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2-149-853- 11 (1) Digital S till Cam era Operating I nstructions Before op erating the uni t, ple ase rea d t his manua l th oroughly, and retain i t for future refe rence. Owner’s Record The mod el and seria l numb ers a re locat ed on the b ottom.
2 T o prevent fire or sh ock hazard, do not e xpose t he unit to ra in or moisture. If you have any questions about this pro duc t, you ma y call: Sony Custom er Informatio n Services Center 1-800-222-SONY ( 7669) The number below is for the FCC related matte r s only .
3 RECYCLING LITHIUM -I ON BA TT ER I E S Lith iu m- Ion b a tt er ies ar e recycl able. Y ou can help preser ve our environment by returni ng your used rechar geable batteries to the co llecti on and re cy cling l ocation neares t you.
4 Read th is first Tria l rec ord ing Before you rec ord one-time events, you may want.
5 On illustrat ion Illustrations us ed in this manual are of DSC- P100/P120 unless noted otherwise. The pictur es used in thi s manual The photographs used as examples of pictures in this manual are reproduced im ages, and are not actual images shot using this camera.
6 Table of co ntents Read this first ........ ......... ...... ........ ...... ....... 4 Identifyin g the p arts ............ ...... ........ ....... 8 Mode dial .... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ..... ... ..... 10 Charging t he batter y pack ....
7 Rotati ng stil l ima ges — Rotate ........ ... ...... ... ......... ..... ... .... 64 Playing b ack im ages shot in Mult i Burst mode ........ ...... ......... ...... ......... ..... .... 64 Playing ba ck conti nuously ......... ........ . 65 Playing ba ck frame by frame .
8 Ide nt if y in g th e pa rts See the pages in pa re nt hese s for de ta ils of ope ra tion. A POWER but ton (15) B Shut te r b ut ton (23) C Hook for wrist strap D Flash (28) E Multi connector ( bot.
9 A Finder (30) B LCD screen For deta ils on the it ems on the LCD scree n, se e page 1 20 to 123. C (Display/LCD on/off) button (30) D MENU b ut ton (44, 109) E Contro l butt on Menu on: v / V / b / .
10 Mode dial Before us ing your camer a , set the desired mark on the mo de dial t o . (Auto adjus t ment mode) The focu s , exposur e an d w hi te bal an ce are automati cally a djuste d to allo w easy shootin g. The imag e qualit y is set to [ F in e] (pag e 45).
11 Getting started Charging the batte ry pack , Open the ba ttery/“Me mory Stick ” co ver. Slid e the cove r in the direct ion o f the ar row. • Be sure to turn off your camer a wh en cha rg in g t he bat te ry pa ck (p age 15 ). • Y our camera operates with the “InfoLITHIUM” NP-FR1 battery pack (R type) (supplied).
12 , Conn ect t he po wer co rd ( main s lead) to the AC Adaptor and to a w all outlet ( wall soc ket). The /CHG l amp lig hts up w hen c harging begi ns, a nd go es of f wh en ch argi ng is comple ted. • After charging the battery pack, disconnect the AC Adaptor f rom the DC IN jack of your camera.
13 Getting started Number of i mages and batt ery life t hat can be recorded/view ed The tables s h ow the approxim ate number of images and the battery life that ca n be recorde d/viewed w hen you sh oot images in normal mode with a fully charged battery pack (sup plied) at a temperatu re of 25°C (77°F).
14 Using t he AC adaptor , Open t he DC IN jack cover and connect the AC Adaptor (supplied) to the DC IN jack of your c amer a. Open th e cove r i n the a rrow di rect ion as illustr ated ab o ve. Connect the DC pl ug with the v mark facing the LCD screen side.
16 Setti ng the date and ti me , Set the mo de dial to . • Y ou can also carry out this operation when the mode dial is set to P , M, SCN, or . , Press POW ER to turn on the powe r. The POWE R lamp (g reen) l ights up and the Clock Set scre e n appears on t he L CD screen.
17 Getting started , Select the ye ar, mont h, day , hour or minute ite m you wan t to set with b / B on th e contro l butt on. The it em to b e s et is ind ic ate d w it h v / V . , Set th e numer ic value w ith v / V on the control button , then press z to ente r it.
