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2-672-839- 11 (1) © 2006 Sony Corporation RDR-GX330 D VD Recorder Operatin g Instructi ons.
2 WARNING To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to rai n or m oisture. To avoid el ectrical shock, do no t open the ca binet. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only. The AC power cor d must be changed only at a qualif ied service shop.
3 Precau tion s This equipm ent has been tested and found to com ply with the limits set out in the E MC Directiv e using a connecti on cable short er than 3 meter s. On safety Should any so lid obje ct or liqui d fall int o the cabi net, unp lug the recorder and have it check ed by qualifie d personnel bef ore operatin g it any further.
4 Important Saf ety Instructio ns 1) Read th ese ins tructions. 2) Keep th es e instr ucti ons. 3) Heed all warnings. 4) Foll ow all ins tructi ons. 5) Do not use this appa ratus near water. 6) Clean only with dry cloth. 7) Do not block any ve ntilation openings.
5 Table of Contents WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Quick Guide to Disc Types .
6 Tim er Re cordi ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Before Recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Recording mo de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 Sett ings a nd Ad justm ent s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Antenna Reception and Language Settings (Basic ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Tuner Preset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 Quick Gu ide to Disc Type s Recordable and play able discs Type Di sc L ogo Icon used i n this manu al Forma tt ing (new discs) Compat ibilit y with other DVD pla yers (f inal izin g) DVD+RW Automa .
9 Usable disc vers ions (a s of March 20 06) • 8x-speed or slo wer DVD+RWs • 6x-speed or slower DVD-RWs (Ve r.1.1, Ver. 1.2 wi th CPRM *2 ) • 16x- speed or slow er DVD+ Rs • 16x- spee d or slow er DV D-Rs (V er.
10 “DVD VIDEO” and “CD” ar e trademarks. Discs tha t ca nnot be playe d • PHOTO CD s • CD-ROMs/CD-Rs/CD-RWs that a re recor ded i n a form at di fferen t fro m the formats ment ioned in the table a bove. • D ata part of CD-E xtra s • DVD-ROMs/DVD+RWs/DVD-RWs/ DV D+Rs /DVD -Rs t hat do no t cont ain DVD Vide o or JPEG image file s.
11 Maximum recordable n umber of t itles * The maxi mum lengt h for one title is eight hours. Note o n playba ck oper atio ns of DVD VIDEO s/VIDEO C Ds Some playback operations of DVD VIDEOs/ VIDEO CDs may be inte ntionally s et by softwa re pr oduce rs.
12 Hookups and Se ttings Hookin g Up the Record er Follo w steps 1 t hrough 6 to hook up and adjust the s ettin gs of t he rec order. Do n ot conn ect the AC pow er co rd unti l you rea ch “Step 4: Conn ecting the AC Power Cord ” on page 1 9. b Notes • See “Specifications ” (page 89) for a list of supplied acces sories.
13 Hookup s and Settings With th is hooku p, you can recor d any chan nel on the cabl e box or satel lite rec eiver. Be s ure that the satel lite rece iver or c able box is turned o n.
14 With this hooku p, you can recor d any ch annel on the sa tellite re ceiv er or cabl e box. Be s ure that the satel lite rece iver or c able box is turned o n. To w atch cable progra ms , you n eed to ma tch t he chan nel on the rec order (2ch, 3ch, o r 4c h) to the anten na out put cha nnel on th e cable b ox (2c h, 3ch, or 4c h).
15 Hookup s and Settings . Use this hookup if you watc h cable cha nnels wi thout a cab le box. Al so use this ho okup i f you are using a VHF/UHF antenna or s eparate VHF and UHF ante nnas. With this hoo kup, you can rec ord an y channel by sele cting t he chan nel on th e record er.
16 Step 2: Co nnecti ng t he V ideo C ords Selec t one of th e follow ing pat terns, A th roug h C , ac cording to th e input jac k on your TV monitor, p rojector, o r AV amplifi er (receive r). This wi ll enable y ou to view p ictures. A Video inp ut ja ck You w ill enjo y standa rd qua lity im ages .
17 Hookup s and Settings When pl aying “w ide scr een” i mages Some recorde d images may no t fit your TV screen . To ch ange t he pictu re size , see page 74. If you are connectin g to a VCR Connect your VC R to the LIN E IN jack on the re corder (page 24) .
