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User M anual EURO LIG HT LC2 4 1 2 Professional 2 4 - Channe l DM X Lighting Console.
2 EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 U s er Manual Thank you Thank you ver y much f or the con dence you have placed in us by purc hasing the EUROLIGHT LC2 41 2. Y ou n ow own an out st anding, ultr a- compac t light mi xing console, that f eatures t he st ate- of-the-ar t d igital DM X51 2 co ntrol.
3 EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 User Manual LEGAL DI SCL AI ME R LIM ITE D W AR R ANT Y T erminals marked with this symbol carry electrical current of su cient magnitude to constitute risk of electric shock. Use only high-quality professional speaker cables with ¼" TS or twist-locking plugs pre-installed.
4 EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 User Manual “Support ” at behringer . com. Ifyour coun try is not listed, please check if y our problem can be dealt with by our “OnlineSuppor t” which may also be found under “Support ” at behringer . com. Alternativ ely,please submit an online warranty claim at behringer .
5 EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 User Manual 1. Intr oduc tion This user ’s manual is designed to g ive you an over view of all the co ntrols, sot hat you get to kn ow all possible ap plicat ions the LC24 1 2 oer s. Gener alsafe t y inst ruc tions ar e followed by a s truc t ured over view o f the contr ol panel.
6 EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 User Manual Chase s The ex pressi on “Chases” r efer s to situat ions in whic h indivi dually progr ammed light step s ( u p to 99 step s ) are exec uted in succe ssion (the lights “chase” eac h other) . These s teps c an be both i ndividual p rese ts as well as m emorie s.
7 EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 User Manual (1) (2) (4) (10) (11) (5) (3) (8) (9) (6) (7) Fig. 2. 1: Section overview 2 .1 Control elements of the A PRESET s ect ion (12) (33) Fig. 2 .2: A PR ESE T se c tio n (det ail) (12) Faders 1- 12. Used to set the intensi t y of light element s conne c ted to the dimmer pack.
8 EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 User Manual Except ion: When the LC24 1 2 is in p rese t mode (“P” sh own in the bank d isplay) , the fa ders co ntrol th e same cha nnels as the f ader s of the A PRESE T sec t ion. Thisway , you can simul -taneo usly create a s econd pr eset .
9 EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 User Manual Exam ple: Y ou have dis abled th e solo f unc tion f or channel 8. T he light on chann el 8 remains lit if you pr ess one of t he Flash keys, as long as the s olo f unc tion is ac ti ve. Previou sly , yo u have programme d a memor y tha t uses cha nnel 8.
10 EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 User Manual (42) B fad er . T his fade r is the mas ter contro l for the B ME MORY sec tion; itdeter mines th e maximum illum ination level of all me morie s. Just like in the ca se of the A f ader, the FLASH keys can b e utilized e ven when the f ader is at it s zero posit ion.
11 EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 User Manual (62) (63) Fig. 2. 11 : Serial number and m ains connector (62) SERIAL NUMBER . Please t ake a few minute s and send to us a com pletely lled out w arrant y c ard wit hin 1 4 days of the or iginal date of purc hase.
12 EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 User Manual 3. 3 Crossfading between presets T o c ross fade b et ween t wo pres et s, you need an ad ditional p rese t. This addi tional pres et is create d by utilizin g the fad ers in t he B MEMORY sec t ion. 1. Pull the fa der B (42) upward, the f ader A (41) dow nward.
13 EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 User Manual 4. 2 Crossf ading between die rent setups 4 . 2 .1 Crossfading between presets and memories Cross fa ding bet ween m emorie s and pres et s work s exac t ly the sam e way as cros sf ading be twe en two p rese ts. Th e only di erence is that th e EUROLIGHT LC2 41 2 has to be in m emor y mode.
14 EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 User Manual 4.4 Programming memories without directcontrol (Bl ind) In additi on to progr amming memo ries by using t he previe w func t ion (see chapter 4. 1.3 ), y ou can als o progr am memor ies using yet an other met hod, witho ut being v isible on the s tage.
15 EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 User Manual 6 .1 . 2 Programming memory chase 1. Press t he CHASE key (26) to be gin prog ramming, as de scr ibed ab ove. 2. Sel ec t a chase u sing the DA T A whee l. The displays shows wh ether you ar e dealing wit h a level chase o r a memor y cha se.
16 EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 User Manual Each s tep is shown in th e display; the STEP key is disa bled. If you ad ditionally enable the INSERT key , you c an fa de in and out b et ween the t wo step s sele c tedlas t. Key On O INSERT • MANUAL • Table.
17 EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 User Manual 6. 3. 2 Previewing and editing CTM Repl ay mode and s pee d Af ter success fully p rogram ming a chase, you c an also prev iew the rep lay mode and the cha se spee d, withou t any of thes e being visib le on the s tage.
18 EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 User Manual 7. 4 Theater mo de Y ou have the op tion to sto re a long se quence (99 steps) so that you can de ne an individual cross fad e time for e ach step. This w ay , you c an upload e a fra mework for a comp lete theater pie ce into the cha se stor age, and then ex pand i t with pres ets an d memori es.
19 EUROLIGHT L C2 4 1 2 User Manual PC wi th MI DI -so f t war e MIDI Out MIDI In DMX5 1 2 Out DMX51 2 In Dimmerpack L C 2 4 12 r e a r Fig. 7 .4: MI DI connection 7. 6 Storing da t a on a memory card The EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 is an e x treme ly exi ble lighting co nsole, and you c an use it for a p lethor a of possib le applic ations.
20 EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 User Manual 8. Dimmer Control Dimmerpack DMX512 input DMX512 output Analog output 0-10 V Analog input T ape/Send output Mirror ball Fog machine (with 0-10 V interface) PRO MIXER VMX200 L C2412 rear 0-10 V switch box Fig. 8 . 1: Stand ard w ir ing in c omb inat io n wit h a dim mer (ana log an d/or di git al co ntr ol) 8 .
21 EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 User Manual DMX channels A DMX channe l consist s out of o ne digit ally transmi tte d infor mation uni t ( 1B y te/8 Bit), whereas 256 die rent infor mation un its c an be tr ansmit ted.
22 EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 User Manual 9. 3 . 2 Sub D conne c tions (Ana log Contr ol) The follow ing table show s the cab le layout of the indi vidual cont ac ts of t he sub D connec tio n for analog d immer contr ol.
23 EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 User Manual 10 . Sp ec i cati ons CHANNELS 26 ( 2 4 + 2 special s witcha ble channels) DMX 78 out of 51 2 DMX chann els (max.
24 EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 User Manual MIDI Implementation Chart Function Transmitted Received R emarks Range Midi Channel 1 -16 1 -1 6 — — Mode N N — — Note Number N N — — V elocity N N — .
25 EUROLIGHT LC2 4 1 2 User Manual FEDERAL C OMMUNICA TIONS C OM MISSION C OMPLI ANCE INF ORMA TION Responsible Par t y Name: MUSIC G rou p Ser vi ces US In c. Address: 1 891 2 Nor t h Cree k Park way , Suite 2 00 Bo the ll, WA 9801 1 , USA Phone/Fax No .
W e Hear Y ou.
デバイスBehringer LC2412の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Behringer LC2412をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBehringer LC2412の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Behringer LC2412の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Behringer LC2412で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Behringer LC2412を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBehringer LC2412の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Behringer LC2412に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBehringer LC2412デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。