SynologyメーカーUSB Station 2の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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USB Station 2 User 's Guide Based o n DSM 3.0 Document ID 101220 US2UGENU A pplied Models USB Sta tion 2.
2 T able of Contents Chapt er 1: USB St atio n 2 at a Glan ce Chapt er 2: Get St arte d with D iskStation Manag er Set up USB St ation 2 ..................................................................................................................
3 Table of Contents Chapter 11: Downl oad Files with Download Stati on Enable Dow nload Stat ion ..................................................................................................................................................... 62 Manage G eneral Setti ngs .
4 Introduction Congratulat ions on y our purchase of USB Station 2 . USB Station 2 is a m ult i - functional N etwor k - Attached Storage server, serving as a file - sharing center w ithin your I n tranet .
5 Cha pte r 1 Chapter 1: USB Station 2 at a G l ance No. Article Name Location Description 1) LED Indicators Front Panel The LED indicator is used to display the status of the external disk and the system. For more information, see " Appendix B: LED Indication Tables ".
6 Cha pte r 2 Chapter 2: Get Start ed w ith DiskStation Manager This Chapt er explain s how to log in to USB Stat ion 2 's we b - based manage ment UI, Sy nology DiskStation Manager (D SM) , custo mize your ow n desktop, m anage its t askbar, and u se the Ma in M enu t o acce ss DS M settings an d applicati ons.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 7 Chapter 2: Ge t Started with Disk Station Mana ger 4 Choose the server you want to manage. C lick Connect or double - cli ck the selected server to go to DSM 's login scree n . 5 Enter your user nam e and pas s word, and click Login .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 8 Chapter 2: Ge t Started with Disk Station Mana ger 5 Choose the server you want to manage. C lick Connect or double - cli ck the selected server to go to DSM 's login scree n . 6 Enter your user nam e and pas sword, and cli ck Login .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 9 Chapter 2: Ge t Started with Disk Station Mana ger 3 Click Ext ract , an d then ex tract the Sy nologyA ssistant directory to the path / usr/local or any other p ath .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 10 Chapt er 2: Ge t Started with Disk Station Mana ger Note: To ensure t he proc ess r uns smoot hly, pl ease us e the followi ng brows ers . Chrome: 5. 0 or lat er Firefox : 3 .0 or lat er Safari : 4 .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 11 Chapt er 2: Ge t Started with Disk Station Mana ger DiskStation Ma nager A pp earance W hen you log in t o Synology DiskStatio n Manager (DSM) , you can s ee the des ktop and the taskbar . Desktop and Shortc uts The d esktop is where your applicati on window s are display ed.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 12 Chapt er 2: Ge t Started with Disk Station Mana ger Taskbar The taskbar at the top of the d esktop contain s the foll owing funct ions: 1 The Show Desktop button: Click to cle ar your appl ication window s and reveal the desktop.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 13 Chapt er 2: Ge t Started with Disk Station Mana ger Manage DSM Optio ns Click the Options butt on at th e top - right corner of M ain Menu to enhance DS M's brow sing secur ity. See " Enhance Br owsing Secur ity " on Pag e 25 for more infor mation.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 14 Chapt er 2: Ge t Started with Disk Station Mana ger Manage Person al Settings Go to Main Menu > Personal Sett ings to manage your account and desktop in o ne centr al and c onvenient loc ation .
