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V AIO ® Com puter Quick S tart PCG -V505 Series.
3 Content s Noti ce t o User s .... ...... . .... .... ...... ...... ..... .... ....5 Set ting Up .... .... .. .. .. .. .. ....... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ......1 5 Unp ack i n g Yo ur Com p ut er .... ... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....16 Applying Er gonom ics .
V AIO® Computer User Guide 4 Usin g You r Recov e r y CDs .... .... ..... ... .... ....... ....... ..... 42 Cari ng fo r Your Comput e r .... ...... .. .. .. .. ..... . 49 St or i n g Yo ur C omp u t er .... ..... .. ..... ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .
5 No ti ce to U s e rs © 2003 S ony El ect ronics I nc. All r ight s reserved. This manual and the software des c r i b e d he r e i n , i n wh ol e or in par t , ma y not be re prod uced, tr anslat ed, or r educed t o any machine-re a dable form without prior wri tten appr oval .
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 6 part icip ating nat ions. E NERG Y S TA R i s a U . S . reg istered m ark. Sony , DVg a te, Handycam, i.LINK, Mavica, Magi cGate™ M emor y S ti ck, Memory S tick , Movi eShak er , V AIO, and t he V AIO logo a r e tr ade marks of So ny Corpo r a ti on.
No tice to Us ers 7 Safety Inf ormation W ARNI NG ❑ T o p reven t fi re or shock hazard, do not expos e your co mputer to ra in o r mo istu r e. ❑ T o avoi d e l e ctrica l sh ock, d o not o pen t he ca bi net. Refer serv icin g to quali fie d per s o n ne l on l y.
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 8 ❑ Soye z très pru dent l orsqu e vous i nstal l ez ou m odifiez l es l ign es tél éphon i ques. ❑ Évite z d’ util iser le mo dem durant un ora ge électr ique. ❑ N'u tilis ez pas le mode m ni le té lépho ne pour prév eni r d'une fuite de ga z quand vous êt es près de l a fuite .
No tice to Us ers 9 equi pment d oes cau se harmful int erfer ence to ra di o or t e le vi s i o n r ec e p ti o n , wh ic h can be det ermin ed by turn ing t he equ ipment of f and on, th e user is encou ra ge d to try to corr ect th e interfere nce by one or more of the fo llowing meas ures: ❑ Reo rien t or relocat e the rec eivi ng antenn a.
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 10 tha t you d isco nnec t the equi pmen t un til th e prob lem is re solved . Repa ir of this equi pme nt sh ou ld b e made only by a Sony Servi ce C ente r or Sony au thor ized agent . F or the Sony Ser vice Ce nter n earest you, ca ll 1- 888- 4- SONY -P C (1- 888- 47 6-6972).
No tice to Us ers 11 ma chi ne or suc h busi ne ss, other en tity , or in di vi du a l. ( Th e t e le p ho n e nu m b er pr ov i d e d ma y not be a 900 numb er or an y ot her nu mber for whi ch char ges exceed l ocal or long-d istan ce transmission c harges.
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 12 RECYCLAGE DES ACCUMULA TEURS AUX IONS DE LIT H IUM RECYCLAGE DES ACCUM ULA TEU RS AUX IO NS DE LIT HIUM Les accu mulat eurs aux io ns de li thium so nt rec yclabl es.
No tice to Us ers 13 INDUSTR Y CANADA NOTICE NOT I CE: The In dustr y C ana da la bel id entif ies ce r ti f i ed equi pment. Th is certi f ic ation mean s tha t the equi pment meets cer t ain tel eco.
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 14 A ve rti ssemen t: L ’ utili sateur ne d oit p as te nter de faire ces r accor demen ts l ui-m ême; il do it avoi r recour s à un serv ice d’ i nspec tion des insta llati ons é lectriq ue s, ou à u n élect ric ien, selo n le cas.
15 Setting Up Congrat ulati ons on y our p ur chas e of t he Sony V AI O® c omputer . Sony h as combined le ading-edge t echnol ogy in audi o, vi de o, c o m p uting, and communicati ons to pr ovi de state-of -t he-art pers onal computing.
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 16 Un packi ng Y ou r Co m pute r Documents ❑ V AIO® Computer Us er Guide — A sear c h ab l e on -s c r een h el p fil e th a t conta ins deta iled info rmation on how to us e your ne w comp uter . See “ L o c a ti n g Y o ur V A I O C om p ut er U se r G u id e” on pa g e 32 fo r m o r e inform ation.
