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Digital Imaging Digital SLR Cyber -shot Photo P rinting Handycam Video Editing Sof tware 123.
KEY TECHNOLOGY DIGIT AL SLR Super SteadyShot Inside Stabilisation for EVER Y Lens T he exclusive Super SteadyShot feature in the A100 adjusts the CC D position in real time to counteract hand and body movement. This lets you take photos that are sharp and blur free even when shootin g freehand at slow shutter speeds.
DIGIT AL SLR Bionz Engine Enrich the power of every photo The newly developed Sony Bionz Engine powers image processing for the A100 to ensure that all of the rich c olour and detail are as vivid as you remember .
KEY TECHNOLOGY Battery Stamina Digi ta l st ill cameras an d H an d ycams are por ta bl e d evices. As in any por table device, batter y life o r stamina is critical. S tran g ely , batter y stamina is o f ten overlooked when purchasin g a camera o r Hand y cam.
CYBER-SHOT Why More MegaPixels? Havin g more Me g aP ixels increases the amount o f detail that is captured. As a result more colour i nformation is recorded which improves colour accuracy and tonal gradation .
KEY TECHNOLOGY CYBER-SHOT Real Imaging Processor – RIMP S ony’s exclusive ima g e processin g system intelli g ently enhances your shootin g experience in three impor tant ways : High Speed Perfor.
CYBER-SHOT MPEG Movie VX (Standard/Fine) A ll Cyber-shot models can record continuous MPEG movies with sound up to the capacity of your Memor y Stick. Quality settings can be selected t o suit differe.
KEY TECHNOLOGY DIGIT AL IMAGING Accessories Polarisation Filter A polarisation filter can reduce reflections from glass and water sur faces. It can also increase the contrast o f b lue sky or reduce colour overlap by cuttin g re f lections when shootin g under bri g ht sunli g ht.
High Definition F or those seekin g the best p ossible p icture q uality available in consumer camcorders. S on y HDV Handycams record High Definition in 1080i onto MiniDV T a p e which is an affordable archival media while offering wide compatibility with video editing so f tware.
KEY TECHNOLOGY HANDYCAM DVD Formats S ony DVD Handycams offer you a wide choice of formats. Choose from D VD-R, DVD-RW or DVD+RW d epending on which format best suits your needs. Enjoy the flexibility of recording up to 1 2 0 minutes ( LP mode ) on a double-sided disc or up to 60 minutes ( LP mode ) on a sin g le-sided disc .
HANDYCAM Smooth Slow Record Smooth Slow Record allows you to record fast action scenes and p lay them back smoothly in slow motion. It can be used to analyze a golf swing or tennis stroke. Three seconds of footage is recorded at a Hi g her (100fps) frame rate and then played back over 1 2 seconds at normal speed ( 2 5fps).
KEY TECHNOLOGY Without C M OS technolo gy (CC D ) N o vertical line smearin g (C M OS) HANDYCAM Widescreen T he Sony Handycam range is taking advantage of the growing p o p ularity of widescreen TVs.
HANDYCAM Instant Surround-Sound Movies The in-built surround-sound micro p hon e hing your own home movies ound-sound S elected DVD , HDD and Hi Definition H an d ycams can recor d D o lb y Digi ta l 5 . 1 c h a u di o i nstant l y w i t hi n t h e camera, w i t h no need for a computer , additional microphone o r encodin g .
DSLRA100KB 1 0 . 2 MP DI G IT AL S LR A1 00 S IN G LE LEN S KIT $1749.00 * q ✔ S uper S teady S hot Inside for in-body image stabilisatio n q ✔ D ual Anti-Dust System with Anti-Static C oatin g and Anti-Dust Vibration Mechanis m ✔ 1 0.8 Mega Pixel APS-C Sensor (10.
SAL1870 SO NY DT † 1 8 -7 0 MM / F 3.5-5.6 ZOOM LENS $ 299.00 * FEAT U RE S G eneral purpose hi g h quality standard zoom lens for AP S format D S L R 27-105mm 35mm e q uivalent f ocal len g th Can .
