ページ先へ移動 of 68
3-061-981- 13 (1) Digital Still Camera Operat ing Ins tr ucti ons Befo re operat ing the u nit, pleas e read thi s manual thorou ghly , and re tain it for fut ure r efer ence. Owner’ s Record The mo del and s erial n umbers ar e located o n the bo ttom.
2 T o prev e nt fire or s h ock haza r d, do not e x pose the un it to rain or moisture. Never e xpose the ba tte r y pa ck to temperatu re above 140°F (60°C) , such as in a car parked in the sun or unde r direct sunlight .
3 The shielded in terface ca b le recom m ended in thi s manual mu st be use d with this equipm ent in order to co mply with the limits for a d igital device pursua nt to S ubpart B of Par t 15 of FCC Rul es. DISPOSAL OF LITHIUM ION BA T T ERY . LITHIUM ION B A TTER Y .
4 For the Customer s in the U .S.A. and Canada T rial recording Befo re yo u rec ord on e-time e ven ts, you ma y want to make a tri al recordi ng to make sure that th e came ra is w orking correct ly .
5 T able of contents Identifyin g the p arts ... ............ ........ ....... 6 Preparing the powe r supply ........ .......... 9 Setting t h e date and ti me ........... ........ .. 13 Inserting t h e “Memory Stick” ........ ..... 15 B Recording Recording sti l l images .
6 Gett ing st arted Identifying the par ts See th e pa ges in par enthes es for de ta i ls of opera tion . A Built-i n microphon e Do not tou ch w h ile recor di ng .
Getting started 7 A Zoom leve r B PO WER s witc h PO WER l amp C LCD screen D LCD B A CK LIGHT s witch Usually se t to ON. Set t o OFF to save the battery if yo u use your camer a in br i g ht place.
8 A Speaker B Hook f or the wrist/shoulder strap C T ripod receptacl e (bottom surface) Use a tripod with a scre w length of les s than 9/ 32 inc h (6. 5 mm). Y ou will be unable to firmly secure th e camer a to tr i pod s having lon ger scre ws, and may damage the camer a.
Getting started 9 Pr eparing the power supply Char ging the battery pack Y our cam er a operat es only wit h t he “InfoLI THIUM ” NP-FS 11 batte ry pac k* (S serie s). Y ou cann ot use an y other batter y pa ck. T o remove the batter y pack Slide the b attery pack i n the direction opp o site the v mark.
10 Approximate ti me to char ge a completely d ischar ged batter y pack using the A C- VF10 A C po wer ad aptor/ charg er . STILL mode recording* STILL mode playback** Approximate b attery lif e and n.
Getting started 11 Installing t he battery pack T o remove the batter y pack Open the batter y/“Memory St ick” co ver . Slide th e battery eject lever upward , and remove the batter y pack. Be care ful not t o dr op the ba tter y pack w h e n removin g it .
12 Using the AC power adaptor Using a car bat tery Use Son y DC adap tor/char ge r (not supplied ). 1 Open the battery /“Memo r y Stic k” co ver . 2 Inser t the one end of the DK-115 DC connect i ng ca ble to the battery terminal, and close th e cover .
Getting started 13 Setting the date and tim e When you f irst use your came ra, set th e date and time. I f these are not set, the CLOCK SET scr e en appears whenev er you turn o n your came ra for record ing. 1 Slid e th e P O W ER sw itch in the dire ctio n o f th e a rrow to turn on the power .
14 T o cance l the date and time setting Select [CANCEL] with v / V / b / B on the control bu tton, then p ress the ce nter z . 4 Select [CLOCK SET] with v / V on th e control button, then press the center z . 5 Select the de sired date di sp lay f or m at with v / V on the control button, then pres s th e center z .
Getting started 15 Inser ting the “Memor y Stick” Open the battery/“ Memory Sti c k” cov er , the n press th e “Memor y Stic k” once ligh tly . Notes • Inser t the “Memory Stick ” f irmly u ntil i t clicks, otherw ise a m essage s uch as “MEMOR Y STICK ERROR” will be displayed.
