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3-078-407- 12 (1) Digital Sti ll Camera Operating Inst ructions Befor e o perat ing the un it, plea se r ead t his manua l th oro ughly , an d retain i t for f uture re ference. Owner’s Record The mode l an d seria l number s ar e l o cat ed on the bottom.
2 T o prevent fire or shock hazard, do not e xpose the un it to rain or moisture. Never e xpose the batte r y pa ck to tempe r atur e abov e 60°C (140°F ), such as in a car park ed in the sun or und er dir e c t sunl ight .
3 RECYCLING LITHIUM-ION BA TT E R I E S Lith iu m- Ion batter ies are recycl able. Y ou can help pre se rve our environment by returni ng your used rech ar geable batterie s to t he collect ion and recycl ing lo cation neare st you.
4 Before u s in g your camera Tria l re cor din g Before you re cord one - ti me events, you may want to make a tri a l re c or d in g to make sure that the cam era is work in g c or rect ly .
5 Trademarks • “Memory St ic k ,” , “MagicGate Memory Stick,” and , are t rademarks of Sony Corporation. • “Mem ory Stic k Duo” an d are tr ad em a rks o f Sony Corp orat ion . • “Mem ory Stic k PR O ” and are tr ad em a rks o f Sony Corp orat ion .
6 Table of contents Before using your came ra ............. ............ 4 Identifying the parts ...... ................ ............ 8 Camera ............. .................... ................. 8 USB cradle ................ .........................
7 Enlargi ng an image – Playba ck zoom........... ......... ......... 58 Recor ding an enl arged im age – Trimmin g .... ......... ............ ........... . 5 9 Playi ng back successi ve imag es (Slide sh ow) ......... ............... ...........
8 Ide nt if y in g th e pa rts See the pages in pa re nt hese s for de ta ils of ope ra tion. Camera A Lens B Shut te r butto n (22) C PO WER lamp (16) D POWER but ton (16) E T ripod receptacle (botto.
9 A Finder (29) B SMAR T ZOOM b uttons (d uring shooting) (24) /Index b uttons (during pla yback ) (36) C Control button (Menu on) ( v / V / b / B / z ) (17) / (Menu of f) ( / / 7 /) (27/26/23/ 25) D .
10 USB cradle A Camera connecto r B USB ON/OFF s witch C ( USB) jack (76) D DC IN connector (11) E A/V OUT (MONO) jack (37) 1 2 3 4 5 How to install/remove your camera How to install Instal l the camera as illus trated below. • Make sure the camer a is secu rely ins ta lle d to the USB cradle.
11 Getti n g started Charging the batte ry pack , Open the battery/“M emor y Stick ” co ver. Slid e the cov er in the d ire ctio n of th e ar row. • W hen ch arging th e ba ttery pack, ma ke sure t he camera is not turned on (page 1 6). • The camera operates only with the “InfoLITHIUM” battery NP-FC10 battery pack (C type) (supplied).
12 Charging the battery pack (continued) , Conn ect t he po wer cord ( mains lead) to th e AC pow e r ad aptor and to a wall outlet (wall sock et). 4 Powe r c o rd (mains lea d) AC po wer adap tor 2 To a wall o utlet (wal l socket) 1 , Inst all th e camera to the U SB crad le.
13 Getti n g started • W hen ch arging th e ba ttery pack, ma ke sure t he camera is not turned on (page 1 6). • When placing the camera, make sure the LCD screen is facing up. • After charging the battery pack, disconnect the A C power adapto r fro m the multi connec tor of the camera.
14 Charging the battery pack (continued) Sho oti ng s till im ages In normal shootin g 1) 1) S hooting at 30-second intervals with [P . QU A LITY] set to [ FINE], LCD screen tur ned on, flashed every two shootings and turned on/ off e very ten shootings.
15 Getti n g started Using an ext ernal powe r sou rce , Conne ct the AC-L M5 AC po wer ada pto r (s u p p lie d ) t o th e mu lt i connect or of the ca mera. When p lacing t he camera, ma ke sure the LCD scre en is facing u p. Conn ect t he plug with the v mark facing down .
