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2-629-952- R1 (3) © 2005 Sony Corporation D VD Recorder Operatin g Instructi ons RDR-GX310.
2 WARNIN G To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture. To avoid electrical shock, do not open the cabin et. Refer servi cing to qualif ied personnel only. The power cord ( mains lead) must only be changed at a qualified s ervice shop.
3 On pla cement • Place the recorder in a location with adequat e ventilatio n to prevent heat build-up in the reco rder. • D o not pl ace the r ecorder on a soft sur face su ch as a rug that mig ht block the ventil ation ho les. • D o not pl ace the re corder in a confine d space such as a book shelf or simil ar unit.
4 Table of Contents WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Time r Reco rding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Before Recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Recording mode . . . .
6 DV D ubbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Before DV Dubbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Preparing for DV dubbing .
7 Ways to Use Yo ur DVD Re cord er Recording/Playbac k Compa tible medi a and refere nce pages Quick a ccess to r ecorded t itles – Title L ist , “3.
8 Quick G uide t o Disc Types Usable disc vers ions (a s of March 20 05) • 8x-speed or slower DVD+RWs • 6x-speed or slower DVD-RWs ( Ver.1.1, Ver.1. 2 with CPRM *1 ) • 1 6x-spee d or slowe r DVD +Rs • 1 6x-spee d or slow er DVD -Rs (V er.2.0, Ve r.
9 Discs tha t cannot be recorded on • 8 cm discs • DVD-Rs in VR mode (Video Recording fo rmat) *3 Only if the record ing mode is LS P, SP, HSP , or HQ, and “DVD Rec. Picture Si ze” is set to “16:9.” *4 Erasing titles does no t free up disc s pace.
10 “DVD VIDEO” and “CD” are trademarks. Discs tha t cannot be played •P H O T O C D s • CD-ROMs/ CD-Rs/CD-RWs that are not recor ded in musi c CD or Vide o CD form at, or do not cont ain M.
11 Maximu m recorda ble numb er of title s * The maxi mum lengt h for each title is e ight hours. Note o n playba ck operati ons of DV D VIDE Os/ VIDEO CDs Some playback operations of DVD VIDEOs/ VIDEO CDs may be in tentionally set by softwa re producers.
12 Hookups and Settings Hooki ng Up t he Reco rder Follow steps 1 to 7 to hook up and adjust the settings of the reco rder. b Notes • Pl ug cords securely to prev ent un wanted n oise. • Refer to the instruct ions suppl ied with t he compone nts to be connected.
13 Hookup s and Settings Step 2 : Connec ting th e Aerial Cable Conn ect th e aer ial ca ble by foll owing the s teps below . Do not conn ect t he power cord (mains lead ) unt il you reac h “St ep 5: Connecti ng the Powe r Cord (Mai ns Lead)” o n page 17.
14 Ste p 3: Conne cting the Vi deo Co rds Select one of the fo llowing pa tterns A th rough C , according to the input jack on your TV mon itor, projector, or AV amplifi er (recei ver). This will enable you to vie w pictures. A Connec ting to a vi deo in put jack You will enjo y standard qua lity images .
15 Hookup s and Settings When pl aying “wi de screen ” images Some recorde d images may not f it your TV scre en. To cha nge t he pi ct ure s ize, see page 7 2. If you are connectin g to a VCR Connect your VCR to the LINE IN jac k on the record er (page 22).
16 Ste p 4: Conne cting the Au dio Co rds Sel ect one o f the fo ll owing p atter ns A or B , according to th e input jack on your TV monitor, p rojector, or AV amplif ier (receiver) .
17 Hookup s and Settings z Hin t For correct sp eaker locat ion, see the o perating instru ctions s upplie d with t he connect ed comp onents. b Not es • Do not connect your TV’s audio outp ut jacks to the LINE IN (R-AUDIO-L) ja cks at the sam e time.
18 Step 6: Pr epari ng the Remote You ca n contr ol th e reco rder u sing th e supp lied remote. Insert two R6 (size AA) batteri es by matchi ng the 3 and # ends on the bat teries to the markings inside th e batte ry compar tment. When using t he remote, point it at the r emote sensor on th e re corder .