15 Cha pte r 3 Chapter 3 : Modify System Settings After you h ave conn ect ed to Synology Dis kStation M anager ( DSM) and lear ned how to access its functions and customiz e its appeara nce, you can begin to modify its ba sic settin gs.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 16 Chapt er 3: Mod if y System Sett ings Term Explan ation Jumbo Fr ames are Ethern et frame s with more t han the s tandard 1500 bytes of M aximum T ransmission U nit (MT U), allowing Ether net trans mission of large file s to be mor e efficient.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 17 Chapt er 3: Mod if y System Sett ings IPv6 Setup C lick the IPv6 Setup button u nder the LAN or Wireless Network t ab to chang e the IPv6 settings . USB Station 2 supports IPv4/IP v6 dual stack scheme.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 18 Chapt er 3: Mod if y System Sett ings To setup IPv 6 Tunnel: 1 Tic k Enable tunnel . 2 In Server address , en ter the host name or t he IP of the t unnel ser vice prov ider. 3 Select if y ou want to Connect anony mously or Connect with an existin g account .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 19 Chapt er 3: Mod if y System Sett ings Specif y Default Lan guages Go to Main Menu > Control Panel > Langu age to set t he la nguage for Sy nology Disk Stat ion Manager , enabl e email notifi cation, an d speci fy the codepage f or Un icod e filename conver sion.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 20 Chapt er 3: Mod if y System Sett ings Set Up Time Go to Main Menu > Control Panel > Ti me to set up the time. You can check the current ti me, manually set the server's d ate and time , or have the m set autom atically using a netw ork time serv er.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 21 Chapt er 3: Mod if y System S ett ings More Informa tion Network Time Protocol (NTP) is used to synchr oniz e the t ime of all clients and serv ers over a data netw ork . Below are a few re commended N TP servers: time.
22 Cha pte r 4 Chapter 4 : Manage External Disks Before sharing USB Station 2 w ith your user s, you need to set up storage spaces first. This chapter explains how t o access ex ternal dis ks connected to U SB Station 2 , and check their status .
23 Cha pte r 5 Chapter 5 : Connect from the Internet You can conn ect to your USB Station 2 over the Int ernet , allo wing it s service s to be accessi ble f rom anyw here and anyt ime . This chapter explains how to s et up a friendly DDNS hos tnam e for your USB Station 2 .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 24 Chapt er 5: Con nect f rom the Internet Register a DDNS ho stname for USB Station 2 Go to Main Menu > Control Panel > DDNS a nd use one of the following method s to enter your DDNS informati on.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 25 Chapt er 5: Con nect f rom the Internet Note: If you have a ny probl em us ing your N o - IP. com ac count, visi t No - IP.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 26 Chapt er 5: Con nect f rom the Internet More Information About redir ecting to HTTPS connection: When the o ption Auto matically redirect HTTP con nections to H TTPS is chec ked, you w ill be redire cted to port 5001 w hile try ing to acces s the w eb management UI through por t 5000.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 27 Chapt er 5: Con nect f rom the Internet Enable File Brow ser log Click the File Brow se r tab to start monitor ing the File Br owser act ivities of all users . Note: For mor e infor mation abo ut Fil e Brows er, see " Acc ess Files via Fil e Brows er" on Page 43 .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 28 Chapt er 5: Con nect f rom the Internet Automaticall y Block Sus picious Login Atte mpts Auto bloc k allows you t o preve nt unauthor ized login via S SH, T elnet , FTP , m obile de vices , File Stati on, and the management U I .