16 Turni ng on/off your camera There are followi ng two wa ys to turn on the camera. 1 Press POW ER. The POWER la mp li gh t s in green an d the powe r is on. Wh en you turn on t he came ra for the first time, the CL OCK SE T scree n appear s (p age 18).
17 Getti n g started How to use t he control bu tton To chan ge th e curre nt settin gs of the camera, bring up the menu or th e SET UP screen (page 44), and use t he co ntrol button to make t h e changes. For ea ch ite m, pres s v / V / b / B to se lec t the desi red val ue, th en pres s z or b / B to make the settin g .
18 Setti ng the date and ti me , Set the MODE dial to . • Y ou can carry o ut this operation even when the MODE di al is se t to P , SCN, , or . • T o set the time and the date again, set the MOD E d ial to S ET U P, sel ect [CL OCK SET ] in (SETUP 2) (page 102), then proceed from Step 3 .
19 Getti n g started , Select the ye ar, mont h, day , hour, or minute i tem you want to set with b / B on the con t ro l butt on. A v will be show n above , and a V will be shown below the item current ly sele cted to be se t. , Set the desired numerical value with v / V on the con trol button , then press z .
20 Inserting and removing a “M emory Stick” , Open t he ba ttery/“M e mory Stic k” cove r. Slid e the co ver in the di rection of the arrow . , Inse rt t he “Memor y Stic k.” Ins er t the “M e mor y Stic k” al l the w a y in unti l it cl ic ks as s h o wn in t h e illus trat ion.
21 Shootin g still images Setti ng t he still image size , Set the MODE dial to , rot ate the lens portion to turn on the power , then pr es s MENU. The men u appears . • Y ou can carry out this operation e ven when the MODE dial is set to P or SCN.
22 Basic still image shoot ing – usi ng auto mode , Set the MODE dial to , and rotate the lens po rtion to turn on y our cam era. When a “Memor y Stick” is in s er t ed, the recordi ng folder nam e is indica te d on the LCD screen for about five seconds (pag e 55).
23 Shootin g still images , Press t he sh utter but to n fully down . The shutte r cl ic ks, the shoot in g is com p l ete d, an d t he st il l ima ge i s sa ve d in the “M emory S tick.” When the r ecord ing lamp g oes ou t, you c an shoot the n ext image.
24 Using the smart zoom , Press t he SM A RT ZOOM to choo se t he de sired zoo m pos iti on, and shoo t your imag e. You ca n zo om in the i mage usin g digital pro c ess, with v er y li tt le det er ior atio n. The maxi m um zoom scal e depends on the image si ze.
25 Shootin g still images Shooting close-ups – Macro For close-up s of small subjects like flowers or ins e c ts, shoot us ing the mac ro fe at ure. You ca n use thi s f ea tu re for close-u ps of subjects up t o app rox im at e ly 10 cm (3 15 / 16 inches) from the en d of the lens.
26 Using the self-timer , Set the MODE dial to , and press V ( ) on the control but ton. The (Self-time r) indica tor appe ars on the LCD scre en. • If the menu is currently dis played, press MENU first to make the menu disappear. • Y ou can carry o ut this operation even when the MODE di al is se t to P , SCN, or .
27 Shootin g still images Selecting a flash mode , Set the MODE dial to , and press v ( ) on t he co ntrol button repeat edly t o se lect a flash m ode.
28 Selecting a flash mode (continued) Shoo ting with t he AF illuminator This i s addition al lighti ng provi ded to assist in focusing whe n shoo ting in dar k plac es.
29 Shootin g still images Shooting with the finder The finder is conv enient when you w ant to save batte ry power, or wh en it is diffi cult to con firm th e ima ge u s in g the LCD s creen . Each ti me you pr ess DSPL/LCD ON/OF F, the di s pl ay change s in the fol lowing or d e r .
30 Inserting the date and time on a still image , Set the MODE di al to SET UP. The SET UP scree n appears. • When im ages are s hot with the date a nd tim e inserted, the date and time cannot be remo ved late r .
31 Shootin g still images Shooting according to scene conditions (scene selection) When sho ot ing night scene s, shoot ing people at nig ht, shoo ting land sca pe s , or shooting port ra it s, use the mo de s listed below to in cr ease the qual it y of your images.
