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Unibrain Ul tra Compac t firewire cam e ras Models: 530/630 /830 User Operation Manual V ersion 1.0 September 2008.
Legal Notice For Customer s in U.S. A. This equipm ent has be en tested and found t o com ply with th e limits for a Class B digital d evice, p ursuant t o Part 15 of the F CC Rules. The se limits a re des igned t o provid e reaso nable p rotectio n ag ainst harm ful inte rferen ce whe n the equ ipmen t is oper ate d in a commer cial e nvironme nt.
Before You Start This manual should help you in installa tion and setting of the camera and we reco mmend you to car efully follow th e instru ction described. To ensure that your warranty remains valid, read the manual carefully before usin g the camera.
Table of contents 1. Introduction ......................... ....... ......................... ......................................................... 1 1.1. Overview ...................................................................................
3.8. Gain ................................................................................................................................................................ . 24 3.9. T rigger & St robe ...............................................
SIO (RS232) RX C ontrol Procedure .............................................................................................................................. 47 SIO (RS232) TX Control Procedure Me thod I ............................................
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 1 1. Introduction 1.1. Overview Unibrain’ s ne w Fire - i ultra co mpact Industrial Fire wire camera s Series open s up a new horizon in digit .
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 2 1.2. Dimensio n s and Description Camera Body S ize : 29 (w) x 29 (H) x 39 (D) mm Camera Body Wei g h t: approx.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 3 1.4. Firewire Port The indu stry standard FireWire (I EEE - 1394) port has the followi ng pin assign ment . Data and control of the came ra and power ar e provided by the f irewire port. Pin Signal 1 VP 2 VG(Ground) 3 TPB - 4 TPB+ 5 TPA 6 T PA - CAUTION : DO NO T reverse the polarity .
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 4 1.5. Electrical O p era ting Condition Trigger Recommended T rigger Example 1 Recommended T rigger Example 2 User Side T rigger Opto. Coupler Camera Side FT Series Camera External T rigger Pin GND Pin Recommended T rigger Example Electrica l Specif ication Ext.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 5 Strobe Recommended Strobe Example 1 Recommended Strobe Example 2 User Side Strobe Opto. Coupler Camera Side FT Series Camera Strobe Pin Act.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 6 1.6. Pixel Dat a The Unibrain Fi re -i ultra comp act form Series com plies w ith the II DC 1394 - B ased Dig ital Camera Spe cif ication V1.31 where d a t a packets are tran sm itted by a FireWire TM interface as isochron ous pac kets .
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 7 U- (K+Pn - 8) Y - (K+Pn - 8) Y - (K+ Pn - 7) V - (K+ Pn - 8) Y - (K+Pn - 6) Y - (K+Pn - 5) U- (K+Pn - 4) Y - (K+Pn - 4) Y - (K+Pn - 3) V - (K+ .
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 8 < U, V > Each component has 8 bit data. The data ty pe is “ S traig h t Bina ry ” Signal Level ( De c imal) Data (Hexadecimal) Highest(+) 127 0xFF 126 0xFE . . . . 1 0x81 Lowest 0 0x80 -1 0x7F .
