ToshibaメーカーCamera/ Camcorderの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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INTRODUCTION Enj oy prem iere rew ard choic es as a m em ber of HA S Advantag e. T rea t yourse lf t o a v a c a t i o n , s p o i l y o u r s e l f w i t h a s h o p p i n g s p r e e o r h e l p y o u r s e l f t o s o m e good old- fashi one d cash.
Earn Bonus Points Doub le Poi nt s Ea rn p oints even faster when you sho p at par ticipating D ouble Po i nt merchants. Loo k for the D ouble P oints s ticker in the w indow of your favori te stores and earn 2 p oints for ever y net dollar spent. A c omplete list of p art icipating merchant s can be f oun d at w ww.
Cash Back Donating Points Rede em your points for a full 1% c ash-back on ever y purchase. S tar t with as few a s 2,5 00 points or c ash in your tot al available balance. Cash back will appe ar as a credit on your nex t mont hly st atement. Now you ha ve even more o ppor tunities to sup por t t he causes closes t to your hea r t.
Point R edemption Cash-Back vs. HAS T ravel HAS Point s 1% Cash-Back Airlines Hotels, Cars & More HAS Specials 10,000 $100 $110 $120 $125 30,000 $300 $330 $360 $375 50,000 $500 $550 $600 $625 70,0.
Travel $100 Hyatt Check Certificate 12,500 Points $100 Avis ® Rental Certificate 12,500 $50 Budget ® Rental Certificate 7,000 Points $100 Hertz Check Voucher 12,500 Points Attractions Busch Garde.
Electronics Cobra GMRS/FRS 2-Way Radios 7,000 Points S mall s ize , b ig fe atu res. Th e len gth y 12-mi le r ange mak es t his per fec t for so ma ny acti viti es, incl uding hi king, hu nting , fishing o r even t aki ng to the a museme nt par k. Equi pped w ith a dua l desk top charger .
T oshiba DVD Recorder 25,000 Points Sav e your sh ows and h ome mov ies in la sting d igita l qualit y wit h the t ouch of a b utt on. Toshib a offe rs simul tane ous play a nd rec ord wit h DVD -R A M so you ca n watch a D VD wh ile you re cord y our favo rite s how.
JVC DVD Recorder/VCR Combination 50,000 Points Vi deo in novati on com es sta ndard in t his all -in-o ne DV D reco rder wit h hi-fi VC R so yo u can rec ord yo ur VH S colle ctio n to vide o - dis c.
Judaica 70 Faces - Blue Fringe CD 2,700 Points Miami Boys Choir - Revach 2,700 Points Rua ch Vniy iye h Mi Adi r Rib oin oi V ’oha vt a L ’re acha Kom oicha Yof e Y ech adshe ihu Li ft Up Yo ur C .
Judaica 39 Melochos 4 volume gift-boxed set (H/C) 12,200 Points Mo re tha n a deca de in the m aking , this mon ument al, mult i-volu me work e luci - dat es the 3 9 Melo chos, t he forb idde n lab ors of Shab bos, i n a clear, or ganize d mann er.
Magazines Condé Nast T raveler 1,500 Points ESPN The Magazine 1,500 Points Golf Digest 1,500 Points Good Housekeeping 1,500 Points Marie Claire 1,500 Points Newsweek 1,500 Points Redbook 1,500 Points.
Black & Decker Cordless Handisaw 7,000 Points C ut s almos t anyt hing - inc luding t hin met al, woo d (up t o 1 ” ), p lasti c and d ry wall - any time a nd any wher e.
Swiss Army Computer Messenger Bag 10,000 Points Hip, c oo l and oh s o fun ct ion al, thi s carr yall ma de of bal listi c nyl on feat ures eve ry thing yo u nee d. Boa sts a bu ilt-in co mpute r sle eve that p rotec ts up to a 15” lap top, a main s tora ge comp art - me nt an d fr ont org aniz ati ona l pan el.
T aylorMade Monaco Cart Bag 20,000 Points Classic de sign nev er goes ou t of s ty le. Fou rt een -way, fu ll-l eng th d ivi der s, in clu ding a put ter we ll, keep y ou orga nized and m obile, s o you can c once n - tr ate o n yo ur g olf a nd n ot wo rr y abo ut you r equipm ent.
Sony BRAVIA Home Theater System 50,000 Points He re’s t he answ er to the p rover bial qu estio n: “ What w ill they t hink of nex t? ” S ony’s H DMI o utpu t take s a typ ical DV D (4 80 p) a nd upsc ales it to 7 20p /10 80i re solut ion, ne arly hi gh-d efini tion, s o you enjo y mor e pleas urabl e viewi ng.
KitchenAid Food Chopper 3,500 Points Cho p nuts , herb s and veg etabl es ef for tless ly. Sta inles s steel b lade. Dis hwash er -s afe. Spe cif y blue, bl ack or re d.
T -FAL Initiatives 10-Pc. Cookware Set 10,000 Points T-Fa l unlock s the se cret to b ett er , eas ier co oking w ith excl usive T herm o- Sp ot techn olog y .
Hoover WindT unnel Bagless Uprigh t 20,000 Points It ’s tou gh to im pro ve on Win dTun nel t ech nol ogy - b ut H oov er ha s do ne i t by a ddin g Di rt FI ND ER se nsin g te chn olo gy t hat a ct.
Outdoor Bushnell Sports Optics PowerV iew Binocular 5,500 Points Com p act , 8 x 2 1 ro of-p ris m bin ocu lar s are rub ber- cov ered for dur abil it y and c omfor t. Fu lly-c oated l enses a dd brig htnes s and cla rit y. Featu res ce nte r -fo cus ing sys tem a nd 3 78’ fi eld of vi ew a t 100 0 yd s.
Weber Q Gas Grill P ackage 25,000 Points Cleve r Q hy brid exc els in ba ckya rd grill ing and as a p or table - p lus it ’ s 100 % Webe r . Mak e stea ks siz zle and s almon s ing wit h power ful, infinitel y-adjustable 12,000 BT U b urn er, 28 0- sq.
Sports & Leisure.
Sports & Leisure Callaway HX Hot Golf Balls 5,500 Points Ca tch fire o n the cou rse wi th the r ight equ ipmen t. T our-p roven H EX ae rod yna mic s rep lac e co nven tio nal dimp les for l ong er, mo re ef fi cie nt ball fl ight s o you can m axim ize your d istan ce of f the tee a nd thro ugh the f airw ay.
Big Bertha 460 Ti Driver 35,000 Points You ’ll ga in a lot of c onfid ence at t he tee k nowin g you h ave a driv er with a 4 60 cc hea d volume a nd a s hall owe r fac e. T hat m ean s lo ng, p owe rf ul sh ots wit h fo rgiv ene ss t o kee p yo u on t he fair way.
デバイスToshiba Camera/ Camcorderの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Toshiba Camera/ Camcorderをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはToshiba Camera/ Camcorderの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Toshiba Camera/ Camcorderの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Toshiba Camera/ Camcorderで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Toshiba Camera/ Camcorderを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はToshiba Camera/ Camcorderの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Toshiba Camera/ Camcorderに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちToshiba Camera/ Camcorderデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。