T+A ElektroakustikメーカーK 6の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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V 6.0 Order No. 9103 – 0264 USER MA NUA L K 6.
Welcome! W e are delighted that you have purchas ed a p roduct. The K6 DVD su rround rece iver forms th e basis of a supe rb digital AV surround syst em whose overal l desig n and co mprehen sive faci lities fulfil al l the requ iremen ts of a hi gh-quali ty video and home c inema s ystem.
Operation 4 Front panel cont rols and connections Pr imar y switch / Emergency buttons / Ope ning and clo sin g th e dr awer / H eadp hone sock et / Scr een 6 F6 remote control hand set Switching On-/.
Operation 4 Front panel controls and connections Primary swi tch The K6 is normall y switched on and o ff using the button o n the rem ote con trol hand set. The K6 also features a prim ary switch (rock er sw itch) located on the l eft unde r the fron t panel.
5 Operation CD / DVD draw er Opening th e drawer To open the d rawer first se lect the Disc Player as pro - gram sou rce, then hold the butto n on the remot e control handse t presse d in for about 2 second s.
Operation 6 F6 remote control handset The F6 remot e control hands et controls all the functions of the K6 DVD surround receiver. The ad- justme nts you mak e are displayed on the in tegral screen and als o on a TV set which i s conne cted to t he system.
7 Operation Menu control sy stem A menu c ontrol s ystem is used to adjust the tone con- trols and the surro und dec oder s ettings , and als o to set the bas ic con figuratio n of the K6 . If the TV set con nected to the syste m is switched on, all the menus are di splayed page by p age on its screen .
Operation 8 Tone con trols - treble and bass: These two me nu p oints enabl e you to alter the treble and bass sett ings to comp ensate for tonal differenc es in programm e m aterial . The setti ngs affec t all channe ls, and the adjustm ent rang e is +/-6 dB in 1 dB increm ents.
9 Operation Surround sound - explanatory notes General i nformation The following se ction i s n ot c oncerne d di rectly with the operatio n of your K6 , but i s rather i ntended to ex plain some of the term s w hich arise in connect ion with sur- round systems .
Operation 10 Unfortunate ly not all listeni ng rooms are suitable for exploiting the f ull d ynamic range. For example, it m ay be necess ary to tak e your neighbou rs' fee lings into a ccoun t - espec ially in t he late e vening ho urs.
11 Operation Using the tuner Lis ten ing to rad io pro gram mes Ope rat ion: Sw itc h on Tu ner mode TUN ER TUN ER TUN ER TUN ER Th en e.g . WDR 2 WDR 2 WDR 2 WDR 2 Sw itc h to nex t-l ow er pro- gra m e.g . NDR 1 NDR 1 NDR 1 NDR 1 Sw itc h to nex t-hi gher p ro- gra m e.
Operation 12 Program sea rch Ope rat ion: Wit h Tu ner sel ecte d . . . / pr ess for 2 sec Sta rt pr ogra m searc h in appr opr iate dire ction (up or dow n) e.
13 Operation Man ual sto rin g o f r adi o p rog rams Ope rat ion: Wit h Tu ner sel ecte d . . . / pr ess for 2 sec Sta rts pro gram sear ch dow nw ard s or upw ar ds w ithin th e fr eque ncy band e.
Operation 14 C le ar in g ( era si n g) Pr o gr am s Ope rat ion: Wit h Tu ner sel ecte d . . . pr ess briefly Cal l up Tun er Menu *) e.g . MODE NORM MODE NORM MODE NORM MODE NORM Cal l up Pr ogr am Me nu * ) PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM Con firm sel ectio n e.
15 Operation Ex ch a ng i ng two Pr o gr am s Ope rat ion: Wit h Tu ner sel ecte d . . . pr ess briefly Cal l up Tun er Menu *) e.g . MODE NORM MODE NORM MODE NORM MODE NORM Cal l up Pr ogr am Me nu * ) PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM Con firm sel ectio n e.
Operation 16 R en am i ng a Pr o gr am Ope rat ion: Wit h Tu ner sel ecte d . . . pr ess briefly Cal l up Tun er Menu *) e.g . MODE NORM MODE NORM MODE NORM MODE NORM Cal l up Pr ogr am Me nu * ) PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM Con firm sel ectio n e.
17 Operation The Tuner as alarm cl ock Ope rat ion: Sw itc h on Tu ner mode TUN ER TUN ER TUN ER TUN ER the n e .g . WDR 2 WDR 2 WDR 2 WDR 2 pr ess for 2 sec.
Operation 18 The Disc Play er The integral Di sc Player is a play-bac k device f or digita l audio and video m edia which comply with the universal DVD v ideo standa rd. The player provides playback of movies at genuine ci nema pictu re qu ality, a nd also offers stereo o r multi-c hannel sound (accord ing to m edium) .
19 Operation Using the Disc Play er to play audio CDs Ins ert ing an audi o C D Ope rat ion: Sel ect Disc mode DIS C DIS C DISC DIS C the n e .
