ページ先へ移動 of 92
3-068-186- 12 (1) Digital Still Camera Oper ating Instructions Bef or e op erating t h e unit, ple as e re ad this ma nual thor oughly , and retai n it fo r futur e refe re nce. Owner’ s Record The model and se rial numbe rs are lo cated on t he bottom.
2 T o prev e nt fi r e o r sh oc k ha z ar d, do not e xpose t he unit to ra in or moisture. If you hav e any questions abou t this pr oduct, you may c al l: Sony Customer Information Services Center 1-800-222-SONY (7669) The n umber below is fo r the F CC rela ted matter s only.
3 Note: This equi pment has bee n tested and foun d to comply with the lim it s for a Class B digi tal device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FC C Rules . Thes e li mits are d es ig n ed to pro v id e reasonable pr ote c ti on against harmful inter ference i n a residentia l instal lation.
5 When the camera is used f or long periods Note that the cam era body may becom e hot ..
6 Intr oduction Check s the image after recording images Recording st ill images: page 19 Playing back still ima ges: page 28 Deleting images (DELETE): page 62 Captures images w ith your computer Y ou.
7 T able of cont ents Identifyin g the p arts ............ ........ .......... 8 Preparing the powe r supply ........ ........ 10 Setting t he date and time ........ ........... .. 15 Inserting t he “Memory St ick” ........... .. 17 B Recording Recording sti ll images .
8 Getting started Identifying the par ts See th e pa ges in par en theses fo r detai ls of op e ration. A PO WER button/lamp (15) Pres s and h o ld down this but to n for ap pr ox imatel y one seco nd to turn on th e camera.
Getting started 9 A Finder Self-timer/recording lamp (red) AE/A F lock la m p (gree n ) /CHG (flash charge/batter y charge) lamp (orang e) (24) B MENU button ( 40) C DC IN jack co ver (12) (14) D DC I.
10 Pr eparing the power supply Installing the supplied batteries or an optional batter y pack Y our c amera operat es only wi th the fo llo wing batte ries.
Getting started 11 Open the ba ttery co ve r with th e battery cov er sid e facin g upw ard and remo ve the batteries. Be careful not to dr op the batt eries when re moving them. Powe r save m ode When op eratin g the camer a with bat t er ie s, set POWER SA VE in the SE T U P sc reen to ON to e xtend th e battery li fe.
12 Y ou cannot char g e the battery pack while you r camera is turned on . Be sure to turn off your cam e ra. After char ging the batter y pack Dis co nnect t he AC power adapt o r from the D C IN jac k on your ca m er a.
Getting started 13 Stil l im age recordin g* Still image pla yback*** Appr ox imate ba ttery life and numb er of images tha t can be re co rded /p la ye d back 640×4 80 im age siz e, stan dard p icture quality , no f lash, a nd in N ORMA L reco rding mode .
14 Approximate ti me to char ge a completely disc har ged batter y pack using the A C-L S1A AC power adap tor (not su pplied ) a t a temper ature of 25 °C (77° F) . Using a car batter y Use Son y DC adap tor/char ge r (n ot supplied). Using y our camera abroad For de tails, s ee page 74.
Getting started 15 Setting the date and time When you f irst use your camera , set th e date and time. If these are n ot set, the CLOCK SE T scre en appears wh en ev e r you turn on your cam er a. 1 Set the mode dial to , , or 2 Press and ho ld down the PO WER b utton f or appro xi m a tely one second to tu rn on the power .
16 T o cance l the date and time setting Select [CANCEL] with v / V / b / B on the control bu tton, then p ress the center z . Not e If the rechargeable button ba ttery is ever fully discha rged (page 72), the CLOCK SET screen will appear agai n . Whe n thi s happen s, reset the da te and time b y star ti ng from step 3 ab ove.
Getting started 17 Inser ting the “Memor y Stick” Open the “Memor y Stick” cover , then pre ss the “Mem or y Stick” on ce lightl y . Notes • Inser t the “Memory Stick” firmly un til i t clic ks, oth erwis e a mes sage s uch as “ MEMOR Y STICK ERROR” will be displayed.
