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© 2007 Sony Corporation 2-899-987- 11 (1) Digital Stil l Camera Cyber-shot Handbook DSC-W35/W55 Before oper ating th e unit, pl ease read this Handbook and “Instruction M anual” thoroughl y, and reta in it for fu ture referenc e.
2 Notes on using your came ra Types of “Mem ory Sti ck” that can be used ( not supp lied ) The IC recor ding m edium used by th is camera is a “ Memory Stick D uo”. T here a re two type s of “Memory Stic k”. “Mem ory Stic k Duo”: you ca n use a “Memory Stick Duo” with y our camera.
3 Tabl e of cont ents Notes on usi ng your camera ........ ...... .......... ......... .......... ....... ......... ..........2 Basic techniqu es for bett er images ....... ....... ......... .......... .......... ...... ..........6 Focus – Foc usin g on a subj ect su ccess fully .
4 Table of conten ts Viewing menu ..... .......... ......... .......... ....... ......... .......... .......... ......... ....... ... 43 (Folder): Sel ecting the f older for viewi ng images - (Prot ec.
5 Table of content s Enjoying your W indows computer ... .......... ......... .......... .......... ...... .......... . 63 Installing the software (supplied) ........... .......... .......... ...... .......... .......... .... 65 Copying images to your computer.
6 Basi c techniq ues for b etter im ages When yo u press the shutter button halfway dow n, the came ra adjusts the foc us automa tically (Auto Focus). Remember to press the shutte r button only half way down.
7 Basic t echniqu es for bet ter ima ges You can create vario us images by adjusting th e e xposure a nd the ISO se nsi tivity. Exposu re is the am ount of ligh t that the cam era will recei ve when you re lease the sh utter .
8 Basi c tech niqu es for bet ter i mages The app arent color of the subject is a ffected by the lightin g conditi ons. Exam ple: The color of an imag e affecte d by light source s The co lor tones are ad justed au tomati cally in the auto adjustme nt mode.
9 Basic t echniqu es for bet ter ima ges A digital ima ge is made up of a c ollection of sma ll dots called pixe ls. If it contai ns a large number of pi xels, the pic ture becom es large, it takes up more mem ory, and the ima ge is displaye d in fine detail.
10 Identif ying part s See the pages in pare ntheses for de tails of oper atio n. A Shutter butt on (19) B For shooting: Zo om (W /T) lever (20) For viewing : / (Playba ck zoom) lever/ (Index ) lever .
11 Ident ifyin g parts F DISP (Scr een displa y switch) but ton (16) • Press DISP (Screen disp lay switch) bu tton longer to select the brightness of the LCD backlight (DSC -W55 only). G MEN U button (30) • Pr ess MENU longer to display t he (Set up ) scr een .
12 Indicat ors on the screen See the pages in pare ntheses for de tails of oper atio n. When shooting still i mages When s hootin g movie s A B Displ ay Indication Batt ery remain ing z AE/AF lock (19.
13 Indica tors on the sc reen C D E Displ ay Indication Image size (2 4) • is displayed only when the Multi Burs t is activated. FINE STD Image qua lity (38) Recordi ng folder (55) • This does not appear when using internal me mory.
14 Indic ator s on th e scre en When pl ayin g ba ck sti ll i mages When pl ayin g ba ck movi es A B Displ ay Indication Batter y rema ining Recordin g mode ( 18, 39 ) Image size (24 ) Playback m ode (28 ) - Prot ect (4 3) Print or der (DP OF) mar k (87) Chang e fold er (43) • This does not appear when using internal me mory.
15 Indica tors on the sc reen C D E Displ ay Indication PictBridge c onnecting (84) Recordi ng folder (55) • This does not appear when using internal me mory.
16 Changi ng t he scr een d ispla y Each time y ou pre ss the D ISP (Scr een display switch) button, the displ ay changes as fol lows. • Press DISP (Screen display switch) button longer to select the brightness of the LCD backlight (DSC-W55 only) . • Wh en you se t the histogr am display t o on, image information is dis played during playback.
17 Using th e internal memo ry The ca mera has a pproximat ely 56 MB of inte rnal memor y. This memory is not re movable. Even wh en ther e is no “Memory Stick Duo” in serted in th e camer a, you c an rec ord imag es usi ng this inte rna l me mor y.
