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V AIO® Com puter Quic k St ar t PCG-GRZ53 0.
3 Noti ce t o Users .... .. .. .... ... .. .. .... .. .. .... .. ... .. .... ..5 Set ting Up .... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. ..... .. ..15 Unp acki ng Your Comp ut er .... ... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .. .. ..... .. ..16 Applying Er gonomics .
V A I O ® Co m p u t er Q u i c k S t a r t 4 Tr oubl eshoo ting . .. .. ... ... .. ... .. .... .. .. .. .... .. ... .. . 4 9 Troubl eshooting Your Computer ............. ................. 50 Troubl eshooting the Mous e and T o uch Pa d .............
5 No ti ce to U se rs © 2002 S ony Electr onics Inc. A ll ri ghts reserved. This manual and the software des c rib e d he re in , i n wh ol e or in par t, ma y not be re prod uced , trans lated, or r educ ed to any machine-re adable form without p rior written appr oval .
V AIO® Comput er Quic k Star t 6 Sony , DVgate, Handycam, i.LINK, M avica, Magi cGate™ Memory S tick , Memory St ick , Movi eShak er, V A IO, and t he V AI O logo are tr adema rks of Sony Corp oration. Micro soft, W indo ws Medi a, Wi ndow s, W indow s NT , and the Wi ndow s logo are reg i stered trad emarks of Micro soft Corp oration.
No tice t o U se rs 7 Safety I nform at ion W ARNING ❑ T o pre vent fire o r shock hazard, do not expos e your computer to rain or moi st ur e. ❑ T o avoid e lectrica l shock , d o not o pen th e ca binet . Refer s ervicin g to quali fied per so n ne l on ly.
VA I O ® Computer Qui ck Star t 8 ❑ Soye z très pr udent l orsqu e vous ins tall ez ou m odifi ez les li gnes tél éphon iques. ❑ Évite z d ’util is er le mo dem dura nt u n ora ge électri que. ❑ N'u tili sez pa s le m ode m n i le télé pho ne pour préveni r d'une fuit e de gaz quan d vous êtes pr ès de la f uite .
No tice t o U se rs 9 ra di o or t el evi s io n rec e pt io n , whi ch can be det ermined by turn i ng t he equipment of f and on, th e user is enco ura ged to tr y to correc t the interfere nce by one or mo re o f the foll owing meas ures: ❑ Reo r ien t or relo cate the rec ei vi ng antenna.
VA I O ® Computer Qui ck Star t 10 commission, public service co mmission, or corporation commissi on, f or information.) FCC Radio Fr e quency Exposure (United St a tes) Thi s equip ment complies with FC C radiati on expos ur e l imi ts se t fort h for an un control led envi ronment .
No tice t o U se rs 11 T elephone Consumer Guid eli nes (Can a da) Ple ase refer t o your tel ephone di recto r y und er ‘Privacy Issu es’ and/o r ‘T erms o f Serv ice.’ For mor e detai led inf ormati on, please co ntact: CR T C T err ass es de la Cha udière, T our centra le 1 pr o mena de du Portage, 5 étage Hull PQ K1 A 0N2.
VA I O ® Computer Qui ck Star t 12 INDUSTR Y CANAD A NOTICE NOT ICE : This equ ip ment m eets the app lica ble Indu stry Cana da T ermi nal Equipm ent T echni cal Sp ecif icat ions .
No tice t o U se rs 13 AV I S D ’ INDUSTRIE CANAD A RE MARQU E: Cet éq uipement est co nforme aux Sp écifi catio ns T echnique s des Équi pem ents T ermi naux d’I ndustr ie Canada en vigueu r . Le numé ro d’id enti fic atio n en est la pre uve .
VA I O ® Computer Qui ck Star t 14.
15 Setting Up Congrat ulations o n your p ur chase of t he Sony V AIO® computer . Sony has combined le ading-edge technol ogy in audio, vi deo, computing, and communicati ons to pr ov ide you with state-o f-the-art personal c omputing.
VA I O ® Computer Qui ck Star t 16 Unp ack ing Y ou r Comp uter Documents ❑ V AIO® Com pu ter Us er Guide — A sea rcha ble onli ne help fil e that conta ins detaile d information on how to us e your new compute r . See “L o ca ti n g Y our V A IO C om p ut er U se r G u id e ” on pa g e 32 fo r m o re inform ation.
