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2-186-506- 12 (1) © 2004 Sony Corporation Video Cassette Recorder/ D VD Recorder Operatin g Instructi ons RDR-VX500 For cu stomer s in the U.S. A Owner ’s R ecor d The model and serial numbers are located at the rear of the unit. Record the serial number in the space provided below.
2 WARNIN G To pre vent fire or sho ck haz ard, do not ex pose th e unit to rain o r moistur e. To avoid elect rical s hock, do not open th e cabi net. Ref er se rvicing to qua lifi ed pe rson nel onl y. The A C powe r co rd m ust b e change d only a t a qua lified service shop o nly.
3 Precau tion s On safety Should any sol id object or liqui d fall into th e cabin et, un plug the record er and have it checke d by qua li fi ed personnel before o perating it any further. On power so urces • Operate the re corder onl y on 120 V AC, 60 Hz.
4 Copy gu ard functi on Since th e recorde r has a copy guar d function, programs received th rough an ex tern al t uner (no t sup pli ed) m ay contain c opy prot ection si gnals (copy guard funct ion ) and as such may not be recorda bl e, dependin g on the type of sign al.
5 About t his ma nual • Instruc tions in thi s ma nua l describ e the c ontr ol s on the remote. You can al so use th e controls on the re corder if they have th e same or sim ilar nam es as those on the rem ote. • The on- screen display illu stratio ns use d in thi s manua l may not mat ch the graphics displayed on your TV scre en.
6 Table of Contents WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 VCR Record ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Before Recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 VCR Recording without the Timer .
8 Ways to Use Your Video Cassett e Rec order/D VD Rec or der What is a Video Casse tte Recorder/DVD Recorder? , This is a DVD recorder with built-in VHS vi de o deck. It allows recording to DVD+RWs, DVD+Rs, DVD-RWs, DVD-Rs, an d VHS tapes. In a ddition, yo u can also enjo y playback and editing of DVD discs and VHS tape s.
9 Quick access to r ecorded title s – Title List , Display the Titl e List to see all of the title s on the d isc, includ ing the re cording d ate, channel , record ing mo de , rec ordin g time and movi e t humbnai l image (page 42).
10 Quick G uide t o DV D Disc Types Recordable and play able discs Usabl e disc ver sions (as of Ju ne 2004) • 4x-speed or slower DVD+RWs • 2x-speed or slower DVD-RWs (Ver.1.1, Ver .1.1 with CPRM *1 ) • 4x-speed or slower DVD-RWs (Ver.1.2, Ver .
11 Discs tha t cannot be reco rded on • DV D-RWs (Ver.1.0) • DVD+RW s that are not 2.4x-speed compat ible • D oub le la yer di scs • 8 cm disc s Recording Fea t ures Editing Feature s Rewrite .
12 12 cm/8 cm discs Playable dis cs * A logical format of fi les and fo lders on DATA-CDs , defined by ISO (Inte r na ti ona l Stan da rd Organi zati on).
13 Note o n play ba ck oper a tions o f DVD V IDE O s/ VIDEO CDs Some playback operations of DVD VIDEOs/ VIDEO CDs may be intenti onally set by softwa re producers. S ince this recorder plays DVD VIDEOs/VIDEO CDs acc ording to the disc conten ts the s o f tw a re pr odu cers des igned, some playba ck fe atures may n ot be av ailabl e.
14 Recor dable an d play able VHS tape s This VCR us es the VHS s ystem. Recording This V CR re co rds us ing th e VHS sy stem . z Hint If you do not wa nt recorded c ontents to be erased, break off the er asure p rev en t io n ta b.
15 Hookup s and Settings Hookups and Settings Hookin g Up the Re cord er Follo w st ep s 1 to 7 to hoo k up and adj ust th e settin gs of the recorder. Notes • Plug cords secu rely to prevent unwante d noise. • Refer t o the instruct ions suppl ied with the component s to be connect ed .
16 A: Cable box or s atellite receiv er with a video/ audio output With this hookup, you can record any chan nel on the ca ble box or satellit e receiv er.
17 Hookup s and Settings B: Cable box with a n antenna output only With this hookup, you can record any channe l on the satel lite rec ei ver or cable box.
18 Step 3 : Co nnecti ng t o Your TV Select one of the fo llow in g pa tterns A or B , a c cor di n g to the in pu t jac k on you r TV . Note Do not connect m or e than one type of video c or d bet w een th e recorder and your TV at the sa me tim e.
19 Hookup s and Settings A Connecting to audio/ video inpu t jacks If your TV, mon itor, projec tor, o r other equ ipmen t has aud i o /vi de o (A/V) input j ac ks, yo u will ge t bett er pict ure an d soun d i f yo u con ne ct the record er us in g t h i s co nnecti on.