18 Basic O perations Using th e mode d ial Set the mod e dial to th e desired fu nction. On Function Guide When [Fu nction Gui de] is set to [On], the de scriptions of fun ctions are displayed as you oper ate t he cam era. The defaul t setting is [On].
19 Bas ic Op erat ion s Shoot ing im ages easily (A uto ad just ment mode) 1 Select a mode with the mode dial. Stil l im age ( aut o adj ustm ent mod e): Select . Movie : Select . 2 Hold the camera steady, keeping your arm at your side. 3 Shoot w ith the shutter button .
20 Shoo ting im ages ea sily (A uto adju stmen t mode ) Movie: Press the shutter bu tton fully down . To stop reco rding, press the shutter b utton fully down agai n. If you shoot a still image of a subject that is difficult to focus on • The shortest shooting distance is approx.
21 Bas ic Op erat ion s Shoo ting ima ges ea sily (A uto ad justmen t mod e) Flas h (Sel ecti ng a flas h mode f or s til l imag es) Press v ( ) on the control button rep eatedly unt il the desired mo de is selected.
22 Shoo ting im ages ea sily (A uto adju stmen t mode ) Using the s elf-time r Press V ( ) on the con trol bu tton repeat edly un til the de sired mod e is select ed.
23 Bas ic Op erat ion s Shoo ting ima ges ea sily (A uto ad justmen t mod e) EV (A djus ting the ex pos ure ma nually ) Press b ( ) on the cont rol butto n, then press v ( Bright er)/ V (Da rker) to adjust. To turn off the ba r displayed, press the b button ag ain.
24 Shoo ting im ages ea sily (A uto adju stmen t mode ) To ch ange the i mage si ze Press (Image Size), and t hen press v / V to select the siz e. For detail s on the image size, se e page 9. The defa ult set tings ar e marked wit h . 1) Images ar e recorded in 3:2 as pect ratio, sa me as pho tograph printing paper or postcards, etc.
25 Bas ic Op erat ion s Shoot ing still ima ges (S cene sel ectio n) 1 Select the desire d mode of Scene Selection ( , , , , , , ) with the mode dial. • For details on modes, see the next page. 2 Shoot w ith the shutter button . To c ancel the Scene Sele ctio n Set the mode dial to other than the m ode of Scene Selection.
26 Shoot ing s til l imag es ( Scene sele ctio n) Scene Se lecti on mode s The foll owing mo des are pred etermin ed to match th e scene con ditions . * The shutter speed is slower in (Twilight mode) a nd (Twilight Portrait m ode), so u sing a trip od is rec om men ded.
27 Bas ic Op erat ion s Shooting still images (Sce ne selection) Function s tha t cannot be combi ned wit h Scene Sel ectio n For sh ootin g an image appr opriat ely acc ording to the scene conditi on, a combin ation of func tions i s determi ned by the ca mera.
28 Viewi ng/ del eting im ag es 1 Press (Playback) button. If you press ( Playback) button when the camera is powered off, th e camera is turned o n in the playback mode. If you press again, switches to recor ding mode. 2 Select an image with b / B on the contro l button.
29 Bas ic Op erat ion s Viewin g/de letin g image s View ing an ind ex s creen Slid e (I ndex) lever and s elect a n image with v / V / b / B . To display the ne xt (previous) index scree n, press b / B . To retu rn to t he single-ima ge screen , press z .
30 Using t he me nu Using m enu items 1 Recording: Turn on the camera, then set the mode dial. Playback: Press ( Playback) bu tton. Different items are available depending on the position of the mode di al and Recordi ng/Playback mode. 2 Press MENU to display the menu.
31 For detail s on the opera tion 1 page 3 0 Using the menu Menu ite ms Menu for shooting (page 3 2) The menu ite ms available vary depend ing on the m ode dial posit ion and set tings.
32 For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 30 Shootin g menu The defa ult set tings ar e marked wit h . You can chang e the bright ness of the image, accomp anied by ef fects . • You can se lect only [Norm al], [B&W] or [Sepia] when s hooting movies.
