Symbol TechnologiesメーカーPDT811の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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PDT 8100 Series for Pocket PC 2002.
PDT 8100 Series for Pocket PC 2002 © 2001 - 2003 SYMBOL T ECHNOLOGIES, INC. All ri ghts rese rv ed. Symbol r eserves the righ t to make change s to any product to impro ve reliab ility , function , or desi gn.
1 Quic k Ref erenc e Introduct ion Congra tulations on your p urchase of Sy mbol T echnolo gies’ PD T 8100 T ermi nal! It s unique combina tion of fea tures mak e this produ ct superior fo r use in a wide range of applic ations.
2 PDT 8100 Series • Using t he Keyboard on p age 14 • Using t he S tylu s on p age 20 • T oday Screen on page 2 1 • Naviga tion Bar and Command Bar on p age 22 • Inpu t Me t hod s on page 2 .
3 Quic k Ref erenc e Part s of t he PDT 8100 Series Powe r Butt on LCD (mon ochro me) TFT LC D (color) Front V iew Speaker T op View Backlight Button Scan T rigger 15-Pin S erial Port (terminals w ith.
4 PDT 8100 Series Part s of the PDT 8100 Series (continued) Side View Audio conn ecto r 2-D termi nal Handstrap bar 1-D T ermin al 2-D T erminal Scan T rigg er 1-D termin al Handstrap clip Handstrap H.
5 Quic k Ref erenc e Part s of t he PDT 81 00 Ser ies (continued) Lithium-ion Battery Battery Door Battery Comp artment Stylus Serial Port Battery Door Latch Reset Bu tton Stylus S ilo Battery D oor L.
6 PDT 8100 Series Getting St ar ted Before you can use y our PDT 8100 , perfor m these bas ic setup procedures : • Instal l the antenn a packaged w ith the terminal by screwing it into the an tenna rec eptacl e on the to p of the te rminal (PDT 8133/ 8137 only).
7 Quic k Ref erenc e Insertin g a Comp act Flash Card The PDT 8100 con tains a slot for a standard comp act flas h card, which include s a lock ing mec hanism t hat preven ts the card from coming loose if th e PDT 8100 is dropped. Insert the comp act flas h card ca refully to ensure it engages this lockin g mecha nism.
8 PDT 8100 Series Removing a Compa ct Flash Card 1. Open the ba ttery door and remov e the battery and flash card cover . 2. Use the stylus to pr ess the fl ash card rel ease butto n inside the flash card com partme nt. Inst alling the Batter y 1. Slide the l atches o n the batte ry door up and lift th e battery door awa y from the PDT 8100.
9 Quic k Ref erenc e 2. Insert the lit hium-ion battery in the battery compa rtment with the batte ry tether p ositioned properly (as shown b elow), making sure the batt ery snap s into place. 3. Repla ce the bat tery cover , pressing d own firm ly along the top edge w hi le s lid in g the latc hes dow n into the l ock ed pos i- tion.
10 PDT 8100 Series 2. Insert the PDT 8100 terminal in th e cradle. 3. The T erminal S tatu s LED tur ns red (ma y take up to one minute) t o i ndi ca te ch arging, th en turn s of f wh en the ba ttery is fully charged. T he terminal’ s bat tery is fu lly charged after approxim ately 2 1 /2 hours.
11 Quic k Ref erenc e Charging the Battery Using the Sy nchronization Cable 15-Pin Serial Port Connector T o connect to the Micro-D RS-23 2 port at the to p of the te rminal, use an ITT Cann on brand .
12 PDT 8100 Series St arti ng the PDT 8100 Press the red powe r button to turn the PDT 8100 on and of f. If the terminal does not po wer on, perform a hard rese t. See Performin g a Hard Res et on p age 28 . As the terminal init ializes it s unique Flash File system, the Sy mbol splash s creen dis plays for a bout 10 se conds.
13 Quic k Ref erenc e 4. Follow the directi ons on the scre en which ex plain how to us e the st ylu s an d pop -up men us, and al low you to s et yo ur ci ty and t ime zone.
14 PDT 8100 Series Adjusting t he Contrast (Monochrome LCD) Using a Headset Using the Keyboard Note: Key fu nc tio ns ca n be chang ed by an a pp lication. Y our keyboa rd may not fu nction ex actly as d escribed . For more de tailed keyboard information, refer to the PDT 8100 Prod uct Referen ce Guide for Pocket PC 20 02 .