18 Inserting and removing a “M emor y Stick” , Open t he ba ttery/“Me mory Stic k” c over. Slid e the co ver in the direct ion of the arrow. • For details on “M emory Stick, ” see page 116. , Inse rt t he “M emor y St ick. ” Insert a “Memory Stic k” all the wa y in until it cli cks as illustra ted.
19 Shoot ing still ima g es Setti ng the still image size , Set the m ode dial to , and turn on the po wer . • Y ou can also carry out this operation when the mode dial is set to P , M o r SCN. , Press (Image Size) . The Ima ge Si ze set up ap pears.
20 Image size and quality You can ch oose image size (number of pixels) and ima ge qua li ty (comp ression ratio) ba sed on t he kind of images y ou want to shoot. The image size is sho wn by the numb er of pixels (dot s) (ho r iz ontal × vertic al), whic h comp o se an im ag e.
21 Shoot ing still ima g es Examples based on th e image quality The number of images t hat can be saved in a “Memory Stick” 3).
22 Basic still image shootin g — Using auto adjustmen t mode Holding the cam era correctly When sh ooting pict ures wi th the camera, b e careful so t hat your fingers do not block the lens por tion , fi nder w ind ow, f las h emi tter or speak er (p age 8).
23 Shoot ing still ima g es , Press an d hold the shutter button h alfway down. The be ep sou nds but the ima ge is not yet recor ded. When the AE /AF l ock ind icator changes from fl ashi ng to steadily lit, the camera is re ady for s ho o ti ng. (The LCD scre e n may be frozen for a spl it second de pe nding on the subj ec t.
24 Checking the last image y ou shot — Quick Review , Press b ( 7 ) on the control but ton. To return to the norm a l shoo ting mode, press li ghtly on the shutter but ton or pr ess b ( 7 ) again. To delete t he image displayed o n the LCD screen 1 Pres s (Del ete).
25 Shoot ing still ima g es • The zoom scaling indicator differs according to the zoom type. – Optic a l zoom: – Sm ar t zo om: – Pr ecision digita l zoom: • The AF range f inder frame does not appear when using the digital zoom. The or indicators flashes, and AF operates with priority on s ubjects located near the center .
26 Shooting close-ups — Macro The close- ups (Macro) recor ding mode is used when zoo ming u p subj ects s uch as flowers or in sec ts. Set ti ng t he z oom al l the way to the W side l ets you sh oot subjects at dista nces as cl ose a s 6 cm (2 3/8 inche s).
27 Shoot ing still ima g es • When shooting in th e close-ups (Macro) mode, use the LCD screen. If you s hoot using the finder , the range you can see through the finder may differ from the actual recording range.
28 Selecting a flash mode , Set the mode dial to , and press v ( ) on the control button repeated ly to select a flash mode. Each time you press v ( ), the indicator changes as follows.
29 Shoot ing still ima g es To prevent subjects’ eyes from appearing red Set [R ed Eye Reduction] to [O n] in th e SET UP se ttings (pa ge 113). The indicator appear s on t he LC D scre en, an d the flas h pre-stro bes before shoo ti ng t o red uce the red-ey e phenome no n.
30 Shooting images with the finder The find er i s conv enient whe n you want to save battery po wer, or when i t is difficult to conf irm th e ima ge usin g th e LCD sc reen . Each time you pre ss , the display changes in t he fo llowing ord er. Histog ram on (Image informa tion can al so be displayed du ring playback.
31 Shoot ing still ima g es Inserting the date and time on a still image , Set the mode dial to SET UP. The SE T UP scr een ap pears. • The date and time is not inse rted in Multi Burst mode. • When images are shot with the date and time superimposed, the date and time cannot be removed later .
32 Shooting according to scene conditions — Scene Selection You can s hoot more effect ivel y by select ing the appr op riat e mod e and th en pres si ng th e shut te r bu tto n. Twilight mode Allows you t o shoot night scenes at far distance without losing th e dark atm osphere of t he sur roun din gs.
33 Shoot ing still ima g es Snow mod e When sho oting snowy scene s or other plac es where the whol e scree n ap pears whit e, use thi s mode to preven t sunken colors an d recor d cl ear ima ge s. Beach mode When shooting seaside or lakeside scenes, the blu e of t he wa te r is cl early recor ded.