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 9 2. Camera Sp ecific ations 2.1. Monochrome cameras 2.1.1. F ire -i 830 b Specification Fea t u re s Image Sensor T ype 1/1.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 10 2.1.2. Fire -i 630 b Specification Fea t u re s Image Sensor T ype 1/ 3- inch Interline CCD ( Sony ICX204AL ) Effec tive pixe ls 800,000 pixels 1034(H) x 7 79(V) Pictur e Size 1024x768, 8 00x600, 640x48 0, 320x240 Cell Size(um) 4.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 11 2.1.3. Fire - i 530 b Specificatio n Fea t u re s Image Sensor 1/3 - inch Interline CCD ( Sony ICX424AL) Eff ective Pix els 330,000 pixel s 659(H) x 4 94(V) Pictur e Size 640 x 480, 320 x 240 Cell Siz e 7.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 12 2.2. Color Cameras 2.2.1. Fire - i 830 c Spec i fic a tion Fea t u re s Image Sensor T ype 1/1.8 - inch Interline CCD ( Sony I CX - 274A Q) Effec tive pixe ls 2,010 ,000 pixel s 1 600 (H) x 1200 (V) Pictur e Size 1600x1200, 1280x 960, 1024x768, 800x600, 640x480 Cell Size(um) 4.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 13 2.2.2. Fire - i 630 c Specification Fea t u re s Image Sensor T ype 1/ 3- inch Interline CCD ( Sony ICX - 204A K) Effec tive pixe ls 800,000 pixels 1034(H) x 7 79(V) Pictur e Size 1024x768, 800x600, 640x48 0, 320x240 Cell Size(um) 4.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 14 2.2.3. Fire - i 530 c Specification Fea t u re s Image S ens or T ype 1/3 - inch Interl ine CCD ( ICX - 424AQ ) Effec tive pixe ls 330,000 pixels 659(H) x 4 94(V) Pictur e Size 640 x 480, 320 x 240 Cell Size(um) 7.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 15 2.3. Spectral Sensitivity E xcludes lens a n d light sour ce c haracteris tic s. 2.3.1. B&W Cameras Spectral Sensi t ivity for Fire - i 83.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 16 Spectral Sensi t ivity for Fire - i 530 b.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 17 2.3.2. Color Cameras Spectral Sens it iv ity for Fire - i 830 c Spectral Sensi t ivity for Fire - i 630 c.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 18 Spectral Sensi t ivity for Fire - i 530 c.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 19 3. Basic Operatio n and F eatures The Unibrain cam eras em ploy a progress ive scan CCD sens or which provid es di fferent feat ure s fo r each model. Basic functions and features a re similar , w hile each camera has its own spec if i c function sup port.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 20 1: Control wi th value in Ab s olute value CSR if this bi t = 1, value in Va lue filed is ig nored - [2 .
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 21 0:OFF , 1:ON If this bit=0 , other f ields will b e r ead only . A_M_Mode [7] Write: set the mode, Read : read a curre n t mod e 0: Manual, 1:Aut o - [ 8..19 ] Reserved Va l u e [ 20..31 ] Va l u e : Write the value in Auto m ode, this f iled is ignored .
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 22 Status Control Register Address Name Field Bit Descriptio n 80C h WHITE_BAL ANCE Presence_Inq [0] Presen ce o f this feature.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 23 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Gamma Range T able Gamma Va l u e 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Gamma 0.4 0.5 0.6 0. 7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Gamma Va l u e 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Gamma 1.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 24 2903~3304 100ms T= (Y - 2902)*1 00+5800 ms 5.9s ~ 46s 3305~3508 1s T= (Y - 3304)*1 000+46000 ms 47s ~ 250s 3509~3843 10s T= (Y - 3508)*1 0 + 2.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 25 3.9.1. Supported Trigger T rigger Edge Rising Edge or F alling Edge Mode 0, 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 14 , 15 Source External or Software T rigger Inqui.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 26 3.9.2. Trigger and Strob e Signal Relation.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 27 3.9.3. Timing Diagram for External Trigge r and Shutter and Strobe This diagram shows the nece ssary time related t o each sig nal for Exter na l trigger and Shutter and Strobe.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 28 3.9.4. Trigger Mode 0 The Camera sta rts in tegration of the inco ming li ght from the extern al trigger input f alling edge. The Integr ation time is de scr ibed in the "Shutter " reg is ter .
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 29 3.9.7. Trigger Mode 3 Not suppor ted at Format 7 Mode This is an i ntern al tr igge r mode . T he c amera will issue a trigger internally and the cycle time is N tim es (parameter) the cycle time o f the fa stest frame rate.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 30 3.9.9. Trigger Mode 5 This mode is the “multi ple sh utter pulse width mode” . The c amera starts the integration of the incoming light from the f irst external trig ger input falling edge and exposes the inc oming light unt il the trigg er is inactive.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 31.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 32 3.10. Strobe Co ntrol Registe r Base Address: 0xF 2F 23000 h Address Name Field Bit Descriptio n 000h Strobe_CTRL _Inq Strobe_0_Inq [0] Presen.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 33 active output, 1: High activ e output) Delay_V alue [8..19] Delay af ter start of exposure until the strobe signa l a s serts Duration_V alue [20..31] Duration of the strobe signal A value 0 means dessert at the end of exposure funct io n if required .
