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0nline User’s Guide Dual Band/T ri-Mode PCS Phone Nokia Model 3585i.
The information in this user guide was writte n for the Nokia 3585i phone. Nokia opera tes a pol icy of ongo ing deve lopment. N okia reser ves the r ight to make chang es and improve ments to any of the p roducts de scribe d in this doc ument without prior notice.
Table of Contents Welcom e to Sprint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Intro ductio n to Th is Onl ine U ser’s G uide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 SECTI ON 1: G ettin g Star ted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Customizi ng the Welcome No te . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Customizi ng the Display B an ner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Adjusting t he Screen Brig htness .
Adding a Ne w Internal Ph one Bo ok E ntry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5 Finding In ternal P hone B ook En tries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 Adding a P ho ne N umber t o an Existing In te rna l P hone Book En try .
Retrievin g Yo ur V o ic ema il Me ssa ge s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3 Voicema il Op tio ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Welcome to S print print built the largest all-PCS nationwide network with advanced multimedia services and clear calls, reac hing more than 230 million people for clarity you can see and hear .
3 Introduct ion to This Online User’s Guide his Online User’ s Guide introduces you to PCS Service and all the features of your new phone. It’s divided into four sections: 䊳 Sectio n 1: Gettin.
Section 1 Gett ing St arte d 5 Section 1 Getting Started.
Section 1: G et tin g Sta rted 1A: Setting Up Service 7 1A Setting Up S ervice In This Section 䊳 Activatin g Y our PCS Service 䊳 Settin g Up Y o ur Voicemail 䊳 Getting Help his section walk s yo.
Section 1: Getti ng Sta rted 8 1A: Setting Up Service Activating Y our PCS Service Determine if Y our Ph one Is Already A ctivate d If you received your phone in the mail or purchased it at a Sprint Store, it probably has been activated. All you need to do is unlock your phone.
Section 1: G et tin g Sta rted 1A: Setting Up Service 9 Setting Up Y our V oicemail All unanswered call s t o your PCS Phone are automatically transferr ed to voicemail, whether your phone is in u se or turned Off. Therefore, you will want to set up your voicemail and personal greeting as soon as your PCS Phone is activated.
Section 1: Getti ng Sta rted 10 1A: Setting Up Service 䊳 Calling us toll-free at 1-888-211-4727 (Consumer cust omers), 1-877-CLEARPY (253-2779) (Clear Pay customers) , or 1-888-788-4727 (Business cus tomers) 䊳 W riting to us at PC S Cus tom er Solu tio ns, P .
Section 2 Understanding Your Phone 11 Section 2 Understanding Your Phone.
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2A: Your PCS Phone - The Basics 13 Section 2A Your PCS Phone: Th e Basics In This Section 䊳 Front View of Y our P hone 䊳 Viewing t he Disp lay Scr een 䊳 .
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 14 2A: Your PCS Phone - The Basics Fron t V iew of Y ou r Pho ne 10. Mi crophone 1. Switch On/ Off Button 3. Di splay Sc reen 6. Four-way Navi gation Keys 7. T alk Key 14. E a r p i e c e 12. En d Call Key 13. B attery Strengt h Indi cator 15.
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2A: Your PCS Phone - The Basics 15 1 . Switch On/Off Bu tton: But ton located at the top of your phone that switches your phone On or O ff. 2 . Univer sal Headse t Jack: Provides connection for a headset and a TTY device.
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 16 2A: Your PCS Phone - The Basics Viewing the Display Screen This list ident ifies the symbo ls you’ll see on you r display scree n. 䊳 shows yo ur current signal strength. The more lines you have, the stronger your signal.
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2A: Your PCS Phone - The Basics 17 Features of Y our Nokia 3585i Phone Congratulations on the purchase of your Noki a 3585i phone.
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 18 2A: Your PCS Phone - The Basics Once your phone is On, it displays “Searching for Service” indicating that your phone is searching for a signal. When your phone finds a signal, it automatically enters St andby mode— the phone’s idle state.
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2A: Your PCS Phone - The Basics 19 Note: Backligh ting , searc hi ng for serv ic e, and vibrate m ode use r ed uce the bat te ry ’s ta lk and standby times. Ti p : Be sure t o charge y our phone’ s ba ttery, and watch the bat te ry streng th indi ca tor to en sure tha t the le ve ls are oka y.