16 Basic ope rations B Recording Recor ding still images Still images ar e re cord ed in JPEG format. T o record still images, slide t he PO W ER switch to the r ight to tu rn on th e po w er and inse rt a “Me m ory Stick. ” ∗ Exposu re and fo cus a re automa tically adj usted.
B B B B Recor ding 17 Y ou can ch eck th e last re corded image by cl eari ng the menu bar fro m the scre en (page 32 ) and pressin g b on the co ntro l button . T o retu r n t o the nor mal re cor ding mode, press lightly on the shutte r button or select [RETURN] with b / B on the con trol button and then press th e ce nter z .
18 Y ou can adju st t h e angle by turn in g the lens part up ward up to 90 de grees and do wnward up to 50 degre es. Press DISPLA Y to turn on/of f the indicato rs on the LCD screen.
B B B B Recor ding 19 When you use the self- timer function, the subj ect is rec orded a bout 10 secon ds after you p re ss the shut ter button . Select (self-t imer) indic ator on the LCD screen wit h v / V / b / B on th e co ntro l bu tton, th en press the cent er z .
20 Not es • The rec ommended s hooting dis tance usi ng the built-in flash is 3 1/32 feet to 8 1/3 f eet (0.3 m to 2.5 m). • Attaching a conversion lens (not suppli e d) may block the light from the fl as h or ca use the len s shadow to ap pe ar. • Y ou ca nnot use an exter nal flas h and t he built-in flash a t the sa me tim e.
B B B B Recor ding 21 Recor ding moving images Movi ng ima ges with au dio are record ed in MPEG fo rmat. T o record mo ving images, slide the PO WER switch to the rig ht to t urn on the power and in se rt a “Memory Sti ck .” See page s 17 to 19. Press DISPLA Y t o turn on/ off the in di cators on the LCD sc reen .
22 Playing back still images When the menu bar is no t displayed Y ou can direct ly se lect and play back the im ag e with b / B on the co ntrol button. Not es • Y ou mig ht not b e ab le to cor rect ly pl ay b a c k imag e s reco rded w ith thi s cam era o n o t he r equipmen t.
B B B B Pl ay ba ck 23 Playing back movin g images T o p ause playb ack Sele ct X (pause) on the LCD s creen w ith v / V / b / B on the con trol button, then pres s the ce nt er z . 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y . The last r ecorded image (still or moving ) appears on the LCD screen.
24 When the menu bar is no t displayed Y ou c an dire ctly sele ct th e im age w it h b / B on th e co ntrol button , a nd p lay back the ima ge and sound by pres sing t he cen ter z . When yo u press the cente r z duri ng playb ack, play back is pa used.
B B B B Pl ay ba ck 25 V iewing images using a personal computer Y ou ca n view data record ed wi th your ca mera on a pe rsona l compu ter an d atta ch it to e-mail. This section describes the method for insta lling the USB dri ver and vie wing imag es on a perso nal com pu ter .
26 Before connec ting your camera to y our person al computer , inst all the USB dri ver to the computer . The USB dri ver is contai n ed together with a pplication softwa re for vie win g images on a CD-R OM wh ich is suppli ed with your camera .
B B B B Pl ay ba ck 27 For Window s 98 users 3 Double-cli ck the CD-ROM drive icon to open the window . 4 Double-cli ck the icon of the hard disk containing the OS to open the w indow. 5 Move the f ollowing two files fr om the window opene d in step 3 to the “System Folder” icon in the window opened in step 4 (drag an d d rop) .
28 “Memor y Stick” • “Memory Stick” operations on your camera cannot be assured i f the “M emory Stic k” has been formatted on your p ersonal comput er . • Do not op timize the “Mem ory Stic k” on a W indo w s machi ne. This w ill shor ten the “Memory Stick” lif e .
