Tripp Liteメーカー116の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Smart CA T5 S w it ch 108 and 1 16 User Gui de 1111 W. 3 5th Stree t, Chicago, I L 60609 U SA www Copyrig ht ©2012 Trip p Lite.
SMART CA T5 SWITCH – 108/11 6 1 Table of Contents 1. Welcome ................................................................................................................................ 4 2. Introduction .........................................
USER GUIDE 2 4.2.9 Security ....................................................................................................................................... 2 2 4.2.10 The OSD H ELP win dow – F1 ...............................................
SMART CA T5 SWITCH – 108/11 6 3 6.7.2 Ge tting the curr ent statu s............................................................................................................. 38 6.7.3 Commun icatio n Erro r m e ssage...............................
USER GUIDE 4 1 . W e l c o m e Thank you for buying the Sm art CAT5 Switch system. This system is produced by Minicom Advanced Systems Limited. Technical precau tions This equipment generates radio frequency energy and if not installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, may cause radio frequency interference.
SMART CA T5 SWITCH – 108/11 6 5 2 . I n t r o d u c t i o n Access and control multiple multi-platform computers from one Keyboard Video Mouse (KVM) con sole with the Smart CA T5 Switch (Sm art CAT5) system. The Smart CAT5 com es in 108 and 116 models.
USER GUIDE 6 2.3 Compatibility The Smart CAT5 is compatible with: PS/2, SUN and USB com put ers/ servers VGA, SVGA, or X GA m onitors DOS, Windows, LI NUX, UNIX, MAC and a ll other m aj or oper ating systems 2.4 The Sma rt CA T5 system configuration Figure 1 illustrate s the basic config uration of the Smar t CAT5 system.
SMART CA T5 SWITCH – 108/11 6 7 2.5 The Sma rt CA T5 model s Figure 2 illustrate s the front pane l of the Smart CA T5 116 m odel. The 108 model is the same but with on ly 8 colum ns of LEDs. Figure 2 Smart CAT5 11 6 front panel The figure below illustrates the rear panel of the Smart CAT5 116 unit.
USER GUIDE 8 3 . C o n n e c t i n g t h e S m a r t C AT 5 s y s t e m Each computer/ serv er is directly connect ed to the Smart CA T5 via th e ap pr o pr ia te ROC or RICC using CAT5 cable i n a star configuration . T h e s y stem can c o ntain a mixture of RoCs an d RICCs.
SMART CA T5 SWITCH – 108/11 6 9 Figure 6 RICC PS/ 2 connections 3.2 Connecting a ROC/RICC USB The R OC / RICC USB supports Windows 9 8 SE and later, MAC, SU N, SGI and all modern Linux distribu tions. The connections for ROC/ RICC USB are exactly the same.
USER GUIDE 10 3.3 Connecting a RICC SUN Figure 8 illustrate s the RICC S U N and its connections. To connect the RI CC SUN: 1. Connect the Screen connector to the computer’s Video port. 2. Connect the Key board connector to the com puter’s Key board port.
SMART CA T5 SWITCH – 108/11 6 11 3.6.1 Avoiding general rack mounting problems Elevated operating a mbient temperature The operating ambient temperature of the rack environm ent may be greater than the room am bient when installing into a closed o r multi-unit rack assem bly.
USER GUIDE 12 Figure 10 Connecting the L-shaped bracket 3.6.3 Rac k mounting the R ICCs You can attach the RIC Cs to a server rack or computer using the Velcro strips provided. Or conn ect it usi ng the bracket pr ovided. The figure below i llustrates the bracket .
SMART CA T5 SWITCH – 108/11 6 13 With the Sm art CAT5 116 model, connect up t o u p to 256 computers through cascading. A lower level Switch m ust ha v e a different hotkey to display its OSD t han a higher level switch. Changing the OSD display hotkey is e xp lained on page 18 be low .
USER GUIDE 14 4 . O p e r a t i n g t h e S m a r t C AT 5 s y s t e m Switch between the connected computers by either The front pane l Select butto ns Keyboard hotkey s The OSD (On Screen D isplay) or Contro l software The OSD is also th e place to adjust various s e ttings as explained below.