SAL14TC 1.4 X TELE- CO NVERTER $899 .00 * FEA T U RE S Extends focal length of compatible lenses by 1.4x ma g ni f ication Reduces number o f lenses needed to cover a wider range of subjects Reduces l.
SAL35F14G SO NY 35 MM / F1.4 G - S ERIE S LEN S $ 2499.00 * FEA T U RE S Wide angle, fast F1.4 lens offering a 6 3° an g le of view Achieves high contrast and high reso l ut i on d eta ili ng across t h e ent i re i ma g e due to the g lass moulded a spherical lens Wide diameter F1.
SAL1680Z C ARL ZEI SS D T † 1 6-80MM/F3.5-4.5 V ARIO-SONNAR T* LENS $ 1249.00 * S AL 85 F14Z C ARL ZEI SS 85 MM / F1.4 PLANAR T * LEN S $ 2299.00 * FEA TURE S A bright, large aperture telephoto C arl Zeiss lens with sharp, hi g h contrast reproduction and smooth back g round defocusing across the entire image Wide diameter F1.
SAL16F28 SO NY 1 6 MM / F 2 . 8 FI S HEYE LEN S $ 1399.00 * FEA T U RE S Fisheye lens with corner -to -corner 1 8 0° a n g le o f view Deep depth o f f ield with exaggerated s ense of p ers p ective .
NPFM55H INF O LITHI U M RE C HAR G ABLE BA TTERY P ACK $ 109.00 * FEA T U RE S Hi g h C apacity In f oLithium M series Batter y Up to 75 0 shots from a single charge ( C IP A measurement ) S PE C IFI C AT I O N S GENERAL Dimensions ( WxHxDmm ) : 38. 2 x 2 0.
FAT C 1AM TRIPLE CONNECTOR $ 124.00 * FEAT U RE S C onnector betw een D S LR C amera and O ff C amera Flash SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL Dimensions (WxHxDmm) : 50 x 2 0 x 5 0 W ei g ht (Approx.
FDAA1AM AN G LE FINDER $ 349.00 * FEA TURES B est Suited for the shootin g from lower an g l e B uilt-in Magnifie r R ecommended f or f lowers shootin g • • • SPECIFICA TIONS GENERAL Rotating De.
STPSH1AM G EN U INE LEA THER S HOULDER STRAP $ 59.00 * SPECIFICA TIONS GENERAL Dimension ( A pp rox ) : Width 40mm x Len g th 600 mm W eight ( Approx ) : 70g Material : G enuine Leather C olour : Black • • • • STPSS1AM C INNABAR TEXTILE SHOULDER STRAP $ 39.
DSCS600 6 . 0 MP C YBER- S H O T $ 299.00 * q ✔ C arl Zeiss Lens ✔ 2.0" LCD Scree n q ✔ H i g h ISO Sensitivity (IS0 1000 ) FEA T U RE S Carl Zeiss V ario -T essar Len s 3x Optical Zoo m 2.
DSCW50S 6 . 0 MP C YBER- S H O T $ 449.00 * q ✔ C arl Zeiss Len s ✔ 2 . 5 " LCD Screen q ✔ H i g h ISO Sensitivity (ISO 1000 ) ✔ O n-screen Function Guid e ✔ N ew Slimline Desi g n FEA T U RE S C arl Zeiss V ario -T essar Len s 3 x O p tical Zoo m 2 .
DSCW100S 8 .1 MP C YBER- S H O T $ 629.00 * q ✔ C arl Zeiss Lens ✔ 2. 5 " LCD Scree n q ✔ H i g h ISO Sensitivity (ISO 1 2 50 ) ✔ O n-screen Function Guid e ✔ New Slimline Desi gn FEA T U RE S C arl Zeiss V ario -T essar Len s 3x O p tical Zoo m 2.