34 , Set the mode dia l to SCN, the n press M E NU . The menu app ear s. , Select SC N (S cen e) with b on the contro l button, the n se le ct the desired mode with v / V . To return to normal mode Set the mode dial to a diffe re nt mode. • The setti ng is maintain ed even when the power is t urne d of f.
35 Shoot ing still ima g es Shooting with Scene Selectio n When shoo ting wit h the Scen e S el ection functi on , the combi natio n of funct ions such as the flash mode is pre de te rmined to mak e th e opti mum settin gs to match the scene . Se e th e tab l e below for the function setting of each sh ooting mo de.
36 Viewin g ima ges on the LCD scr een of your camera You can view i mages sh ot with your camera almos t immedi atel y on t he LCD s creen . You ca n sel ec t t he foll ow i ng t w o me t hod s for vi ewing i mages. Single screen You ca n vi ew one ima ge at a time , disp laye d over th e enti re scre en.
37 Viewing s till imag es , Select the desire d still imag e wit h b / B on the control button. b : To display t he preced ing imag e B : To display t he ne xt image 2 BACK/NEXT 10:30 PM 2005 1 1 101 - 0003 VOLUME VGA 60min 3 / 9 101 Viewing an index screen , Press (I ndex) on ce.
38 Viewin g images on a TV screen , Connect the supplied cable for multi-use terminal (A/ V) to the multi c onnector o f the cam era and the au dio/video input jacks of t he T V.
39 Viewing s till imag es Viewing images on a TV screen If you w ant to vi ew images o n a TV scree n, you need a TV with a vid eo input jack and the su pplie d cabl e for mu lt i-us e te rmi n al (A/V ). The colo r system of th e TV must ma tch that of your digi t al still c ame ra.
40 Deleting i mages , Set the mo de dial to , and turn on th e camera. Press b / B on the control bu tton to sel ect the i mage you want to delete. • Note that you cannot restor e deleted images. , Press (Del et e). The image has not ye t be en del et ed at th is poin t.
41 Delet in g s til l image s Deleting images in index mode , While an index sc re en (page 37) is displa yed , press (Delete) . • Note that you cannot restore deleted images. , Select [Selec t] with b / B on the control bu tton, then pr es s z . , Select an image you want to delete with v / V / b / B on the control button, then pr ess z .
42 , Press (Delete) and select [OK] with B on the control button , then press z . The messa ge “Acce ss” appe ars, an d the images wi th the indica tor hav e been delete d. To cancel del eting Select [ Exit] wi th b on the control but ton , then pr ess z .
43 Delet in g s til l image s , Set the mode dial to SET UP, and turn on the powe r. , Select (Memory Stick Tool) with v / V on the control but ton. Select [Format] wi th B , then press B . Select [OK] with v , then p ress z . To cancel th e formatting Select [Cance l] with V on the co ntro l butt on, th en pr es s z .
44 How to setup and operate your camera The usa ge of the menus and SET UP s creen items i s de scr i bed be low . • For a detailed description of the mode dial, see page 1 0. Changing the menu settings a Set the mo de dial to , P , M, SCN, or . b Press ME NU .
45 Before adva nced operations Changing the items in the.
46 Creating or selecting a folder You r ca mer a ca n crea te mult ip le fo l d er s withi n a “M emo r y S t i ck.” You can se le ct the f older u sed to s tore imag es. When n ot creat ing a new f older, “101MSDCF” fold er is se lect ed as th e recordi ng folder.
47 Advanc ed stil l imag e shooting Choosing an auto focus metho d You ca n set the A F ran ge fi nder frame a nd the AF mode. AF range fin der frame This selects the focus position according to the su bject po sition and size. AF mode This sets the fo cus op eratio n sta rt and stop timing .
48 • When you use the digital zoom or AF illumina tor , priority AF movement is given to subjects in or near the center of the f rame. In this case the or indicator f lashes and the AF ran ge f inder frame is not di splayed. • The AF range finder fra me selec tion is limite d according to the Scen e Selection mode (page 35).
49 Advanc ed stil l imag e shooting Shooting techniques When shooting with the subject at the edge of the frame, or when using Center AF , the camera may focus on the c enter instead of on the subject at the edge of the frame. I n a case like t his, use AF lock to focus on the s ubject, and then recompos e the picture and s hoot.
