SonyメーカーDSC-T300 Cyber-shot®の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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© 2008 Sony Corporation 3-288-698- 11 (1) GB Digital Stil l Camera Cyber-shot Handbook DSC-T300 Before oper ating th e unit, pl ease read this Handboo k thoroughly together w ith the “Instruction Manual” a nd the “Cyber -shot Step-up Gui de” , and retai n them for futu re reference.
2 Notes on using the cam era Notes o n the type s of “Me mory St ick” that you c an use ( not supp lied) “Memory Stick Duo”: You can use a “Memor y Stick Duo” wi th the camera. “Memory S tick”: You cann ot use a “Memor y St ick” with th e camer a.
3 Tabl e of cont ents Notes on usi ng the camera .......... ...... .......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......2 Basic techniq ues for bett er images ....... ....... ......... .......... .......... .......... ...... 8 Focus – Foc usin g on a subj ect su ccess fully .
4 Table of conten ts Shooting menu .... .......... ......... .......... .......... ...... .......... .......... ......... .......... 52 Image Size : Selecti ng the image si ze Flash: Fl ash setting Fa.
5 Table of content s Viewing menu .............. .......... ....... ......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... . 6 5 (Date List): Select ing the pl aybac k date wh en usin g Date .
6 Table of conten ts Shooting Settin gs — Shooting Settings 1 ........ ......... ....... .......... ...... 8 9 Shooting Settin gs — Shooting Settings 2 ......... ......... .......... .......... ... 9 1 Clock Settings ......... ......... ..........
7 Table of content s Troubleshootin g........... ....... .......... ......... .......... .......... ......... .......... ....... .. 120 Warning in dicators and messa ges ........ .......... .......... ......... ....... .......... .. 132 Using the ca mera abroad — Power so urces.
8 Basi c techniq ues for b etter images When yo u press the shutter button halfway dow n, the came ra adjusts the foc us automa tically (Auto Focus). Remember to press the shut ter button only halfway down. When f ocusin g is di fficul t t [Focus] (page 46 ) If the imag e looks blurre d even aft er focusing , it may be be cause of ca mera shak e.
9 Basic t echniqu es for bet ter ima ges Hints for prev enting blur The came ra moved accid entall y when you too k the im age. Th is is called “Camer a shake .” On t he other hand, i f the subj ect move d whe n you t ook the image, it is c alled “su bject b lur.
10 Basi c tech niqu es for bet ter i mages You can cre ate vari ous ima ges by adjusting the e xposure a nd the ISO sen sitivit y. Expo sure is the amo unt of li ght tha t the came ra will receive when you r elease the shut ter.
11 Basic t echniqu es for bet ter ima ges Adjusting ISO Sensit ivity (Recommended Exposure Index) ISO sen sitiv ity is a speed rating for reco rding m edia tha t inco rporat es a n imag e sensor th at receives li ght. Even whe n the expo sure is the same, images diffe r depending on the ISO sens itiv ity.
12 Basi c tech niqu es for bet ter i mages A digita l image is ma de up of a colle ction of sm all dots ca lled pix els. If it contai ns a large num ber of pixe ls, the image be comes la rge, it takes up mo re memo ry, and the ima ge is displ ayed in fine de tail.
13 Basic t echniqu es for bet ter ima ges The def ault setti ngs are mar ked with . * 1) Images are recorded in 3:2 aspect ratio, sa me as photograph pr inting paper or postcards, etc. * 2) Image s fill the entire screen. B oth edges of the image m ay be cut off when print ing (page 1 29).
14 Basi c tech niqu es for bet ter i mages The eyes of the subjec t may co me out red , or fuzzy whi te circu lar spots may app ear whe n using the flash. These phen omen a can be red uced by taking the fol lowin g steps. The “R ed- eye ph enom enon” Pupils be come d ilated in dark env ironmen ts.
15 Ide ntify ing pa rts See the page s in parentheses for de tails of operati on. A Zoom (W/T ) lever (27) B Shutte r button (25) C Microp hone D (Playbac k) button (2 9) E POWER butt on/POWER lamp F .
16 Indicat ors on the screen Touch [DI SP] on the bo ttom right of the screen to change to the di splay sele ction screen (p age 21). See the pages in pare ntheses for de tails of oper atio n. When shooti ng still i mages • The indicators are limited in (Easy Shooting) mod e.
17 Indica tors on the sc reen C D Scene Re cognition (56) Red-eye re duction (60) Flash leve l (60) Flas h ch argi ng Recording mode (55) Face Det ection (53)/Sm ile Detection (54) Metering Mode ( 49).
18 Indic ator s on th e scre en When pl ayin g ba ck sti ll i mages When pl ayin g ba ck movi es A B Displ ay Indication Batter y rema ining Low battery warning (132) Image size (13) PictBridge c onne.
19 Indica tors on the sc reen C Displ ay Indication 125 Shutte r speed F3.5 Aperture value ISO400 ISO number (50) +2.0EV Exposure Value ( 51) Metering mode (49) Flas h White bala nce (58, 59) N Playba.
