SonyメーカーCybershot DSC-T100の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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© 2007 Sony Corporation 2-319-287- 12 (1) Digital Stil l Camera Cyber-shot Handbook DSC-T100 Before oper ating th e unit, pl ease read this Handbook, “Instruction Manual” and “Cyber-shot St ep-up Guide ” thoroughly, and retain them for f uture referen ce.
2 Notes on using yo ur came ra T ypes of “M emor y St ick” tha t can be used ( not suppl ied ) The IC recor ding m edium used by th is camera is a “ Memory Stick D uo”. T here ar e two types o f “Me mory Stick” . “Memo r y Stick Du o”: you ca n use a “Memo r y Stick Du o” with yo ur cam era.
3 T able of conte nts Notes on usi ng your c amera . .......... ...... .......... .......... ......... .......... ....... ...... 2 Basic techniqu es f or better imag es ....... ....... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......7 Focus – Foc usin g on a subj ect su ccess fully .
4 T a ble of co ntent s Playing back images fr om the H OME scr een ...... .......... .......... ... 46 (Single Image): Play ing back a single image (Inde x Disp lay): Playing back a l ist of images (Slide Sho w): Playi ng back a series of images Vi ewi n g me nu .
5 T a ble of conte nts Language Setti ng ....... ......... .......... .......... ...... .......... .......... ......... ........67 Viewing images on a TV........... ....... .......... ......... .......... .......... ......... ........6 8 Enjo ying your Windows com puter .
6 T a ble of co ntent s Inde x ................ ...... .......... .......... ......... .......... ...... .......... .......... .......... .... 115 Index.
7 Basi c tech niques for b ette r imag es When yo u press the shutter b utton halfway down, the camer a adjust s the fo cus automati cally (Aut o F ocus ).
8 Basi c tech niqu es for bet ter i mages Y ou can create various imag es by a djusting t he expo sure and the IS O sensi tivity . Exposur e is the amoun t of ligh t that the ca mera wil l receive when you re lease the shut ter .
9 Basic t echniqu es for bet ter ima ges The appare nt color of t he subject is affect ed by the li ghting co nditions. Exam ple: Th e color of an imag e affec ted by li ght sou rces The color tones are ad justed automatica lly in the auto adjust ment mode .
10 Basi c tech niqu es for bet ter i mages A digita l image is ma de up of a col lection of sm all dots ca lled pixel s. If it contai ns a large number of pi xels, the pict ure becom es large, it takes up mor e memor y , and the im age is displayed in fine detail.
11 Basic t echniqu es for bet ter ima ges • The larger the image size, the high er the image quality . • The more frames per second you played back, the smoother playback can be. Movie image size Frame/Second Usage guidelines 640(Fine) (640×480) Approx.
12 Identif ying part s See the pages in pare ntheses for de tails of oper atio n. A Shutter button (20) B Micropho ne C Flash (21) D AF il lum ina tor ( 63)/ Self -tim er la mp (23) E Lens F Lens cove.
13 Ident ifyin g parts O M ulti co nnector (b ottom) Used in t he foll owi ng situat ions: • Making a USB connection between the camera and the computer . • Making a connection to audio/video input jacks on a TV . • Making a connection to a PictBridge compliant pr inter .
14 Indicat ors on the screen Each time you press v (DISP) b utton , the disp lay chan ges ( page 18 ). See the pages in pare ntheses for de tails of oper atio n.
15 Indica tors on the sc reen B C D Displ ay Indication 1.0m Focu s pres et dista nce (41) z AE/AF loc k (20) Standb y REC Standby/Re cordin g a movie ISO40 0 ISO number (39) NR slow shutter • When .
16 Indic ator s on th e scre en When pl ayin g ba ck sti ll i mages When pl ayin g ba ck movi es A B Displ ay Indication Batter y rema ining Image size (35) - Prot ect (5 2) VO L .
