SonyメーカーPCG-R505TSK, PCG-R505TEK, PCG-R505TS, PCG-R505Tの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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V AIO® R505 SuperSlim Pr o™ Notebook User Guide PCG-R505TSK, PCG-R505TS PCG-R505TEK, PCG-R505TE.
Reprodu ction in wh ole or in part without pe rm issi on i s pr ohi bi te d. All righ ts r es er v ed. Son y , V AIO, and the V AIO logo are trad emarks of Son y . All other tr ademark s are t rademarks of their resp ectiv e o wners. Printe d in USA © 2001 Sony Electronics Inc.
iii Notice to User s Sony El ectro nics Inc. reserve s the r ight to make any modification to this m anu al or the informa tion c ontaine d he rei n at any time without not ice. The softwar e described here in is governed by the terms o f a separate user license agree ment.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide iv i.LINK is a tra dem a rk of Sony used only to designa te that a pr oduct con tains an IEEE 139 4 connec ti on. Th e i.LIN K co nnecti on m ay vary , depending on the software appl ic at io ns, operat ing sys tem, and i .
v A VERTISS EMENT ❑ Pour p révenir tou t risque d’in cendie ou d’él ectro cutio n, gar der cet appa reil à l’ abri de l a plui e et de l’humi dité. ❑ Pour pr éven ir tout risqu e d’éle ctrocut ion, ne pa s ouvri r le châssis de cet apparei l et n e confi er son en tretie n qu’à un e per sonne qualifi ée.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide vi Regulatory Inf ormation Decl aration of Conf ormity This equipm e nt ha s bee n t est ed a nd fo und to comply wi th the limi ts for a C lass B digital device, pursua nt to Part 15 of t he Rules.
vii most, but not al l area s , the su m of th e REN s should no t exceed f ive (5.0). T o be ce rtain of th e number of devices that ma y be co nnected t o the line , a s det er m i ned by th e tota l RE Ns, co n tact the te le pho ne comp any to de term in e the maximu m REN for the calling ar ea.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide viii Disposal of Lithi u m-I on Battery Y ou can retur n your unwa nted l ithium-i on batterie s to your nearest Sony Service Center or Factory Service Ce nter. For the Sony Service C enter neare s t you , call 1-888-476 -6972 in the U nited States or 1-800-961 -7669 in Canada.
ix Repairs to ce rtified eq uip ment shou ld be coordina te d by a repr esentative designated by the suppli er. Equipment m al f un ctions or any repair s or alter ations made by the user to th is equipm en t may give the teleco m mu nications comp any ca use to req uest th at the us er disconne ct the equip ment.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide x.
xi Contents 1 Welcome ...... ........... ........... ....... .......... ........... ... 15 Features .............................................................................. 15 Unpacking Your Notebook .............................................
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide xii Connecting an i.LINK ® Device ............................................. 75 Connecting an External Display ........................................... 78 Connecting a Universal Seria l Bus (USB) Device .
xiii Troubleshooting audio .......................................................135 Troubleshooting the Printer ...............................................136 Getting Help .......................................................................138 9 Specifications .
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide xiv.
15 1 We l c o m e Congratulations on y o ur purchas e of the Sony V AIO® note book. Sony has combine d leadi ng-edge technology in aud io , vide o , comput ing, and communica tions to provide you with State-of -the-ar t personal comput ing.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 16 Unpacking Y our Noteboo k Remove th e following hardware, documentation, and CDs from the bo x: Har dware Manuals ❑ V AIO® Quic k Start — Con tains details o n unpacking and s etting up your noteboo k, supplementar y updates, and s oftware inform ation.
Unpac king Y our Noteboo k 17 Reco very CD s ❑ A pplication Recovery CD(s) — Allo ws you to rein stall in div idu al applications or device dri vers if they are co rrupted or erased. ❑ System Recov ery CD(s) — Allows you to restore the software titles that shipped with you r computer if the y become corrupted or are erase d.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 18 Notes on Use Y ou will be using your not ebook as a port able de vice in a v ariety of en vironm ents. Whene ver pos sible, you sho uld comply with er gonomic gui delines in both stationary and portable env iro nmen ts.
Notes on Use 19 Recommen ded P osition Setting Up Y our Notebo ok ❑ Do not place you r computer in a location sub ject to: ❑ Heat sources, su ch as radiators or air ducts ❑ Direct sunlight ❑ E.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 20 ❑ Provide adequate air circulation to pre vent internal heat buildup. Do not place your computer on porous surf aces such as rugs o r blankets, or near materials such as curtains or draperies that may block its ventilation slots.