20 Oper ate the to uch pan el This LC D screen also displ ays the button s for operati ng the came ra (touch pane l). 1 Turn on the camera. During shooting: Slide the lens cover downward. During playback: Press (Playback). 2 Touch the but tons on the scre en light ly wi th your f inger.
21 Changi ng t he s creen disp lay Touch [DISP] on the screen to cha nge to the display selecti on screen. • Setting s other than [LCD Brightne ss] should be made separately for s hooting and pl ayback. • In index mode, you can set the number of images displayed (page 30).
22 Changi ng the screen di splay [Displ ay H istogr am] This s ets wh ether or not to displ ay the histo gram on the screen . A histogram is a graph showing the brightn ess of an imag e. The gra ph displa y indica tes a br igh t image when skewe d to the rig ht side, an d a dark image w hen skewed to the left side.
23 Using the in ternal memo ry The ca mera has a pproximat ely 15 MB of inte rnal memor y. This me mory is not remo vable. Even wh en ther e is no “Memory S tick Duo” in serted in the camera, you can reco rd image s usin g this inte rna l me mor y.
24 Basic O perations Shooti ng ima ges (Aut o Adjust ment mode) The proced ure for shoo ting image s using the basic functions is give n below. 1 Open the lens cover.
25 Bas ic Op erat ion s Shoo ting ima ges (A uto Adju stmen t mode) 3 Shoot w ith the shutter button . 1 Press and hol d the shutter but ton halfwa y down to focu s. The z (AE/AF lock) indicator (green) flashes, a beep sounds, the indicator stops flashing and remains li t.
26 Shoo ting im ages (A uto Adj ustme nt mode ) Shooting movi es Touch the shooting mo de setting butto n, then touch (Movie Mod e) (page 41) . If you shoot a still image of a subject that is difficult to focus on • The shortest shooting distance is approxim ately 8 cm (3 1/4 inches) (W) , 80 cm (31 1/2 inches) (T) (from the lens).
27 Bas ic Op erat ion s Shoo ting ima ges (A uto Adju stmen t mode) W/T Using the zoom Slid e the zoom (W /T) le ver to the T sid e to z oom and sl ide t o the W si de to retur n. • When the zoom s cale exceeds 5×, th e ca mera uses the Digit al Zoom funct ion.
28 Shoo ting im ages (A uto Adj ustme nt mode ) Flash ( Select ing a flash mode for st ill image s) Touch the flas h mode set ting butto n on the sc reen.
29 Bas ic Op erat ion s Viewin g images 1 Press (Playback) butto n. • If you press (Playback) when the camera is powered off, the camera is turned on and s et to playback mode. To switch to the shooting mode, press (Playback) again. 2 Touch (previous) / (nex t) to sel ect a n image.
30 Viewi ng imag es To vi ew an enla rged i mage (p layb ack zo om) Touch a sti ll imag e while it is displa yed to enlarg e the corre spondi ng area . v / V / b / B : Adjusts the position. : Change s the zo om sc ale. : Turns v / V / b / B on/off. BACK: Cancel s playba ck zoom.
31 Bas ic Op erat ion s Viewin g still ima ges as a slid eshow Images are a utomatic ally pla yed ba ck in succession along with e ffects a nd mu sic. 1 Touch (Slides how). 2 Touch [Start] t o start playback. • You cannot play back movies. • Setting s other than [Image] a nd [Filter by Faces] are sto red until the next time they ar e changed.
32 Viewi ng still im ages as a slidesho w To ch ange the setup Touch the item you want t o chang e on the setup scree n displayed in st ep 2. The foll owing it ems can be set. The defa ult set tings ar e marked wit h . Image This set ting is fixed t o [F older] if a “Memo ry Sti ck Duo” (not s upplied) i s not insert ed.
33 Bas ic Op erat ion s Viewin g still im ages as a slides how Effects Simple A simple s lideshow switchin g stil l images at a p reset in terval. The playbac k interval is adjustabl e. This effect a llows you to thoroughl y enjoy your ima ges. Basic A basic slideshow sui table for a wide range of scenes.
34 Viewi ng still im ages as a slidesho w z To add / chan ge Musi c files You can transfer a des ired music file from your CDs or MP3 fi les to the camera to play back during slideshow. You can transfer musi c using [ Music T ool] in (Slideshow) on the HOME screen and the “Music Transfer” software (supplied) installed on a computer.
35 Bas ic Op erat ion s Delet ing images 1 Press (Playback) butt on. 2 Display the image you want to delete, then touch (Delete). 3 Touch [OK] . When y ou d elete i mages from the i ndex scree n 1 Touch (Delete) while displ aying in index mode . 2 Touch the image you want to delete.
36 Lear ning the various f uncti ons – HOM E/Menu The HOME s creen i s the gateway screen for al l the fu nctio ns of t he camera, and ca n be ca lled up reg ardless o f the mode sett ing (shoo ting/viewi ng). 1 Touch [HOME] to display the HOME screen.
37 Bas ic Op erat ion s Learni ng the variou s func tions – HO ME/M enu Touching [HOM E] d isplays t he follow ing i tems. Only the availab le items are di spla yed on th e screen. Deta ils on each ite m are disp laye d in t he gu ide a t the b otto m of the sc reen .
