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D3588 base with answering system and corded handset DESK WALL Wall/Desk Stand Accessory handset and charger If you purchased model number: You should have: D3588 1 of each D3588-2 2 of each ... ... D3588-11 11 of each D3588-12 12 of each * If the m ode l numbe r ends in R , your pa ckag e includ es a DR X 1 00 rang e ex tend er.
2 - English Ge tt ing S tar te d ........................................ 3 Set Up t he Bas e ............................................. 3 Set Up t he Accesso r y Hands ets .............. 4 Set tin g Up the Cell Link™ Blu etoo th ™ Conne ct ion .
English - 3 GETTING STARTED Set Up the Base Attach the Stand Be foreyouat t acht hes ta nd ,youha vetodec idei fyouw a ntth ephonetore stona des korha ngonaw a l l. For de sk top us e 1.
4 - English For desktop use For wall mount use WALL DESK DESK WALL WALL DESK WALL DESK 2. Plugt heACad apte rintoas ta nd a rd120VACpowerout le t,a ndco nne ctt h e tele phonec ordtoast a nda rdt elep honewa l lja ck .
English - 5 3. Pu sht h econ nec tori nu nti litc lic k sint oplac e;t ugg ent lyont hew i restom a ke su ret hebat te r yiss ec ur elyc onne c ted . 4. Re plac et hebat te r ycove rands l ideiti ntopla ce.
6 - English 1. Pre ss Menu tod isp layt hema i nmenu . 2. Se lec tt he Bl ue t oo th Se t up menu ,t hense lec tt he Ad d C e l l p ho ne subme nu.
English - 7 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR PHONE Parts of the Base Key (icon) What it does Clear/flasH While entering text: delete the last character (press and hold to delete all the characters). During a call: switch to a waiting call. Menu In standby: open the menu.
8 - English Key (icon) What it does DOWn ( ) x In standby: decrease the ringer volume. x During a call or while a message is playing: decrease the volume. x In any menu or list: move the cursor down one line. Delete ( ) x In standby: press and listen to the guidance.
English - 9 Key (icon) What it does Cell x In standby: start a telephone call using a paired Bluetooth phone. x While a paired phone is ringing: answer the incoming call. x During a CellLink call: switch to a waiting call. CiD x In standby: or during a call: open the caller ID list.
10 - English Icon What it means The ringer is turned off and will not ring for new calls. You have a voice message waiting. P Privacy Mode is on: no other station can join the call. New message symbol: an asterisk * icon indicates a new message or a message not retrieved.
English - 11 Cal l Pr ivac y Menu (O-Hook Menu Only ) Th i smenulet syout u rnC a l lPr iv ac yona ndof fdu ri ngac a l l.W it hCa l lP ri vac y tu r nedon ,noot herh an ds et sca nc onne ctw i thy ourc onver sat ion .
12 - English Menu Option What it does HD A udio Turn HD Audio on or off. Bas e Se tup Menu (From Base) Y ouc a ncha nget h eses et t i ngss epa r atel yforea chst at ion. Menu Option What it does Lang uage Change the display language.
English - 13 Entering Text on Your Phone • Uset he12-k eyd ia lp ada ny t i meyouwa nttoe nterte x tintoy ourph one( ana me int h ephoneb ook ,t heha nd se tba nne r ,etc .
14 - English To... Press... make a call: dial the number, then Cell . * answer a call Cell. hang up Cell on the base or enD on the handset. return to a call on hold Cell. switch from the land line to CellLink (automatic hold) Cell. * Switch from CellLink to the land line (automatic hold) HOMe .
English - 15 Using the Caller ID and Redial Lists Ca l le rID(CID)isas er v ic eava i lab lef romyou rtele phoneprov i dert hats howst he phonenu mbe r( an dsome ti me st hec a ll er’sname)ofinc omi ngc a l ls .
