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NextMove PCI Motion Controller MOTIO N CONTROL Installation Manu al 3/02 M N1903.
Content s i MN1903 Contents 1 General Information 1-1 ................................. 2 Introduction 2-1 ........................................ 2.1 Next Move PCI feat ures 2-1 .................................. 2.2 Receiving and ins pection 2-3 ..
ii Cont ents MN1903 4.6 CAN Connect ions 4-20 ....................................... 4.6.1 CAN 1 ( CAN open) - X17 4-21 ......................................... 4.6.2 CAN 2 (B aldor CAN) - X 18 4-22 ....................................... 4.7 Ot her I/ O 4 -23 .
Content s ii i MN1903 6 T roubleshooting 6 -1 .................................... 6.1 I ntr oduction 6-1 ............................................ 6.1.1 Problem diagnos is 6-1 .............................................. 6.1.2 Suppor tMe t feature 6 -1 .
iv Cont ents MN1903.
General I nformat ion 1- 1 MN1903 L T0166A00 Copyr ight Baldor (c ) 2002. All r ights r eserv ed. This manual is c opy righted and all rights are r eser ved. This document or attac hed soft ware may not, in whole or in par t, be c opied or reproduc ed in any form w ithout the prior writt en cons ent of BA LDO R.
1-2 General Inf ormati on MN1903 Safety N otice Only qualified pers onnel s hould attempt the s tart -up proc edure or tr oubleshoot t his equipment. This equipment may be c onnec ted to other mac hines that hav e rotating par ts or parts that ar e contr olled by t his equipment.
Int roducti on 2-1 MN 1903 2.1 NextMove PCI featur es Nex tMov e PCI is a high s peed multi -axis intelligent motion c ontroller f or use i n PCI bus bas ed PC syst em s. Nex tMov e PCI f eatures the MintMT motion c ontrol language. MintMT is a str uct ured form of Bas ic, c us tom designed f or st epper or s erv o motion cont rol applicat ions.
2-2 I ntroduct ion MN 1903 Inc luded with N extMov e PC I is t he Baldor Motion T oolk it C D. This c ontains a number of utilities and usef ul resour ces to get t he most fr om you MintMT contr oller . Thes e include: H Mint WorkBenc h v 5 This is the us er interfac e for c ommunicating w ith the Nex tMove PC I.
Int roducti on 2-3 MN 1903 2.2 Receiving and inspectio n When y ou receiv e y our Nex tMov e PC I, there ar e sev eral things y ou s hould do immediately: 1. Chec k t he condition of the pack aging and repor t any damage immediat ely to t he carr ier that deliv ered y our Nex tMov e PCI .
2-4 I ntroduct ion MN 1903 2.3 Units and abbreviations The following unit s and abbrev iations may appear in this manual: V V olt ( also VAC and VDC ) ............... WW a t t .............. A Ampere ............... Ω Ohm ............... µF mic rofarad .
Basic I nst allat ion 3- 1 MN1903 3.1 Intr oduction Y ou should read all t he sections in Basi c Insta llatio n . It is impor tant that the c orrec t s teps ar e followed when ins talling the N extMov e PC I. This s ec tion des cribes the mec hanic al and electr ical ins tallation of the N ex tMove PC I.
3-2 Basic Inst all ation MN1903 3.2 Location r equir ement s It is essential that you r ead and understand this section before beginning the insta llation . CAUTION : T o prev ent equipment damage, be certain that input and output s ignals are power ed and referenc ed c orrec tly.
Basic I nst allat ion 3- 3 MN1903 3.3 Ins ta llati on Nex tMov e PCI c an be ins talled into an A T st yle per sonal c omputer that has a fr ee 7 inch P CI car d slot. The Baldor Motion T oolk it CD s upport s the f ollowing operating s y stems : Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME , Windows NT4 and Window s 2000.
3-4 Basic Inst all ation MN1903.
Input / Out put 4- 1 MN1903 4.1 Outline This s ec tion des cribes the digital and analog input and output c apabilities of the Ne xtM ove PCI . The following c onv entions w ill be us ed to refer t o the inputs and out puts: I/O Input / Out put ......
4-2 Input / Output MN1903 4.2. 1 100-p in co nn ecto r pin assi gn ment Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 AIN0+ 51 AIN1+ 2 AIN0- 52 AIN 1- 3 AIN2+ 53 AIN3+ 4 AIN2- 54 AIN 3- 5 Demand0 55 D emand1 6 Demand2 56 D.
