Sonyメーカー4-296-436-11 (2)の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Multi Format Compact Switcher 4-296-436- 11 (2) © 2011 Sony Corporation Operati ng Instru ctions (V olume II Advanced Settings) Before opera ting th e unit, please re ad thi s manual thorou ghly a nd retain i t for fut ure refe rence. MCS-8M Software Version 1 .
Table of Contents II-2 Chapter 1 Overview Introduct ion ............. ............. ......... ......... ........ ......... ......... . II-5 System Configuration Examples .......... ....... ....... ....... ....... ...... ....II-5 Chapter 2 Video Switching Overview .
Table of Contents II-3 Chapter 8 Setup ([Setup] Menu) Overview ......... ......... ........ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ... II-47 System Setup (System) ......... .............. ........ ......... ........ II -47 Details on [System] Menu .
II-4 About T his Manual About This Manual This manual de scribes how to mak e adjustments an d settings to enable you to use the advanced features of this unit. For the basic operat ing procedure s of the unit, see to “Operat ing Instructions (Volume I Basic Operation).
II-5 Intro duction Chapter 1 Ov ervie w Chapter 1 Overview Introduction The unit allo ws you to adjust and set video e ffects, tra nsitions, a nd au dio in detail to perform more sophistica t ed switchi ng.
II-6 Intro ducti on Chapter 1 Ov erview Example 2: When 3 D system For details on conf igurations for 3D systems, see “Ch apter 6: 3D System” (pa ge II-40).
II-7 Over view / Set ting the Tr ansit ion T ype Chapter 2 Video Switc hing Chapter 2 Video Switching Overvi ew This unit allows you t o apply var ious ef fects when switching vi deo, and compose ima ges using keys. Adjustments and configurat ions durin g video swit ching are performed from the following menus.
II-8 General Transition S ettings ([Misc] men u) Chapter 2 Video Switc hing General T ransition Settings ([Misc] me nu) You can set t he transit ion rate and the color backgro und (ColB g) with the items in the [ Misc] men u. Press the MISC but ton in the menu control bl ock to displa y the [Misc] menu.
II-9 Bus Delegat ion Chapter 2 Video Switc hing Bus Delegation This unit includes three vid eo composition blocks, M/E (Mix/Effect ), Aux1, and Aux2. Eac h block in cludes four or two buses and can ex ecute transitions.
II-10 Setting Wipes Chapter 2 Video Switc hing Mixing operation 1 Press the AUX 1 bus delegation b u tton. 2 Select a PGM in the PGM c ross-poin t button s. 3 Select th e signal you want to mix i n the PST/KEY cross-po int butto ns. 4 Execu te the tra nsition usin g the fade r leve r, CU T button, or AUTO TRANS butt on.
II-11 Set ting W ipes Chapter 2 Video Switc hing Selecting the P attern and Direction fo r W ip e s A wipe can be set t o proceed in either the normal wi pe directi on (normal) or revers e wipe direction (reverse). You can also spec ify normal and reverse to be swit ched each time a tra nsition finishes (nor mal/rever se).
II-12 Setting Wipes Chapter 2 Video Switc hing Setting the aspect ratio of a wipe pattern You can freel y change the aspec t ratio of a wipe pattern. Settings menu: [Wi pe Modify] menu > [Aspect] (page II-17) Replicating a wipe patter n The same pattern can be placed up to 63 time s either horizonta lly or verticall y, or in both direct ions.
II-13 Setting DME Wipes Chapter 2 Video Switc hing Setting DME Wipes DME wipes are effects that use DME (digital multi effects) to switch the imag e current ly bein g output in a manne r that appears as if i t is being wiped. With this uni t, you can make the fo llowing se ttings.
II-14 Setting DME Wipes Chapter 2 Video Switc hing The cropping process when the transiti on is executed is as follows. Cut: Cropping is maintain ed during transition execution and t hen removed at the poin t in time that the tra nsit ion en ds.
II-15 Deta ils on [Effe ct] Me nu Chapter 2 Video Switc hing Details on [Effect] Menu [E ffec t] Me nu Press the EFF bu tton in the menu control block to display the [Effe ct] menu.
II-16 Detai ls on [E ffect] Me nu Chapter 2 Video Switc hing [Wipe Modify] Men u Display the [W ipe Mod ify] menu by pressing the V1 knob while [Wipe Adjust] is selec ted. DME Wipe Edge Add a bord er ar ound t he DME patt er n (border) , and d ef ocu s the e dge of an added bo rder (soft border).