20 If your TV has an S video i nput jack Conn ect a n S vi deo cord (not suppl ie d). Yo u wi ll en joy high qual ity i mages . Make au dio conn ection s us ing the A U D IO OUT L/ R ja cks w he n you co nne ct the r ec order us in g t his conn ection.
21 Hookup s and Settings If your T V has component video i nput jacks Connect th e CO M PON E N T VIDE O O U T ja ck s using a compone nt vide o co rd (no t sup plied) or three video cord s (not su pplied) of the sa me kind and length. You will enjoy accurate c olor reprod uction and high qua l ity i mages .
22 Notes • Consume rs should no te that not all high de finition television se ts are fully c ompatib le with this product a nd may cause artifac ts to be disp layed in the pic tur e .
23 Hookup s and Settings Step 4 : Co nnecti ng t o Your AV/Am pli fier ( Recei ver ) Sel ect one of the f ollowi ng pat terns A or B , according to the input jack on your AV amplif ier (receiver) . This will en able you to li sten to DVD a udio tracks th rough your AV amp lifier ( receiver).
24 Notes • Do not connect your TV’s audio output j acks to the LINE IN (AUDIO L/R) jacks at the same time. This will caus e unwanted noise to come fr om your TV’s speakers. • When rec ording a D VD, the D VD audio s ignal is output to the DI GITAL AUDIO OUT even if you switch th e output to VIDEO.
25 Hookup s and Settings A Connecting to audio L /R input jacks This con ne ction wi l l us e y our TV’ s or st er eo ampli fier’s (receiv er’s ) two s peake rs for sound.
26 Step 5 : Co nnecti ng t he Power Co rd Plug th e reco rder and TV powe r cord s into an AC outle t. A ft er yo u conne ct the po wer co rd, you must wait for a short wh ile before operati ng the reco rder . You can ope rat e th e recorder o nly after th e front panel d isplay ligh ts up and the r ecor der en ters st an dby m od e.
27 Hookup s and Settings Controlling TVs wi th the remote You ca n adju st th e remot e con trol’s si gn al to cont ro l yo ur TV. If you co nnecte d the r eco rder to an AV amp lifi er (receiv er), yo u can also us e the s upplie d rem ote to control the AV amplifi er’s (r eceiver’ s) volume.
28 Controlling the v olume of your AV amplifier (rec eiver) with the r emote 1 Slide th e TV /DVD·VIDEO s witch to DVD·VIDEO. 2 Hold do wn "/1 , an d enter the manu fa cture r cod e (see the tab le be low) for your A V amplif ier (rece iver) usin g the number butto ns.
29 Hookup s and Settings If you have a Sony DVD Player/Vid eo Cassette Recorder or Vi deo Cassette Recorder/DVD Recorder If the supplied r emote interfe res with y our other Sony DVD Pla yer /Video Ca.
30 Step 7 : Ea sy Set up Follow the s teps below t o make the minimu m numbe r of basi c adju st m e nts for using th e recorder. If you do no t complete Easy Se tup, it will appe ar each tim e you turn on yo ur reco rder . Settings a re made in the followin g order.
31 Hookup s and Settings 6 Select “A uto,” and pres s ENT E R . The reco rder w il l aut omat icall y se arch for a channel that carr ie s a time sign al when you turn o ff th e reco rder af ter finish ing E asy Setup. • If broa dcast ers i n you r area are not yet sending time signal s, sele ct “Manual,” and press ENTER.
32 13 Selec t whethe r or not yo u want t o se nd a DTS signal t o your amp lifier (receive r), and pre ss ENTER. If your A V ampli fi er (r ecei ve r) ha s a D T S decod er, s elec t “On. ” Othe rwise, sele ct “O ff.” 14 Press ENTER whe n “Fini s h ” appe ars.
33 Hookup s and Settings 2 Selec t “Set up ,” an d pr ess ENTE R. 3 Select “Tuner Preset,” a nd pres s ENTE R. 4 Select “Guid e Chan nel Setu p,” and pres s ENTE R.
34 Connec tin g Ano ther V CR o r Simi lar De vic e After disco nnecting the re corder’s power c ord from an AC outlet, conne c t other VCR or similar re cording device to the L INE IN jacks of this record er. See also the inst ruction ma nual suppl ied with th e connected equipment.
35 Hookup s and Settings Connecting to the LINE 1 IN jacks You ca n co nnect a se cond VC R or simil ar de vice. z Hin t When the con ne ct ed equi pm ent outputs onl y mona ur a l sou nd, use audio cable s th at distri bute mon aural sounds to left/ right chann els (not sup plied).
36 Notes • Do not connect the yell ow LI NE IN (VID EO) jack when usi ng an S video c ord. • Do not connect the ou tput jack of this rec order to another equipmen t’s input jack with the other e quipmen t’s outp ut jack c onnected to the in put jac k of this record er.
