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Model C 712 So ft S erve Freezer Original Ope ra ting Instruc tions 062179 - - M 2/03/ 05 (Or igi nal Publ icat ion) Updated 7/ 9/ 12.
Com plete thi s page for qui ck r efer ence w hen ser vic e is r equir ed: T aylor Dis tributor: Address: Phone: Fax: E - - m ail: Serv ice: Par ts: Date of Installation: Infor ma tion found on the da.
Mode l C71 2 Table of Cont ent s T able of Contents Section 1 To the Installer 1 ............................................ Installer Safety 1 ........................................................ Site P reparation 1 .............................
Table of Cont ent s Mode l C71 2 Table of Contents - P age 2 Draining P roduct From The Fr eezing C ylinder 30 ............................ Rinsing 31 .............................................................. Hopper Cleani ng 31 .................
1 Mode l C71 2 To the Insta ller 081208 Section 1 To the Installer The f ollowing are general inst allation inst ructions . For complet e installat ion details, please s ee the checko ut card . Installer Safety In all ar eas of the wor ld, equipment should be installed in ac cordance wit h existing loc al codes.
2 Mode l C71 2 To the Insta ller 1 10517 Water C onnections (W ater Coo led Un its O nly) An adequate c old water supply mus t be provided with a hand shut -off v alve. O n the underside of t he base pan or on t he right side, t wo 3/8” I .P. S. wat er connect ions for inlet and out let are pr ovided for easy hook-up.
3 Mode l C71 2 To the Insta ller 120709 Beater Rotation Beater rot ation mus t be clock wise as viewed looking into t he freez ing cylinder. Note: T he following proc edures should be perf ormed by a tr ained service t echnician.
4 Mode l C71 2 To the Opera tor 080908 Section 2 To the Operator Your fr eezer has been carefully engineer ed and manuf actured t o give you dependable operat ion. This unit, when proper ly operat ed and cared for , will produce a c onsistent qualit y product .
5 Mode l C7 12 Safety 1 10517 Se ction 3 Sa fety We at T aylor are conc erned about t he safet y of t he operat or when he or she comes in cont act wit h the fr eezer and its parts . Taylor has gone t o extreme eff orts t o design and manuf acture built -in saf ety feat ures to pr otect bot h you and the ser vice technic ian.
6 Mode l C7 12 Sa fety 080908 DO NOT use a wat er jet t o clean or rins e the f reezer. F ailure to f ollow these inst ruct ions may result in ser ious electr ical shock. S DO NOT allow unt rained personnel t o operat e this machine. S DO NOT oper ate the f reezer unless all serv ice panels and access doors are restrain ed with scre ws.
7 Mo del C712 Op erator P arts Id enti ficati on 11111 5 Section 4 Operator Parts Identif ication Model C712 Figur e 1.
8 Mode l C7 12 Operat or Parts I den tifi catio n 11111 5 C712 Exploded View P arts Identification ITE M DESCRI PTION PART NO. 1 COVER-HOPPER 053809- 1 2 PUMP A.- MIX SI MPLIFI ED X57029-14 3 PANEL-REAR 059916 4 PAN-DRI P 7.875 059737 5 PANEL-SI DE*RI GHT 059907 6 PAN-DRI P 12.
9 Mo del C712 Op erator P arts Id enti ficati on 060308 Model C712 Door and Beater A ssembly Figur e 2 ITE M DESCRI PTION PART NO. 1 HANDLE A.- DRAW-W ELDED X56421-1 2 PLUG-PRI ME TWIN 059936 3 NUT-STUD- BLACK 3.250 L 058765 4 NUT-STUD- BLACK 2.563 L 058764 5 DOOR A.
10 Mode l C7 12 Operat or Parts I den tifi catio n X57029-X X Pump A . - Mix Sim plified Figur e 3 ITE M DESCRI PTION PART NO. 1-7 PUMP ASSEMBLY - MIX SIMPLI FIED SOFT SERVE X57029-14* 1 CYLINDER- PUMP-HOPPER- SOFT SERVE 057943 2 PIN A .
