TeklynxメーカーCodesoft 10 Network RFIDの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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The inform ation contained in this guid e is not of a contractual nature and may be subjec t to change witho ut prior notic e. The softw are described in this guid e is sold under a license agreement. The softw are may be used, copied or reprod uced only in accordance w ith the terms of the agreement.
Table of Contents About this manual ............................................................................................................................... vii Typogr aphical conventio ns .......................................................
User Guide vi Printing .............................................................................................................................................. 43 A powerful pri nt engine .........................................................
A bou t this manual Typo graphical convention s This manual dis tinguishes betwee n different types of information us ing the following conven tions: • Terms take n from the interface itself , such as commands, appear in bold . • Key names appe ar in all caps.
1 Intr oduction Welcome! Congratula tions, you have just pur chased the world’s lead ing automatic identific ation softwar e package! This label des ign software allows you to quickly create and edi.
User Guide 2 Installation Note : Before installing this software, ple ase save your work and close all other program s. Before running the installation prog ram, check the configur ation of your P C. 1. Place the CD for the insta llation in the correc t drive.
Introd uction 3 License act ivation Your softw are can be activated using a softwar e key (an activation code) or a hardware key (a dongle ). The dongle is a small ele ctronic device that you plug into your PC’s parallel or USB port before launching the softwar e.
User Guide 4 Installi ng the driver key manuall y If yo u want to ins tall yo ur driver key manually, do the following: 1. Click S tart , then Run . 2. For Windows XP and Serve r 2003: Enter C: Progr am Files TKI [software versi on] Comm on Tool s Do ng le the n type the following command: HaspDinst.
Introd uction 5 • Online ac t ivation Some enterpr ise networks are protec ted by a proxy server. In this case, there is an extra step which allows you to enter the IP addr ess and connect to the Inter net. 1. Enter the Serial number an d the passw ord provided with the produc t and click Next .
User Guide 6 11. C lick Fin ish if your activatio n results are successful. If any prob lems were encountered, a mess age will infor m you that the activation has failed and an error message will be display ed. Note : If you do not have access to a computer with an Internet conne ction, you can activate the produc t using a smartphone .
Introd uction 7 5. The Validatio n code and Insta llatio n code are display ed on our website. Enter these in the wiz ard (using upp ercase characters ) and click Nex t .
9 Discov ering the int erface Description of the main w indo w This sectio n presents a general overview of the main inte rface elements as they appear in the main windo w at the beginning of a wor k session. The Menu B ar The Menu bar contains the following options : File , Edit , V iew , Obj ect s , Data Sour ces , Tool s , Window , and Help .
User Guide 10 T o select a tool Click the butto n correspond ing to the tool. The T itle Ba r The Title bar d isplays the name of the software and the name of the curre nt document, or "document no " if a new document is cr eated. It allows the worksp ace window to be moved using the mouse.
Discov ering the interface 11 Design too lbar The D esign toolb ar comprises a number of buttons, e ach one repre senting a tool for cr eat ing and manipul ating objects. Button Name of tool Use Selecti on tool Selects and manipulates objects of all types.
User Guide 12 About da ta sourc es A data source contains a list of variables fed by data from the same source. Whe n you select a data source, you are indi cating where the required data is locate d, and what type of data it is.
Discov ering the interface 13 Note: T his button X rem oves t he bac kgroun d c olor f rom a n object . You can also change the color by us ing the Properties dial og box. 1. Doub le - click on an o bject. The Properties di alog box appears on the screen.
15 Setting up the work environment Choosing a printer Before s tarting to create a document, you first need to set up your work environment. The first st ep consis ts of selec ting the printer on whic h you wish to print your labels.
User Guide 16 To sel ect a pri nte r 1. Choose File > Select prin ter. You can also click the button o r press F5 . 2. Select the printe r from the list.
Setting up the work env ironment 17 Example: Add ing a Zebra 1 40 on LPT1 1. Choose F ile > Select p rinter . 2. Click Ad d . 3. In the Model list, s elect the Zebra group, the n the model. 4. Select the LPT1 port, clear the Direct a ccess box and click OK .
User Guide 18 To chan ge the di alog bo x display font 1. Choose Too ls > C onfi gur ation . 2. Click the D isplay tab. 3. In the Display font field , click . 4. Select the font. 5. Click OK . To modif y the gri d scale The grid scale , which is used to align objects , can be modified or disabled .
Setting up the work env ironment 19 Document page setup Format ting a doc ument Document tem plates are created and modifie d in the Label/Page Setup dialo g box. Formatting a document consists of setting the page size, its orientatio n, the number of labels per row and per column, doc ument size, margins, and distance between labels.
User Guide 20 • Margins : • Left : 10 • Top : 10 • Gap : • Between rows : 5 • Between columns : 5 7. Clic k the Stock tab and enter the following value s: • Type : F amily • Name : Layout1 8. Clic k OK, then save the label as InstallDi r Sam ples For ms Tutor ial TEST1.
Setting up the work env ironment 21 Delet ing cust om stock When a stock you have created is no long er needed, you can remove it. To remo ve a cus tomized stock: 1. Choose File > Labe l/Page S etup . - or - Click the button. 2. In the Sto ck tab, select a stock from the Typ e and Na me lists.
23 Creating a doc ument using fixed object Creating and manipulating fixed objects Creating fixed objects invo lves inserting objec ts such as text, barcodes, images, line s, rectangles, and circles into y our document. Creati ng objects You can quick ly and simply create an object in your doc ument (bar code, image, text, drawing , etc.