33 Using the menu Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the opera tion 1 page 3 0 You ca n chang e the fo cus me thod. Use the m enu whe n it is d ifficult t o get th e prop er foc us in auto f ocus m ode. • AF stands for Auto Focus. • Distance setting info rmation in [Focus] is approx imate.
34 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 30 z If the sub ject is out of f ocus When shooting with the subject at the edge of the frame (or the screen) or when using [Center AF ], the camera may not fo cus on a subjec t at the edge of the frame.
35 Using the menu Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the opera tion 1 page 3 0 Selects the met ering mode that set s which part of t he subjec t to me asure to determine the exposure .
36 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 30 Adjusts the col or tones ac cordi ng to the lightin g condition in a situation, for exampl e, when the co lors of an ima ge look strang e. WB (White Bal): Adjusti ng the colo r tones Flash ( ) Adjusts fo r the flash condi tions.
37 Using the menu Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the opera tion 1 page 3 0 • For details on the whit e balance, see page 8. • Under fluorescent lights that flicker, the white bala nce function may not work correctly even though you select [F luorescent] ( ).
38 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 30 Selects t he stil l image quality. (P.Quali ty): Selecti ng the still image quality Fine (F INE) Record s with high quali ty (low comp ression). • When the mode dial is , the quality of a still image is [ Fine].
39 Using the menu Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the opera tion 1 page 3 0 Select s whether the came ra performs cont inuous sh ooting or not whe n you press the shut ter button.
40 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 30 • You may not be able to shoot images in the Mult i B urst mode dependi ng on the Scene mode (page 27 ). On the [Bu rst ] • When recording with the self timer, a series of a maximum of five images is recorded.
41 Using the menu Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the opera tion 1 page 3 0 Sele cts the fr ame int erva l in t he [ Mul ti B urs t] mode (p age 39 ). Adjusts the amo unt of flash light . • To change flash mode, see page 21. (Interval) : Selecting th e frame interva l in the [Multi B urst] mode 1/7.
42 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 30 Adjusts the contrast of the image. Adjusts the sharpness of the image. See page 50. (Contras t): Adjus ting the c ontrast of the ima ge + ( ) Toward +: Enhances th e contrast . Normal – ( ) Toward –: Reduces t he contras t.
43 For detail s on the opera tion 1 page 3 0 Using the menu Viewin g menu The def ault setti ngs are mar ked with . Selects the folder cont aining the image you want to pla y back when usi ng the cam era with “Memo ry Stick Duo” . 1 Select t he desired f older wit h b / B on the cont rol butt on.
44 Viewi ng menu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 30 3 Sel ect [ - ] (Protect) with b / B on the control button, th en press z . The im age is p rotected and the - (prot ect) indicat or appears on the i mage. 4 To prot ect oth er images , select the desire d image wi th b / B , the n press z .
45 Using the menu Viewin g menu For details on the operatio n 1 page 3 0 To cancel p rotection of a ll images in the folder Sele ct [A ll In This Fol der] in step 4 of “To pro tect imag es in index mode,” and pr ess z . Select [ Off] with B , then press z .
46 Viewi ng menu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 30 1 Select [Interval], [Rep eat] and [Image] with v / V / b / B on the control button. 2 Sele ct [Star t] wi th V / B , then press z . The s lide show sta rts. To end the sl ide show, press z pause the slide show.
47 Using the menu Viewin g menu For details on the operatio n 1 page 3 0 Rotate s a stil l image . 1 Displa y the im age to be rota ted. 2 Press MENU to d isplay t he me nu. 3 Select [ ] (R otate) wit h b / B on the control button, then p ress z . 4 Select [ ] with v , then rotate the image with b / B .
48 Viewi ng menu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 30 Exam ple: Cutt ing a mo vie num bered 10 1_000 2 This sectio n describe s an examp le of divid ing a movie num bered 10 1_0002 a nd deleting it in the follow ing file con figurati on. 1 Cutti ng sc ene A .
49 Using the menu Viewin g menu For details on the operatio n 1 page 3 0 5 Press z at t he des ired c utting point . • When you want to adjust the cutting point, select [ c / C ] (frame rewind/forward) and adjust the cutting poi nt using b / B . • If you want to change th e cutting point, select [Cancel].