17 Indica tors on the sc reen C Displ ay Indication Play ba ck M ed ia Play ba ck f old er (54) • This does not appear when using internal me mory . 8/8 12/1 2 Ima ge nu mbe r/Num ber of imag es r ecor ded in s ele cted fold er Chang e fold er (54) • This does not appear when using internal me mory .
18 Changi ng t he scr een disp lay Each ti me you pr ess the v (DISP) b utton, the dis play ch anges as follo ws. • If you vi ew images in bright outside light, adjust the brightness of the L CD backlight up . Howe ver , the battery po wer may decrease f aster under such condition.
19 Using the in ternal memo r y The camer a has approximat ely 31 MB of internal memo ry . Th is memory is not remo va ble. Even when t here is no “Mem ory Stic k Duo” insert ed in the camer a, you c an rec ord i mages usin g this inte rna l me mor y .
20 Basic O perations Shoot ing im ages easily (A uto adjus tment mode) 1 Slide the l ens cover downwar d. 2 Hold the camera steady , keeping your arm at y our side. 3 Shoot with the shutter button. 1 Press and hol d the shutt er button halfway down to focus.
21 Bas ic Op erat ion s Shoo ting ima ges ea sily (A uto adju stmen t mode) Shooting movie s Press HOME button an d select (Sh ooting) an d then select [ Movie Mode] (page 28.) If you sho ot a still image of a subje ct that is diff icult to f ocus on • The shortest shooting distance is approx.
22 Shoo ting im ages ea sily (A uto adju stmen t mode ) Macro /Close Focus (Sh ooting close- up) Press b ( ) on the co ntro l button repea ted ly un til th e de sire d mod e is s elec ted. (No Indicator) : Macro Off : Macro On (W side: Approx. 8 cm or farther ( 3 1/4 in ches or farther), T side: Approx.
23 Bas ic Op erat ion s Shoo ting ima ges ea sily (A uto adju stmen t mode) Using the s elf-timer Press V ( ) on the contro l butto n repeated ly until the de sired mode is select ed.
24 Viewing images 1 Press the (Pla yback) button. If you press (Playback) when the camera i s powered off , the camera is turned on automatically and set to playback mode. T o switch to the shooting mode, press (Playback) again. 2 Select an image with b / B on the co ntrol button.
25 Bas ic Op erat ion s Viewin g imag es Viewin g an in dex scre en Press (Index) to displa y the index scr een whil e a stil l image is displaye d. Selec t an im age with v / V / b / B .
26 Deletin g images 1 Press the (Playback) button. 2 Press MENU while displaying in single-image or i ndex mode. 3 Sele ct [ Delet e] with v on the control button . 4 Select the desired deletion method with b / B from among [This Image], [Multiple Imag es] and [A ll In This Folder], and then press z .
27 Bas ic Op erat ion s Dele ti ng im ag es When yo u sele ct [Mu ltipl e Imag es] Selects an d deletes multip le images at onc e. 1 Se lect the images yo u want to delete , then press z . The (check mark) i s ch ecked in t he che ckbox of the image. 2 Pr ess MEN U.
28 Learnin g the various f uncti ons – HOME/ Menu The HOME screen i s the bas ic scre en use d for acce ssing the v ario us func tions you can a ccess the HOME screen regardless of the shooting/viewing mo de. 1 Press HOME to display the HOME screen.
29 Bas ic Op erat ion s Learni ng the variou s func tions – HO ME/M enu Pressin g the HOME butt on displays the follo wing items. Details on the items are di splayed on the scr een by the gui de.
30 Lea rning th e vari ous func tion s – HOM E/Me nu 1 Press MENU to displa y the menu. • The menu can be displayed only when the cam era is in shooting mode or playback mode. • Dif ferent items are available depending on th e selected mo de. 2 Select the desired menu item w ith v / V on th e contr ol b utton.
31 Bas ic Op erat ion s Menu ite ms The av ai lable menu it ems va ry depending on the camera mode . The shooti ng menu is av aila ble only in the sh ooting mode, and th e vie wing menu is av aila ble only in the pl ayback m ode.