37 Basi c O perati on Basic O peration Playi ng a DVD Di sc o r VHS Tape Playing a DVD disc 1 Turn on the TV. 2 Press "/1 . The reco rder turn s on . 3 Switch the input se lector on your TV so tha t the si gnal from the rec orde r app ears on the TV sc reen.
38 1 Turn on the TV . 2 Press "/ 1 . The re co rder tu rns on . 3 Switch th e input sele ctor o n your TV so t hat the sig nal from th e recor der appe ars on the TV sc reen. When connectin g the rec order to th e TV using only th e an tenn a ca ble, se e “Set t in g th e RF Output chann el” on pag e 19.
39 Basi c O perati on 5 Press Z OPEN/C LOSE, and plac e a recor dable disc on the dis c tra y. 6 Press Z OPEN/C LOSE t o close th e dis c tray. Wait until “ LOAD” disappears from the fro nt panel di splay. Unused DVD-RWs are formatted in VR mode automaticall y.
40 7 Press RE C MODE re peated ly to sele ct the tape sp eed, “S P” or “EP .” “EP” (Exte nded Play) provi des record ing time three times as l ong as “SP” (S tandard Play). Howeve r, “SP ” produc es bette r pictu re and audi o quali ty .
41 Basi c O perati on B “Timer” (page s 50, 69): Allows you to set a n ew timer rec ording setting. You ca n al so disp lay the Ti m er Lis t menu, whic h allow s yo u to chec k, cha nge, o r ca ncel timer setti ngs.
42 Using t he Titl e List The t itl es of progr ams re corde d on a disc are display ed in the Titl e List. 1 Press DVD to contro l the DVD recorder. 2 Press Z OPEN/ CLOSE , and pla ce a disc on the disc tray . 3 Press Z OPEN/C LO SE to close th e disc tray.
43 Basi c O perati on Using the DVD Di sc S ettin g Displa ys With the “ D i s c Sett ing” disp l a y, yo u can perform operat i ons su ch as for m at t ing an d fi na lizin g (page 4 4). 1 Press DV D to cont rol the DVD reco rder. 2 Press Z OPEN/ CLOSE , and plac e a di sc o n the dis c tray.
44 z Hints • You ca n set p rotection for individ ual tit les (pag e 82). • By reformatt ing , you can change the recor din g format on DVD-RWs, or record again on DVD-RW s (Video mode) that ha ve been fin al i zed. Note You can enter up to 32 characters for a disc na me.
45 Basi c O perati on Checki ng t he Pl ay Inform ation an d Playing Time You ca n ch eck th e pl aying t ime an d remai ni ng time of th e curren t title, ch apter, or track. Press DISPLA Y. The inf or m at io n displ ay appears . The display disappears after a short ti me.
46 Chang ing the Name of a Reco rded P rogr am ( Title Input) You can label a titl e, disc , or prog ram by ente ring charac ters . You ca n enter up to 32 ch aract ers for a title or disc name, but the actual number of charac ters di splay ed in th e menu s such as the Title List wi ll va ry.
47 DVD Reco rding DVD Recording Before Recording Before you start recording… • T his r ecorder can r ecord on vari ous d iscs. Sel ect the d isc type acco rding to your n eeds (page 10). • C h eck t hat t h e d isc has en ough availab le sp ac e for the r ecording (page 50).
48 Unrecordable pictur es Picture s with cop y prot ec tion ca nnot be re cord ed on this record er. * The recorde d dis c can be played onl y on CP R M compati ble equ ip m en t. Recordi ng sto ps when a copy guard sig nal is detect e d. DVD Rec ording w ithou t the Time r 1 Press DVD t o cont rol the DV D recorder.
49 DVD Reco rding 5 Press REC MODE re peated ly to s elect the recording mode. Each time you press th e button, th e displa y chan ge s on th e TV sc reen as f ollow s : For more de tails about the reco rding mode, see page 47. 6 Press z REC. Record ing sta rts.
50 Checking the dis c status whi le recording You can check the re co rdin g info rm atio n such as recordi ng time or di sc type. Press DISPL AY during recording.
51 DVD Reco rding 1 Press DVD to contr ol the DVD reco rder. 2 Press Z OPEN/C LOSE, and plac e a recor dable disc on the dis c tra y. 3 Press Z OPEN/C LOSE t o close th e dis c tray. Wait until “ LOAD” disappears from the fro nt panel di splay. Unused DVD-RWs are formatted in VR mode automaticall y.
52 To co nfir m, ch a nge, o r ca ncel timer rec or ding See “Checking/ Changing/Canceling DVD Timer Set tings (Ti mer Li st)” on page 5 5. To use the Rec Mod e Ad just fun c tion When yo u are re.
