Texas InstrumentsメーカーTMS320DM357 DVEVM v2.05の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Printed on Recycled P aper TMS320DM357 DVEVM v2.05 Getting S t arted Guide Literature Number: SPRUGH0 December 2008.
IMPORT ANT NOTICE T exas Inst rument s Incorporated and it s subsidiari es (TI) reserve the right to make corre ctions , modific ations, enhanc ements , improv ements , and ot her chang es to it s product s and services a t any time and to discontinue any produ ct or servi ce with out not ice.
EV ALUA TION BOARD/KIT IMPORT ANT NOTICE T exas Ins trument s (TI) provides the enclo sed p roduct( s) under th e follo wing co nditions : This eva luation boa rd/kit is inte nded for us e for ENG INE.
FCC W arning This eva luation boa rd/kit is inte nded for us e for ENG INEERING DEVELOPMENT , DEM ON- STRA TION, OR EV ALUA TION PURPOSES ONL Y and is not consid ered by TI to be a finishe d end- product fit for gen eral consumer us e.
v This is a draft version printed from file: pref.fm on 12/15/08 Preface About This Guide The DVE VM (D ig ital Video Ev al uat ion Mo dul e) i s an e valua tio n platf orm that showc ases the DaVinci archi tectu re and le ts users evalua te the power and perform ance of Da Vinci as a M ultimedi a engi ne.
vi T ra demarks Tradema rks The T exa s Instru ments log o and T exas Instrum ents are register ed trademar ks of T exas Instrum ents. T rademark s of T ex as Instr uments include : TI, DaVinci, th e .
vii This is a draft version printed fro m file: davinci_gsgTOC.fm on 12/15/08 Content s 1 DVEVM Ove rview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 This cha pter intr oduce s the DVE VM (Dig ital V ideo Eva luation M odule).
Conten ts viii 4.4 Setting Up the Buil d/Develop ment Environm ent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -12 4.4.1 Writing a Simple Pr ogram and Run ning i t on the EV M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -12 4.5 Building a New Linux Kernel .
1-1 Chap ter 1 DVEVM Overview This cha pter intr oduces the DVE VM (Dig ital Video Eval uation Mod ule). 1.1 What’s in thi s Kit? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – 2 1.2 What’s on the Board? . . .
What’ s in thi s Kit? 1-2 1.1 What’s in this Ki t? Y our TM S230 DM35 7 DVEVM ki t co nta ins the foll owin g har dwar e it ems. Section 2.1, Settin g Up the Hardware tell s how to connec t these compo nents. ❏ EVM Board This boa rd contains a DaVinci TMS 320DM35 7 Digital Media System- on-Chip .
What’ s on the Board ? DVEVM Overview 1-3 1.2 What’s on the Board? The EV M comes loade d with per iphera ls your m ultime dia ap plications may need to ma ke use of.
What’ s Nex t? 1-4 1.3 What’s Ne xt? T o get started ev al uating t he DVEV M k it and d evelo pin g ap pli c ations for the DM357, begin b y using this Ge tting St arted guide. It will step yo u through connecti ng the hardware, testin g the sof tware, and begin ning t o develop appli cation s.
2-1 Chap ter 2 EVM Hardware Setup This cha pter tell s you ho w to set up the EV M hardwar e. 2.1 Setting Up the Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 – 2 2.2 Connectin g to a Console Window . . . . . . . .
Setting Up the Hardware 2-2 2.1 S et ti ng Up th e Har d w are T o set up the hardware provide d with the DV EVM k it, use the s teps that follow . Y ou may skip steps if you do not ne ed to acce ss a particul ar periphe ral. For examp le, if you do not need to use t he serial cabl e, skip that step.
Setting Up the Hardware EVM Hardware Setu p 2-3 1) On th e S3 mi ni-dip swi tch, ver ify that p ositions 1 through 4 are configur ed to boot fr om on-bo ard NAND as in the following f igure, where the black r ectangle is the sw itch loc ation.
