ページ先へ移動 of 92
3-084-892- 11 (1) Digital Sti ll Camera Operating Inst ru ctions Before oper atin g the uni t, pl ease read th is manual t hor oughly, and r etain it for fut ure refe ren ce. Owner’s Record The mode l an d serial nu mbers ar e lo cat ed on the bot tom.
2 T o prevent fire or shock hazard, do not e xpose th e unit t o rain or moisture. If you have any questions about this pro duc t, you ma y call: Sony Cus tomer Information Serv i ces Center 1-800-222-SONY (7669) The number below is for the FCC re la te d matt ers onl y .
3 CA UTION TO P REVENT EL ECTRIC SHOCK, MA TCH WIDE BLADE OF PLUG T O WIDE SLO T , FULL Y I NSER T . A moulded plug complying wi th BS1363 i s fitted to this equipment for your safety and con venience.
4 Before u s in g your camera Tria l rec ord ing Before you rec ord one-time events, you may want to make a trial recor ding to ma ke sure tha t the camera is working correctly .
5 Clean the flash surface before use The heat of f lash emission may cause di rt on the flash surface to become discolored or to stick to the flash su rfac e, re su lting in ins u fficient light emission. Do not get the camera wet When taking pict ures outdoors in t he rain or under simil ar conditions, b e careful not to ge t the camera wet.
6 Table of co ntents Before using you r camera .......... .. ......... .... 4 How to hold the camera .......... ........... ....... 5 Identifyin g the par ts ....... ......... ........ ......... . 8 Preparing batteries ... ......... ......... ........
7 Troubleshoo ting ........ ......... ......... ........ .... 67 Warnings and messages ........... ........ ....... 7 5 Self-dia gn o sis di sp la y — If a co de start ing w it h an alphabe t letter ap pears ..... ........... .... 77 Menu items ....
8 Ide nt if y in g th e pa rts See the pages in pa re nt hese s for de ta ils of ope ra tion. 5 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 A Shutter button (20) B PO WER b utto n (14) C PO WER lam p (14) D Lens cover (14) E Mode .
9 7 8 9 q; qa qs 6 1 2 3 4 5 Atta ching t he neck strap A LCD screen B (Flash charge) lamp (orange) (24) C MENU button (15) D Contro l butto ns Menu on: v / V (15) Menu off: /SCENE ( 23, 28) E EXEC/ (.
10 Preparin g batte ries Acceptable batteries – H R11/45: HR03 (size AAA) Nickel- Metal Hydr id e ba tt eries (2) NH-AAA-DA (2) (supplied) NH-AAA-2DA twin-pack (not su pplied) – R03 (size AAA) alk.
11 Getting star te d , Conne ct the ba ttery char ger to a wa ll outlet (w all socket) using the power cord ( mains lead). The CHARGE la mp lights u p when chargi ng begins, and g oes off w hen chargin g is co mp le ted.
12 Inserti ng the b atteri es , Open t he ba ttery/“Me mory Stick Duo” cove r. Hold the ca mera wit h the batt ery/ “Memor y Stick Duo ” cover up, then slide the cover in the di rection of th e arrow 1 while pre ssing OPEN. Th e batter y/“Mem ory St ic k D uo” cover o pens in the di rection of the arrow 2 .
13 Getting star te d Battery remaining indicator (When using Nickel-Metal Hydride batteries) As the ba ttery power decr eases wi th use, th e battery re m ai ni ng in di ca tor displays the amoun t of po w er rem aini ng using the following sym b ols.
14 Shoo ting m ovies 3) 3) Shooting contin uously at 160×11 2 image size • The remaining indicator will decrease under the following conditions: – The surrounding temperature is low – The flash.
15 Getting star te d Auto pow er-off fun ction If you do not oper ate th e came ra for abo u t three mi nut es, the ca m era tu rns off aut o m atica lly to pr e vent wear in g dow n th e batterie s. However, the auto p ower-off function will not ope rate when th e camera is con nected to a compu ter wit h the US B cable.