32 Shooting according to scene conditions (scene selection) (continued) , Set the MODE dial to SCN, and press M E NU . The menu app ear s. , Select [SCN] with b on the control bu tton. , Select t he desi red m ode w ith v / V on the contro l button. The mode i s set to your c hoi ce .
33 Shootin g still images NR slow shutt er The NR slow shutt er mode removes noise from recor ded images, providi ng cl ear images . When the scene selection m ode and shutter speed v alue are as follows, the camera auto matic a lly en ters th e NR slow shutter mode and “NR” is indicated ne xt to the shutter sp ee d indic a tor.
34 You can ch oose imag e size (number of pixels) and ima ge qua li ty (comp ression ratio) ba sed o n the k ind of i mages y ou want to shoot. Th e lar g er you make th e ima g e size an d th e higher you make the image qual ity, th e bett er yo u r im age , but al so th e large r the amoun t of data ne eded to pre serve your im age.
35 Viewing still images Viewin g ima ges on the LCD screen of your camera You can v iew images s h ot with the cam era almost immed ia tely on t he s cre en. Y ou can sele ct th e fol lo win g thr ee meth ods fo r viewi n g images . Single (single-image) screen You can view o ne imag e at a time, occ u py in g the en ti r e s c ree n.
36 Viewing on the single-image screen (continued) , Select the desire d still ima ge with b / B on the control butt on. b : Displays the pr eviou s im age . B : Displays the ne xt im ag e. 2 BACK/NEXT 10:30 PM 2003 7 4 101-0003 VOL UM E 640 60 min 3 / 9 101 Viewing on the index (nine- or triple-image) screen , Press th e SM AR T ZOOM W button once.
37 Viewing still images Viewin g ima ges on a TV screen , Conne ct the A /V conne cting cable to the A/V OUT ( MONO) jack of the U SB cr adl e an d the audio/video input jacks of the TV. If your TV ha s stere o ty pe inpu t jac ks, connec t the aud io plug (bla ck ) of the A/V conne cting cabl e to th e Lch audi o input jack.
38 Viewing images on a TV screen (continued) , Set the MODE dial to , and turn on th e camera . Press b / B on the co ntrol bu tton to select the desi r ed image . • When using the camera abroad, it may be necessary to switch the video output signal to match that of your TV system (page 102).
39 Deleti ng still i mages Deleti ng images , Set the MODE dial to , and turn on th e camera. Select the image you want to delete with b / B on the c ontrol butt on. , Press M E NU . Sele ct [D ELETE] with b / B on the control bu tton, then pr ess z .
40 Deleting on the Index (nine-image) screen , While an Index ( ni ne- ima ge) scree n (page 3 6) is displa yed, press M E NU . Sele ct [D ELETE] with b / B on the control bu tton, then pr ess z . , Select [SELECT] with b / B on the contro l button, the n pr ess z .
41 Deleti ng still i mages , Press M E NU . Select [OK] with B on the control button, then pr es s z . “MEMORY STICK ACCESS” appears on the scr een. When t his mes sage d isappea rs, the im ages have been deleted. To cancel th e deletion Select [ EXIT] with b on the control button, then pr ess z .
42 Deleting on the Index (triple-image) screen (continued) , Select [OK] with v on the control bu tton, then pr es s z . “MEMORY STICK A CCESS” appears on the screen. When this m e ssage disappears, the im age has b een de leted. To cancel th e deletion Select [CANCEL] with V on the co nt rol butt on , th en p res s z .
43 Deleti ng still i mages Formatting a “Me mory Stick” , Insert th e “Mem or y Stick” yo u want to format in to the came ra. Set the MODE dial to SET UP, and turn on the powe r. • The term “f ormatting” means preparing a “Memory Stick” to rec ord ima ge s ; this proce ss is also called “init ialization.
44 How to setup and operate your camera This sect ion de scribes t he most frequent ly used menus and t he SET UP s creen. Changing menu settings a Press ME NU . The menu app ear s. b Select the set ting item you want to change with b / B on the control button.