19 Hookup s and Settings 4 Releas e [ / 1 . When the TV/DVD switc h is set to TV, the remote performs the fo llowing: * If you use the num ber buttons to select the TV’s program me positi on, press - /-- follow ed by th e numb er buttons for two-digit numbers.
20 If the supplied remote in terferes with your other Sony DVD recorde r or player , set the com mand mode numb er for this re corder and the suppli ed remote to one th at diff ers f rom the other Sony DVD recorder or player. The default command mode setti ng for this recorder and the supplied remote is DVD3.
21 Hookup s and Settings Step 7 : Easy S etup Make the basic adjustme nts by followin g the on - scree n instruc tions in “ Easy Setu p.” 1 Turn o n the recor der and sw itch the input selector on your TV so th at the signal from the reco rder appe ars on yo ur TV screen.
22 Connec ting a VCR or Simi lar De vice After disconnec ting the record er’s power cord (mains le ad) fr om the mains , connec t a VCR or s imilar recording d evice to th e LINE IN jacks of this re corder. Use the DV IN jack on t he front pane l if th e equipment ha s a DV output jack (i.
23 Hookup s and Settings Connect a VCR or similar recor ding device to the LINE 2 IN jacks of thi s recorder. If the equipment has an S-vi deo jack, yo u can use an S- video co rd instea d of an audio/vi deo cor d.
24 Connec ting t o a Sa telli te or Di gital T uner Connect a s atellite o r digital tuner to this record er using th e LINE IN 1 jack s. Disconnec t the recor der’s power co rd (mains l ead) fr om the ma ins when c onnecting the tu ner. To us e th e Sy nchr o-Rec func tion , se e bel ow.
25 Seve n Basic O peration s — Getting t o Know Your DVD Recorder Seven Ba sic Oper ations — Getting to Know Your DVD Recorder 1. Ins ertin g and Form atting a DVD D isc ( Disc Inf o) 1 Press Z (open/clos e), and pl ace a disc on the dis c tray. 2 Press Z (open/clo se) to close t he disc tray.
26 3 Move the cursor down the TOO LS menu unti l “Disc In fo” is se lected, and pres s ENTER . Exampl e: Wh en a D VD-RW (VR mo de) is insert ed. 1 “Disc Name” (DVD only) 2 “Media”: Disc t.
27 Seve n Basic O peration s — Getting t o Know Your DVD Recorder 2. Re cording a Prog ramme This sect ion intr oduc es t he b asic operat io n to record th e curr ent TV pro gramme to a disc (DVD). For a n explanat ion of how t o make timer record ings, s ee pag e 36.
28 3. Pl aying the Reco rded Progr amme (T itle L ist) To play a record ed titl e, sele ct the title from the Title List. 1 Insert a DVD. See “I nsertin g a Disc” on pag e 25. Playba ck starts aut omatic ally depe nding on the di sc. 2 Press TITLE LIST .
29 Seve n Basic O peration s — Getting t o Know Your DVD Recorder 3 Select a title, a nd press ENTER. The su b-menu ap pears. The sub-menu disp lays options applicable only to selected item. The displaye d options differ d ependin g on the mod el, situatio n, and disc type .
30 4. Di splayin g the Pl aying Time an d Play Infor mati on You can chec k the playing ti me and remain ing time of the current title , chapter, or track.
31 Seve n Basic O peration s — Getting t o Know Your DVD Recorder z Hin ts • If “DTS” is set to “ Off” in “Audio ” setup, the DTS track se lection option will not appear on the screen even if the di sc contai ns DTS t racks ( page 75).
32 5. Chang ing the Na me of a Record ed Pro gramm e You can label a DVD, title , or progra mme by enteri ng char acters. Yo u can en ter up to 6 4 charac ters for a titl e or disc nam e, but the actu al numbe r of cha racters displaye d in th e menus s uch as the Title List will vary.
