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©2004 Sony Corporation 4-253-813- 12 (1) Micr o Hi-Fi Component System Oper a ting Inst ructions Owner’ s Record The model and seri al number s are locat ed on the re ar of the unit. Re cord the seria l number in the space provi de d be low. Refer to the m whenever you call upon your Sony dealer regardin g this product.
2 GB To preven t fire or shoc k haz ard, do not expose th e unit to rain or m oi st ur e. To prevent f ire , do not cover the ven til ation of the apparatus with news p apers, tabl e-cloths, cur tains, etc. And don’t pla c e li ghte d c an dle s on th e apparatus.
3 GB How to use this manu al .......... ... .... .......... 4 Playable discs .............. ....... ........... ....... ... 4 Getting Started Hooking up the s ystem....... ........... ....... ... 6 Setting the cl ock .......... ....... ....... .......
4 GB Thi s manu al mai nly expl ains ope rati ons usin g the remote , but the same ope rations can also be perf ormed usi ng th e bu tton s on the unit havi ng the same or similar names. You ca n pl ay back the f ollowi ng discs on this system. Other discs c annot be played back.
5 GB Notes on C D-R and CD -RW • Som e CD-Rs or CD - RWs cann ot be pla ye d on thi s sy stem depe nding upo n the reco rding quality or ph ysical conditi on of the d isc, or the ch aracte ri stics of the recordi n g device . Furthermore, the disc will not play if it has not been corre ctly fina lized.
6 GB Perform th e followin g procedures 1 to 4 to hook up you r syste m using th e s upp lied co rds an d accessorie s. CMT-CPX22 is used for illustrati on purpose. 1 Connect the speakers. Conn ect the r ig ht and le ft spea ker cord s to the SPEAKER terminals on the uni t and to the termi nals on the speake rs (CMT-CPX22 only) as s how n below .
Getting Started 7 GB Note Keep the anten n as away from the s peaker cords. 3 For models with a voltage selector, set VOLTAGE SE LE CTOR to the local power line vo lt age. Ref e r to the prin t o n y ou r sy s tem ’s VOLTAG E SELECTO R for avai la bl e settings .
8 GB Use bu tt o ns on the r em o te for the op erati on . 1 Press ?/1 to turn o n the uni t. 2 Press CLOCK/TIMER SET. 3 Press . or > repeatedly to set the hour. 4 Press EN TER. 5 Press . or > repeatedly to set the minute. 6 Press EN TER. The cloc k s tarts wo rk ing.
CD/MP3 – Play 9 GB Use butto ns on the un it for t he operatio n. 1 Press DISC 1 – 5 to select the disc tray. When no di s c is in the di sc tray you select ed, “No Disc” appe ars. Pe rform step 2 whil e “DISC-1” ( eg., 2 – 5) fl ashe s.
10 GB 3 Press N (or nN on the unit). Other operations * You may not be abl e to search bet ween multiple files. Also, the tim e may not be di spl ayed correctly fo r some f ile s.
CD/MP3 – Play 11 GB You can pl ay all the trac ks or a sing le track on a dis c re peat edly . Press REPEAT repeatedly d uring playback until “REP” o r “R EP1” appears. REP: For all the tr acks on a disc, or all the MP3 audio trac ks in an al bu m up to f iv e t im e s.
12 GB Other operations Tips • The program yo u made remain s after Program P lay finishes. To play the sam e program again, press CD (or FUNCTION repeatedly ) to switch the function to CD, then pre s s N (or nN on the unit). However, the program is clear e d whe n you ope n the disc tr a y.
T une r 13 GB 6 Press – or + (or TUNING – or + on the unit) repeatedly to select the desired preset number. 7 Press ENTER. 8 Repeat steps 2 through 7 to store other stations. Tip Press TUNING MODE to s top scanning. Manual tuni ng pres et You c an ma nually tune i n and store the radio fre qu ency of the de sired sta t i o ns .
14 GB You ca n li s te n t o a r adio stat io n either by selec ting a pres et station, or by manual ly tuning in the st a tion. Listen ing to a p res et statio n — Preset Tuning Preset ra d io stati ons in t he tu ne r’ s memory fir st (see “Pres ett ing ra dio stat ions” on page 12).
T une r 15 GB What i s the Ra dio Data System? Radio D at a Sy stem (RD S ) is a broa dc astin g service that allo ws radio s tations to send add i ti on al info rma t ion a l ong w ith th e re g u lar program signa l. RDS i s ava ilable on ly on FM stations .
16 GB 1 Press A TAPE Z or TA PE Z B on the unit. 2 Load a recorded/reco rdable tape into the cassette holder. You ca n us e TYPE I (no rmal ) tape . 1 Load a tape. 2 Press TAPE (or FUNCTION repeated ly) or TAPE A/ B on the unit to switch the func ti on to TAPE.
T ape – Pla y/T ape – Recor ding 17 GB Searching for the beginning of the current or the previous or the next track (AMS) * To go forward Press > during pl ay . Each time yo u press t he button, the s earch dir ec tio n , + (fo rw a r d ), and nu mber of tracks being sk ipped (1 to 9) appe ar.
18 GB Tips • When y ou record on bo th sides, be sure to sta rt from the fr ont side. I f you sta rt from the rever se side, recording stops at the end of the re ve rse si de .