II-17 Deta ils on [Effe ct] Me nu Chapter 2 Video Switc hing Rota tion Set the rot atio n met hod of a wipe patt er n. V4 Rot ate Rota tion type Off , Angle, Speed, M ag (magnit ude) II-11 Rotation Adjust Set the par ameters depen ding on the rotation ty pe se lected i n [Rotation].
II-18 Detai ls on [E ffect] Me nu Chapter 2 Video Switc hing [DME Wipe Modify] Menu Display the [ DME Wipe M odify] menu by pressing the V1 knob w hile [D ME Wipe Ad just] i s selected.
II-19 Setti ng Ke ys Chapter 2 Video Switc hing Setting Keys A key is a f unction fo r cutting out the background i mage and then in serting an im age or text in that portio n.
II-20 Setti ng Ke ys Chapter 2 Video Switc hing Tran sitio n execu tion j Key transition Mater ial se lect ion Tran sitio n configurat ion j Key co nfigur ation j Tran sitio n execu tion j Setting K ey T ransitions Set the ke y transition rat e and key tr ansiti on type for when a key tr ansition is perfor med.
II-21 Setti ng Ke ys Chapter 2 Video Switc hing Making Detailed Adjustme n ts to K e y DME Wipe Pat t erns You can a djust the position of a key D ME wipe p attern and adjust the size of a sub-screen for during Frame In/Out and PinP in t he [Key DME W ipe Modify] menu.
II-22 Setti ng Ke ys Chapter 2 Video Switc hing The key fill and key source pairs sel ected when [Auto] is selected a re as follows. 1) If yo u perform keying with white video as the key sourc e, the key fill video will fill the e ntire screen.
II-23 Detai ls on [K ey] Menu Chapter 2 Video Switc hing Details on [Key] Menu [K ey] Men u Press the KEY butt on in th e menu control block to di splay the [K ey] menu.
II-24 Deta ils on [Key] M enu Chapter 2 Video Switc hing Lin K ey Adjust (2/2) Adjust th e linear ke y density . V4 Dens Ke y density 0 to 100.00 – Lin K ey Mode T urn the clean mod e f or the linear ke y on/ off . When the clea n mode is on, t he k ey sour ce doe s not aff ect the key f ill, which is adde d unc hanged to the backg round .
II-25 Detai ls on [K ey] Menu Chapter 2 Video Switc hing K ey Ma sk Set the k ey ma sk function f or mask ing a por t ion of a key signa l. V3 Mask T urns mask function on/off Off , On II-22 V4 Inv er t On/off of ma sk inv ersion Off , On Key M a s k Bo x H Specify the le ft and right posit ions o f the mask b ox.
II-26 Deta ils on [Key] M enu Chapter 2 Video Switc hing [Resizer] Menu Display the [R esizer] menu b y pressing the V1 knob whi le [Res izer] (p age II-23) i s selected. Menu it em Description Kn ob Pa r am e t er Me aning Setting range Reference page Rotation Mode Select whe ther the resiz er functio n moves in 2D o r 3D .
II-27 Detai ls on [K ey] Menu Chapter 2 Video Switc hing [A uto Chromake y] Menu Display the [ Auto Chromak ey] menu by p ressing t he V1 knob whil e [Chromak ey Auto Adj] (page II-24) is selected. Rotatio n Rotate the k ey and adju st perspectiv e. V2 Rot X Am ount of X-axis rotat ion • When [R otatio n Mode] is [Off], fix ed at 0.
II-28 Deta ils on [Key] M enu Chapter 2 Video Switc hing [Manual Chr omakey] Men u Display th e [Manual Chro makey] menu by pressing the V1 knob whil e [Chromakey Manual Adj] (page II-24) is selected.
II-29 Detai ls on [K ey] Menu Chapter 2 Video Switc hing [Ke y Wipe Modify] Menu Display the [ Key Wipe Mo dify] menu by pressing the V1 kn ob while [Key W ipe] (page II-24) is se lected.
II-30 Deta ils on [Key] M enu Chapter 2 Video Switc hing [K ey DME Wipe Modify] Men u Display the [ Key DME W ipe Modify] men u by pressing the V1 kno b while [Key DME Wipe] (page II -24) is sel ected. Aspect Cha nge the aspect r atio of a k ey wipe pattern.
II-31 Ove rview / Detail s on [Au dio Ch annel ] Menu Chapter 3 Chapter 3 A u dio Mix ing Audio Mixing Overvi ew You can adju st the audio input in detail, set t he audio l evels, and specify the connect ors to use for audio output for each audio chan nel.
