Axis Communicationsメーカー243Q Bladeの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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AXIS 243Q Blade Video Server User’s Manual.
About This Document This manual is intended for ad ministrator s and users of the AXIS 243Q Blade Video Server, with firmware release 4.46. The manual includes instructions for usin g and managing the AXIS 243Q Blad e on your netw ork. Previous experi ence of networking wi ll be of use when install ing and using this produc t.
4 AXIS 243Q Blade Contents Product description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 AXIS 243Q Blade SOCKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 QoS (Quality of service) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 AXIS 243Q Blade - Product description Product description Overview The AXIS 243Q Blade Video Server is a fully fe atured video server intended for security surveillance and remote monitoring needs. It is designed for mounting in the AXIS 291 Video Server Rack, which provides power and network connectivity.
7 AXIS 243Q Blade - Product description Up to 20 viewers can access each video in put on the AXIS 243Q Blade simultaneously when using Motion JPEG and MPEG-4 unicast.
8 AXIS 243Q Blade - Product description Control Button - Press this button to restore the fact ory default settings, as described in Resetting to the factory de fault settings, on page 49 , or to install using AXIS Internet Dynamic DNS Service (see the Installation Guide).
9 AXIS 243Q Blade - Accessing the video server Accessing the video server For information on installing the video serv er, please refer to the Installation Guide.
10 AXIS 243Q Blade - Accessing the video server Setting the root password When accessing the camera for the fi rst time, the Configure Root Password dialog is displayed on the screen. 1. Enter a password and re-enter to confirm the spelli ng. Click OK.
11 AXIS 243Q Blade - Accessing the video server Note that these AMC toolbar functions can also be accessed by right-clicking in the image. For information on using Pan/Ti lt /Zoom controls , please see Pan Tilt Zoom, on page 25. The Snapshot button saves a snapshot of the image currently being displayed.
12 AXIS 243Q Blade - Video streams Video streams The AXIS 243Q Blade provides seve ral different video stream fo rmats. You select the type depending on your requirements and on the properties of your network. The Live View page in the AX IS 243Q Blade provides access to Motion JPEG and MPEG-4 video streams, as well as to single JPEG ima ges.
13 AXIS 243Q Blade - Video streams MPEG-4 protocols and communication methods To deliver live streaming video over IP netw orks, various combinations of transport protocols and broadcast methods are employed.
14 AXIS 243Q Blade - Video streams Unicasting should be used for video-on-deman d broadcasting, so that there is no video traffic on the network until a client connects and requests the stream . However, as more and more unicast clients connect, the traffic on the network will in crease and may cause congestion.
15 AXIS 243Q Blade - Video streams Other MPEG-4 clients Although it may be possible to use other clients to view th e MPEG-4 stream, this is not guaranteed by Axis. For some other clients, such as, QuickTim e™ the Video Object Type must be set to Simple .
16 AXIS 243Q Blade - Configuring the video server Configuring the video server This section describes how to configure the AXIS 243Q Blade and is intended for administrators , who have unrestri cted acce ss to all the Setup tools The AXIS 243Q Blade is configured from the Setup lin k , in a standard web browser.
17 AXIS 243Q Blade - Video & Image Video & Image The following descriptions show examples of the available features in the AXIS 243Q Blade. For details of each setting, please refe r to the online help available from each page. Click to access the online help.
18 AXIS 243Q Blade - Video & Image All configuration of images and overlays will af fect the performance of the video server, depending on usage and the available bandwidth.
19 AXIS 243Q Blade - Video & Image Video source settings These settings allow you to eliminate black borders surr oun ding the image, by making Offset adjustments . By entering values in these fields you can change the hor izontal and vertical synchronization for th e image.
20 AXIS 243Q Blade - Video & Image Adjusting the Maximum bit rate and setting it to Variable or Co nstant helps control the bandwidth used by the MPEG-4 video stream. Bit Rate control Adjusting the maximum bit rate and setting it to variable or constant is a good way of controlling the bandwidth used by the MPEG-4 video stream.
21 AXIS 243Q Blade - Video & Image Advanced - MJPEG settings Sometimes the image size may be large due to low light or co mplex scenery. Adjusting the Maximum frame size is a good way of controlling the bandwidth and storage used by the MJPEG video stream in these situations.