Notes on Use 21 Cleaning Y our Notebook ❑ Make sure to d isconnect the po wer cord before cleaning the computer . ❑ A vo id rubbing th e LCD screen as this can damage the screen. Us e a soft, dry cloth to wipe the LCD screen. ❑ Clean the computer with a soft cloth lightly moistened with a mild detergent solu tion.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 22.
23 2 Setting Up Y our V AIO ® Notebook This sec tion des cribes the cont rols an d connector s on your V AIO Notebook a nd opti onal docking sta tion, h o w to connec t your notebook to a power source, and how to star t and shut d own your notebook.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 24 Back 1 Batter y co nnector Left 1 DC In conn ector 2 USB conne ctor 3 Air vent 4 Monit or conn ector 5 Memory Stick ® slot.
Setting Up Y our V AIO® Notebook 25 Right 1 USB connec tor 5 PC car d slot 2 Head phone j ack 6 Ethern et conne ctor 3 Micr ophone jack 7 Phone line jack 4 i.LINK® (IEEE13 94) S400 c onnecto r Warning : Connec t on ly 10B ASE-T and 10 0BA SE-TX ca ble s to t he (Ethernet netw ork) c onnec tor .
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 26 Connecting a P o wer Sour ce Y ou can us e either A C po wer or a recharg eable battery pack as a po wer sou rce. Using the A C Adapter 1 Plug the cable attached to the A C adapter into the DC In co nnector on the computer .
Connecti ng a P o wer Source 27 Notes on t he A C Adapter ❑ Y our c omputer operates on 100-240V A C 50/60 Hz. ❑ Do not shar e the A C outlet with other po wer-cons uming equipment, such as a copy machine or shredder . ❑ Y ou can pur chase a power strip with a surge p rotector .
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 28 2 Align th e groov es and tabs on the battery with t he tabs and notch es on the back of the notebook, and then slide the battery toward the computer until it clicks into place. 3 Slide the lock lev er into the LOCK position to secure the b attery on the noteboo k.
Connecti ng a P o wer Source 29 The battery indicator ligh t on the front of the compu ter indicates the status of th e batt ery pack . Battery Indicator L ight Batter y Indicator Ligh t Statu s Meaning On The com puter is using batt ery power . Single bl ink The bat tery i s runnin g out of powe r .
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 30 T o remove the battery pack Y ou can in sert or remo ve the batt ery pack while yo ur notebook is o n or of f. Ho wev er , if y ou insert or r emove the battery pack while your notebo ok is on, make sure the computer is connected to the A C adapter .
Connecti ng a P o wer Source 31 ❑ Y our notebook may not enter Hibernate mode when the battery life is low if certain software app lications are activ e or if certain peripheral de vices are connected. T o a void los s of data when using battery po wer , sa ve you r data frequently and manually activ ate a po wer management mo de.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 32 Star ting Y our Notebook 1 Slide the LCD lock le ver in the direction of the arro w , and lift the co ver . 2 Press the power b utton located on the r ight si de of the notebook until the green po wer indi cator light tur ns on.
Shutting Do wn Y our Notebook 33 Shutting Down Y our Notebo ok 1 Click the Start button on the W indows® taskbar . 2 Click Shut Down at the bottom of the Start menu to display the Shut Down W indows di alog bo x. 3 Select Shut do wn. 4 Click OK. 5 W ait for your notebook to turn off au tom atically .
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 34.
35 3 Using Y our V AIO ® Notebook Using the Ke yboar d Although the notebo ok ke yboar d is v e r y simila r to that of a typewriter , the k eyboard has addi tional keys that perform specif ic compu ter-rela ted tasks .
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 36 The Notebook K e yboard K eys Key Description Numer ic keypad area The n umeric k eypad ar ea cont ains the keys fo und on a typical calcu lator . Use this are a to type numbers or to per form mathematic al calculations such as addition and subt raction.
Using Y our V AIO® Notebook 37 Indicator s The Windo ws Ke y in Combination wi th Other K eys Indicator Functio n Power Light i s green wh en the note book is power ed on, fla shes umber when the notebo ok is i n Stand by mode , and t urns o ff when the not ebook i s in Hibern ate mod e or is power ed off.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 38 The Fn Ke y in Combination with Other Ke ys + F Displ ays the Wi ndows Fi nd: All Fil es window to find a file or folder . Thi s is the eq uivalent of select ing Find then Files or Fol ders from the Star t menu.