11 Mo del C712 Op erator P arts Id enti ficati on 081 120 Accessor ies Figur e 4 ITE M DESCRI PTION PART NO. 1 PAIL- MIX 10 QT. 013163 2 TOOL-O- RING REMOVAL 048260- WH T 3 TOOL-SHAFT- DRIVE- PUMP- HOPPER 057167 ITE M DESCRI PTION PART NO. 4 LUBRICANT- TAYLOR 047518 *5 SANITI ZER-STERA SHEEN SEE NOTE ** KIT A.
12 Mode l C7 12 Operat or Parts I den tifi catio n Br ushes Figur e 5 ITE M DESCRI PTION PART NO. 1 BLACK BRISTLE BRUSH 013071 2 DOUBLE END BRUSH 013072 3 WHITE BRI STLE BRUSH (1” x 2”) 013073 ITE M DESCRI PTION PART NO.
13 Mode l C71 2 Impor ta nt: To the Opera tor Section 5 Important: To the Operator Figur e 6 ITE M DESCRI PTION 1 POWER SWITC H 2 FLUORESCENT DISPLAY 3 KEYPADS 4 MIX OUT I NDICATOR 5 STANDBY KEY ITE M.
14 Mode l C71 2 Impor ta nt: To the Opera tor 1 10204 Sym bol Defini tions To bet ter com municate in t he Int ernational arena, sym bols have replaced wor ds on many of our operat or switches, f unction, and fault indicat ors. Your T aylor equipment is designed with t hese Int ernational sy mbols.
15 Mode l C71 2 Impor ta nt: To the Opera tor 081205 Reset Mechanism The r eset butt ons are locat ed in the back panel of the mac hine. It prot ects t he beater mot or from an overload c ondition. Should an ov erload occur, t he reset m echanism will trip.
16 Mode l C71 2 Impor ta nt: To the Opera tor 050722 Once the system has initia lize d, the SAFET Y TI MEOUT s creen will display and t he alarm will be on. ( See Figure 9. ) SAFETY TIMEOUT ANY KEY ABORTS Figur e 9 The SA FET Y TI MEOUT sc reen will be displayed with the alar m on, for 60 seconds or unt il any control symbol i s selected .
17 Mode l C71 2 Impor ta nt: To the Opera tor 050722 Enteri ng Access Code Wit h the ACCES S CODE s creen on the dis play use the SE L symbol t o set t he first code num ber in the curs or position. W hen the corr ect number is select ed, touc h the SEL s ymbol to m ove the cur sor to t he next number posit ion.
18 Mode l C71 2 Impor ta nt: To the Opera tor Reset the S ERVING CO UNTER by s electing t he SEL sy mbol to advanc e to the nex t scr een. Select the UP arrow symb ol to move the arro w (>) t o YES and select t he SEL sym bol. The s ervings count er will reset t o zero and exit back t o the Manager 's Menu.
19 Mode l C71 2 Impor ta nt: To the Opera tor Enable the A UTO S TART T IME by select ing the UP arrow s ymbol to m ove the arr ow up to Enable. Touc h the SEL sy mbol to advanc e to the nex t scr een.
20 Mode l C71 2 Impor ta nt: To the Opera tor 070322 Listed below are t he variable mess ages which will appear, along with an ex planation for the c orrect ive acti on. NO F AULT F OUND - T here was no f ault found in the f reezer. Not hing will appear on the sc reen aft er this v ariable message appear s.
21 Model C 7 12 Op eratin g Proced ures Section 6 Operating Procedures The C712 m achine stor es mix in a hopper. I t has two 3. 4 quart (3. 2 liter) capac ity f reezing cylinder s with a t hree spout door .
22 Model C 7 12 Operat ing P rocedu res Step 6 Befor e installing t he beater ass embly, c heck the scr aper blades for any nicks or s igns of wear. I f any nicks are pres ent, or if the blades are wor n, replace both blades. If t he blades are in good condit ion, inst all the scr aper blade c lips over the scr aper blades.