Unpac king Y our Comput e r 17 ❑ V A IO® Com puter Quick S tart — Cont a ins informati on on unpa c king a nd se tting up your co m pute r for immed iate use.
VA I O ® Computer Qui ck Star t 18 App ly ing Er gonomic s Y our co mputer is a portabl e devi c e an d c an be used in a variety of envir onm ent s . Wheneve r p ossible , you should apply the follo w ing er gonomic consi de rati ons for both st ation ary and porta ble environm ents.
Locati ng Contro l s and P or ts 19 Loca ti ng Cont rols an d P o r ts Front 1 Me mo ry S ti ck ® me dia indi cator 9 Left a nd r ight b uttons 2 Num loc k indica tor 10 Hard di s k dr ive i ndicat o.
VA I O ® Computer Qui ck Star t 20 Ba ck 1 Air vent 7 USB port 2 DC IN port 8 Modem jack 3 Print er port 9 Microphon e jack 4 Monitor (VGA) port 10 Headphone ja c k 5 A/V Out jack 11 USB port 6 Ne t w or k (E th e rne t) p or t Only conne ct 10 BASE-T and 1 00BASE-T X cables to the Ether net por t.
Locati ng Contro l s and P or ts 21 Left 1 Memory St ick® media slot 4 Opti cal driv e ejec t butto n 2 i.LI NK® (IEEE 13 94) S400 port 5 Multipu rpose bay fo r opti cal driv e (CD-R W/DVD drive ) o.
VA I O ® Computer Qui ck Star t 22 Righ t 1 Air ve nt 3 Batt ery ba y 2 Rem ovable hard dis k drive.
Locati ng Contro l s and P or ts 23 Bo ttom 1 T ilt stands 3 Rese t switch 2 Op ti ca l dri ve r el ea se le v er 4 Port repl icator c onnec tor.
VA I O ® Computer Qui ck Star t 24.
25 Getting St ar ted This sect ion helps you get your computer running and r egis ter ed, so you can take advantage of Sony’ s many suppor t options. Y ou’ll al so learn how to locat e your online V AIO® Computer User Guide , which contai ns s tep- by-ste p instructions for operating your computer .
VA I O ® Computer Qui ck Star t 26 T u rnin g On Y o ur Com pute r T o use y our comp ut er imm ediat ely , us e the sup pli ed AC ada pter as a po wer sourc e. Y our supplied batt ery is not cha rged when you unpac k it, howe ver , you can be gin char ging it when you us e your AC adapter .
T ur n ing On Y our Compute r 27 4 Push the ba t tery bay co ver up until it click s into pla ce. Once you c onnect the AC ada pter to the c omput er , the batte ry begins to char ge whethe r the compute r is o n o r o ff . The batte ry indi cator s h ows the batte ry sta tus.
VA I O ® Computer Qui ck Star t 28 2 Plu g one end of the power cord into the AC a da pter , and plug t he ot he r end in to an AC outle t . T o turn on the compu ter 1 Sli de the release lever to the right an d lift th e cover whi l e hold ing the bo ttom of th e comput er fi rmly .
T ur n ing On Y our Compute r 29 3 If nece ssary , adjust the brightn ess cont rols for the LCD displ ay as follows: ❑ T o inc rease brig htness, press Fn + F5 , an d t h en p res s th e Up Arr ow key or Right Arr ow key . ❑ T o d ecreas e brightne ss, press Fn + F5 , and th e n press the D own Arrow key or L eft Arro w key .
VA I O ® Computer Qui ck Star t 30 Describi ng touch pad act ions T ouc h pad Ac ti on De sc rip t io n Poi nt Sl ide one fing e r on the touc h pad to place th e pointe r on an ite m or objec t. Clic k Pre ss the le ft button onc e. Double -click Pre ss the le ft button twice .
Regist er ing Y our Compute r 31 Re giste ring Y our Com puter T ake adva ntage of Sony’ s commi t ment to quality c ustomer s upport and r eceive these benefit s by registerin g your comput er: ❑ Sony Cus tomer Su pport — T alk to a Suppor t Represen tative to troubl eshoot problems yo u may ha ve with your compu t er .