Using the T ouchpa d 39 Using the T ouchpad The ke yboard cont ains a curs or -poin tin g de vice call ed a tou c hpad . Y ou can point to, select, drag, and scroll objects on the screen usin g the built-in touchpad. T ouchpad Actions Descrip tions Point Slid e one finge r on the touc hpad to plac e the poi nter on an i tem or obj ect.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 40 Using PC Cards Y our notebo ok includes a PC card slot. PC cards al low you to connect portab le external d evices. T o insert a PC ca rd 1 Insert the PC card into the P C card slot with fr ont label f acing up.
Using PC Cards 41 T o remo ve a PC card 1 Close any application that uses the PC card, otherwise data may be lost. 2 Click the Unplug or Eject Hardware icon in th e taskbar and select the card. 3 Click Sto p, in the Stop a Hardw are de vice dialog box , confi rm the de vice to stop and click OK.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 42 Do not ch oose a USB dis k, Sony i .LIN K CD-RW /DVD -ROM dr ive, or Sony i.LINK DV D-ROM drive. (Windo ws Me onl y) If you ch oose to re move a USB disk, t he interna l Memory Stick becomes d isabled.
Using Sm ar t Connect 43 Using Smar t Conn ect Windows Me™ Y ou can con nect your V AIO® Notebo ok to another V AIO Notebo ok that has the prein stal led W in dows Me ope r atin g syst e m or th e Sony Sma rt Con nect 3.0 softw are preinstall ed. Y ou may use an optional i.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 44 If Y our Notebook i s Connected to the Optional Doc king Stati on If you w ant to e xchange data wit h another computer us ing the optional i .
Using Sm ar t Connect 45 5 T urn on the notebook, an d us e t he i. LINK cab l e t o conn ect y our no t eboo k t o another comp uter . 6 After you hav e fini shed the tasks you needed to perform to end the “smart connect” session, pr oceed as follows : ❑ Disconn ect your noteboo k from the do cking station .
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 46 V AIO Action Setup V AIO Action Setu p manages the settings for your noteboo k’ s Jog Dial™ Co ntrol, Memory Stick ® media , and i.LINK *® interface. An o vervie w of some of the functions controlled by V AIO Action S etup is pro vided belo w .
Jog Di al™ Control 47 Using the Jog Dial™ Contr ol This section explains how to use the Jog Dial Control. For information on h o w to change the settings of the Jog Dial Contr ol , r ight-click the Jog Dial Utility icon or in the task tray and click Help T opics.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 48 1 Rotate the Jog Dial Cont rol to select the item you want, then press the Jog Dial Control. The J og Dial Launcher windo w switches to guide mo de and sh ows the functi on of t h e Jog D ial C on tro l.
Using Me mor y Stic k® Medi a 49 Using the Jog Dial Contr ol with Other Software If the software you are using does not support the Jog Dial Co ntrol, you can still use the Jog Dial Control t o scroll or adjust the windo w size.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 50 For mu si c, whi ch r e quir e s copyr ight prot ecti on , yo u can o nly us e MG Mem ory Stick media with your n otebook. Y ou can also use MagicGate media-compatible de vices to record and playback music when they are con nected to your computer .
Using Me mor y Stic k® Medi a 51 T o View the Co ntents of Me mory Stick Media Click the Remo vab le Disk (S:) icon under My Computer to s ee the contents of the Memory Stick media. T o Remo ve a Memor y Stic k Media 1 Ensure that the access light is off.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 52 Write-pr otecting a Memory Stick Media Memory Stick m edia is designed w ith a wr ite-protect tab to p rotect valuable data from accidental erasure or ov erwriting. Move the tab to the right or left to set or release write-protection.
Using Me mor y Stic k® Medi a 53 When Using Memory Stick media ✍ Note the fol lowing when u sing Me mory St ick media: ❑ When the erasure preve ntion swi tch of the Memor y Stic k media is set to L OCK, data cann ot be rec orded or er ased. ❑ Before us ing Memor y Stick med ia, back u p importa nt data.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 54 Bewar e of the f ollowi ng when using Mem or y Stic k media : ❑ Do not use the media in l ocations that are s ubject to s tatic elec tricity or elec trical nois e. ❑ Do not touch the m edia connec tor with your fi nger or metal lic objects .
Using P owe r Saving M odes 55 Using P o wer Sa ving M odes When you use a battery as t he source of po wer for y our computer , you can take adv antage of power management settings to conserve battery life.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 56 T o activ ate Hibernate mode T o activ ate Hibernate mode, pr ess the key combination Fn+F12. T o return t o normal mode T o return to normal mode, turn on the computer by pressing the po wer button.