Input / Out put 4- 3 MN1903 Pin Signal Pin Signal 29 Direc tion O utput 1 79 Direc tion O utput 3 30 S tep Output 3 80 DOUT1 1 31 DOUT10 81 US R V+ 32 DOUT9 82 DOUT8 33 DOUT7 83 USR V+ 34 DOUT6 84 DOU.
4-4 Input / Output MN1903 4.3 Analog I/O The Nex tMov e PCI pr ovides : H Four 12 -bit resolut ion analog inputs. The inputs are av ailable on connec tor X 6 on the Nex tMov e PCI Break out module. H Four 14 -bit resolut ion analog outputs . The outputs are av ailable on c onnector X7 on the Nex tMov e PC I Break out module.
Input / Out put 4- 5 MN1903 4.3 .1 Analog input s - X6 Locatio n Break out module, connec tor X 6 Pin Name MintMT keyword / descrip tion 1 AGND Analog gr ound 2 AIN0+ A I N 0 3 AIN0- A IN0 4 AIN1+ A I.
4-6 Input / Output MN1903 Next Move PCI - + AIN0+ AIN0- AGND MintMT ADC.0 Breakout module 3 1 2 X6 100 pin cable - + Figure 1 - Analog input wiring, A IN0 shown For differential inputs c onnect input lines to A IN+ and A IN -. Leav e AGN D unc onnec ted.
Input / Out put 4- 7 MN1903 4.3 .2 Analog output s (Driv e Dem and/C omma nd) - X7 Locatio n Break out module, connec tor X 7 Pin Name Descriptio n 1 Demand0 D emand output s ignal for ax is 0 2 AGND .
4-8 Input / Output MN1903 4.4 Digital I/O There are a t otal of 20 general purpos e digital inputs . Inputs c an be c onfigured in MintMT for any of t he following func tions : H forw ard limit (end of tr avel) input on any axis H rev ers e limit (end of tr avel) input on any ax is H home input on any axis H driv e error input on any ax is .
Input / Out put 4- 9 MN1903 Inputs can be s hared betw een ax es, and ar e programmable in MintMT ( using the k ey words INPUTACTIVELEVEL , INPUTMODE , INPUTPOSTRIGGER and INPUTNEGTRIGGER )t o determine their activ e lev el and if they should be edge t riggered.
4-10 Input / Output MN1903 4.4 .1 Digit al inputs - X1 Locatio n Break out module, connec tor X 1 Pin Name MintMT keyword / descrip tion Common 1 Shield Shield c onnect ion 2 DIN12 INX.12 3 DIN13 INX.13 4 DIN14 INX.14 5 DIN15 INX.15 C o m m o n 2 6 DIN16 INX.
Input / Out put 4- 11 M N1903 The inputs are c onditioned using l ow pas s R C filter s and Sc hmitt t rigger buffers . If an input is conf igured as edge t riggered, the t riggering puls e must have a dur ation of at leas t 1ms (one soft ware s c an) to guarantee ac c eptanc e by MintMT .
4-12 Input / Output MN1903 4.4 .3 Digit al inputs - X3 Digital inputs D IN0 to D IN3 c an be used as high s peed posit ion latches . The fas t pos ition inputs ar e routed thr ough a programmable c ros s -point sw itc h whic h allows any input to c ause the posit ion of any c ombination of ax es to be c aptured (by the hardw are) w ithin 1µs .
Input / Out put 4- 13 MN1903 4.4. 4 Di gi tal ou tp uts - X4 Locatio n Break out module, connec tor X 4 Pin Name MintMT keyword / descrip tion 1 Shield Shield c onnect ion 2 DOUT6 OUTX.6 3 DOUT7 OUTX.7 4 DOUT8 OUTX.8 5 DOUT9 OUTX.9 6 DOUT10 OUTX.10 7 DOUT1 1 OUTX.
4-14 Input / Output MN1903 OUTX.6 USR V+ Next Move PCI DOUT6 Output module CGND Outp ut load Brea kout module 2 11 X4 100 pin cable 12 Figure 6 - Digita l output circuit with optional ‘NPN ’ current sinking module - D OUT6 shown 4.
Input / Out put 4- 15 MN1903 4.5 Other I/O 4.5. 1 En cod er int erfaces - X12, X13, X14, X15, X 16 Locatio n Break out module, connec tor s X12, X 13, X14, X15, X16 Pin Name Descriptio n 1 Enc oder V+.