User Guide 24 button dow n, drag the item to the desired locatio n. Release the left mouse butto n to place the item on the label. To create a te xt obj ect A Text object can be one character , one word, or an entire paragrap h. Charac ter style and paragraph for mat can be defined using the Tex t for matti ng toolbar or the Text dialo g box.
Creating a document using fixed object 25 For the Text obje ct... Select Press the F2 key, then ente r... ''Vo lume:'' the x coordinat e: the y coordinate: ''10'&apo.
User Guide 26 • Select 1 digit in the Check cha racter lis t • Select 270 ° in the Rotat ion box • Enter 1234 in t he D ata box 6. Clic k OK . Creating a shape obj ect Exa mple: Drawing a line Your softw are comes with a range of tools to help you design perfec t labels.
Creating a document using fixed object 27 4. Select the imag e filename. 5. Click OK. Note : To display a preview of the image, click the P rev i ew b utton.
29 Creating a doc ument using v ariable objects About data sour ces A data source contains a list of variables populated with data of the same origin. Da ta sources can be divided into catego ries and sub - ca tegor ies ex cep t Dat abase d ata source.
User Guide 30 For each o f these creation mo des: • The data source created is automatically d isplayed under the selecte d data source. • The appli cation gives the data source a default name . Note: Brackets {} cannot be u sed in a variable name.
Creating a document using variable objec ts 31 Tip: We recommend that you only select the fields that wi ll be used in the label. This reduces the amo unt of communic ation with the database, inc reasing process ing speed. 5. Click to view the r esult.
User Guide 32 The Table lookup data source Command: Data so urces > Tab le lookup > Add The Table lookup data source contains a list of data sources you have created . The data source values are the result of se arches carried out in database s other than those linked to the curre nt document.
Creating a document using variable objec ts 33 The Date data source Command: Data so urces > Da te > Add The Dat e data source contains a list of data sources. These da ta sources are fed by the computer's date system or by the printer. I t allows you to display the date and time in the forma t previously defined .
User Guide 34 The Counter data source Command: Data so urces > C ounter > Add The Count er data source contains a list of data sources. These data sources ar e populated by data calculated either by the computer, or by your printer.
Creating a document using variable objec ts 35 The Formu la data so urce The Form ula data source contains a list of data sources . These data sources are populated by comb inations of operator s, constants, data sources, control vari ables, formulas, and func tions.
User Guide 36 6. Enter the formula WEIGHT*PRICEPERKG /1000, then click OK . 7. Save your labe l. Exerci se: Add ing the "War ning" form ula v ariable to d isplay a warning me ssage In the fo.
Creating a document using variable objec ts 37 The When Print ed data sour ce Co mmand: Da ta source s > When Prin t ed > Ad d The When Printed data source contains a list of variable s you have created. These data sources ar e populated by enteri ng data directly into the form using the keybo ard.
User Guide 38 Proceed as follo ws: 1. Select the for m using the mouse. 2. Rig ht - click. 3. Select Sta rt tab orderin g . The default number ing appears. 4. Click the number of the field you want to appear first in the for m. The number turns green when validate d.
Creating a document using variable objec ts 39 The Adv anced data source Command: Data so urces > A dvanced > Add The Adv anc ed data sour ce contains a list of data sources you have create d. These data sources are pop ulated by data that is not spec ified upon creation.
User Guide 40 Variable o bject creat ion A variabl e object is a text, barcode, or image type objec t, composed of elements whose the value is not def ined at the moment of creatio n.
Creating a document using variable objec ts 41 Note : The creation wizard is enabled by def ault. To disable it, selec t Too ls > C onfi guratio n > Wiz ards .
43 Printing A powerful pr int engine Your softw are is a powerful, user - friend ly creation tool and a print eng ine, bringing together the widest possible range of printe rs (thermal, therma l transfer and inkjet).
User Guide 44 • Min val ue: 0 The first counte r identifies a particular label, whereas the ISO counte r counts the total number of label s printed. Labels in th e series In this example , we are going to print a series of 10 labels: 1. Enter the fo llowing values in the Pri nt dialog box: • La bels : 10.
Printing 45 6. Close the dialo g box. 7. Click . 8. Enter the following values: • La bels : 8 • Copie s of eac h page : 2 9. Click Print . The resu lt w ill be: Exerci se: Print Merge Print Merge is only available if your label is link ed to a database (ASCII or ODBC).
User Guide 46 5. Enter '' Mullang '' and '' 52 '', then click OK . Note : The form is displayed for each label contained in the series. If you choose the For each s eries option, the form will o nly be displayed once, when printing of the label series is launched.
Printing 47 wrong way (the print he ad is heating the wro ng side of the paper) . For thermal tra nsfer printing : The ribbon has no t been inserted, or was inserte d incorrectly. Check the rib bon and refit if necessar y ( ref er to the printer m anufacturer ’s manual).
Copyright 2012 T eklynx Newco SAS. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA 06/12. TEKL YNX and CODESOFT are trademarks of T eklynx Newco SAS . All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective o wners.
デバイスTeklynx Codesoft 10 Network RFIDの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Teklynx Codesoft 10 Network RFIDをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはTeklynx Codesoft 10 Network RFIDの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Teklynx Codesoft 10 Network RFIDの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Teklynx Codesoft 10 Network RFIDで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Teklynx Codesoft 10 Network RFIDを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はTeklynx Codesoft 10 Network RFIDの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Teklynx Codesoft 10 Network RFIDに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちTeklynx Codesoft 10 Network RFIDデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。