45 Advanced st ill i ma ge shoo ti ng Choosing a focus method MODE dial: P/SCN/ Multipoint AF The AF range fi nde r frame widen s. You can do auto fucus sh oot in g not depend ing on co m position. Th e numb er of AF rang e fi nde rs, the positio n or th e w i dth of t he AF r ang e fi nde r dif fer s dep endi ng on the subject .
46 AF lock shooting using Center AF Even if it is difficult to f ocus in AF sh ooting bec ause the su bjec t is n ot in the cent er of the frame , you can fo cus in this situa tion using Cent er AF.
47 Advanced st ill i ma ge shoo ti ng Setting the dis tance to the subject – Focus pr eset MODE dial: P/SCN/ When sho oting an image using a pr eviou sly set distan ce to t he subj ect, or when sho oting a subj ect t hrough a net o r through w indow gla ss, it is dif ficul t to ge t the p rope r focu s in auto fo cus mode.
48 c Select (EV) with b / B . The value of the exposure adjustment is disp layed. d Select th e exposu re adjustment va lue. Select the exposu re adjustm e nt value with v / V . Make yo ur ad justmen t whi le conf irming the br ight ness of the backgr ound of th e subj ec t on the LC D screen.
49 Advanced st ill i ma ge shoo ti ng c Select (SPO T METER) wit h b / B , then se lect [ON] with v . The Spot li ght -mete ring aimi ng point is displaye d. d Aim the sp ot light-me tering aiming point at the spo t you want to sho ot, then shoot your image.
50 Adjusting t he flash level MODE dial: P You ca n ad just the am ou t of flash lig ht. a Set the MODE di al to P. b Press ME NU . The menu app ear s. c Select [ ] (FLASH LEVEL) with b / B , th en se lect t h e desired settin g with v / V . HIGH: Makes the flash level higher than no rmal.
51 Advanced st ill i ma ge shoo ti ng Shooting multiple frames – Clip Motion MODE dial: You can sho ot a number of still ima g es cons ecutiv ely (GI F animati on). Becau se the file s iz e is small, t h ese i mag es are ideal f o r use on a home pa ge, or for at tachin g to an e- mail message.
52 • If you do not complete S tep 6 , the image will not be sav ed in the “Memory S tick.” Up t o that point, the image is saved temporarily in the camera. • In Clip Mot ion, the date and time cannot be ins erted . • When you view Clip Motion images using the Index screen, the images may appear dif ferent from the actual image r ecorded.
53 Advanced st ill i ma ge shoo ti ng (For inform ation on NTSC/P AL, see page 9 9.) d Press t h e sh utter button . 16 fram es will be rec ord ed as one image (i m age size: 1280 ×960). To delete sh ot images When usi ng this mode, you c annot del ete only cer t ain frames.
54 c Select [MODE] (REC MODE) with b / B , then select [E-MAIL] with v / V . d Shoot your image. To return to normal mode In Step 3 , select [NORMAL]. • For instructions o n how to attach your images to an e-mail mess a ge, refe r to the Help files of the e-mail software you are us ing.
55 Advanced st ill i ma ge shoo ti ng Adding spe cial effects – Picture Ef fect MODE dial: P/SCN/ You ca n add special eff ects to bri ng out the contrast in your images. a Set the MODE dial to P, SCN, or . b Press M E NU . The men u appears . c Select [PFX] (P .
56 Creating a new folder a Set the MODE di al to SET UP. b Sele ct ( MEMOR Y STI CK T OOL) with v / V , [CREA TE REC. FOLDER ] with B / v / V , and [OK] with B / v , then press z . The fo llo wing s creen appe ars. c Select [OK] with v , then press z .
57 Advanced st i ll image vi ew ing Selecting the f older for pla yback – Folder MODE dial: Select t he folder t hat image s you wan t to play bac k are stor ed. a Set the MODE dial to . b Press M E NU . The me nu appe ars. c Select [FOLDER] with b , then press z .
58 Enlarging a portion of a still image MODE dial: You ca n en large an i ma ge up to five times the si ze o f th e orig inal im age. You ca n also record t he enl arg ed im age as a ne w file . Enlarging an image – Playback zoom a Set the MODE di al to .