18 Step 3: Co nnecti ng t he A udio C ords Selec t one of th e follow ing pat terns, A or B , according t o the input jack on your TV mo nitor, projector, or AV amplifie r (receiv er). This wil l enable you to liste n to sou nd. * The yellow plu g is used for video signa ls (page 16).
19 Hookup s and Settings z Hin t For correct spe aker locati on, see the operat ing instruct ions s upplied with th e connected compone nts. b Not es • Do no t con nect y our TV ’s audio output jacks to the LINE IN (R-AUDIO-L) jacks at t he same time.
20 Step 5: Prepar ing th e Remote You can contr ol the reco rder using the suppli ed remot e. Inse rt two S ize AA (R6) batt eries by matchi ng t he 3 and # ends on the batteri es to the markings ins ide the battery co mpartment. When usi ng the remote, point it at the remote sensor on the record er.
21 Hookup s and Settings Code n umbers of co ntrollable TVs If more than one code number is listed, try entering them one at a time until you find the on e th at wor ks wi th yo ur T V.
22 4 Sele ct “Other s,” an d press EN TER. 5 Sele ct “Comm and Mod e,” and press ENTER . 6 Sele ct a Comma nd Mod e (DVD1, DVD2, or DV D3), and p ress EN TER. 7 Set the Command M ode fo r the remo te so it mat ches the Comma nd Mode for the recor der y ou s et abo ve.
23 Hookup s and Settings Step 6 : Easy Set up Make the ba sic adjus tments by foll owing the on-scr een ins tructio ns in “ Easy Se tup.” 1 Turn o n the re corder an d your TV . Then swit ch the input sel ect or on your TV so t hat t he sign al from the recorde r appear s on yo ur TV scree n.
24 Connec ting a VCR or Sim ilar Devi ce After disc onnect ing t he r ecor der’ s AC powe r co rd from the A C out let, conn ect a V CR or similar r ecording dev ice to th e LINE IN jacks of this r ecorder. Use the DV IN jack on t he front panel if th e equipm ent ha s a DV ou tput ja ck (i.
25 Hookup s and Settings b Not es • Pictu res cont aining c opy prot ection signals that p rohibit any cop ying ca nnot be recorded. • If y ou pass the r ecorder s ignals thr ough a VCR, yo u may not receive a c lear ima ge on yo ur TV sc reen. Be sure to connect your VCR to the DVD recorder and to your TV in the order shown below.
26 Connec ting t o a Satelli te or Di gital Tun er Connect a sa tellite or digital t uner to this recorder using the LINE 1 IN jacks. Di sconnect the record er’s AC power c ord from t he AC ou tlet when conn ecting the tu ner. To us e the Sync hro-Rec functi on, see b elow.
27 Eight Bas ic Operat ions — Ge tting to Kno w Your DVD Re corder Eight Basi c Operat ions — Getting to Know Your DVD Re corder 1. In sert ing a Disc 1 Press Z OPEN/CLO SE, an d plac e a disc on t he disc t ray. 2 Press Z OPEN/CLO SE to cl ose th e disc tray .
28 To stop re cording Pres s x REC STOP. No te th at it may tak e a f ew s econ ds f or record er to s top re cordin g. To wa tch anoth er TV prog ram while recording Set your TV to the TV input using the TV/ VIDEO bu tton (page 20) . z Hint If you do not want to watch TV while r ecording, you can turn off the TV.
29 Eight Bas ic Operat ions — Ge tting to Kno w Your DVD Re corder 2 Press TITL E LI ST. To show the ext ended Title List, press OPTIO NS to se lect “D isplay Li st,” and press EN TER.
30 To chan ge a title thumb nail pictu re (Thumbna il) (DVD-R W/DVD-R in VR mode only) You ca n selec t a fav orite scen e for the thumbnail picture shown in the Title List menu . 1 Press TITLE LI ST. Pres s < / , to swit ch the T itle Lis ts, if necess ary.