VA I O ® Computer Qui ck Star t 32 Loc ating Y o ur V A IO Co m put er Use r Gu ide The V AIO ® Co mputer User Gui de is a sea rchabl e on lin e h elp fi le t hat c ont ai ns deta iled inform ation on how to use your new compute r . T o op en the us er guide 1 Clic k St a r t on the W indows ® taskb ar , and the n click Help and Support .
S etting Up A Dial- Up Connection 33 Setting Up A Dial-Up Co nnection This s ection des c ribes t he basic s teps for s etti ng up your dial -up connection. T h e Conne ction W iza rd g uides you throu gh the process of con necting to the Internet and c hoosing a n Inte rnet Servic e Provid e r (ISP) or s ett ing up an exi stin g account .
VA I O ® Computer Qui ck Star t 34 3 Clic k Next . 4 If it is not al ready sele cted, cl ick Connect to the In t ernet . 5 Clic k Next . 6 Fo llo w the on -s cr ee n ins tr u ctio n s. T urni ng Off Y our Co mputer Using the power butt on to turn off you r compute r may resul t in loss of dat a .
T ur n ing Off Y our Computer 35 ❑ Clic k T u rn Of f Com p uter a t the bot tom of the St a r t me nu to displ a y the T urn of f comp u t er window , an d click Tu r n O f f . 4 W ait for yo ur comput er to turn o ff auto matica lly . T he com puter is o ff whe n the powe r indica tor turns of f.
VA I O ® Computer Qui ck Star t 36.
37 Expand ing Y our Computing Po w e r This sect ion helps you get started upgrading c omputer memory and locat ing info rmation abou t pr einstall e d softwar e p ro grams.
VA I O ® Computer Qui ck Star t 38 Up gr adi ng Me mo r y Depend ing on the configur ation you purcha s ed, yo ur computer may ac cept addit ional memory m odules. For informati on about ins tall ation procedures, refer to the onl ine V AIO® Computer User Guide and pri nt those rel e vant s teps.
39 Using the Reco v er y CDs ❑ Applic ation and Sy stem Recove ry CDs ❑ Usin g Y our Rec overy CDs.
VA I O ® Computer Qui ck Star t 40 Ap pli catio n an d Sy st em R e co v ery CD s Y our compute r comes wit h the fol lowing Applica tion Recovery and Sys tem Reco ve ry CDs . Y ou will ne e d an op tical dri ve to us e the s e recov ery CDs. If your com pu ter doe s no t com e wit h an o pti ca l dri ve, use an exte r nal opti ca l dr ive.
Using Y our Rec ov er y CDs 41 T o re instal l progr am s w ith t he Appli c ation Recovery CD (s) 1 T urn on your computer . If your computer is already on, clo s e all open pr ograms. 2 Logon to the Micros oft® W indows® deskt op. 3 Inse rt Sony Appl icat ion Recovery CD No.
VA I O ® Computer Qui ck Star t 42 9 Clic k to ca ncel the Searc h r em ovable media (fl oppy , CD-ROM...) option . 10 Clic k to select the Incl ude thi s l oca tion in the se arc h che ck box. 11 Clic k Bro ws e . T he Br ows e Fo r Fold er dialog box ap pe ars .
Using Y our Rec ov er y CDs 43 you expe rience a problem with you r compute r , reinsta lling a n indiv idual de vice dr iver o r software t itle m ay c orrect the problem. Use the Appli cation Recovery CD( s) to reinst a ll indi vidual pr ograms and devic e driver s.
VA I O ® Computer Qui ck Star t 44 If your comp uter doe s not start f rom the R ecov er y CD 1 Pre ss the powe r button a nd hold it for more than four sec onds to turn of f the com pu ter. 2 T urn on the computer . When the Sony log o is displa yed, press the F2 key .
45 Car ing f or Y our Computer This sect ion pr ovides informat ion on how to safely u se your Sony comp ut er . ❑ S t or ing Y our Computer ❑ Usin g Cables and Connecti ons ❑ Clea ning Y our Co.
VA I O ® Computer Qui ck Star t 46 Stor ing Y our C o mp uter ❑ Do not plac e your comp uter in a locat ion subjec t to: ❑ Heat sources, such a s radiators or air ducts ❑ Dir ect sunli ght ❑ .
Cleani ng Y our Com puter 47 your c omputer whe n i t is a dversely a ffecti ng the t elephone line, the tel e pho ne compa ny has the right to di sconnect yo ur servic e unti l you c orrect the prob lem.