59 Advanced st i ll image vi ew ing Recording an enlarged image – Trimming a After you have v iewed an image using p laybac k zoom, press M E N U. b Select [TRIMMING] wit h B , then pr ess z . c Selec t the image si ze with v / V , then pr ess z . The i mage is recorded , and t he scr een image retu rns to the size it was before enlar gement.
60 To skip to th e next/previous image during slide show Press B (nex t), or b (pre vious). • The interval settings are just guideline s . The actual intervals differ , b ased on factors like th e size of the i mage.
61 Still ima g e editi ng Protecting image s – Protect MODE dial: To pr eve n t ac cide nt al erasure of an impor ta nt im age, you can pr otect it. On the single screen a Set the MODE dial to . b Disp la y the i mage y ou w ant to protect with b / B .
62 f T o protect other ima g e s, repeat Step 5 . g Press M E NU . h Select [OK] with B , then press z . The - ma rk turn s wh ite and the select ed image is protected . To cancel t he protection Select [CANCEL ] in St ep 4 or select [EXIT] in Step 8 , then press z .
63 Still ima g e editi ng Changing image s ize – Resiz e MODE dial: You ca n ch ange the im ag e size of a recor ded im age, an d save it as a ne w file. You can re siz e to the fol low ing sizes. 2272×1 704, 160 0× 1200, 1280× 960, 640×48 0 The orig inal image is ret ained even af ter resizing.
64 Choosing images to print – Print (DPOF) mark MODE dial: You can m ark still i mages sh ot with y our camera tha t you want to have pri nte d. Th is functi on is c onv enient w h en you ha ve images pri nt ed a t a sho p or usi ng a printe r tha t con form s wi th th e DPO F ( Digit al P rint Order Fo rmat) standard.
65 Still ima g e editi ng g Press M E NU . h Select [OK] with B , then pres s z . The sett ing of the mar k is com ple ted. To delete the mark In St ep 5 , se lect th e ima g e you w a nt to delete the mark wi th v / V / b / B , an d press z . To delete al l the marks from the images in the folder In St ep 4 , select [ALL IN FOLDER], then press z .
66 Shooting movies MODE dial: You can shoo t movies (MPE G m ovi es). Before operation Set [MOVING IMAGE] to [MPEG MO VIE ] in the SE T UP se ttin gs (p age s 44, 101). a Set the MODE dial to . b Press M E NU . The men u appears . c Select (IMA GE SIZE) wi th b / B , and selec t the desired mode with v / V .
67 Enjoyin g movies Viewing movies on the LCD screen MODE dial: You ca n view movies on the LCD screen of the camer a and hear sounds fr om the spea ke r of the ca mer a. a Set the MODE dial to . b Select th e des ired movie wit h b / B . Movies ar e di spl aye d a size smaller than st ill ima ges.
68 Deleting movies MODE dial: You ca n de le te unw a nt ed movie s . On the single screen a Set the MODE di al to . b Sele c t the mo vi e you w ant to delete with b / B . c Press ME NU . The menu app ear s. d Select [DELETE] with b / B , then p ress z .
69 Enjoyin g movies f Repeat Step 5 to delete ot her movi es. g Press M E NU . h Select [OK] with B , then pres s z . Th e m ovi es ar e dele te d whe n t he “MEMOR Y STIC K A CCESS” message disappears. To cancel th e deletion In St ep 8 , select [EXIT].
70 Editing movies MODE dial: You ca n cu t movies, or de lete unn ec essa ry porti ons of movi es. This is th e recomme nded mode to use when th e “Me mor y Stic k” ca pa city is ins uff icie nt, o r when you attac h mo vies to your e -m ail messag es.
71 Enjoyin g movies e Decide on a cuttin g poi nt . Press z at the de sired cutt in g point. Wh en you want to ad ju s t th e cutt ing point, se lect [ c / C ] (frame forward / rewind) and adjust the cu tting poi nt wi th b / B . I f you want to chang e the cutti ng point, sele ct [CANCEL].
72 Copying images to your compute r – For Windows use rs Recommended com puter environment OS: Microsoft Windows 98 , Win dows 98SE, Windows 20 00 Professi ona l, Windo ws M illennium Edit ion, W indows XP Home Edition, or Windows XP Professional The abov e OS mus t be instal led at the facto r y.
