290-xxB20-0Lxx, 1FW6290-xxB20-2Pxx Technical dat a 1FW6290 Symbol Unit -xxB20-0Lxx -xx.
Technical data and characteristi cs 14.2 Data sheets and diagram s 1FW6 Built-in torque motors 300 Configuration Manual, 05/2009, 6SN1197-0AD00-0BP7 Technical dat a 1FW6290 Symbol Unit -xxB20-0Lxx -xxB20-2Pxx Data for precision motor cooler *) Maximum dissipated thermal power Q P,MAX kW 0.
Installation drawings/Dimension drawings 15 15.1 Installation conditions for motors with cooling jacket Design information for installation hole and O ring ● Provide insertion incli nes: Mi nimum le.
Installation drawings/Dime nsion drawings 15.2 Explanation of installation dra wings 15.2 Explanation of installation drawings Installation dimensions The following design-related dime nsions must be taken into acco unt.
Installation drawings/Dimensio n drawings 15.2 Explanation of installation drawings Note Siemens AG reserves the right to change the motor dimensions as part of design improvements without prio r notif ication. The dimensio n drawings provided in this documentation, therefore, may no t necessarily be up to date.
Installation drawings/Dime nsion drawings 15.3 Installation drawings/Dimen sion drawings 15.3 Installation drawings/Dimension drawings &RROLQJVORWZLGWK &RQQHFWLRQEORFN RSWLRQDO.
Installation drawings/Dimensio n drawings 15.3 Installation drawings/Dimen sion drawings &RQQHFWLRQEORFN RSWLRQDOD[LDOUDGLDORUWDQJHQWLDO 2ULQJVDUHLQFOXGHG.
Installation drawings/Dime nsion drawings 15.3 Installation drawings/Dimen sion drawings &RQQHFWLRQEORFN RSWLRQDOD[LDOUDGLDORUWDQJHQWLDO 2ULQJVDUHLQFOXGHG.
Installation drawings/Dimensio n drawings 15.3 Installation drawings/Dimen sion drawings &RQQHFWLRQEORFN RSWLRQDOD[LDOUDGLDORU WDQJHQWLDO 2ULQJVDUHLQFOXGHG.
Installation drawings/Dime nsion drawings 15.3 Installation drawings/Dimen sion drawings 7RUTXHPRWRU6WDWRUOHQJWK 5RW.
Installation drawings/Dimensio n drawings 15.3 Installation drawings/Dimen sion drawings 7RUTXHPRWRU 6WDWRUOHQJWK .
Installation drawings/Dime nsion drawings 15.3 Installation drawings/Dimen sion drawings 7RUTXHPRWRU 6WDWRUOHQJWK 5RWRU.
Installation drawings/Dimensio n drawings 15.3 Installation drawings/Dimen sion drawings 1FW6 Built-in torque motors Configuration Manual, 05/2009, 6SN1197-0AD00-0BP7 311 &RROLQJFRQQHFWLRQSO.
Appendix A A.1 Recommended manufacturers Information regarding third-party products NOTICE This doc ument contai ns recomme nd ations relating to third-party products. This invol ves third-party products whose f undamental suitability is familiar to us.
Appendix A.1 Recommended manuf acturers Serto GmbH Kasseler Strasse 64 D-34277 FULDABRÜCK, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 5 61 - 5 80 04 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 5 61 - 5 80 04 - 44 E-mail: SMC Pneumatik GmbH Boschring 13 - 15 63329 EGELSBACH Phone: +49 (0) 61 03 - 4 02 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 61 03 - 4 02 - 1 39 E-mail: info@smc-pneumatik.
Appendix A.1 Recommended manuf acturers Hydac Internat ional GmbH Industriegebiet 66280 Sulzbach/ Saar, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 68 97 - 5 09 - 01 E-mail: Rittal GmbH & Co. KG Auf dem Stützelberg 35745 Herborn, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 27 72 - 5 05 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 27 72 - 5 05 - 23 19 E-mail: info@rittal.
Appendix A.1 Recommended manuf acturers A.1.4 Supply sources for braking elements HEMA Maschinen un d Apparateschutz GmbH Seligenstädter Straß e 82 63500 SELIGENSTADT Phone: +49 (0) 61 82 - 7 73 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 61 82 - 7 73 - 35 E-mail: info@hema-schutz.
Appendix A.2 Fax form for sugge stions /corrections (copy template) A.2 Fax form for suggestions/corrections (copy template) Should you come across any printi ng errors whe n reading this pu blication, please notify us on this sheet. We would also be grateful for any suggestions an d recom mendations for improvement.
Appendix A.3 List of abbreviations A.3 List of abbreviations abs. WMS Absolute angular position measuri ng system, absolute encoder BGR Health and safety at work regul ations (in Germany) BGV Binding .
Appendix A.3 List of abbreviations 1FW6 Built-in torque motors Configuration Manual, 05/2009, 6SN1197-0AD00-0BP7 319 SW Software Temp-F Circuit for monitoring t he temperature th e motor winding Temp-.
1FW6 Built-in torque motors Configuration Manual, 05/2009, 6SN1197-0AD00-0BP7 321 Index A Abbreviation s, 319 Accidents First aid, 19 Anti-c orrosion protection, 54 Approvals, 28 Axial forces, 84 B Be.
Index G Grounding, 149 H Heat-exchanger unit, 52 High-voltage test, 191 Hoses for the cooling system, 162 Hotline, 6 I Incorrect commutation, 109 Inlet temperature, 51 Intermittent duty, 79 J Janus ar.
Index 1FW6 Built-in torque motors Configuration Manual, 05/2009, 6SN1197-0AD00-0BP7 323 Connectio n, 147 Evaluation, 49 Temp–S Connectio n, 147 Evaluatio n, 48 Third -party p roduct s, 313 Tightenin.
w w w rol Subjec t to change © Siem en s AG 20 09 Siem en s AG Industr y Sec tor Drive T echnologies Mot ion C ont ro l Sys tem s Postf ach 3 1 80 91 050 ERL A NG EN GERMANY.
デバイスSiemens 611の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Siemens 611をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSiemens 611の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Siemens 611の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Siemens 611で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Siemens 611を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSiemens 611の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Siemens 611に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSiemens 611デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。