31 Eight Bas ic Operat ions — Ge tting to Kno w Your DVD Re corder B Available func tions for DVD VIDEOs ( angle/ audio / subti tle, etc.), or playbac k data for DATA DVDs and DATA CDs C The curre nt sele cted func tion or audio setting (appea rs only tempor arily) Exampl e: Dolby Di gital 5.
32 Examp le: W hen pla ying a C D Track pla ying ti me and th e curr ent tra ck/index number m Remaining time of the curre nt track m Playin g time of the d isc m Remaining time of the disc m CD text .
33 Eight Bas ic Operat ions — Ge tting to Kno w Your DVD Re corder 5. Chan ging th e Name of a Record ed Pro gram You ca n label a DV D, title, or progr am by enter ing char acte rs. You ca n ent er up to 64 charac ters for a ti tle or di sc na me, but the actual numbe r of char acters displa yed in th e menus such as th e Title List wi ll vary.
34 To us e the numb er but tons You can also use th e number buttons to enter charac ters . Refe r to t he numb er n ext t o each row of le tters on y our TV screen . 1 In ste p 5 abov e, press a nu mbe r butto n repea tedl y to sel ect a char acter .
35 Eight Bas ic Operat ions — Ge tting to Kno w Your DVD Re corder b Not e You can enter up to 64 characters for a DVD’s disc nam e. The dis c name ma y not appe ar wh en th e dis c is played on o ther DVD equipment. 1 Insert a disc . See “1. Ins erting a D isc ” on pag e 27.
36 1 Make a recordi ng. See “ 2. R ecord ing a Prog ram” on page 27. 2 Press Z OP EN/CLOSE . The disp lay shows the appro ximate time requir ed for finaliz ing and a sks fo r confirmation . For DVD+RWs, th e record er automatically starts f inalizing the disc.
37 Eight Bas ic Operat ions — Ge tting to Kno w Your DVD Re corder For DV D-RW s (Vid eo mode ) DVD-RWs (Video mode) that have been finali zed to prohibit additio nal recording or edit ing ca n be unfi nali zed to al low furth er record ing o r editin g.
38 z Hint By re for mat ting, y ou can ch ang e the r ecord ing format on DVD-RWs, or record again on DVD- RWs that ha ve been finali zed. b Note On this m odel, 1 GB (read “gi gabyte”) is equ ivalent to 1 billio n bytes. The larger th e number, the larger the disc spac e.
39 Timer Rec ording Timer Recording Before Recording Before you start recording… • Chec k that the disc ha s enou gh ava ilabl e space for t he recor ding (p age 3 2). For DVD+RWs and DVD-RWs, you can fr ee up disc spac e by erasing titles (pa ge 59).
40 The r ecor der can re ceiv e and re cord stereo / SAP pr ogra ms. Recor ding s tereo prog rams If there is noise in the stere o program, set “Auto Ster eo” i n the “Audi o” s etup to “ Off” (page 7 6). The so und wi ll be recor ded in monaural but with less nois e.
41 Timer Rec ording 3 Select an item u sing < / , and adjus t usi ng M / m . Then press EN TER. To make additional changes to items in dif fere nt ro ws, re tu rn to step 2. Th e adjustable items are listed below. “Day an d Tim e”: Sets the date , start time, and sto p time, and sel ects th e channel or inpu t source .
42 b Notes • If a mess age indi cating that th e disc is full appears on the scr een, ch ange the d isc, or m ake avail able space for the rec ording (DVD+RW/DVD-RW only) (page 60). • Check that the cl ock is co rrectly set bef ore sett ing the timer recording.
43 Timer Rec ording “DVD Rec. Picture Size”: Sets the pi cture si ze of the pro gram t o be record ed. • 4:3 (defaul t): Se ts the pict ure si ze to 4:3.
44 Checki ng/Ch angi ng/ Cancel ing Tim er Setting s (Timer Lis t) You ca n chec k, chang e, or can cel time r settings using the Timer List. 1 Pres s TIMER L IST. The Tim er Lis t appear s. Timer informat ion display s the record ing date, time, recordin g mode, etc.
45 Timer Rec ording “Che ck Ov erlap” : Checks for overl appe d settin gs. The timer se tting without the mark has pr iorit y over the othe r settin gs. To ch ange t he p riori ty of a pr ogram , pres s < / , to select “C han ge.” F or details, se e “Changing the priority of overl apped settings ” on page 45 .