53 DVD Reco rding 5 Press ENTER . The date , start an d s top time s, ch ann el, and record ing mode ap pear . The c indicator lig hts up in th e front panel displa y, and th e reco rder is ready to start record ing. If the c indicator fl as hes in th e front panel disp la y, ch eck that a reco rdabl e disc is insert ed.
54 4 Press RE C MODE re peated ly to sele ct the recording mode. Each time you p ress the button, the display chan ge s on the TV sc reen as follo w s : For more details a bout the record ing mode, see page 47. 5 Press SYSTEM M ENU while the recor der is in sto p mode.
55 DVD Reco rding Checki ng/ Changi ng/ Cancel ing D VD Ti mer Setti ng s (Ti mer L i st ) You ca n check , ch a nge, or ca ncel ti m e r setti ng s using the T imer L ist m enu. 1 Press SYSTE M MENU . The Syst em Me nu a ppear s . 2 Selec t “Time r,” an d pr ess ENT ER.
56 Recor ding fr om Conn ected Equip m en t wi th ou t a Time r You can record f rom a connected VCR or s imil a r device. To co nnect other VCR or s imilar devi ce, see “Connectin g Another VCR or Similar Device” on pag e 34. Use the DV IN jack on t he front panel if the equipm e nt has a D V ou tput ja ck (i.
57 Playing Discs Playing Discs Playi ng 1 Press DVD to contr ol the DVD reco rder. 2 Press Z OPEN/ CLOSE , and plac e a di sc o n the dis c tray. 3 Press Z OPEN/CLOSE to clos e the d isc tray. If you inserted a DVD VIDEO, VIDEO CD, CD, or DATA CD, press H PLAY.
58 To re sume playba ck f rom t he po int where you stoppe d the disc ( Resume P lay) When yo u press H PL AY ag ain aft er you stop the dis c, the re cord er re sum es playb ack fr om th e point wh ere yo u pr es sed x STOP. To start from the beginn ing, press x ST OP tw ic e, and pres s H PLAY.
59 Playing Discs Playback options Buttons Operations Discs Z OPEN/ CLOSE Stops play and ope ns the disc tr ay . All discs AUDIO Selects one of the audio tracks recorded on the disc when pressed re pe atedly . Selects the audi o source. Selects stereo or m onaural audio tracks.
60 SURROUND Se lects one of th e effects when pressed repe atedly. “Off”: No surrou nd effe ct “Surround1” : Crea tes one set o f virtua l surroun d speakers. “Surround2” : Creat es two sets of virt ua l surround speakers. “Surround3” : Crea tes th ree set s of v irtual surr ound spea ke rs .
61 Playing Discs To resume norma l pla yback , p re ss H P LAY. To play back qu ickl y w ith sou nd (Sca n Audi o ) (DVD with Dolby Digit al sou nd tracks only) Set “Sca n A u dio” of “A udio” to “O n” in the “Setup ” displ ay (pa ge 1 03).
62 Search ing for a Title / Chapte r/T rack, etc. You can sear ch a DVD by t itl e or chapt er, and VIDEO CD by track or scene. As titl es and tracks are as signed ind ividua l nu mbers on th e dis c, se lect the title or track b y entering its number.
63 Playing Discs Playi ng MP3 Au di o Tr acks You ca n pl ay MP3 au di o t ra cks on DATA CD s (CD-Rs/CD-RWs). 1 Press DVD to contr ol the DVD reco rder. 2 Place a DATA CD on th e dis c tra y. When yo u load a D A T A CD which co ntain s MP3 aud io tr ac k s and JPE G im a ge file s, th e display fo r sel ec tin g a media type appea rs .
64 Notes • The recor der may not be able to play some DATA C Ds created i n the Pa cket Wri te format . • The r ecorder wi ll play any data with the exte nsion “.MP3, ” even if they are no t in MP3 format . Play ing this data ma y ge ne rate a lo ud noi se which could damage your s peaker sy stem.
65 Playing Discs 3 Selec t “Ph oto,” then press EN TER. 4 Press . / > to sele ct the next/ prev ious alb um p age, then pres s M / m / < / , to sel ect an im age. To dis play the s elect ed imag e 1 Press EN TER. The sel ec ted im ag e is di sp laye d ov er the entire screen .
66 About JPEG image files You can play JPEG image f iles on CD-R s or CD - RWs. Howev er, the discs mu st be r ecorded according to ISO9660 level 1 or le vel 2 for th e playe r to re co gn iz e the files. You can a lso pla y discs re corded in Multi Session.
67 VCR Recordin g VCR Recording Before Recording Before you start recording… Ch ec k th at th e t a p e is lo nge r th a n t h e r ec or di n g time. z Hin t Timer r ecordings will st art rega rdless of whether or not the recorder is turn e d on. You cann ot turn off the recorder d uring a t imer re cording.