29 Cha pte r 6 Chapter 6 : Set Up File Sharing File sharing is one of USB Stat ion 2 ’s major funct ions. USB S tation 2 can become the file sh aring center within the Intrane t or over the Inter net, allow ing users to a ccess it s files anyt ime and any where.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 30 Chapt er 6: Set Up Fil e Shar ing A dvanced Settings WINS Server Microsoft Window s Internet Name Serv ice ( W INS) is a NetBI OS name - to - IP - a ddress mapping serv ice.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 31 Chapt er 6: Set Up Fil e Shar ing 3 Click OK . More Informa tion About A ppleTalk Zone: A "Zone" i s a logical gr ouping of devices in an AppleTalk netw ork. If there are A ppleT alk zones conf igured i n your ow n network, the system w ill join the default zon e automati cally.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 32 Chapt er 6: Set Up Fil e Shar ing Create and Edit Us ers Follow the steps below to crea te a user ac count. The u ser can log in to edit h is/her acc ount info af ter the u ser account ha s been esta blished.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 33 Chapt er 6: Set Up Fil e Shar ing Note : All f ields ar e optional except U s ername . An exampl e of the t ext fi le is shown as fol lows : ed dy 1234 father ed dy @abc. com ros y 5678 mother ros y @abc .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 34 Chapt er 6: Set Up Fil e Shar ing To allow u sers to acc ess appli cations for USB Stat ion 2 : 1 D o any of t he follow ing: Tick the chec kboxes under FTP , WebDAV , File Station , Audio Station , or Do wnload Station to all ow users to ac cess to the applicat ions.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 35 Chapt er 6: Set Up Fil e Shar ing To allow u sers to acc ess a shared f older: 1 Select the shared fold er you w ant to edit from the s hared fold er s lis t , an d cli ck Privileges Setup to ope n the setting s window .
36 Cha pte r 7 Chapter 7 : Access File s from Anyw here W hen yo u have set u p users with proper a ccess priv ileges t o the shared f olders, t hey can share their fi les w ith your USB Station 2 from any where . This chapter explains the w ays to access t he USB Station 2 shared folder s within the Intra net or ov er the Int ernet .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 37 Chapt er 7: Ac cess F iles from An ywhere Method 3: Use Window Expl orer. 1 Open a Windows Ex plorer window and c hoose Too ls > Map net work drive to show the Map Netw ork Drive window . 2 Choose a dr ive number from t he Drive drop - down menu .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 38 Chapt er 7: Ac cess F iles from An ywhere Access Shared Fol ders from M ac 1 Choose Go > Conn ect to Ser ver from the menu bar. 2 T ype USB Stat ion 2 's IP add res s or server name preceded b y smb:// or afp :// in the Server Address field and click Co nnect .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 39 Chapt er 7: Ac cess F iles from An ywhere Access Files via WebDAV Th is section ex plains h ow to al low users to u se Window s or M ac computer to .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 40 Chapt er 7: Ac cess F iles from An ywhere Note: W ebDAV s upport s Bonjour broadc ast. To use WebDA V on Internet Explorer: This is only supported in I nternet E x plorer 7 or ear lier vers ions.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 41 Chapt er 7: Ac cess F iles from An ywhere Access Files via FTP If your USB Station 2 is acc essi ble over t he Internet, you can us e a FTP app lication t o acc ess the shar ed folder s.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 42 Chapt er 7: Ac cess F iles from An ywhere A dvanced Setting s Report external IP in PASV mode By enabling t his opt ion, the se rver w ill report its ex ternal IP t o FTP client s. The repor ted IP will be liste d in the connection log of the FT P clie nt.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 43 Chapt er 7: Ac cess F iles from An ywhere Manage FTP S ecurit y Settings Click the Security Settings tab t o enhan ce FTP secu rity . Enable A nony mous FTP : A ll ow anyon e to log in to USB S tation 2' s FTP serv ice (wit h the anony mous or ftp acco unt ).
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 44 Chapt er 7: Ac cess F iles from An ywhere File Browser Appearance Go to Main Menu > File Bro wser to open a File Bro wser window .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 45 Chapt er 7: Ac cess F iles from An ywhere Method 1 : 1 Select the fi les or folders you want to dow nload. (P ress and hold Shift or Ctrl while mak ing m ulti ple sel ect ions . ) 2 Choose Downl oad from the Action menu .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 46 Chapt er 7: Ac cess F iles from An ywhere You can a lso click th e upward arrow at the ri ght end of the taskb ar to see the Upload Que ue . Co p y or Move Files or Folders o n US B St at ion 2 Use any of the follow ing methods t o copy fil es or folder s bet ween folder s on USB Station 2 .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 47 Chapt er 7: Ac cess F iles from An ywhere Create a Folder 1 Go to the directory w here you want to crea te a folder. 2 Do any of t he follow ing: Click C reate f older . Choose Create f older from t he A ction menu.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 48 Chapt er 7: Ac cess F iles from An ywhere Obtain a Fil e or Folder’s Download Link You can o btain the dow nload link to a file or fo lder and share the l ink with other users.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 49 Chapt er 7: Ac cess F iles from An ywhere Ac cess Files v ia File Sta tion Go to Main Menu > Control Panel > File Station to enabl e File Stati on, which allows y ou to acce ss files on USB Station 2 throug h a custo mized port .