46 If pro gram A has pr iority, reco rdin g of prog ram B m ay be dela yed . 1 Pres s TIMER L IST. The Tim er Lis t appear s. 2 Select a n ove rlapped timer s etting, and pre ss ENTER . indicate s that the t imer sett ing is overlapped by another time r setting.
47 Timer Rec ording Record ing Fr om Connec ted Equi pmen t You can set the record er to aut omatically record progr ams fr om conn ected e quipm ent that has a timer functio n (such as a satellite tuner). Connect the eq uipment to the LI NE 1 IN ja cks of the re cord er ( page 26) .
48 If the tim er sett ings of a Sync hro- Recor din g and anot her t imer r ecordi ng overlap Regard less of whethe r or no t the pro gram i s a Sync hro Rec pr ogra m, the pr ogra m that st arts first has prio rity and t he sec ond p rogr am start s reco rding on ly af ter the firs t program has f inish ed.
49 Playba ck Playback Playi ng 1 Insert a disc . • See “1. Insert ing a Dis c” on page 27. • If you insert a DVD VIDEO, VIDEO CD, CD, DATA DVD, or DATA CD, pres s H PLAY. Playba ck star ts. 2 Press TITL E LI ST. For details about the Title List, se e “3.
50 To resum e playba ck fro m the point where you sto pped (R esume Pl ay) When yo u pres s H PLAY ag ain a fter you stop playbac k, the rec order r esum es play back from the poin t where yo u pres sed x STOP. To s tart fr om t he be ginni ng, pres s OPTI ONS to selec t “Play Be ginning, ” and pre ss ENTER.
51 Playba ck To check the position of the buttons below, see the illu stration on page 49. For MP3 or JPEG opera tions, se e “Playi ng MP3 A udio Tr acks or JP EG Im age File s” on page 55.
52 b Notes • Angle s and subti tles ca nnot be ch anged with titles recorded on this record er. • Slidesh ows made with a DVD camcorder can only be pla yed.
53 Playba ck b Not es • If t he outli nes of the i mages on your screen become blur red, set “BNR” and/o r “MNR” to “Off.” • Dependi ng on th e disc or t he scene being playe d, the above BN R, MNR, or FNR eff ects may be hard to discern.
54 You ca n play a prev iously recorde d program while re cord ing anot her on the same dis c. Playb ack c on tinues even if th e re cord ing is a timer record ing. 1 While r ecord ing, p ress T ITLE LIST. The Title List a ppears. 2 Select t he title you wan t to pla y, and pres s ENTER .
55 Playba ck The dis play for entering the num ber appear s. Examp le: T itle Se arch The nu mber in pa rent heses i ndicat es the total number of titles , tracks, etc. 2 Press the numb er bu ttons t o selec t the number of the title, chap ter, tra ck, time co de, etc.
56 To pla y the be gin ning of the tr ack Press O PTIONS t o select “P lay Beginn ing,” and pr ess ENT ER. To fas t forwar d or r eview a tr ack Pres s m / M d urin g pl ayba ck. To go to the ne xt or pre viou s MP3 au dio trac k or JPEG image f ile Pres s .
57 Playba ck The re cord er c an p lay t he fol lowi ng tr acks and files : – MP3 au dio tra cks with the exte nsion “.mp3. ” – JPEG image fi les with the extensio n “.jpeg” or “ .jpg. ” – JPEG image files that conform to the DCF* image fi le forma t.
58 b Notes • Depend ing on the soft ware you use to create the DATA DVD/DATA CD, the playback order may differ from t he above illustrat ion. • No mor e than a tot al of 999 in dividual f olders ca n be played. (Fol ders that do not contain JP EG/ MP3 files are counted a s well.
59 Erasing an d Editing Erasing and Ed iting Before Editing This rec orde r offers variou s edit op tion s for vari ous di sc types. b Not es • You m ay lose the edited content s if yo u remove the dis c or a timer r ecordin g start s while editi ng.
60 Erasing and Ed iting a Title This secti on explains the basic edit functi ons. Note that ed iting is ir reversible. To edit DVD-RWs/DVD-Rs (VR mode) with out chang ing t he o rigin al r ecor dings, crea te a Playlist titl e (page 62). 1 Pres s TITLE LI ST.