23 Model C 7 12 Op eratin g Proced ures Step 10 To as semble the f reezer door , place t he door gasket s into t he grooves on t he back of the f reezer door. Figur e 37 Slide the f ront bear ings over t he baffle r ods. T he flanged edges should be against t he door.
24 Model C 7 12 Operat ing P rocedu res Step 13 Slide the t hree o-r ings into the gr ooves of each standar d draw valve. Slide t he H-ring and o-r ing into the groov es of t he center dr aw valve. Lubricat e the H-ring and o- rings. Figur e 41 Step 14 Lubricat e the inside of t he freezer door s pouts, top and bott om.
25 Model C 7 12 Op eratin g Proced ures 081205 Step 17 Slide the piv ot pin thr ough the draw handles as t he handles are ins erted int o the draw valv es. Figur e 45 Note: This f reezer f eatures t hree adjust able draw handles to pr ovide port ion control, giving a bet ter consis tent qualit y to your produc t and cont rolling cost s.
26 Model C 7 12 Operat ing P rocedu res Step 20 Inst all the f ront drip t ray and splas h shield under the door spout s. ( See Figure 49. ) Figur e 49 Mix Pum p Assembly Step 1 Ins pect the r ubber pump part s. O -rings and gas ket must be in 100% good condit ion for t he pump and entir e machine to oper ate properly .
27 Model C 7 12 Op eratin g Proced ures Step 6 Slide the pum p valve gask et into t he holes on the cap. DO NO T lubric ate the gas ket. (See F igure 54.) Figur e 54 Step 7 Inser t the v alve body cap int o the hole in the m ix inlet adapt er. ( See Figure 55.
28 Model C 7 12 Operat ing P rocedu res 080908 Step 11 Inst all one red o-r ing on each end of t he mix feed tube, and t horoughly lubricat e. (S ee Figure 59. ) Figur e 59 Step 12 Lay the pum p assembly , pump clip, cot ter pin, and mix f eed tube in t he bottom of t he mix hopper f or saniti zing.
29 Model C 7 12 Op eratin g Proced ures 080908 Note: You have just sanit ized the m ix hopper and part s; t herefore, be sur e your hands are c lean and saniti zed before going on in t hese inst ructions .
30 Model C 7 12 Operat ing P rocedu res Step 11 Wit h an empty pail beneath t he door spout s, rais e the prime plug and t ouch t he PUMP sy mbol . Step 12 When a s teady st ream of sanit izing solution is flowing f rom the pr ime plug opening in the bot tom of the f reezer door , open the dr aw valve.
31 Model C 7 12 Op eratin g Proced ures 080908 Rinsing Step 1 Pour t wo gallons (7. 6 liters) of c ool, clean wat er into the m ix hopper. W ith the whit e hopper brus h, scr ub the m ix hopper and the m ix level sensing pr obe. Using the double ended br ush, br ush clean the m ix inlet hole.
32 Model C 7 12 Operat ing P rocedu res 080908 Disassem bly MAKE SURE T HE POW ER SWI TCH IS I N THE “OFF” P OSITION ! Failure t o follow t his instr uction may res ult in sever e personal injury f rom hazardous moving par ts.
33 Model C 7 12 Op eratin g Proced ures Step 3 Return t o the f reezer wit h a small amount of cleaning solut ion. Using t he black brush, c lean the rear s hell bearing at t he back of eac h freezing cylinder . (S ee Figur e 68. ) Figur e 68 Step 4 Using the blac k brush, clean t he drive hub opening in the rear wall of each m ix hopper.
34 Model C7 1 2 Impor ta nt: Oper at or Che ck lis t 080107 Section 7 Important: Operator Checklist Dur ing Cleaning and S anitizi ng ALWAYS FOLLOW LOCAL HEALTH CODES. Clean ing an d sani tizi ng sch edul es are g overn ed by fe de ra l, st at e, or loca l re gulat ory age ncie s, and mu st be fo ll owed acco rdin gl y.