50 c Select 9 (Focus) with b / B , then sel ec t the distan ce t o the subject with v / V . Y ou can s elect f rom th e fol lo wing dist ance settin gs. 0.5m, 1. 0m, 3.0m, 7.0m, (unlimite d dist ance ) To return to auto focus mode In step 3 , select [ Multi AF] o r [Cent er AF].
51 Advanc ed stil l imag e shooting d Select an aperture v alue with b / B . T wo different ap ert ure values ca n be selected, dep ending on the z oom position. When the zo om is set a ll the way to the W side : F2 .8/ F5.6 When the zo om is set a ll the way to the T side : F 5.
52 Exposure In addition to the focus and othe r settings, it is als o im port ant to adjus t t he expo sure in order to take beautiful pict ures. Exposure i s the amoun t of ligh t that the CCD of the digi ta l stil l camera is ab le to receiv e. This va lue chang es acc ording to the co m binat io n of the a p er ture an d th e shutter speed .
53 Advanc ed stil l imag e shooting Adjusting th e exposure — EV ad just ment You can ma nually a djust th e exposu re determin ed by th e camer a. Use th is mode when the p roper e xposure c annot .
54 Displaying a histogram A histogram is a gra ph show ing the brigh t ne ss o f a n ima ge . Th e hor iz ont al axis shows the bri ght ne ss, an d the vertical axi s shows the numbe r of pixels. The gra ph disp lay in dicate s a b right image w hen skewed to the righ t side, a da rk image when skewed to th e le ft side .
55 Advanc ed stil l imag e shooting Shooti ng t echnique s When shooting images, the camera automatically sets t he exposure. When shooting a whitish overall image such as a backlit subj ect or a sno wy scene, th e camera may judge that the subject is bright and set a darker exposure for the image.
56 a Set the mo de dial to P , M, SCN or . b Press M E NU . The men u appe ars. c Select (Metering Mode) with b / B , then select the des ired metering mode with v / V . d When s elec tin g [S pot] in st ep 3 , position the spot me tering cross hair on one point of the subject you want to shoot.
57 Advanc ed stil l imag e shooting (Flash) Adjust s th e white bala nce on ly to the fl ash con ditio ns a Set the mode d ial to P , M, SCN or . b Press M E NU . The me nu appe ars. c Select [WB] (White Ba l) with b / B , th en se lect the desi red setting with v / V .
58 c Select [ ] (Flash Level) wit h b / B , then select the des ired setting with v / V . +: Makes the fl ash l e vel higher tha n normal . Normal: Normal sett ing. –: Makes t he flas h lev el l ower than normal . Shooting continuous ly This m ode is us ed for cont inuous sho oting.
59 Advanc ed stil l imag e shooting The maximum number of images shot contin uously (DS C-P100/P120) (Un it s: ima ges) To return to norma l mode Select [ Normal] in step 3 . • The flash i s set t o (No flash). • When recording with the self-timer , a series of maximum five images are recor de d eac h time you press the shutter button.
60 Shooting with specia l effects — Picture Effect You can di gitally proce ss ima ge s to ob ta in special effe cts. a Set the mode d ial to P , M, SCN or . b Press ME NU . The menu app ear s. c Select [P FX] (P . Eff ect) with b / B , then sel ect the d es ired mode with v / V .
61 Advanced still image viewing Selecting the f older and playing back images — Folder Select t he fold er that images y ou want t o play bac k are stor ed . a Set the mode dial to . b Press M E NU . The me nu appe ars. c Select (Folder) wi th b , t hen press z .
62 Enlarging a portion of a still image You ca n en large a pa rt of an im a ge up to five times th e origin al si ze. You ca n als o record the mag nified image a s a new file . Enlarging an image — Playback z oom a Set the mod e dial to . b Display t he imag e to b e enlarged with b / B .
63 Advanced still image viewing Recording an enlarged image — Trimming (D SC-P100/P120 only) a Press MENU after pla ybac k zoom. The me nu appe ars. b Select [T rimming] wit h B , then press z . c Selec t the imag e size w ith v / V , then pr ess z .
64 Rotating still i mages — Rotate You can ro tate a n image reco rded in portra it orie ntat io n and dis pla y it in land sca pe orient ation. a Set the mode dial to , and dis play the imag e to rota te . b Press ME NU . The menu app ear s. c Select (Rotate) wi th b / B , then p ress z .