20 3. Pull upward on the lower end of the battery with your finger tip and remove the battery from the phone at a 45 -degree angle. Char ging th e Batt ery Y our PCS Phone comes with a rechargeable battery . Y ou should charge the battery as soon as possi ble so you can begin using your phone.
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2A: Your PCS Phone - The Basics 21 3. When the battery i s fully charged, the s creen displays a “Bat tery full” notification, and the indicator stops scrolling. Unplug the phone from the charger . Y ou can recharge the Li-Ion battery before i t becomes completely run down.
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 22 2A: Your PCS Phone - The Basics Ti p : T o easil y r edial your m os t recentl y di al e d numbe r , press twice. Note: When makin g ca lls off the e nha nced Spr int Nationwi de PCS Net w or k, al w ay s dia l us ing 11 digi t s ( 1 + ar ea cod e + phon e nu mber) .
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2A: Your PCS Phone - The Basics 23 Answering Cal ls 1. Make sure your phone is On. If your phone is Off, incoming calls go to voicemail.
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 24 2A: Your PCS Phone - The Basics Note: The “Miss ed call” mes sage may not be displaye d when roaming out of netwo rk. Calling Emer gen cy Numbers Y our can place calls to 911, press , then press (even if your phone is locked or your acc ount is restrict ed).
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2A: Your PCS Phone - The Basics 25 End-of-C all Opti ons After making or receiving a call, the phone number you cal led or received is tem porar ily saved in yo ur Call logs menu. T o view your number and options: 1.
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 26 2A: Your PCS Phone - The Basics.
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2B: Controlling Your Phone ’s Settings 27 Section 2B Controlling Your Phone’s Setti ngs In This Section 䊳 Custo mizing Pr ofiles 䊳 Select ing a P rofi .
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 28 2B: Con trolling Your Phone ’s Settings Customizing Prof iles Y our phone has five d ifferent profiles . Each profile c an be customized t o your specif ications. For example, you m ay wish to cus tomize your M eeting profile to ac commodate your ne eds for taking calls during me etings.
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2B: Controlling Your Phone ’s Settings 29 Note: Act ivating the vibrating al ert enab les your phon e to vibrat e when an incomi ng c all is rece i ved (not when the vibrat i ng alert is ac tiv ated). Adjusting Volume Settings T o adjus t the ri nging v olume se tting: 1.
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 30 2B: Con trolling Your Phone ’s Settings Selecti ng Ringin g T ones for Messages T o sel ect a ringing ton e for messages: 1. Press Menu , s croll to Profiles , an d press Se lect . 2. Scroll to the profile you wish to modify ( Normal , Silent , etc.
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2B: Controlling Your Phone ’s Settings 31 Sharing feature, you choose when your position information is pr ovided to the netw o rk.
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 32 2B: Con trolling Your Phone ’s Settings Customizing t he Display B anner The screen banner is displayed on your phone’s Standby sc reen. T o change your display ba nner: 1. Press Menu , s croll to Settings , and press Select .
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2C: Setting Your Phone ’s Security 33 Section 2C Setting Your Ph one’s Sec urity In This Section 䊳 Accessi n g the Sec ur i ty Menu 䊳 Lockin g Y our P .
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 34 2C: Set ting Your P hone’s Sec urity Accessing t he Sec urity Menu Y ou must enter your securi ty code to view th e Securi ty menu. T o access the Sec urity menu: 1. Press Menu , s croll to Settings , and press Select .
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2C: Setting Your Phone ’s Security 35 2. Enter your new lock code and press OK . Y ou will be asked to verify your new lock code. 3. Re-enter your new lock code and press OK . Calling in Locked Mode Y ou can call 911, PCS Customer Solutions, and designated numbers when in lock mode.
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 36 2C: Set ting Your P hone’s Sec urity 6. T o res trict all calls, s c rol l to Select , press Select , press Mark , press Done , and pres s Ye s to save changes.
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2C: Setting Your Phone ’s Security 37 Restoring Factory Setting s Restoring all the factory defaults include the standard ringing tones and display settings. The Internal Phone Book (Contacts), Call Log, Organizer and Messaging settings are not affected .
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 38 2C: Set ting Your P hone’s Sec urity.