35 Model C7 1 2 Impor ta nt: Oper at or Che ck lis t 080226 Winter S torage If t he place of busines s is to be c losed during the winter mont hs, it is import ant to protect t he freezer by following c ertain prec autions, part icularly if t he building is subjec t to f reezing condit ions.
36 Model C7 1 2 Impor ta nt: Oper at or Che ck lis t Section 8 Troubleshooting Guide PROBL EM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY PAGE REF. 1. No product is being dispensed. a. Low on mix. T he MIX OUT light is on. a. Add mi x to the m ix hopper. Retur n to AUT O mode.
37 Model C7 1 2 Impor ta nt: Oper at or Che ck lis t PROBL EM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY PAGE REF. 3. The pr oduct is t oo thick . a. F reezing cylinder not primed co rrectly. a. Drain t he freez ing cylinder and reprim e the machine. 30 b. Air /mix pum p incorrec tly assem bled.
38 Model C7 1 2 Impor ta nt: Oper at or Che ck lis t PROBL EM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY PAGE REF. 10. The driv e shaft is st uck in the dri ve coupling. a. Mix and lubricant collect ed in drive c oupling. a. Br ush clean the r ear shell bearing area r egularly.
39 Mo del C712 Parts Rep lacemen t Sched ule Section 9 Parts Replacement Schedule PART DESCRIPTI ON EVERY 3 MONTHS EVERY 6 MONTHS ANNUALLY Scr aper Blade X Drive S haft Seal X Fr eezer Door Gask et X .
Section 10 Parts List 40 Parts List Model C7 1 2 100901 DESCRI PTI ON PART NUMBER QTY. WARR. CLASS CO MMENT S ACTUATOR A.-DRAW SW ITCH X62401 1 103 ARM-SWI TCH-DRAW- L 038649 1 103 ARM-SWI TCH-DRAW- R 038650 1 103 BRACKET A.
41 Mode l C7 12 Par ts List DESCRI PTI ON COM MENTS WARR. CLASS QTY. PART NUMBER BRUSH-REAR BRG 1"D X 2" LG X 14 013071 1 000 BRUSH-SET LVB 050103 1 000 CABLE-RI BBON-20C- 17"L- DIL/ DI LR 040040-013 1 103 CABLE-RI BBON-50C- 25"L.
44 Parts List Model C7 1 2 DESCRI PTI ON COM MENTS WARR. CLASS QTY. PART NUMBER CAP-DESI GN 1.010" ID- 6 POI NT 014218 3 NNN O-RI NG- 7/8 OD X . 103W 014402 5 NNN O-RI NG- 1/2OD X .
46 Parts List Model C7 1 2 DESCRI PTI ON COM MENTS WARR. CLASS QTY. PART NUMBER RELAY-MTR START TI #4CR-1- 625 039725- 27 2 103 RELAY-3 POLE- 20A- 208/240 50/ 60 012725-33 2 103 RELAY-DPDT 100UA TO 7A 1/ 8HP 052111-03 2 103 SANITI ZER KAY-5 25 PACKETS 041081 1 NNN SCREW-10- 24X1/ 2 TAPTITE- TORX 002077 4 000 TRIM SCREW-6- 32X3/ 8 BIN.
48 Parts List Model C7 1 2 DESCRI PTI ON COM MENTS WARR. CLASS QTY. PART NUMBER DEFLECTOR-BLOWER EXHAUST 047912 1 103 GUARD-BLOWER 022505 1 103 HOSE-RUBBER 1/ 2 ID X 7/ 8 OD R50200 15 000 OUTLET A.- TEE X25900 1 103 PANEL-SI DE-L. W /C * C712/C717 062160 1 103 PANEL-SI DE-R.
Mode l C7 12 059898-27 7/9/ 12.
Mode l C7 12 059898-33 7/9/ 12.
Mode l C7 12 059898-40 7/9/ 12.
Mode l C7 12 059898-58 7/9/ 12.
デバイスTaylor C712の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Taylor C712をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはTaylor C712の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Taylor C712の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Taylor C712で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Taylor C712を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はTaylor C712の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Taylor C712に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちTaylor C712デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。