16 , Select the desired da te display format with the control buttons v / V , then press EXE C . Select from [Y / M/ D] (year/mont h/ da y), [M/D/Y ] (m ont h/day/yea r) or [D/M/Y ] (day /mon th/ye ar) . The n D ATE& TIME SET scree n appears on th e LCD screen.
17 Shooti ng st ill images Inserting and removing a “Me mory Stick Duo” , Open the ba ttery/“Me mory Stic k Duo” co ver. Hold the cam era with th e battery/ “Memory Stick Duo ” cover up, then slide the cover in the di rectio n of th e arr ow 1 wh ile pres sing OPEN .
18 Setti ng the still ima ge size , Set the mode switch t o , and turn on the pow er, then pr es s MENU. The menu app ear s on the LCD scr een. • Open the lens cover when closed. , Select [ ] with the c ontrol but ton v , then p ress EXEC. Select [SIZE·BURST] with the control bu ttons v / V , th e n press EXE C.
19 Shooti ng st ill images Image size You ca n ch oose the ima ge size (num ber of pixels ) accordi ng to the kind of image s you want to sho ot. The l arg er you m ake th e image s ize, t he bette r your image, but als o the larger th e amount of data nee de d to preserve you r image.
20 Basic still image shootin g — Using auto adjustmen t mode , Set the mode switch t o , and slid e the le ns cove r t o turn on the power. The name of t he folder where the image will be reco rded ap pears o n t he LCD sc r een for approxima tely five seconds.
21 Shooti ng st ill images , Press t he sh utter but to n fu lly down . A beep sound s. W he n “R ECORD ING ” disap pears fr om th e LCD s cr een, r eco rdi ng is complete. The image will be reco rd e d in the “Memor y Stick Duo, ” and you can shoot th e next imag e.
22 LCD screen display during shooting You can use [DISPLAY] und er [] with MENU and the control but tons v / V to turn the display on and off. Th is is useful wh en recordi ng under condi ti ons wh e re it is diff icult to check th e imag e on the LC D screen.
23 Shooti ng st ill images , Select [ON] with the control butt on v , then press EXEC. When yo u press MENU , th e m enu disa ppears and the (self-tim er) indi cato r appear s on t he LCD s creen . , Center the subjec t in the LCD screen and press th e shu tter button fully down.
24 • Y ou cannot use the flash in the Burst mode. • If the menu is currently dis played, press MENU first so that the menu disap pe ars. • The recommended s hooting distance using t he flash is approximately 0.5 m to 1.8 m (1 foot 7 3/4 inches to 5 feet 10 3/4 inches).
25 Shooti ng st ill images Creating a new folder , Set the mode switch to , and turn on the po wer, then pres s MENU. The men u appear s on t he LCD s creen. • Y ou can also carry out this operation when the mode switch is set to . • Y ou cannot specify the number of a new folder that you create.
26 Selecting the recording folder , Set the mode switch to , then p res s MENU. The menu app ear s on the LCD scr een. • Y ou can also carry out this operation when the mode swit ch is set to . , Select [ ] with the con trol but ton V , then pr ess EXE C .
27 Shooti ng st ill images , Select [OK] with the control butt on v , then press EXEC. When yo u press MENU, th e m enu disap p ear s an d the selec ted folder is disp laye d. To cancel chan ging the recording fold er Select [ CANCEL] in step 4 . 4 OK CANCEL CHANGE REC.
28 Shooti ng accord ing to scene conditi ons — Scene Sel ect ion When sh ootin g portr aits, lands capes, twilight scenes, t wilight p ortraits, or moving s ubjects, use the mode s below to improv e the qual it y of yo ur image s .
29 Shooti ng st ill images Vivid nature mode This m ode enh ances blue s and gree ns such as the sky , ocean and mountains, le tting you shoot n atural land scapes with vivid, striking colors . • The focus setting changes to [ ]. • The flash cannot be used in this mode.
30 Setti ng t he distance to the subjec t — Focus preset When shoo ting an image using a pre viously set distance to the subject, or whe n shooting a subject th rou gh a net or wind ow gl ass, it is.