61 Erasing an d Editing 5 When yo u finish selectin g titles , select “O K,” an d press EN TER. The list of the t itles to be erased a ppears for confirmati on. • To ch ange t he selec tion, select “Cha nge,” an d repe at from s tep 3. 6 Select “O K” and pre ss ENTER .
62 You can manual ly insert a chapte r mark at any poi nt you l ike duri ng pl aybac k or record ing. Pres s CHAPT ER MARK at the p oint where you want to divi de the tit le int o chap ters. Each time you pre ss the button, “Marking ...” app ears on th e scree n and th e scen es to the left and right of th e mark be come s eparat e chapte rs.
63 Erasing an d Editing 3 Select “S elect, ” and pre ss ENTER . 4 Select the title y ou want to include in the Pla ylist titl e, and pre ss ENTER. The display f or setting the start point (IN) appear s. The ti tle star ts to play . • To re turn to the be ginnin g of the ti tle, pres s X PAUSE and t hen pres s .
64 To add the en tire title to the Pl aylist t itle as on e scene (M ake a Play lis t) 1 Press TITLE LIST. If the Title List (Play list) ap pear s, pres s , . 2 Select the title and press ENTER. The s ub-me nu app ears. 3 Sele ct “Ma ke a P layl ist,” and pres s ENTER .
65 Erasing an d Editing You ca n divide a Playlist title. 1 Press TITL E LI ST. If th e Ti tle L ist ( Origi nal) a ppe ars, pres s < . 2 Select a title, a nd press ENTER. The su b-men u appe ars. 3 Select “D ivide Title,” an d press ENTE R. The dis play for se tting the dividi ng point appears, a nd the ti tle star ts to play .
66 DV/Digital8 Dub bing Befo re DV/D igi tal8 Dubbin g This section explains d ubbing with a dig ital vide o came ra vi a the DV I N jac k on the fron t panel . If yo u want to dub by w ay o f the L INE IN jac ks, s ee “ Recor ding from connec ted equipment wit hout a timer” on page 4 8.
67 DV/Dig ital8 Du bbing 3 Press INPU T SELEC T on the remot e repe atedly to se lect “DV.” The fr ont panel dis play c hang es as follows: 4 Press REC MOD E on th e rem ote repeate dly to select the record ing mode. The reco rdi ng mode c hange s as fo llow s: For d eta ils abou t the reco rdin g m ode , see page 39.
68 Record ing an Entire DV Forma t Tape (One Touc h Dubbin g) You ca n reco rd the en tire co ntents of a DV/ Digital8 format ta pe onto a disc with a single pres s of the ONE -TOUC H DUB butto n on the r ecord er. Th e reco rder cont rols the di gital video came ra fo r the wh ole proc ess, and compl etes the re cordi ng.
69 DV/Dig ital8 Du bbing 2 Selec t “DV / D 8 E DIT ,” and press ENTE R. The display asks if you wa nt to st art select ing scenes . • If y ou h ave previo usly s aved a progr am, the displ ay asks if you want to edit an exi sting program or to create a new program.
70 11 Sele ct “OK, ” and pr ess EN TER. The title name is fi xed, and th e display asks i f you wa nt to sta rt reco rdin g. To change th e dubbing mode, select “Dub Mode ” and pres s M / m . 12 Sele ct “Sta rt,” an d pre ss ENTER . The re corder star ts record ing t he tap e cont ents as pr ogram med.
71 Settings an d Adjustment s Settings and Ad justments Anten na Re cept ion an d Langua ge S ettin gs (Basic ) The “Basic” s etup helps you to make tu ner, clock, and ch annel se tting s for the recorde r. 1 Press SYS TEM M ENU whi le the recor der is in st op mo de.
72 2 Selec t “Anten na / Cab le,” an d press ENTER . 3 Select a n option, a nd press EN TER. 4 Select “Manual Channe l Setup,” and press ENTER. 5 Pres s M / m t o select the c hanne l you want to activate, a nd press ENTER. 6 Pres s < / , to selec t “Activ ate Chann el,” an d pres s ENTER.