50 Using the Setup s creen Using Se tup item s You ca n chan ge the defa ult setting s using the Setup scree n. 1 Press MENU to display the menu. 2 After pressing B on the contr ol button , go to the (Setup) setti ng, then press B again. 3 Press v / V / b / B on the control button to select the item you want to set.
51 For detail s on the opera tion 1 page 5 0 Using t he Setup scre en Camera The def ault setti ngs are mar ked with . Selec ts the auto focus oper ation mo de. Selects t he d igital z oom mo de. T he cam era en larges the i mage using opt ical zo om (u p to 3×).
52 Camer a For de tails on the op erat ion 1 page 50 • When you slide the zoom lever, the zoom scaling indicator appears as follows. • The maximum zoom scale of smart zoom/precisi on zoom includes the scale of the optical zoom. • The AF range finder frame does not appear when us ing the digital zoo m.
53 Using t he Setup scre en Camera For details on the operation 1 page 50 The AF il luminato r supplie s fill light to focus mor e easil y on a su bject in dark sur roundings. The AF illu mina to r em its r ed light all owi ng the cam era to f ocus ea sily wh en the s hutt er b utt on is pressed hal fway, until the foc us is locked.
54 For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 50 Inter nal Memory Tool This item do es not appea r when a “Memor y Sti ck Duo” is ins erted in th e camer a. Formats the in ternal memor y. • Note that forma tting irrevocably e rases all data in the internal memo ry, including e ven protected images .
55 For detail s on the opera tion 1 page 5 0 Using t he Setup scre en Memory Stick Tool This it em app ears on ly when a “Memo ry Stic k Duo” is insert ed in the cam era. Form ats the “M emory St ick Duo” . A commerc ially av ailabl e “Memo ry Stick Duo” is already forma tted, and can be used immedi ately.
56 Memory Stic k Tool For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 50 Change s the f older curr ently u sed fo r rec ordin g ima ges. 1 Select [OK] with v on the control butto n, then press z . The folder s election screen appear s. 2 Select the desire d folder w ith b / B , and [OK] with v , then press z .
57 Using t he Setup scre en Memor y Stick To ol For detail s on the opera tion 1 page 5 0 Copies a ll imag es in t he intern al memor y to a “ Memory Stic k Duo”. 1 Insert a “Memory Stick Duo” having 64 MB or larger capacit y. 2 Select [ OK] with v on the control button , then press z .
58 For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 50 Setup 1 1 The defa ult set tings ar e marked wit h . Select s the brig htness of the LCD back light w hen using th e camera w ith batt ery pack. • You can change the setting by pressing DISP (Screen displa y switch) button long er.
59 For detail s on the opera tion 1 page 5 0 Using t he Setup scre en Setup 2 2 The def ault setti ngs are mar ked with . Selects the met hod used t o assign fi le numbe rs to imag es.
60 Setup 2 For det ails on the oper ati on 1 page 50 Sets the vi deo signal output ac cording to the TV c olor system of the conne cted video equipm ent.
61 Viewing i mages on a TV screen Viewing imag es on a TV screen Viewin g image s on a TV sc reen You can view i mages on a TV screen by connec ting t he came ra to a T V. Turn off both your cam era and the TV before co nnec ting the c amera a nd the TV .
62 Viewi ng imag es on a TV screen On TV colo r syst ems If you w ant to v iew im ages on a TV scre en, you need a TV wi th a video i nput jack and the ca ble for multi-u se te rminal ( DSC- W55) o r the A/V ca ble (D SC-W35 ). The color sy stem of t he TV must m atch tha t of your d igital st ill c amera.
63 Using your comput er Using your compu ter Enjoy ing your Window s compu ter For de tails on using a Maci nto sh comput er, ref er to “Usi ng your Maci ntosh comp uter ” (page 80). This sectio n describe s the Englis h version of screen conte nts.
64 Enjo ying your Windo ws com puter The f ollowi ng env ironm ent is recom mend ed for a c omput er con nect ed to the camer a. Reco mmen ded en viro nme nt for co pyin g images OS (pre-installed): M.
65 Using your comput er Install ing th e softwa re (supp lied) You ca n ins tal l t he s oftw are (su ppl ied ) using the fo llowing pro cedu re. • When using Windows 2000, do not connect the camera to the comput er before installa tion. • In Windows 2000/XP, log on as Administr ator.