38 Lea rning th e vari ous f unction s – HOM E/Me nu 1 Touch [MENU] to disp lay the menu. • Different items will bec ome visible depending on the selected mode. 2 Touch the desired menu it em. • If the desired item is hidden, keep touching v / V until the item appears on the screen.
39 Bas ic Op erat ion s Menu ite ms The avail able menu items vary dep ending on th e mode set ting (shooting /viewin g) and th e shoo tin g mode . Only the availab le items are di spla yed on th e screen.
40 Menu item s Viewi ng menu (page 6 5) (Dat e List ) (Fi lter by Faces ) (Add / Rem ove Fa vorites) (View Mode) (Wide Zoom Display) (Slideshow) (Retou ch) (Pai nt) (Multi-P urpo se Resize) (Dele te) .
41 Using the shoot ing functio ns Using the sho oting funct ions Swi tching th e shooti ng mode You can switch th e shooting mod e. Shooti ng modes : There are four shoot ing mo des ava ilable f or still im ages: Au to Ad justment, Program Auto, Sc ene Selectio n, Ea sy Shoot ing; a nd t here i s one reco rding m ode for mov ies.
42 Shootin g images us ing Scen e Select ion Scene Se lecti on mode s The fo llowin g mode s are p reset to mat ch the scene condit ions. * When yo u shoot im ages using (Twili ght Portrait) , ( Twilight) or (Fireworks) mode, the shutter speed is slower and the images tend to blur.
43 Using the shoot ing functio ns Shoo ting ima ges us ing Scene Selec tion Function s you ca n use in Sc ene Sel ection Fo r shooti ng an image ap propri ately acc ordin g to the sce ne conditi on, a comb inatio n of functions is de termined by the camera.
44 Shoo ting im ages us ing Scen e Sele ction Shooting i n Smile Shutter mo de When the camera detect s a smi le, the shutt er is r eleased automati cally. 1 Set the Sce ne Se lec tion m od e to (S mile Shut ter) mode . 2 Press th e shutte r bu tton all th e way d own.
45 Using the shoot ing functio ns Shoo ting ima ges us ing Scene Selec tion z Hints for b etter captu ring of smiles 1 Do not cover the eyes wit h the bangs. 2 Try to orient the face in front of the c amera and be as level as po ssible. The detection rate is higher when the eyes are nar rowed.
46 Shoot ing i mages ( Progr am Au to mode ) The Focu s, Metering Mode , ISO and EV button s appear onl y when the shoo ting mode is set to (Program Aut o). You c an ch an ge th e focu s met hod. Use t he m enu wh en it is diffic ult t o get the proper focus in auto fo cus mod e.
47 Using the shoot ing functio ns Shoo ting ima ges (P rogr am Auto mode ) • AF stands for Auto Focus. • Regardless of which mode is set, touching the sc reen will bring th at part into focus ( page 25). • When you use [Digital Zoom] or [AF Illuminator], the AF range f inder frame is disabled and appears in a dotted line.
48 Shoo ting im ages ( Program Auto m ode) z If the sub ject is out of f ocus When shooting with the subject at the edge of the f rame (or the scree n), or when using [Center AF ] or [Spot AF], the camer a may not focus on a subject at the edge of the fr ame.
49 Using the shoot ing functio ns Shoo ting ima ges (P rogr am Auto mode ) Selects the met ering mode that set s which part of t he subjec t to me asure to determine the exposure .
50 Shoo ting im ages ( Program Auto m ode) Sets the IS O se nsit ivit y. • For details on the ISO sensiti vity, see page 11. • You can select only from [ISO AUTO], [ISO 80] to [ISO 400] when set to Burst or Exposure Bracket. • When shooting under brig ht conditions, the camera automatically enhance s tones to prevent images appearing pale.
51 Using the shoot ing functio ns Shoo ting ima ges (P rogr am Auto mode ) Manually a djusts the exposu re. • For details on the Exposure, s ee page 10.
52 For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 38 Shootin g menu The avail able mod es are indi cated as shown below . For deta ils on how to op erate the menu, see page 38. The de fault s ettings are mar ked with . Selects t he stil l image si ze for E asy Shootin g mode.
53 Using the shoot ing functio ns Shoo ting m enu For de tails on t he operat ion 1 page 38 Selects wh ether to use the Fac e Detect ion function or not , and also sel ects the priority subj ect for ad justi ng the focu s when us ing the fu ncti on.
54 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 38 Select s the pr iority sub ject fo r the S mile Shutt er func tion. F or deta ils on the Smile Sh utter, see page 44. • Smiles may not be detected correctly depending on the conditions. • Touching a face g ives priority to that face regardless of the priority se tting.
55 Using the shoot ing functio ns Shoo ting m enu For de tails on t he operat ion 1 page 38 Selects whet her the ca mera perfor ms contin uous shoot ing or not when you press the shut ter button. On the Burst • When recor ding with the self timer, a serie s of a maximum of five images is recorde d.