Unpacki ng Y our Computer 17 Software CDs ❑ Depen ding on the model yo u pu rchased, add itiona l program CDs may be incl uded wi th your computer . Recover y CDs ❑ Application Recovery CDs — E n ables you to re in stal l indiv idua l pr ograms and dev ice drivers .
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 18 App lyi ng Ergo nom ics Y our co mpu ter is a portabl e devi ce and ca n be used in a va rie ty of e nvir onment s . Wheneve r pos sible, yo u sho uld a p ply th e foll owin g er gonomic consi de ra ti ons: ❑ Position of your co mputer — Plac e the comput er direc tly in fron t of you as you wor k.
Locati ng Controls and Por ts 19 Loca tin g Co ntro ls and P orts Front 1 Com pu t er scr e en (L C D ) 9 Power indicator 2 Speakers 10 Batt e ry ind icato r 3 Keyboa rd 11 Hard di sk dr ive i ndicato.
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 20 Ba ck 1 Batt ery po rt Left 1 DC IN por t 6 i.LINK® (IEEE 1394) S400 por t 2 Air vent 7 Microphon e ja ck 3 Monitor (VGA) port 8 Headphone jack 4 PC Card ej ect but.
Locati ng Controls and Por ts 21 Righ t 1 Memo ry St ic k® media i ndica tor 6 USB port 2 Me mor y S ti ck ® me dia sl ot 7 Air ve nt 3 CD-R W/DVD drive 8 Modem jack 4 CD- R W/DVD drive ej ec t butt on 9 Network (E the rnet) port 5 Manua l ejec t hole O nly c onnect 10BAS E-T o r 100BASE- TX ca bles to the Ne two rk ( Eth ern et) por t.
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 22 Remo ving t he Prot ec tiv e T a b s ✍ Gen t ly p ul l the p rot ec tive t abs a way fr om t h e co mp ut er t o fi nd t he E t hern e t po rt an d modem jack.
Locati ng Controls and Por ts 23 Bo ttom 1 Port repl icator conn ector 4 Re se t bu t to n 2 Batt ery UNL OCK/LOCK la tch 5 Air vent 3 Batt ery UNLOCK l atch.
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 24.
25 Getting S t arted This sect ion helps you get your comput er running and r e giste r ed, so you can take advantage o f Sony’ s many suppor t optio ns. Y ou’ll al so learn how to lo c ate y our on-s cr een V AIO® Computer Use r Guid e, which c ontains step-by -step instr uctions for operating your computer .
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 26 T ur ning On Y o ur Com puter T o u se y our co m put er im m edi at ely , us e the su p plied A C ad a pte r as a p o w er sourc e. Y our supplied batt ery is not cha rged whe n yo u unpac k it, howe ver , you can be gin ch argi ng it when you us e your AC adapter .
T urnin g On Y our Compute r 27 3 Slide the UNLO CK / LO CK latc h in t o the LO CK posit ion to secure the ba tter y o n t he co mput er . 4 Con nec t t he A C ad apt er to t he com pu ter.
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 28 T o connect the AC adapt er 1 Pl ug th e A C ad apte r ca bl e in to th e D C IN po rt . 2 Plu g the power cor d into th e AC ada pter and an AC outlet. . T o op en and turn on th e compute r 1 Sli de the rele ase l atch to the right a nd lift the cov er while hol ding the bott om of th e comput er fi rmly .
Usin g t he T ouch Pad 29 2 Sl ide t he power swi tch to t he right until t he green power indicator light s up . 3 If neces sary , adjust the brightn ess cont rols for the LCD display as fol lows: ❑ T o inc rease brig htnes s, press the Fn + F5 keys, and the n press the Up Arro w key or Right Arr ow key .
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 30 Describi ng the touch pa d Loca ting the T ouch Pad T o uch Pad Action Descript ion Sli din g one fin ger Equiva lent to using a mouse to pla ce the point er on an item. T appi ng once Equiva lent to pr essing th e left but ton once.
Regist ering Y our Compute r 31 Re gist eri ng Y our C ompu ter T ake advanta ge of Sony’ s com mitment t o qualit y custo mer sup port and r eceive these benefit s by register in g your comput er: ❑ Sony Cu stomer Suppor t — T alk to a suppor t repr esen tative to trouble shoot pr oble ms you may have wit h your com put er .
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 32 Loc ating Your V A IO Com put er User Guide The o n - sc ree n V AI O ® Co m put er Us er Guid e is a sear cha ble h el p fi le th a t conta ins deta iled info rmation on how to us e your new computer .