Setting Up the Hardware 2-4 3) Con nect your video dis play to the composit e video -out RCA conne ctor (J8) . 4) Con nect a v ideo so urce ( such a s a cam era or DVD play er) to th e composi te video- in RCA conne ctor (J12). Then power on your v ideo input and output dev ic es.
Setting Up the Hardware EVM Hardware Setu p 2-5 5) (Op tional) If you plan to us e the UART port for a c onsole win dow , conne ct the provid ed RS-2 32 nul l modem c able to the EV M UART port (P6) and to a CO M port o n your h ost Li nux workstatio n.
Conne cting to a Console Wi ndow 2-6 9) Y ou should see the initial scree n of the demo s oftware on y our video display . Us e the IR remo te to run the software a s descr ibed in Chap te r 3.
3-1 Chap ter 3 Running the Demonstration Software This chapte r explains how to run the softwar e demos pr ovided with the DVEVM kit. 3.1 Default Boo t Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 – 2 3.2 Starting the Stan dalone Demos .
Defaul t Boot Config uration 3-2 3.1 Default Boot Configuration Out of the box, t he EVM bo ots from flash a nd starts the de mos automat ically af ter a few seco nds wh en you po wer u p the boar d. It d oes not require an NFS mount or a TFTP server to run the standard demos.
S tarti ng the S ta ndalone D emos Runnin g the De monstrati on Softwa re 3-3 ❏ Command line. Once yo u have co nnected the EV M to a worksta tion and ins talled the ne ces sar y so ftware ( as de scr ibe d i n S ecti on 4.3.1 , Installing th e T arg et Linux Software ), you ca n run the dem os from th e board’s Linux comman d line.
S tarting the S tand alone Demos 3-4 Once th e EVM b oard has b ooted, your v ideo display sho uld show a pic ture of the r emote control . Y ou use t he IR remote to control the demos.
Runni ng the S tanda lone Demos Runnin g the De monstrati on Softwa re 3-5 3.3 Running the Standalone Demos 1) Press "Play" or "OK" on the remote to move fro m the rem ote control diagram to the m ain menu s creen, which lo oks like t his: The Encod e + Decod e demo a llows y ou to rec ord and p layback video.
Runni ng the S tanda lone Demos 3-6 8) Thi s inform ation o verlays the video; as a r esult the vide o you see is darker than the actual video . T o hide the in formation dis play so that you can be tter see th e video, pr ess the "Inf o/Sele ct" button o n the IR remote.
Runni ng the S tanda lone Demos Runnin g the De monstrati on Softwa re 3-7 3.3.2 About the Encode + Decode Demo The Encode + Dec ode dem o allow s you to rec ord and pl ayback video. Video input comes f rom a sourc e, it is encode d, then deco ded, and sent to your video display .
Runni ng the S tanda lone Demos 3-8 Note that you c an use only a speech encode r , not an aud io enco der . Th e support ed video alg orithms are H.264 (.264 exten sion) and MPEG4 (.mpeg4 fi le extens ion). The supported spe ech algor ithm is G . 71 1 (.
Runni ng the S tanda lone Demos Runnin g the De monstrati on Softwa re 3-9 3.3.4 About the Decode Demo Note: Y ou mus t run the En code de mo before y ou can run th e Decode demo unless you have placed app ropriately-na med audio and video files on the EVM’s NAND flash st orage device.
Runni ng the Demos from the C ommand Line 3-10 3.4 Running the Demos from the Command Line Y ou can run t he demo a ppl icati ons from the L inu x she ll i n a te rmin al window connec ted to the EVM board’s seri al port. These are the same demos de scribe d in Sec tion 3.
Runnin g the Ne twork Demo Runnin g the De monstrati on Softwa re 3-1 1 3.5 Running the Network Demo As an ex ample of s tandard TCP/ IP netwo rking supp ort, the DVE VM example s include a small HTT P web server . This web ser ver is started as part of t he Lin ux start up sequen ce.