SMART CA T5 SWITCH – 108/11 6 15 Figure 13 OSD Main window 4.2.1 Navigating the OSD To navigate up and dow n use the Up and Dow n arrow key s. To jump from one c olum n to t he next (when relevant) use the Tab key. To exit the OSD or re turn to a previous win dow within the OSD p ress Esc .
USER GUIDE 16 Figure 14 Settings window Note! When the OSD is password protected (expla ined below) onl y the Adm inistrator has access to th e F2 settings window. 4.2.4 The General settings With the GENERA L line hig hlighted, press Enter . The Gener a l settings window appears see Fig ure 15.
SMART CA T5 SWITCH – 108/11 6 17 Administrator (Status A) The Administrator can: Set and modify all Passwor ds and s ecu rity profiles Fully access any computer Use all OSD functions 4.
USER GUIDE 18 Displaying t he OSD of cascaded sw itches When you have casca ded Smart CAT5 sw itches, a lower level Swi tch must have a different OSD display hotkey than a higher level switch.
SMART CA T5 SWITCH – 108/11 6 19 To change the Se rial port setting: 1. Navig ate to the Serial port line. 2. Toggle between the options using the Spaceba r. Changing the Keybo ard language In the OSD t he nam es of the com puters can be written in 3 d ifferent languag es – English (EN), Germ an (DE), and French (FR ).
USER GUIDE 20 Editing the co mputer name In this window you can edit the computer nam es with up to 15 characters. Whe n y ou have a cascaded CA T5 KVM Switch connec ted to a Com puter port give the switc h a distinct nam e. See Figure 16. To erase a c ha racter: Select it and pres s the Spacebar.
SMART CA T5 SWITCH – 108/11 6 21 Figure 17 Ti me settings window Scan (SCN) - Label (LBL) - T ime out (T/O) SCN - I n the SCN column, change th e scan period. LBL - In the LBL column, change th e display period o f the OSD label show ing which computer is currently accessed.
USER GUIDE 22 Figure 18 Users settings window There are 3 different access levels. These are: Y – Full access to a particular computer. Plus access to the F4 , F5 and F6 OSD functions V –V.
SMART CA T5 SWITCH – 108/11 6 23 Figure 19 Securit y set tings window The ‘T’ column on the ri g ht hand side stands for Type of password. There can only be 1 Adm inistrator password, 1 Supervisor password, and 6 U ser passwords. To change a user name or password: 1.
USER GUIDE 24 4.2.11 Scanning computers– F4 Where necessary adjust the scan time in the Ti m e Settings window, see a bov e. To activate scanning: 1. Press Shift twice to open the OSD. 2. Press F4 . Your screen display s each active computer se quentially, with the Sca n label appearing in the top l e ft corner.
SMART CA T5 SWITCH – 108/11 6 25 Input the DDC information of t h e monitor connected to the Smart CAT5 switch into the mem ories of all connected ROC/RI CCs when first installing sy stem. To input the DDC i n formation: 1. Disconnect the Video cable of all ROC/RICCs from the computers.
USER GUIDE 26 5 . U s i n g t h e C o n t r o l s o f t w a r e As an alternative t o the O SD, you can ope rate the system w ith the Control sof tware located on our website www.m in the Support section on the Sm art CAT5 Switch Upgrades p age.
SMART CA T5 SWITCH – 108/11 6 27 5.3 Install ing and running the Control soft w are Note! The system m ust be fully connected BE FORE running the Control software. Failure to first connect the system will lead to the software working in demo mode. 1.
USER GUIDE 28 5.3.2 Computer icons Icon Meaning Computer is connect ed and switched o n Computer is sw itched off or unco nnected Computer that you are presently connected to Connected and switch ed on computer with a L ocal Workstation attached and presently being used locally.
SMART CA T5 SWITCH – 108/11 6 29 5.3.5 Selecting a computer To select a com puter: Click on the c om puters icon. The system switches to that com puter. T he connec ted icon appears with a r ed background . Control and moni tor the selected computer from t he k eyboard and m ouse connected to t he Smart Switch.