Usin g a Ph one L i ne 57 Usi ng a Phone L ine Y ou need to connect a phone line to tak e adva ntage of online services, the Inter n et, an d Sony Cus t o mer Su p port. 1 Gently peel back the r ubber phone jack co ver . Pulling the phone jack co ver too h ard c o uld da mag e it.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 58 Using the Local Area Netw ork (LAN) Y ou can connect your note bo ok to 10 B ASE-T and 100B ASE-TX-type net wo rks . For the detailed settings and de vices needed to connect to the network, please ask your netw ork administrator .
59 4 Connecting P eripheral De vices This sec tion des cribe s how you can add fun ctionali ty to your not ebook by conne cting it to a variety of peri pherals, as di scussed in the following sect ion.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 60 Connecting the Optional Doc king Station Y our notebook suppo rts an opt ional docking station that provides the following: ❑ A flop py dis k drive. ❑ An optical (C D-R W/D VD-R OM or D VD-R OM) dri ve, dep ending on the model yo u purchased.
Connec ting P eripher al De vices 61 Connecting t he Notebook to th e Docking Station Y ou may con nect your noteb ook to the dockin g station as long as it is not in power saving m ode, i.e., Standby o r Hib erna te. C onnect ing t he co mput er whil e it is in power s aving mode may result in data loss or a computer malfunction.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 62 3 Firmly press with your th umb s the two rear corners of the notebook, until your compu ter clicks in place and is s ecurely f astened to the docking station.
Connec ting P eripher al De vices 63 2 Remo ve the no tebook from th e docking stat ion, while mo ving the compu ter slightly back to disengage it from the two front latches of th e dock ing station.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 64 From th e Start me nu 1 Click the Start menu in the Windo ws task tray . 2 Select Eject PC to access the “Und ock Complete” dialog box. 3 Release and rem ove y our notebook as described in “Disconn ecting the Docking St ation when the N otebook is Of f” .
Connec ting P eripher al De vices 65 2 Release and r emov e your noteboo k as described in “Di sconnecting the Docking Station when the Notebook is Off” . UNDOCK switc h Beware of the f ollowi ng to en sure pr oper op eratio n of your notebo ok: ❑ Do not disconne ct the note book from the dock ing stati on while th e docking indicator is o n.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 66 Connecting the Flopp y Disk Dri ve Y ou can use the floppy disk dri ve i n the optional docking stat ion. If you do not utilize the docking station drive, y ou can connect an op tio nal PCGA-UFD5 flopp y disk dri v e to the USB conn ector on you r notebook.
Connec ting the Flop py D isk Driv e 67 T o Remove a Diskette ❑ When you finish using the diskette, wait until the LED indicator light turns of f and then press th e Eject b utton to r e move the diskette. Notes on Handling Diskettes ❑ Do not open the shutter manually and touch the surface of the diskette.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 68 Connecting an Optical Drive Y ou can use the op tional docking station, PCGA-DSD5 CD-R W/D VD or PCGA- DSD5 D VD with you r note boo k. T o Insert a Disc 1 Press the Eject b utton. The disc tray slides out.
Connec ting an Optical Drive 69 2 Place the disc in the tr ay with the lab el s ide f acing u p. Push the dis c onto th e hub until the disc clicks into place. 3 Close the tray by pushing it gently . The BUSY indicator on the dri ve flashes while your notebook reads data from the d is c.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 70 Pla ying a D VD ❑ T o achieve optimum performance whe n playing D VDs, it is recommen ded that you close al l open applications before playing a D VD movie. ❑ When pl aying D VD mo vies on battery powe r , set the po wer manage ment profile to D VD.
Connec ting an Optical Drive 71 Handling and Cleaning CD and D VD Media Proper care of the disc is essential to maintain its reliabili ty . Therefore, al ways abide by the follo wing guidelines: Handling ❑ Do not d rop or bend t he disc. ❑ Do not touch the surf ace of the disc.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 72 Beware o f the following : ❑ Do not stri ke or shak e the compute r while writing data to a d isc. ❑ Memory-resident d isc utilities , such as the screen saver a nd virus chec ker , may cause un stable opera tion or data loss.
Connecti ng a Printer 73 Connecting a Printer ❑ Y ou can use th e optional dock ing station t o connect a printer o r other par allel connecto r to you notebook . ❑ Y ou can con nect a USB -compatible printer or other compatible USB device to your note boo k.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 74 ✍ Note th e following: ❑ See the manu als that came with your pri nter for more informati on on printer install ation and op eration. ❑ Before operati ng the pri nter , ensure that t he Prin ter setting in t he Sony Notebook Setup s oftware is pr operly set.