68 To s top r ecord ing Press x STOP . To paus e r eco rding Press X PAUSE. To rest ar t r eco rdi ng, pr ess X PAUSE again. If you pa use re cord ing fo r mo re than 5 m inu te s, recordi ng stops automatica lly. To wat ch a noth er TV pro gram wh ile reco rding 1 Slide the TV/DVD·VIDEO switch to TV.
69 VCR Recordin g Checking the remaini ng time Press DISPLA Y. A Play mod e B Time count er C Recor di ng mode D Remaining t ime E Cur rent ch ann el To check the r emaining time of a tape, set “VCR Function ” – “Tap e Length ” of “Fe at ur es ” i n th e “Setup ” disp l ay corre ct l y (p age 10 4).
70 1 Press VIDEO to cont rol the VCR. 2 Insert a tape with its safety tab in place. 3 Press [T IMER] . If the Time r prog rammi ng (VCR Plus +) menu appear s, pres s < to sw it ch t he d i spla y to “Stand ard.” 4 Select an item using < / , and ad jus t usin g M / m .
71 VCR Recordin g To use th e Auto Ta pe Sp eed f unc tio n When yo u are reco rdi ng a progr am i n th e Auto mode and the re maining tape become s shor ter tha n the re cording time, the tape s peed is automa tically changed to EP mo de. Note that so me noise will appea r on the pict ure when t he tape s peed is chan ged.
72 5 Pres s EN TE R. The date , start an d stop ti m e s, chann el, and record ing mo de appe ar . The c indic ator ligh ts up i n t he fron t pa nel displa y, and the recorder is r eady to s tart record ing. If the c in di c a to r flas hes in th e front panel dis pl ay, check that a tap e with its safety ta b in p lace is in serted .
73 VCR Recordin g 4 Pres s SYSTEM MENU whi le the r ecorder is in stop mo de. 5 Selec t “Set up,” an d press EN TER. 6 Select “Fea tures,” and press ENTE R. The “ F eatu re s” se tup ap pea rs. 7 Select “Sync hro Rec ording,” a nd pr ess ENTE R.
74 Checki ng/ Changi ng/ Cancel ing V CR Ti mer Settin gs ( Timer List) You can chec k, change, or cancel time r settings using the Timer Li s t menu. 1 Press SYSTE M MENU . The Sy st em M e nu appe ars. 2 Selec t “Time r ,” and pr e ss ENTE R . 3 Select “Timer List,” and p ress E NTER.
75 VCR Recordin g Record ing fr om Connec ted Equip ment witho ut a Ti mer You can record fr om a connected VCR or s imil ar device. To c onnect other VCR or similar device, see “C onnect ing Another VC R or S imilar Device ” on page 34. 1 Press VIDE O to co ntrol the VCR.
76 Playing VHS Tapes Playi ng 1 Press VIDEO to cont rol the VCR. 2 Insert a tape. The VCR starts playing automati cally if y ou insert a tape wit h its sa fety tab removed. 3 Press H PL AY. The disp lay wind ow sh ows the pl ayback ti me. When t h e t a pe re ac hes t he end, it wi ll rewind automatical ly.
77 Playing VHS Tapes Adjusting the pi cture (tracking) Although th e VCR automatically adjusts t he trac king when play ing a tape , dis tort ion may oc cur if the recordin g is in poor conditi o n. In this case, manually adjust th e tra ckin g. Press TRACK ING +/– to adjus t the pic ture.
78 Playback option *1 You ca n pr ess INSTANT ADVANCE up to 4 time . This a llows you to fast forwar d up to 2 minu tes in t otal. *2 For 10 seconds in SP or LP mod e/ f or 15 second s in EP mode To resume normal pl ay back , pres s H PLAY. Notes • The sound is mu ted during play ba ck at var ious speeds .
79 Playing VHS Tapes Search ing Us in g Vari ous Funct ions The VCR automaticall y marks the t ape with an index s ig nal at t he p oint w her e eac h re cord in g begins . You ca n easil y find a specif ic poi nt usin g vario us search funct i on s. Note You cannot use these search functi ons duri ng DVD recording .
80 Searching usi ng the index functi on (Scan and Pl ay) The VCR automatically marks the tape with an index si g nal at th e po int wh ere ea ch recor di n g begins . U s e t hese si gna ls as re fe rence s to fin d a spec if i c re cord ing. 1 Press VIDEO to cont rol the VCR.
81 DVD Edit in g DVD Editing Before Ed iting This rec o rde r of fers variou s ed i t op t i o n s for vario us dis c ty pes. Be fore y ou ed it, c heck t he disc type in the front panel disp lay, and select the optio n av ailabl e f or you r disc (p age 10 ).