66 Copyin g images to your co mputer This sect ion de scribes t he proc ess using a Windows comput er as a n examp le. You ca n copy ima ges fr om the ca mera to your com puter as follows. For a computer with a Memory Stick slot Remov e the “ Mem ory Stic k Duo” from th e camera and inse rt it in the Memor y Stick Duo Adaptor.
67 Using your comput er Copyin g imag es to your comput er • With Windows XP, the AutoPlay wizard appears on the desktop. “USB Mode Mass Storage” appears on the scree n of the ca mer a. When a US B connec tion is establ ished for the fir st ti me, you r compu te r autom ati cal ly runs a progr am to rec ognize th e came ra.
68 Copyi ng imag es to your comput er 1 After making a USB connection in Stage 2, click [Copy pictures to a folder on my computer usi ng Microsoft Scanner and Camera Wizar d] t [OK] as the wizard screen appears automati cally on the desktop. The “S canner an d Cam era Wiz ard” scr een appe ars.
69 Using your comput er Copyin g imag es to your comput er 5 Click the radio butto n next to [Nothing . I’m finis hed working with these pictures] to select it, then click [Next]. The “C ompl eting th e Scann er and Camera Wizard ” scr een appe ars.
70 Copyi ng imag es to your comput er 3 Double-click the [M y Documents] folder. Then, ri ght-click on th e “My Documents” window to display the menu and click [Paste].
71 Using your comput er Copyin g imag es to your comput er Perform t he proce dures listed be low beforeha nd wh en: • Disconn ecting the cable for mu lti-use termina l (DSC-W55) or the USB cable (D.
72 Copyi ng imag es to your comput er • Image files are named as f ollows. ssss stands for any number within the range from 0001 to 9999. The numerical portions of t he name of a movi e file recorded in movie mode and its corresponding index image file are the sam e.
73 Using your comput er Viewin g image f iles stor ed on a com puter w ith your c amer a (usi ng a “Memo ry S tick D uo”) This sectio n describe s the process using a Windo ws compu ter as a n exam ple.
74 Using th e “Pictu re Motio n Browse r” (supp lied) You can us e still images and mo vies fr om the camer a more than ev er by takin g advant age of the softwa re. This sec tion summar izes the “ Picture Motion Brow ser” and give s the basic instructions.
75 Using your comput er Using t he “Pict ure Mot ion Brow ser” (supp lied) 2 Connect the camera to your computer with the cable for multi- use terminal (DSC-W5 5) or the USB cable (DSC-W35). Afte r th e cam era is auto mat ical ly detect ed, the [Im port Ima ges] screen is displayed.
76 Usin g the “Pic ture Mot ion Brow ser” ( suppli ed) Year display screen Month display screen Hour display scre en • T o list imag es from a particular year or month, click that period on the left of the screen.
77 Using your comput er Using t he “Pict ure Mot ion Brow ser” (supp lied) Images can be saved in CD o r DVD as a data disc. • CD burner dri ve or DVD burner drive requir ed. • The follo wing disc ca n be used fo r creatin g a data di sc. –CD–R/RW (12 cm) –DVD±R/RW (12 cm) –DVD+R DL (12 cm) 1 Select imag es to save on the disc.
78 Usin g the “Pic ture Mot ion Brow ser” ( suppli ed) Prepar ing i mages stor ed o n the comp uter f or view ing To view the m, regis ter the fold er that conta ins the imag es as one of the “Vie wed folders” . 1 Click on the main screen, or choose [Register Folders to V iew] from the [File] menu .
79 Using your comput er Using t he “Pict ure Mot ion Brow ser” (supp lied) 1 Click [Start ] t [Contr ol Panel ] (in Window s 2000, [Start] t [Setting s] t [Contro l Panel] ), the n doubl e-click [A dd/ Remo ve Progr ams].
80 Using yo ur Ma cintosh comput er You ca n copy ima ges to yo ur Macinto sh comput er. • “Picture M otion Bro wser” is not com patible with Macintosh computers. The f ollowi ng env ironm ent is recom mend ed for a c omput er con nect ed to the camer a.