Connecti ng an i.LINK® De vice 75 Connecting an i.LINK *® De vi ce Y our V AIO Notebook includ es an i.LINK (IEEE 1394) S400 connecto r , which you can use to connect to a compatible i.LINK de vice such as a digital video camera reco rder . T o Co nnect a Digita l Video Cam era Recorder Plug one end of an i.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 76 i.LINK * cables compatible with you r V AIO Notebook include cables with the follo wing part numbers: VMC-IL4 415A (a 1.5-me ter cable with a 4-p in connector at each end ), VMC-IL4615A (a 1.5-meter cable with a 4-pin connecto r at one end and a 6-pin connector at the other) .
Connecti ng an i.LINK® De vice 77 Har d Disk Driv e Partition In order t o improv e the perf ormance of your compu ter’ s D Vgate™ Motion softw are, the hard d isk driv e on your notebook has been formatted with t wo partitions, C and D. The C partition hol ds 40% an d the D partiti on holds 60% of the entire driv e capacity .
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 78 Connecting an Exte rnal Displa y Y ou can conn ect a computer display (monit or) or proj ect or to your n otebook or docking station. T o Connect a Monitor Using the Notebook 1 Locate th e monitor connecto r on the left side of the notebook .
Connect ing an Ext er nal Displ ay 79 2 Plug the optional display cable in to the monitor connector . T o Connect a Projector Y ou can us e a projector , such as the Son y LCD Projector , as an e xternal display . Using the Notebook 1 Locate the monitor connector on the left sid e of the noteboo k.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 80 Using the Docking Station 1 Locate the monitor connector on the rear panel of the docking station.
Connect ing an Ext er nal Displ ay 81 3 Plug the audio cable into the green Headp hone con nector on the righ t side of the notebook. T o Select a Disp lay When you connect an external dis play to the monitor connector , you can press Fn+F7 to toggle the output between th e Liquid Crys tal Dis play (LCD), the extern al monitor , or both devices.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 82 Connecting a Univer sa l Serial Bus (USB) Devi ce Y ou can conn ect USB de vices such as an e xternal mouse, k e yboard, speak er , and micropho ne to your computer . T o Connect a USB De vice Using the Notebook 1 Locate a USB connector on the notebook.
Conne cting a Univ ersal S er i al Bus (USB) De vice 83 Using the Docking Station 1 Locate a USB connector on th e optional docking station. Ther e are two USB conne ctors located o n the back side of the docking station. 2 Plug one end o f the USB cable into a connector and the other end into the USB device.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 84 Connecting External Speakers Y ou can con nect e xternal speak ers to yo ur notebo ok to e nhance the sound qu ality of your co mputer . T o Con nect External S peakers 1 Locate th e green Headphone con nector on the rig ht side of you r notebook.
Connectin g an External Microphon e 85 Connecting an External Micr opho ne Y ou can us e an extern al microphone to e nhance the quality of the sound input . T o Conne ct an External Microphone 1 Locate the red Microphone connector on the right s ide of your not ebook.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 86.
87 Customizing Y our V A IO® Noteb ook This sec tion br iefly descr ibes how you c an change the default settings of y o ur notebo ok to custo mize your computer .
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 88 Sony Noteb ook Setup T abs T ab Description Abou t This Compute r Display syste m inform ation, incl uding mem or y capaci ty , serial numb er , and BI OS version . Printer S elect prin ter port mode se ttings.
Controll ing P o wer Manage ment 89 Contr olling P ower Manage ment The Power P anel utility allows you to control the po wer settings of your notebook and provides ke y inform atio n about system activity and battery life. The follo wing secti ons briefly describe ho w to conserv e your com puter’ s battery po wer .
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 90 Customiz ing Powe r Management Settings Y ou can cu stomize po wer manag ement settings , such as the s yst em timer and the brightness of the screen. T o cus t omize a setting: 1 Click the Current Profile icon on the Power Management toolbar .
Controll ing P o wer Manage ment 91 AC Power The power manage ment sta te when AC powe r is in use. Similar t o the Power Management Of f setting. Power Management a utomatically loa ds the AC profile unl ess you di sable thi s featu re. Games Disables the displa y and the Ha rd Disk Sta ndby timer .
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 92 P o wer Management Commands Po werPanel al so provi des pow er management commands that you can use t o acti v ate specif ic po wer m anagement fun ctions and to contro l po wer for a specif ic de vice.
Displa ying Battery Inf or mation 93 Displa ying Battery Inf ormatio n Y ou can dis play detailed information for each o f the batteries in your compu ter . The follo wing s ections briefl y describe ho w to display your computer’ s general battery information.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 94 Displa ying Detai led Battery Inf ormation Double-click the battery icon on th e task tray to dis play th e Battery Information windo w . The screen appears disp l aying the Battery tab, which cont ai ns information such as the estimated time-to-empt y and chargi ng time.