56 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 38 On the Exposure Bracke t • The focus and white balance are adjusted for the first image, and these settings are also used for the other images. • When you adjust the exposure manually (page 51), the exposure is shifted based on the adjusted brightness.
57 Using the shoot ing functio ns Shoo ting m enu For de tails on t he operat ion 1 page 38 About scene s that ar e recogn ized The f ollowin g scen es are r ecogni zed.
58 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 38 You c an ch an ge th e focu s met hod. Use t he m enu wh en it is diffic ult t o get the proper focus in aut o foc us mo de. T his m enu is the s ame as th e men u tha t appe ar s when you to uc h the F ocu s setting butto n in (Program A uto) mode.
59 Using the shoot ing functio ns Shoo ting m enu For de tails on t he operat ion 1 page 38 • For details on the white balance, see page 11. • Under fluorescent lights that flicker, the white bala nce function may not work correctly even though you select [Fluorescent Light 1] , [Fluorescent Light 2] or [ Fluorescent Light 3].
60 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 38 Adjusts the am ount of flas h light. • To change flash mode, s ee page 28. • Sometimes effects do not show up when the subject being shot is too bright or too dark. The flash stro bes two or more tim es before shooting to re duce t he red-ey e pheno menon when usi ng the f las h.
61 Using the shoot ing functio ns Shoo ting m enu For de tails on t he operat ion 1 page 38 The came ra analyz es the shootin g scene an d automa tically cor rects the bri ghtness and co ntrast to impro ve th e image quality .
62 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 38 • You can select only [Normal], [Sepia] or [B & W] when shooting movies. Select s the a nti-blu r mode. • In (Auto Adjustment) or (Easy Shooting) mode, [SteadyShot] is set to [Shooting].
63 Using the view ing functio ns Using the viewi ng function s Select ing th e View Mo de When u sing t he came ra wit h a “Memo ry Sti ck Duo ”, you ca n sel ect ho w images are pl ayed back (View Mode ) from the HOM E screen. When usi ng internal m emory, im ages are di splayed on ly in Folder View mod e.
64 Sele ctin g the V iew Mo de For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 38 This featur e disp lays im ages registe red a s Favo rites ( page 66). 1 Touch the Favori tes group you want to play back. The sele cted fa vorites a re di splayed in a l ist. 2 If you want to play back a single image, touch that im age.
65 For de tails on t he operat ion 1 page 38 Using the view ing functio ns Viewin g menu This section expl ains the menu items availa ble w hen you touch [ MENU] i n play back m ode. For details on how to use the menu, see pa ge 38. This feat ure selec ts the date to be played ba ck whe n using Date Vi ew.
66 Viewi ng menu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 38 Select you r favorite imag e and add/ remove fro m groups as Favo rites. To add an image as Favor ites 1 Display the ima ge you want to add as Favorites. 2 Touch [MENU] to displa y the menu. 3 Display (A dd / Remove Fa vorites) by to uching v / V , then touch it .
67 Using the view ing functio ns Viewin g menu For de tails on the oper ation 1 page 3 8 To select and add multiple images as Favorites 1 Touch [MENU] in single-im age mode or in in dex mode. 2 Display (Add / Remo ve Favor ites) by touch ing v / V , then touch it .
68 Viewi ng menu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 38 During play back, s till images a t a 4: 3 and 3:2 as pect ratio are play ed at a 16:9 aspect ratio . In thi s case the to p and bott om o f the i mage wil l be sl ight ly c ropp ed. Touchi ng the ce nter of the touc h panel ch anges t o the wide zo om exit sc reen.
69 Using the view ing functio ns Viewin g menu For de tails on the oper ation 1 page 3 8 (Tri mming) Records t he zoomed playback i mage. 1 Touch the im age or slide the zoom (W/T) lever to zoom in on the t rimmi ng ra nge. 2 Set the point w ith v / V / b / B , then touch .
70 Viewi ng menu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 38 (Soft Focus) Blurs the peri phery around a chose n point to signa lize a subje ct. 1 Touch the center poin t of the desired im age to reto uch, then touch . 2 Adjus t the desir ed range to retouc h with b / B , then touch .
71 Using the view ing functio ns Viewin g menu For de tails on the oper ation 1 page 3 8 (Radi al Blur ) Decid es t he ce nter po int f or ex pres sing m ovemen t in the sti ll image. 1 Touch the cente r p oint o f the desire d im age to r etouch, then touch .
72 Viewi ng menu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 38 Paints charact ers or graph ics on th e sti ll image, and r ecord it as a n ew file. See page 78. You can chang e the aspect ratio and si ze of the s hooting images, the n recor d them as the new files.
73 Using the view ing functio ns Viewin g menu For de tails on the oper ation 1 page 3 8 Selects and dele tes images in single -image mo de or in index mod e. To delet e an image 1 Displa y the imag e you want to delet e. 2 Touch [MENU] to display the menu.
74 Viewi ng menu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 38 In index mode: 4 Touch the thumbn ail image you wa nt to delete. The mark is attached to th e selecte d image. 5 To delete ot her images, rep eat step 4 . 6 Touch t [OK]. • Touch on the index screen to return to the single-image scr een.
