TeklynxメーカーLabelview 10 Proの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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T E K L Y N X ® L A B E L V I E W U S E R G U I D E ™.
The informatio n contained in thi s guide is not of a co ntra ctual nature and may be subject to chang e without prior notice. The software descr ibed in this guide is sold under a l i cense agreement. T he software may be used , copied or reproduced only in accordance wi th the terms of the agreement.
TRODUCTION................................................................................................................... .............................. 1 D D ESCRIPTION OF THE MAIN WINDOW ..........................................................
LABELVIEW User Guide V ARIABLE OBJECT CREATION ............................................................................................................................. 34 P C OPIES OF EACH LAB EL ..................................................
About this manual Typographical c onventions This manual dist inguishes bet ween differe nt types of infor mation using the following co nventions: Terms taken from the interface itself , such as commands , appear in bold . Key names appear in all caps.
1 Introduction Welcome! Congratulations, you hav e just purchased the world’ s leading automatic identifica tion software package! This label design software allows you to quickly create and edi t c.
LABELVIEW User Guide Installation Note : Before installing this software, please sa ve your work and close all other programs. Before running the installatio n program, check the config uration of your PC. 1. Place the CD fo r the installati on in the correct driv e.
Introduction License acti vation Your software can be activated using a software key (an activation code) or a hardware key (a dongle). The dongle is a small electr onic device that you plug in to your PC’s parallel or USB port before launching the software.
LABELVIEW User Guide 2. For Windows XP and Server 2003: Enter C:Program File sTKI9CommonToolsDongle then type the following command: HaspDinst.ex e -i For Windows 7 64-bit machines: Enter C:Program Fil es (x86)Com mon Files TKIDongle t hen type the fo llowing comm and: HaspDinst.
Introduction 2. Enter your info rmation in the User Registra tion form. Click Next . 3. Enter the Serial number and the Passwo rd provided with the product and click Next . 4. Click Finish . If any problems were encoun tered, a message will inform you that the activation has failed and an error message will be displayed.
LABELVIEW User Guide 5. When you receive the Validation code and the Installati on code , plea se start the sof tware to launch the wizard. 6. Select Continu e a pending activat ion and click on Next . 7. Enter the Validation code and t he Installation code returned by email and clic k on Next .
Discovering the interface Description of the ma in window This section present s a general overview of the ma in inte rface elements as they appe ar in the main window at the beginning of a work session. The Menu Bar The Menu bar contains the fo llowing options : File , Edit , View , Objects , Data Sources , Tools , Window , and Help .
LABELVIEW User Guide T o select a tool Click the butto n corresponding to the tool. The Title Bar The Title bar displays the name of the softwa re an d the name of the current docu ment, or "document no " if a new document is cr eated. It allow s the work space window to be moved using the mo use.
Discovering the interfa ce Design toolbar The Design toolbar comprises a number of butto ns, each on e representing a tool for creating and manipulating objects. Button Name of tool Use Selection tool Selects and manipula tes objects of a ll types. Text generation Creates fixed and variable tex t.
LABELVIEW User Guide The up and down arrow keys on your keyboard allow yo u to move up and down the object tr ee. The + and - symbols allow you to expand or shrink the list and display the list of variable s associated with each data source or the objects available for each ca tegory.
Setting up the work environment Choosing a printer Before starting to create a document, you fi rst need to set up your work environment. The first step co nsists of sel ecting the prin ter on which y ou wish to pr int your lab els.
LABELVIEW User Guide To sele ct a printer 1. Choose File > Se lect printe r. You can also click the button or press F5 . 2. Select the printer from the list.
Setting up the work environment 4. Select the LPT1 port, clear the Direct access box and click OK . Note : Direct access transfe rs control over the port to th e softwa re. Allows the software to ma nage the port, providing faster data transfer an d closer control of the printer.
LABELVIEW User Guide 3. In the Displ ay font field, click . 4. Select the font. 5. Click OK . To modify th e grid s cale The grid scale, whic h is used to align objects, ca n be modified or disabled. 1. Choose Tools > C onfig uration. 2. Click the Grid tab.
Setting up the work environment Document page setup Formatting a document Document templat es are created and modifi ed in the Label/Page Setup dialog box. Formatting a document consis ts of setting the page siz e, its orie ntatio n, the numb er of labels per row and per column, docum ent size, margins, and distance be tween labels.
LABELVIEW User Guide 5. Click the Pa ge tab and select the following values: Page sizing : Automatic 6. Click on the Margi ns tab and enter the following values: Margins : Left : 10 Top : 10 Gap : Between r ows : 5 Between col umns : 5 7.
Setting up the work environment Note : The printer used in this examp le is a Windows print er. If you want to use a ther mal printer , it is possible for error messages to appear during page setup when the printer does not support the size of lab el defined in this exercise.
19 Creating a document using fixed object Creating and manipulating fixe d objects Creating fixed objects involve s inserting objects s uch as text, barcod es, images, line s, rectangles , and circles into your docu ment. Creating objects You can quickly and si mply create a n object in your document (bar cod e, image, text, drawing, e tc.