Operation 20 Play ing a t rack Ope rat ion: Sel ectin g a tra ck Sel ect Disc mode DIS C DIS C DISC DIS C the n e .g . Sto p 1 6 Sto p 1 6 Stop 16 Sto p 1 6 Sta rt play back e.g . CD 1 CD 1 CD 1 CD 1 Res tart the curr ent tra ck, the n play pr eced ing trac ks e.
21 Operation Cre ati ng a pl ay ba ck p rog ram for a C D The track sel ect program ena bles you to re-arrange the playing se quence o f the track s of an audio CD. To do this you must switch to progra mming mode with a long press o n the bu tton.
Operation 22 Play back v aria nts (R epe at T rack , R epea t D isc, Scan an d Sh uf fle) Ope rat ion: Wit h C D p lay ing . . . pr ess re pea te dly Pre ss re peat edly unti l the des.
23 Operation.
Operation 24 Using the Disc Play er to play DVDs Ins ert ing a D VD Ope rat ion: Sel ect Disc mode DIS C DIS C DISC DIS C the n e .g . No DIS C No DIS C No DIS C No DIS C pr ess for 2 sec.
25 Operation Cal lin g up ad dit ion al D VD pla y er i nf orma tio n Ope rat ion: Wit h D VD play ing . . . pr ess br ief ly Sw itc hes int egra l screen disp lay e.
Operation 26 Play ing a t itl e Ope rat ion: Se lec tin g a tit le Sel ect Disc mode DIS C DIS C DISC DIS C then e.g. DVD 10 DVD 10 DVD 10 DVD 10 Sta rt play back e.
27 Operation Sear ch Ope rat ion: Wit h D VD play ing . . . Sea rch forwar d (press rep eate dly if neces sary ) Sea rch back (pr ess re- peat edly if nec essar y) Op t.
Operation 28 Cam era ang le Ope rat ion: with the ang le s y mbol s uper imp osed . . . to Enter the number of the desired camera angle or pr ess for 2 sec. Call u p the c amera angl e symbol on the sc reen then pr ess for 2 sec.
29 Operation Sub -t itl e lan gu age Ope rat ion: Wit h D VD play ing . . . Open the select sub -title option then Repeated b rief pres ses switch to the availa ble sub-titl es. Ex pla nati on: Generally speak ing, the sub -title la nguage is sele cted within the Disc me nu when you s tart the DVD.
Operation 30 Dis c M enu Fun cti on Ope rat ion: Wit h D VD play ing or sto ppe d . . . press briefly Cal l up Di sc Me nu .
31 Operation Play er Setup Ope rat ion: pr ess for 2 sec. Open menu Select m enu poi nt / Change menu point .
Operation 32 Using the Disc Play er to play other media Video-CD s (VCD) can be recogni sed b y the l ogo shown here. The VCD may contain one or more tracks , and each track may contain one or mo re chapt ers; t his depends on the type of material the DVD contains (fil ms, video clips, TV se ries etc.
33 Basic settings Basic settings for the K6 Ope rat ion: press for 2 sec. Ope n Con fig urat ion Menu e.g . M- OS D ON M- OS D ON M - OS D ON M- OS D ON .
Basic settings 34 Configuration Menu OK OK OK OK STOP / / / / / OK Select menu point Change value on of f english start menu link ed menu menu on on off off Configura tion english deutsch othe.
35 Basic settings A ssistant Menu The purpose of the Se tup Assistant is to help you set up your surround system correctly. If you follow the steps desc ribed below, the K6 will automa.
Basic settings 36 Loudspeaker Menu The purpose of the 'Loudspeaker Menu' is to distri bute the outpu t signa ls cor rectly to th e louds peakers which are prese nt in your s ystem.
37 Basic settings Rear speaker: Set the si ze an d bass capability of the surround loud- speake rs. Selec t one o f the fol lowing setti ngs: *) n one if your syste m does not inc lude s urround speake rs. The surro und cha nnels are mixed onto the left and right m ain lou dspeak ers.
Basic settings 38 Loudspeaker Position Menu In the 'Loudspe aker Pos ition Menu' you can enter the correct di stanc e to the lis tening po sition for each loud- speake r separa tely (in 0.3 m inc rements ). This enabl es the s ystem to compe nsate fo r del ays du e to unequal distan ces fro m the li stenin g posit ion.
39 Basic settings Loudspeaker Balance Menu If the DVD surround receiver is to supply a balanc ed sound image, i t is imp ortant to adjust the volume of the individua l chann els ca refully to e ach oth er. The 'Loudspeaker B alanc e Menu' is designed to set the exact levels of all channe ls.
Basic settings 40 Tone adjust Menu The K6 DVD surround re ceiver fe atures an active (+/- 6dB) tone adjust s ystem. This is design ed to com- pensate for room influences or unfavourable loudspeaker positio ns on t he quali ty of reprod uction.
41 Basic settings Video Norm Menu In the world of video a w hole serie s of different video norms has beco me establi shed. The most im portant ar e Standard Video (also kno wn as FBAS, CVBS or Com- posite), S-Video (also known as Y/C or S-VHS), a nd RGB (Red/Green/Bl ue co mponen t video).