31 Shooti ng st ill images , Sele ct t he desi red focus setting with the control but tons v / V , then press EXE C. You ca n select from th e followin g distance sett ings : AUTO (No in dicator), 0. 2 m, 0.5 m, 1.0 m, and (in f i n ity) When yo u press MENU, th e m enu disappea rs and the indica tor is displayed on the LCD screen.
32 , Select [ BURST] or [ BURST] with the control but tons v / V , then p ress EXEC. The ima ge size use d for bu rst sho o ting is set. Press MENU so that the menu dis appears from t he LCD sc reen. • For details on the image size, see page 19. , Press th e shu tter button half way d own, the n hol d th e shutter button f ully down.
33 Shooti ng st ill images Adj usting co lor ton es — Whit e Balan ce Wh en t he wh ite ba la nce i s set to Auto , the white ba la nc e func tion works autom aticall y, and the ov erall color ba lance is adjus te d accordi ng to the s h oo ti ng conditions.
34 , Select the desire d mode with the c ontrol buttons v / V , the n press EXE C . When you pre ss MENU, the men u disappe ar s and the sele ct ed mode i s disp laye d on t he LCD scre en.
35 Enjo ying stil l image s Viewing still images on the LCD screen You c an view image s shot with y our cam era almost immedi ately on the LCD s creen. You can select the fol lo win g two metho ds for view i ng i mages. Single (single-imag e) screen You can view one image at a time, displaye d over the entire scre en .
36 Viewing an index screen (four-image) , Set the mode switch t o , and press M E NU . The menu app ear s on the LCD scr een. , Select [ ] wit h th e con trol but ton v , then p ress EXEC. Select [IND EX] with the con trol but tons v / V , then press EX EC.
37 Enjo ying stil l image s Select ing the fol der and playi ng back imag es — Fo l der , Set the mode switch to , and turn on the po wer, then pres s MENU. The men u appear s on t he LCD s creen. , Select [ ] with the con trol but ton V , then press EXEC.
38 , Select [OK] with the c ontrol but ton v , then pr ess EXEC . When you pre ss MENU, the men u disa ppear s a nd t he sele cted fo ld er is disp laye d.
39 Enjo ying stil l image s Enla rg ing an imag e — Enlarg ed playback You ca n zo om in on an ima ge shot with your came ra to enlarge it to 2. 5 or 5 ti m es the orig inal size . , Set the mode switch t o , and turn on the pow er. Select th e ima ge you want to enlarge with the control but tons v / V .
40 Choosing image s to print — Print (DPOF) mar k You can mark still ima ges shot w ith your camera that you want to ha ve pri nted. Th is functi on is c onv enient wh en you ha ve images pri nt ed a t a sho p or usi ng a printer tha t con forms with the D POF (Dig ital P rint Order Fo rmat) standard.
41 Enjo ying stil l image s , Select [DPOF] with the co ntrol butt on V , then press EXEC. , Select [ON] with the c ontrol but ton v , then pr ess EXE C . When you pre ss MENU, the men u disappea rs and the mark is ma rke d on the display e d image. To unmark th e pr int (DP OF) mark Select [OFF] in step 4 .
42 Connecti ng your camer a t o a PictBridge complian t pr inter If you us e a Pi ct Bridge co mplian t pr in ter, you ca n eas i ly pr in t imag es s hot w it h this camera even if you do no t have a comp uter.
43 Enjo ying stil l image s , Select [PRINT] with the control butt ons v / V , t h en press EX EC. The message “CONNECT A PRINTER” ap p ears. T o cancel preparations to make t he connection Select [ CANCEL] in step 3 . , Connec t th e camera to th e pri nter .
44 Print ing image s , Complete th e proce dures in step s 1 to 4 on pages 42 and 43, then connect t he cam era to the printer. When the co nnectio n is co mplete d, th e (PictBrid ge) ma rk appe ars on t he scre en. • If a warning message appears on the screen, check the meaning of the m essage on page 76, then select [EXIT] with EXEC.
45 Enjo ying stil l image s , Select [OK] wit h the control butt on v , then press EXEC. When th e mess age “PRIN TING” disa ppe a rs, pri ntin g is co mp lete d.