18 Basic ope rations B Recording Basic operations How to use the mode dial The mode d ial s witches the f unction which is us ed for record ing, p layback, or editing.
B B B B Recor ding 19 Recor ding still images Still ima ges are rec orded in J PEG format. Before recor ding stil l images, p ress the PO W ER button to turn o n the po wer and inse rt a “Me mory Stick. ” 1 Set the mode dial to or . 2 Press and hold the sh utter button halfway down.
20 ∗ If the flashing AE/AF l ock ind icator c hanges to flashing slowly , the sub ject ma y be difficult t o focus on (dark, poor co ntr a st) or the subje c t ma y be extrem ely cl ose . Re le as e th e shu tter but ton, the n focus aga in. The number of images you can record on a “Memory Stick” See pa ge s 46 and 48 t o 52 .
B B B B Recor ding 21 Y ou can exten d the bat tery time b y turning of f the LCD screen a nd recordin g using the find e r . Each time you press DISPLA Y/LC D ON/OFF, the statu s of the LCD scre en chan ges as fol lo ws: See page 85 for a detailed des cription of the indic at ed items.
22 Wh en recordi n g with the LCD scre en, ali gn the AF fr am e in th e ce nter of the screen with the su bject. Y ou can check the last r ecorded image b y cl earing the menu from th e sc reen (page 40) a nd pres sing b ( 7 ) on the cont r ol butt on.
B B B B Recor ding 23 Digital zoom funct ion This came ra h as a digit al zoom funct ion . Digital zoom e nlar ges the image b y digital processi ng and it st a rts to functi on when zoo m exceeds 3 × . Using di gital zoom • The maximum zoom m agni f ication is 6 × .
24 The facto ry settin g is au to (no in dicator). In thi s mode, the f la sh automaticall y stro bes whe n t he surro unding s is dark . T o ch an ge the fl as h mode, cl ear the m enu (page 40), then press th e control button v ( ) repeat ed ly so tha t the flas h mode indi ca tor appe ar s on the LCD s creen.
B B B B Recor ding 25 The AF illuminato r is f ill light to f ocus on a subjec t easi ly . Set [AF ILLUMIN A TOR] (page 6 9) to [ON] in th e setup s ettings, appears on the LCD screen and the AF illuminato r emits li ght when t he shutter button is pre ssed halfw a y .
26 Recor ding moving images Moving images ar e record ed in MP E G form a t (page 38) . T o record moving ima ges, press th e P O WER button t o turn o n the po w er and in se rt a “Memor y Sti ck.” 1 Set the mode dial to SET UP. 2 Select [ ] (CAMERA) with v / V on t h e control b utton, then pr ess B .
B B B B Recor ding 27 When you use the se lf-timer function, the subj ect is r ecorded about 10 s econds aft er you p re ss the shut te r butt on. Clear the me nu (page 40), then press th e control b utton V ( ) .
28 B Playba ck Playing back still images Not es • Y ou mig ht not b e able t o cor rect ly play b a ck im ag e s reco rded w ith thi s cam er a on othe r equipmen t. • Y ou ca nnot play back on this cam era imag es larger th an the m aximum im age siz e that c an be recorded with th is cam era.
B B B B Pl ayb ack 29 Playing back moving images T o p ause playb ack Press the center z on the contro l button t o st o p the pla yba ck. T o advan ce or rewind the moving image Press the control bu tton b / B during play ba ck. T o return to the no rmal p layb ack, press the cent er z on the con trol b utton.
30 V iewing images using a personal computer Y ou can vie w data r eco rded w ith y our camer a on a pe rsona l computer , modify and attach it to e-mail u sing applic ation softw a re. This section d escribes the method f or vie wing im ages on a pers onal computer using the supplie d USB cabl e.
B B B B Pl ayb ack 31 Recomm ended Window s environment OS: Microsoft Windows 98, Windo w s 98SE, Windo ws 2000 Professi ona l, Windows Mill enniu m Ed ition The abo ve OS is required to be inst al led at th e fac t ory . Operation is no t assur e d in an environment upgrad e d to the ope rat ing sy stems describ ed ab ove.
32 Before connec ting your camera to y our pers onal computer , install the USB dri ver to the computer . The USB dri ver is included with the a pplication softwa re in the CD- R OM which is suppli ed with your camera.