32 Using f unctions for shoo ting Switch ing the sh ooting m ode Y ou can switch the shooting mode on the HOME scree n. Shooting modes: Ther e are th ree shoo ting m odes availabl e for stil l ima ges: A uto Ad justm ent, Scen e Select ion, Prog ram Auto ; and ther e is one reco rding mo de for mo vies.
33 Using funct ions for shooti ng Shoot ing imag es us ing Scen e Sele cti on Scene Se lectio n modes The f ollowing modes ar e predet ermined to match the sce ne conditi ons. * Wh en you shoot images using [Twili ght Portrait] , [Twilight] or [F ireworks ] mode, the shutter sp eed is slower.
34 Shooti ng im ages us ing Scen e Sele ction Funct ions tha t cannot be comb ined with Sc ene Se lection For shooting an image ap propria tely ac cording t o the scene conditio n, a comb ination of functi ons is determi ned by th e camer a. Some fun ctions are not available, dep ending on th e Scen e Sele ctio n mode .
35 For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 30 Using funct ions for shooti ng Shoot ing men u The fu nctions in shootin g mode using the M ENU button are describe d below . For details on how to operat e the m enu, see page 30. The defau lt sett ing s ar e ma rked w ith .
36 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 30 Select s whet her t o use the F ace Detect f uncti on or n ot. • When [Face Detection] i s set to [On], you c annot use the Di gital Zoom . • A vail able only for [Soft Snap] when you selec t the Scene S electio n mode.
37 Using funct ions for shooti ng Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 30 Select s whethe r the cam era per forms cont inuous s hooting or not whe n you pre ss the shutter button. On the Burst • When recording with the self timer, a series of a maximum of fiv e images is recorded.
38 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 30 Y ou can ch ange t he br ightn ess of the i mage, a ccompan ied by ef fect s. • Y ou can select only [Normal], [B & W] or [Sepia] when shooting movies.
39 Using funct ions for shooti ng Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the ope ration 1 pa ge 30 Selects a lumi nous sensitivity wit h units of ISO. Th e larger the numb er, the higher the sens itivity. • For details on the ISO sensitivity , see page 8. • Note that the image tends to become noisier as the ISO sens itivity number increases.
40 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 30 Selects t he mete ring mode that sets which par t of th e subjec t to meas ure to de termine the exposure.
41 Using funct ions for shooti ng Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 30 Y ou can cha nge the focus me thod. Use t he menu whe n it is difficult to get the pro per focu s in auto f ocus m ode. Focus: Changing the focus method (Mult i AF) Focus es on a s ubject in al l ranges of the f inder frame auto matica lly .
42 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 30 • AF stands for Au to Focus. • Distance setting information in [Focus preset] is a pproximate.
43 Using funct ions for shooti ng Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 30 Adju sts the col or tone s a ccor din g to t he l ighti ng cond it ion in a si tuat ion , fo r ex ampl e, w hen the colo rs of an imag e look strang e. White Bal: Adjusting the color tones (Auto) Adjusts the White Bal ance autom aticall y .
44 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 30 • For details on the w hite balance, see page 9. • Under fluorescent li ghts that f licker , the whit e ba lance function may not work correctly even though you select [Fluorescent Light 1], [Fluorescent Light 2], [Fluorescent Light 3].
45 Using funct ions for shooti ng Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 30 The flash strobes t wo or more times before shooting to reduc e the red-eye phenome non when using the f lash. • Because it takes about a second until the shutter clicks, hold the camera firmly to prev ent the ef fects of vibration.
46 Using f unctions f or vie wing Play ing back images f rom the H OME scre en Y ou can pl ayback image s usin g the H OME scre en. 1 Press HOME. 2 Select (V iew Images ) with b / B on the control button. 3 Select the desir ed viewing method wit h v / V .