73 Enjoying images on yo ur comput er Installing the USB driver When using W indo ws XP, you n eed not inst all th e USB driv er. Once the U S B dri ve r is installed , yo u nee d not in s ta ll th e USB dr iver . a T urn on your computer , and inse rt th e supplie d CD-ROM into the CD-R OM drive.
74 b Click [ N ext] . W hen “License Agre emen t” scr een a ppears, click [Y es]. Read t he agreemen t care fully . Y ou must ac cept t he terms of t he agreem ent in order to proc eed with inst al la tion. c Click [Ne xt]. d Select the folder t o be installed, then c lick [Nex t].
75 Enjoying images on yo ur comput er Installing “ImageMixer” a Click [PIXELA Ima ge M ixer] on the t itle sc reen. The “Choo se Se tup Language ” scre en appear s. • Y ou can use the “PIXELA ImageMixe r for Sony” software to copy , vi ew and edit images.
76 c Make sure the USB ON/OFF switch is set to “O N” and connect the supp lied U SB cable to the (USB) jac k of the USB cr adle. d Connect the USB cable to your comput er . • When using a desktop comp uter, connect the USB cable to the USB connector on the rear pane l.
77 Enjoying images on yo ur comput er P To cancel the USB connection Remo vin g the USB c able from your computer /removing t he came ra fro m the USB crad le/turn ing off the camera For Windows 2000, Me, or X P users 1 Double- cli ck on the task tray.
78 Changing “Image Transfer” settings Y ou ca n cha nge “ Ima ge Tran sfer ” s ettin gs. Rig ht-cl ick th e “I ma ge Tr a nsfe r” ic on on the task tray , select [Open Sett in g s ]. The settings you can set are as fol lows: [Basic], [Copy], and [De lete].
79 Enjoying images on yo ur comput er – Wind ows XP Copying image s using the Windows XP AutoPlay wiz ard a Make a USB connec tion (pages 75 to 76). Cl i ck [Copy pict ures to a f older on m y comput er usi ng M icr osoft Scanner a nd Camera Wiza rd], then clic k [OK].
80 Image file storage destinations and file names The ima ge files rec orded wit h your cam era are gro u p ed as fo l ders in the “Memo ry Stick.” Example: wh en viewin g folders o n Windows Me The dat a stored in the “ 100MSDCF” or “MSSONY” folder was recorded u sing the camera not e qui ppe d with the fold er creati ng funct ion.
81 Enjoying images on your comput er Note on the table • The meanin gs of the f ile na mes are as above: ssss stands for any numbe r w it hi n the r ange fr om 0 001 to 9999. • The numeric a l por tions of the fo ll owi ng fil es ar e th e s am e.
82 Copying images to your compute r – For Macintosh us ers Recommended com puter environment OS: Mac O S 8.5.1 , 8.6, 9 .0, 9.1, 9.2, o r Mac OS X (v1 0.0/ v10.1) The abov e OS mus t be instal led at the factory. For the follow ing mod els, upda te your OS to Ma c O S 9.
83 Enjoying images on yo ur comput er Removing the USB cable from your computer, removing the camera from the U SB cradle, or turni ng off the camera Drag and dro p the drive icon o r the i con of the.
84 Troubleshooting If you have trouble w ith yo ur camera , try the follow in g soluti o ns. 1 Check th e items on pa ges 84 to 91. If the screen shows “C: ss : ss ”, t he self-di agnosis f unction is working. Please see page 94. 2 Press the RE S ET bu tt on located insid e the ba ttery/“M emory Stick” cover, then turn on the powe r again.
85 Troublesh ooting The bat tery remain ing indicator is incorrect. Or the sufficient battery rema inin g indic ator is displaye d but the power runs out soon . • You hav e us ed the c am e ra for a long time in an extremel y hot or a n extr emely c old lo cation.
86 Shooting still imag es / movie s Symptom Cause Sol u tion The LCD screen is not turned on even wh en the power i s turne d on. • The power was turned off with the LCD screen turne d off the last time you use d the cam e ra . p Turn on t he LCD scre en (page 29).