22 AXIS 243Q Blade - Video & Image 3. Click Save. Overlay image requir ements: Overlay image limitati ons: • The maximum overlay image size supporte d by the AXIS 243Q Blade is the same as the maximum i mage resolution. See T echnical specifications , on page 57 .
23 AXIS 243Q Blade - Live View Config Live View Config Layout The settings on this page help determine the features to include in the Live View page, such as buttons and links. Default Video Format Select the default format to use on the Live View page.
24 AXIS 243Q Blade - Live View Config The Show crosshair in PTZ joystick mode option enables the disp lay of a crosshair in the video image when the PTZ mode is set to joy stick. Enabling the Use PTZ joystick mode as default option sets the PTZ mode to joystick.
25 AXIS 243Q Blade - Pan Tilt Zoom Pan Tilt Zoom Installing PTZ devices Video input 1 on the AXIS 243Q Blade suppor ts several Pan Tilt Zoom (PTZ) devices. Please see for a complete list of supported devices, and to obtain the correct driver.
26 AXIS 243Q Blade - Pan Tilt Zoom PTZ configuration When PTZ has been installed for the AXIS 243Q Blade, th e menu item PTZ Configuration appears to the left, along with sub menus. Preset positions Many PTZ devices provide Preset positions , which are pre-defined camera views that can be used to quickly move the ca mera to a specific location.
27 AXIS 243Q Blade - Pan Tilt Zoom PTZ controls If the AXIS 243Q Blade has been appropriately configured, the Live View page displays the controls available for the installed Pan Til t Zoom (PTZ) device. The administrator can enable/disable the controls for specified users.
28 AXIS 243Q Blade - Pan Tilt Zoom In contrast, when using an absolute driver, each position on the bar (see ri ght) represents a defined position in the device’s range of movement, with the center of the bar representing th e point midway between the tw o extremes of movement.
29 AXIS 243Q Blade - Pan Tilt Zoom Preset positions Select presets from the drop-down Source list on the Live View page. These will move and/or zoom the camera to a pre-defined positio n, to cover an area of particular interest. Events can also be configured to go to preset positions when triggered.
30 AXIS 243Q Blade - Pan Tilt Zoom OSD Menu - If the PTZ unit supports an internal configuration menu, this can be accessed using the On-Screen Display (OSD). Conf igure the analog camera by opening and navigating through its intern al menu in this display.
31 AXIS 243Q Blade - Pan Tilt Zoom The order of priority for taking co ntrol of the queue is as follows: 1. Ad m i n i s t r a t o r s - An administrator tak es over PTZ control regardless of who is currently first in queue. The administr ator will be removed from the queue 60 seconds after their last PTZ control command.
32 AXIS 243Q Blade - Event confi guration Event configuration This section describes how to configure the AXIS 243Q Blade for alarm handling. An event in the camera happens when certain conditions are fulfilled, and result in specific actions. The set of parameters (or conditions) that define these actions is called Event Type.
33 AXIS 243Q Blade - Event confi guration Triggered Event A triggered event is activated by one of the following: • a signal on an input port, fr om a connected push button • detected movement in .
34 AXIS 243Q Blade - Event confi guration The Include post-trigger buffer option contains images from the time immediately after the trigger. Configure as for pre-trigger. Note: If the pre- or post-buffer is too large for the AXIS 243Q Blade's internal memory, the frame rate is reduced and individual images may be missing.
35 AXIS 243Q Blade - Event confi guration Camera tampering The camera tampering application genera tes an alarm whenever the camera is repositioned, or when the lens is cove red, sprayed, or severely defocused. You must create an eve nt, (see How to set up a triggered event , on page 33), for the camera to send an alarm.
36 AXIS 243Q Blade - Event confi guration Motion detection In the Motion Detection menu, you can configur e the video source(s) fo r motion detection. The motion detection feature is used to gene rate an alarm whenever movement occurs or stops in the image.
37 AXIS 243Q Blade - Event confi guration • Avoid triggering on small objects in the image by selecting a high siz e level. • To trigger motion detection as long as ther e is activity in the area, select a high history level. • To only detect flashing light, low sensitiv ity can be selected.
38 AXIS 243Q Blade - System options System options Security User access control is enabled by default, when the administrator sets the root password on first access.
39 AXIS 243Q Blade - System options HTTPS For greater security, the AXIS 243Q Blade ca n be configured to use HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol over SSL (Sec ure Socket Layer)). That is, all communication that would otherwise go via HTTP will instead go via an encrypted HTTPS connection.