USER GUIDE 30 5.3.11 The Edit menu You can edi t all OSD fie lds. Edit the fo llowing from th e Edit menu. Logo Passwords Settings 5.3.12 Log o and Pass w ords You can edit the logo t hat appears at the t op of the OSD window. Y ou can also edit the names and passw ords for the Adm inistrator, Supervisor and 6 U sers.
SMART CA T5 SWITCH – 108/11 6 31 Here you can edit all the data that can be edited in the OSD. This includes: Scan times, Tim eout, Confirmation label d isplay time, Keyboard ty pe/mode, User access, Password m ode, Autoskip mode, and Sw itch/System hot k ey.
USER GUIDE 32 5.4 Password protec tion When the Sm art CAT5 system is pass wo rd protected, the Cont rol software behav es in exactly the same way as t he OSD. You must type in the required password to access the Control software. The access you gain depends on the security status – exactly as with the OSD.
SMART CA T5 SWITCH – 108/11 6 33 6 . U p g r a d i n g t h e S m a r t C AT 5 f i r m w a r e With the Smart CAT5 Update software program you can upgrade the firmware for the: OSD Manager ROC/RICC s Smart CAT5 Update ena b les you to add new feat ures and fix bugs in a qu ick and efficient manner.
USER GUIDE 34 6.4 Installing the software Download the Upd ate software and in stall it on your c omputer. 6.4.1 Connecting the RS232 Serial cable To run the software, c on nect the RS232 Seria l c ab le to t he com puter contain ing the Update software, an d to the Smart CAT5 Swi tch.
SMART CA T5 SWITCH – 108/11 6 35 Button o r Box Fu nction Cancels selected function System time Displays device sta tus Name of Update file 2. To change the C om Port from the Options menu choose Com Port. The Com Port Dialog box appea rs. See Fig ure 29.
USER GUIDE 36 Smart C A T5 M anager version n umber To verify t he Smart CAT5 version num ber: 1. In the Switch Unit box, check the Smart CAT 5 Manager option . 2. Click . The firmware version number appears in the Switch Un it box. 3. Click .
SMART CA T5 SWITCH – 108/11 6 37 Figure 30 Open box 4. Open the file. 5. Click Start . The Sm art CAT5 Switch Update flashes t he firmware. On completion the firm ware version number app ears. 6. Check that the updated version num ber is correct by pressing .
USER GUIDE 38 6.7.1 Resetting the units Resetting can be d one from the Upd ate software or f rom the Sm art CAT5 switch. Resetting through the U pdate software Reset the software for the Smart CAT5 Manager or ROC/RI CCs when for example the unit hangs or wh en the m ouse fails to work proper ly.
SMART CA T5 SWITCH – 108/11 6 39 6.7.4 Electricity failure When the electricity fails while updating the Smart CAT5 firmware, do the following : If the electricity f ails during the firm ware update of th e Switch, a Communication Error message appe ars.
USER GUIDE 40 7 . R I C C S U N k e y b o a r d e m u l a t i o n By default the RI CC SUN supports US Eng lish keyboard emulation. I t also supports German and Swis s German keyboard em ulation. You can download t he appro priate keyboard emulation firmware from our website www.
SMART CA T5 SWITCH – 108/11 6 41 8 . U S B / S U N C o m b o k e y s The connected PS /2 keyboard does not hav e a special SUN ke y pad to perform special functions in the SUN Operating System env ironment.
USER GUIDE 42 9 . T e c h n i c a l s p e c i f i c a t i o n s Operating systems and Platforms DOS, Windows, LINUX, UNIX, MAC and all other major operating systems Mouse PS/2, W heel mouse, Intellimouse, 5-button m ouse Resolution 1600x1200@75Hz System cable CAT5/ 5E/ 5+/ 6/ or 7 cables.
SMART CA T5 SWITCH – 108/11 6 43 9.1 Safet y The device must o nly be opened by an autho rized Minicom te chnician. D isconnect device from AC m ains before service oper ation! 9.
USER GUIDE 44 201204196 • 933193.
デバイスTripp Lite 116の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Tripp Lite 116をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはTripp Lite 116の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Tripp Lite 116の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Tripp Lite 116で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Tripp Lite 116を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はTripp Lite 116の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Tripp Lite 116に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちTripp Lite 116デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。