B B B B Pl ay ba ck 29 Image file storage destinations and image files Imag e files r ecorded with y our ca mera ar e gr oupe d i n fo lders by rec ording mode. The meanings of the f ile names are a s follo ws. ssss stands for an y number within t he range fro m 000 1 to 9999.
30 Advanc ed oper ations Befor e per for ming advanced operations This sect ion descri bes t he basic control m ethod s that ar e freque ntly used for “Advance d op eratio ns ”. How to use the MODE selector The MO D E sele ctor se le ct s w hethe r you can us e your cam era to re cord o r to pl ay back an d edit i m age s.
Bef ore perf orming adv anced operations 31 Note Y ou cannot cl e ar the me nu ba r duri ng INDEX sc ree n dis play (page 46). The “Advan ced operations” section of t his manual refers to selecting and entering items by the ab o ve pr oced ure as “Select [(item name)] .
32 How to change the menu settings Some of th e adv anced o perat ion s for y o ur camer a are ex ecuted by selectin g menu items displ ayed on the LCD sc reen with the cont rol bu tton. Pres s V o n the c on tro l button until the LCD screen re tu rn s t o the menu bar disp la y in step 1 .
Bef ore perf orming adv anced operations 33 Menu settings Menu i t em s tha t can be mod i fied differ depe ndi n g on the sett i ng of the MO D E selec tor . The LC D scr een sh o ws o nly th e item s you c an o perate at the moment . Initia l set tin g s are in dic a ted w ith x .
34 IMA GE SIZ E 2240×1 680 x 1856×1 392 1856 (3: 2) 1280×9 60 640×48 0 Selects the image si ze when recording sti ll images . STILL 320 (HQ ) 320×24 0 x 160×11 2 Select s t he M P EG ima ge size when recordi n g moving im a ges. MO VIE REC MODE TIFF Records a TIFF (uncompressed) file in additio n to the JPEG fi le .
Bef ore perf orming adv anced operations 35 CAMERA TOOL SETUP Item Setting Description MODE select or DIGIT AL ZOOM x ON Uses digital zoom. STILL OFF D o es not use di gi tal zoom . SHAR PNESS +2 to –2 Adj us ts the sh ar pn ess of th e image . appea rs on t he LC D sc re en except when set to 0 .
36 INDEX* Displays si x images at a time (PLA Y (INDEX) mode) (page 46). DELETE 3 (RETURN)** Returns to PLA Y (single) mode. ∗ D i s p l a y e do n l yi nP L A Y( s i n g l e )m o d e . ∗∗ Di splayed only in PLA Y (INDEX) mode. VIDEO OUT NTSC Se ts the video output signal to NTSC mode ( North Am erican countr ies, Jap an, etc.
B B B B V arious record ing 37 B V ar ious recording Setting the image size (IMAGE SIZE) 1 Set the MODE selector to MO VIE or STILL. 2 Select [F IL E] an d th en [IMA GE SIZE] fro m the men u .
38 Recording st ill images for e-mail (E- MAIL ) E-MAIL mode record s a smal l-size (320×240) image at th e s ame time a s a still imag e. Small -size imag es are con v e nient fo r e-ma il tra nsmiss ion, etc . 1 Set the MODE selector to STILL. 2 Select [FI L E], [REC MODE], and then [E-MAIL] fr om the men u.
B B B B V arious record ing 39 Recording text documents (TEXT) T ext is rec orded in bl ac k and white GIF format to provi de a c learer image . 1 Set the MODE selector to STILL. 2 Select [FILE], [ REC MODE], and then [T EXT] fr om the menu . 3 Record the ima ge.
40 Recording i mages in macro 1 Set the MODE selector to MO VIE or ST ILL. 2 Set FOCUS A UTO/MANU AL to A UTO . 3 Set th e zoom to W s ide and then press MACRO . The (m acro) indi cator appe ars on the L CD scree n. Y ou ca n shoo t a subjec t t hat is ab out 13/ 16 in ch es (2 cm ) away from the len s surface i n macro mode .