33 Seve n Basic O peration s — Getting t o Know Your DVD Recorder To use the number butto ns You ca n also use th e numbe r buttons to enter char acters . 1 In step 5 above, p ress a numb er button rep eatedl y to sele ct a char acter. Example: Press the number 3 button onc e to enter “ D.
34 1 Insert a disc. See “I nsertin g a Disc” on pag e 25. 2 Press TO OLS to s elect “Dis c Info,” a nd press ENT ER. 3 Selec t “Prote ct Dis c,” and pre ss ENTER . 4 Select “Pr otect,” and press ENTER. To c ancel the p rotect ion Select “Don’t Prot ect” in step 4.
35 Seve n Basic O peration s — Getting t o Know Your DVD Recorder 1 Insert a disc. See “I nser ti ng a Disc” on p age 25 . 2 Press TOO LS to s elect “Dis c Info,” a nd pres s ENTE R. The “D isc Infor mation” display ap pears. 3 Select “F inalize ,” and pre ss ENTE R.
36 Timer Recordin g Before Recording Before you start recording … • T his reco rder ca n recor d on variou s discs. S elect the d isc type ac cord ing to you r needs ( page 8 ). • C heck that the disc ha s enough a vailab le space for the re cording (page 25).
37 Timer Rec ording To record a NICAM programme , be sure to set “Audio ” of “Chann el Setting” in “Setting s” setup to “NIC AM” (de fault). If the soun d is not cle ar when lis tening to NI CAM broad casts, set “A udio” to “St andard ” (s ee “Cha nne l Settin g” on page 68).
38 1 Press [T IMER] . • I f the “Time r – ShowVi ew” disp lay appe ars, pres s < to swi tch the d isplay to “Stan dard”. 2 Select an item using < / , and ad just usin g M / m . “Date” : Sets the da te. The item ch anges as follows : Today y Tomorrow y …… y Thu 28.
39 Timer Rec ording z Hin t You can play the reco rded progra mme by select ing the program me titl e in the Title List. b Not es • If a messa ge indica ting that th e disc i s full appears on the sc reen, chan ge the dis c, or mak e availab le space f or the recording (DVD+RW/DVD-RW only) (page 60 ).
40 3 Select “OK, ” and press ENTE R. The date , start and st op time s, program me posit ion, reco rding m ode, et c. setting a ppear. • I f you wa nt to change the setti ng, pre ss < / , to sele ct the item and pres s M / m to chang e the set tin g.
41 Timer Rec ording 1 Before recording starts, p ress TOOLS to selec t “Rec S etting s,” an d press ENTER. 2 Select the item you want to adju st, and pres s ENTE R. The ad justment display ap pears. Examp le: Rec NR “Rec Mode”: Sele cts the record ing mode for the des ired re cording ti me and pi cture q uality.
42 Checki ng/Ch angin g/ Cance lling Timer Settings (Timer Lis t) You can chec k, change, or cancel time r settin gs using the Timer Lis t. 1 Press TIMER LIST. The Timer List appea rs. Timer inf ormation d isplays th e record ing date, time , recording mo de, etc.
43 Timer Rec ording When th e timer se ttings ov erlap The programme th at start s firs t has prior ity and the seco nd progr amme starts re cord ing only afte r the first pr ogram me has fin ished. When the record ings start at the same time The programme that is set last has priorit y.
44 3 Select the line input audio wh en recordi ng a bilin gual pr ogramme on the DVD-R Ws (VR mode). Press TO OLS to selec t “Line Aud io Inpu t,” and press ENTER. Then s elect “Bilingual,” and pres s ENTER. For deta ils abou t biling ual reco rding, se e page 36.
45 Timer Rec ording You can record from a connect ed VCR or similar device. To conn ect a VCR or simila r device, s ee “Conn ecting a VCR or Similar Device” on page 22. Use the DV IN jack on the front panel if the equi pment ha s a DV out put jack (i.
