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©2003 Sony Cor poration 4-246-667- 11 (1) Micr o Hi-Fi Component System Oper a ti ng Inst ructions Owner’ s Record The m odel and serial num bers are located on the rear of th e unit. Reco rd the serial num ber in the spac e provi ded be low. Ref er t o them whenev er you c all upon your Sony deale r rega rd ing th is pr od u c t.
2 GB To pre vent f i re or shoc k hazar d, do not expos e the uni t to ra in or moist ur e. To preve nt f ire , do not cover the ven ti lat i on of th e appara t us with n ews pap ers, table-cloths, curtains, etc. And don’t plac e li ghted c andl es on th e appa rat us.
3 GB How to use this manu al .......... ... .... .... ...... 4 Playable discs .............. ....... ....... ........... ... 4 Getting Started Hooking up the s ystem....... ....... ........ ...... 6 Setting the cl ock .......... ....... ....... ......
4 GB • This manual mai nl y expl ain s oper at ion s usi ng the remote, but the sa me operat ion s can al so be per for med usi ng th e butt ons on the un it havi ng th e same or si mila r names. • T he follow ing symb ols are u se d in th is manual .
5 GB Notes on C D-R and CD-RW • Th is system can p la y CD -R/C D-RW discs edi ted by the us er. However , not e t hat pl aybac k of some di scs may no t be pos si ble depend in g on the re co rd ing dev ice u s ed fo r reco rding o r the d is c cond ition.
6 GB Perform t he fo llow i ng pr oc ed ures 1 to 4 to hoo k up you r sys tem us ing th e supp li ed co rds an d access or ies . 1 Connect the speakers. Connect the r ight and left spea ker co rds t o the SPE A KE R term i na ls as sho wn b elow . 2 Connect the FM and AM antennas.
Getting Started 7 GB 3 For models with a voltage selector, set VOLTAGE SELECTOR to the local power line voltage. Refer to the print on y o ur system ’s VOL TA GE S ELEC T O R for avai labl e sett i ngs. 4 Connect the po wer cord to a wal l outl et. Th e dem o nstra tion appe ars in the display.
8 GB Use butt ons on the r emote for th e oper ati on. 1 Press ?/1 to turn on the system. 2 Press CLOCK/TI MER SET. 3 Press ./> repeatedly to set the hour. 4 Press ENTE R. 5 Press ./> repeatedly to set the minute. 6 Press ENTE R. The cl ock s ta rts worki ng.
CD/MP3 – Pla y 9 GB U s e b u ttons o n the u nit fo r t h e o p e ra tio n. 1 Press any one of buttons (DISC 1 Z – DISC 5 Z ). 2 Insert a disc with the l abel side up.
10 GB 3 Press N on th e remote (or C D N on the unit). Other operations * 1 Yo u m ay not be ab le to searc h b etw een mu ltiple fi les. Al so, the t i me may not be di spl ayed c orr ect ly for so m e files. * 2 exce pt for M P3 aud io tracks * 3 DIS C 1 – 5 on th e unit are no t available w hen “AL L DISC S SH U F” is selected.
CD/MP3 – Pla y 11 GB You can play all the t rac ks or a si ngl e tr ack on a disc . Press REPEAT/FM MODE repeatedly until “REP” or “REP1” appears. REP: For al l the t ra cks on t he di sc( s), or all the tra ck s in th e alb u m up to fiv e tim e s.
12 GB 6 Program additional d iscs or tracks. 7 Press N (or CD N on the uni t). Prog ra m Play st ar ts. Other operations Note W h en an 8 cm di sc is loaded in th e sy stem , it is imp ossible to select another disc to create a program . Tips • The pr ogra m you made r emains af ter Prog ram Play finishes.
T uner 13 GB Yo u can preset up to 20 FM stations and 10 A M stat i ons. You can the n t une in any of t hose sta tio ns sim ply b y selec ting th e corre spon d ing pres et n umber.
14 GB To change the AM tuning interval (except for European, Russian, Middle Eastern and P hilippine models) The AM tuni ng in terv al is f act ory- pr eset to 9 kHz (or 10 kHz for some areas) . To change the AM tunin g int er val, tu ne in a ny AM stat io n fir st , then turn off the system.
T uner 15 GB What i s the Ra dio Dat a System? Radio Dat a Syst em (RDS) i s a broa dcas ti ng ser vi c e th at allo ws ra d io sta tio ns to s end additional information along w ith the regular progr am si gna l. RDS i s a vail ab le only on FM sta tio ns .
16 GB 1 Slide the lid open with your hand. 2 Insert a tape. To rem ove the tape, lift up the tape from the side as sho wn in the ill u s tra ti o n . 3 Slide the lid close with your hand. Yo u can us e TY P E I (norm al) tape. 1 Load a tape. 2 Press TAPE A/B on the remote (or FUNC TION on the uni t re pea tedly ) un til “TAPE” appears.
Ta p e – R e c o r d i n g 17 GB Yo u can re co rd a who le C D on a t ap e. Yo u can us e TY PE I (norma l) tape. The rec o rd i n g level is ajuste d auto mati ca lly. U s e b u ttons o n the u nit fo r t h e o p e ra tio n. 1 Load a recordable tape.