47 Using f unctions f or vie wing Playi ng back ima ges fr om the HOME screen T o end the sli de sho w Select [Exi t] with v / V wh ile th e slid e sh ow is pa used , then pres s z .
48 Play ing ba ck i mages fr om th e HOME s creen z T o ad d /chan ge Musi c files Y ou can transfer a desired music file from your CDs or MP3 files to the camera to play back during Slide show .
49 For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 30 Using f unctions f or vie wing Viewin g menu This sec tion expl ains the menu i tems available w hen you p ress th e MENU button i n playba ck mode. For detail s on how to use the menu, see page 30. Sele cts and de lete s imag es on the s ingl e-ima ge sc reen o r the inde x scree n.
50 Viewi ng menu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 30 (Partial Color) Surround a chos en point in monoc hrome 1 Se t the cente r point of t he desir ed image to retouch wi th v / V / b / B , then press MENU bu tton. 2 Adjust the de sired r ange to retouch with W /T button.
51 Using f unctions f or vie wing Viewin g menu For details on the operatio n 1 page 3 0 When you select [ Trimming] • The image size that you can trim may v ary depending on the image.
52 Viewi ng menu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 30 Prot ects im ages ag ainst acci dental eras ure. T o protect an ima ge 1 Display the image you want to prote ct, or selec t the images on th e index screen. 2 Press MENU to dis play the menu.
53 Using f unctions f or vie wing Viewin g menu For details on the operatio n 1 page 3 0 T o cancel the prote ction Select the image fo r which yo u want to cancel protec tion, and unl ock it by perfor ming the same proce dure to prote ct it. The - (Protect) ind icator disap pears.
54 Viewi ng menu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 30 Select s the f older c ontai ning the imag e you w ant to play back when using the c amera wi th “Memory St ick Duo”. 1 Select the desire d folder w ith b / B on the control bu tton. 2 Select [OK] with v , then pre ss z .
55 Customizi ng the settings Customizi ng the sett ings Custom izi ng the Mana ge Memor y featu re and the S ettin gs Y ou can cha nge the default set tings using (Man age Me mory) or (Settings) on the HOME screen. 1 Press HOME to display the HOME screen.
56 Custom izing t he Mana ge Me mor y featu re and th e Sett ings For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 55 5 Select the desired setting with v / V , then press z . T o canc el th e sett ing c han ge Select [ Cancel] if it is one o f the set ting ite m, then p ress z .
57 For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 55 Customizi ng the settings Manage Memor y Memor y T ool – Memory Stic k T ool This it em app ears on ly when a “Memo ry Stick Duo” is insert ed in the cam era.
58 Mana ge Mem ory For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 55 Change s the f older curr ently u sed fo r rec ording images. 1 Select [Change REC. Folder] wi th v / V / b / B on the cont rol button, th en press z . The folder s election screen appear s.
59 Customizi ng the settings Mana ge Me mory For d etails on the operation 1 page 5 5 Memor y T ool – Internal Memor y T ool This item does not ap pear wh en a “Mem ory Stick D uo” is insert ed in the c amera.
60 For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 55 Setting s Main Settings – Main Sett ings 1 The de fault s ettings are mar ked with . Selects the soun d produc ed when you operate the camera. When yo u operate the came ra, the descrip tion of functions is di splayed.
61 Customizi ng the settings Setti ngs For detail s on the ope ration 1 pa ge 55 Main Settings – Main Setting s 2 The defau lt sett ing s are ma rked w ith . Selec ts the USB mode to be used when conne cting the cam era to a comput er or a PictB ridge compli ant pri nter usi ng th e cable f or mult i-use t ermina l.
62 Sett ings For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 55 Sets the vi deo signal output ac cording to the TV c olor system of the conne cted vid eo equipme nt.
63 Customizi ng the settings Setti ngs For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 55 Shooting Settings – Shooting Setti ngs 1 The defau lt sett ing s ar e ma rked w ith . The AF il luminato r supplie s fi ll lig ht to focus more easil y on a su bject in dark sur roundings.