46 Playback Playi ng 1 Insert a disc. • See “Ins ert ing a Disc ” on p age 25. • If you insert a DVD VIDEO, VIDEO CD, or CD, pre ss H . Playback star ts. 2 Press TITLE LIST . For details ab out the Title List, see “3. Playin g the Recorded Programme (Titl e List)” on page 28.
47 Playba ck To resu me playb ack from th e point w here you stoppe d (Resume Play) When you press H a gain after you stop playb ack, th e rec order resumes play back f rom the point where you pr essed x . To start fro m the beginn ing, press TO OLS to select “ Play Beginn ing,” and pr ess ENTER.
48 To check the position of the button s below, see the illustra tion on page 46. Playback options Buttons Operations (aud io) Selec ts on e of the au dio track s recor ded o n the disc w hen p ressed r epe atedly . : Sele cts the la nguag e. : Selects the main or sub soun d.
49 Playba ck To resume normal pla yback, pre ss H . b Not es • To enjo y the T VS functi on, set “ Digital Out” to “On” and “D olby Digita l” to “D-PCM ” and “MP EG” to “PCM” in “Audio ” setup. • The volume may be reduced when surro und effects are set.
50 1 Press TOOL S duri ng pl ayback t o sel ect “Vide o Settings ,” and pre ss ENTER. 2 Selec t an item, an d press ENT ER. The ad justment display ap pears. “Y NR ” (lumin ance noi se reduc tion): Reduces noise cont ained in the l uminanc e elem ent of the vide o signal.
51 Playba ck “Audio Fi lter”: S elects the di gital fi lter to reduce noise above 22.05 kHz (Fs* is 44. 1 kHz) , 24 kHz ( Fs is 48 kH z), or 48 kHz (F s is above 96 kHz). • S harp (default ): Provides a wide freq uency range an d spat ial feelin g.
52 Search ing f or a Ti tle/ Chapte r/Tra ck, et c. Each chapt er is displ ayed as a t humbn ail. Y ou can search for the de sired scene visua lly. 1 Press VIS UAL SE ARCH du ring pl ayback. 2 Selec t a scen e using < / , , and pre ss ENTER . Playba ck of the sel ected sce ne is started.
53 Playba ck Playi ng MP3 Audi o Tracks or JPE G Im age File s You ca n play MP3 au dio tracks and JPEG image files o n DATA CDs (CD-ROMs/CD-Rs/CD- RWs) or JPEG image fil es on DATA DVDs (DVD-ROMs/DVD+RWs/DVD+Rs/DVD-RWs/ DVD-Rs). 1 Insert a disc. See “I nser ti ng a Disc” on p age 25 .
54 1 Press TITLE LIST . The albu m list appe ars. To chang e the page, pre ss / . 2 Selec t an album, an d press ENT ER. The su b-menu ap pears. 3 Selec t “View Albu m,” and pre ss ENTER. The im age list appe ars. To chang e the page, pre ss / . 4 Selec t an image, an d press ENT ER.
55 Playba ck MP3 is au dio co mpres sion t echno logy that satisf ies cer tain IS O/MPEG regu lations. J PEG is image compre ssion tec hnology. You ca n play MP 3 (MPEG1 Audio Laye r 3) form at audio tracks and J PEG i mage f iles on DATA CDs (CD-ROMs/CD-Rs/CD-RWs) or JPEG image files on DATA DVDs (DVD-ROMs/ DVD+RWs/DVD+Rs/DVD-RWs/DVD-Rs).
56 Albu ms play in the follow ing order: Structure of disc content s When you insert a DATA CD/DATA DVD and press H , the numb ered track s (or file s) are played seque ntially, from 1 thro ugh 7 . For JPEG image f iles, pres s to go to the ne xt album.
57 Erasing an d Editing Erasing and Ed iting Before Ed iting This rec order of fers various ed it option s for vario us disc t ypes. Before you ed it, check the di sc type in the front panel display, an d select the optio n availabl e for your di sc (pag e 8).
58 You can pe rfor m si mple e dits . Si nce Vi deo mode titles ar e actual re cordin gs on the disc, you cannot undo a ny edi ts you make. T he edit functi ons availab le for Video mode titles are: – Set ting protec tion again st erasur e (page 58).