4-1 Chap ter 4 DVEVM Software Setup This chap ter explain s how to use the so ftware pro vided wit h the DVEVM . 4.1 Software Overvi ew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 – 2 4.2 Preparing to Ins tall . .
Software Overvie w 4-2 4.1 Soft ware O vervie w T o begin deve lopin g applicati ons, yo u need to install the DVEV M develop ment env ironmen t. This sec tion out lines the s teps requ ired to load the DVE VM so ftware onto the de velop ment hos t. Y ou will ne ed the distributi on dis ks or the files the y con tain to get starte d.
Sof t ware Overv iew DVEVM Software Setu p 4-3 T exas In struments, in agreement wi th MontaVista Software Inc., is provid ing a dem ons tr ation versio n of the Li nux Prof essi ona l E dit ion v5. 0 embedded operatin g system a nd developm ent tools .
Software Overvie w 4-4 4.1.2 Software Component s The foll owing figure s hows t he softwa re compo nents used for applica tion develop ment in the DVEVM kit: In the pr evious figure, every thing ru ns on the ARM. The app licatio n handles I/O and app lica tion proc essing.
Prepar i ng t o In stall DVEVM Software Setu p 4-5 4.2 Preparing to Install On a host syst em, mount the DVEVM demonstra tion DVD an d copy the followin g files to a temp orary location with at least 1.2 GB a vailable space. Since y ou ca n dele te the in stallation fi les after ins talling the software , a direc tory li ke /tm p is recom mended .
Inst alling the Software 4-6 4.3 Install ing t he So ftware Installing t he softwar e used by the DVE VM invo lves pe rformin g the followin g steps: ❏ Sec tion 4 .3.1 , Installing the T arget Linux Software ❏ Sec tion 4 .3.2 , Installing the DVSDK Software ❏ Sec tion 4 .
Insta lli ng the Softw a re DVEVM Software Setu p 4-7 5) Unpack the tar file s (a s root) by usin g the fo llowin g com mands: host $ tar zxf mvltools5.0- ####### .tar.gz host $ tar zxf DaVinciLSP-#_#_#_#.t ar.gz This cr eates the MontaVista direct ory str ucture under th e /opt/mv_p ro _5.
Inst alling the Software 4-8 Note: Y ou ca n uninstall these co mponents by using the rm -rf comm and on its dir ectory . Y ou shoul d ignore the uni nstall fil es crea ted b y th e ins tal ler . 4.3.3 Install ing the A/V Demo Files The fourth disk co ntains the A /V files u sed by the demos .
Insta lli ng the Softw a re DVEVM Software Setu p 4-9 3) Swi tch us er to " root " on th e host Li nux wo rks tat io n. host $ su root 4) Pe rform the followin g comm ands to cr eate a cop y of the target file system with perm issions s et for writi ng to the shared a rea as <use racc t> .
Inst alling the Software 4-10 4.3.5 Testing t he Shared Fil e System T o test you r NFS setup, fo llow th ese steps: 1) Ge t the IP add ress o f your hos t Lin ux work stations as fo llows. Look for the IP addres s associa ted with the eth0 E thernet po rt.
Insta lli ng the Softw a re DVEVM Software Setu p 4-1 1 4.3.6 Notes on Usi ng Evaluation/ Production Codecs As part of the DM357 DV SDK i nstallation, you rec eived a numbe r of codecs: ❏ Seque ntia l JP EG Deco der ❏ Seque ntia l JP EG Enc ode r ❏ MPEG4 Rest ric ted Simpl e Pr ofile Dec ode r ❏ MPEG4 Simple P rofile E ncoder ❏ H.
Sett ing U p th e B uil d/D evel opm ent E nvir onm ent 4-12 4.4 Setti ng Up the Build/Devel opment Environment T o set u p the devel opmen t and bu ild envi ronment, follow thes e ste ps: 1) Log in to your user ac count (and not as root) on the NF S host syste m.