VA I O ® Computer Qui ck Star t 48.
49 T roub leshooting This sect ion describes how to solve some basic pr oble ms you may encounte r w hen using your compu ter . For mor e tr oubleshooti ng topic s r efer t o the onl ine V AI O® Compute r User Guid e . Many pr oblems have simple soluti ons, so r efer to these sour ces befor e you contac t S ony Computi ng Support (http://www .
VA I O ® Computer Qui ck Star t 50 T r oub le shoot ing Y our Com puter Why doesn’t my computer s tart? ❑ Make sure the computer is secure ly plugged into a powe r source and is turne d on. Make sure the powe r in dicator sh ows the powe r is on.
T roubl eshooting Y our Computer 51 4 Press the Right Arro w key to s elect the Exit tab, a nd th en press th e Down Arro w key to sele ct Get Default V alues . The message Load default values for al l SETUP i tems appears. 5 Press Ent er . T h e Setup Confirmation window appe a rs.
V AIO® Computer Qui ck Star t 52 8 Press Ente r . The Setup Confi rm ation windo w appears. 9 Select Ye s , and pr ess En te r . 10 Select E x it ( S ave Ch an ge s ) , and pre ss Ente r . Th e Setup C onfirmation window appe a r s again. 11 Select Ye s , and pr ess En te r .
T roubl eshooting Y our Computer 53 Why w on ’ t the power management respond ? Y our com puter ’ s operati ng syst em may b ecome uns table i f a lowe r power s t ate, suc h as Hiber na t e, i s i nitia te d and c hange d before the com puter completely en ter s th e lo wer po we r st ate.
V AIO® Computer Qui ck Star t 54 ❑ If the di s pla y m ode is s et to exter nal display (s uch as TV), press and hold t he Fn key while you press F7 sev eral ti mes.
T roub leshootin g the M ouse an d T ouch P ad 55 ❑ If you r touc h pad is int e rp reting a sing le tap as a doub le-cl ick, adjus t th e butto n as signmen ts. Follow the s e st eps: 1 Rig h t-c li ck th e T o uchpad icon on t he ri ght s ide of the W indows ® tas kbar .
V AIO® Computer Qui ck Star t 56 ❑ If you still c a n not rest art you r compute r, pr ess and h old the power butt on for more t han four s econds to turn of f the c om pute r . ❑ If the poin ter does not move whil e playi ng a disc , press Ctrl + Al t + Delete simul ta n eously to s t op playba c k and resta rt the computer .
Support Opt ions 57 Suppo r t O pti ons If you have questi ons about your comput er or the preins tall e d programs , refer to the fol lowing sources fo r ans wers in th e sequence lis ted below .
V AIO® Computer Qui ck Star t 58 Pr ogram Supp or t I nf orma tio n Adobe ® Acrobat ® Re ader ® , Pho tosh op ® Elem ents T r ial V ers ion (Ado be Systems Inc.) Apple QuickTime ® (Apple Computer , Inc.) America Online ® (A meri ca Onl in e, In c.
Support Opt ions 59 Quick en ® 2002 New U ser Edi tion (Intuit Inc.) RealO ne ™ (R eal N etw ork s , Inc. ) Sony Appl icati ons (Sony Ele c t ronic s Inc.
V AIO® Computer Qui ck Star t 60.
61 Inde x A AC ad apter 26 conne c ting 27 App licat ion Re covery CD 40 B batt ery char ging 26 indic ator 19 br ightness adju sting 29 bu ttons le ft 19 power 19 right 19 C cap s l o ck 19 comp u te.
V AIO® Computer Qui ck Star t 62 K keyboa rd 19 L LCD scre en handl ing 47 loc a tin g 19 tr oubleshoot ing 53 M maint anence 47 man ual 32 Memor y Sti ck medi a indic ator 19 slot 21 mode m laws g o.
http :/ /ww w .so n y .com /vaio Pr inte d i n USA © 200 2 Sony Electr onics In c. 4-66 9-754-01.
デバイスSony PCG-GRZ530の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony PCG-GRZ530をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony PCG-GRZ530の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony PCG-GRZ530の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony PCG-GRZ530で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony PCG-GRZ530を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony PCG-GRZ530の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony PCG-GRZ530に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony PCG-GRZ530デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。