40 AXIS 243Q Blade - System options To perform the authentication, the RADIUS se rve r uses various E AP methods/protocols. The one used in the Axis implementation is EAP-TLS (EAP-Transpor t Layer Security). The AXIS network video device pr esents its certificate to the network switch, which in turn forwards this to the RADIUS server.
41 AXIS 243Q Blade - System options CA servers In cryptography, a Certificatio n Authority (CA) is an entity that provides signed digital certificates for us e by other parties, and thus acts a tr usted third party. There are many commercial CAs that charge for their services.
42 AXIS 243Q Blade - System options Network Basic TCP/IP settings Network Setting s. Click the View butt on to see current network settin gs. IPv4 and IPv6 Address Configuration The AXIS 243Q Blade supports both IP version 4 and IP version 6. Both versions may be enabled simultaneously, and at least on e version must always be enabled.
43 AXIS 243Q Blade - System options Advanced TCP/IP settings DNS configuration DNS (Domain Name Service) provides the translat ion of host names to IP addresses on your network. Obtain DNS server address via DHCP - au tomatically use the DN S server settings provided by the DHCP server.
44 AXIS 243Q Blade - System options Link-Local IPv4 address Link-Local Address is enab led by default and assigns th e network camera with an additional IP address for the UPnP prot ocol. The network camera can have both a Link-Local IP and a static/DHCP I P address at the same time - these will no t affect each other.
45 AXIS 243Q Blade - System options SOCKS SOCKS is a networking proxy protocol. The AX IS 243Q Blade can be configured to use a SOCKS server to reach networks on the othe r side of a firewall/ proxy server. This functionality is useful if the video server is located on a lo cal network behind a firewall, but notifications, uploads, alarms, etc.
46 AXIS 243Q Blade - System options SNMP The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) allows the remote management of network devices. Select the ve rsion of SNMP to use, depend ing on the level of security required. Select the ver sion of SNMP to us e, by checking the appr opriate box.
47 AXIS 243Q Blade - System options Maintenance • Restart - The video server is restarted without changing any of the settings. Use this method if the unit is no t behaving as expected. • Restore - The video server is restarted and mo st current settings are reset to factory default values.
48 AXIS 243Q Blade - System options Access Log - The Access Log may be used for various purposes: • Security - Tracking all access to your th e camera. The access log lists the IP addresses, users and netw orking protocols used to access the camera.
49 AXIS 243Q Blade - Resetting to the factory default settings Resetting to the factory default settings This will reset all the parameters in all 4 units (including all four IP addresses) to the factory default settings. 1. Disconnect power . 2. Press and hold the Control button and reconnect power.
50 AXIS 243Q Blade - I/O Terminal connector I/O Terminal connector The inputs and outputs on the AXIS 243Q Bl ade are accessed via the 12-pin I/O terminal connector on the AXIS 291 1U Video Serv er Rack.
51 AXIS 243Q Blade - I/O Terminal connector Schematic diagram - I/O terminal connector o z z o o o o o o o o A B AXIS 243Q Blade +12V Out (100mA) e.g. push button Device RS-485 9 10 11 12 o o 8 o 6 z .
52 AXIS 243Q Blade - I/O Terminal connector RS-485 COM port The RS-485 COM Port supports several operational modes: • Generic TCP/IP - enable s the video server to rece ive status/data and send co m.
53 AXIS 243Q Blade - Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Checking the firmware Firmware is software that de termines the functionality of the AXIS 243Q Blade. When troubleshooting a problem, chec k the current version. The latest ve rsion may contain a correction that fixes your particular problem .
54 AXIS 243Q Blade - Troubleshooting Emergency recovery procedure If power or the network connection to the AXIS 243Q Blade is lost during the upgrade, the process will fail and the unit will become unre sponsive. A red Status LED indicates a failed upgrade.
55 AXIS 243Q Blade - Troubleshooting Symptoms, Possible Causes and Remedial Actions Problems setting the IP address Using ARP/Ping IP address must be set within two minutes after power has been applied to the video server. Restart the serve r and try again.
56 AXIS 243Q Blade - Troubleshooting For further assistance, please contact your reseller or check the product’s support pages on the Axis Website at www.axis .com/techsup Image too dark or too light Check that the terminati on dip sw itch for the video source is set to t he correct position.