59 Erasing an d Editing “A-B Erase”: Erases a section of the titl e (page 59 ). “Del ete Chap ter”: Era ses chap ter units of t he title whi le viewing th umbnails ( see below). z Hin ts • Y ou can erase mult iple tit les at one time (pag e 60), or erase all of the titles on the dis c at once (page 60).
60 b Notes • Images or sound may be mome ntarily in terrupted a t the point where you erase a sec tion of a title. • Sections shor ter than fi ve second s may not be erased. • For DVD+R Ws, the erase d section ma y be slightly differen t from the points you se lected.
61 Erasing an d Editing 3 Select a title by pres sing < / , , and pres s ENTE R. The display for sel ecting ti tles to be erased appear s. • To cancel the sele ction, press E NTER agai n. • To erase more tit les, repeat st ep 3. 4 Select “E rase,” an d press ENTER.
62 5 Select the IN p oint by p ressing m / M , and pre ss ENTER. The display for settin g the end point (OUT) appear s, and the t itle cont inues to pl ay in the backgr ound. 6 Select the O UT po int by pressi ng m / M , and pre ss ENTER. The disp lay ask s for confi rmatio n.
63 Erasing an d Editing 1 Press TIT LE LIST to tu rn on th e Tit le List (Playlist) m enu. If the Title List (Origina l) menu ap pears, press TOOLS and select “ Playlist.” 2 Press TOOL S to select “Combine ,” and pres s ENTE R. The displa y for sel ecting ti tles a ppears.
64 DV Dubbing Befor e DV Du bbing This se ction ex plains du bbing wit h a digital video camer a via the D V IN jack on the front pa nel. If you wa nt to dub by way of the LINE IN jacks , see “Rec ordin g from co nnec ted eq uipme nt with out a timer ” on page 45.
65 DV Dubbin g 4 Press REC MODE o n the re mote rep eatedly to selec t the rec ording mode. The reco rding m ode chan ges as fo llows: For deta ils about the reco rding mod e, see page 36. 5 Press TOO LS on the rem ote to select “DV Audio Input ,” and pre ss ENTER.
66 Progr am Edit You can se lect scen es f rom a DV/Dig ital 8 for mat tape, and then automatic ally record selec ted scen es to a DVD . To use this f unction, you w ill do t he fo llowing: m Using t he reco rder’s r emote co ntrol, fast fo rward or rew ind the tape to select the scen es.
67 DV Dubbin g 6 Select “O K,” and pr ess ENT ER. A new S cen e List men u appe ars wi th the select ed s cene. To add a sce ne, se lect “A dd.” A Thumbn ail pict ure B Time inform ation C Total dura tion of t he progra m D Total numb er of scenes 7 When yo u finish ad ding sc enes, se lect the scen e you want to ed it, and press ENTER .
68 Settings and Adjustmen ts Aeria l Recept ion and Langua ge Set tings (Sett ings) The “S ettings” se tup help s you to mak e tuner, clock, and progra mme posi tion set tings for the reco rder. 1 Press SYSTE M MENU while the re cord er is in sto p mode.
69 Settings an d Adjustments 8 Press M / m repeatedly unt il the chan nel you want i s disp layed, t hen pres s ENTER. The ch annels ar e scanned in the order shown in the tab le on page 69. • I f you know the number of the chann el you want, press the nu mber but tons.
70 3 Select “S tation Nam e,” and pr ess ENTER. The dis play fo r ente ring char acters appea rs. To enter characte rs, see page 32 . 4 Sele ct “Fin ish ,” and pre ss E NTER . Chan ges or disa bles the progr amme po sitions after setti ng the chann els.
71 Settings an d Adjustments Some br oadcast sys tems ens ure a Teletext service* in whic h the co mplete pro grammes and their data (title, date, chan nel, record ing start time, etc.) ar e stored day by day. A TV guide page corres ponds t o each day o f the week .