II-32 Details on [Audio Channel] Menu Chapter 3 A u dio Mix ing Equaliz er High Use the equ alizer func tion to adjust th e audio qua lity by setti ng the high-freque ncy band. V2 EQ H T urns audio quality adjus tment of high-freq uency band on /off Off , On – V3 F req Center f requenc y of high-fre quency band (kH z) 1.
II-33 Details on [A udio Channe l] Men u Chapter 3 A u dio Mix ing PGM Ass ign Outpu t the audio fro m the P GM OUT Connec tor . Tip The output lev el of the au dio ou tput from the PGM O UT conn ector can be adjusted with the progra m fad er in the a udio control bloc k.
II-34 Overview / Freezing I nput Images Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Input I mage F reezing and F rame Memory Input Image F reezing and Frame Memory Overvi ew Input freeze is a function that allows you to freeze images from indi vidual i nput sig nals.
II-35 Selecting Fr ame Memory for Use as Frame Memory Video (FM) / Savin g Images to Frame Memory Chapter 4 Input I mage F reezing and F rame Memory Selecting Frame Me mory for Use as Fr ame Memory Vi.
II-36 Importin g and Exporting Image s Chapter 4 Input I mage F reezing and F rame Memory Importing and Exp ortin g Images You can use a USB flash drive to import images to t he unit as frame memory, and export the frame memory saved in the un it.
II-37 Importing and Exporting Co nfiguration Dat a Chapter Chapter 5 Importing and Exporting Files 5 Importing and Exporting Files Importing and Exp orting Configurat ion Data You can expor t configu ration dat a in which v arious settings of the u nit have been sav ed to a USB flash driv e, and impor t saved conf igurat ion data to the unit .
II-38 Impor ting and Exp orting Sn apshots Chapter 5 Importing and Exporting Files Impor ting C onfiguration Data 1 Insert the USB flash drive that st ores the configurati on data you want to re store into the USB connector of the unit. 2 Display the [File] menu, tu rn the V1 knob to select [Import C onfig], an d press this kn ob.
II-39 Formatting a USB Flash D rive Chapter 5 Importing and Exporting Files Impor ting Snapsh ots 1 Insert the USB flash drive t hat stores the snapshot s you want to impo r t into t he USB conne ctor of the unit . 2 Display the [File] menu, tu rn the V1 knob to select [Import S napshot], and then press t he knob.
II-40 Overvi ew Chapter 6 Ch apter 6 3D Sys tem 3D System Overvi ew With this uni t, you can create a 3D vid eo signal b y inputt ing a vid eo for the left eye (L) and a video for the right eye (R) as a pair. This chapter d escribes the connecti ons and settin gs required for using the unit in a 3D system.
II-41 Making th e Necessary Settings Ch apter 6 3D Sys tem Making th e Necessary Settings Make th e settings for operatin g the unit in a 3D system in the [Setup] menu. Display the [Setup] menu by pressing the SETUP button in the m enu c ontr ol bloc k.
II-42 Maki ng th e Ne ces s ar y S ett in gs Ch apter 6 3D Syst em [File] m enu • The foll owing data w ill not be saved b y the [Start up Define] op eration in the [Se tup] menu.
II-43 Enabling/ Disabling Operat ion fro m Exter nal De vices / Connecti ng with External De vices Chapter 7 Chapte r 7 Cont rolling E x ternal Devices Controlling External Devices Enabling /Disabling Operation f rom External Device s Enable or disable the GPI port which is used for operation from external devices.
II-44 Detai ls on [GPI /Tally] M enu Chapte r 7 Cont rolling E x ternal Devices Fall: The trigger causes the out put to decrea se to a high level, and t hat status wi ll continue for a ce r tain dura tion (1 to 2 f rames ). Any: Eve ry time the trigger is act ivated, the output’s h igh and low l evels change a l ternatel y.
II-45 Details on [GPI/Tally] Menu Chapte r 7 Cont rolling E x ternal Devices GPI Input 4 Set the oper ation and tr igger typ e of the GPI input 4 contacts .
II-46 Detai ls on [GPI /Tally] M enu Chapte r 7 Cont rolling E x ternal Devices GPI Output/ T ally 5 Set GPI O utput 5 or T al ly 5. V2 Use S elect s whet her to us e as tall y or GPI output Tally , G.
II-47 Overvi ew / S ystem S etup (Syst em) Chapter 8 Chapter 8 Setup ([Set up] Menu) Setup ([Setup] Menu) Overvi ew Set up the o verall system in th e [Setup] menu. The [Setup] menu contai ns the foll owing item s. T o display the [S etup] menu Pre ss the SET UP bu tton in the menu c ont rol bl ock.