64 Sett ings For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 55 Sele cts the auto fo cus oper ation mode . • When [Face Detection] is set to [On], [AF Mode] does not work. Select s the di gital z oom mode. The came ra enlar ges the im age usi ng optica l zoom (up to 5 ×).
65 Customizi ng the settings Setti ngs For detail s on the ope ration 1 pa ge 55 Shooting Settings – Shooting Setti ngs 2 The defau lt sett ing s are ma rked w ith . When t he camera is rotat ed to sh oot a por trait image, th e camera r ecords its positi on chan ge and displays th e image in the portrai t position .
66 Sett ings For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 55 Clock Settings Sets the da te an d ti me. 1 Press HOME and select [ Clock Settings] from (Settings ) on the HOME screen. 2 Select the date disp lay form at with v / V , then press z . 3 Select each i tem with b / B and s et the numer ic value with v / V , then p ress z .
67 Customizi ng the settings Setti ngs For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 55 Language Setting Selects the langu age to be used to displ ay the menu items, warni ngs, and messag es.
68 Viewin g images on a TV Viewin g images on a TV Y ou can vie w imag es on a TV s creen by co nnect ing t he cam era t o a TV . The co nnecti on v aries accord ing to t he ty pe of TV the c amera i s conn ected t o. T urn of f both your ca mera and the TV before co nnecti ng the cam era and the TV .
69 Viewing im ages on a TV Viewin g imag es on a TV Y ou can vi ew images by connecti ng th e camer a to an HD (High Def initio n) TV wi th the compon ent cabl e (not sup plied). T urn off both your ca mera an d the TV before conn ecti ng the came ra and the TV .
70 Viewi ng imag es on a TV • Set [COM PONENT] t o [HD(1080i)] in [ M ain Setting s 2] by selecting (Setti ngs) on th e HOME scr een ( pag e 61 ). • When using your camera abroad, it may be necessary to switch the video signal output to match that of your TV system (page 62).
71 Using your comp uter Using your compu ter Enjoy ing yo ur Window s compu ter Fo r det ail s on u sing a Ma cintos h co mput er , re fer to “Usi ng your Maci ntosh comp uter ” (page 88). This sectio n describe s the English version of screen con tents.
72 Enjo ying y our Windo ws comp uter The follo wing en vironmen t is recom mend ed for a c omput er con nect ed to the camer a. Reco mmen ded en viro nme nt for co pyin g images OS (pre-installed): M.
73 Using your comp uter Inst alling th e soft ware (su pplied) Y ou can install th e software (supplied) using the fo llowing proced ure. • When using Windows 2000, do not connect the camera to the comput er before installa tion. • In Windo ws 2000/XP, log on as Administrator.
74 Copyin g images to your co mputer This sect ion de scribes t he proc ess using a W indo ws compu ter as an ex ample. Y ou can copy im ages fr om the cam era to your com puter as follows. For a compu ter wit h a Me mory Sti ck sl ot Remove the “ Memo ry Stick Duo” from the camera and inse rt it in the Memor y Stick Du o Ada ptor.
75 Using your comp uter Copyin g imag es to your comput er Connect the camera to your computer . • With W indows XP/V ista, the Auto Play wi zard appears on the desktop. “Conn ectin g to Mass St orage ...” app ears on the scr een of the camer a.
76 Copyi ng imag es to your comput er The “S canner an d Cam era Wizard” scr een appe ars. 2 Click [Next]. The i mages saved on th e “Mem ory Stick Duo” of the cam era appea r . • If no “Memory Stick Duo” is inserted, images in the in ternal memory appea r .
77 Using y our comp uter Copyin g imag es to your comput er 6 Clic k [Finis h]. The wi zard sc reen clo ses. • T o con tinue copying oth er images, disconnect t he cable for mu lti-use terminal (page 78). Then follo w the procedure explained in “Stage 2: Connecting the camera and your computer” on page 75.