Basic settings 42 Inputs Menu Four AV source d evices (providi ng picture and a na- logue sound signals) c an be co nnecte d to the DVD su r- round rec eiver; a lternati ve inpu t so ckets ca n be ass igned to th ese source devices o n the K6 ; the se inpu ts (co-a xial or optic al) are s uitable for digi tal sig nals.
43 Setting up Installati on Using the system for the fir st time Safety notes This section descr ibes all those m atters which are of fundam ental im portance when setting up and f irst using the equipment.
Basic settings 44 A pproved usage This de vice is designed exclusively for reproducing sound and/or pictures in the domestic environment . It must be operated in a dry indoor room which meets all the reco mmenda tions s tated i n these instruc tions.
45 Setting up Notes on w iring the s y stem: Be sure to pu sh a ll pl ugs firmly int o thei r soc kets. Loos e connections can cause hum and other unwanted noises. Before wiring up the system remove t he b ack pane l, which is s imply cli pped in place .
Basic settings 46 Rear panel connections TA PE 1 (CINCH) Input / output sock ets to c onnec t an ana logue rec order (tape, ca ssette etc.). A UX 1 (CINCH) Universal an alogue stereo s ound i nput. A UX 2 (PHONO) (CINCH) Universal an alogue ste reo s ound input.
47 Setting up FM A NT - aeria l input The K6 features a 75 Ohm VHF aerial input (dom estic aerial o r cable). STB (SCA RT 1) ) Socket for connecting a s et-top box (SAT or c able re- ceiver) with SCART connec tion 1) .
Setting up 48 Ty pical w iring diagram: Standard arrangement (main room) Use of banana plugs: see the section entitled ' Rear panel connections ' .
49 Setting up Ty pical w iring diagram: Connecting activ e loudspeakers.
Setting up 50 A djustment s at the TV set Your TV se t must be correct ly config ured in order to operate c orrectly with the K6 . The nece ssary setting s are as foll ows: Selecting the A V input You mus t se lect an AV inpu t on your TV set which supports the video norm you have set on th e K6 .
51 Setting up Ty pical w iring diagrams: Source device connection Connecting a digital rec order Connecting a n analogu e recorder Phono module (ty pe PHE) MM or MC (opt ional a cces- sory ) required.
Setting up 52 Ty pical w iring diagram: adjacent room operation The K6 can pro vide soun d in an adjace nt room. The K6 is s et up in th e main roo m ( Room A ), i.e. the room in which t he speakers connect ed to loudspea ker output A are located .
53 Setting up Dev ice approv al and conformity w ith EC directives In its ori ginal conditi on the un it meets all curre ntly valid German and European regu lations .
Appendix 54 A ppendix A Trouble-shooting Many proble ms have a s imple cause a nd a corre spond- ingly sim ple so lution. The fo llowing sectio n des cribe s a few di fficulti es you m ay encounter, and the measures you need to take to cure the m.
55 Appendix Cause 3: K6 not set to surrou nd mod e. Remedy : Set to su rround mo de, or sel ect one of the sou nd field s. Cause 4: Programme con tains no inform ation on the auxiliary cha nnels (e.g. stere o m a- terial). Remedy : If you wish, ca ll up th e 'Main Menu' and select a soun d field.
Appendix 56 Problem: When play ing an NTSC-DVD the on - screen me nu is disto rted. Cause: The TV s et does not fea ture automatic format detection for NT SC, and has been se t manua lly to NTSC. The K6's on-scree n menus are only gen erated in PAL format, so t his operati on is not possib le.
57 Appendix Problem: The picture is to o small, or not show n comple tely (cut off). Cause 1: The DVD in th e drawer is not s et to th e video fo rmat ( 4:3 or 16:9 ) of the con- nected TV set. Remedy : Set t he c orrect vide o forma t in the 'Player Setup Menu' .
Appendix 58 A ppend ix B Pin assignments SCA RT View from ou tside VCR / TB B S ET T OP B OX TV Pin RGB / Video S-Video RGB / Video S-Video RGB / Video S-Video 1 Audio Out (R) Audio Out (R) --- --- Au.
59 Appendix A ppend ix C Specification Connections AV sock ets SCART 3 Video: RGB, S-VIDEO, CVBS Audio: Ste reo AV sock ets Cinch 1 Vid eo: CVBS Audio: Ste reo Audio in puts Cinch 2 Anal ogue Ste reo 1 x phono (opti onal) Digital i nputs optical coaxial 1 Multi-cha nnel an d Stereo-PCM (SP/DIF), 44.
elektroakustik GmbH & Co KG Herford Deutschland * Germany * A llemagne.
デバイスT+A Elektroakustik K 6の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
T+A Elektroakustik K 6をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはT+A Elektroakustik K 6の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。T+A Elektroakustik K 6の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。T+A Elektroakustik K 6で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
T+A Elektroakustik K 6を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はT+A Elektroakustik K 6の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、T+A Elektroakustik K 6に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちT+A Elektroakustik K 6デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。