46 Sho o tin g m ov i es , Set the mode switch to , and open the l en s cover to tu rn on the power. Press M E NU . The menu app ear s on the LCD scr een. • Sound cannot be recorded in movies. • When shooti ng a movie, the image m ay look like a si ngle-frame advance .
47 Enjoyin g movies , Press t he sh utter but to n fu lly down . “REC ” appe ars on the LCD screen a nd th e camera starts record ing the image. • Recording stops when the “Memory Stick Duo” is full. • The auto focus function can set the focus at any distance from approximately 1.
48 Shoo ting t ime The shootin g ti m e is di ffe re nt, de pen ding on the ca pacity of the “Mem ory Stick D uo” and the image size . Refer to the fo llowing chart wh en yo u choose a “Me m ory Stick Duo.” • The shooting time may vary , depending on the shooting condit ions .
49 Enjoyin g movies Viewin g movi es on the LCD scre en , Set the mode switch to , and turn on the po wer . The las t image in the s electe d record ing fold er (p age 26) appe a rs on th e L CD screen. , Select th e des ired mo vi e w ith the c ontrol buttons v / V .
50 Deleting i mages , Set the mode switch t o , and turn on the pow er. Press t he co ntrol butto ns v / V to se lect t he image y o u wan t to dele te. , Press M EN U an d select [ ] with the contro l button v , then press EXE C. To delete an imag e in index-image screen Perform step 2 on pag e 36 and switc h to index scr ee n.
51 Delet in g images , Select [OK] with the control butt on v , then press EXEC. When th e mess age “MEMORY STICK ACCESS” disapp ears, th e image h as been delete d.
52 , Select [ ] with the control but ton V , then press EXEC. Select [FORMAT] with t he control bu ttons v / V , th en press EXE C . , Select [OK] with the c ontrol but ton v , then p ress EXEC. When t he messag e “FORMATT ING” disappea rs, the f ormat is co mplete.
53 Enjoying images on you r computer Copying ima ges t o your computer — Fo r Windows users Recommended compu ter environment OS: Microsoft Windows 98, Win dows 98SE, Window s 2000 Professi ona l, Windo ws Mil lennium Editio n, Windo ws XP Home Ed itio n, o r Wi ndo ws X P Professional The above OS must be inst al led at the facto ry.
54 Installing the USB driver When using W in dows XP, you need not inst all th e U S B d r iver. Once the USB dr iver is instal led, y ou need not inst all the US B driver a gain. a Star t up your com pu te r , and inse rt th e supp l i e d CD-R OM into the CD-R OM drive.
55 Enjoying images on you r computer Installing “Image Transfer” You c an use the “Im age T ransfer ” so ftware to copy i mages to yo ur comput er autom atica lly when you connect th e came ra to your c omputer wit h the suppli ed USB cable. a Click [Cyber-sh ot] on the model se le ct io n scr ee n.
56 g Cli ck [Fin is h ] . The “In stall Shiel d Wizard” sc re en close s. If you wish to c ont in ue with the instal lation of “Ima geMixer, ” clic k [ImageMi xer] on t he i nstal li ng m en u screen and then follow the i nstructions that appear on the screen .
57 Enjoying images on you r computer Connecting the camera t o your computer a Inse rt the “Me mo ry St i c k Du o” with th e imag es you want to copy into the camera.
58 P Disconnecting the USB cable from your computer or removing the “Memory Stick Duo” from your camera durin g a USB connection For Windows 2000, Me, or XP users 1 Double-cl ick on the tasktr ay. 2 Click (Sony D SC), the n c lick [Stop ]. 3 Confir m th e de vi ce on the confi rm ation scre en, then click [ OK].
59 Enjoying images on you r computer Changing “Image Transfer” settings Y ou can ch an ge “Imag e T ran sf er” setti ngs. Right -click the “I mage T ran sfer” icon on the task tray , and se lect [Ope n Setti ngs]. The sett ings you can set ar e as follows: [Basic ], [Cop y], and [Del ete] .
60 When th e remova ble disk icon is not show n 1 Right-c li ck [My Comp ut er], then cli ck [Properties]. The “S ystem P roper ties” screen app ears . • When using W indo ws 2000, click [ Hardware] after the “System Properties” screen appears.