DSCH5B 7. 2 MP C YBER- S H O T $ 749.00 * ✔ 1 2 x Optical Zoo m q ✔ Carl Zeiss Len s q ✔ 3 . 0 " C lear Photo L C D Plu s q ✔ S u p er S teady S ho t ✔ D ouble Anti-Blur System FEA T U RE S q • C arl Zeiss V ario-T essar Len s 12x O p tica l Zoo m 3 .
DSCT50S 7 . 2 MP C YBER- S H O T $ 699.00 * q ✔ C arl Zeiss Lens q ✔ 3.0" T ouch Screen LC D q ✔ Super SteadySho t ✔ D ouble Anti-Blur S yste m F EA TURE S q • C arl Zeiss V ario -T essar Len s 3 x O ptical Zoo m q • 3.
DPPFP 3 5 DIGIT AL PHOTO P RINTER $ 189.00 * ✔ L a b qua li ty pr i nt i n g at h om e ✔ P ictbridge for PC free printing ✔ L on g life coatin g protects a g ainst sunli g ht, f in g erprints an.
S VMF1 20 P PRINT P APER & CARTRIDGE F O R DPPFP 30, DPPFP 3 5 , D PPFP50 & DPPFP55 $ 59.95 * FEA T U RE S 4" x 6" printer paper with snap-off edges f or bordered or borderless p rin.
JACKET CASES Just fit to C amera s A vailable for selected C y ber-shot model s P lease refer to the Accessory Char t f or more de t ail s • • • A CCESSORY KITS B asic Accessories in One Sin g l.
C YBER-SHOT ACCESSORY CHART M O DE L DES C RIPTI O N S RP * D SCS600 DSCW3 0 DS C W 50 DS C W7 0 D SC W1 00 D SC H2 DSCH 5 DSCT1 0 DSCT 50 DS C N2 CYBER-SHOT BA TTERY AND POWE R NPFT1 Rechargeable battery pack / InfoLITHIUM type T 8 9.95 ✔ NPFR1 Rechargeable battery pack / InfoLITHIUM type R 8 9.
MO DEL D ES C RIPTI ON S RP * DS C S60 0 DS C W3 0 DS C W5 0 D SC W 70 D SC W1 00 DSCH2 DS C H 5 DS C T1 0 DS C T5 0 D SC N2 C YBER-SHOT OTHER SHOOTING ACCESSORIE S H VLF S L1B Slave fl ash (include accessory shoe adapter) for compact Cyber-sho t 159.
DCRHC26 AND DCRHC36 ENTRY MINI DV HANDY C AM $ 599.00 * (HC26) $749.00 * (HC36) ✔ 20x Optical / 800x Digital Zoo m q ✔ C arl Zeiss V ario -T essar Len s q ✔ 2.
DCRDVD605 ENTRY DVD HANDY C AM $ 849.00 * ✔ 2 0x Optical / 800 x Digital Zoo m q ✔ Carl Zeiss V ario -T essar Len s q ✔ 2 .5" L C D T ouch Screen with Zoom / Recor d q ✔ I nfoLITHIUM Batt.
DCRDVD755 1MP DVD HANDY C AM WITH 5 .1 C H SOU ND $ 1199.00 * q ✔ 5.1Ch. Dolby Digital Surround Recording ✔ 1 .1 Mega Pixel CCD ✔ H i g h Quality WIDE Screen Recordin g ✔ M emory S tick Duo S lot FEA TURES Records Direc t t o DVD q • DVD+RW / -R / -RW Recording F ormats 12x (Optical) / 480x (Di g ital) Zoom 1.
DCRDVD905 4MP C M OS DVD HANDY C AM WITH 5 .1 C H SOU ND $1799.00 * q ✔ ClearVid CMOS Senso r q ✔ 3 .5" C lear Photo L C D Plu s q ✔ D ual Record Movies and S tills (3 MP ) q ✔ 5.