81 Using your comput er Usi ng you r Maci ntos h com pute r 4 View images on the computer. Doub le-click t he hard disk icon t the desi re d ima ge file in t he fo lder contai ning the co pied f iles to open that image fil e.
82 Printing s till im ages How to print st ill images When yo u print images shot in [16:9] mode , both edges may be cut off, so be sur e to check before printing (pa ge 97). You can pr int i mage s by co nne ctin g th e cam era d irec tly t o a Pict Bridge co mpli ant pri nter .
83 Print ing sti ll im ages Print ing i mages dir ectly usi ng a PictB rid ge compl iant prin ter Even if yo u do not have a computer, you can prin t images shot usi ng your cam era by connec ting th e came ra direct ly to a Pict Bridge co mp liant pri nter .
84 Printi ng imag es direc tly usi ng a Pict Bridge c omplian t pri nter 1 Connect the cam era to the prin ter . 2 Turn on your camera and the printer . After the co nnection is made , the indi cator appears . The cam era is se t to play ba ck m ode , th en a n image an d the pri nt menu appe ar on the screen.
85 Print ing sti ll im ages Prin ting i mages dire ctly using a Pi ctBr idge c omplia nt p rinte r Regardl ess of what the m ode dial is set to, the prin t menu appears whe n you complete Stage 2. 1 Select the desired printi ng meth od with v / V on the control button, then press z .
86 Printi ng imag es direc tly usi ng a Pict Bridge c omplian t pri nter 3 Select [ OK] with V / B , then press z . The im age is pr inted. • Do not disconnect the cable for multi-use terminal (DSC-W55) or remove the USB cable (DSC- W35) while the (PictBridge C onnecting) indicator appears on the screen.
87 Print ing sti ll im ages Print ing at a s hop You can t ake a “Memor y Stick Duo” contai ning image s shot wit h your cam era to a photo print ing service shop .
88 Printi ng at a sh op 1 Display the index screen (page 29). 2 Press MENU to display the menu. 3 Select [DPOF ] with b / B , th en press z . 4 Select [Select] with v / V , then press z . • Y ou cannot add a mark in [All In This Folder] . 5 Select the i mage you w ant to mark with v / V / b / B , then press z .
89 Troubleshoo ting Troubleshoot ing Troubl esh ootin g If you exper ience tr ouble with your camera , try the follow ing solutions. Please u nderstand that you give your co nsent tha t the cont ents o f the i nternal memo ry may be checke d when yo u send your c amera to be repaired.
90 Troubl eshoot ing The battery pack cannot be installed. • Inst all the batter y pack c orrectly using t he tip o f the battery pack to p ush th e batter y eject lever to ward th e bottom o f the cam era. Cannot turn on t he camera. • Inst all the bat tery pack correct ly.
91 Troubleshoo ting Troubl eshoot ing • The image size i s set to [640(Fin e)] when r ecording m ovies. Do one of the foll owing: – Set the ima ge size to othe r than [640( Fine)]. – Insert a “Memory St ick PRO Duo”. The camera stops partway through recording a movie.
92 Troubl eshoot ing The close-u p shoot function (M acro) does n ot work. • (Twilig ht mo de) or (L andsca pe mode) is sel ected i n the S cene m ode (page 27). The date and time are not displayed. • While shoo ting, the date and time are not di splayed.
93 Troubleshoo ting Troubl eshoot ing Dots appear and remain on the screen. • This is not a ma lfuncti on. Thes e dots are not reco rded (pa ge 2). The image seen through the finder does not indicate the actual recordable range. • The parallax phenomenon is occurring when the subject is close .
94 Troubl eshoot ing Your camera ca nnot delete an image. • Cancel the pr otection (pag e 44). • You are usi ng the “Me mory S tick Duo” with the write-prot ect swit ch, and th e swit ch is set t o the LOCK positi on. Set the swi tch to the rec ording posit ion (page 104).
95 Troubleshoo ting Troubl eshoot ing • Disconn ect all eq uipment other t han the cam era, th e keyboard and the mouse f rom the US B connect ors of your computer . • Connect the camera directly to y our comput er wit hout pass ing t hrough a USB h ub or o ther device (pag e 67).