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2D: Controlling Your Roam ing Exp erience 3 9 Section 2D Controll ing You r Roaming Experienc e In This Section 䊳 Under s t an ding Ro aming 䊳 Sett ing Y o.
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 40 2D: Controlling Your Roam ing Experience Understandin g Roaming Roamin g Indic ator on th e Displ ay Scre en The roaming indicator ( )on your display screen lets you know when you’re off the Sprint Nationwide PCS Network.
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2D: Controlling Your Roam ing Exp erience 4 1 1+area code+PCS Phone Number . Press when you hear your greeting and enter your pass code at the prom pt. 䊳 There are security and privacy risks (eaves dropping and cloning) that exist with conventional analog services today .
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 42 2D: Controlling Your Roam ing Experience Controlling Roaming Charg es Using Call Guard In addition to the roaming icon, Call Guard alerts you when roaming charges apply . This feature makes it easy to manage your roam ing charges by reminding you when you make or recei ve roam ing calls.
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2E: Navigating Thr oug h Menus 43 Section 2E Navigating Th rough Men us In This Section 䊳 Menu Naviga tion 䊳 Menu S tructu re 䊳 Review ing t he Main Menu 䊳 Review ing the C ontac ts M enu his section is a road map to using your PCS Phon e.
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 44 2E: Navigating Thr ough Menus Menu Na viga tio n The four -way navigation keys on your PCS Phone allow you to scrol l through menus quickly and easily . T o navigate through a menu, s impl y pres s a navigation key in the direction you wish to m ove.
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2E: Navigating Thr oug h Menus 45 Here are your Main Menus and thei r associated sub-menus: Call logs Outgoi n g calls Call time Vi ew n umber Use n umbe r Sav.
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 46 2E: Navigating Thr ough Menus Options View day View notes Edit Delete Move Repeat Copy Make a no te Meetin g No al arm Silent At ev en t tim e 5 min be fo re 10 min be fore 15 min be fore 30 min be fore Other With tone At ev en t tim e 5 min.
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2E: Navigating Thr oug h Menus 47 Auto delete Voice recorder Record Stop Recordi ng s list Playba ck Edit tit le Delete Alarm/Add alar m Calculat or Equals Add.
48 Leve l 5 Vibrating aler t On Off Messa ge al ert tone Option No tone Standa rd Specia l Beep once Long and l oud Keyp ad to nes Off Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3 Warning t o n es On Off Alert for All calls Family VIP Friend s Busines s Other Pro f il e nam e Remove Add new Ti m e d Note: The followin g Pr of ile men us have iden tica l sub-me nus.
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2E: Navigating Thr oug h Menus 49 Playba ck Change Delete Recorde r Playba ck Change Delete Call log s Add c omma nd Playba ck Change Delete Call se tt ings Lo.
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 50 2E: Navigating Thr ough Menus T ouch t o ne leng th Short Long W elc ome no te Help text activation On Off Display op tions Bann er Default Customi ze Display.
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2E: Navigating Thr oug h Menus 51 Off Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Warning t o n es On Off Alert for exc lusive cal l er groups All calls Family VIP Friend s Busine.
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 52 2E: Navigating Thr ough Menus Phone lo ck Off On On po wer -up Allowed num b ers wh en p hone lock ed Change se curit y co de Call re stri c tion s Restri ct .
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2E: Navigating Thr oug h Menus 53 Own nu m be r se lect ion Restor e f act or y settin gs Phone det ai ls My phon e no.
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 54 2E: Navigating Thr ough Menus Back Back Add new Select OK OK Back Options Add voic e ta g Select Start Back Back Edit num be r Select OK Clear Back Delete number Select OK Back Back Vie w Select Back Back Change t yp e Select General Select Back Mobile Home Wor k Fax Back As Primary no.
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2E: Navigating Thr oug h Menus 55 Delete Select One by one Select Back Delete all OK Back Exit Add num ber Select Add General Select Back Mobile Home Wor k Fax.
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 56 2E: Navigating Thr ough Menus Group ri ng ing ton e Group logo On Off View Group members Remove name Add nam e Note: The followin g gr oups hav e ident ic al sub -menu s.
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2F: Managing Ca ll History 57 Section 2F Managing Cal l Logs In This Section 䊳 Viewing C all Logs 䊳 Call L ogs Optio ns 䊳 Making a Ca ll Fr om Cal l Log .