4-16 Input / Output MN1903 4.5 .2 Encode r input fre quenc y The maximum enc oder input f requency is affected by the length of t he encoder c ables . The theoretic al max imum frequenc y is 7.5 million quadr ature c ounts per sec ond. This is equivalent to a maximum fr equency for t he A and B s ignals of 1.
Input / Out put 4- 17 MN1903 4.5. 3 Po wer - X9 Locatio n Break out module, connec tor X 9 Pin Name Descriptio n 1 Vcc + 5 V s u p p l y s o u r c e f r o m t h e h o s t P C 2 Vcc + 5 V supp l y sour.
4-18 Input / Output MN1903 4.5. 4 Rel ay and CAN po wer - X 8 Locatio n Break out module, connec tor X 8 Pin Name Descriptio n 1 CAN1 V+ Power input for C AN1 (C ANopen) networ k (12 -24V) 2 CAN1 GND .
Input / Out put 4- 19 MN1903 4.5 .5 St eppe r driv e outputs - X1 0, X1 1 Locatio n Connec tors X10, X1 1 Pin X10 Name X1 1 Name Descript ion 1 S tep0+ Step2+ S tep signal 2 Dir0+ Di r2+ Direc tion si.
4-20 Input / Output MN1903 4.6 CAN Conne ctions CAN (C ontroller A rea Netw ork ) is a 1Mb/s l ocal area net work . T w o CAN channels are s upported by N extMov e PC I - CA Nopen and Baldor C AN. Ac ces s to both c hannels is c onfigured by a 10 -pin 2mm pin header , J 1 1, mounted along the top edge of the N extMov e PC I car d.
Input / Out put 4- 21 MN1903 H T erminators mus t only be fitted at both ends of the networ k, not at int ermediate nodes. H The 0V c onnect ion of all of the nodes on the networ k mus t be tied t ogether through the CAN c abling.
4-22 Input / Output MN1903 4.6. 2 CAN2 (Bald o r CAN) - X18 Baldor C AN c onnec tions ar e made using the br eakout module c onnec tor X18. Locatio n Break out module, connec tor X 18 Pin Name Descrip.
Input / Out put 4- 23 MN1903 4.7 Other I/O 4.7. 1 Emu lat or co nn ectio n An 1 1 -pin footprint on the r ear of the c ard mark ed ‘ICE ’ prov ides ac c ess to the pr oces s or for boundary sc an emulation. T o connec t the T ex as Ins truments emulator pod, a t wo row 12 -pin 0.
4-24 Input / Output MN1903 4.9 Connection summar y - minimum system wiring As a guide, Figure 9 s hows an ex ample of the ty pical minimum wiring requir ed to allow the Nex tMov e PCI and a s ingle ax is s erv o amplifier ( motor driv e) t o work together.
Input / Out put 4- 25 MN1903 The pin connec tions in the ex ample are des cr ibed below: Breako ut module connector Pin Name o f signal Function Conn ection on dr ive (Not e: driv e may be labelled di.
4-26 Input / Output MN1903.
Oper ati on 5-1 MN 1903 5.1 Intr oduction The sof tware pr ovided inc ludes a number of applic ations and utilities to allow y ou to c onfigure, tune and program the N ext Move PC I.
5-2 Oper ation MN1903 5.1 .2 Inst alling the drive r soft war e - Windows NT Windows NT does not s upport ‘plug and play ’ s o there w ill be no indication t hat a new c ard has been ins talled. The devic e driv er for Nex tMov e PCI mus t be ins talled from the B aldor Motion T oolk it CD .
Oper ati on 5-3 MN 1903 5.1 .4 Inst alling Wor kBenc h v5 Y ou will need to ins tall WorkBenc h v 5 to c onfigure and tune the N extMov e PC I. 1. Insert th e CDROM int o the d rive. 2. After a few s econds the setup w izar d should s tart automatic ally .
5-4 Oper ation MN1903 5.1. 5 Starting Wo rkBench v5 1. On the W indows Start menu, selec t Programs , Wo r kBen ch v5 , Wo rk Ben ch v5 . WorkBenc h v 5 will s tart, and the Tip of the Day dialog w ill be display ed. Y ou can prev ent the Tip of the Day dialog appearing nex t time by remov ing the c hec k mark nex t to Show tips at st artup.