78 Copyi ng imag es to your comput er This se ction describe s the p rocedure for viewing copi ed images in t he “My Docu ments” fol der . 1 Click [Start] t [My Do cuments]. The cont ents of th e “My Do cume nts” folder are displ ayed. • If you are not using W indo ws XP, double-click [My Documents] on the desktop.
79 Using y our comp uter Copyin g imag es to your comput er The ima ge f iles r ecorded with y our came ra are groupe d as folders on the “Memo ry Stick Duo”.
80 Viewi ng ima ge f iles s tored on a comp uter w ith your camera ( using a “M emory Stick D uo”) This sect ion de scribes t he proc ess using a W indo ws compu ter as an ex ample.
81 Using your comp uter Using the “Pict ure Motion Bro wser ” (s uppli ed) Y ou can use still im ages and movies fro m the ca mera mor e than e v er by taking adv antag e of the soft ware . This sec tion s ummarizes t he “Pic ture Motion Browser” and gives the basic instructio ns.
82 Usin g the “Pic ture Mot ion Brow ser” (su ppli ed) 2 Connect the camera to your computer with the cable for multi- use terminal. After the camer a is au tomatical ly detec ted, the [Im port Im ages] s creen is displayed. • If you use the M emory Stick slot, refer t o page 74 first.
83 Using y our comp uter Using t he “Pict ure Mot ion Brow ser” (supp lied) Y ear display screen Month displa y screen Hour displa y screen • T o list images from a particular year or month, click that period on the left of the scr een .
84 Usin g the “Pic ture Mot ion Brow ser” (su ppli ed) Images ca n be sa ved in CD or D VD as a data disc. • CD burner drive or D VD burner drive required .
85 Using y our comp uter Using t he “Pict ure Mot ion Brow ser” (supp lied) Prepar ing imag es sto red on th e computer fo r viewing T o view th em, regist er the f olde r th at conta ins the images as one of the “V iewed folders”. 1 Click on the m ain screen, or choose [Register Folders to View] from the [File] menu.
86 Usin g the “Pic ture Mot ion Brow ser” (su ppli ed) 1 Click [Sta rt] t [Co ntrol Pane l] (in W indows 2000, [Start] t [Settings] t [Control Pan el]), then doub le-clic k [Add/ Remove Programs]. 2 Sele ct [Sony Pict ure Utilit y], then click [Remove] (in Windows 2000, [Chan ge/ Remove]) to exec ute the unin stall ation .
87 Using y our comp uter Using th e “Musi c T ransf er” (sup plied) Y ou can ch ange th e Music fi les tha t are preset at t he f actor y wit h desir ed Mus ic files using “Music Transfer” in the CD- R OM (sup plied). Al so, you can d elete or add these files whenever you want.
88 Using yo ur Macin tosh comput er Y ou can copy images t o yo ur Maci ntosh comput er . • “Picture Motio n Browser” is not compatible with Macintosh computers. The follo wing env ironmen t is recom mend ed for a c omput er con nect ed to the camer a.
89 Using y our comp uter Usi ng you r Maci ntos h com puter 4 View images on the computer . Doub le-click t he hard disk ic on t the desired i mage f ile in the f older contai ning the co pied f ile s to open t hat image f ile .
90 Printing s till images How to print st ill images When yo u print images shot in [16:9] mode , both edges may be cut off, so be sure to chec k before printing (pa ge 104 ). Y ou can pri nt imag es by connecti ng th e camer a dire ctly t o a Pict Bridge co mpli ant pri nter.
91 Printin g still images Print ing i mages dir ectly usi ng a PictB ridge compl iant prin ter Even if you do not have a com puter, you can prin t images shot using yo ur cam era by connec ting th e came ra direct ly to a Pict Bridge co mpli ant pri nter.