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 58 2F: Managing Ca ll History Viewing Call Logs Y ou’ll find your Call logs invaluable. It is a list of the last 20 phone numbers or Internal Phone Book entries for calls you placed, accepted or missed. Call logs makes redi aling a number fast and easy .
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2F: Managing Ca ll History 59 Maki n g a Cal l Fr o m Call Logs T o place a call from Call logs: 1. Press Menu , s croll to Call lo gs , and press Selec t . 2. Scroll to an option (for example, Missed calls ) and pre ss Select .
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 60 2F: Managing Ca ll History Note: Y ou c annot ma ke calls f rom Call logs to en tries ident ified a s No ID or Restri cted.
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2F: Managing Ca ll History 61 Deleting a Number in Call Logs T o delete a number in Call logs: 1. Press Menu , s croll to Call lo gs , and press Selec t . 2. Scro ll to D elete call logs and press Sele ct . 3. Scroll to the option you pref er ( All , Misse d , Incoming , or Outgoing ) and press Sel ect .
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 62 2F: Managing Ca ll History.
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2G: Using the Internal Phon e Book 63 Section 2G Using the Interna l Phone Bo ok In This Section 䊳 Interna l Phone B ook En try Options 䊳 Select ing a C ha.
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 64 2G: Using the Internal Phon e Book Internal Phon e Boo k Entry Options When you display an Internal Phone Book entry , th e following options are displayed. Press Co ntact s and scroll through your options. 䊳 Searc h lets your s earch for a n exis ting e ntry .
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2G: Using the Internal Phon e Book 65 desired character appears. By def ault, the first letter of a word is capitalized and following letters are lowerc ase.
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 66 2G: Using the Internal Phon e Book 3. Enter the number of the new entry , press OK , the n, ei ther pre ss Options to mod ify this entry , or press Done .
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2G: Using the Internal Phon e Book 67 Adding a Phone Number to an E xisting Internal Phon e Boo k Entry T o add a phone number to an entry: 1. Press Contac ts , scro ll to Add numbe r , an d pr es s Sele ct . 2.
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 68 2G: Using the Internal Phon e Book Selecting a Ringing T one for a Pho ne Book Entry Y ou can assign a ringing tone to an Internal Phone Book entry so you can identify the cal ler by the ringing tone. T o assign a ri nging tone to an entry: 1.
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2H: Persona l Organizer 69 Section 2H Personal Organi zer and Games In This Section 䊳 Addin g a Me mo or Remind er to Y o ur Calen dar 䊳 Ente r ing Cha rac.
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 70 2H: Personal Organizer Adding a Memo or Reminder to Y our Calend ar Y our Calendar helps organize your time by allowing you to give yourse lf memos. T o add a mem o: 1. Press Menu , s croll to Organi zer , and press Selec t .
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2H: Persona l Organizer 71 5. Press and hold Options until T9 pr edict ion o n is moment arily displayed on your screen.
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 72 2H: Personal Organizer Viewing Events and Eve nt Options T o view your scheduled events: 1. From the Organ izer menu, scrol l to Cale ndar and press Select . 2. Scroll to the day you wish to view and press Options .
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2H: Persona l Organizer 73 Using the Calcu lat or Y our phone comes with a built-in calculator function. T o use the calculator: 1. From the Organ izer menu, scrol l to Calc ulator , and press Select . 2. Use keypad to enter numbers, and pr ess to enter a decimal point.
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 74 2H: Personal Organizer.
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2I: Using Your Phone’s Voice Ser vices 75 Section 2I Using Your Phone’s Vo ice Servic es In This Section 䊳 V oic e-Activa ted Diali ng 䊳 Assign i ng a .
Section 2: Unde rstandin g You r Phone 76 2I: Using Your Phone’s Voice Services V o ice-Ac ti vated Dia ling In addition to PCS V oice Command SM (see page 91), you can use a voice command that you set in your phone’s memory to automa tically dial an existing phone number in your Internal Phone Book.
Section 2: U nde rs ta nd ing Your Phone 2I: Using Your Phone’s Voice Ser vices 77 Note: Always attem p t to use voic e di a ling in a qui e t environm ent. Y our phon e may not r eco gniz e yo ur co mmand if back groun d no ise i s t oo perv asive.