75 Using the view ing functio ns Viewin g menu For de tails on the oper ation 1 page 3 8 To prot ect an ima ge 1 Displa y the image you want to protect. 2 Touch [MENU] to display the menu. 3 Dis pla y (Protect ) by touching v / V , then touch it . 4 Touch ( This I mag e).
76 Viewi ng menu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 38 To ca ncel the protecti on Touch the image whose protectio n you want to canc el by taking t he same steps as in “To select and pr otect mult iple images ”. The (Prot ect) indica tor disapp ears.
77 Using the view ing functio ns Viewin g menu For de tails on the oper ation 1 page 3 8 Selects t he fol der c ontaining the i mage you w ant to play back. 1 Select th e desired f older wit h v / V . 2 Touch [OK ]. To ca ncel sele ctin g the f ol der Touch [Exi t] or [BACK] in step 2 .
78 Painting or pu tting stamps on still imag es (Paint) You ca n paint or put sta mps on still imag e and recor d it as a new fil e. Use the pa int pen (supplied) for t his o peratio n. • You can not p aint or put stam ps on mo vies. • When vi ewing r ecorded image s on a TV , you ca nnot pai nt th e images .
79 Using the view ing functio ns Painti ng or put ting st amps on still imag es (Pa int) To stam p 1 Touch . 2 Touch the stamp select but ton, the desire d stamp, th en [OK]. 3 Put stamps on the image. To add a fr ame 1 Touch . 2 Select t he desired frame wi th b / B , then touch [ OK].
80 Customiz ing the set tings Cust omizing the Man age Memor y feat ure and t he Settin gs You can c hange the default settings using (Manage Memory) or ( Settings) on the HOME screen. 1 Touch [HOME] to display the HOME screen. 2 Touch (M anage Mem ory) or (Setti ngs).
81 For detail s on the ope ration 1 page 8 0 Customizi ng the settings Mana ge Mem ory Memory Tool — Memory Stick To ol This it em app ears on ly when a “Memory Stick Duo” is insert ed in the cam era.
82 Mana ge Mem ory For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 80 Change s the f older curr ently u sed fo r rec ording images. 1 Touch [Chang e REC.Fold er]. The folder s election screen appear s. 2 Touch [OK]. To ca ncel cha ngin g the re cord ing fol der Touch [Exi t] or [BACK] in step 2 .
83 Customizi ng the settings Mana ge Memory For detail s on the ope ration 1 page 8 0 Memory Tool — Internal Memory Tool This ite m does not ap pear wh en a “Mem ory Stick D uo” is insert ed in the c amera.
84 For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 80 Setting s Main Settings — Main S ettings 1 The defa ult set tings ar e marked wit h . Selects the soun d produc ed when you operate the camera . When you operat e the camera, the fun ction g uide a ppears.
85 Customizi ng the settings Setti ngs For details on the operation 1 page 80 Enables you to perform c alibratio n when the to uch panel buttons do not r eact at the appropri ate po ints whe re you to uch. Using the pa int pen, touch the × mark di splayed on the screen.
86 Sett ings For de tails on the op erat ion 1 page 80 You ca n view a dem onstration of the Smile Shut ter mode . 1 Set Sc ene Sel ection mo de t o (S mile S hutter ) mode (page 42). 2 Aim th e camera at the su bject an d press t he shutt er butt on all th e way down.
87 Customizi ng the settings Setti ngs For details on the operation 1 page 80 Main Settings — Main Setti ngs 2 The def ault setti ngs are mar ked with . Selec ts the USB mode whe n connec ting th e camera t o a co mputer or a PictB ridge c ompliant printe r using the cab le for mult i-use termi nal.
88 Sett ings For de tails on the op erat ion 1 page 80 Sets the vi deo signal output ac cording to the TV c olor system of the connect ed vid eo equipme nt. The TV color system s differ dep ending on t he country and region . To view i mages on a T V screen , check the TV color system of the coun try or reg ion of use (pag e 97).
89 Customizi ng the settings Setti ngs For details on the operation 1 page 80 Shooting Settings — Shooting Se ttings 1 The def ault setti ngs are mar ked with . The AF il luminato r supplie s fill light to focus mor e easil y on a su bject in dark sur roundings.
90 Sett ings For de tails on the op erat ion 1 page 80 Sele cts the au to fo cus oper ation mode . • AF mode setting is invalid when the Face Detection function is activated. • When using Semi m anual, [S ingle] is automaticall y sele cted. Selects the digit al zoom mode .
91 Customizi ng the settings Setti ngs For details on the operation 1 page 80 Shooting Settings — Sh ooting Settings 2 The def ault setti ngs are mar ked with . When t he camer a is rot ated t o shoot a portra it (ver tical) i mage, t he came ra reco rds its po sition cha nge and di spla ys the im age in t he port rait po sit ion.
92 Sett ings For de tails on the op erat ion 1 page 80 Clock Settings Sets the da te an d ti me. 1 Select [ Clock Se ttings] fro m (Set tings) on the HO ME screen. 2 Touch [Clock Sett ings]. 3 Touch the desir ed date displ ay format, th en touch . The cloc k settings scr een appears .