Bui ldin g a Ne w Lin ux Ke rnel DVEVM Software Setu p 4-13 4.5 Building a New Linux Kernel If you mod ify the targe t’s Linux kernel sourc es, you will need to rebuil d it and then boot it u p by e.
Rebuildi ng the DVEVM Software fo r the T arget 4-14 7) If th e kernel is configur ed with an y load able modul es (that is, sele cting <M> for a mod ule in menuco nfig) , use the fol lowin g co.
Building w ith DSPLin k DVEVM Software Setu p 4-15 ■ Make su re LINU XKERNEL_ INST ALL_DIR i s defined as follow s: LINUXKE RNEL _INST ALL_DIR =/ho me/< userac ct >/work dir/l sp/t i-davin ci/li nux- 2.6.1 8 _p r o5 0 0 ■ Modify the following env ironme nt variab le as needed to m atch the locati on of XDCtoo ls on you r Linux h ost.
Booting t he New Linux Ker nel 4-16 4.8 Booting the New Linux Kernel After bui ldin g the new kernel, in or der to us e it to b oot the Da Vinci board, you must tran sfer it to the board via TFTP . It is a ssumed you have complete d the s teps in Sec tion 4.
Using th e Digit al Video T est Bench (DVTB) DVEVM Software Setu p 4-17 4.9 Using the Digital Video Tes t Bench (DVTB) The Dig ital Video T est B ench (DV TB) is a Lin ux utility that wa s devel oped to execute end-to-end d ata flows using the DVSDK for any platfo rm.
A-1 Appendix A Additional Procedures This a ppendix descri bes opti onal p rocedur es you may u se de pendin g on your s etup and specif ic nee ds. A.1 Changing the Video Inpu t/Output Me thods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A – 2 A.2 Putting Demo App lications in the Third-Pa rty Menu .
Changing the V ideo Input/Ou tput Me thods A-2 A.1 Changing the Vide o Input/Output Methods U-Boot re ads th e S 3 mi ni-dip switc h, posit ion 10 setting on bo ot-up and stores the results in the vi deostd environ ment variab le.
Putting Demo Appli ca tio ns in the Thi rd-Party Menu Addi ti onal P roc edur es A-3 A.2 Putting Demo Applications in the Third-Party Menu Y ou can add your o wn demo s to the T hird-Pa r ty Menu by following th e steps in this sec tion. Onl y four demos c an be show n at once in the u ser- interfac e.
Putting D emo Appl ications in th e Third-P arty Menu A-4 uses relati ve refer ences to ac cess the m. For examp le, the fol lowin g directo ry str ucture m ight b e used in the ar chive: |-- app.sh |-- data | |-- datafile1 | `-- datafile2 |-- logo.jpg `-- readme.
Setting Up a TFTP Server Addi ti onal P roc edur es A-5 A.3 Setting Up a TFTP Server Y ou can check to see if a TFTP serve r is set up with the following comm and: host $ rpm -q tftp-server If it is not s et up, you can fo llow t hese steps: 1) If yo u have not ye t installed MontaVista Linux Dem o Editi on (see Section 4.
Alternate Boot Metho ds A-6 A.4 Alternate Boot Methods The defa ult conf iguratio n for the EVM is to b oot fr om flash with th e file system on the board’s NAND flash. T he follo wing a re alter nate way s you may want t o boot th e board: ❏ TFTP boot with NAND fla sh file sy stem (Sectio n A.
Alternate Bo ot Method s Addi ti onal P roc edur es A-7 A.4.2 Booting via TFTP Using Board’s NAND Flash File System T o boot in thi s mode, s et the follo wing paramete rs after you a bort the autom.
Alternate Boot Metho ds A-8 When you boot, l ook for the followi ng lines that conf irm t he boot mode: ## Booting image at 80700000 ... ... Starting kernel .