15 Quic k Ref erenc e charact er or actio n. The key board def ault is nu meric, pro ducing numbers . Key Action Note: Pres s Func , then anoth er key to pro duce the value or f unction above that key . See individu al key des criptions i n this table for ad ditional F unction key usage.
16 PDT 8100 Series Using t he 37-Key Ke yboar d The 37-key keyboard u ses an al phanumeri c keypa d that prod uces the 26-cha racter alphab et (A-Z), numb ers (0-9), a nd assorted characters .
17 Quic k Ref erenc e charact er or actio n. The key board def ault is nu meric, pro ducing the gray number or white c haracter on tha t key . Key Action Note: Pres s Func , then anoth er key to pro duce the value or f unction above that key . See individu al key des criptions i n this table for ad ditional F unction key usage.
18 PDT 8100 Series Contrast See Adjusting th e Contra st (Monochr ome LCD ) on page 14. Cursor keys: C, G , H, I Press cursor ke ys to move the cursor left, rig ht, up and down on t he s cree n. End Press End to m ove the cu rsor to the end o f a line.
19 Quic k Ref erenc e Using the 4 7-Key Keyb oard The 47-k ey keyb oard uses an alphan umeric key pad tha t produces the 26-c haracter alph abet (A-Z), num bers (0-9), and assorted charact ers. The key board is color-c oded to indic ate which mo difier key (Al pha- Num eric, Func ) to pre ss to produc e a par ticular charact er or actio n.
20 PDT 8100 Series Using the S tyl us The stylu s select s items and enters information . The styl us functions as a mo use. • Ta p : T ouch the sc reen once with the st ylus to ope n items a nd sele ct op t ion s. • Drag : Hold the stylus o n the screen and drag acro ss the screen to se lect tex t and ima ges.
21 Quic k Ref erenc e T oday Screen When you turn on yo ur terminal for the fi rst time each da y (or after 4 hours of inacti vity), the T oday screen appe ars. Y ou can also displa y it by t apping , then T oda y . On the T oday scree n, you can se e import ant informat ion for the day .
22 PDT 8100 Series Navigation Bar and Command Bar The navig ation bar a t the top o f the scre en displays the acti ve program an d curren t time , and al lows y ou to s elect program s and close s creens. Th e command bar at the b ottom of th e screen cont ains menu s and butt ons to pe rform ta sks in p rograms.
23 Quic k Ref erenc e T o show or hi de the inpu t panel , tap th e Input Pane l button. T ap the arrow next to this bu tton to vi ew input metho ds. When yo u use the inp ut pan el, yo ur te rmi nal an tic ip ates th e w o rd you are typing or writing a nd display s it abov e the inpu t panel.
24 PDT 8100 Series 2. Wri te a letter in the left side of t he box, or a number i n the right side , using spe cial cha racter stro kes. When you w rite a letter , i t is converted to typed text on the screen .
25 Quic k Ref erenc e Block Recognizer Characters The f ollowing c hart is a partial display of the ch aracters you can write w hile usin g the Bloc k Reco gnizer (th e dot on e ach chara cter is the s tartin g point for writing). Scanning wit h the PDT 8100 The PDT 8100 has an integra ted scan ner which c ollects data b y scanni ng bar cod es.
26 PDT 8100 Series T o scan bar co des with th e PDT 810 0: 1. Aim the sc anner at t he bar cod e. 2. Press the sc an trigger . En sure the red s can beam cov ers the entire bar c ode. The green sca n LED light s and a beep sound s to indic ate a su ccessfu l decode .
27 Quic k Ref erenc e down, kee ping the beam hori zontal to the rows , until the p attern scans the entire symbol. Resetting Y our PDT 8100 T erminal If your PDT 8100 termi nal stop s resp onding to input, reset i t. Performing a Soft Reset A soft res et rest art s the ter minal and sa ves a ll sto red rec ords an d entr ies .
28 PDT 8100 Series T o perform a soft reset: Performing a Hard Reset A hard reset also res tarts your PDT 81 00 termin al, but era ses all stored re cords and en tries. Th erefore, nev er perf orm a h ard re set unless a soft rese t does no t solve y our proble m.
29 Quic k Ref erenc e Note: With a hard reset , Format s, Preferenc es, and other settings are restore d to their fac tory defau lt settings. Host Communication s The PDT 8100 Serie s terminal c an co.