65 Advanced still image viewing Playing back continuously a Set the mode dial to . b Select the Multi Bur st image wit h b / B . Th e s el ected M ulti Bu rst im a ge is played ba ck continuou sly . To pause pla yback Press z . To re sume play back, press z again.
66 Protecti ng images — Protect This functi on pr ote c ts ima ge s aga inst accide ntal eras ure. • Note that f ormatting the “Memory S tick” erases all the data in the “Memory Stick” even if images are pr otected, and these i mages cannot be recovered.
67 Still image edit ing h Select [OK] with B , then press z . The - indi cato r tur ns wh it e. Th e select ed images are pr otect ed. To exit the Prote ct function Select [Cancel] in s tep 4 or se lect [ Exit] in step 8 , then pr es s z .
68 Choosing images to print — Print (DPOF) mark You can mark still image s shot with your camera that you want to ha ve pri nte d. Th is functi on is c onv enient wh en you have images pri nt ed a t a sho p or usi ng a printer tha t con forms w ith th e DPO F (D igital Prin t Order Format) standard or a PictB ridge compli an t pr i nter.
69 Still image edit ing g Press M E NU . h Select [OK] with B , then press z . Th e mark turns wh ite. Th e mar k s e tting is comp lete d . To unma rk marks Select the i mages to be unmarked with v / V / b / B in step 5 , then pr es s z . To unmark all the marks in the folder Select [Al l In This Fo lder] in step 4 , the n press z .
70 Connecti ng to a PictBridge compliant printer Even if you do no t have a comp uter, you can eas ily print images sho t u s in g yo ur camera by co nnecti ng t he came ra to a Pict Br idge c ompl ia nt print er.
71 Still image printin g (Pict Bridge printe r) When [USB Connect] is not set to [PictBridge] in th e SET UP settings Even if you turn on the camera, you cann ot use th e Pict Bridge fun ction. Di sconnec t the cable f or mult i-use terminal (USB) a nd set [USB Co nne ct] to [PictB ridge] (pag e 70).
72 e Select [Quantity] wit h v / V , selec t th e num ber of sheet s with b / B . Y ou ca n sel ec t the nu mber up to 20 . f Select [OK] with V / B , then press z . The im age i s printe d. Do n ot d isco nnec t the cabl e for mult i- use te rmin al (US B ) whil e th e (Not disco nnect USB m ul ti ca ble ) indicat or appe ars on the LCD sc reen.
73 Still image printin g (Pict Bridge printe r) g Press M E NU . The pr int s etting screen appe ars. • Setting items that the printer does not support cannot be displayed. h Select [Quantity] wit h v / V , sele ct th e n umber of she ets wit h b / B .
74 In single-image mode a Display t he image y ou want to print with b / B . • For DSC-P150 users, steps 1 , 2 and 3 are unnecessary . Skip to step 4 . b Press M E NU . The men u appe ars. c Select (Print) wit h b / B , the n press z . d Select [T hi s imag e] with v / V , then p res s z .
75 Still image printin g (Pict Bridge printe r) In index mode a Press (Index) to displa y the index scre en. • On DSC-P150, the print screen appears when you connect a p rinter to the camera. Select [Cancel] with V and t hen pr ess (Index) to d isplay the index screen.
76 Shooting movies You can shoo t movies with sou nd using your cam e ra. a Set the mo de dial to . b Press (I mage Size). The Ima ge Si ze set up appe ars. c Select th e des ired size w ith v / V . Y ou can choose fr om [640(Fin e)], [640(Sta nda rd )] and [160].
77 Enjoying mo vie s Viewing movies on the LCD screen You ca n vi ew mov ie s on the LC D sc re en with so und from the spea ker. a Set the mode dial to . b Select th e des ired moving image with b / B . Movie s with the im age size [640(Fin e)] or [ 640(Standard)] are disp laye d on the f ull scre en.
78 Deleting movies You ca n de le te unw a nt ed movies . • Y ou cannot delete protected movies. • Note that you cannot restor e deleted movies. In single-image mode a Set the mod e dial to . b Displ a y the mo vi e y ou w an t to delete with b / B .
79 Enjoying mo vie s g Select [OK] with B , then press z . The mes sage “A ccess ” appe ars, and the movie ha s bee n de le te d. To cancel d eletion Select [Exit] in step 3 or 7 . To delete all ima ges in the fol der Select [Al l In This Fo lder] in step 3 , the n press z .