II-48 System Setu p (Sys tem) Chapter 8 Setup ([Set up] Menu) Details on [ System] Men u Menu it em Description Kn ob Pa r am e t er Me aning Setting range Confirmation (press knob) System Fo r ma t Set the f ormat and aspect ratio to be used b y the unit.
II-49 Audio Setup (A udio) Chapter 8 Setup ([Set up] Menu) Audio Setup (Audio) Assign audi o signal input s to channe l faders and make au dio relate d settings in the ite m s of the [Set up] menu > [Audio] menu. SDI output embed ded audio and audio signal combinations The foll owing tabl e shows the possible co m binati ons for output.
II-50 Audio S etup (Audio) Chapter 8 Setup ([Set up] Menu) SDI OUT AU X 1 Assign Assign th e audi o signals outpu t from PGM OUT/MIX OUT/A UX OUT 1/A UX OU T 2 conn ectors to the embedde d audio output fr om the A UX 1 c onnector of SDI OUT . F or details on the possibl e combinations for output, see page II-49.
II-51 Video Input Setup (Vi deo (Input)) Chapter 8 Setup ([Set up] Menu) Video Input Setup (Video (Input)) Make video input r elated sett ings in the i tems of t he [Setup] menu > [Video (I nput)] me nu.
II-52 Assig ning Vi deo Inpu t Signals t o the Cro ss Point But tons (V ideo ( XPT)) Chapter 8 Setup ([Set up] Menu) Assignin g Video Input Signals to th e Cross Point Buttons (Vi deo (XPT)) Assign vide o signals to t he cross poi nt buttons ( PGM buttons and PST/KEY butt ons) in the ite ms of the [Set up] menu > [Video (XPT )] menu.
II-53 Vide o O utput Set up (V ideo (Out put )) Chapter 8 Setup ([Set up] Menu) Video Output Setup (Vide o (Output) ) Set the vi deo output signal to assi gn to each v ideo output connector in the items of t he [Setup] menu > [Vi deo (Output)] menu.
II-54 Setup of Ot her Video Rela ted Items (Vide o (Misc)) / Displayin g Various In formation (I nformatio n ) / Installing Applicatio n Softw are and Firmwa re (Insta ll) Chapter 8 Setup ([Set up] Me.
II-55 Message List Append ix Appendix Message Li st When a probl em occurs on the unit duri ng operat ion, the following t ypes of messages a ppear. Before contacting your local Sony repr esentati ve, vi ew the fol lowing l ists and check t he possible solution s.
II-56 Message Lis t Append ix Wa r n i n g s 4203 USB me mory is not reco gnized. Confi r m the USB memory . Chec k whether oper ation has b een v erified with the respec tiv e USB flash dri ve model. If opera tion has been v erified, the U SB flash d r ive may be damaged.
II-57 Message List Append ix Informatio n ID Messag e Solution 1101 The set ting is changed . P erf or m "Startup Define", and then restart. This app ears when y ou cha nge the system f ormat or 3D m ode , or when th e system other wise ne eds to be restarted.
II-58 Index Index Index Numerics 3D Mode II-4 1, II-4 8 3D Syst em II- 40 8/SHIFT I -11 A ACCESS /PFL Button I-9 , I-33, II-31 Adj ustme nt K nobs 1 t o 4 I-1 0 Incremental Adjustm ent I-11 Aspect II-.
II-59 Index Index Fine Key Adjust V II-25 Flip Tumble I-37 FM Butto n I-10, I I-34 Formatting USB Flash Drive II- 39 Frame In/Out I-26 , I-37 Frame Memory II -34 Frame Memory Freeze I I-35 Frame Memor.
II-60 Index Index O On Air Source II-46 Oscillator II-50 Output Level II- 50 P Pan II-3 2 Peak Indicat or I- 9, I-22 PFL I-33 PGM Assign II-33 PGM Cross-Po int Button I-11, I -19, I-25 Pin Conf i gura.
II-61 Index Index XPT Shift Mode II-52 X-Y Pointer I-10, II- 11, II-13.
The material cont ained in this manual con sists of informat ion that is the property o f Sony Corpor ation an d is intende d solely for use by the purchasers of th e equipment describe d in this manual.
Sony Cor porat ion.
デバイスSony 4-296-436-11 (2)の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony 4-296-436-11 (2)をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony 4-296-436-11 (2)の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony 4-296-436-11 (2)の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony 4-296-436-11 (2)で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony 4-296-436-11 (2)を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony 4-296-436-11 (2)の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony 4-296-436-11 (2)に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony 4-296-436-11 (2)デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。