72 OSD (On-S creen Di splay) Switch es the disp lay langua ge on the scr een. DVD Me nu (DVD VI DEO on ly) Switches the lan guage for the DVD menu. Audio (DVD VIDEO only) Switch es the languag e of the soun d track. When you select “Original ,” the lang uage give n priori ty in the di sc is s elected.
73 Settings an d Adjustments b Not e Depending on the disc, “4:3 Letter Box” may be selecte d automati cally instead of “4 :3 Pan Scan” or vice versa. Paus e Mode (DVDs only) Selec ts the picture quality in pause mod e. Progressi ve Mode DVD software can be divid ed into t wo types: f ilm based s oftware and video based so ftware.
74 Audio Setti ngs (A udio) The “Audio” setup allows you to adjust the sound accord ing to the pl ayback and connec tion cond itions. 1 Press SYSTE M MENU while the re cord er is in sto p mode. 2 Selec t “SETUP,” and press EN TER. 3 Selec t “Audio,” and pres s ENTER.
75 Settings an d Adjustments Audio C onnec tion The following setup items switch th e method of output ting audio s ignals w hen you con nect a component such a s an amplif ier (re ceiver) wi th a digital i nput jack. For conn ection details, se e “Step 4: Co nnecting the A udio Co rds” o n page 16.
76 Record ing an d Pare ntal Contro l Setting s (Featu res) The “F eatures” setup allow s you to adju st reco rding an d parent al cont rol sett ings. 1 Press SYSTEM MENU while the rec order is in sto p mode. 2 Selec t “SETUP,” and press EN TER.
77 Settings an d Adjustments 5 Sele ct “Lev el,” an d pres s ENTER. The se lection items for “L evel” a re di splaye d. The lower the value, the st ricter the limi tation. Discs rated hi gher than the se lected leve l will be r estri cted . 6 Select the level, and pr ess ENTER.
78 Disc and Rem ote Co ntrol Setti ngs/F actory Settin gs (Optio ns) The “ Opti ons” set up a llow s you to se t up othe r operatio nal setting s. 1 Press SYSTEM MENU while the rec order is in sto p mode. 2 Selec t “SETUP,” and press EN TER. 3 Selec t “Optio ns,” an d press ENT ER.
79 Settings an d Adjustments Comman d Mode Chang es the C omman d Mod e of the re corder if other DVD eq uipment is as sign ed the same Command Mode. Be su re to match th e Command Mode switc h on the remote to t he settin g made here. For details, s ee “If yo u have a Sony DVD player or more than one Sony DVD recorder” o n page 20.
80 Additional Info rmation Troubl eshoo ting If you experi ence any of the fo llowin g diffic ulties while u sing the r ecorder, us e this trou blesho oting guide t o help remedy the prob lem before requ esting re pairs. Sh ould any p roblem pe rsist, consul t your near est Sony dea ler.
81 Add itiona l Infor mati on The pl ayb ack pi cture or TV progr amme from the e quipmen t connect ed th rough the re corder is dist orted. , If the playback picture output from a DVD player , VCR, o.
82 Some function s such as Sto p, Searc h, or Slow- motion Play cann ot be p erform ed. , Dependi ng on the DVD, you ma y not be able to do some of th e operations a bove. See the instructio n manual suppl ied with the disc . The lan guage fo r the soun d track ca nnot be changed .
83 Add itiona l Infor mati on Conten ts prev iously record ed were e rased. , Data that has been recorded on a DVD with a PC will be erase d from the di sc when t he disc is inserted . , The title was update d and record ed over (pag e 37). Nothing was reco rded ev en thou gh yo u set th e Synchro -Rec se tting corre ctly.
84 Five num bers or le tters are displ ayed in th e front p anel display. , The self-diagnosis f unction was activated (see th e table on page 84 ). The disc tray does not ope n after you press Z (open/ close). , It may take a few seconds for the dis c tray to open aft er you have r ecord ed or edite d a DVD.
85 Add itiona l Infor mati on Notes About This R ecorde r On oper ation • If the recor der is b rought dir ectly fro m a cold to a warm loca tion, or i s placed in a very damp room, moi sture ma y condense on th e lense s inside the re corder. S hould this occu r, the recor der may not operate pr operly.