80 a Set the mo de dial to . b Select th e m ovie you want to cut using b / B . c Press M E NU . The men u appe ars. d Select (Divide) with B , then press z . Next, sele ct [ OK] with v , then pres s z . The pl ayback of the mo vie st arts. e Decide on a cutting p oint.
81 Enjoying images on you r computer Copying images to your computer — For Wi nd ow s users Recommende d compute r environm ent OS: Microsoft Windows 98, Win dows 98SE, Window s 2000 Professiona l, Windo ws Mil lennium Ed ition, W indows XP Home Ed ition , or W indo ws X P Professional The above OS must be inst al led at the facto ry.
82 Installing the USB driver When using W in dows XP, you nee d not.
83 Enjoying images on you r computer.
84 P Disconnec ting the cable for multi-use term inal (USB), removing the “Memory Stic k,” or turning off the c amera during a USB connection For Windows 2000, Me, or XP users 1 Double-cl ick on the tasktray. 2 Click (Sony D SC), the n c lick [Stop ].
85 Enjoying images on you r computer When a rem ovab le di sk icon is not shown 1 Right-cli c k [My Co mputer] to displa y the men u, th en clic k [Prop erties ]. The “S ystem P ropert ies” s creen a ppear s. 2 Displ ay [ Device M ana ger]. 1 Clic k [Har dwar e].
86 Viewing the images on your computer a Click [Start], then clic k [My Docume nts]. The “My D ocum ents” fo lder conten ts are dis p laye d. • This section des cribes the procedure for viewing copied images in the “My Documents” fold er . • When not us ing Windo ws XP, d ouble-click [My Documents ] on the desktop.
87 Enjoying images on you r computer • ssss stands for any numbe r w it hi n th e range from 000 1 to 9999. • The num e rical portions of a mov ie fil e reco rded in movie mo de and its correspond ing index imag e file are the same. Folder File name File meanin g 101MSDCF to 999MSDCF DSC0 ssss .
88 Viewing image files once copied to a computer with your camera When an image f ile co pied t o a compu ter no longer remains in a “Me mory Stick, ” you can vie w tha t image agai n on your cam er a by copy ing the image file i n th e compute r to a “Memory S ti ck.
89 Enjoying images on you r computer • When automat ically cr eating sl ide shows (page 92 ), a Pentiu m III 500 MHz or fast e r CPU i s re qui red . • This software i s compatible with DirectX technolo gy. “Dir ectX” mu st be inst alled for u se.
90 e Click [ Next] . f Click [I nstall] o n th e “Re ad y to Insta ll th e Progra m” scree n. The in stallati on start s. If the “W elcome to set up f or Di r ect X ” screen ap p ear s after you instal l th e applic ation soft ware, follo w the instructions.
91 Enjoying images on you r computer Using “Picture Package” Start u p the [ P ic ture Pa ckage Menu] o n the desktop t o use the v arious func tions. • The initial screen may differ dependin g on your computer . Y ou can change the menu display order to suit your taste by clicking [Settin gs] at the lower -right corner of the screen.
92 Creating a slide show Click [A utomat ic Slidesh ow Produc er] on the le ft si de of the scr een, t hen cl ick [Autom atic Slideshow Prod ucer] in the lower-right corner of th e scre e n.
93 Enjoying images on you r computer a Connect in g your camera to your computer For deta ils, see pa ge 83. Disconnecting the c able for multi- use terminal (USB), removing the “Memor y St ic k,”.
94 Required c omputer e nvironme nt OS: Mac O S X (v10. 1.5 or la ter) The abov e OS mus t be instal le d at the factory. CPU: iMac, eM ac , iBook, PowerBo ok, Power Mac G3/ G4 seri es Memory: 128 MB or more (256 MB or more is re co mmende d.
95 Troubl eshooting Troubleshoo ting If yo u experien ce trou ble with your ca mera, try the followin g soluti ons. 1 First check t he it ems on th e table s belo w. If code displays “C: ss : ss ” appear on the s creen, the self- diag nosis di spla y func tion is working (page 107).
96 Shooting st ill images/ movies The battery remaining indicat or is incor rect, o r sufficient battery rema ini n g in di ca tor i s displayed but the pow er runs out soon. • You have used the camera in an ext remely hot or an extremel y co l d loca tion .