82 The ad vanced e dit fu nction s avail able f or Play list titles ar e: – Labeling a t itle (page 82). – Eras ing a title (page 8 2). – Editing a Pla ylist scene (page 86). z Hint You can disp la y the disc’s Pl ay list ti t les in th e Ti t le List (Play list), or the origi nal titl es i n the Title List (Origina l).
83 DVD Edit in g 4 Select an opti on, and pr ess EN TER. You can make th e following edits to t he title. “Era se”: E rase s th e sele cted title. Sel ect “O K” when asked for confirma tio n . “Protect”: Protects the ti tle. Select “On” when the Pr ot ection di sp lay appear s.
84 Creating chapters man ually You can manu ally inse rt a ch apter mar k at any point y ou l i ke du rin g pl ay back. Press CHAP TER MARK at the poin t wh ere you want to divide the title into chap ters. Each time you press th e button , “Markin g mark.
85 DVD Edit in g 3 Select “E di t,” and press ENT ER . 4 Selec t “Cr eate P lay list, ” and pre ss ENTE R. “Start ” is selec te d. 5 Press ENTER at t he sta r ting p oi nt. You ca n us e H PLAY, , . / > , x STOP an d X PAUSE to find the point.
86 Editin g a Playlis t You can edit a sc en e of the Pl ay list titl es. 1 Press DVD to contro l the DVD recorder. 2 Press SYSTE M MENU w hile t he recor der is stoppe d. 3 Select “Edit,” an d pr e s s ENT E R . 4 Sele ct “Edit Play list, ” a nd p ress E NTE R.
87 DVD Edit in g Modifying a scene (Modify) You ca n ch ange t he start an d en d poin t o f th e sele cted s cene. 1 After step 7 of “Edit ing a Playlis t” on page 86, sele ct a scene, and pre ss ENTER. 2 Selec t “Modi fy,” an d press EN TER.
88 Adding a scene (Add) You can add a sc ene be fore the sele ct ed scene . 1 After step 7 of “E ditin g a Play list” o n page 86, sele ct a scen e, and pr ess ENTE R. 2 Select “Add, ” an d pre ss ENT E R. “Start ” is se le cte d. 3 Press ENTE R at the starting p oint.
89 Dubbing (T APE y DV D) Dubbing (TAP E y DVD) Dubbin g from a V ideo to a DVD You ca n recor d (dub) VHS tape vide o and audio t o a di sc. T he au dio s witc hing and audio settin gs must be made for both the VHS tape and the disc. Using the T VIDEO button on the recorder 1 Insert a recordab le disc.
90 7 Selec t “Vid eo t DVD,” an d pr ess ENT ER . The disp lay for con firm at i on ap pear s. 8 Select “OK,” and pres s ENTE R. Dubbi ng start s. To select the rec ordin g mo de Press DVD to c ontrol the DVD r ecorder, then press R E C MO D E repe ated ly .
91 Dubbing (T APE y DV D) Dubbi ng f rom a DV D to a Video You ca n reco rd (dub) D V D video and audi o to a VHS tape. Howe ver, note that when you recor d copy -p rote ct ed softw ar e to a tap e, the vi deo may appear disrup ted whe n you play back t he tape.
92 8 Selec t “Dubb ing,” and pres s EN TER. 9 Select “ D V D t Vid eo, ” an d pres s ENT ER. The disp lay for con firm at i on ap pear s. 10 Select “OK,” and pres s ENTE R. Dubbi ng start s. The dis c’s menu may app ear depe nding on the disc whe n play ba ck of a d isc fin is he s.
93 DV D ubbin g (D V t DVD) DV Dubbing (DV t DV D) Befor e DV Dubb ing Thi s s ect io n ex pl ai ns dub bin g w ith a di gi tal vi de o camer a via th e DV IN j ack on the fr on t pane l. If you wan t to dub by w ay of the LIN E IN jacks , see “R ecordi ng fro m Con nected Equipm ent with a Timer (S ynchr o Re c)” on pag e 53.
94 Dubbin g from a D V Forma t Tape t o a DVD You ca n reco rd a D V form at tape onto a disc. The reco rder c ontrol s th e di gital v ideo cam era. Y ou can fas t forward, re wind, play in slo w motion, and stop the tape to select th e scenes usin g the reco rd er’s re mot e co ntr o l .
95 DV D ubbin g (D V t DVD) 9 Selec t “Audi o,” an d press EN TER. 10 Selec t “DV A udi o Inpu t,” an d pr ess ENTE R. “Ste re o 1”: Re cords or iginal so un d only . Normally select th is when dubbin g a DV format t ape. “Ste re o 2”: Re cord s ad diti o nal au dio on l y .