93 Customizi ng the settings Setti ngs For details on the operation 1 page 80 Language Setting Sele cts the la ngu age to be use d in t he me nu it ems, warn ing s and mes sages .
94 Viewin g images on a TV View ing images on a TV You ca n view image s on a T V by co nnect ing th e cam era to a TV. The conn ection varies ac cordi ng to the type of TV the camera is connecte d to. See “TV TYPE ” (page 88). • Icons and other i ndicators do n ot appear on the TV screen.
95 Viewing im ages on a TV Viewin g imag es on a TV 3 Press (Playback) but ton to turn o n the camera. Image s shot with the cam era app ear on th e TV. Touch / to sele ct the desire d image. • When using the camera abroad, it may be necessary to switch the video signal output to match that of your TV system (page 88).
96 Viewi ng imag es on a TV You ca n view a n imag e reco rded on the c ame ra by conn ectin g the ca mera to a n HD (Hig h Definit ion) TV* w ith the HD Output A daptor Ca ble (not supp lied). Turn off bo th the camera and the TV be fore co nnecti ng th e camer a to t he TV.
97 Viewing im ages on a TV Viewin g imag es on a TV 3 Press (Playback) but ton to turn o n the camera. Image s shot with the cam era app ear on th e TV. Touch / to sele ct the desire d image. • Set [COMPONENT] to [HD(1080i )] in [Main Settings 2] by selecting (Settings) on the HOME screen (page 87).
98 Using y our c omputer Enjoy ing yo ur Win dows co mput er For details on using a Macinto sh comput er, refer t o “Using your Maci ntosh com puter” (page 111).
99 Using your comp uter Enjoying your Wi ndows computer The followi ng environ ment is recomm ended fo r a comp uter conn ected to the ca mera. Recommended environment for copying images OS (p re -in .
100 Installi ng the so ftware (s upplied ) You can insta ll the software (suppli ed) using the f ollowing proc edure. • Log on as Administrator. 1 Turn on your c omputer, and insert the CD-ROM (supp lied) into the CD-ROM drive. The inst allatio n menu s creen ap pears.
101 Using your comp uter Insta lling the softwar e (suppl ied) Af ter you ins tal l the so ftw are, the s hort cut icons for “ Picture Moti on Browser”, “PM B Gu ide” , “Mus ic T rans fer” ar e create d on t he des ktop. Doub le-c lick t o sta rt “Pictu re Motion Br owser”.
102 On the “P ictur e Motion Browse r” (suppl ied) You can use still images and mo vies fr om the camer a more than ev er by takin g advant age of the softwa re.
103 Using your comp uter Copyi ng i mages to your co mput er u sing t he “Pictu re Motio n Brow ser” 1 Insert a “M emory Stick Du o” with recorded images i nto the cam era. • When copying images in the inter nal memory, this step is unnecessary.
104 Copy ing imag es to yo ur com puter us ing the “P ictu re Mot ion Brows er” 1 Connect the cam era to a computer as described in “Connecting the camera to your computer”. After mak ing a U SB conn ection, th e [Import Medi a Files] screen of “Picture Motion Browser” appears autom ati cal ly.
105 Using your comp uter Copyin g imag es to yo ur comp uter usi ng th e “Pictu re Mo tion Br owser ” Whe n imp orti ng is com ple te, th e “P ictu re Motion Br owser” start s.
106 Copy ing imag es to yo ur com puter us ing the “P ictu re Mot ion Brows er” The image files re corded with the camer a are gro uped as fo lders on the “Memor y Stick Du o” or the interna l memory.
107 Using your comp uter Copyi ng i mages to a com puter with out “Pict ure Moti on Brow ser” You can copy images to yo ur comp uter with out “P ict ure Mo tion Br ows er” as follows. For a computer with a Memory Stick slot: Remov e the “Mem ory Stic k Duo” fr om the cam era a nd in sert it in th e Me mory Stic k Duo Adaptor.
108 Copy ing imag es to a c omput er witho ut “Pict ure Mot ion Bro wser” 3 Click [Open folder to view files] (For Windows XP : [Open f older t o view files] t [OK]) as the wizard screen appears automati cally on the desktop. • When the wizard screen does not appear automatica lly, follow the procedure: t “For Windows 200 0”.
109 Using your comp uter View ing image f iles st ored on a compute r with the ca mera copy ing to the “Mem ory Stic k Du o” This sectio n describes the process using a Windo ws compu ter as a n exam ple.
110 Using th e “Music Tr ansfer” (supplie d) You ca n chan ge the Music files that ar e prese t at th e factory to the de sired M usic file s usin g “Mu sic Trans fer” in the CD - ROM (su pplied). Yo u can al so delete or add these fi les when ever you w ant.
111 Using your comp uter Using y our Ma cintos h compu ter You can co py im ages t o yo ur Ma cint osh comput er. • “Picture Motion Browser” is not compatible with Macintosh computers. The followi ng environ ment is recomm ended fo r a comp uter conn ected to the ca mera.