92 Printi ng imag es direc tly usin g a Pict Bridge c omplian t print er 1 Connect the camera to the printer . 2 T urn on your camera and t he prin ter. After t he con nection is made, the i ndicator appea rs. The camer a is set to play back mode, th en an image an d the pri nt menu appe ar on the screen.
93 Printin g still images Prin ting i mages dire ctly using a Pi ctBri dge c omplia nt p rinter 1 Select print settings with v / V / b / B . [Qua ntit y] When the [ Lay out] is set to [1-up/ Borderles s] or [1-up/Border]: Sel ect th e numbe r of sh eets o f an imag e that y ou want to print.
94 Print ing at a sh op Y ou can tak e a “Memo ry Stic k Duo” containi ng images shot with your ca mera to a photo print ing serv ice shop. As lo ng as the sh op support s photo printing servic es.
95 Printin g still images Printin g at a shop 1 Press MENU to display the menu. 2 Select [DPO F] with v / V and select [Multiple Images], then press z . 3 Select the image you want to mark with v / V / b / B , then press z . A mark is atta ched to the select ed image.
96 T roubleshooting T roub leshoot ing If you experienc e trouble w ith your camera , try the following solut ions. Please un derstand that you give your consent that the co ntent s of the interna l memo ry , Music files may be checked whe n you send yo ur camera to be repaired.
97 T roubleshooting T r oubl eshooti ng The batte ry pack ca nnot be install ed. • Install the batt ery pack corre ctly usi ng the tip of the b attery pa ck to push the ba ttery eject lev er to ward the bottom of th e camera. Cannot turn on the camera.
98 T r oubles hoot ing – S et the imag e size to oth er than [640(F ine)]. – Ins ert a “Memory S tick PRO Duo” . Movie record ing stops during shooting • Movi e recording stop s automatic ally when the f ile size of the mo vie reach es 2 GB.
99 T roubleshooting T r oubl eshooti ng • Set the flash to (Flash forced on) when (Close Focu s) is set, or [L andscape], [Hi-Speed Shutter ], [Bea ch], or [ Snow] mode i s select ed in the Sce ne Sele ction m ode (page 21). Fuzzy specks appear i n images shot using the flash.
100 T r oubles hoot ing Noise appears in the i mage when you view the screen in a dark p lace. • The camera is attempti ng to increas e the visibili ty of the scr een by temporar ily brighten ing the image under conditions of low illuminatio n. There is no effect on the recor ded imag e.
101 T roubleshooting T r oubl eshooti ng Y our camera cannot delete an image. • Ca ncel the pr otection (pa ge 53). • Y ou a re usin g the “Memor y Stick Duo” with th e write-prot ect switch , and the switch is se t to the LO CK positi on. Se t the switch to t he re cording posit ion ( page 11 1).
102 T r oubles hoot ing The “Removab le disk” icon does not ap pear on the computer screen when you connect y our com puter to the camer a. • Follow the procedure below to install the US B driver again. The following procedure is for a W indows comput er .
103 T roubleshooting T r oubl eshooti ng Images are not display ed correctly with “Picture Motion Bro wser”. • Make sure t he folde r of the images i s regi stered i n “V ie wed fo lders”. I f the ima ges are n ot displ ayed e ven if th e fold er is regist ere d in “V iewed fold ers ”, update the dat abase ( page 8 5).
104 T r oubles hoot ing Cannot pl ay b ack or recor d im ages using the int ernal mem ory . • There i s a “Me mory Stick Duo” ins erted in t he camer a. Remo ve it . Cannot cop y the data sto red in the int ernal memory t o a “Memory Stic k Duo”.
105 T roubleshooting T r oubl eshooti ng A connection cannot be established. • Th e c amera c anno t be co nnect ed di rectl y to a prin ter th at is not c ompli ant w ith the Pi ctBrid ge stand ard. Co nsult the p rinter manuf actur er as to whet her th e prin ter is comp liant with PictBrid ge or not.