18 GB You can re inf orce t he bas s and cr eat e a more pow erful so und. Press GROOVE. Ea c h tim e yo u press th e butto n, the d i sp lay change s as fol lows: GROOVE ON* y GROOVE OFF * The vol ume swi tche s to power mode, t he equal iz er cu r ve ch an ge s , a nd “ GROOVE ” l i gh t s up.
Sound Adjustm ent 19 GB Press SURROUND on the remote. Each t ime you pr ess the bu tt on, the di spl ay ch ange s as fo llow s: SURROUND ON* y SUR ROUND OFF * “ SURR” light s up.
20 GB You can set the sy stem to t urn of f aft er a cer ta in tim e , so th at y o u can fa ll a s le ep to m usic . Use butt ons on the r emote for th e oper ati on.
Timer 21 GB Other operations Notes • You cannot act ivat e the Daily Ti mer and r ecord ing timer at the same tim e. • If you us e the Dail y Timer and t he Sl eep Ti mer at the sam e time, the Slee p Time r ha s pr iority. • If the sy stem is on at the preset tim e, the Daily T imer will not be acti vat ed.
22 GB Other operations Note s • You canno t ac ti vate the Daily Ti mer and re cordi ng tim e r at th e s a m e ti m e . • If you use th e recording tim er and the Sleep Timer at the same tim e, the Sleep Time r has priorit y. • If the system is on at the preset ti me, the timer recordin g w ill not be activated .
Display 23 GB You can cha nge th e bri ght ness of th e disp lay’ s ba ckligh t. Press DIMMER on the unit repeatedly. Each t ime you pr ess the bu tt on, the br ig htne ss ch ange s cy clically as f.
24 GB Checkin g the t otal playin g time and tit les (CD) Press DISPLAY repeatedly in stop mode. Ea c h tim e yo u press th e butto n, the d i sp lay change s cycl ica lly as foll ows: x When a CD is .
Optional Componen ts 25 GB To e nh an ce yo u r sy stem , you c an co nn ec t o ptio n a l co m po n en ts. R efe r to the ope ra tin g in str uc tio n s provi ded wi th ea ch compone nt . A OPTICAL CD DIGIT AL OUT jack U se a digital o ptical ca ble (s quar e, no t supp lied ) to con nect an opti o nal di gi tal componen t ( MD de ck, etc .
26 GB Record in g audio fr o m a connec ted componen t 1 Connect audio cords. 2 Start recording m anually. See “Recording on a tape manually” on page 17. Reco rding on a co nn ecte d compon ent 1 Connect a digital optical cable. See “Hooking up optional com ponents” on page 25.
T rouble shooting 27 GB Shoul d you enco unte r a p robl em with you r syst em, do the foll owin g: 1 Make sure the power co rd and speak er cords are correctl y and firm ly connect ed. 2 Find your problem in the troubleshooting checklist b elow and tak e the indicat ed corr ect ive acti on.
28 GB CD/MP3 player “LOC K ED ” appe ars. • Cont act your Sony de ale r o r l ocal au thor iz ed Sony service facility. The di sc does not eje ct .
T rouble shooting 29 GB Tape deck The tape does not re cor d or pl ay, or ther e i s a decrease in so un d level. • Th e head s are dirty. Clean them (page 32). • The record /playbac k heads are m agne tised. Dem agnetise them (page 32). The tap e does not eras e complet el y.
30 GB One of th e fol lo wing mess ages may ap pear or fla sh i n the di spla y duri ng ope ra tio n. CD/MP3 NO DI SC There is no disc in the player. NO STEP Th ere is no progra m step. OVER You have rea ched t he end of t he di sc while pres si ng and hol ding M during pl aybac k or paus e.
Additional Inf ormation 31 GB On oper ating volt age Befo re o pe rating th e system , check that the op er ating volt age of your s yste m is i dent i cal wit h the vol tage of your loc al power suppl y.
32 GB Cleani ng th e cab inet Clean the cab inet, panel and co ntrols w ith a soft cloth sli g htl y m oiste ned w ith mild dete rge n t so lu tion . D o no t use a ny type of abra si ve pad, scour ing po wder or sol vent such as thi nne r, benzen e or al co hol.
Additional Inf ormation 33 GB CD player section Syste m Compact dis c and digi t al audio s yst em Laser Semicondu ctor l aser ( λ =780 nm) Emissi on dura tio n: conti nuous Frequenc y res ponse 2 Hz – 20 kHz (±0.
34 GB Main unit CD SYNC 9 (17) DIMMER ql (23) DISC 1 – 5 qs ( 9, 10, 11, 29) Disc slot qf DIS PL AY 6 ( 15, 22, 23, 29) Displ ay window 3 FUNCT ION w; (9, 1 1, 16, 17, 25) GROOVE qj (1 8) PHONES j a.
Additional Inf ormation 35 GB Remote control ALBUM +/ – qf (10, 11) CD ql (9, 11, 17) CLE AR 5 (12) CLOCK/TIMER SELECT 2 (21 , 22) CLOCK/TIMER SET 3 ( 8, 20, 21) DIS PLAY 6 (15, 22, 23, 2 9) D.
Sony Cor poration Printed in China.
デバイスSony CMT-HP7の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony CMT-HP7をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony CMT-HP7の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony CMT-HP7の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony CMT-HP7で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony CMT-HP7を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony CMT-HP7の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony CMT-HP7に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony CMT-HP7デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。