57 AXIS 243Q Blade - Technical specifications Technical specifications Item Specification Model • AXIS 243Q Blade Video Server • Requires the AXIS 291 1U Video Server Rack Video compression • Mo.
58 AXIS 243Q Blade - Technical specifications Processors and memory • CPU: 4 x ETRAX 100LX 32bit • Video processing and compression: 4 x ARTPEC-2 • RAM: 4 x 32 MB • Flash: 4 x 8 MB • Battery.
59 AXIS 243Q Blade - Technical specifications Approvals • EN 61000-6-1, • EN 61000-6-2, • EN 55024 • EN 55022 Class B • EN 61000-3-2, • EN 61000-3-3, • FCC Part 15 Subpart B Class B, • AS/NZS CISPR 22 • ICES-003 • VCCI Class B, ITE • EN 60950-1 Dimensions (HxWxD) and we ight • 30 x 130 x 255 mm (1 .
60 AXIS 243Q Blade - Technical specifications General performance co nsiderations When setting up your system, it is importa nt to consider how various settings and situations will affect performa nce. Some factors affect the amount of bandwidth (the bit rate) required, others can affect the frame rate, and some will a ffect both.
61 AXIS 243Q Blade - Technical specifications Bandwidth As there are many factors affecting bandwidth, it is very difficult to predict the required amounts.
62 AXIS 243Q Blade - Glossary Glossary ActiveX - ActiveX is a standard that enables software components to interact with on e another in a networked environment, regardless of the language(s) used to create them. Web browsers may come into contact with ActiveX controls, ActiveX documents, and ActiveX scripts.
63 AXIS 243Q Blade - Glossary of buildings. It is used to visually monitor the location for security or industrial purposes. Video from the CCTV system can be recorded and viewed on-site or re motely. CCTV video camera - A traditional CCTV video camera is an analog camera, available in both monochrome (black and white) and color.
64 AXIS 243Q Blade - Glossary physical size as a CD, but with significantly greater storage capacity. DVR (Digital Video Recorder) - A DVR records analog video to a hard disk in digital format. Most DVRs use the MPEG-2 format for encoding an alog video signals.
65 AXIS 243Q Blade - Glossary of the server. Hub - A (network) hub is used to connect multiple devices to the network. The hub transmits all data to all devices connected to it, whereas a switch will only transmit the data to the device it is specifically intended for.
66 AXIS 243Q Blade - Glossary lacks the electronics to pick up regular television signals. Motion JPEG - Motion JPEG is a simple compression/decompression technique for network video. Latency is low and image quality is guaranteed, regardless of movement or complexity of the image.
67 AXIS 243Q Blade - Glossary (set of communication rules) that allows corporations to extend their own corporate network through private "tunnels" over the public Internet. In this way a corporation can effectively use a WAN (Wide Area Network) as a large single LAN (Local Area Network).
68 AXIS 243Q Blade - Glossary supplies the requested HTML pages or files to the client (web browser). Simplex - In simplex operation, a network cable or communications channel can only send information in one direction. See also Full-duplex . SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) - Used for sending and receiving e-mail.
69 AXIS 243Q Blade - Glossary analyzing image data a nd differences in series of ima ges. This detection can, for example, be used to trigger an alarm event in a network camera and start the upload of images from the camera.
Index A Access from a browser 9 Accessing the Setup tools 16 Action buttons 24 Active/Inactive 24 Administrators 16, 38 Advanced Simple Prof ile 12 Advanced TCP/IP settings 43 Alarm 32, 36, 50 Allowed.
Live View Page 10 Live View page 16 M Motion detecti on 36 Motion JPEG 12 MPEG-4 12 MPEG-4 protocols 13 MPEG-4 settings 46 Multicasting 13 N Network settings 42 Network traffic 44 NTP Server 41 NTP se.
Video source 19 Video streams 12, 14, 18 Viewer settings 23.
デバイスAxis Communications 243Q Bladeの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Axis Communications 243Q Bladeをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAxis Communications 243Q Bladeの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Axis Communications 243Q Bladeの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Axis Communications 243Q Bladeで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Axis Communications 243Q Bladeを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAxis Communications 243Q Bladeの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Axis Communications 243Q Bladeに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAxis Communications 243Q Bladeデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。