96 Settings and Adjustmen ts Using the Setu p Di sp lay s By using the setu p displays , you can m ake var ious adjust ment s to i tems such as p ictur e and s ound , as well as select a language for the subt itl e s. The setu p displ ay s are used in the fo llow in g w ay .
97 Settings and Adju st m ent s Some items display a d ialog box that pr ovides furthe r detai led settings. Examp le: The f ol l o w i ng dialog bo x ap pear s when “Parental” in “Options” setup is sele cted. In t his cas e, see “P arent al” i n “La nguag e, Parental Contr ol Settin gs/Factory Settings (Opti ons ) ” on pag e 10 5.
98 4 Select “A u to Pres et ,” and pr es s ENTER . All rec ei va ble ch an nels ar e preset in numer i cal sequ ence . Manual Set Preset s or di s abl es chan nels ma nu ally. If som e ch anne ls could not be set us ing the Auto Preset or E asy Setup func tion, y ou c an set them manually.
99 Settings and Adju st m ent s Clock Set ting ( Clock Set) The “ Cloc k Set ” s etup help s you to mak e clock settin g for the recorde r. Select “ Clock Set” i n the “ Setup” disp lay. To us e the di splay, see “Using t h e Setup Displa ys” on page 96.
100 Video S ettings (Video ) Video settin gs will adj ust items r elated to th e image , such as si z e and co lo r. Choose the settings ac cord in g to the type of TV, tun er, or deco der co nnec ted t o the recorder. 1 Press SYSTEM M ENU while the rec order is in sto p mode.
101 Settings and Adju st m ent s Pict ur e co ntrol You can adjust t he video signa l of the DVD or VIDEO CD (with PBC function off ) from the player to obt ai n the pict ur e quali ty you w ant . Select t he sett ing that be st suits the prog ram you are wa tc hi ng .
102 Audio Sett ings (Aud io) The Audio setup allows you to ad just th e sound accord ing to th e pl ay back and con n ec tion cond itions. 1 Press SYSTEM M ENU while the recor der is in sto p mode. 2 Selec t “Setu p, ” and pr ess ENTE R. 3 Selec t “Audi o, ” and pr ess ENTE R.
103 Settings and Adju st m ent s Downmix (DVDs on ly) Switches the method f or mixing down t o two chan ne ls w he n you pl ay a DVD w hi ch has re ar sound el ement s (chan nels) or is recor ded in D olby Digital format. F or det ails on the rear si gnal compo nent s, se e “Chec king th e Pl ay Infor m a tion and Play i ng Time ” on page 45 .
104 Record ing and VC R Setti ngs (Featu res) The “F eat u res” set up allows y ou to ch an ge the tape lengt h, auto pla y and auto re peat set tings. 1 Press SYSTEM M ENU while the rec order is in sto p mode. 2 Selec t “Setu p, ” and pr ess ENTE R.
105 Settings and Adju st m ent s Langu age, Pare ntal Co ntrol Settin gs/Fact ory Sett ings (Option s) The “Op t ions” se tup allow s you to set up other operatio nal se ttings. 1 Pres s SYSTEM MENU whi le the re corder is in stop mo de. 2 Selec t “Set up ,” an d pr ess ENTE R.
106 2 Select “P asswo rd,” and press EN TER . The se l ect i on item s for “P assw o rd” ar e display ed. 3 Select “O n ,” an d pr es s ENT ER . 4 Select “Ra ting Le vel , ” an d press ENTER. The selection items for “R ating Level” are display ed.
107 Settings and Adju st m ent s Easy S etup (Rese tting the Reco rder) Select t his to run t he Easy Setup progra m. 1 Pres s SYSTEM MENU whi le the re corder is in stop mo de. 2 Selec t “Set up ,” an d pr ess ENTE R. 3 Selec t “Easy Se tup, ” and pre ss ENTER .
108 Additional Info rmation Troubl esh ootin g If you exper ience a ny of the fo llow ing dif ficul ties while u sing th e recor der, use t his trou blesho oting guide t o he lp rem edy the prob lem befor e requ es ti n g repa irs. Sh oul d any p ro blem pe rsi st , consul t y our neares t Sony dea ler.
109 Additi onal In formatio n The pic ture do es not f ill the sc ree n, even though the asp ect ratio is set in “TV Typ e” in “Video ” setu p. , The aspe ct ratio of the disc is fixed on your D VD. Sound There is n o so und. , Re-co nnect al l connection s s ecu rel y .
110 The sub title l anguage cannot b e chang ed or turned off. , Mult ilin g ual s ubt it les ar e not r ec ord ed on th e DVD VIDEO. , The DVD VIDEO pr ohibi ts ch angin g of the subtitle s. , Try changi ng the subti tle using t he DVD VIDEO’s menu.