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 34 3.11. Trigger Delay Control Based on the ext ernal triggers, the user ca n delay ima g e acquisitio n by the trigger delay control feature.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 35 The table shows the strobe index by the increment ste p through strobe dela y time and strobe dur ation time. Increment Step is diffe ren t according to s trobe index. Strobe Delay/Duration T ab le Strobe Index( Y) Increment Step Strobe Delay Time : T Delay Time Duration Time Ra nge 0 0us N.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 36 3.12. Optical Fil ter Control The Optical Fil te r contro l allows the user to cha nge the optica l f i lter of the camera . Y ou can c hang e the Bayer pattern by m oving the starti ng posi tion of th e pattern by one position up, do wn, right or lef t.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 37 3.13. Color (Bayer) Patterns Co nversion Color sensor s capture images th rough a n op tical low pass f ilter p laced over the individua l pixel s in a Bayer mos aic layout .
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 38 4. Advanced Features 4.1. Binning M od e Binning is d ef ined as reading neighboring pixe l s fro m the CCD and combining t hem to create one pixel v alue . Binning has an ad vantage in the following situation s as well as in v arious ap plications .
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 39 4.1.3. Full Binning Full bin ning mode can be o btained by combin ing both v ertica l and horizon tal binning. First horizontal pixels are combined ; followed b y a vertical conjun ction of thes e pixels.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 40 4.2. Partial S ca n Cameras pro vide a cer tain resolu tion which is dictated b y the image s ensor .
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 41 4.3. Pan/Tilt Pan/Tilt is a funct ion used to move a camer a up and down or left and right. How ever , unl ike the me chanical Pa n /Tilt whic.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 42 Pan/Tilt Details for F ire - i 830b & Fir e -i 830c Imag e Size Movement Fire - i 830b Kh=22, K v=34 Fi re - i 830c Kh=20, K v=34 Range(Inc r.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 43 4.4. One- Shot and Multi - Shot This camera sup ports One - Sho t and Multi - Shot features. The camera should be i n ISO disabled mode bef ore the execution of the se command s . I f the ca mera is in I SO enabled mode , these com mands are ignored.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 44 4.5. Multi- Camera Auto -sync . Not supported in 3.75 fps In applicati on s incorporating M ulti - Camera , there is often a need to sync hronize the cameras.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 45 4.7. Memory Channel Save / Load The setting of th e camera features (Shut ter , Gai n, e tc) and video mod e can be stored in a non - volatile memory .
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 46 4.8. Time Stamp Register The Time stamp reg ister may be inquired from the Native FireWire Bus (I EEE - 1394.a) CYCLE_TIME r egisters as follows. Y ou may also get the same value from user def ined registers b ut we recommend this.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 47 4.9. Seri al Interface The cameras are equipped with the SIO (Seria l input/ output ) feature described in the II DC 1.31 sp ecif ication. By using the seria l interface, the user can execute commands by w riting data in a specif ic address in the Fire Wire address range.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 48 STEP 3 Read RS232 RX data from S IO_Data_Register (addr. : F2F22100 ) STEP 4 If data is further required repeat from STEP1 Note that 1394 data.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 49 SIO (RS232) TX Control Proced ure Method II STEP 1 Check TX buffer size by reading TBUF _ST of the Transmit_Buff er_Status_Co ntrol register(Addr.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 50 4.9.2. SIO (RS232) Registers B ase address: F2F22000h, default baud rate is 57600 Address Name Field Bit Descriptio n 000h Serial_Mode_Reg Baud Rate [0 .