B B B B Pl ayb ack 33 For Macinto sh users • When us ing MacOS 9.1 It is n ot nece ssary to instal l the US B driver . The M acinto sh reco gnizes t he cam era as a dr i ve simply b y connect ing it t o t he Maci nto sh wit h the USB cab le. • When using MacOS8.
34 When viewing m oving im ages on a Windows syst em, Rea lPlayer, W i ndows Medi a Player or othe r movi ng image playback applicatio ns must be inst alled. When vie wing moving images on a Macintosh sy st em, QuickT ime3.0 or later must be installed.
B B B B Pl ayb ack 35 Follo w the proced ure 1 – 4 on pa ge 34. “Memor y Stick” • Operation is not gua r ant e ed if you are usi ng a “Mem or y St ic k” tha t was form a tte d wit h a personal comp uter, or if you used a person al computer to for ma t the “ Me mo ry Stick” in your camera throug h a USB connection.
36 For Window s Me and Windows 2000 users The following pr ocedur es are re commen ded w hen dis connect ing the USB c able fro m you r pe rs onal co mputer or ej ec ting the “M emor y St i ck ” from t he camera w hi le it is con ne cted to your persona l computer.
B B B B Pl ayb ack 37 Image file storage destinations and image files Imag e files r ecorded with your ca mera ar e gr ou ped in fo lders by rec or di ng mode . The meanings of the f ile names are a s follo ws. ssss stands for an y number within t he range from 000 1 to 9999.
38 The numerical portio ns of th e following file s are the same . – A sm al l- siz e ima ge file reco rd ed in E-M A I L mode an d its c or r es pond ing image file – An uncom pressed im ag e fil.
39 Bef ore perf orming adv anced op erations Advan c ed op erati ons Befor e perf or ming advanced operations This sectio n descri b es the basic c ontrol methods that are fr equently us ed for “ Adv ance d op eratio ns .” How to use the mode dial The m ode di al switch es t he functi on wh ich i s used for recordin g, pl ayba ck, or editi n g.
40 Y ou can perf orm t his oper atio n ev en when th e LCD s creen is off. T urning on/off the operation b uttons (menu) o n the LCD screen Sett ing up th e item s in th e setu p or menu 1 Set the mo de dial to SET UP so that the setup s creen appe ars, or press MENU so that the menu ap pears.
Bef ore perf orming adv anced op erations 41 Menu i t em s that can be m od ified differ dependin g on the pos i tion s of the mod e dial. The LC D screen s hows on ly the item s yo u can op er at e a t the mom en t. Factory set tin gs are in dica ted w ith x .
42 When the mode dial is set to (MOVING IMAGE is set to MPE G M OVIE in th e se tup s ettin gs.) MODE (REC MODE) TIFF Reco rd s a TIF F (u ncompr es sed) file in a ddi t ion to the JPEG file (pa ge 50). TEXT Reco rd s a GIF file in bl ack -and-w hite (pa ge 49) .
Bef ore perf orming adv anced op erations 43 When the mode di al is set to (MOVI NG IMAGE is set to CLI P MOTION in the setup settings.) (IMAGE SIZE) 320×2 40 x 160×1 12 Selects th e M PEG imag e s ize when r eco rding mo ving image s (p age 45). PFX (P .
44 When the mode dial is set to ∗ Only in sin g le- image mode . ( SHARPNESS ) +2 +1 x 0 –1 –2 Adj us ts the shar pness of the image . The in di ca tor appe ars (excep t w h en the setting is 0). Item Setting Description DELETE OK Deletes the displayed imag e (page 62).
Bef ore perf orming adv anced op erations 45 Setting the image si ze (IMAGE SIZE) 1 Set the mode dial to , or . 2 Pres s MENU. The men u appe ars. 3 Select the de si re d image siz e fr om [ ] (IMA GE SIZ E) a nd pr ess v / V .
46 The number of images* or the time** that yo u can record on a “ Memory Stic k ” (4 MB) Still ima g es: Moving images: ∗ When MODE (REC MODE) is s et to NORMAL. ∗∗ The maximum recording time in c onti nuous recording ∗∗∗ When re cording 10 fra mes per Clip M otion file.