Oper ati on 5-5 MN 1903 3. In the Selec t Cont roller dialog, go to t he drop down box near the top and s elec t Do not scan serial po rts . Clic k Scan to se ar ch fo r the Ne xtMo ve PCI. When the s earc h is c omplete, c lic k ‘N extMov e PC I car d 0’ and then c lick Select .
5-6 Oper ation MN1903 5. In the Open dialog, look in the s ub folder ‘Nex tMove P CI’. Selec t the file wit h extens ion ‘.c hx’ and c lic k Ope n to download the fir mware. The firmw are will be dow nloaded to the Nex tMov e PCI . (A dialog box may be display ed to tell you that WorkBenc h v 5 has detec ted the new firmwar e.
Oper ati on 5-7 MN 1903 5.2 W orkBench v5 WorkBenc h v5 is a fully featured applic at ion for pr ogramming and c ontrolling the Nex tMov e PCI. The main WorkBenc h window cont ains a menu s ys tem, t he T oolbox and other toolbars . Many funct ions c an be ac ces s ed from the menu or by c lick ing a button - use whic hever you pr efer .
5-8 Oper ation MN1903 5.3 Configuri ng an axi s The Nex tMov e PCI is c apable of c ontrolling s erv o and stepper axes . This s ection des c ribes the bas ic s etup for bot h types of ax is . Commands ty ped in the Command w indow hav e immediate effect - they do not need t o be separ ately dow nloaded to the Nex tMov e PCI .
Oper ati on 5-9 MN 1903 5.3. 3 Sel ecti ng a scale MintMT defines all pos itional and speed r elated motion k eyw ords in terms of enc oder quadrature c ounts ( for ser vo motor s) or s teps f or stepper motor s.
5-10 Oper ation MN1903 5.3. 4 Set tin g t he d rive en abl e ou tp ut The driv e enable output allows N extMov e PC I to dis able the driv e in the ev ent of an error. Eac h axis c an be configur ed with its ow n drive enable out put, or c an shar e an output wit h other ax es.
Oper ati on 5-1 1 MN1903 4. If y ou are going to us e the relay, drag the grey Relay 0 icon to t he grey X axis ic on on t he right of the s cr een. T o configur e multiple axes to use the r elay , repeat this step for the other axes .
5-12 Oper ation MN1903 5.4 Ser vo axis - testing and tuning This sec tion des cr ibes the method f or tes ting and tuning a s ervo ax is . T o tes t a st epper ax es, go st rai gh t to sect io n 5.8 . 5.4 .1 T es ting the drive c omma nd output This sec tion tes ts the operation and dir ection of the axis c ommand output.
Oper ati on 5-13 MN 1903 6. T o remov e the demand and s top the tes t, ty pe: STOP.0 This should c aus e the demand produc ed at the Demand 0 output to become 0 V . 5.4 .2 An intr oduction t o clos ed loop contr ol This s ec tion desc ribes the bas ic pr inciples of c losed loop c ontrol.
5-14 Oper ation MN1903 This problem is ov erc ome by using a t erm called Integral gain ( KINT ). This sums the error over time, s o that the motor t orque is gr adually inc reas ed until the pos itional err or is reduc ed to zer o [ like a per son gr adually pus hing harder and har der on y our c ar until they ’ve pus hed it level w ith Demand].
Oper ati on 5-15 MN 1903 Figure 1 1 - The N extMove PCI servo loop.
5-16 Oper ation MN1903 5.5 Ser vo axis - tuni ng for c urr ent control 5.5. 1 Sel ecti ng servo l oo p gai ns All s erv o loop parameters default to z ero, meaning that the demand output w ill be zer o at power up.
Oper ati on 5-17 MN 1903 3. Clic k in t he KPRO P box and enter a value that is approximately one quar ter of the value of KDE RIV . If the motor begins to vibrate, decr ease the v alue of KP RO P or inc reas e the value of KDE RIV until the vibr ation st ops.
5-18 Oper ation MN1903 5.5 .2 Under dampe d re spons e If the graph s hows that the res ponse is underdamped ( it ove rshoot s the demand, as s hown in Figure 12) t hen the value f or KDE RIV should be inc reas ed to add ex tra damping to the mov e.
Oper ati on 5-19 MN 1903 5.5 .3 Over dampe d re spons e If the graph s hows that the res ponse is ov erdamped (it reac hes the demand too s low ly , as show n in Figure 13) t hen the value f or KDE RIV should be dec reas ed to reduc e the damping of the move.