30 PDT 8100 Series Communic ating with Printe rs T o print from a s tandard printer: 1. Attach an RS-232 serial ca ble to the serial port in the bottom of the PDT 8100. 2. Attach t he other en d of the c able to th e serial port o n the printer . 3. Run you r applica tion’ s print function .
31 Quic k Ref erenc e T roubleshooting Problem Cause Solution PDT 8100 do es not turn o n. Lithium-ion bat- tery not ch arged . Char ge or rep lace the lithi u m-io n battery in the P DT 8100. Lithium-ion bat- tery not ins talled properl y . Ensur e battery is installed pr operly .
32 PDT 8100 Series Fail to communi- cate with IrDA prin ter . Distanc e from print er i s more than 1 meter (39 inches). Bring the te rminal closer to the printer a nd atte mpt co mmunica- tion s aga in. Obstruction in ter- fere d with c om- munic ation .
33 Quic k Ref erenc e PDT 8100 t urn s itself off. P DT 81 00 is i nac- tive. Y our PDT 81 00 tur ns of f af te r a pe- riod of inac tivity . This per iod can be set from one to five minute s, in one- m inut e int ervals .
34 PDT 8100 Series A mess age ap- pears st ating t hat your PDT 810 0 term ina l me mor y is full. T oo m any files store d on the ter- minal. Delete unused memos an d records. Y ou can save th ese records o n your com puter . Memory alloc a- tion t oo low.
35 Quic k Ref erenc e Y o ur PDT 8100 terminal does not accept scan in- put. Scanni ng appl ica- tion is no t loade d. V erify that the u nit is lo aded with a scann ing app licatio n. See yo ur System Administrator. Unread able ba r code. Be sure t he sym bol is not defaced.
36 PDT 8100 Series END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT • Y ou h ave acqu ired a d evice (“ D EVICE ”) t hat includ es softw ar e licensed by Sym bol T echnolo- gies, Inc.
37 Quic k Ref erenc e part of a sa le or tr ansfer of the D EVICE, prov ided you ret ain no copies, yo u tran sfer a ll o f the SOFTW ARE (inclu ding all compon ent part s, the media and pr inted mate.
39 Quic k Ref erenc e Scanner Labeling ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !.
40 PDT 8100 Series In accor dance wi th Clau se 5, I EC 825 an d EN6 0825, t he followi ng infor mation is provi ded t o the u ser: ENGL ISH H EBRE W CLASS 1 CLASS 1 LASER PROD UCT CLASS 2 LASER LI GH.
41 Quic k Ref erenc e FCC RF Expos ure Guidel ines This de vice was te sted fo r typical b ody-wo rn ope rations with the holster p roviding a minimal spacing of 2 .
42 PDT 8100 Series Person s with pac emake rs: • Shoul d alwa ys keep the devic e more th an 15cm (6 inc hes) from their pace - maker w hen tur ned on • Should not carry the device in a breast p ocket • Shoul d use th e ear f urthest from the pacemake r to min imize the potent ial for inter ferenc e.
43 Quic k Ref erenc e Radio Frequency Interference Requirements Note: Th is eq uipment has been tested and fou nd to c omply wi th the li mits for a C lass B digital de vice, pu rsuant to Part 15 of th e FCC rul es.
44 PDT 8100 Series CE Marking a nd Eu ropean Econom i c Area (EEA) For Wi de band R adio Devi ces: RLAN’s (2.4GHz) f or use thr ough th e EEA h ave the followin g restrict ions: • Maxim um radi ated transmit po wer of 1 00 mW E IRP in the freq uency ra nge 2.
Quic k Ref erenc e W arra nty (A) Warranty Sym bol T echnologies (herea fter “ Seller ”) har dware Produc ts are warrante d aga inst d efects in workm anship an d mate ria ls for a peri od of twel.
72-55171-01 Revision C — January 2003 Symbol T echnologies, Inc. One Symbol Plaza Holtsville, NY 1 1742-1300 Serv ice Infor mation Before you use th e unit, it must b e config ured to o perate in your facility’s ne twork and run your applic ations.
デバイスSymbol Technologies PDT811の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Symbol Technologies PDT811をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSymbol Technologies PDT811の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Symbol Technologies PDT811の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Symbol Technologies PDT811で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Symbol Technologies PDT811を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSymbol Technologies PDT811の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Symbol Technologies PDT811に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSymbol Technologies PDT811デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。