73 Settings an d Adjustment s 3 Selec t “Full Au to,” an d press ENT ER. 4 Sele ct “Yes ,” and pr ess ENT ER. The record er automatical ly sets the clo ck by se archin g for a c hanne l that c arries a time signal a nd sets yo ur time zone and Daylig ht Savi ng Time (if appli cable) .
74 Video Se tting s (Video ) Video setti ngs will a djust ite ms related t o the imag e, such as siz e and co lor. Choo se the se tting s accord ing to th e type of TV, tuner, or decoder conne cted to the DVD record er. 1 Pres s SY STEM MENU whi le the recorder is in stop mode.
75 Settings an d Adjustment s Progre ssiv e Mode DVD software can be divided into two type s: film based sof twar e and vi deo base d softwa re. Video ba sed so ftware is deri ved from TV and dis plays i mages at 30 fram es/60 field s per sec on d. Film ba sed so ftw are is der ived fr om f ilm an d di spla ys ima ges a t 24 frames per s econd.
76 Audio Se tting s (Audio ) The “ Audio ” setup al lows you to adju st the sound a ccord ing to t he playb ack and conne cti on con diti ons. 1 Pres s SY STEM MENU whi le the recorder is in stop mode. 2 Sele ct “SETUP ,” and p ress ENT ER. 3 Sele ct “Audio ,” an d press ENT ER.
77 Settings an d Adjustment s 4 Set the digital output signal. • Dolby Digital (DVDs only) Sele ct s the ty pe of Do lb y Di gita l sig na l. • DTS (D VD VID EOs onl y) Selects wheth er or n ot to out put DT S signa ls. • 48kH z/96 kHz P CM (DVD VID EOs only ) Selects the sam pling f requenc y of the au dio sign al.
78 Record ing Se ttings (Record ing) The “ Recor ding” se tup allo ws you to adjus t recordin g settings. 1 Pres s SY STEM MENU whi le the recorder is in stop mode. 2 Sele ct “SETUP ,” and p ress ENT ER. 3 Sele ct “Reco rding, ” and pr ess ENTER .
79 Settings an d Adjustment s Disc Se tting s (DVD) The “DV D” se tup allow s you to adjust parental c ontrol, lan guage and other DVD relate d settings. 1 Press SYS TEM M ENU whi le the recor der is in st op mo de. 2 Selec t “SETU P,” an d press ENT ER.
80 5 Selec t “Lev el,” an d press ENT ER. The se lect ion i tems for “Leve l” ar e disp laye d. The lower the value, the s tricter the limitatio n. Discs rated hi gher th an the selected level will be restricted . 6 Select the leve l, and press ENTER.
81 Settings an d Adjustment s Remote Cont rol Settin gs/ Factor y Sett ings (Oth ers) The “Others” setup al lows you to s et up othe r operatio nal settings. 1 Press SYS TEM M ENU whi le the recor der is in st op mo de. 2 Selec t “SETU P,” an d press ENT ER.
82 Easy Se tup (Resett ing th e Record er) Selec t this to ru n the “E asy Set up” progr am . 1 Pres s SY STEM MENU whi le the recorder is in stop mode. 2 Sele ct “SETUP ,” and p ress ENT ER. 3 Select “Easy Set up,” an d press ENTER . 4 Select “Start.
83 Add iti onal In for mati on Additional Inform ation Troubl esho oting If you ex perien ce any of the followi ng dif ficu l ties wh ile us ing th e rec or de r, u se t hi s troubleshoo ting guide to help remedy the proble m befo re req uesti ng repai rs.
84 The pic ture from eq uipmen t conn ected t o the re corder’ s inp ut jack does not ap pear on the scre en. , If th e equipm ent is c onnec ted to t he LI NE 1 IN ja ck, sele ct “L 1” i n the front p anel display by pre ssing CH +/– or INPU T SELECT.
85 Add iti onal In for mati on , If the disc w as record ed on another re corder and was not fina lized (pa ge 35), the recorde r cann ot play the disc . The r ecorde r does not start pla yback from the begin ning . , Resu me pl ay wa s ac tiva ted (pa ge 50) .