96 Troubl eshoot ing You cannot print an image. • Refer to th e opera tion manua l of the pri nter. Images once copied to a computer cannot be viewed on the camera. • Copy the m to a folde r reco gnized by the camera , such as “ 101MSDCF ” (page 7 1).
97 Troubleshoo ting Troubl eshoot ing You have formatted a “M emory Sti ck Duo” by mistake. • All the data on the “Memory St ick Duo” is dele ted by formatti ng. You canno t restore it. We recommend that you set the write -protec t switch on the “Mem ory Stick Duo” to the LOCK positi on to prevent acc idental erasure (page 1 04).
98 Troubl eshoot ing • When you print im ages at a shop, ima ges can be printe d with th e date if you ask th em to do so. A connection cannot be established. • The camera cannot be connected dire ctly to a printer that is not comp liant with t he PictBr idge stan dard.
99 Troubleshoo ting Troubl eshoot ing Cannot print the image at the size selected. • Disconnec t the cable for mul ti-use ter minal (DSC -W55) or the USB c able (DSC -W35) and reconnec t it whenever you change th e paper size after the printer has be en connecte d to the camera.
100 Warnin g indicat ors and mes sages If a c ode st arting with a lett er of the alphab et appe ars, you r camera ha s a self- diagnosis display. The last two digits (indic ated by ss ) w ill dif fer de pend ing on the state of the camera.
101 Troubleshoo ting Warni ng indi cato rs and messag es Memory Stick locked • You are using the “Me mory St ick Duo” with th e write -prot ect swi tch, and the switc h is set t o the LO CK pos ition. Set the switc h to the recor ding positi on (page 104).
102 Warn ing indi cator s and m essages Enable printer to connect • [USB Conn ect] is set to [Pi ctBri dge], however the cam era is co nnected t o a non-PictBr idge compl iant device.
103 Others Others To use y our cam era abro ad — Power source s You can use yo ur cam era, the bat tery charge r (supplied ), and the AC-LS5K A C Adaptor (no t supplied ) in any coun try or regi on wher e the pow er supply is within 100 V to 240 V A C, 50/60 H z.
104 On th e “Me mory Sti ck” A “Memor y St ick” i s a comp act, po rtabl e IC record ing medium . The types of “Memo ry Stick” that can be used with this camera are li sted in the tab le below. Howev er, pro per ope ration ca nnot be guar ante ed for al l “M emor y Stick ” functions.
105 Others On the “M emor y Stick” • Do not us e or store th e “Memory St ick Duo” under the f ollowing con ditions: – High temperature locations such as the hot interior of a car parked i.
106 On the ba ttery pa ck On ch argin g th e bat tery p ack We recommend charging the batt ery pack in an ambient temperature of between 10°C to 30°C (50°F to 86° F). You may not b e able to efficiently charge the battery pa ck outside of this temper ature range .
107 Others On the ba tter y charge r On the batt ery char ger • Do not charge any other battery pack exce pt NP-BG type ba ttery packs in the battery charger (supplied) with your camera. Batteries other than the specified kind may leak, over heat, or explode if you attempt to charge them, posing a risk of injury f rom electrocution and burns.
108 Index Index A A/V cable...... ....... ....... ...... .... 61 Adjusti ng EV ........... ..... ....... . 23 AE/AF l ock indic ator ....... .... 34 AF Illum inator ......... ....... ...... 53 AF lock ......... ....... .... ....... ...... 34 AF Mode..
109 Index Index Languag e..... ..... ....... ....... ...... .58 LCD Backl ight ...... ...... ..... .....58 LCD S creen ....... ..... ....... ...... .16 M M AF......... ....... ....... ....... ...... .51 Macintosh computer .............80 Recommended environ ment .
110 Index V VGA .... ....... .... ....... ....... ....... . 24 Video Ou t .......... ...... ....... ......60 Viewing men u ... ...... ..... ....... . 43 Volume .. ....... ....... .... ....... ...... 28 W Warning indicators and messag es ....... ......
Additional informa tion on t his product and answe rs to frequently a sked quest ions can be found at ou r Custome r Support Webs ite..
デバイスSony W55の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony W55をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony W55の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony W55の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony W55で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony W55を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony W55の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony W55に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony W55デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。