B B B B V arious record ing 47 B V ar ious recording Records i mages according to shooting conditions (TWILIGHT mode) Mode dia l: This came ra has a preset TWILIGHT mode.
48 Recording st ill images for e-mail (E-MAIL) Mode dia l: / In the E-MAIL mode , a smal l-si ze image which is suitab le for e- mail transmiss io n is al so record ed at the same time as recordin g a norma l stil l image. (The size of the normal still image is set using [ ] (IMA GE SIZE) in the menu settings (page 45).
B B B B V arious record ing 49 Recording text documents (TEXT) Mode dia l: The TEXT mode is suitable f o r record ing a docu ment to emp hasi ze it s charac ter by the blac k and whit e color s. The LCD scr een also turns to blac k an d white, and the imag e is record ed i n the GIF f ormat.
50 Recording sti ll images as uncompressed files (TIFF) Mode dia l: / Record s th e imag es wit hout compression, s o the image d oes not deter iorate. Im ages r ecorded in this mode are suitable for prin ting with a high- qu ality ima ge . The JPEG (com pr essed) fo rmat ima ge is als o record ed with t he TIFF format i m age.
B B B B V arious record ing 51 Creati ng Clip Motion Files Mode dia l: Clip Motion is an ani mation fun ction that play s back s till images in succes sion. Th e imag es a re st ored in GIF format , which is con ven ient fo r creating h ome pages or a ttaching images to an e-mail.
52 The number of Clip Motion frames that you can record on a “ Memory Stic k ” (4 MB) ∗ When recordi n g 10 frames per Clip Motion file Not es • Y ou cannot c hange the ima ge size partway through a Clip Motion recordi ng. • Reading an d wri tin g data take more time than norma l ima ge recording.
B B B B V arious record ing 53 Recording images in macro Mode dia l: / / The ma cro reco rding i s us ed when zoomi ng u p a l ittl e subj ect, su ch as flo wers, insects. 1 Set the mo de dial to , or . 2 Clear the menu, and pres s the contr o l b utton B () .
54 Tips Norm ally , the came ra au tomatic ally adjusts th e exposure. If the color o f th e image is too dark o r bright as illu strated below , we recomm end that you a djust the exposure manu ally.
B B B B V arious record ing 55 T o react ivate auto adjustment Sel ect [ A UT O] w it h v / V in step 3 . Tips The im age is suscep tible to l ightin g condition s. The im age looks blu e und er sunlight in the sum mer , and looks red under me rcury lam ps.
56 Recording t he date and time on the still image (DA TE/TIME) Mode dia l: / 1 Set the mo de dial to SET UP. The set up sc reen a ppears . 2 Select [ ] (CAMERA) with v / V , [D A T E/TIME ] with B / v / V , then press B . 3 Select the date and time setti n g with v / V , then pr ess z .
B B B B V arious record ing 57 Using the spot li ght- metering function Mode dia l: / / Use this fu nction wh en there is backlight or when there i s strong cont rast betwe en the subj ect and the backgr ound, etc. Position th e point you want to r ecord on t he spot li ght- mete r in g cross ha i r .
58 B V ar ious playba ck Playing back thr ee or nine images at once Mode dia l: Y ou can displ ay multiple images on the LCD screen at one time using the zoom b uttons.
B B B B V arious play bac k 59 Enlar ging a part o f the still image (Zoom and trimming) Mode dia l: 1 Set the mo de dial to . 2 Displ a y the im a g e t o be enla r ged. 3 Zoom in/out the ima ge with the zoom T/W buttons. 4 Press t he co ntrol b utton repeat ed ly to select the desir ed port ion of the imag e .
60 Playing back the still images in order (SLIDE) Mode dia l: This f unctio n is useful for chec king the record ed image s or for pr esentations , etc. 1 Set the mode dial to . 2 Pres s MENU. The men u appe ars. 3 Sele ct [SL IDE] w ith b / B , then pr ess z .
B B B B V arious play bac k 61 Rotating a still image (ROT A TE) Mode dia l: Y ou can rotate the image recorded i n portrait or ien ta tio n and display it in land sc ape orient ation. 1 Set the mo de dial to , and disp l a y the image to r otate. 2 Press M E NU .
