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M D - 02 M D - 02 B M i n i D isc D eck D 0 10 8 2 6 2 0 B OWNER' S MANU AL.
2 T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.
T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B 3 Do not expos e this apparatu s t o drips o r splashe s. • Do not pl ace any obje cts fil led with liq uids, su ch • as vase s, on the appar atus. Do not in stall th is a ppar atus in a c onfi ned spa ce • such a s a book case o r similar unit.
4 T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B C A UT IONS A BOUT L ASE R RA DIA T ION Th is p roduc t h as b ee n de sign ed a nd manu factu red acco rding to FDA regu lations “ title 2 1 , CFR, c hapter 1 , s ubchapter J, bas ed on the Radiation Contro l for Heal th and Safet y Act of 1 9 68, ” an d is c lassifi ed as a c lass 1 la ser p roduct.
T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B 5 Conte nts 1 − Introduction ......................................... 6 Main features .................................................. 6 Include d items ................................................. 6 Conventions us ed in this manual .
6 T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B Th an k y ou ver y much f or pu rcha s i n g a T A S CAM MD - 02/ MD -02B M ini Disc de ck. P lea se rea d this m anual thoroug hly before using t he un it so that you unde rst and cor rect o perat ing proc edu res and ca n use its f u nctions f ully .
T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B 7 Intellectual property rights T ASCAM i s a registe red t radem ark of TEA C • Cor porat ion. US and foreign pat ents licen sed f rom Dolb y • Labor atories Licensi ng Cor poration.
8 T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B Front panel ( see “C hangi ng the t ime and ch ara cter i nform ation dis p l a y” on page 20) . Du r ing title i nput, press t his key to cycle th rough char acte r ty pes: low e r case let ters , upper ca se lett ers and k ata kana ( see “ T itle i nput method” on page 26).
T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B 9 CA UTION Before connecting headphones, minimize the volume with the PHONES level knob. Failure to do so could cause sudden loud noises, resulting in hearing damage, for example. PHON ES jack Th is is a st anda rd headphone s jack f or c onne ct - ing st ereo hea dphones.
1 0 T ASCAM MD - 02/ MD -02B A NALOG IN L / R (UNB AL ANC ED) The se ana l og li ne input jacks ( R CA pin jacks ) h a ve a nomi nal i nput l evel o f –1 0 dBV . AN ALOG OUT L / R (UNB AL ANC ED) The se ana l og li ne ou t put jacks ( R CA p in ja c ks ) have a nomi nal out put lev el of – 1 0 d B V .
T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B 11 TOC Th is appe ars when t he most rece nt U- TOC i nform ation has not yet be en recorde d to the d isc and bli nk s dur ing U- TO C recordi ng. T rac k numbe r displ ay area The t ra ck n u mber th at is sel ect ed or being played is shown.
12 T ASCAM MD - 02/ MD -0 2 B Remote control unit R E P E AT Pre ss to cha ng e the r epeat playback mode ( se e “Repeat playback” on page 1 9 ). The r epeat mo de sett ing is ret ai ned even when the power is t ur ned OFF . NOTE If the unit is in single repeat mode when the STOP • key is pressed, the mode changes to all repeat.
T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B 13 In t itle input mode, pr ess to ca ncel the input of char ac- ter s and exit t itle input mode ( see “ T itle input met hod” on page 26). P L AY W hen stopp ed or in playback st andby , pres s to sta r t pla yback.
T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B 15 Preparing the r emote control Inst a lling the batteries 1. Open the cover on the back. 2. Paying attention to the +/– orientation, insert two AAA batteries.
16 T ASCA M MD -02 /M D- 02B V a riou s sett ings for th is un it can be ma de by using menu item s sho w n on the d isplay . I n this s ection, we explai n the u nit’ s menu st r uct ur e and basic menu ope rations.
T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B 17 NOTE Press the MENU key when a selectable menu item is shown to return to the information display . 2. Use the M UL TI J OG dial on the main unit or the +/– keys on the remote contr ol to select the desired menu item. MUL TI JOG dial –/+ key 3.
1 8 T AS CAM MD -02 /M D- 02B Playable MDs Th is u nit can play audio M Ds that h a ve been re corded i n ST ( st ereo ), LP2, L P 4 or MO NO mode. Playback modes Th is u nit has t hre e p layback mode s. The cu r rently selected playback mode is i ndicated on t he display .
T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B 19 Examples: T rack 9: Press 9 T rack 12: Press 1 followed by 2 T rack 103: Press 1 followed by 0 and then 3 After selecting a track by number keys, pr ess the P L AY key on the remote contr ol to start playing the selected track.
20 T ASCAM M D- 02 /MD - 02B NOTE If you press the STOP key before pressing the PLA Y • key , the program data is erased. If the total playback time of the programmed tracks • exceeds 150 minutes 00 seconds, "---m--s" is shown.