Selectin g the Displ ay M ode 95 Selecting the Display Mode This notebook uses the Intel® video controller, which enables you to select the desired display wh en the notebook is connected to an external monitor .
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 96 6 Ensure that the Synchrono us Display Mode box is checked, t hen click Apply . Changing the Window Design of Sony Sof tware T o chang e the window design 1 Click the Start button, point to Settings , then poin t to Control Panel.
Usin g Dual Displ ay function (Win dows M e™ only) 97 Using Dual Display function (Wind ows Me™ only) The dual display fun ction allo ws you to distrib ute portio ns of your desktop across separate displays.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 98 Setting Color s and Resolut ion fo r Each Displa y Y ou can set the display colors and resolution for each display that is part of a virtual desktop. Follo w steps 1 to 4 above to display the Display Properties screen.
Usin g Dual Displ ay function (Win dows M e™ only) 99 5 The “UI Design Selector” window des ign changes. The wind ow design fo r your Sony software will match the “UI Design Selector” window . 6 T o try another s electi on, click << or >> and then click OK.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 100.
101 5 Adding Memory In the fu ture you ma y w ant to insta ll memor y modules to e xp and the functiona lity of your co mputer . If your notebook has 64 MB of memor y , y o u can incr ease mem or y to 19 2 MB; if your note book has 128 MB of memor y , you can incre ase me mor y to 2 56 MB.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 102 exampl e). Ground you rself by mai ntaining contact with an unpaint ed metal portion of the chassis while performi ng the procedure. ❑ Do not open the memo ry module package until you are ready to install the module.
T o Ins tal l a Memo ry Module 103 4 Slide the LCD lock lev er and lift the cover . Slide the keyboard to ward the LCD display , then lift it away sl igh tly . 5 Lift the ke yboard from the LCD d is play side, then gently turn it ov er o n the touchpad space.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 104 8 Install the memory module. 9 Gently replace the ke yboar d, then press it into your com puter . Be careful not to detach the cable when lifting the key board. 10 Close the computer co ver , then tighten the scre ws on the bottom of the computer .
T o Re mov e a Me mor y Mo dule 105 T o Rem ove a Memory Module 1 Perform steps 1 to 5 of “T o install a memory module.” 2 T ouch a metal object (such as the connector panel o n the back of your computer) to di scharge static electricity . 3 Remo ve the memory module .
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 106.
107 6 About the Software on Y our Notebook Y our V AIO notebook is ready t o help y o u work, pla y , l ear n, and communica te as soo n as you tur n it on.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 108 ArcSoft ® PhotoP rinter ™ 2000 Pr o (Wi ndows Me on ly) Ar cSoft, In c. ArcSoft Ph otoPr i nter 200 0 Pro is an easy-to - use, advanced pr inting program t hat let s yo u quickly lay out mult iple images in multiple siz es on a singl e sheet of paper .
About the Software on Y our Notebook 109 McAfe e ® V irusScan ® Network Associat es, I nc. Protect your com pu ter from vi ruses. V irusSc an can dete c t viruses f r o m floppy disk s, Internet downloads, e-mail attachments, in t ranets, shared fi les , CD-R OMs, and on line services.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 110 OpenMG ™ J ukebox ( Windo ws Me on ly) Sony Electronics In c. OpenMG Juk ebox software enables you to import digi tal audio f iles by downlo ading audio files from Electronic Music Distrib ution (EMD) services ov er digital networks, such as the Int ernet.
About the Software on Y our Notebook 111 RealPro ducer ® G2 RealNet works, I nc. RealPr od ucer conv erts yo ur audi o an d video files , or live feeds, into Re alAudio and RealV ideo f or the Inte rnet or yo ur intr anet. Rea lProd ucer is easy to us e, giv es yo u better control over your content, an d is packed with exclusive features.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 112 MovieSh ake r™ This application can be u sed to create fun and innov ati ve mo vies without any knowled ge o f film editing.
Mov ieShaker ™ 113 Create a Mov ie using Shaker After adding clip(s) to the Clip tray , you can create a sho rt movie using the Shaker featu re. Shaker randomly se l ect clips from the Clip tray to create a 30-second s cene. 1 Click the Shak e tab .
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 114 Editing Clips and Scenes Y ou can edit yo ur movie b y adding ef fects and tex t, adjusting the color and contrast, and modifying the len gth of clips. Adding ef fects to a scene or a clip: 1 Double-click the clip or scene to move it to the W orking Panel.