86 Speci ficat ions System Laser: Semico nductor lase r Channel co verage: PAL/SECAM (B/G, D/K, I , L) V H F : E 2 t o E 1 2 , R 1 t o R 1 2 , F 2 t o F 1 0 , I t a l i a n A to H, Ire land A to J , S.
87 Add itiona l Infor mati on About i.LIN K The DV IN jack on this recorder is an i.LINK- compliant DV IN jack. This secti on describ es the i.LINK stand ard and its features . What i s i.LI NK? i.LINK is a digit al seri al in terface f or handl ing digital video, digital audio a nd other data i n two direc tions betwee n equipme nt having t he i.
88 Guide t o Parts an d Contro ls For more information, see the pa ges in pare nthese s. A TV/DVD switch (18) B Z (open/cl ose) butt on (25) C [ / 1 (on/stan dby) butt on (21) D PROG (pro gramme) +/ – buttons (27) The + but ton has a ta ctile d ot * .
89 Add itiona l Infor mati on W H (pla y) bu tton (4 6) X (pause) button (48) x (stop) button ( 46) The H button has a tact ile dot*. X z REC button (27) X REC PAUSE button (27) x REC STOP button (27).
90 A [ / 1 (on/stan dby) button (21 ) B Front pa nel disp lay (31, 91) C Disc tray (25) D TIMER REC indicator (3 7) SYNCHRO REC indicator (43) E A (open /close) but ton (25) F (remote sensor) (18) G H.
91 Add itiona l Infor mati on A Playin g/recording status B Disc type*/recording format C NICAM indicator (36) D Audio sign al indic ators (30) E Displays the following (3 1): • Playing time/remain .
92 Glos sary Chapter (page 52) Secti ons of a pictur e or a music feature t hat are smaller than title s. A t itle is c omposed of se veral chapt ers. Depe ndin g on the disc , no ch apte rs may be reco rded. Copy protec tion signals (pag e 37) Copy res triction s et by copy right owne rs, etc.
93 Add itiona l Infor mati on MPEG Au dio (pag e 75) Inte rnati onal sta ndard codi ng sys tem used t o compr ess audio di gital sign als auth orized by IS O/ IEC. MPEG 2, used o n DVDs, conforms to up to 7.1-c hannel surro und. Original (page 5 7) Titles ac tually r ecord ed on a DVD -RW ( VR mode).
94 Langua ge Cod e List For de tails, see pag e 72. The lang uage spelli ngs confor m to the ISO 639: 1988 (E/F) standar d. Area C ode For de tails, see pag e 76.
95 Index Numerics 16:9 2 1 , 72 4:3 Letter Box 21 , 72 4:3 Pan Sc an 21 , 72 “48kHz/96 kHz PCM” 75 A “A-B Erase” 59 Adjusting playba ck pictu re 50 playba ck sound 50 recordin g picture 40 Aer.
96 F “Facto ry Setup” 79 “Feature s” 76 “Fil e Se arch ” 52 “Finalize Di sc” 77 “Finali ze” 35 Finaliz ing 34 , 35 “Format DVD-RW” 78 “Format” 25 Formatting 2 5 Freeze Fr ame 49 Front panel 90 Front pa nel disp lay 31 , 91 G GB 26 H Hand ling discs 85 “Hue” 50 I i.
97 Recordin g 36 , 43 , 76 pictur e adjustment 40 recording format 8 recordin g mode 27 , 36 recording ti me 2 7 while watching ano ther prog ramme 27 Recording ti me 36 RECOVERY 84 Regi on cod e 11 R.
Sony Corporation Printed in Malaysia Printed on 100% recycled paper using VOC (Volatile Organic Compound)-free vegetable oil based ink..
デバイスSony RDR-GX310の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony RDR-GX310をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony RDR-GX310の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony RDR-GX310の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony RDR-GX310で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony RDR-GX310を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony RDR-GX310の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony RDR-GX310に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony RDR-GX310デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。