87 Troublesh ooting Viewing ima ges You cannot shoot images. • No “Mem ory Stic k” is inserted. • T he capaci ty of the “M emor y St ic k” is insu fficie nt. • T he writ e-prote ct switch on t he “Mem ory St ick” is set to the LO C K position .
88 Deleting/editin g an image The images c annot be played back o n a computer. — p See page 89. “USB MODE NORMAL” or “USB MOD E PTP” appears on the screen . • The came r a is c om munic at ing with the computer. p Cancel USB comm unication (p ag e 77) and set the USB ON/ OFF switc h to “OFF.
89 Troublesh ooting Computers Symptom Cause Solu tion You do not know whether or not your OS can be use d wi t h th e cam er a. — p Check “Re comme nde d comput er envi ronmen t” (p ages 72, 82). You cannot install the USB driver. — p In Windows 2000, l og on as Admi nistrator (a uthorized Administrat ors).
90 “Memor y Stick” After making a USB connection, “Image Transfer” does not automati cally s tart. — — p Select [Launch Image Trans fer automatical ly when your camera, etc., is con nected.] at [B asic] s etting (p age 78). p Make a US B connection when the co mputer is turned on (page 75).
91 Troublesh ooting Oth ers Symptom Cause Solu tion Th e ca m era d o e s n o t work, no operations can be performed. • Y o u are not using an “Inf oLIT HIUM ” battery pack . • T he battery le ve l is low or zero (The indicato r appears.). • T he AC power adapto r is not connect ed secu rely.
92 Warnings and messages The followi ng messages ap pear on the LCD sc ree n. Message Me aning/ Cor rective Action NO MEMORY STICK • I nse r t a “Me m ory Stick” (page 20). SYSTEM ERROR • T urn the powe r off and on ag ai n (page 16). MEMORY STICK ERROR • Insert the “Me mor y S tic k” corre c tly (page 2 0) .
93 Troublesh ooting • T he ba tte r y le ve l is lo w or zero. Charge the batte r y (page 11). Depending on the condit ions of use or the type of battery pac k , the in dic a tor may flash ev en though the re are sti ll 5 to 10 minut es of rem a ini ng ba ttery tim e left .
94 Self-diagnosis disp lay Your cam er a has a self-diag nosi s displ a y. This f unction display s the c ondition of th e camer a on t he LCD s cree n usi ng a combinat ion of a letter and four n umeri cal digits. If th is occur s , ch ec k the fo ll ow i ng code ch art and take t he correspo nding coun ter m easu r e .
95 Additional informat io n The number of imag es that can be sa ved/ shooting time The n umber of i mages tha t can be saved a nd the shoot in g ti m e are diffe rent, dep ending on the capacity o f the “Memor y S t ick,” th e image si ze, an d the ima ge quality.
96 Menu items Menu item s tha t c an be ch anged diff er depend ing on the posi tion o f the MODE dial . The LC D scre en s hows on l y the it ems you can op erate ba sed on the cur rent posi tion of t he MO DE dial . Facto ry sett ings are ind ica ted with x .
97 Additional informat io n When the MODE dial is set to (when [MOVING IMAGE] is set to [MPEG MOVIE] in the SET UP settings) ISO 400 / 200 / 100 / x AUTO Select s the ISO se nsit ivity. Wh en shoot ing und er dark cond iti ons or shoo ting a fast- moving subj ect, use a hi gh-numbe r setting.
98 When the MO DE di al is set to (when [MOVING IMAGE] is s et to [CLIP MOTION] in the SET UP setting s) (IMAGE SIZE) 320 (HQX) / 320×240 / x 160×112 Selects t he MPE G image size whe n record ing mo vies (p age 66). PFX (P.E FFECT) SOLARIZE / B&W / SEPI A / NEG.
99 Additional informat io n When the MODE di al is set to (whe n [MOVING IMAG E] i s set to [MULTI BURST] in the SET UP settings) Item Se tting Description (EV) +2. 0EV / +1.7 EV / +1 .3E V / +1.0EV / +0. 7EV / +0.3EV / x 0EV / − 0.3E V / − 0.7EV / − 1.
100 When the MODE dial is set to Item Se tting Description FOLDER OK/CANC EL Select the fold er co nta ins the image s you want to play back (page 57). DELETE OK CANCEL – Delet es the display ed imag e (pages 39, 68). – Cancels d eletin g of th e imag e.