5-20 Oper ation MN1903 5.5 .4 Crit ica lly dam ped res ponse If the graph s hows that t he res ponse reac hes the demand quic kly and only over shoots the demand by a s mall amount, this c an be c onsidered an ideal r espons e for most system s. See Figure 14.
Oper ati on 5-21 MN 1903 5.6 Ser vo axis - eliminating steady-state err ors In syst em s w he re pre cise p osi tio nin g accur acy is r equired, it is of ten neces s ary to posit ion within one enc oder c ount.
5-22 Oper ation MN1903 5.7 Ser vo axis - tunin g for velocity control Driv es designed f or veloc ity c ontrol inc orporate t heir own v eloc ity feedbac k term to pr ovide syste m da mp ing . For t his re ason , KDERI V (an d KVEL) can be set to zero.
Oper ati on 5-23 MN 1903 The analog demand output is c ontrolled by a 12-bit DA C, w hich c an c reate output v oltages in the range -10V to +10V . This means a max imum output of +10V c orr esponds to a DA C v alue of 2048.
5-24 Oper ation MN1903 9. Us ing the c heck box es below the graph, selec t the Meas ured v elocit y and D emand vel ocit y tra ces. Measur ed velocity De ma nd ve lo city Figure 15 - Corr ect value of KVELFF It may be neces s ary to mak e changes to the c alc ulated value of KVELFF .
Oper ati on 5-25 MN 1903 5.7 .2 Adjust ing KPR OP The KPR OP term c an be used to r educe follow ing error. Its v alue will us ually be much s maller than the v alue used for an equivalent cur rent c ontrolled s ys tem. A frac tional v alue, for ex ample 0.
5-26 Oper ation MN1903 Measur ed position Demand position Figure 16 - Cor rect value of KPRO P The two t races w ill probably appear with a s mall offset f rom each ot her . A djust K PRO P by small amounts until the t wo trac es appear on top of eac h other ( approx imately) , as show n in Figure 16.
Oper ati on 5-27 MN 1903 5.8 S tep per axis - testing This sec tion des cr ibes the method f or tes ting a st epper axis . The s tepper c ontr ol is an open lo op syste m so no tu nin g is ne cessa ry . 5.8 .1 T es ting the drive c omma nd output This sec tion tes ts the operation and dir ection of the axis c ommand output.
5-28 Oper ation MN1903 5.9 Digit al input/output configur ation The Digital I /O w indow c an be used to s etup other digital inputs and outputs . 5.9 .
Oper ati on 5-29 MN 1903 4. Now dr ag the IN1 ic on onto the Fw d Limit icon . This will s etup IN1 as the For ward Limit input of axis 0. 5. Clic k Apply to s end the c hanges to the N ex tMove PC I. Note: If required, multiple inputs c an be conf igured before c lic king A pply .
5-30 Oper ation MN1903 5.10 Saving setup in form ation When power is r emoved fr om the Nex tMove P CI all data, including c onfigurat ion and tuning parameters , is los t. Y ou should ther efore s ave t his infor mation in a file, w hich c an be loaded when the c ard is nex t used.
Oper ati on 5-31 MN 1903 4. On the main menu, c hoos e File , Save File . Locate a folder, enter a filename and c lic k S ave . 5.10. 1 L oad in g saved in fo rmati on 1. In the T oolbox , clic k the Edit & Debug ic on. 2. On the main menu, c hoos e File , Open File.
5-32 Oper ation MN1903.
T roubl eshooti ng 6-1 MN 1903 6.1 Intr oduction This sec tion ex plains c ommon problems and their s olutions . If y ou want to k now the meaning of the LED indic ators , s ee s ection 6.
6-2 T r oubleshoot ing MN1903 6.2 NextMove PCI i ndicators 6.2. 1 Status and CAN LEDs The back plate of t he Nex tMove P CI c ontains four LED s. S 1 and S2 repres ent general s tatus information. C1 and C2 ar e CAN traffic indicator s. T he LEDs may illuminate red or green and c an be continuous or flas hing.
T roubl eshooti ng 6-3 MN 1903 6.2. 2 Commu ni cati on If the problem is not lis ted below pleas e c ontact Baldor T ec hnical S upport. A n osc illosc ope will be useful for many of the elec tric al test s des c ribed below . Symptom Check Cannot detec t Nex tMov e PCI Chec k t hat the Nex tMov e PCI dr iver has been ins talled.