97 Troubl eshooting The LCD screen turns blue and the subject does no t a p pe ar when recordin g movies. • The image size is set to [6 40(F ine) ] while an cable f o r mult i-use te r min al (A/ V ) is conn ected to the multi connect or. p Disconne ct the cable for mult i-us e te rmin al (A/V).
98 Vertica l streaks app ear whe n yo u ar e sh o otin g a very bright subj ect. • The sme ar phe nom enon is occurring. p This phen omenon i s not a m alfuncti on.
99 Troubl eshooting Viewing ima ges The close-ups (Macro) function does not wor k. • (Twil igh t mode) , (Landscape mod e), (Fireworks mode ) or (Ca ndle mode) is selecte d for th e Scen e Sel ec tion funct ion when shooting still i mages.
100 Deleting/Editing Images The image does not appear on the TV scr een. • Th e video o utput sign al settin g of your camera in the SET U P set tings is incor rect. • The conne c ti on is not corr ect . p Change the setti ng (pages 45 and 114). p Check t he connec tion (pag e 38).
101 Troubl eshooting Computers Symptom Cause Solu tion You do not know if the OS of your com puter is compatib le. — p Check “Rec omm e nde d computer enviro nme nt ” (pages 81 and 92). You cannot install the USB driver. — p In Windows 20 00, log on as Admi nistrator (auth orized Administrato rs) (page 81).
102 “Memor y Stick” After making a USB connection, “P icture Package” d oes not automati cally s tart. — — p Start u p the “Pi ctur e Pack ag e Menu ” and ch eck [ Setti n g s]. p Make a USB connec tion when the computer is turne d on (page 83).
103 Troubl eshooting PictBridge comp liant printer Symptom Cause Solu tion The connection cannot be establi shed. • The p rinter is no t complia nt with the PictB ridge. • The pri nter is not set for th e connectio n with the camera. • [US B Connect] is not set to [Pic t Bridge] in th e SET UP settings.
104 Others You cannot print with the current pa per size setti ng of th e printer (DSC-P1 50 only). • The paper size set ting of the camera diffe rs from that o f the print er. • The prin ter paper was change d to pa pe r of a different si ze after the cam era was connec te d to the prin t er.
105 Troubl eshooting Warnings and messages The fo llowin g messa ges ma y app ear on the sc reen. Message Mea ning/Correct ive Ac tion No M emory Stick • Insert a “Mem or y St ic k” (page 18) . System er ror • Turn th e power off and on again (page 15).
106 Cannot divide • The movie is not lo ng en ough to be divided. • The file is not a movi e . Inva lid o per atio n • You are playin g back a file that was create d on equ ipment ot her than this camera. • The batte ry level is low or zero. Charge the batt ery pack (page 11).
107 Troubl eshooting Self-diagnosis dis play – If a co de st arti ng w it h an a lpha bet letter app ears Your came ra has a self-diagnosi s disp lay. This fun ction di splays the camera co ndition on th e LCD s cr ee n wit h a co mbinat io n of a letter and fo ur numeri cal di gits.
108 Number of im ages that can be s aved or shooting time The n umber of i mages that can be sav ed and the shootin g time differ , depe ndi ng on the capa ci ty of t he “Mem or y Sti ck,” th e i mage size, and the image q ualit y. Ref er to the follo wing char ts wh en you choose a “Memory St ick.
109 Ad di ti ona l i n for m a ti on Menu items Menu it em s that c an b e modi fied differ depend in g on the position of the m ode dial or the se tting.
110 1) This does not appear when mode dial is set to P or M. 2) This does not appear when mode dial is set to M. 3) This does not appear when ( T wilight mode), ( T wilight portrait mo de), (Firewor ks mode) or (Candle mode) is selected in SCN. 4) This does not appear when ( T wilight mode), (Fire w orks mode) or (Candle mode) is selected in SCN.
111 Ad di ti ona l i n for m a ti on When the mod e dial is se t to Item Sett ing Descrip tion (EV) +2.0E V / +1 . 7E V / +1. 3E V /+1. 0EV / +0. 7EV / +0 .3E V / x 0EV / –0.3EV / –0.7EV / –1.0EV / –1. 3EV / –1. 7EV / –2. 0EV Adjust s the exp osur e (p age 53) .