86 , There is not enough disc spa ce for the reco rdin g. , A separat e recording w as in the proce ss of being ma de withou t the use of the ti mer (pa ge 47). , The rec order was in t he process of D V/ Digital8 Dubbi ng. Recor din g does not stop immedi ately after yo u pres s x REC S TOP.
87 Add iti onal In for mati on The re mote do es no t functio n. , Batt eries a re we ak. , The rem ote is too far from the reco rder. , The rem ote’s man ufacture r code re turned to the de fault set ting w hen you re placed the bat terie s. R eset th e c ode ( page 2 0).
88 Self-di agnosis Func tion (When lette rs/nu mber s appear in the d ispla y) When the se lf-dia gnosis func tion i s activat ed to prevent the re corder from mal functioning, a five -charac ter ser vice num ber (e .g., C 13 00) with a combination o f a lett er and four numb ers ap pear s in the fr ont pane l displ ay.
89 Add iti onal In for mati on Notes ab out the discs • To ke ep t he disc clean, hand le the d isc by its edge. Do not touc h the s urface . Dust, finge rpri nts, o r scrat ches o n the dis c may cause it to malfunction.
90 General Power requirements: 120 V AC, 60 Hz Power consumptio n: 22 W Dimensions (a pprox.): 430 × 58 × 291 mm (17 × 2 × 11 in.) (width/ height/ depth) incl.
91 Add iti onal In for mati on i.LINK’s maximum baud rate varies according t o the e quipment. Thre e maximum baud rates are de fin ed: S100 (approx . 100 M bps*) S200 (approx . 200 M bps) S400 (approx . 400 M bps) The baud r ate is lis ted unde r “Spec ifica tions ” in the ins truct ion man ual of ea ch equip ment.
92 Guide to Part s and Con tro ls For more in form atio n, see th e page s in pa renthe ses. A Z OPEN/CLOSE b utton (27) B [ / 1 (on/standb y) bu tton (23 ) C Number b uttons (54) The num ber 5 bu tton has a tact ile do t * . D CH (cha nnel) +/ – buttons ( 27) The + butto n has a tac tile dot * .
93 Add iti onal In for mati on A [ / 1 (on/s tandb y) bu tton (23 ) B Disc tray (27) C Fron t pane l disp lay (3 1, 94) D TIMER REC indicator (40) SYNCHRO REC indicator (47) E A (ope n/clos e) button .
94 A Play ing/re cordi ng status B Displays the followin g (31): • Playing t ime/remaining time • Current t itle/chap ter/track/in dex number • Recordin g time/recording mode •C l o c k •C h a n n e l C SAP in dicator (40) D Disc type* E (angle) indicator (49) * Displays DATA CDs as “C D.
95 Add iti onal In for mati on Langua ge C ode L ist For det ails, see page 80 . The l angua ge spe lling s co nform to t he IS O 6 39: 19 88 ( E/F) stan dard .
96 Index Words in qu otat ions appe ar in the on -scr een di splays . Numerics 16:9 23 , 74 4:3 L etter Box 23 , 74 4:3 P an Sca n 23 , 74 “48kHz/96 kHz PCM ” 77 A “A-B Erase ” 61 AC Power Cor.
97 F “Facto ry Setup” 81 “File Sea rch” 54 “Finalize” 36 “Finalize Disc” 80 Finaliz ing 35 “FNR” 52 “Format” 37 “Format DVD-RW” 80 Formattin g 37 Freeze F rame 51 Front pa nel 93 Front pa nel disp lay 31 , 94 G GB 38 H Handlin g discs 89 “Hue” 43 , 52 I i.
98 Q Quick guid e to di sc typ es 8 Quick Timer 42 R Rear pa nel 94 REC 27 “Rec Mo de” 42 “Rec Mode Adjust” 41 , 78 “Rec NR” 43 “Rec Settin gs” 42 REC STOP 28 , 68 “Rec Video Equaliz.
Sony Corporation Printed in Malaysia Printed on 100% recycled paper using VOC (Volatile Organ ic Compound)-free vegetable oil based ink..
デバイスSony RDR-GX33の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony RDR-GX33をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony RDR-GX33の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony RDR-GX33の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony RDR-GX33で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony RDR-GX33を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony RDR-GX33の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony RDR-GX33に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony RDR-GX33デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。