Up da ting /R estori ng the Bootloa der s Addi ti onal P roc edur es A-9 A.5 Updating/Restoring the Bootloaders The DM357 EV M board contain s 2 GB of NAND flash memo ry . During the b oot pr ocess 64 M B of NA ND is used . Afte r bo oti ng, 2 GB are us ed for the file system.
Up dating/R estoring t he Bootloaders A-10 ■ T o assign a dynami c addres s, use the foll owing: EVM # dhcp EVM # setenv ipaddr < IP address returned by dhcp > 2) Set the TFTP server IP address: EVM # setenv serverip < TFTP server IP address > 3) Sa ve these se ttings to t he flash m emory: EVM # saveenv 4) Loa d U-Boo t.
Up da ting /R estori ng the Bootloa der s Addi ti onal P roc edur es A-1 1 A.5.2 Updating UBL a nd U-Boot Bootl oaders Using an Emulator and CCStudio If workin g U-Boot (or UBL) ima ges are no t present in fl ash, you wi ll need to restore thes e image s using Code Composer S tudi o (CCS tudio) and an emulator .
Restoring the NAND Flash A-12 A.6 Restoring the NAND Flash Y ou ca n re sto re th e con tents of t he DVS DK NA ND f las h me mory on th e EVM boar d via N FS (S ection A.6.2) o r via R AM Dis k and an SD c ard (Section A. 6.3). These conte nt s include the Li nux kernel and fil esystem and the d emo applicati on softwar e.
Restoring the NAND Flash Addi ti onal P roc edur es A-13 A.6.2 Restoring t he NAND Flash Usi ng NFS Once yo u have load ed the kerne l binary to the correspon ding NAND partition as described in Sectio n A.6.1, you c an use NFS to po pulate the Y AFFS2 image (d m357_flas h_image_ #_#_#_# .
Restoring the NAND Flash A-14 A.6.3 Restoring t he NAND Flash Usi ng RAM Disk and a 2 GB SD Car d This pro cedure assum es the TFTP setup i n Section A.3 has been performed. Once yo u have loade d the kerne l binary to the correspon ding NAND partition as desc ribed i n Sect ion A.
Restoring the NAND Flash Addi ti onal P roc edur es A-15 7) Exec ute the fo llowin g comm ands to mo unt the MM C/SD and NA ND partitions and popul ate the Y AFFS 2 imag e: EVM # mkdir /mnt/mmc EVM # .
Index--1 This is a draft version printed fro m file: davinci_gsgIX.fm on 12/15/08 Index A applica tion 4- 4 arr ow but to ns 3-5 audio 2-3 B battery 1- 3, 3-4 bin file s 4-6 block d iagram 1-3 boot co.
Index--2 Inde x Encod e demo 3-7 on dis ks 4-2 flash m emory boot config uration A-6, A-7 G G.711 s peech 3-8, 3-9 GNU make, version 4-15 H H.264 video 3-7, 3-8, 3-9 host $ prom pt 4-3 I Info/S ele ct.
Index--3 Index compon ents 1-2, 4-4 ins talli ng 4-6 speake r 2-3 Spectrum Digital websi te 1-3 standal one de mos 3-2 static precau tions 2-2 Ster eo L i ne In (P 3) 2-3 Stereo Lin e Out (P5) 2-3 Sto.
Spec trum Digi tal, In c. 51 1 458- 0001 B.
デバイスTexas Instruments TMS320DM357 DVEVM v2.05の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Texas Instruments TMS320DM357 DVEVM v2.05をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはTexas Instruments TMS320DM357 DVEVM v2.05の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Texas Instruments TMS320DM357 DVEVM v2.05の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Texas Instruments TMS320DM357 DVEVM v2.05で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Texas Instruments TMS320DM357 DVEVM v2.05を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はTexas Instruments TMS320DM357 DVEVM v2.05の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Texas Instruments TMS320DM357 DVEVM v2.05に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちTexas Instruments TMS320DM357 DVEVM v2.05デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。