112 When the m ode di al is set t o Item Set ting Descrip tion (Folder) OK / Cancel Selects the fold e r cont ainin g the image you want to pl ay bac k (p ag e 61). (Protect) — Protec ts a nd unpr ot ec ts images against ac cid e nta l e r as ur e (pa g e 66).
113 Ad di ti ona l i n for m a ti on SET UP items Set the mo de di al to SET U P. Th e SET UP screen ap p ears. Factor y set tings are in di ca te d w it h x . (Camera 1 ) (DSC-P150)/ (Camera) (DSC-P100/P120) (Camera 2 ) (DSC-P150 on ly) Item Se tting Description AF Mode x Single / Moni tor Sele cts the focu s ope rat ion mode (page 48) .
114 (Mem ory S tick Tool) (Setup 1) (Setup 2) Item Se tting Description Format OK / Cancel F ormats t he “Memor y Stick. ” Note th at format ting irrev ocably era ses al l data o n a “Memo ry Stick,” in cl udin g even protecte d im ages (page 42).
115 Ad di ti ona l i n for m a ti on Precautions Do not leave t he came ra in the following pl aces • I n ext re mely hot plac e, such as in a car par ked in t he sun. Th e cam era body may become def or me d or this may caus e a malfunc tion. • U nde r direct sunli ght or nea r a heater.
116 On internal rechargea ble button battery This cam er a ha s an inte rn a l rechar geabl e button ba tt ery for mai nt ainin g th e da te and time an d other se ttings regardle ss of whet he r the pow e r is on or off. This rechar g eable butt on batt er y is continua lly charged as lo ng as you are using the came ra.
117 Ad di ti ona l i n for m a ti on • Do not remove the “Memory Stick” while reading or writing data. • Data may be corrup ted in the following cases: – When t he “Memory Stick” is remo.
118 Effective use of the battery pack • Battery perform ance dec reases in low- temper ature surr oundin gs. So, th e time tha t the ba ttery pack c an be used is shor t er i n cold place s.
119 Ad di ti ona l i n for m a ti on Flash Recommended distance (ISO set to Auto): 0.2 m to 3.5 m (7 7/8 inches to 11 feet 5 3/4 inches) (W) 0.3 m to 2.5 m (11 7/8 inch es to 8 feet 2 3/8 inches) (T) [Input and Output conn ectors] Multi c onnect or USB communication Hi-Speed US B (USB 2 .
120 The LCD scre en When shootin g still im ages A Recordi ng mode indica t or (58, 59) /I mage s ize i ndicato r (19) B Self-t imer in dicator (27) C AE/A F lock in dica t o r (23, 49) D Battery rema.
121 Ad di ti ona l i n for m a ti on When shooting movies A Recor di ng mode ind ic a t or (76) B Battery rem a ini ng indicat or (12) C White balan ce indicat or (5 6) D Low ba ttery w arning i ndica.
122 When playin g back still images A Image size indicator (19) B Recording mod e indicator (58, 59) C Change f older indicator (61) D Protect indicator (66) / Print (DPOF) mark indicato r ( 68) E Zoo.
123 Ad di ti ona l i n for m a ti on When playing back movi ng image s A Image size indicator (77) B Recor di ng mode ind ic a t or (77) C Pla ybac k in dicator (77) D V olume i ndicat or (77) E Chang.
124 Index Index A A C Ada ptor .... ..... ....... .... ....... ....... .... ....... ... 11 , 14 Access lam p ...... .... ....... ....... .... ....... ....... ....... .... 18 AE ..... ...... ..... ....... ....... .... ....... ..... ...... ....... .....
125 Inde x M Manual E xposure ... .... ....... ....... .... ....... ....... .... ...50 Memory St i c k . .... ... ...... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. .... ... .42, 116 Menu se ttings ..... ..... ....... .... ....... ....... .... ....44, 109 Metering mod e .
2149853110 Printed on 10 0% recycled paper using VOC (Vol at ile Organi c Compound)-f ree vegeta ble oil based ink. Addition al inform ation on th is prod uct and an swers to fre quently asked questions ca n be found at our Cu stomer S upport Web site.
デバイスSony DSC-P120の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony DSC-P120をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony DSC-P120の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony DSC-P120の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony DSC-P120で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony DSC-P120を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony DSC-P120の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony DSC-P120に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony DSC-P120デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。