111 Additiona l Infor mation The c indicator fla shes after timer recording is set. , Insert a rec or dable disc (pa ge 10). , Insert a di sc with en ough space for the rec ording. , You canno t record on a disc that alre ad y has 99 or mo r e titl es c r ea ted .
112 , The ti mer re cording wi ll not be ac tivate d if the reco r de r is on a t th e pres et time . , The progra m th at sta rts fir st ha s pr io r it y and the second p rogram sta rts re cordin g only af ter the first program has fi nish ed .
113 Additi onal In formatio n Notes Abou t Th is R ecorde r On oper a tion • If the recor de r is brought d irectly from a c o ld to a warm loca tion, or i s placed in a very damp room, moistu re may co ndense on the lenses inside th e record er. Should this occur, the recor de r may not op erate pr oper ly .
114 Spec ifica tio ns Syst em DVD record er section Laser Semicond uctor lase r Audio recor d ing forma t Dolby Digita l Video recor ding format MPEG Vid eo VCR s e c tio n Format VHS NTSC standard Vi.
115 Additi onal In formatio n Genera l Power req ui rements 120 V AC, 60 Hz Power c onsumptio n 42 W Power b ack-u p Back- up dura ti o n: 0 min Oper ati n g t e mperatur e 5°C to 35°C (4 1°F to 95.
116 i.LINK baud rate i.LINK’s maximum baud r at e var i e s a ccor di ng to the equip ment. Three maximum baud rates are define d: S100 (app rox. 10 0 Mbps *) S200 (app rox. 20 0 Mbps ) S400 (app rox. 40 0 Mbps ) The baud r ate is lis t ed u nder “ Spe cific at io ns ” in the ins tr uc tion m an ual of ea ch equ ipmen t.
117 Additi onal In formatio n Guide to Parts an d Cont rols For m ore in format ion, see the pa ges i n pare nthe ses. Front panel Buttons on t he recorde r have the same functio n as the buttons on the remote i f they ha ve the same or similar names .
118 Remote for DVD Buttons on t he remote have t he same functi on as the butt ons on th e record er if th ey have the same or sim ilar n ames. B uttons with an or ange dot ne xt to them ca n be used w i t h yo ur TV w hen the TV/ DVD·VIDEO switch is s et to TV.
119 Additi onal In formatio n T ?/1 (o n/stan dby) bu tton ( 30) U CH +/– (channe l) but t ons* (38 , 48) V VOL ( volum e) +/– bu tto ns (27) W TV/VIDEO button (2 7) X INPUT SELECT button (38, 4 8.
120 Remote for VIDEO Buttons on t he remote have t he same functi on as the butt ons on the recorder if they ha ve the sa me or sim ilar n ames. B utt ons wit h an or ange dot ne xt to them ca n be used w i t h your T V w hen the TV/ DVD·VIDEO switch is s et to TV.
121 Additi onal In formatio n Front panel dis play A DVD Playing/ reco rding status B Disc type*/recording format C Audio sign al indi c ators D TV indicator E STEREO in dica tor (4 7, 67) F SAP ( Sec.
122 Glos sary Chapter (page 62) Secti ons of a pictur e or a music fe ature t ha t are smaller than title s. A title is compo sed of severa l chapt er s. D epe nd ing on the di sc , no ch apte rs may be reco rd ed. Copy prot ectio n sig nals (pag e 48 ) Copy res tr i ct io n set by co pyri gh t owne rs , etc.
123 Additi onal In formatio n Inte rl a ce form at (pag e 1 01) Inter la ce forma t show s ev ery othe r line of an imag e as a single “field ” an d is the s tand ar d meth od for disp laying ima ges on tele vision .
124 Index Words in quotatio ns appear in the on-screen di sp lays. Numerics 16:9 31 , 100 “3, 4 Ch Out” 19 , 98 4:3 Letter Box 31 , 100 4:3 Pan Sc an 31 , 100 A “A-B Erase” 83 “Add” 86 , 8.
125 M Manual Clock Set 99 “Manual Se t” 98 MARKER 62 MENU 57 Menu Top men u 57 “Modi fy” 86 “Move” 86 MP3 au di o trac k s 63 N NEXT 60 , 78 Numbe r buttons 27 , 52 , 62 , 71 O On-screen d.
126 U “Unfinali ze” 44 Unrecordable p ictures 48 V “VCR Function” 104 VCR Plus+ 32 , 52 , 71 Vide o mo de 10 Vide o setti ngs 100 VR mode 10 Z ZOOM 59 Zoom 65.
Sony Corporation Printed in Korea AK68-00523B.
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Sony RDR-VX500をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony RDR-VX500の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony RDR-VX500の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony RDR-VX500で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony RDR-VX500を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony RDR-VX500の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony RDR-VX500に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony RDR-VX500デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。