61 Enjoying images on you r computer Viewing images on your computer — Wind ows 98 /98SE /2000 /Me/X P a Cli ck [S ta r t] t [My Docu ments]. The “M y Doc umen ts” folder c ont ents are dis pl ayed. • This section describes the procedure for viewing images copied i n the “My Document s” folder .
62 Image file storage destinations and file names Image files r ecorded with y our cam era are group ed as fo ld ers in the “Mem ory Sti ck Duo.” Exampl e: For Wi ndows XP users Folde r conta inin.
63 Enjoying images on you r computer Viewing images from your computer with this camera When you wa nt to vi ew an image fi le using this camer a th at has been copied to your compu ter and has be e n deleted from the “Memory Stick Du o,” co py the i mage fil e back to the “Memor y Stick Du o” from you r comput er firs t.
64 Copying ima ges to your comput er — For Macint osh user s Recomme nded compu ter environm ent OS: Mac OS 9.1, 9.2, or Mac OS X (v10.0/ v10.1/ v10.
65 Enjoying images on you r computer a Connect in g your camera to your computer For details, see page 57. Disconnecting the USB cable from your comput e r or r emo ving the “Memory Stick Duo” fro.
66 Creating a Vi de o CD using “ImageMi xer” You ca n crea te a Video CD usin g “ImageM ixer Ver.1.5 for Sony .” You can play ba ck c rea t ed Video CDs on a Video CD-compatible DVD player, or on a compu ter usin g V id eo C D app li cati on software.
67 Trouble shooting Troubl eshootin g If yo u experi ence tr ouble wi th your camera, try the following solutions. 1 First check t he items o n the tab les be low. If code “C: ss : ss ” is displa yed on the LCD screen, the self- diag nosis dis play f unction is working (page 77).
68 Shooting still images/movies Y ou canno t turn on the camera. • Th e batter ie s are not inst alle d co rrectly. • The batt erie s are discharged . • The bat teries are dead (page 84). p Inst al l th e b at teries correc tly (page 12). p Replace them with charged bat teries (p age 10).
69 Trouble shooting Y o u r camer a can no t re co rd ima ges. • N o “Memory Stic k Duo” is ins erted. • The capaci ty of the “Mem or y Stic k Duo” is insu fficien t. • You are using a “Memory Stick Duo” wit h a write -protec t switch , and the s witc h is set to LOC K.
70 Viewing images Deleting images Computers Symptom Cause Sol ution Y our camera cannot pl a y back images . • Th e mode switc h is not set to . • You have cha nge d a folde r or file nam e. • You cann ot play back im ages processe d on your computer.
71 Trouble shooting Y our compu ter doe s not recogniz e your c amera. • Yo u are not using the supp lied USB cable . • The USB cable is not connected firml y.
72 “Memory Stick Duo” The ima ge is in t errup te d by noise whe n you view a movie on a comp uter . • Yo u are playi n g back the movi e d ire ct ly from the “Memor y St ic k Duo. ” p Copy the mov ie to the hard disk of your computer and then play back the movie from the hard di sk (pages 58, 59 and 65) .
73 Trouble shooting PictBridge complian t printer Symptom Cause Solu tion Y o u cann ot conn ect your camera to the printe r . • The pr inter is n ot P ic tBridge com plian t. • The prin te r is not r eady to be connecte d. • Yo ur camera is not conn ected to t he printe r correctly .
74 Others Symptom Cause Sol ution Y our camera doe s not w ork. • The batt ery le ve l is low. (The E indic a tor appears.) • Th e USB cable is connec ted. p Charge th e ba tt eri es (page 10). p Disconnect th e US B cab le (pages 58 a nd 65) . The p ower is on, but the camera doe s not w ork.
75 Trouble shooting Warnings and messag es The following me ssages appear on the L CD screen. Message Meani n g/Corrective Action NO MEM OR Y STICK • Insert a “Memory S tic k Duo” (pa ge 17). SYSTEM ERROR • Turn the power off and on agai n (page 14).