T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B 21 For time display when recording and when in • recording standby , see “Checking the MD’ s remaining time” on page 25.
22 T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B In t his cha pter , we explain pro cedu res related t o record ing, includi ng set ti ng the record mo de, se lect ing i nput source s, adjust ing re cordi ng l evels while monitor i ng the input signa l and act ua lly record ing.
T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B 23 Adjusting the recor ding level Adj ust t he record ing leve l whi le m on i tor ing t he input signa l or watchi ng the meter s. F or a nalog input , use the INPUT k no bs ( L, R ) on t he mai n u nit and t he “R EC V OLU ME?” item i n the menu t o adjust the re cordi ng lev els.
24 T AS CAM MD -02 /M D- 02B 5. Press the MUL TI J OG dial on the main unit or the ENTER key on the remote contr ol. When "Level" is selected ª If t he input signa l is analog and it s l ev.
T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B 25 Sync recor ding In s ync re cordi ng, the lev el o f the i nput si g nal is det ected and re cordi ng sta rt s and pau ses automat ically .
26 T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B Ed i t ing oper ations al l ow recorde d tr acks to b e titled, deleted , mo ved , divided or c omb ine d, for example. T rack s can a lso be put into g roups. NOTE Editing is only possible when the playback mode is set to “Continue” and group playback mode is OFF .
T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B 27 4. Press the MUL TI J OG dial on the main unit or the ENTER key on the remote contr ol. The c ur rent d isc title is shown i n the cha ract er display ar ea, and t itle editi ng mode is ac tivated ( t he cur sor b l i n k s) .
28 T ASCA M MD- 02 /MD - 02B 2. Press the EDIT key on the main unit or the r emote control. 3. Use the M UL TI J OG dial on the main unit or the +/– keys on the remote contr ol to select “DIVIDE?” 4.
T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B 29 2. Press the EDIT key on the main unit or the r emote control. 3. Use the M UL TI J OG dial on the main unit or the +/– keys on the remote contr ol to select “MOVE?” 4. Press the MUL TI J OG dial on the main unit or the ENTER key on the remote contr ol.
30 T AS C AM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B 4. Use the M UL TI J OG dial on the main unit or the +/– keys on the remote control to select the gr oup number to be deleted. In a ddit i on t o the cu r rently exist ing g roups, you can also select “ A LL ” to delete al l groups.
T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B 31 Con nect a n IBM PC- compatible PS/2 inter face keyboa rd to t he front pa ne l to al lo w keyboa rd cont ro l of the deck a nd more eff icient input of titles. Setting the keyboar d type Set the keyboa rd t ype whe n y ou c onnec t a k eyboa rd.
32 T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B 9 − Check ing S er v ic e D ata an d Re st or ing De f aul t Se t t in gs Checking service data Use the fo llowi ng menu items to che ck ser vice dat a.
T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B 33 When searching, the sound br eaks up. ª W hen sea rchi ng tra cks cre ated th roug h editi ng oper ations, the sou nd might somet ime s break up.
34 T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B 1 1 − M e ssa ges & T ro u b lesho oti ng Operation messages Dep endi ng on the ope ration of the u nit, the follo wi ng message s might be shown i n the ma in dis p l a y ar ea. Me ssa ges Meaning /response Blank Disc A recor dable MD that has nothing recorded is loaded.
T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B 35 T roubleshooting The power does not come on. ª Is the p o wer plug compl etely con necte d ? “Disc Error!” or “Mecha Err or!” appears on ª the display . The d isc mig ht be dir t y . Cha ng e the d isc. "System Err!" appears on the screen.
36 T ASCA M MD- 02 /MD - 02B 1 2 − Spe ci f icat ions MD deck ª Model Mi ni Disc deck T y pe of disc Mi ni Disc Record ing modes STER EO , MON O , LP2 , LP 4 Record ing for mat Magnet ic f i eld mo.
T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B 37 Dimensions 482.6 mm 88 mm 94 mm 76.2 mm 284.6 mm 18 mm 6.4 mm 465.6 mm Di mensions ( WH D ) 482.6 x 94 x 308 . 7 m m 1 9 x 3.
38 T ASCA M MD- 02 /MD - 02B Note s.
T ASCAM M D- 02/ MD -0 2B 39 Note s.
M D - 02 M D - 02 B TE A C CORPORA TION ww w . tascam.jp Phone : + 8 1-42-356 -91 43 1 - 4 7 O chiai, T ama -shi, T ok yo 206 -853 0, Japan TE A C AMERICA , INC. ww w . tascam.com Phone : + 1-323-7 26 - 0303 7733 T ele graph R oad, Monteb ello, Califor nia 90 640 US A TE A C CANADA L T D .
デバイスTascam MD-02の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Tascam MD-02をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはTascam MD-02の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Tascam MD-02の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Tascam MD-02で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Tascam MD-02を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はTascam MD-02の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Tascam MD-02に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちTascam MD-02デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。