50 Cha pte r 8 Chapter 8 : Back Up Data Synology offe rs comprehens ive back up solutions for your co mputer . Y ou ca n back up data on your c omputer to USB Station 2. Back Up Comp uter Da ta Synology - de signed Dat a Replicator 3 allow s you to bac k up data from a W indo ws com put er to USB Station 2 .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 51 Chapt er 8: Bac k Up Dat a Important: Your com puter and U SB Station 2 shoul d use t he same enc oding.
52 Cha pte r 9 Chapter 9 : Host a Pri nt Server USB Station 2 is es pec ial ly d esi gne d for sma ll and medium busin esses (SM B) , providing them with the ab ility to set up a print server on USB Station 2 wit hout spend ing ex tra money.
53 Cha pte r 10 Chapter 10 : Play Music with Audio Station Audio Stati on is a web - ba sed audio applicati on, allow ing you t o access the music libr ary on y our USB Station 2 , choose av ailable aud io sources on the local ar ea netw ork, and add yo ur favorit e music t o playlists for playback .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 54 Chapt er 10: P lay Mus ic wit h Audio S tation Enable A udio Station Go to Main Menu > Control Panel > A udio Station to en able Audio Stat ion . To Enable A udio Station: Click Enabl e Audio Station 2 and cli ck OK .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 55 Chapt er 10: P lay Mus ic wit h Audio S tation Choose Audio Source On the left section of Audio Stat ion ar e several audio sour ces you can choose from for pla yback on Audio Stat ion .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 56 Chapt er 10: P lay Mus ic wit h Audio S tation Note: for mor e infor mati on about edi ting t he smar t playl ist s , s ee " Us e S mart P laylist " on Page 76 . iPod You can cli ck the dis closure tri angle nex t to iPod to see the iPod conn ecte d to the USB port on U SB Station 2 .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 57 Chapt er 10: P lay Mus ic wit h Audio S tation Organiz e Your Music After sele cting one of the audi o sources o n the left side, you can brow se its conte nts in the main section of the Audio Stati on , and organ ize your fav orite music into pla ylis ts.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 58 Chapt er 10: P lay Mus ic wit h Audio S tation Search Music You can u se the sear ch field abov e the main section of Audio Station to searc h your mus ic. To search mu sic: 1 C hoos e a cate gory fro m the All Categor ies drop - down menu .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 59 Chapt er 10: P lay Mus ic wit h Audio S tation To rename or remo ve a play list : R ight - click t he playli st and cho ose Rename or Del ete .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 60 Chapt er 10: P lay Mus ic wit h Audio S tation Add Music to Queu e You can a dd your songs fr om t he library to the q ueue panel on the right side for playback .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 61 Chapt er 10: P lay Mus ic wit h Audio S tation To play a song : C lick Play /Pause , Next , or Previous . To skip to any point in the currently playing song : D rag the play head alon g the timeli ne (below the song's d uration) t o any point y ou want .