16 - English Select... To... Stor e In to P H BK Add the number to the phonebook. The phone displays the Edit Name screen. Add Call Blo ck (CID list only) Add the number to the Call Block list (see p.
English - 17 • Ift hed own lo adisi nte rr upt edorc a ncel ed ,t heD3588re ver t stot heor ig i na lcop y oft hedow n load edphon ebo ok .
18 - English • Ente rt hephonenu mbe r( u pto32di gi ts)exa ct l yasyouwo ul ddi a lit. • Ifyoun eedt h ephonetow aitb efores end i ngt hene xts etofd i git s ,pres s reDi al / Pause toi nse r ta2-s eco ndpaus e.
English - 19 Call Blocking Menu Options Wit ht hephonei ns ta ndby,opent heme nua ndsel ec t Ca l l B l oc ki ng .Cho oseo neof t hes eopt ions : Menu Option What it does View Num ber See the numbers on your call block list.
20 - English Call Transfer To... From the base... From a cordless handset... transfer a call 1. Press interCOM/finD Hs to put the call on hold. 1. Press interCOM/Clear to put the call on hold. 2. Select the station you want to transfer the call to, or select All to page all the stations at the same time.
English - 21 To... From the base, press... From a cordless handset, press... make an intercom page interCOM/finD Hs. interCOM/Clear. Select the station you want to talk with or All to page all stations at the same time. cancel a page interCOM/finD Hs or hang up the corded handset.
22 - English Using Your Phone During a Power Failure Ift he reisap owerfa i lu re,youc a nst i l lma kea ndr ece ivephonec a l lsu si ngt heb as e corde dha nd se t,i nclu di ngC a l lW a iti ngc a l lsa ndc ha ng i ngt heea r pie cevolu me .
English - 23 To... Follow these steps: record a personal greeting 1. Open the menu with the phone in standby. Select Answ erin g Setu p , then Reco rd G reet ing . 2. Press seleCt to start recording. Wait until the system says "Record greeting" before speaking.
24 - English To... From the base From a handset restart this message Wait at least 5 seconds after the message starts playing, press PHOnebOOk. press 1 (number key). replay an earlier message Within 2 seconds after a message starts playing, press PHOnebOOk.
English - 25 Programming a Security Code Wit ht hephonei ns ta ndby,opent heme nu;s ele ct An s we r i ng S e t up ,t hense lec t Se c ur i t y C od e .Uset henu mbe rke y padtoe nterat wo -d ig its ec ur it yco de( 01 to 99 ).
26 - English The phone keeps ringing when I answer on an extension. x You may have to change the line mode. Contact Customer Service for instructions. Audio issues Possible solutions Callers sound weak or soft. x Move the handset closer to the base. x Keep the handset’s battery fully charged.
English - 27 Answering system problems Possible solutions The system keeps recording when I answer on an extension. x You may have to change the line mode. Contact Customer Service for instructions. Bluetooth problems Possible solutions The D3588 won’t pair with my phone.
28 - English Resetting Stations Ifyouh aveprobl emsw it ht heb as e, unp lugt heba set ores etit .Plugitb ack ina f t eratle as eami nute .Ify ouhave proble msw it hacord l es sha nds etor wa nttore plac eone,r es etit : 1.
English - 29 Ana ppl ic abl eUniv ers a lSe r v iceO rderC o des (US OC)c er t i cat io nfort heja ck sus edi n t hi sequ ipm enti sprov id ed(i.e .,RJ11C)int he pac k ag i ngw it hea chpi eceo fappr ovedt er mi na l equ ipm ent .
30 - English shou l dbeavo ide dast he sem ig htno tcomp lyw it h FCCR Fe x pos u reg uid el i nes . Ind ust ry C anad a (I.
デバイスUniden D3588-2の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Uniden D3588-2をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはUniden D3588-2の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Uniden D3588-2の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Uniden D3588-2で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Uniden D3588-2を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はUniden D3588-2の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Uniden D3588-2に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちUniden D3588-2デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。