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 51 Write : 0: Clear flag 1: Ignored PER [14] Recei ve data parity error Read : Current status Write : 0: Clear flag 1: Ignored - [15] Reserved 008h R eceive_Buffer_Sta tus_Con trol RBUF_ ST [0.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 52 4.9.3. SIO(RS232) Special Commands 0xF2F10018 Auto - Sync Mod e control regi ster Bit 31 : a uto syn c enable Bit 30 : SIO enable mode ( 0 : Custom mode , 1 : IIDC v1.31) Bit 27 : a uto syn c comple te ( rea d only .
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 53 S AF 0Bytes Z ‘G’ +18 Byte Read feature contro l value Return v a lue o rd er ‘G’ [Gain] [Shutter ] [Set/Clear auto gain and shutte r].
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 54 4.10. Frame Save Function The Fire - i ultra compact f orm ser ies cameras can save their fram e s in the camera memory . Th e camera can be instruct e d to stop running when the maximum frames ar e saved in the mem ory .
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 55 4.11. LUT (Look up table) The cameras support a LUT , which p rovid es t he use r with an image with the u ser ’ s def ined dynam ic range. Through the LUT , the u ser can process t he images f rom s aturation to dark.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 56 T he u ser def i ned LUT save procedure is : 1. C heck the save ready bit (b it1) status o f the LUT save con trol registe r (0xF2F10140).
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 57 4.12. One Pixe l S now Noise Rem ove With this functi o n, it is p oss ible to average the value of sn ow noi se pixel by using th e neig hbo ri ng p ixels values. The formula used is: I f ((Pi - Pi - 1) > Thr eshold*16) and ((Pi - Pi+1) > ( Threshold *16)), Pi is bad pixel.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 58 4.13. PIO Control R e g ister Short for P rog ram m ab le Input/Output , PIO provide s a set of IO ports which can be co nf ig ured by the def ined address . The PI O con trol reg iste r by 1394 addres s , for strobe and trigger signal , is as follow s.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 59 5. User D efined (custom) FIREWIRE Registers User def ined registers are featur es undef ined in the IIDC specif ication which Unib rain camer as are capable of . The u ser can utilize extended features of the specif i c F i reWire register for an applicatio n.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 60 0xF2F10018 Mode control register Bit 31 : a uto syn c enable Bit 30 : SIO enable mode (0 : Custom m ode , 1 : IIDC v1.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 61 image command 0xF2F1012C 4 step knee LUT run control register LUT knee 1st point re gister Bit 0 : prese nce i nquiry (rea d only) Bit 1 : LUT.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 62 0xF2F10150 Snow noise remove t hreshold register Bit 0 : presence inquiry (read only) Bit 1 ~ Bit 5 : reserved Bit 6 : on/off Bit 7 : grid noi.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 63 6. Video Formats and M o des IIDC 1.31 def ines sev eral video form at s which d eterm ine the video data outp ut from th e camera. An over vie w of those for ma ts is : Format 0: Vid eo formats up to VG A ( 640 x 480) resolu tion.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 64 6.1. Fire -i 830 b / Fire -i 830 c Format Mode Resolution 60fps 30fps 15fps 7. 5 f p s 3.75fps 1.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 65 6.2. F ire -i 630 b / F ire -i 630 c Format Mode Resolution 60fps 30fps 15fps 7. 5 f p s 3.75fps 1.
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 66 6.4. Trouble Sh oot in g FireWire based camera s are operated in connection with system w here the user may enco u nter problems as the y operate. The se problems may ori ent e ither from the camera side or the system side that the camera is being used .
Unibrain Fire - i 530/630/8 30 Operation Manual Pa g e 67 7. Technical S upport We ensure the conformity of our product to be reli ab le and free from defects during manufacturing by testing al l the cameras before rel ease . However unexpected problems and technical issues may come up due to the complexity of the product.
デバイスUnibrain 530の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Unibrain 530をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはUnibrain 530の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Unibrain 530の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Unibrain 530で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Unibrain 530を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はUnibrain 530の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Unibrain 530に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちUnibrain 530デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。