62 Cha pte r 11 Chapter 11 : Download Files with Download Station Download St ation is a web - ba sed download applicatio n, allow ing you to dow nload files from the I nternet thr ough BitTorr ent, FTP, HT TP, NZ B and eMule. BitT orrent par tial fil e download is also av ailable.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 63 Chapt er 11: Do wnload F ile s with Do wnload Station To enable Downl oad Station: Tick Enabl e Download Statio n 2 a nd cli ck OK . Enable eMule Download eMule is a peer - to - peer file sh aring app lication th at connect s to both eDo nkey and Ka d net work.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 64 Chapt er 11: Do wnload F ile s with Do wnload Station Dow nload BT/H TTP/F TP/NZB Files After you c onnect to D ownload Statio n , you will e nter B it T orrent /HTTP/FTP/N ZB > Task , where y ou can set t he download d estination folder an d start dow nloading.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 65 Chapt er 11: Do wnload F ile s with Do wnload Station To pause/r esume/remo ve downloa d tasks : Select the download ta sks and c lick Pause , Resume , or Remove . To end an i ncomplete or erroneous download task : 1 Select the download task s and c lick End .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 66 Chapt er 11: Do wnload F ile s with Do wnload Station Edit RapidShare and Megaupload Do wnl oad Settings There are m any onlin e file sha ring websites, where regi stere d users can upload file s and shar e the dow nload links to the files w ith other peo ple .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 67 Chapt er 11: Do wnload F ile s with Do wnload Station Edit BitTorrent Download Settings In the BitTo rrent Downlo ad Setting sect ion, you c an edit th e follow ing settings for dow nloading BitTor rent files.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 68 Chapt er 11: Do wnload F ile s with Do wnload Station Dow nload via eM ule Go to eMule to add eM ule ser vers, search ED2K files , and mana ge download t asks . Add ED2K Ser ver/Kad It is necessary to conne ct to a n ED2K server t o access the r esources on an ED2K net work .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 69 Chapt er 11: Do wnload F ile s with Do wnload Station Search w ith eMule Go to Searc h to search t he files y ou want to dow nload . To p erform g eneral s ear ch : 1 Enter a keyw ord and s elect a file ty pe .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 70 Chapt er 11: Do wnload F ile s with Do wnload Station Note: Files already e xist i n the downloa d queu e will not be add ed to t he queue. Manage eM ule Download Ta sks Go to Do wnload Queue to s et the dest ination fold er and ma nage the dow nload tas ks.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 71 Chapt er 11: Do wnload F ile s with Do wnload Station Change eM ule Download or Uploa d Speed Go to Settings , and e nter the maximum dow nload or up load rates in the Uplo ad and down load rates sect ion.
72 Cha pte r 12 Chapter 12 : Manage Media Server and iTunes Service USB Station 2 can become a multime dia server on t he local area n etwork, al lowing comp uters (using W ind ows Media Play er or iTune s) and D LNA/UPnP ho me devices (s uch as ster eo syste m or TV set) to play it s multimedi a contents .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 73 Chapt er 12: Ma nage M edia Ser ver and iT unes Service To e nable DLNA/UPnP m edia s erv er : Tick Enabl e DLNA /UPnP media serv er and cli ck OK .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 74 Chapt er 12: Ma nage M edia Ser ver and iT unes Service Manage Brow sing Settings In the Bro wsing Settings section, y ou can mana ge the bro wsing setting s for DM A . To quickly browse images : Tic k Transmit low resolut ion image s instead of t he origin al images .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 75 Chapt er 12: Ma nage M edia Ser ver and iT unes Service Enhance DMA Compatibility In the DMA Compatibility section, you can en hance DM A compatibi lity to ma ke sure the multimedia cont ents on your USB Station 2 are play ed smoothly on your DM A device s.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 76 Chapt er 12: Ma nage M edia Ser ver and iT unes Service Manage iTunes Se r vi c e Go to Main Menu > Control Panel > iTunes to use iT unes serv ice . After it is enabled, a ll iTunes clients o n the same local area netw ork can b rowse and play songs or v ideos on y our USB Station 2 .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 77 Chapt er 12: Ma nage M edia Ser ver and iT unes Service A smart pl aylist can au tomatic ally inclu de certain ty pes of so ngs that mat ch specific r ules. i Tunes clients w ill be able to play the smart p laylist you created.