6-4 T r oubleshoot ing MN1903 Sympto m Check Motor runs unc ontrollably when c ontroller is s witc hed on and ser vo loop gains are applied or when a move is set in progres s . Motor then st ops after a shor t time. Chec k t hat the axi s’ c orres ponding enc oder and demand signals are c onnec ted to the s ame ax es of mot ion.
S pecif icat ions 7-1 MN1903 7.1 Intr oduction This s ec tion prov ides t echnic al s pecific ations of the N extMov e PC I 7.1. 1 Mech ani cal speci fi cati on s De scri pt ion Val u e Input power (from host PC ) +5V at 1200mA ±12V at 250mA Additional c urrent w ill be required w hen powering t he encoder s from the hos t PC’s +5V supply.
7-2 S pecifi cations MN1903 7.1 .3 Analog output s (Driv e Dem and/C omma nd - X7) De scri pt ion Un it Va l u e Ty p e Bipolar Output voltage range VDC ±10 Output curr ent (max) mA 1 Output DA C resolution bits 14 (inc ludes s ign bit) Equival ent resolu tion mV ±1.
S pecif icat ions 7-3 MN1903 7.1. 6 Di gi tal ou tp uts (X4) De scri pt ion Un it Va l u e Output curr ent (max imum, each out put) mA 50 Up date in terva l I mmediate 7.1. 7 Rel ay ou tpu t ( X8) De scri pt ion Un it Va l u e Contact s N ormally clos ed Contact rat ing (r esistive) 1A @ 24VD C or 0.
7-4 S pecifi cations MN1903 7.1 .9 St eppe r output s (X10 & X1 1) De scri pt ion Un it Va l u e Output type Puls e (s tep) and direc tion Maximum output frequency MHz 3 Out put voltage 5V Output curr ent mA 20 max.
Accessori es A-1 MN1903 A.1 I ntroduc tion Nex tMov e PCI is s upplied with a s oftw are lic ense to c ontrol 1, 2 ,3, 4 or 8 ax es . Similarly, the Nex tMov e PCI E xpans ion Car d is s upplied with a s oftw are lic ense to c ontr ol a further 4 or 8 axes .
A-2 Accessor ies MN1903 A des cr iption of the c atalog numbers are s hown in the follow ing table: Cat alog number Descript ion PCI 002-501 Nex tMov e PCI E xpans ion c ard with P NP digit al outputs.
Accessori es A-3 MN1903 A.1. 3 E xpansio n card status LEDs The back plate of t he Nex tMove P CI Ex pans ion car d contains tw o LEDs , S1 and S 2. Thes e repres ent general s tatus information. The LEDs may illuminate red or green and c an be continuous or flas hing.
A-4 Accessor ies MN1903 A.1 .4 Nex tMov e PCI Br eak out module Break out modules are av ailable for us e with the N ex tMove P CI and ex pansion c ards , prov iding one or two par t s crew -down terminals for the I/ O, pow er and relay c onnections , w ith 9-pin D -type c onnec tors for the enc oders and s teppers .
Accessori es A-5 MN1903 A.1 .5 Digita l output modules The digital output dr ive on N extMov e PC I is in t he form of a remov able module whic h allows different types of outputs for different applic ations .
A-6 Accessor ies MN1903 A.1 .8 Baldor C AN node s Digital I/ O c an be expanded eas ily on Nex tMov e PCI us ing the Baldor CA N (C AN2) connec tion. This prov ides a high speed s erial bus inter face to a r ange of I/O devic es , including: H inputNode 8 : 8 opt o isolated digital input s.
Accessori es A-7 MN1903 A.1. 9 Next Move P CI CAN Bracket b o ard This is a c ompac t alternativ e to us ing the break out module when t he Nex tMov e PCI c ontroller is being us ed only as a CAN networ k manager . Both C AN c hannels ar e pres ented on 9 -pin D-ty pe connec tors .
A-8 Accessor ies MN1903.
P r i n t e di nU K E Baldor UK Ltd Baldor Elect ric Com p any P .O. B ox 2400 Ft . Smit h, AR 72902-2400 T el: (479) 646 -471 1 Fax : (479) 648 -5792 www .
デバイスBaldor MN1903の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Baldor MN1903をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBaldor MN1903の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Baldor MN1903の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Baldor MN1903で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Baldor MN1903を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBaldor MN1903の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Baldor MN1903に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBaldor MN1903デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。