Mov ieShaker ™ 115 Savi ng a Movie 1 V erify that the clip(s) you want to sa ve is on the Product tray . See Help for more deta ils on s aving movi e s. 2 Clic k Expo rt. 3 Select the format in which y ou want the document to b e sav ed. 4 Clic k Next.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 116 PictureGear™ PictureGear is a digital image managemen t application that allows yo u to see all the images stored in any directory o n your computer . Thumbnail vie ws provide quick rem inders of your pi ctures.
Pict ureG ear™ 117 1 Gather the sour ce images into the same folder or co llection. 2 Select the images you want to u se. 3 From the Utilities me nu select Panorama Maker . 4 Select the correct lens and click OK. ( If 35mm lens is selected, the pro mpt does not appear; to select a diff erent lens, click the lens icon.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 118 Application, Driver , and System Reco very CDs Y our computer comes with the following application, dri v er , and system r ecov ery CDs. (T o use your reco very CDs, s ee “Using the Application Reco very CD(s)” .
Applica tion, Driv er , and Sys tem Recov ery CDs 119 T o use t he Applicatio n Recovery CD(s) 1 T urn on your computer . If your com puter is already on, close all applications. 2 When the W indows desktop appears, insert the Son y Application Recov ery CD in the optical driv e.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 120 T o repa ir software applications u sing V AIO Su pport Agent The Dri ver Reco very CD utility has an information v ault that contains the original characteristics for the preinstalled software applications that are protected b y V AIO Suppor t Agent.
Applica tion, Driv er , and Sys tem Recov ery CDs 121 If your computer d oes not start from the Recovery CD 1 Press the power button and hold it for more than four seconds to turn off the computer . 2 T urn on the computer . When the S ony logo is displa yed, press the F 2 key .
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 122 Software Suppor t Information Adobe Acroba t Reader®, Adobe PhotoDelux e® Home Edition America Online® (America Online) QuickTime™ (A pple Comput er Inc.) CompuServe® 2000 (CompuServe, Inc.
Softw are Suppor t Inf ormation 123 McAfee® V irusScan® (Network Associates, Inc.) Netscape Communicator® (Netscape Communications Corpora tion) PhotoPrin ter™ 2000 Pr o (Ar cSoft, Inc.) Prodig y Internet® (Prodigy Communications Corporat ion ) Quic ken® 2001 (I ntuit Inc.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 124 Sony Applications (Sony Electronics, Inc.) Windo ws 2000 Operating System, Inter net Explor er , W ord 2000 (Microsoft Corporation) WinD VD (InterV ideo, Inc.
125 T r oubleshooting This sec tion des cribes how to solve commo n problems you may encounter when usi ng your notebook . Since many pr oblems hav e simple solution s, tr y these su ggestion s before you contact Sony PC Sup por t (http://www .sony .com/pcsupp or t).
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 126 still does not start, remove the A C adapter and bat tery pack and wait one minute, then reattach th em and press the po wer button. When start ing my notebook for the first t ime, the V A IO In itManager dial og box appears.
T rou b l eshoo ting 127 ❑ If W indows still does not start, follow the steps belo w to initialize th e BIOS: 1 Remo ve any diskette from the flopp y disk dri ve. 2 T u rn of f the notebook. 3 Remo ve any peripheral de vices connected to the notebook.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 128 ❑ (W indo ws Me) If y our noteboo k stops respondi ng while playi ng a CD or D VD, stop the CD/D VD and press C trl+Alt+Delete twice to restart the noteboo k.
T rou blesho o tin g the Do cking S tati on 129 T r oubleshooting the Do cking St ation I canno t operate the optical dri ve in the docking station, wh en the docking station is connected to the note book. Follo w these steps to set th e i.LINK network switch.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 130 The disc tray does not e ject even after I press the Eje ct button. Open the tray b y inserting a sharp, po inted object in the manual eject hole. T r oubleshooting the LCD Screen My LCD scree n is blank.
T roub leshoo ting the Mouse and T ouc hpad 131 T r oubleshooting the Mo use and T ouchpad My mous e does not work. ❑ If you are using an exter nal mouse, v erify that t he mouse is p lugged into the mouse connector . See ”Connecting a Uni ver sal Serial Bus (USB) Device” for det ails.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 132 ❑ If the pointer d oes not mov e while playing a disc, press C trl+Alt+Delete to stop playback and restart the notebook. T r oubl eshooti ng Drives , PC Cards, and P eriphe ral Device s My floppy disk drive can not write to a diskette.