78 Cha pte r 1 3 Chapter 13 : Perform Advanced Management Tasks Synology D iskStation M anager comes w ith a v ariety of ma nagement functi ons , allowing yo u to check sy stem informati on, monitor syste m resources , r eceive notif ication, restore or u pgrade DSM , and more.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 79 Chapt er 13: P erform Advanc ed Managem ent T asks Check Storag e Information You can chec k the fr ee or used sp ace and the status of your US B storage dev ices. To check v o lume usage : From the pie charts, you can s ee th e fre e or us ed s pac e of your USB storag e devices .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 80 Chapt er 13: P erform Advanc ed Managem ent T asks Check Logs Clic k Log to c heck the sy stem log, w hich re cords every mov e of USB Station 2 use rs .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 81 Chapt er 13: P erform Advanc ed Managem ent T asks Monitor S ystem Resources Go to Inform ation > Reso urce M onitor to monitor sy stem r esour ces . When you launch Resourc e Monitor , it will start to coll ect and d isplay dat a .
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 82 Chapt er 13: P erform Advanc ed Managem ent T asks Update DS M G o to Main Menu > C ontrol Panel > DSM Update to keep your USB Station 2 up to date. Before y ou start, do the f ollowing : Go to http: //www.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 83 Chapt er 13: P erform Advanc ed Managem ent T asks Receive E vent Notifica tion Go to Main Menu > Control Panel > Not ification and set up USB Station 2 to no tify you v ia Email w henever an important event occur s (for ex ampl e, status chan ge, syste m error, or lost connection ).
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 84 Chapt er 13: P erform Advanc ed Managem ent T asks Reset admi n 's Passw ord If you forgot t he passw ord for admin and are therefor e unable to l og in to D SM, y ou can reset the p asswor d to blank and se t a new passw ord.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 85 Chapt er 13: P erform Advanc ed Managem ent T asks Note: W hen you di sable t he SSH s ervic e, all SSH task s wil l be termi nated imm ediatel y . If you dis able the S SH servi ce whi le perf orming a b ac kup tas k , per form t he task agai n after the SSH s ervic e is disabl ed .
86 Cha pte r 14 Chapter 14 : Communicate with Mobile Devices As Internet access gr ows popular o n mobile d evices, Sy nology provides y ou with severa l creative a lternativ es to communicat e with y our USB S tation 2 using iP hone/iPod tou ch, Androi d phones, or ot her mobile dev ices.
A ppendix A Appendix A : Specifications For the mo st recent pro duct sp ecification , please v isit www.s ynology .com . USB Station 2 Model USB Sta tion 2 CPU 800 MHz RAM DDR2 128MB External Interf .
A ppendix B Appendix B : LED Indication Tables USB Station2 LED Indication Color Statu s Description LAN Green Sta tic G igabit Link Blinking Netw or k is a ctive Off Network is down USB DIS K Green S.
USB Station 2 User's Guide Based on DSM 3.0 T roubleshooting For any qu estions about managing y our USB Station 2 , go to Main Menu > DSM 3.0 Help or cl ick the Help button (w ith a question mark) at the top - right cor ner of every window . F or any questio ns other tha n that, p lease visit Synol ogy Inc.
foregoing warranties will be void i f (1) Cus tom er disassem bles the Product except as authorized by Synology; (2) Custom er fails to implement any correction, modificat ion, enhancement, improvemen.
jurisdict ion. Customer understands that, in the absence of this provision, Custom er would have had a right to liti gate any such dispute, controversy or claim in a court, including the right t o lit.
デバイスSynology USB Station 2の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Synology USB Station 2をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSynology USB Station 2の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Synology USB Station 2の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Synology USB Station 2で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Synology USB Station 2を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSynology USB Station 2の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Synology USB Station 2に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSynology USB Station 2デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。