B B B B V arious record ing 41 Notes • The fo cus m ode indi cato r is ap proxim ate, and should be used as a refere nc e. • The focus mode indicator is not displaye d correctly when using a conv ersion lens . • When the zo o m le ver is se t to th e T sid e, your camera ma y not f oc us on su bjects closer th an ab out 2 5/8 feet (80 cm).
42 Landsca pe mod e Fo cu ses only on a dista nt su bj ect to reco rd landscape s, etc. Panf ocu s mode Chan ge s the focus quick ly and simply fr o m a close subje ct to a distan t s ub ject. T o cance l PROGRAM AE Press PR OGRAM AE repeated ly until the in di ca tor on the LC D scree n go es out.
B B B B V arious record ing 43 Adjusting the exposure (EXPOSURE) 1 Set the MODE selector to MO VIE or STILL. 2 Select [CA MERA] and t hen [EX P OSU RE ] fro m t h e m enu. 3 Select the des ired exposure val ue . Adjust the expos ur e v alue while checki ng the b rightne ss o f the backgr ound .
44 T o set the (One-push white b alance) but ton 1 Press W H T BAL repe atedly unt i l appear s. 2 Pla ce a w hite obje ct su ch as paper under the same light conditio ns as you are g oing to r eco rd, and record the whit e obj ec t so th at it fills th e entir e f rame of you r came ra.
B B B B V arious record ing 45 Enjoying pictur e eff ects (P .EFFECT) 1 Set the MODE selector to MO VIE or STILL. 2 Sel ect [E FFE C T] an d the n [P .EFFECT] from the menu. 3 Select th e des ired mode . SOLARIZE The light co ntra st is cl earer a nd th e picture l o oks like an i llustration.
46 B V ar ious playba ck Playing back six images at once (INDEX) 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y . 2 Select [INDEX] on the LCD screen. Six imag es are di splayed a t on ce (inde x screen). The fo llo wing marks are d isplayed on e ach imag e acco rding t o the imag e ty pe an d se ttin gs.
B B B B V arious play bac k 47 Enlar ging a par t of the still image (Zoom and trimming) 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y . 2 Displ a y the i ma ge to be enla r ged. 3 Zoom in/out the image with the zoom lev e r . The z oom scalin g indica to r appear s on the LCD scree n.
48 Rotating a still image (ROT A TE) 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y . 2 Di spla y the image t o r otate. 3 Select [FILE] and then [RO T A TE ] from th e m e nu . 4 Rotate the im ag e cloc kwise or co untercl oc kw ise , then select [RETURN]. Not es • Y o u may no t be able to ro ta te images recorded with other equipment.
B B B B V arious play bac k 49 Note The [INTER V AL] s etting time is approxim ate, and m ay vary depend ing on the pl ayed back image si ze or ot her factors. Viewing images on a TV screen Befo r e co nnec ting your cam er a, be sure to tu rn of f the TV .
50 B Ed itin g Preventi ng accidental erasure (PROTECT) The - (p rote ct ) indicat o r appe ar s on prot ect ed im age s. 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y , the n displa y the ima ge to prote ct. 2 Select [FILE], [PRO TECT], and then [ON] fr om the men u.
B B B B Editing 51 Deleting images (DELETE) Y ou cann ot de lete prot ec ted files. 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y , then display the image to delete. 2 Sele ct [D ELE TE] and th en [OK] from the menu. The image is d eleted. 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y , th en di spla y t he I NDEX screen .
52 Changing the recor ded still image size (RESIZE) 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y an d display the image to resize . 2 Select [T O O L] and th en [RE S IZE ] from th e m enu.
B B B B Editing 53 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y , th en di spla y t he I NDEX screen . 2 Select [T OOL], [COPY], and the n [SE LEC T ] from t h e menu . 3 Select th e imag e to copy . The (select ) in dica tor a ppears on the image. 4 Select [E N TER ] .