62 B Ed itin g Deleting images (DELETE) Mode dia l: Y ou ca n delete unw anted f i les. 1 Set the mode dial to . 2 In si ngle-i mage mod e: Display t h e image you want to delete with b / B . In triple-ima g e mode: Press the zoom W butt on twice in the si ngle-image mode to tu rn to the tr ipl e-im age mo de.
B B B B Editing 63 T o c ancel deleting Select [CANCEL] with b / B in ste p 4 or [EXIT] with b / B in step 5 , the n pres s z . Note If there are f iles on the “Memory Stic k” with names having the same las t 4 digi ts a s the file name of the im age to be dele ted, these files are also dele ted at the sa me tim e.
64 1 Set the mode dial to , then display the index scre en with the zoom W button. 2 Pres s MENU. The men u appe ars. 3 Select [PR O TEC T] with b / B , then press z . 4 Select [ALL] or [SELEC T] with b / B , then press z . 5 When you select [ALL] Select [ON] with b / B , then pr ess z .
B B B B Editing 65 Changing the recor ded still image size (RESIZE) Mode dia l: Y ou can chang e the ima ge si ze of th e record ed i mage. 1 Set the m od e dia l to , th en disp l a y the image of whi ch you want to change t he siz e. 2 Press M E NU .
66 Selecting still images to print (PRINT) Mode dia l: Y ou can mark a prin t mark on still images recor ded with your camera. This mark is con venient when you have images pr in ted at a shop that conforms with the DPOF (Digit al Print Order F o rma t) standard .
B B B B Editing 67 T o unm ark selec ted prin t marks Select th e images t o be unmark ed in step 5 with the c ontrol b utton, then pres s z . T o u nmark all t he print marks Select [ALL] with b / B in step 4 , then pres s z . Se lect [OFF] with b / B , then pres s z .
68 Y ou canno t divide the fol lowi ng typ es of fil es: • Clip Motion f i les • Still i mage f iles • Moving i mage files t hat are too sh ort to divide The file num ber changes as follows wh en you divide a file. <eg . > If yo u di vide the MOV00003.
B B B B Editing 69 Changing the setup settings (SETUP) Set the mode d ia l t o SET UP. The s etu p sc re en a ppears. Y ou can set u p th e f ol lo wing items with the contro l bu tton. F actory settings a re indic ated with x . CAMERA SETUP 1 Item Setting Description MO VING IMAGE x MPEG MO VIE Recor ds th e MPE G mo vie (pag es 26, 51).
70 SETUP 2 Notes on [D A TE/TIME] • The date and time do not a ppe a r on the LCD sc ree n dur ing shooting. These appea r during playba ck. • The date and time are not superimpos ed onto moving imag e s an d Cl ip Mot ion images. Item Setting Description LCD BRIGHTNESS BRIGHT x NORMAL DA R K Selects the LCD brightness.
Additiona l inf ormatio n 71 Additional information Precauti ons Cleaning the LCD screen W i pe the s cree n surfa ce with a cleaning cloth (not sup plied) or a LCD cleanin g kit (not s upplied) to remove fingerprints, dust, etc.
72 • Use only the specified charger with th e charging functio n. • T o prev ent acci dent from a sho rt circu it, do not allow metal obje cts to come int o contact with the batt ery terminals.
Additiona l inf ormatio n 73 “Memor y St ic k” , , “MagicGa te Memory S tick” and are tradem arks of Sony Cor poration. “Magic Gate” a nd are trademarks of Sony Corporation.
74 Using your camera abroad P ower sour ces Y ou ca n use your camer a in any country or are a with the batte ry char ger (not suppl ied) w ithi n 100 V to 240 V A C , 50/60 Hz. Use a co mmercially available AC plug adap tor [a] , if neces sa ry , depend ing on the des i gn of the wall o utlet ( mains) [b] .
Additiona l inf ormatio n 75 T r oubleshooting If you e xperience trouble wit h your camera, f irst check th e follo wing items. Sho uld your camera still n ot operat e properly after yo u hav e made these chec ks, press th e reset b utton located on the b ottom.