78 3. Enter the title of your recordi ng and pr ess OK . - or - 1. Press Menu , s croll to Organi zer , and press Sele ct . 2. Scro ll to V oice reco r de r and press Selec t . 3. Scro ll to Record and pres s Select . 4. Record your mess age, then pres s Stop .
Section 3 Using PCS Service Featu res 79 Section 3 Using PCS Service Features.
Sect io n 3: Usin g PC S Se rvi ce Fe a tur e s 3A: The Basi cs 81 Section 3A PCS Service Fea tures: The Basics In This Section 䊳 Using V oicemail 䊳 Settin g Up Y o ur Voicemail 䊳 V oicema il No.
Section 3: Using PC S Ser vice Fea ture s 82 3A: The Basics Using V oicemail Setting Up Y our V oicemail All unanswered calls t o your PCS Phone are automatically transferr ed to voicemail, even if your phone is in use or turned Off.
Sect io n 3: Usin g PC S Se rvi ce Fe a tur e s 3A: The Basi cs 83 Importan t: When you are roaming off the Sp rint N ationwid e PCS Ne twork, you may not rece ive notif i cat i on of new vo icemai l m e ssages. It is recommended that yo u periodically chec k your voicemail by d ialing 1 + area cod e + your PCS Phone N um b er .
Section 3: Using PC S Ser vice Fea ture s 84 3A: The Basics Setting Up G roup Dis tributi on Lis ts Create up to 20 separate group lists, each with up to 20 custome rs. 1. Press and hold to access your voicem ail. 2. Following the system prom pts, press to change your Personal O ptions.
Sect io n 3: Usin g PC S Se rvi ce Fe a tur e s 3A: The Basi cs 85 V oicema il-to-V oice mail Rece ipt Req uest Receive confir mation that your voice mess age has been l istened to when you send, forward or reply to a mess age to other PCS customers. 1.
Section 3: Using PC S Ser vice Fea ture s 86 3A: The Basics 2. Enter the nu mber you want to call. 3. Press . T o permanently block your numbe r , call PCS Customer Sol utions. Respon ding to Call Waitin g Call Wa iting alerts you to i ncoming calls whil e you’r e on a c all by sounding two beeps.
Sect io n 3: Usin g PC S Se rvi ce Fe a tur e s 3A: The Basi cs 87 Note: Call Waiting and Th ree-Way Ca lling a re not availab le whi le roam ing off the Sp rint Nationwide P CS Network. Using Call Fo rwarding Call Forwarding lets you forward all your incoming calls to another phone number – even when your phone is turned O ff .
Section 3: Using PC S Ser vice Fea ture s 88 3A: The Basics.
Sect io n 3: Usin g PC S Se rvi ce Fe a tur e s 3B: PCS Vis ion 89 Section 3B Additional Fea tures In This Section 䊳 Ring in g T ones 䊳 Games our PCS phone offers enhanced, always-on mobile multimedia capabilities like ringing tones and games that are easy to learn and use.
Section 3: Using PC S Ser vice Fea ture s 90 3B: PCS Vision Ringing T o nes Purc hasing Ring ing T ones Y ou can purchase r inging tones through www .sprintpcs.com . T o purchase a ringing tone for your phone: 1. Point your PC Web browser to www .sprintpcs.
Sect io n 3: Usin g PC S Se rvi ce Fe a tur e s 3C: PCS Voice Comman d 91 Section 3C PCS Voice Command SM In This Section 䊳 Getting St arte d w ith PC S V oice Command 䊳 Creat i ng Y o ur Own A dd.
Section 3: Using PC S Ser vice Fea ture s 92 3C: PCS Voice Com mand Getting Star ted with PCS V oice Command: 䊳 Y o u can st ore a ll you r con tac t’s pho ne n umb ers, so you ca n si mpl y say the name of the person y ou want to call.
Sect io n 3: Usin g PC S Se rvi ce Fe a tur e s 3C: PCS Voice Comman d 93 䊳 Call Di rectory Assistan ce: If you don’t have a comput er or Internet access handy , you can have PCS Directory Assistance look up phone numbers for you and automatically add t hem to your address book.