76 ENLARGED PLA YB ACK ERR OR • You are att e mpt ing to perform e nla r ge d pla yba c k for a file created us ing other devic e s. • Enlar ge d playba c k is not availabl e for image s pr oc e sse d usi ng a computer. • An er ror occurr ed while your cam era was per forming enlarged pl ayback.
77 Trouble shooting Self-diagnosis display — If a code starti ng with an al phabet le t ter appears Your came ra has a self-dia gnosi s disp la y. This fun ction di splays t he camera con dition on th e LCD scr ee n wit h a combinat ion of a letter and four numerica l digits.
78 Menu ite ms Menu items tha t can be m odified differ depend ing on the posi tion o f the mo de switch. The LCD sc reen shows only the items you can opera te at the mom ent.
79 Addition al information When the mod e switch is se t to or (when [ ] is selected in the menu settings) When the mod e switch is se t to (when [ ] is selecte d in the menu se ttings) When the mod e.
80 When [ ] is sele cted in the menu settings during a connection w ith a PictBridge compliant printer The followi ng menus are ava ilable no matter w hat position the mode switch is in.
81 Addition al information Precaut ions Do not leave the camera in t he following p laces • In extre m ely hot plac e, such as in a c ar par ked in t he sun. The ca mera b ody may become def or me d or this may cause a malfunc tion. • Under dir ect sunlight or nea r a he a te r.
82 How to preve nt mois ture conde nsation When b ringing the came ra fro m a col d place to a war m place , seal t he came ra in a plas ti c bag an d al lo w it to ada pt to conditio ns at the n ew location over a p eriod of time (ab out an ho ur).
83 Addition al information On “Me mor y Stick” “Mem ory Stick” is a co mpact, por table IC.
84 Notes on using a Memory Stick Duo adaptor (su pplied) • When using a “Memory Stick Duo” with a “Memory Stick” co mpliant device, be sure to insert the “Memory Stick Duo” into a Memory Stick Duo adaptor.
85 Addition al information On th e ba tt ery cha r ger • Do no t ch ar ge any ot her bat t er i es exce pt Sony N i ckel-M etal Hy d ride ba tterie s in the b attery cha rger suppl ied with your camera . If you try to char ge any other type of ba ttery (e.
86 Specifi cation s x Camera [System] Image device 6.72 mm ( 1/2.7 type ) color CCD Primary color fi lter T otal pixel s nu mber of came r a Approx. 2 112 000 pixels Effect ive pi xel s num ber of ca mera Approx. 2 020 000 pixels Lens Single focal l ens f = 5.
87 Addition al information LCD screen displays See the p ages in parentheses for details. When shooting still images A Image size indicator (18, 31) B Battery rem a ini ng indicator (13) C Flash mode .
88 When playing back still imag es A Image size indicator ( 18, 31) B Print (DPOF) mark indicato r ( 40) C PictBridge connecting indicator (43) D Enl a rg e d pl ayback/ e nl a rg e m ent level indica.
89 Inde x Index A Access lam p ........ ....... ......... ....... ....... ....... .........17 AE/AF lo ck ind ica tor ....... .. ....... ....... ....... .. .......20 Auto Fo cu s ......... ... ...... ....... ....... .. ....... ....... .......20 Auto po wer-of f func tio n .
90 R Red-e ye redu ction ........ ....... ......... ....... . 23, 2 4, 28 RESET b utto n ............ ...... ....... ....... ....... ..... 67, 77 S SCENE . ....... ....... ....... ...... .......... ...... ....... ....... .. 29 Scene S election (SCENE) .
Sony Corporation Printed in Japan Printed on 10 0% recycled paper using VOC (Vol at ile Organic Compound)-f ree vegetable oil based ink. Additiona l informa tion on this produ ct and a nswers to fr equently asked que stions can be found at our Cust omer Su pport W ebsite.
デバイスSony DSC-U40の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony DSC-U40をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony DSC-U40の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony DSC-U40の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony DSC-U40で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony DSC-U40を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony DSC-U40の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony DSC-U40に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony DSC-U40デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。