Locati ng Y our V AIO Co m puter User Guide 33 T o op en the user guide (Windo ws 2000) ❑ Clic k St a r t on the W indows ® taskb ar , poin t to VA I O H e l p C e n t e r and cl ick VA I O U s e r G u i d e . Th e VA I O U s e r G u i d e a ppears.
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 34 Setting Up A Dial-Up Connection This s ection de scri bes t he basic steps f or setti ng up yo ur di al-up co nnecti on. The Connec tion W izard g uides yo u throug h the proce ss of choos ing an Inter net Ser vic e Provi der (ISP ) or se tt ing up an exist ing acc ount, and conne ct ing to the Inter net.
S etting Up A Dia l-Up Connection 35 3 Clic k Next . 4 If it is n o t al ready s elect ed , clic k Connect to the Internet . 5 Clic k Next . 6 Fol low the on-screen instruc tions .
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 36 T o set up a dial -up connec tio n (Wind ows 2000) 1 Clic k St a r t , po i n t to Pro gram s , Acces sori es , Communications , a nd th en clic k Inte rn et Co nn ec tion Wizar d . Th e I nte rne t C onn ect ion Wiz ard window appe ars.
T urnin g Of f Y our Compute r 37 4 W a it fo r your c omput er to tu rn o f f auto matic ally . The com puter is o ff when the powe r indi cator tu rns off. ✍ Respo nd t o a ny prompt s warni ng yo u to sa ve do cuments . ✍ Duri ng a pe riod of inact ivi ty , you can c onserve ba ttery l ife by u sing powe r savi ng mod es.
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 38.
39 Exp anding Y our Computing Power This sect ion helps you get star ted upgrading compute r memory and locat ing info rmation about pr eins talled pr ograms.
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 40 Up gr ad in g Me mo r y Depend ing on the conf igurati on you purcha se d, your comput er may ac ce pt addit ional memory module s . For info rmation a bout ins tallat ion proc edures, refer to th e o n-screen V AIO® Comput er User Guide an d print those re levan t st eps.
41 Using the Appli cat ion Recovery and System Recovery CDs Y ou ca n r estor e your system, in dividual pr ogra ms, or drivers, using t he Applic ation Re covery a nd Syst em Recove ry CDs.
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 42 Ap plicat io n an d Sy stem Re cover y C Ds Y our compute r comes wit h the fol lowing Appli cation Rec overy and Syste m Reco very CDs. Y ou wil l need an op tical dri ve t o use the se recov ery CDs. If y our com pu t er do e s not com e w it h an o pti ca l dri v e, use an ex te r n al opti ca l d riv e.
Using Y our Recovery CDs 43 T o reins tall progr am s with the Appli cation Recovery CDs 1 T urn on your comput er . If your computer is alrea dy on, close all open pr ograms. 2 Logon t o t he Mic rosoft ® W i n dows® desktop. 3 Inse rt S ony Appl ication Recove ry CD No.
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 44 5 Fo ll o w th e on - s c r ee n in st r u ct io n s to lo ca te th e de v ic e an d re in s t al l th e appropr iate device dri ver . T o reins tall devi ce drive rs with the A pplic ation Recove ry CD s 1 Logon to the Microsoft ® W in dows® deskt op.
Using Y our Recovery CDs 45 12 Naviga te t o the o ptica l driv e, a nd cl ick t o sele ct t he Appl ication Recovery CD. The CD conte nts ar e displ a ye d. 13 Clic k the folde r name of the de vice i n whic h y ou want to reins tall , an d c li ck OK .
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 46 Sy stem R eco ver y opt ions ❑ Default System Dr ive Reco very — Al l dat a on Driv e C is dele te d. The fact ory defaul t s etting s and programs are res to red on this d rive only .
Using Y our Recovery CDs 47 7 On th e Mai n Menu - Pro duct R ecovery wi ndow , s elect th e app ropriate optio n to rec over yo ur sy stem. 8 Fol low the on-screen ins truc tions to compl ete the reco very process.
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 48.
49 Caring fo r Y our Computer This sect ion pr ovides i nformation on how to safely u se your Sony comp uter . ❑ S toring Y our Computer ❑ Usin g C ables and Con necti ons ❑ Clea ning Y our Com .
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 50 S toring Y our Compu t e r ❑ Do not use or sto re your compute r in a location s ubjec t to: ❑ Heat sources, such as radiators or a ir duc ts ❑ Dir ec t sunli .
Cleani ng Y our Com pute r 51 com pany has the right to di s conne ct your servi ce unti l you correc t the pr oblem. Clea n ing Your Co mpu te r ❑ Clea n the compute r with a soft , dry clot h or a soft clo th li ghtl y mois tened with a mild det erge nt sol uti on.