101 Additional informat io n SET UP items (CAMERA) (MEMORY STICK TOOL) Set th e MODE dial t o SET UP. The SET UP scr een ap pears. Fact ory settings ar e indicated w it h x . Item Se tting Description MOVING IMAGE x MPEG MOVIE / CLIP MOTION / MULTI BU RS T Selects t he shoot ing mode (pages 44, 51, 5 2, 66).
102 (SETUP 1) (SETUP 2) Item Setti ng Description LCD BRIGHTNESS BRIGHT/ x NORMAL/ DARK Sel ects the LCD brightness. T his has no effec t on the recorded im ages.
103 Additional informat io n Precautions Cleaning Cleaning the LCD screen Clean the scre en su rface wit h an LCD cleanin g ki t (not supplied ) to remove fingerp rints, dust , etc. Cleaning the lens Wipe t he le ns with a soft c loth t o remo ve fingerp rints, dust , etc.
104 The “Memory Stick” “Memor y Stick” is a new compact , port able and versati le IC re cor ding med ium w i th a data c apacity th at exceeds t he capac it y of a floppy di sk. You can use the “M emory Stick” a s an extern al record ing me di a t hat ca n be attach ed or remo ved a s well as exchan ging dat a b e twe e n the u ni ts.
105 Additional informat io n The “InfoLITHI UM” battery pac k What is t he “InfoLITHIUM” battery pack? The “I nfoLITHIU M” batt ery pack is a lithium -i on ba tt er y pack tha t ha s func ti ons for com mu nicating infor mation relate d to operat ing co ndi ti ons of your came ra.
106 Specifications System Image device 8.98 m m (1/1.8 t ype) color CCD Primary color fi lter Total pixel s number of camera Approx. 4 130 000 pixels Effective pixels num ber of camer a Approx. 3 950 000 pixels Lens f=7.65 mm (35 mm camera co nversion: 37mm (1 15 / 32 inches)) F2.
107 Additional informat io n Accesso r ies • NP-FC10 batt ery pack ( 1) • AC-LM5 AC po wer adap tor (1) • UC-FA USB cradle • USB cable (1) • A/V connecting cable (1) • Power cord (mains le.
108 The LCD scre en For shooting s till images A Image size indicator ( 21, 34) B Recordi ng mode indicator (51–54) C AE/A F lo ck in dic a to r (22, 4 6) D Battery remain ing indicator (13) E Fla s.
109 Additional informat io n For shooting m ovies A Recor di ng mode indicator (6 6) B Battery rem a ini ng indicator (13) C White balan ce indicat or (49) D Picture effect indicator (55) E Spot light.
110 For still i mage playb ack A Change f older indicator (57) B Recordi ng mode indicator (53) C V o lum e in di cat o r ( 54) /Protect mark indica t or (6 1) /Print (DPO F) mark indica t or (6 4) D .
111 Additional informatio n Index Symbols “InfoLI THIUM” ba t tery pack ..... ......... ....11, 105 A A/V connect ing cab l e ....... ........... ......... ... .........37 Access lam p ...... ....... ......... ....... ......... ....... .........20 AE/AF lo ck .
112 Form at ti ng a “Memor y Stick” ........... ......... 43 Inserti ng a “Memory Stick” ........ ......... ... .... 20 Number o f sho o ting i mages .... ....... ......... .... 34 The number of images that can be saved/ shoot i n g tim e ....
113 Additional informatio n W W arnin gs and messages ........... ......... ....... .........92 Z Zoom Playback zo o m .......... ......... .. ........
Sony Corporation Printed in Japan 307840712 Printed on 10 0% recycled paper using VOC (Vol at ile Organic Compound)-f ree vegetable oil based ink. Additi onal info rmation on this produc t and answers to fre quent asked ques tions can be fo und at our Customer Su pport Website.
デバイスSony DSC-F77の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony DSC-F77をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony DSC-F77の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony DSC-F77の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony DSC-F77で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony DSC-F77を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony DSC-F77の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony DSC-F77に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony DSC-F77デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。