LABELVIEW User Guide butto n down, drag the it em to the d esired location. Re lease the lef t mouse button to place the ite m on the label. To create a text object A Text object can be one character, one word, or an entire paragraph. Character style and paragraph fo rmat can be defined using the Text formatting toolbar or the Text dialog box.
Creating a document using fixed object 1. Using th e mouse, open the br anch of the tree marked with a (pointing to the obj ect selected in the document).
LABELVIEW User Guide 5. If necess ary, specify the character istics of the barcode (height, narrow bar width, ratio, check character). 6. Enter the data to be cod ed in the Data field. 7. Click OK . Note: Certain printers do not ha ve resident barcodes.
Creating a document using fixed object Width and Height : 20 6. Click OK 7. Go to Object > Layout > Horizont ally Center ed in Do cument then Vertically Centered in Document to align th e circle with th e center o f the sleeve. 8. Select the ci rcle then click the Lock button.
Creating a document using variable objects About data sources A data source contains a lis t of variables populated w ith data of the sam e origin. Data sources can be divided into categories and sub-ca tegories except Database data source.
LABELVIEW User Guide For each of these creation mo des: The data source crea ted is automati cally displayed under the selected data source. The application gives th e data source a defa ult name. Note: Brackets {} cannot be us ed in a variable name.
Creating a document using v ariable objects Note : Cl ick to select all fields. Tip: We recommend that you only select the fields that will be used in the label. This reduce s the a mount of communication with the databa se , increasing processing speed.
LABELVIEW User Guide The Table loo kup data source Command: Data sources > Table lookup > Add The Table lookup data source contains a li st of data sources you have created. Th e data source values are the result of searches carried out in databases ot her than those linked to the current document.
Creating a document using v ariable objects The Date data source Command: Da ta sources > Date > A dd The Date data source contains a list of data sources. Thes e data sources are fed by the computer's date syste m or by the printer. It allows you to display the date an d time in the for mat previously defined.
LABELVIEW User Guide 1. Open a label. 2. Create a counter and name it namecd . 3. Select the counter , then choose Properties from the co ntext m enu. 4. Select Decimal as the type of counter. 5. Enter ''1'' in the Increment field.
Creating a document using v ariable objects Exercise: Creating a simple formula Displaying the price of a prod uct In this example, the produ ction label must show t he pr ice of the product as a function of its weight and the price per kilogr am. 1. Open a label.
LABELVIEW User Guide The When Printed data source Command: Da ta sources > When Printed > Add The When Printed data source conta ins a list of variables you have creat ed. These data sources are p opulated by entering data directly into the form using the keyboard.
Creating a document using v ariable objects Modify the or der in which data is entered into the form You can change the order in which data is entered into the form. Proceed as follows: 1. Select the form us ing the mouse. 2. Right-cli ck. 3. Select Start tab ordering .
LABELVIEW User Guide The Advanced da ta source Command: Da ta sources > Advanced > Add The Advance d data source contains a list of data sources yo u have created. Th ese data sources are p opulated by data that is not sp ecified upon crea tion.
Creating a document using v ariable objects The Object menu You can create an object usin g one of the following optio ns: Direct mode creat ion: 1. Click the object you want to insert into your document. 2. Click the location where you want to place the object.
LABELVIEW User Guide The Creation Wizard will run by default. If wizards ar e disabled, double-click th e object to bring up th e Properties dialog box. 3. Click the Data sources ta b. 4. Select Variable . 5. Select the variable you want to assign to your object, right-click and select Add.
Printing A po werful print engine Your software is a powerful, user-frien dly creation tool and a print engine, br inging together the widest possible range of printers (thermal, t hermal transfer and inkj et).
LABELVIEW User Guide Type: Decimal Increment: + 1 Min value: 0 The first counter identifies a particul ar label, whereas the ISO counter counts the to tal number of labe ls printed. Labels in the series In this example, we ar e going to print a series of 10 lab els: 1.
Printing 5. Go to File > Page Setup or click . The Page Setup dialog box opens. The preview giv es you an idea of how the p age will look w hen it is pr inted. 6. Close the dialog box. 7. Click . 8. Enter the following values: Labels : 8 Copies of each page : 2 9.
LABELVIEW User Guide Printing using the form 1. Go to File > Prin t or press the F6 key. 2. Enter ''2'' in the Labels field. 3. Launch printing. The form is displayed, and you can enter the data to be printed. 4. Enter '' Smith '' and '' 51 '', then click OK .
Printing 41 specifications of your print er (refer to the printer manufactur er’s manual). In both cases (serial or parallel):The cable is conn ected to the wrong port. Check the connection. In both cases (serial or parallel):The cable is conn ected to the wrong port.
Copyright 2012 T eklynx Newco SAS . All rights reser ved. Printed in the USA 06/12. TEKL YNX and LABELVIEW are trademarks of T eklynx Newco SAS . All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners .
デバイスTeklynx Labelview 10 Proの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Teklynx Labelview 10 Proをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはTeklynx Labelview 10 Proの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Teklynx Labelview 10 Proの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Teklynx Labelview 10 Proで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Teklynx Labelview 10 Proを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はTeklynx Labelview 10 Proの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Teklynx Labelview 10 Proに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちTeklynx Labelview 10 Proデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。