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 52.
53 T roubles hooting This sect ion describe s h ow to solve some basic pro blems you may encounte r when using your compute r . For mor e tr oubl es hooting topic s r efer t o the V AIO® Compute r User Guide. Many pr oblems ha ve simple solutio ns, so r e f er to these sour ces befor e you contac t Sony Computing Support (http:// w ww .
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 54 T roubles ho ot ing Y o ur Com pute r (W i ndo ws XP) What do I do if my c o mputer won’ t start? ❑ Make sure t he computer is sec ure ly plugged into a power source and tur ned on. Make sur e the power indic ator shows the power i s on.
T roubl eshoot ing Y our Comput er (Wind ows XP) 55 5 Press Ent er . T he Setup Confirmation window appe ars . 6 Select Ye s , and press Enter . 7 Select Exit (S ave Chan ge s) , and press Ent er . The Setup Confirmatio n window app ears again. 8 Select Ye s , and press Enter .
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 56 10 Select E x it ( Sa ve Ch an ge s) , a nd press Ente r . The Setup C onfirmation window appe ars agai n. 11 Select Ye s , and p r ess Ent er .
T roubl eshoot ing Y our Comput er (Wind ows XP) 57 1 Clos e all open progra ms. 2 Res tar t the co m put er . Fo ll ow t h es e st eps: 1 Press the Windows ke y . 2 Press U . 3 Press R t o select res tart. 3 If the com put er doe s n o t r est art , fol low th e se st ep s: 1 Press the Ctrl + Alt + Delet e keys simult an eousl y .
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 58 T o l ower t he CPU s peed using the po wer s chemes: 1 Clic k St a r t on the W ind ows® taskb ar , and click Co ntro l Panel . 2 Clic k Performance a nd Main t enance , a nd cli ck Powe r Opt i on s . Th e Power Optio ns Pr operties window appear s.
T rouble shooti ng Y our Comput er ( Windows 2000) 59 T rou bl es ho oti ng Y our C omp ut er (Win dow s 2000 ) What do I do if my c o mputer won’ t start ? ❑ Make sure t he computer is sec ure ly plugged into a power source and tu rned on. Make su re the p ower indic at or sho ws the power is on.
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 60 4 Pres s t he Ri gh t Ar r ow key to select the Ex i t tab, and the n press the Down Arrow key to select Get Default V a lues . The m ess age Load default valu es for all SETUP item s a ppears. 5 Press Ente r . T he Setup Confi rm ation window appears .
T rouble shooti ng Y our Comput er ( Windows 2000) 61 9 Select Ye s , and press Enter . 10 Select Exit ( Save Ch anges) , and press En ter . Th e Setup Confirma ti on window app ears again. 11 Select Ye s , and press Enter . Th e com put er r est ar t s.
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 62 Why won’ t my c omputer enter S tandby or Hiber nate mode? Y our compute r may become uns tabl e if the ope rating mode is chang ed before the comp ute r complete ly ente rs Sta ndby or Hiberna te . T o res tor e the com pute r to normal o perati ng stabili ty: 1 Clos e all open pr ogra ms.
Support Opti ons 63 Suppo rt Opti on s If you have ques ti ons about your comput er or th e prei ns ta lled prog rams, ref er to the fol lowing so urce s fo r ans wers in th e seque nce list ed below .
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 64.
65 Index A AC ad apt er 26 conne cting 28 App licat ion Re covery CD 42 B batt ery char ging 26 indic ator 19 port 20 UNLOCK/LOCK l atch 23 br ight ness cont rol 29 bu ttons le ft 19 power 19 right 19.
V AIO® Computer Qui ck S t art 66 power 19 scrol l lock 19 Wi reless L AN 19 input devic es 9 inte rference 9 i n te rnal s pe aker 19 Inter net c onnect ion 34 J ja cks head phone 20 micr ophone 20 .
Index 67 tel ephone li ne jack 21 touc hpad 19 usi ng 29 tr oubleshoo tin g 54, 59 startup 37 turni ng of f compute r 36 turni ng on comput er 26 TV inte rference 9 U UNLOCK/LOCK l atch 23 unpac king .
htt p://w ww .so ny . com/ vaio Pr in ted in US A © 200 3 Sony Elect ron ics In c. 4-67 2-45 6- 01.
デバイスSony PCG-V505の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony PCG-V505をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony PCG-V505の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony PCG-V505の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony PCG-V505で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony PCG-V505を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony PCG-V505の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony PCG-V505に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony PCG-V505デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。