Section 4 Sa fety Gu idel ines an d W arra nty Inf orm atio n 95 Section 4 Safety Guidelines and Warranty Information.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 4A: Sa f e ty 97 Section 4A Safet y In This Section 䊳 Getting the Mo st Out o f Y our Rec eption 䊳 Main t ainin g Sa fe Use of and Acce ss to.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 98 4A : Safe ty Getting th e Most Out of Y our Recep tion Keep i ng T abs on Signal Stren gt h The quality of each call you make or receive depends on the s ignal strength in your area.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 4A: Sa f e ty 99 Maint ainin g Y our Pho ne’s Peak Perfo r mance There are several simple guidelines to operat ing your phone properly and maintaini ng safe, sa tisfactory s ervice. 䊳 Hold the phone with the antenna raised, fully-extended and over your shoulder .
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 100 4A: Safety 䊳 Dial sensibly and assess the traffic; if possi ble, place calls when stationa ry or bef ore pullin g into tr affic. 䊳 Do not engage in stressful or emotional convers ati ons that may divert your attention from the road.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 4A: Sa f et y 101 PERSO NS W ITH A P ACEMAKER: 䊳 Should always keep the phone at least 20 cm from their pacemaker when the phone is switched On. 䊳 Should not carry the phone in a breast pocket.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 102 4A: Safety 䊳 Any other area where you woul d normally be advised to turn off your vehicle’s engine. Note: Ne ver t rans por t or s tore flam mable gas , li qui d or expl osiv es in the compa rtment o f yo ur vehicle t hat contains your phon e or acc es sories .
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 4A: Sa f et y 103 More than one month: 4º F to 113º F (-20º C to 45º C) Disposa l of Lit hium Ion (L i-Ion) Ba tteries For safe disposal options of your Li-I on batteries, contact your nearest Sprint-authorized service cente r .
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 104 4A: Safety CERTIFIC ATION INFOR MATION (SA R) THIS MODE L PHONE MEET S THE GOVERNMENT'S REQ UIREMENTS FOR EXPOSURE TO RADIO W A VES. Y ou r wireless phone is a radio transmitter and receiver .
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 4A: Sa f et y 105 (Body-worn measurements differ among phone models, depending upon available accessories and FCC requirem ents ). While there may be differences between the SAR levels of various phones and at various positions, they all meet the governm ent requirement.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 106 4A: Safety spectrum. Some of t he other forms of ener gy in the electromagnetic spectrum are gamm a rays, x-rays and light. Electromagnetic energ y (or electromagnetic radiation) consists of wav es of electric and magnetic energy moving toget her (radiating) through space.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 4A: Sa f et y 107 food. Medical uses of RF energy include pacem aker m onitoring and programming. 3. How is radi o freque ncy radi a tion mea sured? RF waves and RF fields have both electrical and magnetic components.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 108 4A: Safety Large amounts of RF energy can heat tissue. This can dama ge tissues and increase body temper atures . T wo areas of the body , the eyes and the testes, are particul a rly v ulnerable to RF heati ng because there is relatively little blood flow in them to carry away exces s heat.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 4A: Sa f et y 109 recommends different exposure l evels in the lower and upper frequency ranges and for localized exposur e from certain products such as hand- held wir eless te lep hones.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 110 4A: Safety Under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEP A), the FCC has certain responsibili ties to consider wh ether its actions will significantly affect the quality of the human environm ent.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 4A: Sa f et y 111 wireless telephone-user is given by the Speci fic Absorption Rate (SAR), as explained above. The FCC requires wireless phones to comply with a safety limit of 1.6 watts per kilogram (1.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 112 4A: Safety 8. Do hands -free kit s f or wi reless pho nes red uce risks f r om exposur e to RF emi ssions ? Since there are no known risks from e xposure to RF emissions from wireless phones, there is no reason to bel ieve that hands-free kits reduce risks.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 4A: Sa f et y 113 need to be high in the air , t h ey are often located on towers, poles, water tanks, or rooftops.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 114 4A: Safety fact, ground-level exposure from such antennas is typically thousands of times less than the expos ure levels recommended as safe by expe rt organizations. So exposure to nearby residents would be well within safety ma rgins.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 4A: Sa f et y 115 subject to FCC jurisdiction. However , the FCC does have measurem ent instrumentation for eval uating RF levels in areas that may be acce ssible to the publ ic or to wo rk ers.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 116 4A: Safety fadb.html . Entry points into the various databases include frequency , state/county , latitude/longit ude, call-sign and licensee name. For furt her information on the Commission's existing databases, you can contact Donald Campbell at dcampbel@fcc.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 4A: Sa f et y 117 authority to take action if wireless phones are shown to emit radi o frequency energy (RF) at a leve l that is hazardous to t he user .