112 Usin g your Ma cint osh com puter 3 Copy image files to the M acintosh computer. 1 Double-click the ne wly reco gnized icon t [DCIM] t the folder where the images yo u want t o copy a re store d. 2 Drag and dr op the imag e files to the hard disk icon.
113 Using your comp uter View ing “Cyb er-sho t Step-u p Guid e” When you install “Cyb er-shot Handboo k”, “Cyb er-shot Step -up Guid e” i s al so inst alled. “Cyber-s hot Step -up Gui de” fur ther in tro duc es h ow to us e the cam era and optiona l accessories.
114 Printing s till images How to print st ill images When yo u print images shot in [16:9] mode , both edges may be cut off, so be sur e to check before printing (pa ge 129 ). You can pr int i mage s by co nne ctin g th e camer a di rect ly to a Pict Bridge comp lian t pri nter.
115 Printin g still images Print ing i mages dir ectly usi ng a PictB rid ge compl iant prin ter Even if yo u do not have a com puter, you can print im ages shot usi ng the came ra by connec ting the c amera di rect ly to a Pict Bridge co mpli ant pri nter .
116 Print ing imag es direc tly using a PictBr idge c omplian t print er 2 Turn on the printer, then press (Playback) button. The ca mera is set t o play back mode. 1 Touch [MENU] to disp lay the menu. 2 Touch v/ V to display (Print), and touch (Print).
117 Printin g still images Prin ting i mages dire ctly using a Pi ctBri dge c omplia nt pr inter [Date] Select s [Day & Time] or [Date] to insert the da te and ti me on i mages. • When you choose [Date], the date will be inserted in the order you select (page 92).
118 Print ing at a sh op You ca n take a “M emory Stick Duo” conta ining ima ges shot with the ca mera to a photo pri nting service shop . As long as th e shop support s photo print ing services c.
119 Printin g still images Printin g at a shop 1 Touch [ME NU] while displayi ng images in sing le-image mode or in index mode. 2 Touch [ DPOF] and touch (Multiple Images). 3 Touch an image t o mark. The mark is attached to the selected image. 4 Touch .
120 Troubleshoo ting Trou blesho oting If you expe rience t rouble wit h the camer a, try the foll owing solut ions. Be aw are that by send ing the cam era for repa ir, you g ive cons ent th at the conten ts of the inter nal memory, Music fil es may b e checke d.
121 Trouble shooting Troubl eshoot ing Cannot insert the battery pack. • Inser t the batt ery pac k corre ctly to push the batte ry ej ect leve r. Cannot turn on the camera. • After ins erting the b attery pack i nto the camera, it may take a few mome nts for the cam era to power up.
122 Troubl eshoot ing Cannot record ima ges. • Check th e free capac ity of the inte rnal memory o r “Memory St ick Duo”. If it is fu ll, do one of the follow ing: – Delete unn ecessar y images (pag e 35). – Change the “Memory Stick Duo .” • You cannot record im ages while charging the fla sh.
123 Trouble shooting Troubl eshoot ing Zoom do es not wor k. • You cannot use the Optical z oom in (C lose foc us enable d) mode. • You canno t use the Di gital Zo om when shooting movie s. • You canno t use the S mart z oom dep ending on the im age s ize (pa ge 90).
124 Troubl eshoot ing Cannot inser t dates on images . • This camera does not have a feature for supe rimposi ng dates on images ( page 129). By using “Picture Mo tion Br owser”, you can print or save im ages with the date (pag e 102). The F value and shutter speed flash when you press and hold the shutter button halfway down.
125 Trouble shooting Troubl eshoot ing Dots appear and remain on the screen. • This is not a ma lfuncti on. Thes e dots are not reco rded (pa ge 2). Cannot shoot images in succession. • The inte rnal memory or “M emory Sti ck Duo” is full. Delete unnecessar y images (page 35 ).
126 Troubl eshoot ing The buttons and icons no longer appear. • If you touch the top right of the screen durin g shooting , the buttons and icons will momentar ily d isappear. The bu ttons a nd icons will reappear when yo u ta ke your finger off the screen .
127 Trouble shooting Troubl eshoot ing Your computer d oes not recogn ize the camera. • Turn on the camera. • When th e battery level is low, insert the charged batte ry pack or use the AC ad aptor (not supplie d) (page 103). • Set [ USB Conn ect ] to [M ass St or age] (pag e 87) .
128 Troubl eshoot ing Cannot pri nt an image. • Refer to th e opera tion manua l of the pri nter. Images once copied to a computer cannot be viewed on the camera. • Copy the m to a folde r reco gnized by the camera, such a s “101M SDCF” (page 1 06).
129 Trouble shooting Troubl eshoot ing See “PictBri dge compli ant print er” tog ether with the fol lowing it ems. Images are printed with both edges cut off.
130 Troubl eshoot ing Printing is canceled. • Confirm tha t you have dis connect ed the cable for mult i-use termin al befor e the (PictBrid ge Conne cting) m ark d isappears. Cannot inser t the date or prin t images in the ind ex mode. • The printer doe s not provide these functions.