106 T r oubles hoot ing Cannot pri nt the image at the size selected . • Disconn ect th e cable for multi -use term inal and r econnec t it when ever you chang e the paper size aft er the printer h as been connec ted to the camera. • The prin t setti ng of t he came ra differs from tha t of t he prin ter .
107 T roubleshooting Warning in dic ator s and mes sage s If a code st arting w ith a lette r of the alpha bet ap pears, your camera h as a se lf- diagnos is display . The last two digits (indica ted by ss ) will differ depen ding o n the st ate of t he came ra.
108 Warnin g indi cato rs a nd m essag es Memory Stick f ormatting error Internal memory formatting error • For mat the med ia again (pages 59 an d 57). Memory Stick locked • Y ou are using the “M emory Stick Duo” with t he wr ite-pr otect switc h, and the swi tch is set to the L OCK p ositio n.
109 T roubleshooting Warning i ndicat ors a nd m essage s Mac ro is invalid • Y ou ha ve selected a sett ing that is not av aila ble for shooti ng in Macr o mode (page 22, 34). Flash settings cannot be changed • Y ou ha ve selected a sett ing that is not av ailabl e for s hooting wi th the flash (page 34) .
110 Others T o use y our camera abroad — Power sour ces Y ou c an us e yo ur cam era, the bat tery c harger (s upplied) , and the AC-LS5K A C Ad apto r (not supplied) in any country or regio n where the power suppl y is with in 100 V to 240 V AC, 50/ 60 Hz .
111 Others On the “Mem or y Stick ” A “Memor y Stick” i s a comp act, p ortable IC rec ording m edium. The type s of “Memo ry Stick ” that ca n be used wi th this camera are li sted in t he table belo w . Howev er, proper operat ion canno t be guar anteed f or al l “Memo ry Sti ck” func ti ons.
112 On th e “Mem ory Stick ” • Do not use or store the “Memor y Stick Duo” under the following conditions: – High temperature locations such as t he hot interior of a car parked in direct .
113 Others On the ba ttery pack On ch argi ng th e batt ery pac k W e r ecommend charging the battery pack in an ambient temperature of between 10°C to 30°C (50°F to 86°F ). Y ou may not be able to efficiently charge the bat tery pack outside of this tem perature range.
114 On th e bat ter y char ger On the ba tter y charg er • Do not charge any other battery pack other th an the NP-BG type battery packs (supplied) in the battery charger supplied with you r camera.
115 Index Index Index A Adjust ing EV ..... ..... ....... ...... .39 AE/AF l ock indi cator........... .42 AF Illu minator ........ ....... ...... .63 AF lo ck ... ....... ....... .... ....... .....42 AF Mod e ... ....... ....... .... ....... ...64 AF ra nge f inder frame .
116 Index L Landsc ape mode .. ....... ...... .... 33 Language S etting .................. 67 LCD Screen ......... ....... ...... .... 18 M Macintosh computer ..... ....... . 88 Recommended en viro nment......... ...... .... 88 Macro... ....... ......
117 Index Index V i vid... ..... ....... ....... ...... ....... ...38 V olume .... ....... ....... .... ....... .....24 W W arning indicators and messages ..... ....... ....... ...107 White Bal .. ....... ....... ....... ...... .43 White b alance ....
118 Index Notes o n the Lice nse “C Lib rary, ” “Exp at, ” and “z lib” softw are are pr ovid ed in your ca mera. W e pro vide this software based on licen se agre ements with their owners of copyrig ht. Based on request s by the owners of copyright of these software applic ations, we hav e an obligati on to inform you of the following.
Additional informa tion on th is product and answe rs to frequen tly asked questio ns can be found a t our Custome r Support W ebsite..
デバイスSony Cybershot DSC-T100の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony Cybershot DSC-T100をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony Cybershot DSC-T100の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony Cybershot DSC-T100の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony Cybershot DSC-T100で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony Cybershot DSC-T100を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony Cybershot DSC-T100の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony Cybershot DSC-T100に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony Cybershot DSC-T100デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。