DCRSR60 1MP 30G B HDD HANDY C AM $ 1399.00 * ✔ 30GB Hard Disk Drive ✔ 1/5.5” Mega Pixel CCD q ✔ H DD S mart Protectio n ✔ Active Inter face S hoe q ✔ C arl Zeiss V ario -T essar Lens FEA TURES R ecords Direc t t o Hard Disk 12 x (Optical) / 800x (Digital) Zoom Hand y cam Station q • 2.
D C R S R1 00 3 MP HDD HANDY C AM WITH 5 .1 C H SOU ND $ 1799.00 * ✔ 30GB Hard DisK Drive ✔ 3 .3 Mega Pixel CC D q ✔ C arl Zeiss V ario - S onnar T* Lens ✔ 5.1Ch. Dolby Digital Surround Recordin g q ✔ H DD Smart Protection FEA T U RE S R ecords Direct to Hard Dis k 2.
HDRUX1 HI G H DEFINITI O N A V C HD 1 080 i DVD HANDY C AM $2299.00 * q ✔ H igh Definition 10 8 0i Handyca m ✔ DVD F ormat Vid eo R ecor di n g q ✔ C arl Zeiss V ario - S onnar T* Len s ✔ 4.0 MP Still Ima g e Recordin g q ✔ 3.5” Wide (16:9) T ouch P anel H y brid Clear Photo LC D FEA T U RE S 2.
HDRFX 1 H I G H DEFINITI O N HDV 1 080 i HANDY C AM $ 5999.00 * q ✔ Hi g h De f inition Handycam ✔ H D / DV Recording and Playback ✔ M anual Focus / Zoom Rin g ✔ O ptical S teady S ho t SPECIF.
INFOLITHIUM BA TTERIE S Rechar g eable In f oLITHIUM Batter y D isplays Remainning battery life i n m i nu t e s A vailable f or All Hand y cam model s L arge Capacity Batteries available for Addi t i.
S PORTS P ACKS D urable Plastic and G lass constructio n L ightweight desig n A ll essen t ial camera func t ions are a vailable when in us e A llows the ca p ture of stereo audi o U seable underwater.
H ANDYCAM ACCESSORY CHART M O DE L DES C RIPTI ON S RP * D C RH C 2 6 DCRHC3 6 D C RH C 9 6 D C RDVD60 5 DCRDVD70 5 DCRDVD7 55 D C RDVD80 5 D C RDVD90 5 D C R S R4 0 D C R S R 60 DCRSR 80 D C RSR10 0 HDRH C 3 HDR U X1 HDR S R 1 HDRFX1 HDRFX7 HANDY C AM BA TTERY AND P O WE R NPF 9 7 0 R echar g eable battery pack / InfoLITHIUM L serie s 30 8 .
HANDYCAM ACCESSORY CHART MO DEL DES C RIPTI O N S RP * D C RH C 2 6 D C RH C36 D C RH C96 DCRDVD60 5 DCRDVD70 5 D C RDVD7 55 D C RDVD80 5 DCRDVD90 5 DCRSR4 0 D C RSR6 0 D C RSR8 0 D C R S R1 00 HDRH C3 HDRUX1 HDRSR 1 HDRFX1 HDRFX 7 H ANDY C AM LENS AND FIL TERS (C o n t inue d ) V C LH G 086 2 Hi g h g rade wide conversion lens x0.
H D VIDEO EDITING AND DVD CREA TION SOFTWARE V E G A S M O VIE S T U DI O +DVD PLA TIN U M EDITI O N ✔ C reate polished movies and slide shows ✔ Edit video in nearly any format including HDV ✔ D.
PR O HD VIDE O , AUDI O AND DVD C REA TI O N SO FTW ARE VEGAS+DVD PRODUCTION SUITE ✔ Complete integrated software suite for video, audio, and DVD productio n ✔ E dit and p rocess DV , HDV , SD/HD-.
デバイスSony SLRの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony SLRをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony SLRの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony SLRの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony SLRで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony SLRを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony SLRの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony SLRに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony SLRデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。