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 118 4A: Safety base stations are typically thousands of times lower than those they can get from wireless phones. Base stations a re thus not the primary subject of the safety questions discussed in t his docum ent.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 4A: Sa f et y 119 meningioma, or acoustic neuroma, tu mors of the brain or salivary gland, leukemia, or other cancers. None of th e studies demonstrated the existence of any harmful health effects from wirel ess phone RF exposures.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 120 4A: Safety FDA and the Cellular T elecommunications & Internet Association (CTIA) have a formal Cooperative Research and Developme nt Agreem ent (CRADA) to do research on wireless phone safety .
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 4A: Sa f et y 121 Some groups sponsored by other national governme nts have advised that children be discouraged from using wireless phones at all. For example , the government in the United Kingdom distributed leaflets containing such a recommendation in December 2 000.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 122 4A: Safety to RF radiation. These agencies include the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EP A), the Oc.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 4A: Sa f et y 123 for exposure of workers to RF radiation [29 CFR 1910.97]. However , this guide was later ruled to be only advisory and not mandatory . Moreover , it was based on an earlier RF exposure standard that has now been revised.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 124 4A: Safety conducted r esearch in th is area. At th e present time , most of the no n - military research on biological ef fec ts of RF energy in the U.S. is being funded by industry organizations.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 4A: Sa f et y 125 T9 T ext Input is licensed by T egic Communications and is covered by U.S. Pat. 5,818,437, U.S. Pat. 5,953,541, U.S. Pat. 6,011,554 and other patents pending. T9 text input software Copyright © 1999-2003 .
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 126 4A: Safety.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 4B: Ma nu f ac ture r’s War ranty 12 7 Section 4B Manufacture r’s Warranty In This Section 䊳 Manu facture r’s Warrant y his section cont ains the manufacturer’s war ranty for your PCS Phone.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 128 4B: Manu fa ct ure r’s Warra n t y Manu fac tur er’ s W arr an ty Noki a On e-Y ear Lim ited W ar ra nt y Nokia Inc.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 4B: Ma nu f ac ture r’s War ranty 12 9 neglect, abuse, accident, alteration, improper i nstallation, or o ther acts which are not the fault of Nokia, including damage caused by shipping.
130 attempts to repa ir the same defect, Noki a at its o ption, will provide a replacement Product or refund the purchase pri ce of the Product less a reasonable amount for usage. In some st ates the Consumer may have the right to a loaner if the repair of the P roduct takes more than ten (10) days.
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 4B: Ma nu f ac ture r’s War ranty 13 1 the 1-year warranty limitation may not apply to you (the Consumer). Some states do not allow t he exclusion or limitation of incidental and consequential damages, so certain of the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you (the Consumer).
Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty I nformation 132 4B: Manu fa ct ure r’s Warra n t y.
Index 133 Index Numerics 1-Touc h D ialing 2 2 911 24 A accessi ng secu rity me nu 34 activa ting ca ll fo r wardin g 87 activa ting ph one 8 adapt er pl ug 1 5 adding a new pho ne book ent ry 65 addi.
Index 134 digit al roami ng indi ca tor 1 6 dire ctor y as sist ance 10 displa y banner 32 displa y screen 15 displa ying your ph one number 21 E earpie ce 15 Emerge ncy numb ers 24 enabli ng l ocatio.
Index 135 Nokia Pop -Por t a cce ssory co n- nector 15 O Off 18 On 17 On/Off b utton 1 5 operat or ser vices 10 own nu m be r 53 owner’s r eco rd 124 P PCS activat ing servic e 8 Cust o m er Sol uti.
Index 136 settin g up v oicem ail 9 setting s 27 signal indic ator 15 Silenc e pr ofile indica tor 16 sil encin g yo ur ph one 28 silent mod e 28 speaker po rt 15 spee d diali ng 22 Spri nt We b si te.
デバイスSprint 3585Iの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sprint 3585Iをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSprint 3585Iの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sprint 3585Iの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sprint 3585Iで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sprint 3585Iを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSprint 3585Iの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sprint 3585Iに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSprint 3585Iデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。