54 Selecting still images to print (PRINT MARK) Y ou can m ark a p rint mark o n still images recor ded with your camera. This mark is con venient when you have images pr in ted at a sh op that conforms with the DPOF (Digit al Print Order F o rma t) standard .
Additiona l informatio n 55 Additional information Precauti ons Cleaning the LCD screen W ipe the screen surfa ce wit h a cleani ng cloth (not sup plied) or a LCD clean in g kit (not s upplied) to remove fingerprints, dust, etc.
56 • Use only th e spec ified charge r with the charging functio n. • T o prev ent acci dent from a shor t circu it, do not allow metal obje cts to come int o contact with the ba tt ery terminals.
Additiona l information 57 “Memory Sti ck”, , “MagicGat e Memory St ick” and a re trademarks of Sony Corporatio n. “Magic Gate” a n d are trademarks of Sony Corporation .
58 T roubl eshooting If you experience troubl e with you r came ra, first ch e ck the fol l owing it em s. Sho uld your cam era st ill n ot oper at e pr oper ly a fte r yo u ha v e ma de thes e ch eck s, co nsu lt y o ur Sony de aler or lo cal author ized Son y service f acility .
Additiona l informatio n 59 The pictur e is too dar k. • Y o u are sh oo ting a su bj ec t with a l ig ht sourc e behind the s ubject. t Adju st th e ex po sure (page 43). t Adju st t he br ightn es s of the LCD scree n (p age 36). The flas h do es not wor k.
60 Digital zoom does not func tion. • Y ou cann ot use digital zoom to rec ord m oving pict ures. Y o ur came ra canno t play back i mages . • The MODE selector is set to STILL or MO VIE. t Set it t o PLA Y (pages 2 2, 23). The im age and sound are interf er ed b y nois e when you pla y back an i mage on a person al compu ter .
Additiona l informatio n 61 Y our pers on al comput er does not re co gnize your camer a. • The cam era is turn ed off. t T ur n on the ca mera. • The battery le vel is lo w . t Use t he A C power adap to r/charger (pag e 12 ). • The USB ca ble is not connect ed f irmly .
62 W ar ning and no tice messages V arious m es sages ap pear on t he LC D scre en. Check th e corres po nding de script i ons in the fol lo win g list. Message Meanin g NO ME M O R Y S TIC K No “M em ory Stic k” has bee n inser te d. SYSTE M ERR OR T urn th e po wer of f and on again .
Additiona l informatio n 63 Self-diagnosis di splay Y our cam era has a self-d iagnosi s displa y . T hi s function d isplays the camera condition on the LCD sc reen wi t h a co mbina tion of a le t te r and four dig its of number s. If th is occur s, check th e following code cha rt.
64 Specifications System Image device 1/1 . 8 type co lor CCD Lens 5× zoom lens f = 7. 1 – 35.5 mm (38 – 19 0 m m when conv er ted into a 35 mm still camera) F = 2.
Additiona l informatio n 65 LCD screen indicators A Battery remain ing indicator B PROGRAM AE/flash mode/ flash level indicator C White balance/EV level/ sharpness indicato r D Picture effect indicato.
66 A Protect indicator B Print mark indica tor C File n a m e D Recor ding mode in dicator E Image size indicator F Imag e num ber G Number of stored images in “ Memory Stick ” H Remaining memory capacity indic ator I Recor ding dat e of the pla ybac k image/menu bar and guide menu A V OL.
67 Additiona l information Index A A/V OUT ............ .......... ... 49 Adjusting the expos ure .... 43 AE (Auto E xposure) ........ 16 Aper tu re priorit y mod e .... 41 Auto power- off func ti on .. 11 Auto red-eye reduc t ion .... 19 B Batte r y pa ck batter y life .
Sony Corporation Printed in Japan.
デバイスSony DSC-F505Vの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony DSC-F505Vをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony DSC-F505Vの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony DSC-F505Vの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony DSC-F505Vで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony DSC-F505Vを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony DSC-F505Vの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony DSC-F505Vに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony DSC-F505Vデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。