131 Trouble shooting Troubl eshoot ing Cannot reset the file-number. • If you repla ce a recording me dium, you can not initi alize file numbe rs with the camera. To init ialize fi le numb ers, fo rmat the “Mem ory Stick D uo” or the interna l memo ry (pages 81, 83), an d then init ialize the setti ngs (pag e 84).
132 Warnin g indicator s and mes sages If a c ode st arting with a lett er of the alphab et app ears, the s elf-dia gnosis functi on on the c amera is workin g. The l ast two digi ts (indicate d by ss ) wi ll di ffe r depend ing on th e state of the ca mera.
133 Trouble shooting Warni ng indi cato rs and m essag es Cannot access Memory Stick Access denied • You are using t he “Mem ory St ick Duo” with the access co ntroll ed. Error formatting Memo ry Stick Error formatting internal memo ry • Format the med ia again (pages 8 1, 83).
134 Warn ing indi cator s and mes sages Invalid operation • You have touc hed the pan el when using the digital zoom or Close f ocus enabl ed mode. While using these modes, you cannot focu s by touching the screen. Unable to d etect face fo r retouch • You may not be able to reto uch the image depe nding on the image .
135 Trouble shooting Warni ng indi cato rs and m essag es Error Playing Music • Delete t he Music f ile, o r repla ce it with a normal Music f ile. • Exec ute [F ormat Mu sic] , then dow nload a new M usi c file s. Error Formatting Music • Execut e [Format Mu sic].
136 Others Using th e camera ab road — Pow er sourc es You ca n use the camera , the bat tery charg er (supplie d), and the AC-LS5 K AC Adapto r (not supplie d) in any coun try or regio n where t he power supply is withi n 100 V to 240 V AC, 50/ 60 Hz .
137 Others On the “Mem ory S tic k Du o” A “Mem ory S tick Du o” is a com pac t, portable IC re cording me dium. The type s of “Memo ry Sti ck Du o” tha t can be u sed w ith the ca mera are listed in the t able bel ow. Howeve r, proper op eration cannot be guar anteed for al l “Memo ry Sti ck Du o” func ti ons.
138 On th e “Mem ory Sti ck Duo ” Notes on using t he Memory Stick Duo Adapt or (no t supp lied) • To use a “Memory S tick Duo” with a “Memory Stick” compl iant device, be sure to ins ert the “Memory Stick Duo” into a Memory Stick Duo Adaptor.
139 Others On the ba tter y pack On ch argi ng th e batt ery pack We recommend charging the battery pack in a n ambient temperature of between 10°C to 30°C (50°F to 86°F). The b attery pack may not be fully charged in temperatures outside this range.
140 On the ba ttery charger On the ba ttery charger • Only D-type, T-type, R-ty pe and E-type battery packs (and no others) can be charged in the battery charger (supplied). B atteries oth er than the specified kind may leak, overheat, or explode if you attempt to charge them, posing a risk of injury from electrocution and burns.
141 Others On Cybe r-shot S tation On Cyb er-shot Stati on The Cyber-shot Station CSS-HD2 (no t supplied) is compliant to t he camera. Using the Cyber-shot Station (not supplied) enables faster charging than t he supplied batter y charger and easy connection to a TV or computer.
142 On Cy ber-sho t Sta tion Operating the Cyber- shot Station with the remote When the remote s upplied with the CSS-HD2 is used with this came ra, the following operat ions are available. • For details on buttons not described here, refer to the instruction manual supplied with the Cyber-shot Station.
143 Index Index Index A Add / Remove Favorites .......66 Adju sting EV ..... ....... ..... ...... .51 AE/AF lock indicator .... ..25, 48 AF Ill uminator ... ..... ....... ...... .89 AF lo ck ... ....... ....... ...... ....... ...48 AF Mod e ..... ....
144 Index H Happy Faces ......................... 71 HD(1080i) ............................ 8 7 High Sens itivit y ....... ....... ..... . 42 Hi-Sp eed Shutter ..... ....... ...... 42 Histo gram ....... ....... ..... ...... .... 22 HOME screen ...... .
145 Index Index S Scene Recogn ition ..... ........... 56 Scene Sel ection ........... ....... ...42 Screen Changing the dis play .. ...21 Indicat or.... ....... ....... ...... .16 SD .... ....... ....... .... ....... ....... .....87 Select Folder ...
146 Notes o n the Lice nse “C Libr ary”, “E xpat ” and “zli b” soft ware are provi ded in the c amera. We provid e this soft ware based o n lice nse a greeme nts wi th their own ers of copyri ght. Based on request s by t he own ers of copyright of th ese software applications, we ha ve an obligati on to inform you of the follow ing.
Additional informa tion on this product and answe rs to frequently a sked questions can be found at ou r Custome r Support Webs ite..
デバイスSony DSC-T300 Cyber-shot®の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony DSC-T300 Cyber-shot®をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony DSC-T300 Cyber-shot®の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony DSC-T300 Cyber-shot®の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony DSC-T300 Cyber-shot®で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony DSC-T300 Cyber-shot®を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony DSC-T300 Cyber-shot®の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony DSC-T300 Cyber-shot®に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony DSC-T300 Cyber-shot®デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。