T rou blesho oting Drive s, PC C ards, and P eripheral De vices 133 ❑ Moisture cond ensation may ha ve occurre d. Leav e the notebook idle fo r at least 1 h our with the not ebook turned on. The DVD videos cannot be played prop erly . (Windows Me o nly) Follo w these steps , to correct this condition.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 134 My PC card do es not work . ❑ Make sure the PC card is compatible with Microsoft® W indo ws®. ❑ Use the Sony Notebook Setup utility to disable de vices you are not currently using . T r oubleshooting the Software My softwar e program stops re sponding or crash es.
T roubles hoo t ing th e Mod em 135 T r oubleshooting the Modem My modem does not work. ❑ Check that the phon e line is plugged into the line jack. See ”Us ing a Phone Line” for details. ❑ Check that the phone line is working by plugging the line in an ordinary phone and li stening for a dial tone.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 136 ❑ If nothing is displayed when you p ress Fn+F3 or Fn+F4, pr oceed as follo ws: 1 Click Start, point to Settings, point to Co ntrol panel, then double-click System. The System Properties dialog box ap pears.
T rou blesho o tin g the P r i nt er 137 ❑ Y our c onnected printer may not functio n after the noteboo k resumes from a po wer saving mo de. If this occurs, pr oceed as follows to r eset the printer connection: Win dow s M e On l y 1 Right -click My Compu ter icon on the des ktop, then sel ect Properties.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 138 Getting Help Sony provides sev er al supp or t opti ons f or your Sony computer . When you hav e questio ns about your com puter and the prein s.
139 7 Specifications The following tables detail the hard ware specifi cations f or your note book and the opt ional docking station. . Notebook Hardware Sp ecifications Model PC G-R505TE/PCG-R 505TEK.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 140 Buil t-in Capa biliti es • Ster eo speake rs • T ou chpad • Center Jo g Con trol Connect ion Capabilit ies •i .
Specific ations 141 ** Maximum speed for fa xin g is 14. 4 kb ps. Your mode m is ca pa ble of dow nloading at 53 kbps. Your online serv ice or Interne t Se rvi ce Provi de r, howeve r, may not support this te ch nology or operat e at this sp eed . †† i.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 142 Optional Docking Station Har dware Specifications Model DVD Do cking Stati on (PCGA-DSD5) CD-RW/ DVD Docking Sta tion (PCGA-DSM5) Optica l Drive.
143 Index A About This Computer tab 88 AC adapter 26, 27 AC power 26 AC Profile power setting 91 adding hardware 59 peripherals 59 adjusting brightness 38 Alt key 36 Application Recovery CD 118 Applic.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 144 handling 71 CDRW Drive 60 charge status indicator light 29 charging battery pack 28 choosing power source 26 cleaning computer 20 coin-operated .
145 DVD-ROMs handling 71 E Eject button 67 ejecti ng diskettes 67 electr onic documentation 138 Energy Star i ii Escape key 36 Ethernet network connector 25 external devi ces display 78 speakers 84 F .
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 146 See speaker s K keyboard 23, 35–38 L Launcher Mode 47 LCD lock lever 32 selecting to display ou tput 81 troubleshooting 130 LCD screen handlin.
147 help 138 operator keys 36 output devices vi P party phone lines 57 PBX 57 PC card inserting 40 removing 41 slot 40 troubleshooting 134 Type II 40 phone connecting line 57 jack 57 laws governing vi.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 148 LCD 81 monitor 81 power source 26 Serial connector 60 setting up your PC support 138 setup screen About This Computer tab 88 Basic/Advanced tab .
149 Help 37 key 36 Start button 33 taskbar 33, 127.
V AIO® R50 5 SuperSlim Pro™ Noteb ook User Guide 150.
デバイスSony PCG-R505TSK, PCG-R505TEK, PCG-R505TS, PCG-R505Tの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony PCG-R505TSK, PCG-R505TEK, PCG-R505TS, PCG-R505Tをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony PCG-R505TSK, PCG-R505TEK, PCG-R505TS, PCG-R505Tの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony PCG-R505TSK, PCG-R505TEK, PCG-R505TS, PCG-R505Tの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony PCG-R505TSK, PCG-R505TEK, PCG-R505TS, PCG-R505Tで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony PCG-R505TSK, PCG-R505TEK, PCG-R505TS, PCG-R505Tを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony PCG-R505TSK, PCG-R505TEK, PCG-R505TS, PCG-R505Tの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony PCG-R505TSK, PCG-R505TEK, PCG-R505TS, PCG-R505Tに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony PCG-R505TSK, PCG-R505TEK, PCG-R505TS, PCG-R505Tデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。