Sound Adjustme nt 19 GB Notes • You cannot li sten to othe r so ur ces whi le reco rd ing . • If TAPE B is select ed in s tep 4, s ilenc e is rec orded. Tips • For reco rding f r om th e tuner : If noise i s heard while rec ording from the tu ner, move the r e spective a ntenna to r ed u ce the nois e.
20 GB To exit the bass and treble settings If you do not perf or m any ope ratio ns for 4 seconds, the display automatically returns to the original disp lay. You can set the syst em to turn off aft er a certain time, s o th at you ca n fall as l eep to musi c .
Tim er 21 GB You can wa k e up to musi c at a p reset time . Make sur e yo u have s et the cl ock (se e “S ett i n g the clock” o n pa ge 8 ). Use buttons on the remote for the operati on. 1 Prepar e t he s ound source yo u wa nt to play. • CD: Load a di sc .
22 GB You ca n reco rd a preset rad io stati on from a specifie d time . To timer rec ord, you must first preset the radio statio n (see “Pr esettin g r adi o s tations ” on page 12) an d se t the clock (see “Set t i ng the clock ” on p age 8) .
Displa y 23 GB The dem onstrat ion disp lay (di splay w indow a nd but tons ligh ti ng and flas hing eve n whe n the system po wer is of f) and th e clock di s play can be turn ed off to min imize the amo unt of power cons umed duri ng st andby (Pow er Savi ng Mode).
24 GB You can check t he playing time and remain ing time of the current track or th at of t he disc. When a CD-T EXT di sc o r a di sc with MP3 audio tra cks is loa ded, you c an also ch ec k the informatio n re cord ed on disc, such as the title s. When t he unit de tects CD -TEXT di scs, the “C D TEXT” indication appears in the display.
Optional Com ponents 25 GB To enhance your system, you can connect option al componen ts. Refer to the operating instr uctions provid ed w i t h ea ch comp onent. A DIGITAL (OPTICA L) OU T jack Use a digit al optical cable (s quare, not suppli ed) to co nn ect an option al com p onen t (s uch as an MD deck) to this jack.
26 GB 1 Connect the audio cords. See “ Hooking u p option al c o mpon ents” o n page 25. 2 Press VIDE O/MD on th e unit to switch the functi on to VIDE O or MD.
T roubles hooting 27 GB Should yo u enco un ter a pro b l em w i th your system , do the fo ll ow ing: 1 Make sure the power co rd and speaker cords are corre ctly and firmly connected. 2 Find your problem in the troubleshooting checklist below and take the indicated corr ect iv e ac ti on.
28 GB The remote does not function. • Re mov e the obs ta cle. • Move the rem ote cl os er to the system. • Point t he r emote a t the syst em’s se nsor. • Replace t he batteri es (R6/s ize AA). • Locate t he system aw ay from the flu orescent li ght.
T roubles hooting 29 GB Tuner Severe hum or noise/stations cann ot be recei ved. • Set the proper ba nd an d freque nc y (p ag e 12). • Connec t th e an te nna prope rl y (page 6 ). • Find a p lace and a n orientation that provi de good reception, then set up the a ntenna a gain.
30 GB One of th e follo w in g m essage s may ap pear or flash in the disp la y during operat ion. CD/MP3 No Disc There is no dis c in the pl ay er. OVER You have reached the end of the disc while pres sing M durin g playbac k or pause. Push STO P! You pressed PLAY MODE dur i ng pla yba c k.
Additiona l Inf ormation 31 GB On oper ating v oltage Before operati ng the system, check th at the o perating voltage of your s ystem i s identical with t he voltage of your local power suppl y.
32 GB To save a ta pe perm anen tly To preven t a ta p e from bein g acciden tally r ecorded over, brea k off th e c as se tte ta b from side A or B as illustr ated. If you later wa nt to reuse the tape for recording, cover the broken ta b wit h adh esive tape.
Additiona l Inf ormation 33 GB Inputs VIDEO/MD IN (phono j acks): Sensitivit y 250/4 50 mV, impedance 47 kil ohms Outputs DIGITAL (OPTICAL) OUT: Optical Wavelength: 660 nm PHONES (mini jack): accepts .
34 GB Gener al Power requireme nts U.S.A. model: 120 V AC, 60 Hz European and Ru ssian models: 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz Korean model : 220 V AC , 60 Hz Saudi Arabia n mod el: 12 0 – 127 V or 220 – 240 V.
Additiona l Inf ormation 35 GB Main unit ALBUM +/– qa (10, 11, 17) BASS contro l w; (19) CD wk (7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 18, 19) CD SYNC ws (17) Deck A qj (16) Deck B qg (16, 17, 18) DIMMER wd (23, 29) DIS.
Sony Cor poration Printed in Malaysia Remote control ALBUM – qd (10, 11, 17) ALBUM + qa (10, 11, 17) CD qk (9, 11, 19) CLEAR qg (12) CLOCK/TIMER SELECT 2 (21, 22) CLOCK/TIMER SET 3 (8, 21, 22) DISC .
デバイスSony CMT-CPX22の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony CMT-CPX22をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony CMT-CPX22の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony CMT-CPX22の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony CMT-CPX22で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony CMT-CPX22を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony CMT-CPX22の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony CMT-CPX22に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony CMT-CPX22デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。