76 The pict ure is out of fo cus. • Y our cam era is not i n m acro recor ding mode when you sh oot a sub ject that is ab ou t 3 to 25 cm (1 3/16 to 9 27/32 inc hes) fr om the len s. t Set the macro r ecording mo de (page 53). • The fo cu s preset is se lected .
Additiona l inf ormatio n 77 The battery life is short. • Y ou are re co rding/ pl a ying back image s un der ex tre mel y cold tempera tu re s. • The batter y pack is not charged enou gh . t Charge the battery pack fully . • Alkaline batteries or the b attery pack is dead.
78 Y our camer a cannot dele te an image. • The im age is protecte d. t Canc el th e protec tion (pa ge 63). The power tu rn s off sudd enly . • If you do not opera t e the camer a for abo ut thre e minutes whil e t he po wer is on, the came ra tu rn s of f automatical ly to pre vent wearing d own the batt ery (page 1 1).
Additiona l inf ormatio n 79 Y our person al comput er does not re co gnize your camer a. • The battery le vel is lo w . t Use t he A C power adapto r (not su pp lied) (page 1 4). • The cam era is turn ed off. t T urn on the ca mera. • The USB ca ble is not con nected firmly .
80 Reinsta ll the USB driver when using Window s 98, Windows 98SE, Wi ndows Me and Windows 2000 Professiona l Perform al l steps with out sk ipping. 1 T urn on your computer and a llo w Windows to load. 2 Connect the U SB jack on the ca mera and t he co mputer w ith th e supplied U SB cable .
Additiona l inf ormatio n 81 W ar ning and notice messages V arious m es sages appea r on the LCD scr ee n. Check the cor r esponding descript io ns in the follo wing list. Messag e Meaning NO MEMOR Y STI CK No “Me mory Sti ck” has be en inser ted.
82 The a m ou nt of light is not suff i c ient or the sh utter spee d is too slow . (Mou nt the camera on a tripod or o therwise s ecure the cam era in pl ac e.
Additiona l inf ormatio n 83 Self-diagnosis di splay Y our cam era has a self-dia gnosis di splay . T hi s function d isplays th e camera condition o n the LCD sc reen wit h a combi na tion of a le t ter and four dig its of number s. If this occur s, check the following code cha rt.
84 Specifications System Image device 6.64 mm (1/2.7 ty pe) color CCD Lens 3× zoom lens f = 6.4 – 19.2 mm (9/32 – 25/32 inches) (41 – 123 mm (1 5/8 – 4 7/8 inches) when con verted into a 35 m m still camera) F = 3.
Additiona l inf ormatio n 85 LCD screen indicators A Battery remain ing indicator B Flash mode /red eye redu ction/ white balan c e /AF il luminat or indicator C Date/time/ISO number indicator D Sharp.
86 A Battery remai ni ng indicator B White balance indicato r C Picture effect indicator D Recor ding mode in dicator E Image size indicator F Recording time [maxim u m record ab le time] indicator/ S.
Additiona l inf ormatio n 87 A Pr ot ect/pr int mark indicat or B Zoom scaling i ndicator C File n ame D Record ing mod e indicato r E Image size indicator F Image number G Number of stored images in .
88 Notes on Using Batteries When op eratin g the camer a with size AA alkaline batt eries, set PO WER SA VE in the SET UP scre en to ON. This incre ases the battery ef ficienc y and life when recording stil l imag es . Whe n P OWER SA VE is ON • The LC D scree n t urn s of f whi le the flas h i s ch arging (while th e / C H G lamp is fl ashing).
Additiona l inf ormatio n 89 Index A Adjusting the expos ure ... 53 AE/AF lock ......... ... ......... 19 Auto power-off function ... .......... ....... .. 11 Auto red-ey e reducti on......... ...... 24, 69 B Batte ry battery life .... ....... .......
Sony Corporation Printed in Japan 306818612.
デバイスSony DSC-P30/P50の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony DSC-P30/P50をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony DSC-P30/P50の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony DSC-P30/P50の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony DSC-P30/P50で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony DSC-P30/P50を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony DSC-P30/P50の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony DSC-P30/P50に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony DSC-P30/P50デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。